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Review of Surprises  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya! Happy WDC Anniversary!!

What a suspenseful yet funny story! You definitely had me in the beginning. It wasn't until the second giggle when I had an inkling of what was going on, very well done!

The sentence structure and flow are both very good, and I didn't notice any punctuation, grammar or spelling errors. I noticed though, that the areas that were meant to be in italics were not, and all that showed was <i> and </i>. I don't know if it was just the formatting or you used the wrong bracket. { is the bracket that works for italics, just in case that is what happened.

The following sentence felt a bit off to me, I think perhaps stating it in a different way would help retain the flow.

- The smell of his cologne made her not want to slap him anymore.
*** It just feels simplistic compared to the wording in the rest of the piece.

All in all, a great read! Happy Writing!

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Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

First of all, thank you for mentioning me as a helpful reviewer of this piece. It was very nice of you!

Next, I have re-rated according to the edits that you have done. I think you did a great job on that.

Now, onto the part where I said you tend to 'tell' rather than 'show'. I realize that this is a prologue and is meant to tell a back story leading up to chapter one, however, I had a hard time visualizing the battle that led up to the sacrifice of the two kings. I think that you could let the reader become more involved in the battle by playing out a small part around when the king falls to the muddy ground. I think it would make the sacrifice that much more dramatic to the reader, and pull them in on an emotional level.

Please remember, though, that this is just a suggestion, and you have every right to disagree. *Smile*

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Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

I think this piece has a lot of potential. The story line you have introduced is quite involved and I can just imagine all the different conflicts and situations you will come up with. So far, the plot development is done well. I think though, that there is a tendency to 'tell' rather than 'show'. I believe that the action scenes could be stepped up a little with a more active narrative to make the scenes unfold as one would see it, rather than just telling the reader what they see. I think you would find the result beneficial to the story line and understanding of the events.

I enjoy that you have added so much detail to the story line, it makes for an interesting read and will enhance suspense and intrigue the farther you go with it.

I have some suggestions as far as punctuation, grammar and sentence structure go, they are as follows.

-The first thing I wanted to comment on is that there are several places where the punctuation at the end of the quotes are missing. For example,
~~ “Fine” the king replied.
*** Missing punctuation within the quotation marks.

- ...the air around them starting to crackle with shine with gold and red sparks.
*** There is an extra 'with' before the word 'shine'.

- When the air above them was glowing so brightly no-one could look upon it,, both the kings drew daggers and slashed the back of their wrists, then let the blood drip into separate bowls.
*** I have two comments for this sentence. First, there is a comma and a period together before 'both the kings'. Secondly, I think it would read smoother without the word 'the' before 'kings'.

-...until the solae's blood was glowing a shining gold and the human's blood sparkling between crimson and blood red.
*** In the first sentence you use 'glowing' and 'shining' very close together. Because they both say the same thing, it feels repetitive. Also, I think 'sparkling' should be 'sparkled'.

- The human king smiled and replied “Thank you, though it will take more than luck to win the battle.
*** Just missing punctuation after 'replied'.

- “It looks like this is it, old friend” exclaimed the solae in a despairing voice.
*** Just missing punctuation before the end of the quote.

- *** I just wanted to mention one thing. You use the word 'sparks' quite a bit, it may flow with less repetition if you substitute a different word that means the same for a few of them.

- The kings and prince took a few paces forward only to be confronted by a sudden whoosh of wings, and the huge bulk of a scaly, red lizard, mounted by a black haired, pale skinned keilae clad in black, shining leather, drove its claws into the snow as it landed.
*** I think you should consider seperating this up into a few sentences rather than leaving it all in one. By the time I got to it digging its claws in I was lost and had to re-read to understand.

- You will all die tonight” growled the keilae.
*** Missing the punctuation at the end of the quote.

All in all, a solid start! Happy Writing!!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Break the Norm  
for entry "Chapter 2
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

After the first chapter, I had to continue on to this one. I am convinced that readers of YA, as well as fantasy and paranormal will like this. The plot is moving along nicely, and I think the way Laura has visions, with the addition of the physical changes that take place, is done very well. I could easily imagine the situation. You did a great job with the emotions of both the characters in this chapter, and the hook at the end was nicely placed. As a reader, it makes me need to know what happens next. There was just enough information in the vision to make my mind start swimming with possibilities. Nicely done!

