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Review of Isaac II, Part I  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hiya, I found this piece on the ReviewMe Page for WDC Power Reviewers.

I am extremely impressed at the forethought and planning that has been put into this piece. It is obvious that you have developed this story down to the last detail; it shows in the quality of the writing, as well as the lay out and progression of events. I am absolutely intrigued with this and look forward to reading more.

I think the character of Isaac has been very well constructed and I am interested to see how he is developed. I see that this is a prelude to the short story 'Isaac' and though I have not read it, I definitely will now.

Your descriptions are well worded and vivid, and I especially found the area with action to be well told and easy to imagine. All in all, very well done! I found one spot with a typo, it is as follows.

- “Now.” the voice urged.
*** I think the word 'the' should be capitalized or the period after now changed to a comma.

Happy Writing!!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review of A Longing Love  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya! Happy WDC Anniversary!!

This poem was a truly enjoyable read. The rhythm is strong and steady, the visual representation adds to the rhythm. I read this aloud, as I always do when reviewing or writing, and it flowed smoothly. I think the story told was full of emotion and expressed clearly. I didn't find any grammar or punctuation mistakes, and though I rarely say this, I have no suggestions for improvement.*Smile* Very nicely written!

Favorite line:
Your smell and your taste,
The illusioned look of your face.

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review of Glimmer, Part One  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya! Happy WDC Anniversary!

I am going to start this review with my reaction. I was suprised by the intensity of this piece, and found myself completely absorbed as I read. Your sentence structure during Schuyler's thoughts gave a clear impression of his emotional state as he was questioned, and insight on his change from family man to killer, and the effect it had on him. I think that information is an important part of his character development, as well as to the story itself.

I didn't notice any punctuation or grammar issues.

My suggestion for this piece is to punctuate the dialogue in the sections where he is questioned. There were a few times when a sentence confused me simply because I didn't realize it was dialogue until after I finished reading it. I think it would improve the flow in those areas.

All in all, this was an enjoyable read with a well developed plot line, as well as a rounded main character.

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review of Diarn Wielf  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya! I found this character idea to be very intriguing. I think that the progression of the events laid out is realistic, interesting, and ripe with potential. This will make a good strong fantasy, full of confrontation and magic. Definitely an idea worth pursuing.

I did not review according to spelling, grammar, etc. because it was described as an idea, so I went with the idea that you weren't too concerned about the technical stuff. If you do want a review on these things, just let me know and I would be happy to oblige.

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hiya! Welcome to WDC! I am sure you will enjoy the time you spend here. *Smile*

This is a good introduction to a larger story. You introduced the relationship between the two very well, showing the reader early on that they had a long history of friendship. I think this will be important in the development of the story. I found your writing smooth for the most part, and well presented. The title 'Silence' suits the theme of this piece well. I especially enjoyed the third paragraph. The flow was wonderful, and the description was vivid. Well done.

I have a few suggestions, they are as follows. I hope my comments help you out! *Smile*

- Jimmy's car was in his usual spot and I parked next to it in my truck and turned off the engine.
*** This is only personal opinion, but I think this sentence could be more effective if made simpler. For example,
~~ Jimmy's car was in his usual spot, so I parked my truck next to it and turned off the engine.

- ...gently and leanded into it to make the latch catch.
*** Just a typo on 'leaned'.

- The creaking of the staircase and the rustling of the paper bag and the jingling of my keys as I took them out...
*** I suggest to replace the first 'and' with a comma to improve the flow of this sentence.

- I tapped lightly on the door jamb with the back of a knuckle and cleared my throat. You in there? I heard my words after I said them.
*** There should be quotation marks around his speech.

- In the top of the bag were a few of her favorite cds and some hair scrunchies. Some jewelry. The necklace Jimmy had bought her when we were like sixteen. Underneath were clothes.
*** This series of sentences seems a little too choppy. I suggest to rephrase slightly and combine 'Some jewellery' into one of the other sentences. For example,
~~In the top of the bag were a few of her favorite cd's, hair scrunchies, and some jewellery. More specifically, the necklace Jimmy had given her when we were teenagers. *** Not too sure if the 'underneath were clothes' could be incorporated as well, or even left out. Depends on whether the clothes become important later on.

