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Review of Glen  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Loti!

This is a wonderful tribute to your relative Glen! You express his inner beauty and strength very nicely. Great job!

A few errors I found:

*Balloon1* "aunt Beatrice, grandma, mom" -- capitalize the first letters of these

*Balloon2* spell out numbers

*Balloon3* "College" - college

*Balloon4* "60’s" - should be 60s or sixties

*Balloon5* "MEMORIUM" - are you sure this is a word? I couldn't find it in a dictionary.

Overall, I liked this very much! Especially the poem at the end. It is very touching.

Write on!

Review of Tark's First Hunt  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi stormdrac!

I liked this short story alot! You've set up a very intriquing story in the world of Minalo.

I take it that this is like a prologue to your novel? It does quite a bit of explaining of the background of Tark.

Your characters are well developed and realistic. Great job! *Smile*

I would have liked to have read more description of the world they live in, though.

Write on!

Review of Cray'z Dayz  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi again Matt!

*Flower1* Another promising story! I enjoyed this beginning of your novel very much. Your characters are believable and very interesting. Your dialogue is realistic. The descriptions very well written. Great job! *Smile*

*Flower2* Two confusing points: (1) In the prologue you say that Cray had come to Thaxton Park "with his folks." I take folks as meaning his parents. But you say later that his parents died before he moved to Thaxtonburg?
(2) I don't really 'get' what is meant by the "black wave". I thought it might be referring to his losing consciousness, but he had already done that in the previous paragraph. So it confused me.

Other suggestions which you are free to use or not:



*Balloon1* comma after "turned"

*Balloon2* "slowly spiralled" - adverb follows verb

*Balloon3* comma after "him"

*Balloon4* "of the real" - reality

*Balloon5* comma after "boy"


*Balloon1* "that sat" - that was located

*Balloon2* add to this paragraph something like: "He didn't remember anything (or much else) after that."


*Balloon3* "plant the plants" - tend the plants


*Balloon4* comma after "around"

*Balloon5* "deranged" - this word doesn't seem appropriate here

*Balloon1* comma after "weedy"

*Balloon2* "monkey-bars" - no hyphen, I think

*Balloon3* comma after "rusted"

Chapter One


*Balloon4* remove "probably"

*Balloon5* "which he undoubtedly had designed himself years earlier" - this phrasing makes one feel unsure if he did design it or not


*Balloon1* "7" - spell out small numbers


*Balloon2* don't put 'family' in quotation marks

*Balloon3* don't capitalize "Chief" unless a name follows

*Balloon4* move "unfortunately" to the beginning of the sentence


*Balloon5* "streams of light, and the air..." - streams of light. The air...

*Balloon1* comma after "quiet"


*Balloon2* comma after "there" to separate direct address

*Balloon3* replace ellipsis with a period


*Balloon4* comma after "Sorry"

*Balloon5* remove the second "apparently"

*Balloon1* comma after "Cray"


*Balloon2* "as they rode" - use synonym for rode

*Balloon3* comma after "Smile there"

*Balloon4* spell out 3

*Balloon5* "Ok" - either O.K. or Okay


*Balloon1* comma after "moped"

*Balloon2* spell out 200

*Balloon3* "youngsters" - this word is dated; usually only the elderly say it

*Balloon4* comma after "friends"

*Balloon5* italicize Cray's thoughts


*Balloon1* begin new sentence with "but Cray"

*Balloon2* don't put Mrs. Swartz in quotation marks

*Balloon3* "home room" - one word


*Balloon4* "slowly made his way" - "made his way slowly"


*Balloon5* "right away he got excited" - he got excited right away (immediately?)

*Balloon1* "but more importantly" - but, more importantly,...

*Balloon2* comma after "toys"


*Balloon3* comma after "Cray"; no quotation marks

*Balloon4* thoughts in italics


*Balloon5* comma after "Now"


*Balloon1* comma after "think so"


*Balloon2* comma after "So on"


*Balloon3* delete "he said"; unnecessary


*Balloon4* 'ya - single quotation mark not needed

*Balloon5* comma after "began"


*Balloon1* "Later that day, after lunch," - After lunch that day,

*Balloon2* "The second graders exploded" - They exploded; you'd already said second graders

*Balloon3* "and as they did" - and, as they did,...


*Balloon4* comma after "Throughout the day"

*Balloon5* period after "look out for"; begin new sentence with "Cray told"

*Balloon1* "Johnny told Cray" - warned


*Balloon2* "much older" - does one year older count as "much older"?

