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Review of Little Bear  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Meenie!

This is a wonderful, wonderful story. It is so deeply spiritual and beautiful; I loved it very much! *Smile*

It is perfectly written also, from start to finish. You are very skilled at creating visual imagery and description. *Smile*

Editing suggestions:

*Balloon1* He was “tired of married life”. - commas are placed inside quotation marks

*Balloon2* “Who are you,” - needs a question mark

*Balloon3* Thunderstorms this afternoon, I thought. - thoughts need to be italicized

*Balloon4* Lightening split the sky. - Lightning

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Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Good morning spidey!

I enjoyed this story very much. Your beginning pulled me into the story very quickly, and maintained my interest throughout. The only part that caused any difficulty for me was the ending. It would have been nice if you have been more explicit about what the idea was that they all had. *Smile*

I didn't find any grammar or spelling errors. Great job! Good luck in the contest!

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Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (4.0)
My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Hi again, Cat claws!

This is such a funny parody of the old classic story. It made me laugh very much! *Laugh*

Editing suggestions:

*Balloon1* Fairy 1: "I granted - since they are speaking at the moment, it should be in present tense; this occurs throughout the script

*Balloon2* "What if something happen to her?!" - happens

*Balloon3* "WHY DON'T YOU COME EARLIER?!" - didn't

*Balloon4* "We must be hurry!" - We must hurry

Overall, this is a good script. The only major problem with it is the use of past tense, which is easily and quickly fixed. I enjoyed reading this very much. {e:smile]

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Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (3.0)
My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Hi Cat_Claws!

I liked the theme of this story very much. High school graduation is a very emotional and thought-provoking time in people's lives. And so the events you describe are very realistic. *Smile*

But some of your dialogue doesn't quite ring true. And the structure of the story is rather disconcerting and distracting. It doesn't follow a logical pattern; it skips back and forth in time which interferes with the flow of the story. I recommend that you revise the story to a more chronological pattern, and also change the many times you use ellipsis to other punctuation, such as commas and periods.

Overall, it's an interesting plot, and a good beginning. I particularly liked how you incorporated the stanzas from that graduation song into your story. If and when you revise this, I'll be happy to R&R again. *Smile*

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Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (4.0)
My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Hi, earthfireairwater!

This is a pretty good story you have here. You built up suspense in the story very well, and I loved the unexpected twist at the end. I suggest, however, that you revise the story to where YOU are not narrating the events most of the time. Let Kylie tell us what she does and thinks. For example, in the following passage:

She tried to shake off the ominous feeling that dominated her mind

Rather than stating she had an ominous feeling, let Kylie demonstrate that fact through her actions, her thoughts, her facial expressions, etc.

Overall, this is a good story; I liked the plotline of it very much. *Smile*

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Review by MaryLou
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Good morning, Lyonesse!

This is a very humourous anecdote of your job-related activites. You describe these very well, with vivid imagery that helps the reader see the workers singing these songs. Great job!

I have a few editing suggestions for you:

*Balloon1* "Mcdonald's" - McDonald's; and you need a comma after it

*Balloon2* "on the radio," - need a semicolon here, not a comma

*Balloon3* "are caffeine induced minds" - should be "our caffeine-induced minds"

*Balloon4* "here's another song" - Here's

*Balloon5* "Twelve days of Christmas." - Days

*Balloon1* "Ten Shake Machines are Breaking" - using the phrase "Ten Shake Machines a' breaking" would be more similar to the original song

*Balloon2* "Twelve Manager's" - should be "Managers" since it's plural and not possessive

*Balloon3* "how Mccrew" - how the McCrew

Overall, this is a wonderfully creative way to amuse oneself on a "boring" morning at work. Kudos to all of you for these humorous songs. *Smile*

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Review of Petey, Oh Petey  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Good morning, Mr. J.

This is a very deep commentary on intolerance and those who warp religious tenets to suit their own ends. I agree with much of what you've written here; we see this type of behaviour much too often in this world. There is a lesson here that the entire world would benefit from learning.

This is very well-written. It is very concise and well-developed. I did not see any grammar or spelling errors. Good job! *Smile*

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Review by MaryLou
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
Hi Star,

I liked this poem. It flows very nicely and the rhyme and rhythm of it is well done also. I especially liked your repetition of the phrase "every now and then" throughout the poem. *Smile*

I found only one error:

*Balloon1* "Cry like no tommorow," - tomorrow

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Review of My Computer  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Ivy Frozen!

This is a very funny poem describing the love/hate relationship one has with a computer. I've felt this way many times and acted just how the computer described.