- Walking woodenly toward the rectangle of light I heard over the roar of the silence in my ears a strange voice from far away.
*** This sentence is slightly confusing. I like the content of it, but it feels like it is too wordy. My suggestion is to break it up with comma's or rephrase slightly. For example,
~~ Walking woodenly toward the rectangle of light, I heard a strange voice ride over the roar of silence as though from far away.

- No Jimmy no. Oh Jesus Jimmy no.
*** There is no emotion in these words, though I'm sure there was meant to be. Try using exclamation marks to show he is upset. Also, is he saying this out loud? Or thinking it? Or is this the voice he is hearing? One more thing here, there should be a comma after 'No' and again after 'Oh'.

All in all, I feel this piece has a lot of potential, and I look forward to reading more!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hiya, I am happy to review this poem for you! I hope you find my comments helpful.

This is a 'short and sweet' representation of trees in a personified state. I enjoyed the rhythm and flow, both sections were fluid when I read them aloud. The only suggestion I have for this is in the second section.

You wrote:

Bended trees,
bending each to each,

*** I think that using 'bended' in the first line and 'bending' in the second creates a repititious sound. When I read it out loud it felt like too much bending, I suggest that you use a different word for one or the other. For example, veering, inclining, turning, etc.

All in all, a nice quick read that left me feeling appreciation for the nature of trees. Happy Writing!!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hiya. I found this piece on the ReviewMe List, thank you for posting!

I found this poem to be refreshingly different from what I am used to. I really like the fantasy element of this. The first two lines were a great intro, they pulled me in and captured my interest. Nice job. I also enjoyed the subject, a little philosophical musing is always fun!! The title fits the piece well.

As I always do, I read this poem aloud to check for rhythm, etc. and found the rhythm to be fairly steady and easy to read. I have the following suggestions.

- ...the valley of horrible den.”
*** This line sounded a bit off to me as I read, 'horrible den' feels too simplistic for this poem. I am not sure how to explain what I mean....it is as though those words change the voice of the narrative. Sorry I can't be more specific.

- Thus, answered the other power.
and left me in a confused mark.
*** I don't think the period after 'power' is needed.

This was an enjoyable read. Happy Writing!!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hiya. This was an enjoyable read. So many times the child is held responsible in situations such as this, and it was refreshing to see the relationsip between parent and child in a wholesome light. I could feel the emotions of the father as he was searching for his son, and I think the flashbacks to when his son was a baby were very effective in establishing his emotions, and his protective nature. I do have a question though, how old was the boy meant to be? Also, I am assuming that the babysitter is a teenager, according to the reference to calling her mom, am I mistaken?To be honest, I don't think the age of the babysitter has anything to do with the content, I am just curious. I found the sentences to be well constructed and the writing to be smooth and full of feeling. I read through with ease.

I noticed a couple of minor things, which I have pointed out below.

- “If anything happened to him...
*** I think that 'happens' or 'has happened' would fit the content of this sentence and give it a smoother flow. I tend to favor 'happens' simple because it keeps it in the present tense.

- He stopped under a tree, straining to an answer.
*** I think the word 'hear' is missing in this sentence.

- Sometimes, using italics for sections that are memories can be effective in establishing that they are a flashback, rather than a part of the current events.

I enjoyed this story, thank you for posting and sharing. Happy Writing!!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review of Milly  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hiya. This is a sad glimpse into young Milly's life. Not only does she feel loss, but feels responsible for her family. Definitely a heart wrenching situation. I think this story has a lot of potential to be a good tear-jearker, that leaves the reader 'feeling' what the child has been through, and will yet suffer. This story starts from the teachers perspective, then switches to Milly in order for her to have the memories of her summer break. I think that if you came just from Milly's point of view, it may give the reader time to get to know her, to feel what she is feeling. Please remember that this is only my opinion, and is meant in a helpful way. *Smile* I noticed a few things as I read, spelling, punctuation, etc. and I have included them below.

- ...nurture for the duration of the next accademic year.
*** The word 'accademic' should be 'academic'.

- As I call your name from the registar,...
*** The word 'registar' should be 'register'. I had to check this one in the dictionary. *Smile*

- A mixture of nerves and excitement made his voice inaudible as he spoke faster and faster, gasping for air as he finished, Baker sat back down as fast as he had shot up.
*** This sentence is a bit too much all together, I think. My suggestion is to break it into two sentences. I think that you could use a period after 'faster and faster' then start 'gasping for air' as a new sentence.

