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Review of Why I Love Autumn  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* Congratulations JudyB for your nomination to the Ink Blot Author Fan Club. I am here to give you the third review of five you will receive from me as part of your package. *Star*

This is a fabulous write on the autumn season. You cleverly point out reasons why it is special to you and the attractions it brings. You create an excellent amount of detailed imagery in your description of this season and present it to us clearly. We are not 'told' we are 'shown', you bring it to the reader and it can be felt regardless of the season their part of the world is experiencing. *Thumbsup*

There are no visible errors and no need for suggestions for improvement.
This was a natural flowing item which leaves the reader with a sense of contentment.
Well done and wrote on!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* Congratulations JudyB on your nomination to the Ink Blot Author Fan Club. I am here to give you the first of five reviews you will receive from me as part of your package. *Star*

The title of your item is 'The Night God Sent An Angel' and I could not think of a more fitting title for this. It is without question that on this night you did infact receive some form of divine intervention and I am so thankful you did.

I could not and do not even wish to imagine how terrifying this experience must have been for you. It is amazing how little miracles such as yours happen each and everyday and one cannot help but to be left in a sense of awe.

You have shared your story/miracle with us so vividly and I felt the acceleration of my heart beating at each time you made a new discovery as to your son's condition. It seems you have many things to be thankful for and I am certainly glad you had someone watching over the both of you that night.

There were no visible errors in your item.

A splendid write. Thank you for sharing something so personal with us. It was touching.

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Review of A DREAM DENIED  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you your last review on behalf of nightsky75946 for your win in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction'. *Star*

At the beginning of your Poem you take the reader to a place of sadness and lack of fulfillment.
You tone is melancholy and helps to cloak the reader in this depression. However, as the reader continues, your Poem begins to change and shift perspectives. It becomes inspirational and there is a show of determination from the main character when they encourage themselves to get up and continue on their search to find happiness. *Thumbsup*

This was a fantastic write with smooth transitions.
Well done and congrats!

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Review of IT MATTERS NOT  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you the ninth review from ten on behalf of nightsky75946 for your win in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction'. *Star*

Your Poem is short and direct but radiates a very important message of staying true to yourself.
Not getting caught up in the drama which is life, refusing to bow down to a standard which is not your own and not allowing others to pull you down with them. This is inspirational, educational and above all it is true.
This is going into my favorites to read over when I am having a bad day. *Smile*

Well done!!

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Review of Calling Me  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you the eighth review from ten on behalf of nightsky75946 for your win in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction'. *Star*

The rhyme in this Poem is outstanding! It all fits perfectly and is direct. Definitely a job well done.
Your descriptions are vivid and although I have never heard of Turnberry Street I have now walked down it. You brought it to life with strong visualizations. I could feel the autumn breeze as I listened to its secrets, I saw the red rose which was picked. You took me there with your words.

This was amazing. Please do not change a thing in this item.
It's perfect.

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Review of BEAUTY  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star* I am here to give you the seventh review from ten on behalf of nightsky75946 won by you in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction'. *Star*

The title of this Poem is 'Beauty' and you show us exactly what you deem to be beautiful. This was lovely because it was not materialistic, you take appreciation from the finer things in life. Things which cannot be bought but are gifted to us by nature. In the hectic schedules people are forced to endure, this beauty seems to go unnoticed. It's great that you brought it back to life.

Much of the Poem is centered around what can be found in the sky. I would have loved to have seen more detail, such as the jade oceans of grass when the winds sweep through it, the emerald, leathery leaves upon a branch, the rough hazelnut bark upon a tree etc, etc...Naturally it would not necessarily be the things I have described because this Poem is about what 'you' deem to be beautiful, but some elaboration would be great!

There are no visible errors and suggestions have been made.
This is an attractive Poem and leaves the reader feeling at peace. *Thumbsup*

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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you review number six from ten on behalf of nightsky75946 for your win in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction'. *Star*

I am able to relate to this Poem because I have lived it. It is not until you are able to free yourself from these clutches and clear your vision that we are able to see how fruitful life can be. It is a vicious cycle which is hard to break and the ironic thing is most people are driven to this point because of the horrors which have occured in their lives, not realizing that what they ran to is by far much worse.