My suggestions are as follows.

- Though I expected Drake to try another way in as and expected when we got to the gate Drake climbed up and over.
*** This sentence is a bit jumbled, I think there are a few extra words.

- Laura relaxed and started to fall forward I caught her and put her back on the bed.
*** I think this sentence rambles a tad bit. Perhaps a comma after 'fall forward' would give a pause and increase the flow.

Another great read. Happy Writing!

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Review of Break the Norm  
for entry "Chapter 1
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

I think you have done a good job on the first chapter of this novel. There is just enough hints dropped and tid-bits of information to intrigue the reader to read on. The character development of Laura was consistent through this chapter, and the introduction of her father was done smoothly. I already like the character of Drake. He seems to be a good guy, but no to the extreme of being 'too nice'. So far, these two characters are believable and realistic. I noticed only a couple of things that I have commented on below.

- She’d had said this name before, but she couldn’t remember who the person was to her.
***There is a double use of 'had' in the beginning of this sentence, 'She'd' and 'had'.

- The silence was about to be awkward when Laura interrupted it.
*** I stumbled on this sentence, it felt slightly awkward. I think perhaps 'the silence was becoming awkward' would flow easier.

- I didn’t care how tired she was. She’s about to get an earful.
*** There is a change of tense with the second sentence.

I also like that you are using both of their view points. Though it is more challenging for the author, it allows the reader to get to know both characters well. Happy Writing!!

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Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+

This is an unbelievably powerful love story. The fact that it is a forbidden love, with no hope of ever seeing fulfillment, made it even more emotional and satisfying to me as a reader. It is a combination of happily ever after, for he will always have the memories of her tender and loving attentions.

I found the pace of the story to be consistent. The story was revealed slowly enough for the reader to get a feeling for the type of love Neil developed for Abena, and the pureness of that love made this piece all the more enjoyable. I really enjoyed the character of Abena. A well rounded mother, caretaker, wife and lover. I couldn't imagine being faced with a situation such as this in her place. No matter how much she loved him, she could not leave her family and what they had built.

Below are my comments and suggestions.

- The next time, you repeat this mistake, there will be serious consequences."
*** When I read this sentence it seemed to me that the first comma causes a pause in the speech that isn't necessary.

- Early on in the story he is sitting down to breakfast, then a honking of a horn interrupts them. This caught my attention because I imagined him inside in a kitchen, and the transition to outside was unexplained.

- It all seemed to be paning out well, and I daresay...
*** The word 'paning' should be 'panning'. I had to check in the dictionary just to make sure, but it insists that 'paning' isn't an available word.

- Though intrigued, I quickly forgot her and also about the bananas at breakfast, the moment I reached office where a mountain of paperwork sat on my desk.
*** I stumbled over this sentence. I think you could eliminate 'and also about'. I don't think it is needed in order to understand the sentence. Also, the comma after 'breakfast' could be taken out, I think. When I originally read this sentence the comma caused me to think the part that starts with 'the moment I' was starting a new thought rather than carrying on the previous one. One more thing, you need the word 'the' in front of 'office'.

- ...he has sold of his crop somewhere else, I cursed.
*** Not too sure if maybe you are going for a specific result with the wording of this sentence, but I think the word 'of' feels slightly out of place.

- Her elaborate, hairdo captivated me.
*** I don't think you need a comma in this sentence.

- I began to marvel her elegance and her simple yet impeccable clothes.
*** Need the word 'at' between 'marvel' and 'her'.

- “You see, Robert, I want to watch the cocoa trucks enter when the enter our premises.”
*** A typo on 'they' directly before the word 'enter'. I think you could eliminate the first 'enter' to stay away from repetition.

- I didn’t think it necessary to discern what was it about those scenes that delighted me more;
*** The area 'what was it about those scenes' seemed slightly off to me. I suggest to switch the words around a bit. For example,
~~what it was about those scenes...

- Accustomed only to her reserved nature, her overwhelming femininity and expressive eyes, bewildered me and numbed my mind with bashfulness.
*** I stumbled on the last section of this sentence, I think adding the word 'it' before 'bewildered' would increase the flow and understanding of this sentence.

