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Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hiya. This is an excellent story, and you tell it well. My rating for this is based on typo and grammar errors, so when you edit let me know and I will re rate it. I think the story you have started has some real potential. The characters are wonderful, they are very believable, rounded characters and I felt attached to them quickly. It sounds as though you've done your homework on facts, which is nice to see. I started noting the typo's and have included some of them here, but I suggest a thorough reading of this to catch them all. Your hands must get typing too fast, a telling trait of almost all writers. *Smile* I look forward to reading more of this story, and seeing the relationships and plot grow.

- .....bleach-bloned behind the steering wheel.
*** Typo on bleach-blonde.

- since I was in the kindergarten.
*** The word 'the' is not needed.

- 'I was so tickled when I heard that your folds....
*** I think that folds should be 'folks'?

- Auriel liked to attach seasons and clors to people.
*** Typo on the word 'colors'.

- ....that wove passed a grove of ancient oaks,...
*** Passed should be 'past'.

-....football with Jamison sine elementary school.
***Typo on 'since'.

- Other students filed passed....
*** Passed should be 'past'.

- And speaking of molding Miss Racine, have you finished.....
*** There should be a comma after 'molding'.

- auriel declared, victoriously whipping
*** Auriel should be capitalized.

- ....echoed like a rapied heartbeat in a tin can....
***Typo on 'rapid'.

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle
Review of Click  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this piece. The flow is wonderful, making the read effortless and enjoyable. To be honest, it didn't even feel like reading. The images you created were awesome, the descriptions vivid and real. I also enjoyed the character of Elliott, he felt like a real person, feeling real emotions, and as a result, so did I. A well told story, to be sure. I found a few things to comment on, they are as follows.

- ....too much too bear.
*** The second 'too' should be 'to'.

- Something it never seemed to anymore.
*** Need the word 'do' after 'to'.

- ...turning it on to and flipping....
*** The word 'to' doesn't fit here, probably a typo.

- As turned it on and flipped through the pictures.
*** I'm not sure about this sentence, it feels incomplete. It starts with 'as' which led me to believe that there should be more to it. Perhaps a rephrasing would help.

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle
Review of Life  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya. This is a very expressive piece for how short it is. Very well done. I love the tone of this, it feels like someone is actually speaking, rather than reading. I enjoyed the content, as I have felt this way on several occasions, but never expressed it. It is a great statement to make, and I completely agree with what you are saying. I did notice a few errors, they are as follows.

- "When did I become this person? and when did this become my life?"
*** The second question should be capitalized.

- "When did they leave? and why did they go?"
*** Again, the second sentence should be capitalized.

***This is pure opinion, but instead of using quotations, you could use italics. I think it may make it seem a little more dramatic. All in all, I really enjoyed this, it is inspirational and motivating. *Smile*

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hiya. This was a good read. I think that the dialogue and flow would be about right for the age group in which you are targeting, as well as for adults obviously, because I thoroughly enjoyed it. One thing that I noticed was that a lot of the dialogue is missing punctuation within the quotation marks, and a few times the punctuation was outside of the quotations, so you might want to clean that up a bit. Also, this is the same characters as "Invasion", but I noticed that the age of Johnny was different. In the other piece I am pretty sure he was about twelve, and Melanie was fourteen, but in this one he is nine. Perhaps I'm just losing it! Anyway, here are a few other things I noticed.

- “You spat on me...what? Who will know we are here?
***Just missing the end quotations on this bit of dialogue.

- Pausing to think for a while, he added “Well sometimes....
***You need some punctuation after the word added, I think a comma would do it.

- Looking at her pleadingly he finished “You have to help me”.
***Need punctuation after 'finished'.

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hiya. Well, I can safely say that I cried. The song that this is based on is one of the few that have stuck with me, as I am sure this story will as well. What a great job on adding the details. I enjoyed the tone of the narrative, it made me feel as though I was 'watching' the events unfold. The flow of this piece is very good, making the read effortless, enjoyable and emotional. Overall, an excellent read. I did notice a few small mistakes, they are as follows.

- .....was a healthy and strong. A boy.
****You don't need the 'a' in this sentence.

- He hugged her tenderly with strength,.......
****I stumbled on this part a bit. I wonder if rewording it slightly would increase the flow.

- .... pulling out gorgeous black low cut strapless....
****I think you need an 'a' after the word 'out'. Also, I think a comma after 'black' would increase flow.

- ....scoop her up into his strong eyes.....
****I think you mean strong 'arms'.

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle
Review of LOTI: Preface  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hiya. I enjoyed reading this piece. I have always been intigued with Scotland, so I've read quite a few novels that have anything to do with it. I really think you have the accent down wonderfully. The speech rolls in a good pattern and is easy to follow. There are a few times when you use very short sentences, I think to make it seem more dramatic, but for me it took away from the flow more often than not. Remember though, it is only my opinion, and the author normally knows best! I am definitely interested in reading more of this, to see where it leads. I noticed a few things that I have commented on below.

