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Review of Your Smile...  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
It always hurts to lose someone close to us, but it seems like it's harder on us when we feel that we failed to communicate.

Usually, I think we worry for nothing, because somehow our loved ones know we love them. We usually know they love us even when they don't tell us so.

Though you're just there all the time <--Did you mean though or thought?

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I don't know if this is a true story or not. I noticed you entered it in a contest.

It's a great Mother's Day tribute. It's amazing that "Mom" was not only able to be home for Christmas, but also for graduation, and then even another graduation.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review of Between Two Tides  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Both chapters have really held my interest. To me, if you had the whole book finished, I wouldn't be able to lay it down until I finished the whole thing. But, here I am, wanting to read more.

Keep up the good work and keep writing.

Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Oh my gosh! I sure hope you have more to this. I'm really into this story. Please don't leave me hanging.

Again, I saw what I would consider errors in the writing part of this, but, child, this story is so interesting. This is my kind of reading.

Keep writign and if you don't have the next chapter ready, please hurry and write and let me know.

Grandma Penny
Review of Between Two Tides  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is an absolutely interesting story. At first, when I noticed what I thought were typos, I thought maybe you had made them on purpose to look more country.

Then I noticed other booboos that I knew you wouldn't have made on purpose. By that time, I was so into the story that I let them slide.

It would probably be more helpful to you if you just read it aloud. It seems like it's easier to catch errors that way.

I need to hurry. I'm anxious to see what happens in the next chapter. You've ended this chapter in such a way, I just have to read the next.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review of Birthday Party  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I'll have to say you've written this well. I found no typos or misspelled words in this piece.

I found it to be quite interesting. I learned a couple things about another religion that I hadn't known.

I may not agree with all the content but I definitely can see that you have writing talent.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of GOLF  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

I give this one a *Thumbsup*
I'll bet a lot of housewives would like to read this. I remember when my (now deceased) husband first got into golf.

Now both my sons are into the game. It rules one's life. *Laugh*

Keep up the good work and write on.
Review of That Girl...  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a very heart warming and touching poem. You've done a good job with this piece. It might be easier to read if you doublespaced between verses(usually 4 lines per verse). But I counted and that would leave you 2 lines at the end.

Keep up the good work and continue writing.
Grandma Penny
Review of My Big Fish Story  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
Pretty good story! I love to fish so the title caught my eye and I clicked on it.

I didn't mark booboos. The biggest thing I saw was the fact that you jump from past tense to present tense.

I realize in the action paragraph  using present tends to put the reader right there with you. You might could separate that part from the rest of the story by making it present tense only.

Give it a try.
Keep writing.
Grandma Penny

Review of The Angels...  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
You did a great job with this piece. The only thing I see that might make it easier to read would be for you to doublespace between paragraphs. That would make it easier on the eyes. A large amount of singlespaced type causes the lines to eventually begin to run together.

Other than that one suggestion, I think this is a good write.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of Vieviel  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I was about to get upset at the ending and the I remembered it's a prologue to a story. *Blush*

At least you've got my interest peaked. Have you written more of this?

I found one error in particular you might want to fix. You also might want to read the whole thing aloud and notice for errors. There were several places that it seemed to me you had left out a word here and there.

I could feel the soft linen against my ? and heard faint music

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a beautiful story. I assume it's a true story, but even if it's not, it has a wonderful theme.

I found no typos or misspelled words and you held my interest from the beginning to the end.

I love happy endings, and this story had just that.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I like your style of writing. It really sets my mind to thinking. (That's something I haven't been able to do a lot of since my son had his accident...He's ok...still disabled...but not too sick to drive his mom crazy *Smile*

I have another story I plan to put back into my port soon that is about my greatest accomplishments...learning a whole new vocabulary since I moved from the city to the country.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny

Review of SHOW ME HOW  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this poem. You've written it in a way that it reads smoothly. I found no typos or misspelled words. The content is great.

I think we all at one time or another in our lives need a friend to encourage us to be strong and not give up hope.

Grandma Penny
Review of FAITH AND HOPE  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is another beautiful poem. This poem has so much truth in it. Life sometimes deals us lots of lemons, but we just have to have faith and hope and make lemonade. *Smile* Right now, I'm having some difficulty squeezing out those lemons, but with faith in God I know I'll make it.

Keep up the good work and continue writing.

Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
This piece is written beautifully and without booboos. I can tell you take pride in your work.

You're absolutely right. There are so many different kinds of Christmas. This should be posted where all can see. We all need to read this before we get into the Christmas Season.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of FROGS  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This caught my eye because I have a thing about frogs. There's the one that got into my house when my children were teens. I had been a widow for several years. One night on my way to bed, I noticed a big green frog under my piano stool. I awoke my daughter and talked her into getting out of bed to get rid of the frog for me. Just as she was about to wallop him with the broom, I yelled "Stop"! Then I told her to kiss him and see if he was my prince. Needless to say she didn't think my joke was funny.

Also, when I worked at DSS everytime it rained I heard this duck going "Quack, quack". One day I asked the other girls if that was the AFLAC duck. After all the laughter died down a bit, one of the girls said, "Penny, that's a frog." Now that blew my mind because where I came from the frogs croaked; they didn't quack.

I'm sorry. I got carried away. You did a wonderful job with this and I found absolutely no errors.

Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
What a cute little story. I found no typos or misspelled words in this piece. You did a wonderful job. I especially like the pictures you used in telling the story. *Smile*

I've enjoyed most of the stories I've read so far.

Keep up the good work and continue writing.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I found this to be interesting. This is the kind of story I really enjoy. The suspense! I love the ending.

I found a few booboos you might want to go in an fix.

ythe gales sent salt spray everywhere, stinging the skin and eyes of the crew's faces.

The crew was preparing to make the journey home, when the lifeboat was struck by lightening.

"All is not lost lads, we can get home by instinct like, just they did in the old days.<---Somehow this doesn't look quite right. Could you have meant "All is not lost lads, we can get home by instinct,just like they did in the old days.?

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This piece seems to be well written. I found no typos or misspelled words in it. It seemed as I read it, that there should be music flowing with the words.

I'm not sure where the journey was to, but you've given pretty good description of the land.

Keep writing.
Grandma Penny
Review of this christmas  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi and welcome to writing.com. I noticed you just joined today. I hope you're finding your way around the site ok. If you'd like, click on the link below and you'll find it much easier.

"Invalid Item

I read your little poem. I would like to see you add to it. That's what makes this site so much fun. We start out with something and just continue to build on it.

Again, welcome and write on!

Grandma Penny
Review of Never Fall...  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
You did a wonderful job of this piece. And you did it in only forty five minutes? Wow!

I found no typos or misspelled words in this piece. It shows that you take great pride in your work.

Keep up the good work and continue writing.

Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
My ex-husband was a chimney sweep. I think he'd enjoy this story. I'll have to share it with him the next time I see him.

I'm glad you finally found a way to get rid of that "dead" (lol) raccoon.

Keep up the good work, continue writing, and stay off that roof!
Grandma Penny
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: E | (4.5)
I found no typos or misspelled words in this piece. It's written quite well. You certainly have a powerful message within the contents of this piece.

As I read it, my thoughts branched out in several directions. One thing I thought of was how it helps to reach out and help others when we're feeling lonely and blue.

Keep up the good work.
Grandma Penny
Review of Hogs n Hens  
Review by grandmapenny
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I enjoyed these stories as much as the first time I read them. I found no typos or misspelled words in these chapters.

You held my interest from the beginning to the end.

Keep up the good work and continue writing.

Grandma Penny *Smile*
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