*Balloon3* spell out 6

*Balloon4* comma after "poor grades"


*Balloon4* comma after "Johnny"

*Balloon5* "swing-set" - no hyphen needed, I think


*Balloon1* "start it being" - by being


*Balloon2* comma after "he said"


*Balloon3* comma after "half-smoked"


*Balloon4* "think that they'll" - delete "that"

*Balloon5* "bust us Robbie" - need comma to separate direct address

*Balloon1* delete "Danny asked"; it's obvious who is speaking


*Balloon2* comma after "yelled"


*Balloon3* "who Robbie" - whom

*Balloon4* "vaguely recognized" - recognized vaguely


*Balloon5* spell out "4th"

*Balloon1* "Ok" - either O.K. or Okay


*Balloon2* "sideways, probably trying to get to his backside Cray thought" - sideways. (begin italics) Probably trying to get to my backside(end italics), Cray thought.

*Balloon3* commas to set off "on the other hand"


*Balloon4* commas after "his right" and "his head"

*Balloon5* begin new paragraph with "Stop!" he screamed out.

*Balloon1* "new found" - needs hyphen, I think

*Balloon2* "kick-toy" - no hypen

*Balloon3* "for some more" - delete "some"

*Balloon4* comma after "wept"


*Balloon5* comma after "watered"

*Balloon1* "3-foot" - three-foot


*Balloon2* "wild-flowers" - wildflowers

*Balloon3* "What had happened next" - needs to be italicized


*Balloon4* need commas after "back" "low" "his head" and "tall"

*Balloon5* "gracing fields" - the fields


*Balloon1* comma after "later"

Chapter Two


*Balloon2* "slowly tugging" - tugging slowly

*Balloon3* "twenty five" - needs hyphen

*Balloon4* delete the ellipsis in front of "get something to drink"

*Balloon5* comma after "himself"


*Balloon1* need commas after "supplies" "sizes" "flavors" and "himself"

*Balloon2* "55" - fifty-five


*Balloon3* period after "counter"; begin new sentence

*Balloon4* "slid opened" - slid open

*Balloon5* comma after "him"


*Balloon1* comma after "called back"


*Balloon2* comma after "asked"


*Balloon3*period after "Johnny"; begin new sentence with "my folks"


*Balloon4* spell out 13

*Flower3* Overall, a very well developed beginning to your novel. I'm much intrigued by your characters and look forward to reading more about them. *Smile*

*Flower4* I hope you may find these suggestions helpful.

Write on!

Review of Eve  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Hi Matt!

This is a pretty good story, as far as it goes. But in my view, it's not complete. You don't have a clear ending to the story; too many threads are left hanging.

You leave the reader with too many questions unanswered: What happens to Eve after she leaves the house? What becomes of the two officers? Does the robber get caught? I suggest trying to wrap these up.

Other suggestions for editing:


*Balloon1* italicize her thoughts

*Balloon2* "Too quickly she stood" - She stood too quickly

*Balloon3* comma after "moment"


*Balloon4* First sentence: suggest revising - She ran toward the front door and peered through the peephole.


*Balloon5* "rose in her face" - crossed her face


*Balloon1* "to see if anyone" - to ask


*Balloon2* period after "replied"


*Balloon3* "Officer #1" - How about giving them names? You could have Eve read them off their badges

*Balloon4* comma after "block" to separate independent clauses

*Balloon5* italicize words which you wish to emphasize, not all caps


*Balloon1* "she continued" - she explained

*Balloon2* "thinking, when an.." - thinking. Then an...


*Balloon3* comma after "immediately"

*Balloon4* "Officer #1" - suggest letting second officer speak this line (he hasn't said anything so far)

*Balloon5* "started walking" - walked


*Balloon1* comma after "herself"

*Balloon2* period after "acted" begin new sentence


*Balloon3* thoughts in italics

*Balloon4* delete "she asked herself"; it's unnecessary

*Balloon5* "picks" - verb tense shift - "picked"


*Balloon1* comma after "peephole"


*Balloon2* "she spoke" - she began

*Balloon3* period after "door" begin new sentence

*Balloon4* no period after "happened"


*Balloon5* comma after "grunted"

*Balloon1* "turn over and sit" - sit up

*Balloon2* "he must have been" - he was hiding

*Balloon3* "my partner and I" - partner and me or me and my partner; sounds more like real speech

*Balloon4* semicolon after "side"


*Balloon5* need commas after "911" "ear" and "dead"


*Balloon1* Last sentence - change "respond" to a synonym; try to avoid using the same word so close together


*Balloon2* "Get out of the house!" - italicize

*Balloon3* need commas after "door" "to get there" and "breath"

Overall, you've got a nice beginning here. I do recommend adding more to the story to tie up all the loose ends.