- In her mind Milly viewed the event all over again. As she related the story back to Miss Williams.
*** I don't think these two sentences should be seperated. Using 'as she related' in the beginning of a sentence makes the reader think that there should be another action following it.

- If ever, whenever you need to talk to mummy, you just talk to her because she will hear you.'
*** I don't think that using 'if ever' in the beginning of this works. It doesn't really make sense for him to say both 'if ever' and 'whenever' back to back.

- *** When Milly is talking about her dad, at one point there is dialogue from her, as well as dialogue from her dad in the same paragraph. I suggest that you seperate the dialogue so that each speaker gets their own paragraph. It is easier for the reader to follow that way.

- *** You have written this so that Milly looks back in time periodically for when her dad is speaking. I think that if you put the spots where she is replaying her dad's words into italics it may be easier for the reader to understand that she is having a memory.

- ...the whole situation was awful and wrong.'
*** I'm not sure that a seven year old would use the word 'situation'.

This is the sort of story that tugs on the readers heart, especially to those that are parents. I enjoyed the read, thank you for sharing it. *Smile*
Happy Writing!!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun

Review of Radhe's Dance  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya! Happy WDC Anniversary *Smile*

I enjoyed the tone of this piece, it reads as though it is being told by a storyteller. I am not familiar with the mythology surrounding this, but I did find it to have a 'fairy tale' sort of feel to it. Your writing flows well, and the content of the story was moving. The end was much different than I expected, and I like that. I find that being able to predict what is coming detracts from the fun of the reading process.

In several places I noticed that you have missed the punctuation before the end quotation marks in the dialogue. Following is an example of one such spot.

- “Here, my brothers, is the temple of beauty” the young man said, sounding amused.

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hiya. This is a very thought provoking piece. My children are just getting to the age where 'mom' is not the first one to hear about everything, and I often wonder what it will be like when they are full blown teenagers.

The tone of the writing is wistful, and conveys the mothers sense of despair as her children grow independent and pull away from her. Though this process is natural, I don't know any mother out there that doesn't have depressing thoughts about it. I found your writing to be smooth, and the sentences to be well articulated without losing the emotional content. One thing I noticed is that you use long sentences with several comma's, and though for most of the piece it works well, you may consider breaking a few of them into shorter sentences for effect. For example, you wrote:

I have always hankered to observe, from a distance, him with his friends and reassure myself that he's safe and happy, that he's beginning to turn into a young man I can be proud of, and can boast to my friends about, rather than pacifying them with the usual vague reassurances that he's doing well at school and is a well behaved child.

My suggestion:

I have always hankered to observe, from a distance, him with his friends and reassure myself that he's safe and happy. To know for a fact that he's beginning to turn into a young man that I can be proud of, and boast to my friends about, rather than pacifying them with the usual vague reassurances that he is doing well at school, and is a well behaved child.

I noticed a few small things, they are as follows.

- The dishwasher is on it's second load of the day,...
*** The word 'it's' doesn't need an apostrophe and should read as 'its' because it is referring to an object. It's should only be used if 'it is' could be substituted without losing the meaning of the sentence.

- I fear that he takes risks, he was always such an adventuring little boy,....
*** The use of the word 'adventuring' in this sentence feels slightly off. I wonder if 'adventuresome' or 'adventurous' would improve the flow.

- ...that, whatever she's doing and whoever she's with, that she can look after herself and not have to rely on the whims of others her age.
*** I found the use of 'that' in the beginning of each of these to be a little repetitive. I think you could eliminate the second one without causing any difference to the meaning, and also increase the flow of this sentence.

My favorite part - 'Anyway, she must have located it under one of the varying sizes of clothes piles that she seemingly uses as some sort of a storage system.' *** I absolutely loved this line, it is oh so true, and sure made me laugh.

I think you have done a good job on this piece. The emotions that come across to the reader are honest, and are accurate for what many mothers go through as their children grow. Happy Writing!!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hiya. Well, my first impression of this prologue is simple: wow! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. The tone of the writing is somber and full of emotion, and pulled me into the story with ease. Your descriptions are vivid and compelling, and I found myself wanting more when it was over. I very much enjoy your style of writing, and look forward to reading more. I am afraid I don't have any constructive critisism to offer. I looked for punctuation, grammar, etc. and found nothing out of place. I feel that the character development was well done, and the pacing also very good. I am intrigued to see where this goes.