Well, maybe a little worse than that. The word "tirade" comes to mind. *Laugh*

This is very well-written; it flows perfectly and I loved the rhyme scheme. Great job!

I did not see any errors at all. *Smile*

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Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Good morning, Eliot,

This is a very deep and emotional subject you have written about here. The Holocaust is, indeed, an important part of our history; hopefully, one that will never be repeated again. I loved the following sentence very much:

We cannot deceive ourselves that we are better than they or would make better choices in similar circumstances.

How very true that is! In fact, we, or rather our American ancestors, did not make better choices when it came to relations with Native Americans. That also was an attempted genocide, an eradication of their whole race.

The question remains: Have we really learned from those points in history? I ask that, and I'm not sure that we have.

This is a very thought-provoking personal essay. You've done a wonderful job with writing this. *Smile*

Write on!


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Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Good morning, lenny!

This is a very nice rant against people who never bother to fulfill their obligations to others. You've taken an everyday theme and made it sparkle. Great job!

I found no spelling or grammar errors, no matter how hard I looked. *Laugh*

Write on!


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Review of Rant on Less  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Firedrake!

LOL! This is just too much fun! I laughed so much through this; you are really silly. *Laugh*

My favorite part:


But shouldn't that be a GRAMMAR book? *Laugh*

This is so well-written; I ABSOLUTELY adore how you ended this. It is purrrfect! *Smile*

Write on!


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Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Good morning, sunflower!

I liked this poem; especially the way that you list non-similar things together side-by-side. For example: "unexpected twists expected." It's very nicely done. *Smile*

I found a couple of errors:

*Balloon1* "summer ferver" - fervor

*Balloon2* "insomiac" - insomniac

*Balloon3* In your title, you need an extra 'r' - "surrender"

Overall, this is very well-written. The poem flows very nicely from one line to the next, and you have vivid imagery. *Smile*

Write on!

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Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Robin!

Wow, this is great! I enjoyed your version of the Night Before Christmas very much. *Smile*

Your rhyme scheme and word choices are excellent. I have only one suggestion for you: some of the lines are a little too long, interrupting the flow of the poem. I recommend that you cut out some of the wordiness to make the lines flow better.

I didn't find any grammar or spelling errors. Great job! *Smile*

Write on!


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Review of The Otherself  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: ASR | (2.5)
Hi Six-legged Menace!

This is a fair start to what could become a very interesting story. It does need some work to get there, though. Your beginning grabs attention right away, but the story doesn't maintain interest. It became too vague; it seems to me that there was so much more to the story that should have been included, but wasn't. For instance, how did he become a werewolf? What does he do when he is in the midst of the Change?

And your ending confused me. I'm not sure if by the end, he is a wolf or a human. It seems he could be either. It's not clear how the story ends: Is he returning to his human home, or his wolf home? I couldn't tell.

Editing suggestions:

*Balloon1* Sometimes you capitalize "Change" and sometimes you don't. You should be consistent.

*Balloon2* Also, sometimes you capitalize "Moon" and sometimes not. If you want to capitalize Moon, you should do it all the way through, and also capitalize "sun"

Overall, it's a good start. You have an interesting plot here; you just need to make some parts clearer and add more details. If and when you revise, I'll be happy to R&R again. *Smile*

Write on!


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Review of The Funeral  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi Fiction Diva,

This is an excellent, inspirational story of love and loss. You've written this very well; the story flows wonderfully from beginning to end and you've chosen words and phrases that clearly evoke visual images into the mind of the reader.

I didn't find any spelling or punctuation errors, and I have only one suggestion regarding your use of grammar:

*Balloon1* "only her fear having a tighter grip on her than what she had on the limb." - this phrase is rather awkward; I had to read it twice to get its meaning. I suggest you revise this so as to make it clearer.

Overall, it is very well-done. You project the protagonist's emotions onto the reader vividly. Great job!

Write on!


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Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Vivian,

You've written a very informative, helpful article on what reviews should contain, in your view. I agree with most of what you say here, except for the part that editing should not be included in reviews. I give reviews that I would like to be given to me, and that includes any writing errors that my item might contain. I would not ever expect someone to, in effect, do two reviews of my work. One publicly and one privately.

But, regardless of our disagreement there, this article is written perfectly. You express your thoughts on this matter eloquently and concisely. I found no errors in the text. Wonderful job! *Smile*

It is an article that I believe everyone could benefit from reading.

Write on!


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Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Vivian,

This is a very helpful, interesting article you've written here. I'm sure that it will be of enormous benefit to members of the Writing.com community to liven up their own writing.