- ...but her working clothes were hand-dyed textiles rolled which she rolled around her body and tucked in at her chest.
***There is an extra word 'rolled' before 'which she rolled'.

- “Hello, sir. Hi, Dino. Hi, Joseph.” He shook our hands. I observed
*** The end of this sentence just drops off.

- Pointing to patch of land where small plants had sprouted, she continued,...
*** I think adding an 'a' in front of 'patch' would increase the flow.

- Perhaps, it was my mistake that I insisted one meeting her.
*** The word 'one' should be 'on'.

- She exposed her lovely body so that my hungry eyes could feast upon.
*** I think replacing 'so that my' with 'for my' and replacing 'could' with 'to' would increase the flow of this sentence. For example,
~~She exposed her lovely body for my hungry eyes to feast upon.

This story definitely effected me as a reader, and is one I will not soon forget. *Smile*

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Review of Jacie  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya! Happy WDC Anniversary!!

Wow, this is a tear-jerker for sure. This piece starts out cute, reminiscing about childhood and how fun adventuring with a sibling can be when young and full of imagination. The turn of events was predictable, but did not take away from the emotional response at the end. I think you did a great job of portraying the view point of the girl, and her response to the tragedy.

Your writing is smooth, and I found your word usage to be descriptive and realistic. I was able to create a mental image very easily. The last paragraph wrapped the story up well, and left me feeling the emotions from the piece, even after I finished reading.

I have a few suggestions, they are as follows.

- I talked about piercing his ears so he could where my earrings.
*** The word 'where' should be 'wear'.

- I guess sometimes they lose faith when praymers fall on deaf ears.
*** Just a typo on 'prayers'.

- ...and into a waiting canine mouth., The one time we got caught we lied through our teethe and put all the blame on the dog.
*** There is a period and a comma together at the end of the first sentence. As well, the word 'teeth' has a typo.

A very enjoyable read! Happy Writing!

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hiya. Another great chapter. This chapter really let the reader see Hayden's emotional dilemma, though now I'm dying to know exactly what happened!*Smile* The tone of this chapter was quite different from the last, and let me see that it was coming from a different character. From the difference I can see that you 'get into' your characters. Very nice.

I noticed one typo, it is as follows.

- Who will except me after my exile?
*** I think 'except' should be 'accept'.

Happy Writing!

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hiya! I am reviewing this piece because you were good enough to review for me, and I wanted to return the favor.

I have to say, first off, that when I first saw this was a chapter in verse form, my first thought was 'how do you write a chapter in verse form and still tell a story?' As you may have figured out from that statement, I am not good at poetry.*Smile* However, with preconcieved notions in hand, I read through this piece and was extremely impressed!

I found the flow to be steady and constant and the sentence structure to be explanatory and descriptive with very few words. As a reader, I experienced James' emotions and preconceptions of the girls around him and found out why he feels that way. The end also produced a hook to interest me in reading on to the next chapter. All of the components of a good first chapter, as well as free verse poetry. Great job in combining the two! *Smile*

As I always do with poetry, I read this piece aloud and found the rhythm and timing to be good, as well. I thoroughly enjoyed this, and will definitely read on.

Happy Writing!

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun

Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hiya! I found this piece on The Request Review Page.

What a great new spin on the tale of 'Peter Pan'! I really like how you have incorporated the tale into modern societies views on becoming an adult. The lost boys being children from an orphanage was a great idea and supported the story line well. The flow of the plot was smooth, as was sentence structure and delivery. The narrative voice suits the piece and I believe it will appeal to all generations of readers. I also think you did a good job with character development on both Jonah and Bella. It was nice that Jonah was not just a spoiled kid that didn't want the responsibility of growing up, but a young man with a desire to make a difference in the lives of the lost boys. Bella was a fun character with a realistic personality. No one in the world is all good or all bad and it was a nice touch to add a mischevious side to her.

I do have a few suggestions. I am the kind of writer that believes punctuation, spelling and grammar are very important to the strength of a piece, and therefore, I have provided examples and suggestions below.