Happy Writing!!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
for entry "Who is T?
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hiya. I enjoyed reading this chapter. You have a way of writing in the first person that makes the reader feel as though they are actually inside of the character's head and without causing confusion. I find a lot of first person narrative that is hard to follow, but the narrative in this was really good. I like the way you write, the ideas flow well and the writing itself is smooth and easy to read. The character of Jade seems to have been well thought out and her reactions are realistic, as is the dialogue between her and her friends. You have also done well with showing her personality. I do have a few suggestions, which I have included below, along with some typo's that I noticed along the way.

- ...his is already loping away, shaking his shaggy blonde hair in laughter.
*** I think that 'his' should be 'he'.

- The bell shrilly rings and she takes that as her queue to huff and stalk off to first period.
*** i stumbled here a little, I think maybe 'rings shrilly' would be smoother than 'shrilly rings'.

- Why would Tanya want to meet me at Quaker Square, out old industrial mill turned mall, after school?
*** I'm not too sure on this sentence, the 'out old industrial mill turned mall' doesn't seem to make sense to me. The word 'out' is out of place.

- ...through the door and shooting down the hall to meet up with friend.
*** I think 'friend' should be plural.

- I can’t hear what their saying!
*** The word 'their' should be 'they're'.

- I push the flashing message sign on the phone and drop m bag on the floor...
*** Just a typo on 'my'.

- ...waving to carpool Mom of the Day and kicking off his shoes...
*** I think that adding hyphens here would help with the meaning of 'carpool Mom-of-the-Day'. It makes it one subject and shows the reader that it is intended to be that way.

- ...blue-grey eyes spaced to far apart,...
*** The word 'to' should be 'too'.

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review of I Want to Go Hone  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya! Happy WDC Anniversary!

I really enjoyed this piece. I find dialogue hard to do without the ability to provide facial expressions, but you did a wonderful job at wording this so there was no need for extra's. Your style of writing is fluent and easy to read, and the story itself was wonderful. Great work.

Happy Writing!!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review of Unearthed  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya. Happy WDC Anniversary!!

I really liked this piece. It is a strong beginning to a much larger story. It is easy to see that a lot of thought and planning went into this before the writing started. Your writing flows well, and I found it fairly easy to lose myself in the read and forget that I was supposed to be reviewing. One thing that I noticed was that you move back and forth between tense, sometimes using 'was' and then moving to 'is'. I think that if you chose one or the other, it would flow easier and reduce confusion. Also, the dialogue goes from person to person within the same paragraph. I have found that it is easier to follow if a new paragraph is used for each time that a new person speaks. I have noted a few small things I noticed, typo's and that sort of thing.

- ...the rank of dedicated that they were with out a doubt real.
***I think that adding comma's around 'without a doubt' would help to emphisize this sentence.

- Tetrys had a way of always fitting in a swear in every sentence.
*** This sentence feels slightly repetitive. I suggest to rephraze just slightly. For example, 'Tetrys had a way of fitting a swear into every sentence'.

- There is no line between were the iris ends and pupil begins.
*** Should be 'where' rather than 'were'.

All in all, an enjoyable read. Happy Writing!!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review of Inner Struggle  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Hiya. I was impressed with this piece. As I read through I kept thinking that it was interesting to see from the view point of the one inflicting the pain. I often enjoy writing the 'evil' side of my stories, just to get a feel for what my characters are up against. I enjoyed the twist on the end, it was definitely unexpected for me! I enjoy your style of writing, your use of words created a clear picture in my mind. I have one suggestions, it is as follows.

- It almost seemed to move, swirl in distinctive patterns before my eyes.
*** The flow of this sentence is just slightly off, I think that if 'swirl' was instead 'swirling', it would read smoother.

Happy Writing!!

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hiya. I think this is a good, strong first chapter. The main character was well introduced, and you managed to show a range of personality already. Jo seems to be a thoughtful person, and I look forward to seeing how her adventure plays out. It should be interesting considering that she restores older homes for a living. There wasn't much for plot introduced, and yet you managed to capture my interest. It has a definite sense of 'mystery' and Jo's personality as far as men go should make it fun as well. I think you have a very good use of vocabulary, and the ability to convey ideas without the need to over explain. Well done. I have a few suggestions, they are as follows.

- ...she was wearing nothing more than tank top and an old pair of Looney Tunes...
*** I think this sentence would benefit from an 'a' after 'than' and before 'tank top'.