If and when you revise it, I'll be most happy to return and R&R again. *Smile*

Write on!

Review of The Book  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi Matt!

*Flower1* This is an outstanding story! It really shows how much hard work you have put in it.

*Flower2* You weave descriptions into the action of the story very, very skillfully. It never seems forced or out of place; rather, it meshes with the action perfectly. Very well done! *Smile*

*Flower3* The personalities of your two characters unfolds in a timely manner. Although much is not provided about their backgrounds, I never felt there was any information lacking that I needed to know.

*Flower4* What I liked most about this story is how you ended each and every paragraph with a cliffhanger, which kept my interest intense until the very end. It also made me wish there was more to the story. This would make an awesome first chapter to a novel! But, the story here is complete in itself; a well defined beginning, middle, and end. *Smile*

*Flower5* I have some suggestions which you may use or not, as you wish. *Smile*

Paragraph 1

*Balloon1* Indent your paragraphs and double space the lines; this makes for easier reading.

*Balloon2* need comma to separate the adjectives "lone green"

*Balloon3* "borne" - do you mean "bore"?


*Balloon4* "the sweat" - delete "the" not necessary

*Balloon5* comma after "brow"


*Balloon1* "leaned in" - delete "in" not needed


*Balloon2* period after "replied"

*Balloon3* make "it does" into its own sentence

*Balloon4* comma after "jacket"

*Balloon5* your last sentence is a fragment; add a subject


*Balloon1* "reached out" - delete "out"

*Balloon2* comma after "Plus"


*Balloon3* period after "give it up"

*balllon4* begin new sentence with "which was true by now"

*Balloon5* comma after "daughters"

*Balloon1* "rumbled" - doesn't seem to 'fit' very well


*Balloon2* delete "responded Jack"; it's obvious he is the one speaking


*Balloon3* comma after "lives"

*Balloon4* "as if he was the one who was pleading" - change to "as if he were the one pleading"

*Balloon5* you use the word "pleading" three times in this paragraph; try to avoid using the same word so closely together

*Balloon1* Last two sentences are fragments; need subject


*Balloon2* The two questions in the middle of this paragraph seem to be thoughts of Jack's; if they are, they need to be italicized

*Balloon3* "only friend only twenty years" - delete second "only"

*Balloon4* "baretta" - beretta, I think

*Balloon5* Bugs' - not a possesive; should be Bugs

*Balloon1* Begin new paragraph with "Almost time.."

*Balloon2* "over-ruled" - no hyphen, I believe

*Balloon3* "he was dead" - he was a dead man


*Balloon4* "the horizon and turned" - change to "the horizon. Then he turned..."

*Balloon5* comma after "he said"


*Balloon1* comma after "first couple"

*Balloon2* for words you wish to emphasize (here, "need"), put them in italics rather than all caps


*Balloon3* "You and I have been" - We've been

*Balloon4* "Any last words?" he asked. - he sneered


*Balloon5* "spoke Steve" - Steve replied


*Balloon1* "it's" - should be "its"; it's means it is

*Balloon2* "against the side" - side of what? the bench?

*Balloon3* comma after "Jack"

*Balloon4* Begin new sentence with "not enough blood"

*Balloon5* "Then fired" - need a subject here


*Balloon1* comma after "peaceful area"

*Balloon2* "Probably nobody around for miles..." - italicize thoughts, not put in quotation marks

*Balloon3* comma after "right hand"

*Balloon4* comma after "Standing there"

*Balloon5* comma after "whispered"

*Balloon1* extend the "No" - Noooooo


*Balloon2* comma after "Sorry"

*Balloon3* "he said in a growling voice" - he growled

*Balloon4* comma between adjectives "nasty little"


*Balloon5* "walked over toward" - delete "over"; not necessary

*Balloon1* "friend that lie there" - friend lying on the edge

*Balloon2* "reservoir and smiled" - reservoir. He smiled.