This is depicted nicely in your Poem. This would be a great Poem to submit to some sort of youth center or even recovering addicts so they are able to read it and allow your words to keep them strong. I wish I had of had some encouragement like your Poem. Words really do help in a situation like this and although the person acts as though they are not listening they infact are. This would inspire them to keep on the right side of the tracks.

I loved it. It was a true blessing to read and it deserves more than a 5.0.
Congratulations on a motivational and inspiring write.

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Review of DREAM MAN  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you review number five from ten on behalf of nightsky75946 for your win in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction'. *Star*

This was written as though you stole my own thoughts. What woman does not dream of a tall, dark and handsome man like this? If there were an actual order list I am sure almost every woman would be signing onto the dotted line. *Laugh*
Every woman who reads this would be sitting on the opposite side of the monitor saying "Hell Yes, I want one of those!"

Again, this item is romantic. You seem to have a natural knack for being able to conjure this in your items. You gently wrap the reader in a warm blanket of emotion and they are able to walk away from your Poem feeling refreshed. *Thumbsup*

There are no visible errors and I have no suggestions for improvement.
Well done and write on.

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Review of SWEET KISSES  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Star* I am here to give you review number four from ten on behalf of nightsky75946 for your win in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction. *Star*

This is more graphic than the previous Poem I reviewed by you. It is not over-indulgent but the scene is much clearer and there is no need for the reader to come to any conclusions of their own.

The rhyme is all direct and does not skip a beat. The pace is slow which further emphasizes the romantic nature of your Poem. The red colored text works a treat because it goes hand in hand with the softness of the Poem, further enriching the romantic tones mingling in your content.

I do have one suggestion for the 3rd line of the 5th stanza.
I feel this line is too abrupt in such a delicate Poem and perhaps it would work better if you were to replace it with something like- As our fever for one another subsides, I gaze into your eyes.
This also a double rhyme and it would heighten the finale.

My suggestions are offered in the spirit of helping you. Please feel free to use what you feel is helpful and discard the rest.

Well done and write on!

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Review of JUST A KISS  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you review number three from ten on behalf of nightsky75946 for your win in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction' *Star*

This Poem is romantic and is centered on a moment that we all wish would last forever.
To be so emotionally connected to someone that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to them is a beautiful and magical thing. You depict the significance of this quite well.

I like that your erotica is not so 'in your face'. It is tasteful and you concentrate more on the romantic side of it than the actual physical act. It is erotic because you show whisps of erotic emotion not because you have painted the entire picture. You leave the reader to their own interpretation and sometimes this is more effective.

There are no visible errors and I have no suggestions for improvement.
Well done and write on!

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Review of WHY I LOVE WDC  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you review number two from ten on behalf of nightsky75946 for your win in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction'. *Star*

I liked reading this item. It was very pleasant.
WDC has become a second home to many people and I adore the fact that all of the people who gather here are creative. It was wonderful to read the reasons why WDC holds a special place in your heart. WDC offers so much to its members and provides a haven for people to make new friends who share their interests. It was nice of you to not only aknowledge the reasons but also to thank WDC for what it has given you. You are right, it is not just a website it is a home.

This was a delight.
Well done and write on!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you the first of ten reviews on behalf of nightsky75946 for your win in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction'. *Star*

This a lovely tribute to friends and people you feel are talented writers. It was a lovely notion for you to do this I am sure they would all appreciate the gesture. Not only is this a beautiful display of friendship for all to see but it also gives others some insight into the different styles of writing you enjoy reading. It was very nice of you to do this.

Some of the people on your list are also in my favorites and I am hopelessly drawn to their writing like a magnet. You have good taste!

Well done and write on.

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Review of I AM THE NIGHT  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star* I am here to give you the last of five reviews won by you in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction'. *Star*

'I am the night' is a depiction of the magic which comes with night. You plunge your reader directly into a pitch blank canvas and slowly invoke it to wake up and unfold its magic. Slowly the stars are revealed to us, followed by the slither of silver light which is the moon. A night breeze is summoned to dance upon our skin and this helps to manipulate the reader into believeing for a split second that this is real.
I loved it. Very natural and feminine.

I do have a few suggestions to help improve this item in certain areas.

Line 3- I suggest removing 'that' at the beginning of this line and replacing it with which.

Line 4- I would plural 'sensation'.

Line 5- Remove the 's' from flows.

Please use any suggestions you feel are helpful and discard the rest.

Well done. This was a very pretty item.