- Jonah was having too much fun playing with this orphan kids to step into the real world.
*** The word 'this' is out of place in this sentence. I think it should be 'these', or simply 'the'.

- "No one yet. But soon, I'll have to leave and-"
*** This sentence is an answer to which college he will go to so using 'no one' doesn't work. It indicates that the subject is a who not a place. My suggestion here is to say 'None yet'.

- The small crowed clapped and cheered and made their way....
*** Just a typo on 'crowd'.

- She knew something, and it made Jonah wary."
*** Just a misplaced quotation mark at the end of this sentence.

- They'll be a full-time job waiting for you when you get back."
*** The word 'they'll' refers to a group of people and I think in this instance 'there will' would fit the subject of the sentence.

The only other suggestion I have is regarding the spot where he is remembering the previous night when he and the boys had set off fireworks behind his apartment building. In this section I noticed the word 'had' is used a lot in order to explain something that already happened. I think that perhaps you could present the situation as a memory that he is seeing in present time, like a flashback, which would eliminate the need for extensive use of past tense.

I enjoyed this piece, thank you for sharing it. *Smile* Happy Writing!!

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of The Bench  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya. I found this piece on The Review Request Page.

I really enjoyed reading this piece. The tone of the narrative is soft and descriptive, and made me feel as though I was hearing the story, rather than reading it. I like the way you weave words in the descriptions of things like the changing of the season, and the falling of the leaves.

The only thing I noticed is that there are some tense changes through the telling of the story. For the most part it is told in the past tense using words such as 'was' and 'had'. However, the opening paragraph is written in present tense, using the words 'is' and 'this'. There is also a tense change in the last paragraph. I think that placing it all in the same tense would help this story to flow seamlessly.

All in all, a great read! Happy Writing!

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review of Follow the Light  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya. Happy WDC Birthday!

I chose this piece at random and I find myself happy that I found it. To be completely honest, I normally stray away from zombie stories, but you have come at it in a way so different from the norm that I found it intriguing.

Your writing is fluid and I read through with ease. I think you did a great job with the transition in her personality from human to infected. It was a smooth switch, one thing at a time and the result was a believable process. I enjoyed seeing the world through her eyes as she changed, it gave me some insight into zombies, and made me admit that I was being close minded when I decided I didn't like zombie stories.

I didn't find any issues with punctuation or grammar, and only one spelling error, which I have shown below.

- The flashlight suddenly stopped moving, shinning instead directly at the infected.
*** The word 'shinning' should be 'shining'.

A very enjoyable read! Happy Writing!

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun

Review of A Jealous Mind  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya! Happy WDC Anniversary!

I enjoyed reading this poem. I think you did a nice job at capturing the essential drawbacks of jealousy in a relationship, and I found your wording to be very smooth. I especially liked the following lines,

Jealously has a talent for clouding judgement
And creating illusions that ignite resentment

***Oh, I just noticed that 'Jealousy' has a typo in that section. *Smile*

I read this aloud and found the rhythm to be consistent, and the rhyme scheme to be strong.

I noticed one more typo. It is as follows.

- A jealous mind is easy too keep
*** The word 'too' should be 'to'.

All in all, an enjoyable read. Happy Writing!

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun

Review of Upheaval  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya! I have to say, you have done a really great job with this. The emotions and thoughts of Dianne are very realistic for the emotional state that she is in. I found the last scene more powerful with the additional information, which I think gives the reader a chance to get to know her and what she has been through. Very nice.

In regards to the spacing around the thoughts, I believe that you have done a good job in that regard. I only found one spot I would change in that respect. It is as follows.

- She never felt like getting out of bed. She never could think of a single reason to rise and start another day. They were all the same. Miserable. She tried her best, even set her alarm for 8 A.M. every morning. It would go off in a sudden blare, jolting her from some disturbed, and disturbing, dream, and she would think to herself,

'Yeah, I probably should get up now, maybe get dressed, wash the dishes or something.'

*** The thought in this instance could be directly after 'dream, and she would think to herself,' rather that on its own line.

- ...just as it seemed her Mom ad Dad had.
*** Basic typo on the word 'and'.

I think the single quotation mark around the thoughts was an effective way to distinguish them from potential dialogue, and allows the reader to understand a thought is coming before they get to it.