*Balloon3* "between him and Danny" - between Danny and himself

*Balloon4* "full moon was coming up" - full moon was rising

*Balloon5* comma after "now"

*Balloon1* "realized that" - delete "that"; it's a filler word and not necessary

*Balloon2* thoughts need to be italicized


*Balloon3* "On toward the path that led away from the reservoir Steve walked" - this sentence is awkward phrasing; suggest rewording it

*Balloon4* thoughts in italics

*Balloon5* "cure," - introduce a list with a colon, not a comma

*Flower1* Overall, an awesome, suspense-filled story! I highly recommend you enter this in a contest after you revise it a little. It is worthy of any first place award, in my opinion. *Smile*

Write on!


Review of Normal  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi again Sunshine!

*Flower1* This is a wonderful, inspirational article! I love how you begin with questioning what normal is, then move into different styles of 'normal' lives. And finally end on an upbeat and encouraging paragraph. This is very well-written! *Smile*

*Flower3* Reading this made me think about my own life, which many times seems to wear me down. You reminded me of just how much I have to be thankful for. Thank you soooo much for that! *Heart*

*Flower4* Your paragraphs flow very well. You progress in a logical, but interesting, fashion. I found no spelling errors, and minimal grammar and punctuation errors. Outstanding editing!


*Balloon6*First of all, I recommend indenting your paragraphs and double spacing them. It makes for easier reading. Click on the WritingML link to see how to do that.

*Balloon1* Paragraph 1:

change "mention" to discuss

"say that life" - delete 'that'; that is a filler word which should be removed whenever it is not absolutely necessary for sentence meaning

don't capitalize "Normal" in your paragraphs

*Balloon2* Paragraph 2

do not capitalize "Prostate Cancer"

change "Paul, my husband," to "My husband Paul" which will eliminate the need for commas

*Balloon3* Paragraph 3

"single parent" - needs hyphen, I believe

*Balloon4* Paragraph 4

second sentence is a fragment; you need a subject here

comma after "parent" in last sentence

change "his/her" to his or her

change "normal" in last sentence to "normal lifestyle"

*Balloon5* Paragraph 5

No suggestions! *Laugh*

*Flower5* Overall, a wonderful piece of writing! I enjoyed your views very much. *Smile*

Write on,


** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review of Four Seasons  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Sunshine!

*Flower1* You've written a very nice and beautiful commentary on the various seasons. I enjoyed this very much! *Smile*

*Flower3* Your rhyme scheme, rhythm, and flow is outstanding.

*Flower4* I found no gramma or spelling errors. Well done!

Some suggestions:

*Balloon1* You should spell out small numbers and the ampersand symbol (&).

*Balloon2* You discuss the seasons out of order in which they come in the year. While this isn't a big deal, I think it'd improve if they were in order.

*Balloon3* In the last line of each stanza, you have a period, but no other punctuation throughout. You should either omit all punctuation or use it consistently. I recommend using it throughout the stanzas. In my opinion, it makes the poem easier to read.

*Flower5* Overall, an awesome nature poem that only needs a little tweaking to be perfect. *Smile*

Write on!

Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Angel Archiver!

You have a wonderful collection of artwork here! I like them very much, very detailed and beautiful.

My favorites are the ones of the Archangel Michael. But that might be a bias, since my son's name is Michael! *Laugh*

The colorized version of Slyphia is just outright perfect! Wow!

I find it interesting that your sketch of Satan is of a female. I've never heard Satan referred to as being female before.

In closing, your artwork is quite amazing! They have made me very curious to read your Angel trilogy now! But I noticed in your port, there is only Book I and III. Or is it in a different folder rather than main port?



Review of Poetic Insanity  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Well dear Writer of the Winds,

Here we are at the last folder in your Poetry! *Frown*.

I cannot express how much I enjoyed my invasion of your Poetry. You are, in turns, a magnificent, inspiring, humorous, and downright insane poet!

Which brings me to *dum dum* Poetic Insanity!!!

You already know how I feel about your (in)famous writing.com In and Out. But others might not, so...listen up all! If you've had a bad or stressful day, go to Poetic Insanity, read the posts, and you'll magickally feel all your negative energy slipping away!

Note: 4 out of 5 poets swear it's the best thing to ever happen to poetry.

Don't ask what happened to the 5th! muhahahahahaha

P.S. I read the Happy Birthday posts: I never saw so many people thankful for being 'warped' *Laugh*

PI forever!!!!!