- ... only bequest of a personal nature
*** Missing end punctuation on this sentence.

- ...just waiting to be cared for and nurtured back to it’s former self.
*** The use of 'it's' in this sentence should actually be 'its' with no apostrophe.'It's' is only needed when 'it is' could be substituted without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Happy Writing!

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun

Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hiya. I enjoyed reading this. It shows well how a child views a parents death, especially one with strange circumstances, as well as how something so tramatic as a parents illness can affect the child even later in life. I could feel a confusion of emotions from the narrative, and I think that proves the depth of the character, and the emotional pain that was suffered. One thing I don't understand is that there is reference to sundresses in the beginning, which made me assume the character was a girl. Was this done intentionally to show the mental state of the mother?

I have a few suggestions, they are as follows.

- It's just that the disease made it must more pronounced.
*** I think that 'must' should be 'much'.

- She was was a very affectionate mother.
*** There is an extra 'was' in this sentence.

- ....we'd sleep in the same bed and she'd sigh contently.
*** The word 'contently' should be 'contentedly'.

- She'd examine it from every angle, then she'd stick her nose right up to it and smell them for a long time.
*** In this sentence you use 'it' and 'them' in reference to the same thing. Doing this makes it both singular and plural, which is hard for a reader to understand. I suggest to chose one or the other.

- Some were hiding in sock drawer.
*** Need 'the' or 'her' inbetween 'in' and 'sock' to increase the flow of the sentence.

- ....her basket would be completely filled with daises and buttercups and roses and lilies or every color and shape.
*** I think that 'or' at the end of the sentence should be 'of'. Also, instead of using 'and' in between each kind of flower, I suggest to use comma's. I believe it would create a smoother flow while reading.

- The stench clogged my nostrils leaked down my throat.
*** Need the word 'and' between 'nostrils' and 'leaked'.

- But I clench my lip and bare it.
*** should be 'bear' rather than 'bare'.

All in all, an enjoyable read. *Smile*
Happy Writing!!

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AJ Lyle

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#1583808 by KC under the midnight sun
Review of The Ritual  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hiya. This is a cute introduction to the characters of Stealth and Osper. It was easy for me to see their different personalities through the dialogue and reactions, well done on that. On the whole, the writing flows well. I would have liked a bit more description, the physical attributes of the two men, as well as some more of the scenery. I realize that these may have been left out to focus on the action, but I think that it would help with the visual for the reader. I have a few suggestions, they are as follows.

- .....barbarian's hide-clad bulk "Unlike you, I'm not part mountain goat."
*** Missing punctuation after 'bulk'.

- Leaning against a boulder, catching his breath, he asked, "Why...why are we here, again?"
*** This sentence is a little choppy, perhaps say 'to catch his breath' and omit the comma to help with flow.

- So he stood up, brushed himself off and waved Osper on. Stealth trudged close behind, eyes down, when he ran into the barbarian.
*** This part seems too much like point A to point B. I suggest to spruce it up a little. Stealth running smack dab into him could be quite comical if you show rather than tell.

- He was down wind, which is why they didn't smell him. Its greyish bulk nearly filled a wide gap between two large rocks.
*** In the first sentence you refer to the ogre as 'he' and in the second 'it'. I suggest to pick one or the other just because using the 'it' made me wonder what you were refering to at first, then I realized it was the ogre.

- There was no responding howl, so there was just one ogre around, fortunately for our heroes.
*** I'm not really sure on this one, but I think saying 'for our heroes' is perhaps not a great idea. That section stood out to me as out of place for the tone of the narrative before and after it. It is the only time the narrative refers to itself, unless you are planning to make it from the point of a story teller or something along those lines?

All in all, an entertaining read! Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle

Oh, I almost forgot. Loved your idea on putting the ReviewMe link on the sig's, I have added it to mine as well. *Smile*
Review of Paranoia  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hiya. I think this piece has a lot of potential. Your plot line is a great demonstration of how paranoia can affect someone. You have almost a poetic style of describing images and exploring inner emotions, and I think that allows the reader to actually 'feel' the piece.