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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you review number four from 5 won by you in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction'. *Star*

This was riveting and had me holding my breath as I raced through your words to reach the conclusion.

I hope this was another fictional Poem! You have captured your reader and presented them with a horrific picture further closing your Poem with the depiction of the aftermath and the effects it has not just upon the victim but also the family. You show the reader the anxiety which stems from a situation like this and the constant sense of a repeat attack. *Thumbsup*

How you managed to tell the story so vividly and keep to the same consistency with your rhyme without it feeling forced I will never know. It is yet another example of the skill you possess as a writer.

There are no visible errors in this Poem and no need for suggestions for improvement.
*A stunning write*

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Review of NO MORE!  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you review number three of five won by you in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction. *Star*

I like the consistent rhyme in this item. It is all direct, mingles well and does not skip a beat.
This Poem is sad because it signals a helplessness and abandonment from the main character. There is a strong yearning to be understood and appreciated but more importantly, loved. This aspect of the Poem shines through very easily.

The incorporation of questions posed in the content was very well done. I am of the belief that including questions within Poetry strengthens the connection between the reader and the item because it invites them in to seek their own answers.

There are no visible errors and no need for suggestions for improvement.
This item speaks loud and clear for itself and will spike an emotion in all who view it.
Well done!

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Review of I HATE YOU  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you review number two from five you won in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction'. *Star*

Wow, this is very abrupt and firm and not at all like your pleasant nature. The title is simply 'I hate you' and after reading this it becomes crystal clear that you certainly do. It is also stated in your description that your Poem is fictional, let me just say I do not envy the person who ever makes this factual. *Laugh*

There are many scathing words incorporated into your Poem such as: hate, loathe, despise, died, and these are just to name a few. All of these words are in complete relation to the title of the Poem and enrich the potency of the negative emotions being experienced.

The large text was a blessing. It was extremely easy for me to read. *Thumbsup*
Well done Sherri. I loved it and think it is a must read! Congrats.

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Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you review one of five won by you in the 'Reaching For The Stars Auction'. *Star*

Splendidly written. You paint an eerie and menacing picture of impure Angels. You describe them to the reader in detail and it is effortless for your viewer to conjure and sustain a visual of them. *Thumbsup*

Their suspicious actions alert the reader right from the beginning that their presence comes from a sinster motivation. We are not completely indulged as to why they are there but I do not think this hurts the item. From reading it it seems you were striving more for creepiness as opposed to straight up horror.

I have one suggestion for line 2- I suggest adding an 's' to 'depth'. *Wink*

I thought I should also point out to you that your image in the display is not showing up in this Poem.

Well done and write on.

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Review of Ordination  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you the 6th review of ten won by you in the 'Judy's Day' Auction. *Star*

You have incorporated a tremendous amount of description into this Poem. The wordplay you have used in this is advanced and paints a colorful scene for the reader to enjoy. The feeling of your Poem goes hand in hand with the theme. It is natural. *Thumbsup*

Each individual stanza has a unique quality of its own and the rhyme only serves to enah nce the quality of your Poem. It is very easy for the reader to see that an enormous amount of care, patience and time has been placed into this item and it all paid off because this is a brilliant write.

There are no visible errors and no need for suggestions for improvement.
Well done. This was a delight.

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Review of Winter's Breath  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star* I am here to give you the last review gifted to you by SHERRI GIBSON *Star*

I enjoyed the way you brought winter into a different light. Most people deem winter as a harsh season because of the freezing temperatures and the restrictions the climate brings to activities people are able to do. However, your Poem depicts the beauty that can be found in winter by using descriptions such as: ethereal flakes, winter's breath and cold caress. These descriptions bring a softness to a rough element.

I would have liked to have seen more elaboration in this Poem. What you already have is so pleasant and draws the reader into the depths of your Poem but it ends too abruptly for the reader to feel completely satisfied. I think even the incorporation of one more stanza would probably do the trick.

There are no visible errors in your Poem and suggestions for improvement have been made.
Well done. This was a great winter scene.

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Review of Witless Wendy  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you the 4th review of 5 gifted to you by SHERRI GIBSON *Star*

I am so glad I was able to read this to myself and not outloud. Ok, I admit I did give it a go *Blush* but I assure you, it was not pretty :/ lol

Your description states that this is a tongue twister and it keeps that promise. How you wrote this, I will never know, but it is another example of the imagination and humor you are so obviously blessed with.
The amazing part is, although most tongue twisters do not usually have any real story or meaning because they are composed strictly for fun, yours does. You depict a scene of 'Wendy' in her garden, whistling and weeding her watermelons as she is enjoying the glory of the day. You even included a description of the gloves she is wearing! lol

I would love to hear someone read this outloud. Now that would be amusing!
There were no visible errors in your item and no suggestions for improvement need to be made. *Thumbsup*
Well done.