This is a public service announcement brought to you by the Mad Poet's Society. If you wish to join,(and of course you do!) contact Writer of the Winds
Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Flower3* Ah, being made to kiss grown-ups...I'm sure that is included under "cruel and unusual punishment" for children *Laugh*

*Flower2* This is very humorous and well-written. Of course, the rhythm is superb and the flow is outstanding!

*Flower1* Very nicely done, Writer of the Winds!

Review of The Challenge  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Writer of the Winds!

*Flower1* Since you have 57 poems in this folder, I decided to rate only the folder, and put all my comments and individual ratings in one review so as not to fill your mailbox even more. *Smile*

*Balloon1*So here we go!

"Bars of Fear" - I know exactly how that feels! Rating: 4.0

"Run" - very funny! I always run when I see one! *Laugh* Rating: 5.0

"Defeat" - very nice, inspirational poem! I enjoyed it very much. Rating: 4.5

"Matrimonial Dance" - honest and forthright about men's hopes. I loved the rhyme and flow. Rating: 4.5

"Principal's Office" - I've had some of those experiences! *Smile* Rating: 4.0

"I Am No Different" - Another very good inspirational poem. We should all forgive ourselves more - I wonder why it is so difficult to do that, but much easier to forgive others? Rating: 4.5

"Inside Out" - Very deep exploration! Enjoyed it very much. Rating: 4.5

"The Musical Performance" - Very cute and humorous! Rating: 4.0

"The Buzzards are Circling" - Outstanding poem! A must read!!! Rating: 5.0

"The Curmudgeon" - personally, it's my opinion tha anyone who makes it to 80 has earned the right to be a curmudgeon! *Smile* Rating: 4.5

"My Love" - Very beautiful and romantic! Rating: 4.5

"Svelte!" - Hilarious! I've met people like that. And my sister felt that way about me when I said 'akin'! Rating: 4.0

"The Peacock" - Funny, and very true! Rating: 4.5

"Leaving My Past Behind" - oh my gosh! I couldn't stop giggling! *Laugh* Rating: 5.0

"It Was No Accident" - Very powerful poem here; deep and extremely moving! Rating: 5.0

"Everyman and Me" - Another very moving and touching poem; and sadly, too true! Rating: 5.0

"The Boss" - too funny! Another giggle fest! Rating: 4.5

"The Election" - interesting structure here in this poem Rating: 4.0

"Sorrow" - nice, inspiritational reflection! Rating: 4.0

"The Pirate" - Interesting; good rhyme scheme Rating: 4.0

"The Ancient Enemy" - I don't really understand what's happening here, but well-written! Rating: 3.5

"The Boss: Act II" - very, very well-written! Very humorous too! Rating: 5.0

"Debauchery" - another good piece. Rating: 4.0

"The Betrothal" - Very, very mysterious ending. I liked it very much! Rating: 4.0

"My Little Rose" - awwwwww, that is so sweet! Rating: 4.5

"A Dastardly Act" - Very moving! Rating: 4.0

"My Chamber" - Great parody of The Raven! I laughed SO much!! Rating: 5.0

"The Golden Door" - Interesting; this is about America, right? Rating: 4.0

"The Fat Toad" - Very humorous! Rating: 4.5

"The Stranger" - Very, very nice! I loved the action in this poem. Rating: 4.0

"The Marriage" - Another giggler! Awesome! Rating: 4.5

"The Owl" - Excellently written. I love nature poetry. Rating: 5.0

"Faith" - nice acroustic; inspiring! Rating: 4.0

"Inspiration" - This is a very beautiful poem! Suggestions: 'gossimer' should be gossamer; 'tenatiously' should be tenaciously Rating: 4.0

"Love's Memories" - Ah, very beautiful and touching!! Rating: 4.5

"The Delicate Butterfly" - Wonderful exploration of the harm humans can do to the environment! Rating: 4.5

"The Report" - Funny! You express so much in few words. Rating: 4.5

"Tribute to Robert W. Service" - An outstanding tribute! Rating: 4.5

"The Vain Pursuits" - Very well-written! Rating: 4.5

"The Lowly Spider" - Hey now! I like spiders; what you mean 'lowly'? *Laugh* Very well written! Suggestions: 'judas' should be Judas; 'sprewed'- do you mean "spewed"; 'protrayed' should be portrayed; 'demanor' should be demeanor; 'gastly' should be ghastly Rating: 4.0