I have a few suggestions for you as far as flow and punctuation. First, I noticed a few places where 'Stanley' is spelled differently. Sometimes, there is an 'e' between the 'l' and 'y', and sometimes there isn't. Also, I think that if you seperated the dialogue from the narrative and placed into seperate paragraphs, it would help the reader follow it a little easier. I noticed that you use semicolons quite often, and while they are often useful, they are also easy to overuse. I suggest to read through and seperate some of the longer sentences that use several comma's, as well as a semicolon, into shorter easier to follow sentences. One thing that I do when I am editing my own pieces is to read it aloud. Sometimes this can help with the pacing of the narrative, as well as indicate places where comma's are put to good use.

I have included some examples to explain these points below.

- In the third line there is a typo on 'Stanley'.

- Humans passed by in the masses, robotic complexities adorning the faces of each soul-starved one; their pupils heavy with disregard to everything other than would cause hindrance to their pace.
*** The second part of this sentence doesn't flow very well and I found I had to read it over a couple times to get the meaning. I would suggest to rephrase the second part a little. For example, their pupils heavy with disregard, ignoring anything that didn't hinder them directly. or, their pupils heavy with disregard, taking note only to what would cause hindrance to their pace. Or something along those lines, it was all I could come up with on the fly. *Smile*

- Stanley observed a group of humans clustered violently around a kebab shop, as a vile chef wearing a stained apron slowly cut the rotating meat slabs, Stanley couldn't help notice how the scene was similar to the hyena feeding frenzies featured on national geographic; only in this case the humans were even more so repulsive.
***This sentence is too long, it goes on for so long that I lost the point of it before I reached the end. My suggestion is that you seperate it into seperate sentences. For example, Stanley observed a group of humans clustered violently around a kebab shop as a vile chef, wearing a stained apron, slowly cut the rotating meat slabs. Stanley couldn't help notice how the scene was similar to Hyena feeding frenzies on 'National Geographic'. The only difference, in this case, was that the humans were even more repulsive. ~~The word 'so' after 'more' is an extra, and the National Geographic could be featured in quotation marks, as well as capital letters.

- Yet the cold, seemed to run up his sleeve,.....
*** I don't think the first comma is needed. For me it seemed to break the flow of the sentence.

All in all, I think this piece could be really great and that your style of writing compliments the subject very well. Feel free to let me know when you have edited and I would be more than happy to change my rating. I hope my comments have helped. *Smile* Happy Writing!!

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AJ Lyle
Review of A Cry  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hiya, I really liked the plot line of this story, and I enjoyed your style of writing. First person is the hardest of the view points, at least for me, and you did well with it. The dialogue is very well done, and the thoughts of Lifa, and her reactions are very realistic considering her situation. Are you planning to extend this into a longer story? I think you have laid good ground work for a continued story, especially when you added the character of the man trying to save her. Having her think he was a monster was a good idea, I think, it showed how horrible her life must have been. Very intriguing story. I did notice a few things, which I have pointed out below with suggestions. All in all, an enjoyable read. You definitely did a good job creating suspense, as well as providing the reader with enough emotion to become attached to the story quickly.

- I fought back a loud shriek but failed somewhat when I whimpered instead. The monster sneered at me and I fought back the compulsion to spit in his devil face.
*** These two sentences both use 'I fought back' and because they are back to back, it feels a bit repetitive. I suggest to replace one with something that means the same; such as, 'I choked back' for the first sentence, or, 'I struggled with' for the second one.

- I would have loved a description of the monster, a little more than just his size.

- The monster sneered once more before turning and exiting the small room leaving me alone and bleeding.
*** I think that a comma after 'room' would increase the flow of this sentence.

- The voice sounded like it was in my ear, but at the same time it strangely sounded like it was shouted at me from three miles away.
*** This is pure opinion, but I think that saying from a distance would work better than 'three miles away' just because it allows the reader to make their own interpretation.

- I shrieked inside me.
*** I would suggest something that doesn't include needing the words 'I' and 'me' both in such a short sentence to improve the flow. For example, I shrieked inwardly, I shrieked mentally, etc.

- It was my savior as I stumbled into a meadow.
*** I stumbled here. I think you mean the light was her saviour but because it isn't a part of the previous paragraph, the subject of 'it' isn't clear.

- It hurt before it went numb like my right one.
*** I think the flow of this sentence could be improved by adding a little embellishment. It seems too simplistic to me to grant a clear picture of the pain, especially when the cause of the numbness leaves her without feeling in both hands.

Happy Writing!!