- At the end of a long promontory projecting into the Sound of Raasay loomed a distant castle made of the black rocks of Trotternish Ridge.
***I stumbled over this sentence a bit, it seemed to go on too long. I suggest to reword one part, as follows.

- At the end of a long promontory which projected into the Sound of Raasay, loomed a distant castle made of the black rocks found at Trotternish Ridge.

- Thistles and Heather........
****Because you are referring to the plant, heather, I do not think it needs to be capitalized.

- He rested on hands and knees, sitting on his calves, head drooping, fighting nausea and a black curtain of unconsciousness, catching his breath in ragged gulps of air.
****I think you have put too many things into this sentence with the use of comma's. My suggestion is to break into more than one sentence for an easier rhythm.

- Norman stammered,
****This sentence just trailed off into nothing, I'm thinking it's a typo.

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle
Review of My eagle  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hiya. This is a very moving piece, and I enjoyed the read. The writing flows well, and the story is told with a comfortable narrative tone. Well done. I noticed a few things, they are listed below. Remember they are only my opinions, so feel free to disagree.

- There was also a shady and green storybook-like
****I don't think you need the word and here, I think a comma would increase flow rather than 'and'.

-....sitting closer and closer everyday ‘til he let me sit on the side of the chair, where he would perch sometimes, and.....
****The part, 'where he would perch sometimes' is a seperate thought from how close she can get to the eagle. I suggest using a dash to seperate it, rather than comma's. For example:

-....sitting closer and closer everyday ‘til he let me sit on the side of the chair - where he would perch sometimes - and.....

- .....get him uncomfortable enough to flap a feet onto the ground.
***I stumbled on this sentence, I think you mean:

.....get him uncomfortable enough to flap a few feet above the ground. ??

All in all, an enjoyable read. Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle

Review of It could be  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hiya, I enjoyed the subject of this poem. Emotion plays a large part in this piece, and it is ambiguous enough that it can mean many things to many different people. I have some suggestions, they are as follows. Remember, this is only my opinion, so feel free to disagree. *Smile*

- We were so close, so bound, and ill never feel your breath on me
***This line doesn't make sense to me, the part 'ill never' confused me. Was 'ill' supposed to be 'will'?

- I look away, i've crossed the line
***Should be a capital 'I' on 'I've'.

- I do not write poetry very often, but I do love to read it, especially out loud. I found with this poem that the rhyming did not stay in the same pattern throughout, and whether you meant it to be that way or not, I'm not sure. I suggest to read it aloud, and see if the rhythm is what you intended it to be, as well as the rhyme.

- I very much enjoyed the following line:

Another day, a different place, reality

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle
Review of Utopia  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hiya. You have a very smooth style of writing that carries the reader through the words with ease. I like the concept of this piece, it has a whole lot of room for development, in just about any direction you chose. A solid start on a larger work, for sure. I have a few suggestions, they are as follows.

- I thought that had found the loop hole of devastation in....
*** I stumbled over this sentence, I believe there should be an 'I' after the word 'that'.

- ...of all the souls I had in my possession in exchange for me to regain redemption.
***I think you could simplify this sentence just slightly to improve the flow. For example:
....of all the souls I had in my possession in exchange for redemption.

- See Hell is was just another Heaven, a....
***I think there should be a comma after 'See'. Also, the word 'was' is not needed.

- ....and I can only conclude is that my past conduct created the flaw.
***The word 'is' is not needed.

I look forward to reading more. *Smile*

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AJ Lyle
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hiya. I found this piece very thought provoking and an entertaining read. The narrative has a languid feel to it, almost as though the outcome is inevitable. The writing is smooth and compelling, and I found the emotions believable. The wife's lack of emotion when he came home was done nicely and provided a clear understanding of just how much she had put up with throughout his affairs. I enjoyed the fact that she didn't bait him, didn't offer anything in the note for him to pull justification from.

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AJ Lyle
Review of Stranger Boy  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya. Happy WDC Anniversary! *Smile* I enjoyed reading this poem. The lines flow well, and it contains a true meaning. Sometimes poetry can be so ambiguous that the meaning is unclear, but with this one that is not the case. I have a few suggestions, but keep in mind that poetry isn't one of my strong suits so feel free to disagree.

- my heart shal keep you a twinkle.
***Shal should be shall.

- from the harshest and the deserts.
***I stumbled on this line, I think it's the word 'and', it doesn't seem to fit. I wonder if 'of' would work?