"A Slave to Fear" - Very interesting! Rating: 4.0

"He Cooked My Goose" - Too funny! Outstanding rhyme. Suggestions: Line 16 should be 'rapidly they come'; line 21 should be 'comes to stand' Rating: 4.0

"The Preacher" - Awesome philosophical poem! Suggestions: 'dry arid' should have a comma separating the adjectives; 'considered' should be consider Rating: 4.0

"Winkin, Blinkin, and Knod" - Very, very humorous! Suggestion: "she' still" should be she's still Rating: 4.0

"Stinkin' Thinkin'" - This is just TOO funny! Great rhymin' *Smile* Rating: 4.0

"The Redlight District" - This is very good! Suggestions: 'Prudish' shouldn't be capitalized; 'well thatched' needs a hyphen, I think Rating: 4.5

"The Thing from the Pit" - A little confusing; I don't understand what's going on. Suggestions: 'mulk' I think you mean "muck"?; 'dispair' should be despair; 'wrapped' should be wrap Rating: 3.5

"The Sad Tale of Flashy" - Very cute! Suggestions: shouldn't it be lightning bug? Rating: 4.0

"The Vagabond" - This seems to be inconsistent to me. If he is "caught" and "powerless to let go" then how does he? Rating: 3.0

"Release!" - Well written! Rating: 4.0

"The Worthless Masses" - Very thought-provoking and rather sad. Well done. Suggestions: 'suceed' should be succeed Rating: 4.0

"The Days of Summer Lost" - Very nice! Suggestions: line 7- don't capitalize 'Bums'; line 9- capitalize 'malley'; 'abate' should be abates Rating: 4.0

"the nightly symphony" - Wonderful! I like how you varied your form and structure here. Rating: 4.5

"My Silly Little Pome" - Ah, this is most wonderful!! Rating: 5.0

"The Craftsman" - Ah, yes, this is more like it! A very nice poem celebrating the Spider! Rating: 4.5

"Poor Oliver" - Nice contender for the Challenge! Rather sad subject, but very well-written! Rating: 4.0

"The Last Performance" - Very, very good! I enjoyed this one very much. It flows very nicely. Rating: 4.5

*Flower3*Overall, you have a wonderful collection of poetry. Not just in this folder, but all the folders I have reviewed so far. You are a first-class poet, Mr. Writer of the Winds! *Smile*

*Flower4*Whew! finished with this folder; on to the next! *Laugh*


Review by MaryLou
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi Bernie!

This is a great idea! Publicity for a writer in another writer's portfolio is also a very considerate action on your part. *Smile*

Have your read these authors personally? If so, maybe it'd be helpful to also list what genre they mainly write in, so as to direct, say, a fantasy fan to a specific port.

Review of Fallen Angel  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi again Genevieve,

This is a very nice story; the best of yours I've read. *Smile*

Your characters are well-developed and you have a very interesting plotline.

Like the others, however, it does need to be checked for grammar, spelling, punctuation.

Write on!

Review by MaryLou
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Kane!

I haven't heard much about the issue in this poll. I dont watch the news and rarely listen to the radio, so the only thing I hear about world goings-on is what my husband tells me. And he never mentioned this.

I had heard alot of rumors awhile back that Bush and the U.S. government knew an attack on America was imminent and did not take adequate steps to try to prevent it. Now THAT I can believe.

But that our president ordered the 9/11 attacks?? I just cannot bring myself to think that, as much as I dislike him. That would be too horrible! I hope with all my heart it's not true!
Review by MaryLou
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi Kenzie!

This is an awesome, awesome piece of writing. Your words are so eloquent, so moving!

You weave your personal anecdotes of discrimination with the rest of America very expertly.

The beginning grabbed my attention right away, and you held it all the way through the article. The ending was perfect also!

I have no suggestions I could give you to make this better; it is perfect just the way it is.

I do have one question though. This is listed as "contest." Might I inquire which one?

Write on!

Review of Missing You  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Scott! *Smile*

You have the beginnings of a wonderful poem here. It is full of emotion, and the person's voice is heard very well.

*Balloon1*Some suggestions which you can take or not, up to you. *Smile*

*Balloon2*Second line: should be then, not "than"

*Balloon3*Third line: "too" not "to" and delete the second "just"

*Balloon4*Fourth line: use "to not" rather than "not to"

*Balloon1*Fifth line: delete "that"

*Balloon2*Sixth line: this is awkward. I'd suggest this: "And, when around you, I felt as if I could always win"

*Balloon3*Seventh line: "away" should be two words: a way

*Balloon4*Eighth line: delete "just"

*Balloon1*Tenth line: remove comma; not needed

*Balloon2*Eleventh line: I'd remove "So"; you're using it quite a bit

*Balloon3*Twelfth line: remove "then"; it's not necessary; try to avoid using fillers such as then, than, that, this, just,etc.