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AJ Lyle
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hiya. Another great chapter. The interview with Susan was well thought out and written. The girl's reactions were realistic and believable, and I could feel how hard it was on her to talk. Grace's reactions also, were well done. I like her personality, she is a real person and that is nice to see. Good to see you are introducing Connor early on, it will make for a stronger link between the two of them later on. Once again the writing was smooth and easy to lose myself in. I have pointed out a few sentences below that I have provided suggestions for. Hope it will help you out.

- Her body language letting Mr. Harris know that she was leaving it up to him.
*** This is personal opinion, but I think that you could use the word 'let' rather than 'letting' and achieve a smoother flow, while still retaining the same meaning.

- It was far enough away to not infringe on her personal space, but.....
*** I think switching the 'to not' to 'not to' would read easier, and again, retain the same meaning.

- She watched as Susan’s father reluctantly took his leave, with a last backward glance he said “I’ll be in my office if you need me.”
*** Just missing punctuation after 'he said', before the quotation mark.

- “No, I don’t”, Grace said, moving a little closer to Susan and placing a hand on hers.
*** The comma after the dialogue should be within the quotation mark.

- .....tone than she intended said, “It’s me, Cami”
*** Missing end punctuation inside the quotation marks.

All in all, another strong chapter. I can't wait to read more. *Smile*

Happy Writing!

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
AJ Lyle
Review of A Day Before Now.  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya. I think this is an intense piece with elements of interest to almost any reader. I like the way you used the opening lines of each paragraph, it gave the piece structure and a sense of 'beginning to end'. The first paragraph especially was wonderfully written with very nice flow, I was on the second paragraph before I even really knew what hit me. Great job on that. I also liked the 'sometimes, most times, and all times', very nice touch. The flow is very good throughout the piece, with only a few spots that I found myself stumble slightly. I have included these areas below for you to look over, as well as my suggestions.

To be completely honest, I normally don't review pieces labelled as 'other' simply because it intimidates me, and I just wanted to say that this time I am really glad I did. This piece left me feeling content, as though by reading it, I had somehow expressed some of what I feel without ever picking up a pen. Weird as that might sound! *Smile*


- I see faces around me, those that I love and having that love unknown, unreturned, unseeing, unbelieving.
*** This line stumped me a little. The word 'having' made me think there should be a mention of what having these feelings unreturned would be in the way of emotion. Or, perhaps I am not getting the intended message of the line, but if felt unfinished to me. Perhaps a slight rewording, or even an addition or two would help that. I have written two here, just for examples.

~~I see faces around me of those I love, but it is unknown, unreturned, unseeing, unbelieving. or
~~ The faces of those I love surround me; unknown, unreturned, unseeing, unbelieving.

- Or could it be self-destruction.
***This sentence didn't seem to fit the flow of the piece, it feels like more of an actual question than rhetorical question. My suggestion is this,
~~Or perhaps, self-destruction.

- The infinite beauty touches my face and for the first time in feels-like centuries, I smile.
***I loved this sentence, the only thing that I think could strengthen it would be to add the word 'what' and a comma. For example,
~~The infinite beauty touches my face and for the first time, in what feels like centuries, I smile.

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hiya again! You did a really great job on the edit, and I have revised my rating accordingly. I read through this time with ease, and I was right the first time, it was a great story. I have to be honest though, I enjoyed the characters so much that I would love to read this in a longer version if you ever decide to expand it. I did note two small things that I have commented on below, but other than that, all I have to say is that this is a very well written story!

- Jamison drove the Galaxy up the weedy gravel road passed the....
***Passed should be past.

- The thing hummed sweetly with him near, and I regarded it wary,....
***I think warily would work better than wary in this sentence.

Happy Writing!

AJ Lyle
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Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hiya. This was an enjoyable read. I found his thoughts, charmingly blunt, to be refreshing in their honesty. The narrative tone is fun, and made me smile. The main suggestion I have is that you read through looking for common typo's. I noted a few below, but noticed several times that the beginning of a sentence wasn't capitalized. Also, in the third paragraph, the first line has so many comma's that it messed with the flow a bit. Perhaps you could seperate it into two sentences, or perhaps use a semi colon or two.

- she looks content, grunting....
*** 'She' should be capitalized.

- ....there's no way he would know The dog....
*** Missed the period in between 'know' and 'The'.

- the dog can't manipulate him,....
*** The word 'the' should be capitalized.

I really enjoyed this piece and would be happy to re rate after you edit.

Happy Writing!

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AJ Lyle
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