All in all, I really liked the changes you made to this piece. An enjoyable read. *Smile*
Happy Writing!!

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun

Review of I Fly Now  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I really enjoyed this poem, short and oh so sweet! The rhythm was really good, even when read aloud, and the content was well expressed. A topic such as this can mean so many things to so many different types of people, and that is one quality I love in a poem.

I have no suggestions for improvement on this one, very well done!

Happy Writing!!

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun

Review of Paper World.  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya. This was an interesting and thought provoking piece. Short and to the point. The flow was fairly good while I read, and I enjoyed your choices of wording. The only part that didn't flow so well for me, I have listed below.

-Turning to sky he put an empty smile.
*** The word 'put' seems out of place to me. I would consider rewording this sentence.

All in all, an enjoyable read.

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hiya! I remember reviewing this one, and I see that you have made some changes. I have re-rated this piece according to the edits.

The flow is good and there were no repitions to detract from the cadence when it is read aloud. I enjoyed this poem and really liked the way you personified the trees. *Smile*

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun

Review of Reflections.  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya. Happy WDC Birthday!

This piece was very well written. The words flow with a beautiful cadence, even when read aloud. The topic is well presented and developed, moving from new love to the pain of rejection, and was written using such descriptive words to create the emotions within the reader. Very nicely done.

I noticed a couple of things, which I have listed below.

- Longing for you to have been by my side whispering again to me the words you had to me before I left.
*** The last part of this sentence 'whispering again to me the words you had to me before I left' doesn't quite make sense. I think rephrasing this would help with the flow, as well as the meaning.

- But unconditional love, is a rarity that lacks a sting.
*** I don't think you need a comma in this sentence.

- Love so often many other things.
*** Adding the word 'is' after 'love' would increase the flow of this sentence.

All in all, an enjoyable read. Happy Writing!

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya. Happy WDC Birthday!

This is a cute idea for a children's book. I think the idea and the course of events are strong and would make for an interesting, action packed adventure for kids. My main suggestion would be to flesh this piece out a bit. Include some dialogue and the situations as they are happening, rather than in complete past tense. Perhaps as an older person telling a story, or just from Imbaa's point of view. I believe there is real potential here for a children's story.

I spotted a few grammatical errors, typo's etc. They are as follows.

- The people their always thanked Mother Nature
*** The word 'their' should be 'there'.

- Everybody lived in a simple life.
*** I think the word 'in' could be taken out of this sentence to improve flow and meaning.

- He never cared for others except for the rise of his kingdom.
*** I don't think this sentence makes sense. Instead of using 'except for' using something like the following example,
~~ He didn't care for others, the only thing he cared about was the rise of his kingdom.

- He is also very ambitious.
*** Using 'is' in this sentence takes the tense from past to present.

-...visited the little farm village and droved the villagers away.
*** Should be 'drove' not 'droved'.

- ...seashore was protected by the magical tree.
*** This sentence refers to the villagers, and so 'was' should be 'were'.

I look forward to reading a revised version of this story. Happy Writing!

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review of Sister  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya! Happy WDC Birthday!

I really enjoyed reading this poem. The emotion expressed in this piece is wonderful. It shows how the loss of someone so close to you can feel. I didn't get the feeling that this was about a death but a split between sisters, for reasons that were lost to the past, or not important enough to remember. The flow is nice, and consistent.

I have a suggestion, it is as follows.

- And when I realize the error,
again, I sink into my anger.
*** I think you could eliminate the word 'my' in the last sentence, it is obvious who the emotion belongs to and I believe it would improve the verbal flow.

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun

Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hiya! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this piece. The narrative voice is strong and consistent, hinting at Brina's character, and the sentences are well structured and flow smoothly. The background of Brina was revealed strategically and I found it was enough info without being too much and becoming boring. I really liked how the tone changed, transitioning from reflective to suspenseful so quickly, yet smoothly. Very well done.

I have a couple of suggestions, they are as follows.

- ...and now she was faced with a good walking distance made uncomfortable by having to try to protect the books she now carried beneath her coat.
*** You have used the word 'now' twice in this sentence and it feels slightly repetitive to me. I think you could eliminate the second one without hurting the integrity of the sentence.