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Review of Closer  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you the 3rd review of 5 gifted to you by SHERRI GIBSON *Star*

Ok, ok, an awardicon was not part of the deal but I could not resist! I fell in love with this the minute I read it. It is beautifully composed using short and compact lines through each section. Your wordplay is exquisite, your rhyme is perfect and the pace and flow of the item do not miss a beat. I am thrilled Sherri sent me your way.

There is no need for a huge review for this item. It speaks for itself in booming volume. It is a 'must' read and will be moved to my favorites the moment this review is finished.
Splendid, a job well done, Shannon!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you the 2nd review of 5 gifted to you by SHERRI GIBSON *Star*

I love the romance in this. It weaves all through the item and shines radiantly to the reader.
I love how you have written this as a recall as opposed to a scene which is ufolding right now. I loved the incorporation of Poetry being read to you as the highlight. This helped to define the strength of the romance and it was very easy for the reader to make a connection with your item.

I liked how you displayed the time combined with the thoughts and happenings of what was occuring at that hour. It gave the item a more intimate and personal feel and I thought this aspect of your item was splendidly done. The 'dreamy' tone of narration being used made this feel confessional, as though you were opening up a secret window and inviting us in which made your item even more appealing.

Again, I love that you are able to create such vivid surroundings for your reader, allowing them to know where you are guiding them at all times, using such a short amount of words. *Thumbsup*

There are no visible errors in your item and no suggestions for improvement need to be made.
Well done!

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Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you the 1st of 5 reviews gifted to you by SHERRI GIBSON *Star*

I think this item is wonderful. You have painted a vivid picture for your reader to be swept up by using only a minimal amount of words. You set the scene but do not indulge the reader by giving too much away, you allow their imaginations to run wild and depict what would naturally unfold. I thought this was cleverly done. *Thumbsup*

I like that you have not gone overboard. You have kept it tasteful by portraying it in a romantic yet erotic light. Your word choices have been excellently chosen. You create a sense of anxiety as the scene begins to peak and you do this using feminine and desirable tones.

There are no visible errors in your item and no suggestions for improvement are needed.
This was a great item to read. Short but potent.
Well done, Shannon.

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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Showering Acts Of Joy' review. *Star*

Wow...there is a lot of resentment in this and rightfully so. It always amazes me why people choose to be dishonest. I always thought this was a childish action which people grew out of once they reach adulthood. It was not until I reached adulthood myself that I discovered some people never grow out of it.

I love the bitterness in the Poem. The perpetrator deserves no less for their actions. This emotion is visible and palapable and it surprises me it has shone through so forcefully considering the short length of the Poem. Naturally for this to do so it means your wordplay is spot on. The words have been chosen carefully and placed in good positions to leap out at the reader and enforce your reaction.

I would usually use free verse in something like this because I feel that rhyme can sometimes lessen the negativity of an item because it is fun. However, rhyme worked a treat in this item because you have used negative words to rhyme, such as tool, fool, you, untrue. All of these words are centered around the intitial theme. *Thumbsup*

This Poem has been written well. It is direct and to the point and there is no chance whatsoever for the reader to mis-interperate the message.
There are no visible errors in your Poem and I have no suggestions for improvement.

*A job well done*

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Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you the last review of ten won by you in Twink's 'Houston We Have A Problem' Auction. *Star*

What a magnificent item to end my last review on for this package! I am amazed at how your artistic abilities do not seem to have any boundaries. You are able to dabble in almost every genre that exists. Obviously you were born to write and have a natrual talent.

The rhyme in this was the highlight for me. It was all direct, consistent and did not skip a beat. I was able to grasp some very dark visuals from this item and ironically, I was in heaven. *Laugh*
Again, the effort you put into making your creations the best they can possible be does not go unnoticed. The art work is fantastic and completely suits the item. I am wondering if this Poem was inspired by this picture like a picture prompt. You will have to let me know.

There are no visible errors in this item and there is no need for suggestions for improvement.
This was a dark delight.

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