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle
Review of What is Beauty  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hiya! I think this piece has very good potential to be emotionally moving. The ambiance is wonderful. As I read it felt like I was truly reading words from the heart of a woman who is madly in love, and content with her life. I have noted below some areas that I feel could use some attention for miscellaneous reasons. I hope this helps you out, but remember, these are only my opinions, so feel free to disagree.*Smile*

-In our last conversation you have asked what beauty is and what it means to me.
***I stumbled here a bit. I think you should omit the word 'have' in this sentence.

- I spent whole week walking trough the forests around La Fointaine and Awenda Park, taking pictures, thinking.
***I suggest to add 'a' before the word 'whole', or perhaps 'the' would work as well.

- ...when subtle balsamic fragrance of mushrooms, herbs, wild flowers and pine needles fill up the air just before sunset.
***I think fragrance(s) would work better here.

-.... when myriad of stars mirror in the black glistening waters of the lake.
***This sentence doesn't sound right to me, I think you need to say 'when myriad(s) of stars....' or perhaps, 'when a myriad of stars....'

- Soft mother's voice leads to the land of dreams, father's fishing rod, lie a magic wand" creates new adventures: .....
*** I think that you should rephraze the first few words to increase the flow. When I read this part, I didn't readily understand it. My suggestion: Mother's soft voice leads to the land of dreams, Father's fishing rod creates new adventures like a magic wand,.......

- ...fairies rides on birds,
***The word 'rides' doesn't need to be plural.

- ...each road show the way to the unknown territory....
***I think 'show' should be 'shows'.

You also referenced 'mother's soft voice' twice, I think maybe using something else for one of them would be a good idea. It could feel repetitive in a short piece.

Happy writing!
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AJ Lyle
Review of Compu-speak  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya, this was an enjoyable story. I always wondered what went on behind the scenes! I had fun with the different attitudes and accents of the electronics, it was very entertaining. I found the writing flowed well, and the use of the prompt words was creative. Also, the use of italics for the electronics made the change between them and the human easy to follow. I noticed a couple things as I read through, I have noted them below.

- A delicate British voice chimes back “Just....
***Missed the punctuation before the start of dialogue.

- There was a bit of going back and forth between the spelling of Peuter, in some places it was Pewter.

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AJ Lyle
Review of Darksome  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya! I really enjoyed this! The writing flows well, carrying the reader on. The story line is intriguing, and I found myself disappointed when it trailed off. *Smile* So often, fantasy and science fiction authors are too ambiguous regarding talismans and items of that nature. I found that in this case there were enough clues and details to eliminate confusion. For me, at least! I also wanted to say that I liked the names of the characters, different but not hard. I noticed a few spots for which I have suggestions, they are as follows.

- The first thing I want to mention is that you use the word 'small' to refer to the medallion three times within the first few paragraphs. Perhaps to reduce the risk of being repetitious you could use another word that means the same for one of them.

- A conceited bunch, Melbus thought.
***I think you could increase the impact of this thought with a word to describe the nature of the thought. For example, bitter, sarcastic, etc.

Remember, these are only my opinions so feel free to disagree. *Smile*

I look forward to reading more!

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AJ Lyle
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya, again!

This story was a well written romantic tragedy. I can definitely see how two older people would want to stay and die where they lived their lives together. The dialogue between the characters was believable, though I think some extra description of their reactions to each others words would be nice. Your writing flows well, and carried me through the story with ease. There was only one spot where I stumbled over the wording just slightly. It is as follows.

You wrote:

Jack looked at Coraline, deep into her eyes. “You are sure that you want to stay here? You wouldn’t rather see this new place, this X-7?”

My suggestions:

Jack looked deeply into Coraline's eyes. "Are you sure you want to stay here? Wouldn't you rather see this new place, this X-7?"

Also, when Coraline replies she says 'Yes, Jack'. At first I was confused at her response because the second question was the one fresh in my mind. You could perhaps have her say 'I'm sure, Jack.' in order to insure understanding. Remember, this is only my opinion so feel free to disagree. *Smile*

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AJ Lyle
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya! I very seldom write poems, but I love to read them. I found this piece to be very well written. I enjoy this type of poem, it is a touch ambiguous and allows the reader to experience it on a personal level according to their own lives. The rhythm flows well, even when read out loud, and the rhyming is flawless. The only thing I wonder about is your use of ellipses throughout. All in all, an enjoyable read!

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AJ Lyle
Review of An Autumn Moon  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya! This piece was very enjoyable and left me with a feeling of calm and happiness for the characters. The writing flows smoothly, pulling the reader through the story with ease. Also, the type of speech used in the first part was done very well, which can be a huge challenge when dealing with thee's and thou's. Very well done.

I found only one spot with a typo, otherwise I didn't notice any errors, or anything that I would change. *Smile*

He felt as if the hung a few feet above the ground.
***Small typo here, I think the should be they.