*Balloon4*Thirteenth line: delete 'just' and the comma

*Balloon1*Fourteenth line: delete "How"; "your" should be "you're"; and add a comma behind "hot"

*Balloon2*Fifteenth and Sixteenth: You begin both these lines with "The way"; I'd suggest deleting the second one

*Balloon3*Seventeenth line: remove comma; not necessary

*Balloon4*Eighteenth line: remove "But"; and "to go and"

*Balloon1*Nineteenth line: I'd change this line to read: "I want you to know I'm here if you want me to be"

*Flower3*Overall, I enjoyed it very much!*Flower3*

*Flower4*And if you decide to revise, I'm always happy to return and review again.*Flower4*

*Heart*Keep up the good work!*Heart*


Review of Two Gardens  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi again Misawa!

This is an excellent poem. I liked it very much. You very adroitly capture the feelings of the mother in this poem: a mixture of love, pride, and sadness.

Two suggestions:

While mother doesn't always need to be capitalized, Mom does require it.

I think you should add punctuation to your lines. Your poem definitely calls for pauses, and this should be indicated by commas and periods.

Overall, wonderful poem!

Write on!
Review of The Intruder  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi rjhjr!

Good story. You definitely caught me off guard with the ending! *Smile*

Some errors I found:

Second paragraph: "He had a job to do, and was determined to do it, regardless of how long it took." -- you wrote something very similar to this in your first paragraph, so I'd suggest deleting this.

time played tricks -- time plays tricks

He was beginning to perspire – "God, is it ever hot in here!". -- this needs to be edited; no hypen and no quotation marks, and no period; like this -->He was beginning to perspire. God, is it ever hot in here!

He paused; what was that? Was someone coming? -- no semicolon after paused, use a period. also, if the two questions are meant to be his thoughts they need to be italicized

"Something HAS to be here," he thought. -- thoughts are italicized, not put in quotation marks

Just then, a knock upon the door; “Anybody in there?” came his wife’s voice. -- "a knock was heard upon the door"; and I'd change "came his wife's voice" to "he heard his wife ask"

Overall, a good story and an unexpected twist at the end! Good job.

Write on!

Review of Sunny Slope  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really liked this walk down your memory lane! *Smile*

Your word choice is good; your imagery wonderful!

Write on!
Review of The Vision  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Dear Writer of the Winds,

I had put off reading this poem in your port because I don't like to read poems about war, and fighting. But since I've committed myself to reading and reviewing everything, I did.

And wow! I am sooo glad I did! This is such a powerful piece of writing! So emotional and insightful. I can feel how deeply YOU feel about this issue. One which I completely agree with.

Your sentiments are beautifully expressed!

Now to errors:

I sat up with and rubbed my eyes -- should 'with' be here?

I saw a pleasant pastoral scene -- separate adjectives with a comma

I guess I saw what other do -- what others do

Again, this is a wonderful poem. If you correct those few errors, I will give it the 5 star the writing deserves. *Smile*

Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
oh no! I blew myself up?????? waaaaaaaaa

Cant you get one of your mad scientists to bring me back to life, Stevie????

Nice interactive story! Wish I coulda lived a little bit longer to read more. *Laugh*

Maybe next time I visit an interactive story, I'll refrain from kicking things, aye?
Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
lmao! like this -------> *Laugh*

now on to more letters!

Review by MaryLou
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
While I don't agree with the sentiments you express here, that of placing blame or partial blame on the parents and community for this boy's actions, I do respect your opinions. *Smile*

As everything else you've written that I've read this night I'm raiding your port, it is very eloquent and flows marvelously!

Write on!
Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (5.0)
Awesome folder of contest poems! I think I'm gonna have to check out Wordsy's contests. You make them seem very interesting!

Write on!
Review of Song for Bobbie  
Review by MaryLou
Rated: E | (5.0)
Awe-ispiring! It seems to me that you have very definitely captured the spirit of a child such as the one you speak of. I can imagine very clearly a child feeling and saying those words!

Beautiful and insightful.

Write on!
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