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Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I'm assuming you wrote this article that was in the BC Eagle.

This is a very informative article. I'm not sure that increasing the age would make all that much difference. If the students take more Driver's Ed., that might help. But for the most part, I think the danger is in fact that once the teen gets that license, they are a bit too confident. A lot of them are ready to celebrate their new found freedom; the freedom to drive. I realize not all teens are like that.

I noticed a couple errors which I've listed below.
Keep writing.
Grandma Penny

Many changes are needed in order to make our roads safer

and we as teenagers need to be accountable
Review of Were I a poet  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
You've written this well. I found no typos or misspelled words. I love the style you've used with this. The color is beautiful. Sometimes using color font just about blinds the reader, but this is a soft, pleasant color.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of I MISS YOU MOM  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a beautiful tribute to your mother. It's hard to lose someone, but when we know they are in Heaven, that makes it easier for us to cope.

I found no mistakes in this piece.

Keep up the good work and continue writing. I'll come back another time and read more.

Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
Again, you've done an absolutely beautiful job. This poem is a witness for Jesus. You never know when someone who isn't saved will read it and it will touch their heart and help them to accept Jesus as their Savior.

Keep up the good work and write on!

Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is another great tribute to our Heavenly Father.
I found no mistakes in this. You do a wonderful job. I almost envy those who are good at writing poetry.

I give you a *Thumbsup*.

Keep up the good work and continue writing.

Grandma Penny
Review of Don't Worry  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
This one deserves a 10, but we only go to 5. They say 5 is perfect and they also say there's always room for improvement. To me this is perfect. I don't know what you could do to make it any better.

Just keep up the good work and continue writing.

Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is so beautiful. So far, everything I've read in your port shows you either talking about God or to Him. That is a wonderful testimony in itself.

Keep up the good work and continue writing. You never know who you'll be a blessing to. Actually, I'd think anyone who visits your port will be blessed.

Grandma Penny
Review of The Call  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
Another job well done. The only thing that bothered me, the first line in verse 5 is a bit long. It doesn't read as smoothly as most.

This is a beautiful and heart warming prayer. I know your mom is at rest.

I visited your website. I think I've been there before, but will definitely return later.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
As far as the way this is written, I see nothing wrong with it. I found no misspelled words. The poem reads smoothly and is very touching.

I did notice that at the end of each line, you have no punctuation. Is it suppose to be that way?

All in all, you did a great job and it shows that this prayer comes straight from the heart.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review of Resting In God  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is absolutely beautiful and so true.
I found no typos or misspelled words in this piece. I can't think of a thing that I could suggest to correct or improve.

You seem to have it down-pat.
Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of I Want  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I found no typos or misspelled words in this piece. It reads smoothly. Your lists of wants and don't wants is very interesting. I think that's what most of us would ask for.

I read another poem about bipolar. Is that the same thing as manic depressive? Or is it something different all together?

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review of Inspiration  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is written well. I found no typos or misspelled words in this poem. You've done a good job writing it.

I think I like the last two lines the best. That's good advice, huh?

Keep up the good work and continue writing. I'll try to revisit your port later.

Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I know how much your Great-Grandmother and your Grandpa loved youDid you mean to say Great-Grandmother or Grandmother? Oh, I just saw this. You don't need to capitalize the words grandmother or grandpa when using your in front of them.

This has been an interesting story.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review of The Final Goodbye  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
I found no typos or misspelled words in this piece. This tells me that you are a very careful writer. I've read a lot from your port and I don't think I've found errors in any, except for one story.

You give great detail and description.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of Jeffrey's Gift  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm afraid you've earned yourself another 5 from Grandma Penny. I found no errors. You use good strong sentence structure. There are no sentence fragments. You held my interest. As a matter of fact, your writing tends to make me feel that I'm right there in the middle of the story.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (5.0)
I know 5 is perfect and they say there's always room for improvement. But, for the life of me, I can't think of a thing you could do to make this any better.

You pulled the reader in and held my attention from the beginning to the end.

I feel as though I knew Jeffry when he was just a child. You've given such wonderful detail and description of him in everything I've read in your port.

I found no boo boos either.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is beautiful. I can tell it comes straight from the heart. I found no typos or misspelled words in it, either.

Not being a poet, myself, I look for poems that read smoothly. That's about all I know to look for; that and spelling and grammatical errors.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is such a beautiful story. I found no typos or misspelled words in it. You've used good strong sentence structure. I found no run-on sentences or sentence fragments in this.

You've given great detailed description and pulled the reader right into your living room with you.

Keep up the good work and continue writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow! What an interesting story. That son of your's is something else, huh?

That child-like faith gets the job done everytime.

I saw a couple errors you might want to correct. We don't want anything to take away from this heart-warming story.

I was determined not<--Did you mean for this word to be here? I would think you meant that you were determined to make up for that loss to make up for that loss this year.

I will tell just a one of those stories here:

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I certainly know where you're coming from here. Do you think maybe we have a disease? If so, it must really be contagious; there's a lot of folks on the site with the same symptoms. *Laugh*

Right now, as I review your poem, my son is in the kitchen yelling, "Mama, come eat." So I better run. It's not often someone else cooks for me.

You did a great job with this.
Grandma Penny
Review of Shine Down  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Rusty,
This is written beautifully. I found no typos or misspelled words. My first thought is that you take pride in your work before submitting it. You've done a great job with this piece.

Keep up the good work and continue writing.

Grandma Penny
Review of The Ring  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is beautiful. You made no typos or misspelled words. You've used good sentence structure. It's amazing how much a person can say in so few words.

I enjoyed reading this little piece. Could it be true that persistence always pays off?

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I don't usually do these things, but this one just looked so interesting and inviting I felt drawn to it. I tought I'd give it a try.

I know folks get a kick out of these activities and it does seem to help us get our minds in gear. I suppose it is a good writing and mind exercise to get our creative juices flowing.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of The Tour Bus  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I'll have to say this was more interesting than most madlibs. At least the part of the story you wrote seemed to be error free. Most folks think that because this is something just for fun, they don't need to take pride in it.

This was fun.
Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of Garden Treasure  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This is just too cute. I don't know where in the world folks come up with the ideas for some of these madlibs.

I think the only funny part of this one was where "I twisted my nose."

Maybe I should see if I can come up with one of these.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
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