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AJ Lyle
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hiya Zoe! I enjoyed these two chapters. Each chapter ended with a nice hook, and since that's part of what keeps the reader going, it is a very important part when working on a novel. Well done. I noticed a few things that I have commented on below, typo's and the like, but I also wanted to comment on the punctuation slightly. There were a few times when you ended a dialogue sentence with no punctuation other than the quotation marks, so I would suggest to go through and correct those.

- My harsh breathes.....
**Spelling error, should be 'breaths'.

- I didn’t know how long.....
**At first I thought this should be 'don't' rather than 'didn't' but as I went over it again, it made sense. The only reason I comment on this is because it may confuse your reader the same way it did me. My suggestion is to reword it slightly to reduce the chance of this happening.

- I soon after fell my knees...
**Easy fix on this one, just need the word 'to' between fell and my.

- If I knew in my life of what would come with my age, I’d have stayed a slave forever.
**Not sure on this one, but it left me feeling a touch confused.

- Chocking back tears,.....
***Spelling error, should be 'choking'.

- That night, though, as I thought and wept on the fact that I had become nothing and would never be, my life changed. Because this man didn’t turn his nose up on me, or ask anymore questions.
***I am sorry for posting such a large section but I wanted to bring it to your attention. The content is great but the wording is a bit off. My suggestion:

That night, though, as I thought and wept on the fact that my life was meaningless and would never be worth anything, my life changed. It was because this man didn't turn his nose up at me, and he didn't ask any more questions.
****Remember, this is only my opinion, so feel free to disagree *Smile*

All in all, I think you have a great idea going here and I look forward to reading more!

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AJ Lyle
Review of Fox Paw  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hiya. On the whole, this was a very well written piece. The emotions of the child were easy to identify and interpret, as well as experience. After reading it I am still left with a feeling of despair for all the hardship that the child would inevitably experience and at the same time respect for the decision. Again, very well done. I found only two things to comment on and they are fairly simple things.

You wrote:

My eyes had turned rocks in my skull that my eyelids dragged themselves over time and time again as my throat became a desert canyon.
***You need a 'to' before the word 'rocks'.

You wrote:

So she ground her teeth and even through the divorce hearing when he slapped on the mask appearing to be Mr. Wonderful, she kept her composure.
***I think this sentence would benefit from the use of another comma after the word 'and'. For example:
So she ground her teeth and, even through the divorce hearing when he slapped on the mask appearing to be Mr. Wonderful, she kept her composure.

Remember these are only my opinions, so feel free to disagree. *Smile*

Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hiya. I really enjoyed reading this. The characters are wonderful; full of life and realistic reactions. Ayn's personality lightens the mood and balances well with Fleet's darker personality. He's caring and mischievous, yet deadly. Very nice. Your descriptions created a clear picture in my mind of their surroundings and the skirmish. I normally have to re read battle scenes in order to understand the situation fully, but with this one it was clear to me.
I found a few spots that I thought I would point out to you.

- For a moment, she lay still, huddled form practically reeking resentment, then......
***I think you need to add a 'her' directly before huddled.

- In look, besides her obviously foreign lineage,......
***The word 'look' seems out of place in this sentence. Perhaps try 'appearance'.

- “'s wet. Why's it always wet 'ere?” she muttered, tugging the collar of the slicker up farther as she stepped out into the rain,....
***I'm thinking the beginning 's' is a typo and is the ending of a word.

- She and Ayn had constructed the shelter with camouflage, before even their 'penniless wanderer' seeming, as priority.
****I had to re read this sentence to be sure that I understood what you were saying. I wonder if it could be clarified a little. My suggestion:

She and Ayn had constructed the shelter with camouflage, making it their priority even before maintaining their disguise.

- But if she moved and one of them caught the movement out of the corner of their eye, it might spark curiosity that might otherwise never arise.
*****The double use of the word 'might' feels repetitive. Perhaps use 'could' in place of the first one.

- That was a secret she kept almost as close as her ability to call flame and set it to her will, undeniable proof of her breeding and ace card up her sleeve.
****I think this needs to be reworked just slightly. The way the ending part is phrased it seems like undeniable proof of both things. Maybe if you add a 'the' before the word 'ace', it would separate it a bit.

- She couldn't remember ever actually deciding to accompany him.), wavering......
***I don't think you need a period before the end bracket.

- There wasn't enough traffic down it anymore to warrant a strong presence of banditry, and to attack a armed force consisting....
****Just need the word 'an' in place of the 'a' before 'armed'.

- Ayn drawled, his tone that acidic flat thing that showed how much he was actually angry at this turn of events.
****I stumbled over the wording in this sentence. Wondering if maybe something like this would work:

- Ayn drawled, his tone the acidic flat thing that showed just how angry he was with this turn of events.

I look forward to reading more of this one. *Smile*

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