I particularly liked how you included the reminder not to use "cliches, generalizations, and stereotypes." I see that sometimes, and it always turns me off. *Smile*

Just one suggestion:

"enjambement" - shouldn't this be "enjambment"?

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Review of The Message  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Rebecca!

This is a wonderful story! Very inspiring and touching. I enjoyed it very much. You wrote this every well. There are no revisions I can suggest to improve the story. The story unfolds perfectly, your word choices are very good, and you balance description with dialogue nicely. Great job! *Smile*

I do have a few editing suggestions:

*Balloon1* "I couldn't make it in in time." - delete one of the "in"

*Balloon2* "interested in me dating" - my dating

*Balloon3* "It had been months" - need comma after "months"

*Balloon4* Her thoughts need to be italicized.

Overall, it is an excellent story. I enjoyed this very much. *Smile*

Write on!


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Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Sunny!

Wow! This is an awesome piece of writing. It is very deep and inspiring. Thanks so much for sharing this. You write very eloquently.

My favorite part of this:

Only with great effort can one moment be completely realized and that is at the cost of other precious moments.

That is a very insightful reflection. Very nice! *Smile*

Editing suggestions:

*Balloon1* "begin to slow" - need a comma after "slow"

*Balloon2* "manageable intelligible form." - need comma to separate adjectives

*Balloon3* "seems the impossible task" - an impossible

*Balloon4* "but are they recoverable." - need question mark

*Balloon5* "don’t loose" - lose

*Balloon1* "minds eye." - mind's

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Review by MaryLou
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hi Sunny!

This is a pretty good story! You write your paragraphs well, using good description and following a logical pattern. You built up suspense in the story very nicely. I'm a little disappointed you didn't clarify what the symbol was, though. *Smile*

Editing suggestions:

*Balloon1* "This struck him as odd" - comma after "odd"

*Balloon2* "dull throbbing pain" - need comma to separate adjectives

*Balloon3* “Hold Still”, - commas are placed inside quotation marks, and "Still" shouldn't be capitalized

*Balloon4* "10" - numbers should be spelt out unless very large

*Balloon5* "his early 60’s" - 60s or sixties

*Balloon1* "He gently said," - adverbs follow verbs: said gently

*Balloon2* "the doctors office." - doctor's

*Balloon3* "Monday morning." - should use comma here, not a period

*Balloon4* "What was his name he thought" - thoughts need to be italicized, and you need a comma after "name"

*Balloon5* "He was pleased to have remembered the name," - need a semicolon here, rather than a comma, to separate independent clauses

*Balloon1* "self titled group" - self-titled

*Balloon2* "her husbands face." - husband's

*Balloon3* "with a sullen tone" - sullen doesn't really fit the context here, maybe "concerned"?

*Balloon4* "She shook him slightly" - comma after "slightly"

*Balloon5* "terror filled" - compound adjectives need to be hyphenated

*Balloon1* "insider her head" - inside

*Balloon2* "the center of the sink" - comma after "sink"

Overall, this is well done story, and I enjoyed it very much. *Smile*

Write on!


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Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Nikola!

This is very good; I enjoyed it very much. I especially liked the way you structure the poem. It is concise and flows well.

I suggest adding more vivid adjectives to the poem. It would help create more visual imagery in the mind of the reader. *Smile*

I found only one error:

"Begging for the lonliness" - it should be loneliness

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Review by MaryLou
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Nikola,

This is a deeply emotional poem. The theme is a little sad though. It's not ever good to lock our hearts up, even if they might get bruised and broken. Humans require love and companionship.

You've written this very well; the lines flow nicely from one to the next. Good job!

You might consider adding more vivid imagery to it. *Smile*

Write on!


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Review of Desolate  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Nikola,

This is a very deep, emotional poem. I enjoyed it very much, especially the visual imagery you evoke with your word choices.

I do have a couple of suggestions for revising, which you can use or not, as you think best. First, you might consider either not using color or one not so bright. This one rather hurt my eyes. Second, I think you should not use punctuation at all in this poem. There are times when you don't have punctuation when it should be there, and I think that approach works much better than having it there. But you should be consistent in either using or not using punctuation. *Smile*

Write on!


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Review of Music of Love  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Good morning, Nikola!

You're recieving this raid on your poetry folder due to your generous donation to the EnduReviewing contest. Thanks! *Smile*

I liked this poem of yours very much. You've chosen words that are melodious in themselves. This helps the reader 'hear' the music that you are talking about. I also like how you structured this; it flows from line to line perfectly.

I did not find any grammar or spelling errors. Good job! *Smile*

Write on!


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