- There was always a sense of peace and a hint of mystery probably owing to the cemetery halfway down the road.
*** I stumbled here slightly, but I think adding a comma between 'mystery' and 'probably' would correct that by smoothing the flow between ideas.

An enjoyable read! Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review of Cup Of Joe  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya! As a coffee lover, I just had to read this poem after reading the description.*Smile*

This is a fun poem with great word structure. The reference to the kitten in the covers was neat, and gave me a complete picture of how the character felt regarding facing the day. The rhythm was steady, and the way it rolled off the tongue as I read was smooth. Very well done.

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review of Amber's Gift  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hiya. I am reviewing this piece because I found it on the Review Request Page.

I have to admit, this is one of the most emotional pieces I have read in a very long time. Your writing is fluid and full of emotion, and I found myself pulled into the story as though I was there watching it unfold. The descriptions were wonderful, and the narrative voice was compelling and heart felt. I hate to admit it, but I cried as I read this. The amount of feeling in this piece made it impossible not to be captured and feel what the narrator felt. This piece is also inspirational; in the face of witnessing loss, a life lesson is learned. Also, I have to comment on the detail of the girls barrets. Adding that really forced the mother in me to out to the surface to witness the events of this story, which of course, intensified the emotions.

The beginning paragraph was wonderful. It set the scene for the upcoming tragedy without being blatant. Very nicely done.

Due to the fact that you stated a desire to publish this piece, I went over it very carefully for punctuation, etc. I found only one spot for which I have suggestions. It is as follows. I have tried to be very detailed, so if it is confusing, I apologize.

- It had been an uneventful Friday, as I cruised home from work that day, singing along to Ben Folds Five at the top of my lungs, and smiling at the thought of the weekend to come.
**** I stumbled on the structure of this sentence. My first comment is on 'that day'. I believe it is not needed and just restates the beginning of the sentence. Next, because you used 'as I cruised' there should be an action associated with it. Using 'singing' and 'smiling' gives the impression that they are in addition to something else. I have two suggestions for this. First you could rephrase the second half of the sentence to fit with the 'as I cruised'. For example,
~~It had been an uneventful Friday, and as I cruised home from work, singing along to Ben Folds Five at the top of my lungs, I smiled at the thought of the weekend to come. OR
~~It had been an uneventful Friday, and I cruised home from work singing along to Ben Folds Five at the top of my lungs. I smiled at the thought of the coming weekend. ****Personally, I like the first one better. *Smile*

Happy Writing! Good luck with having this piece published!!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hiya. I very much enjoyed reading this. The sentence structure is smooth and I found myself drawn into the story easily. I could sense the characters attitude and personality through the narrative. I especially liked that, I enjoy feeling like I'm in the characters head. The ending hook was very nicely done as well, it definitely made me want to turn the page!
I have a couple of suggestions, they are as follows.

- For that was their only real instinct as a species was to survive.
*** The word 'was' was used twice in this sentence. Only one or the other is needed.

- A thought and story that someone dreamt up a long time ago that had died and gave rise to the extreme fundamentalism that had seemed to engulf the world.
*** I think 'given rise to' rather than 'gave rise to' would give this sentence a smoother flow.

All in all, an intriguing beginning. Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya. Wow, I really loved this poem. The emotions within the words were palpable as I read, and when I read this one aloud, it unfolded with a bitter-sweet tone of joyful despair. Just wonderful! The flow is smooth and easy to read and interpret. The content is heartfelt and written in a way that the reader can relate to it.

My favorite part :

we are woven together, in life's unfolding tapestry,
woven closely, with familiar threads; our parents,
our children, and those who are our family
without blood, those who we have traveled with forever;
*** This part jumped out and grabbed me. I could feel such intensity while I read this, and the meaning couldn't have been clearer.

I noticed a couple of typo's, they are as follows.

- i'd met him before
my teeth clamped shut, my heart sttod still
*** Here there is a typo on 'stood'. Also, I think the 'i'd' in the beginning should be capitalized.

- ***There are several times when the word 'I' is not capitalized.

All in all, a wonderful read. Happy Writing!!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun

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