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Review of A Journey To Love  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Blush* Hello, Joy ! I'm here to give you~

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This is a very inspirational poem, and quite unique. I really loved your style; it flowed well and truly made the poem a fun and interesting read. However, because much of it was worded in such a way, it is a tough read. I had quite a bit of trouble following the poem and understanding what was going on, but I did get the general picture. However, I would not change the "wordiness/word structure", because this is what makes your poem different from others (unless you can somehow make it clearer without changing its unique style). It also challenges the reader to comprehend what is going on. Great job, you've got something great here. Keep it up, Joy. You've got some awesome talent.


*Bullet*On my way, a wide chasm opened en route,
Appeared an old man in a strange suit.

I found that the flow was off here. I'm not sure if it was just how I was reading it, but I kept stumbling on it as I read through your poem.

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Many hugs and well wishes! This was a beautiful and thought provoking poem.

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Review of Avalanche!  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Good evening, SueVN ! I'm here to review your short story, "Avalanche!. You mentioned that you had a deadline, so I tried my best to get it done. *Smile* The review will be a little quick, but hopefully helpful.

First off, I felt there was something missing from the setting. We got a lot of nice, individual descriptions, but I never saw the overall picture. This is a problem for the reader, as it feels as if something was left out, and they can't see where Kasey is. Descriptions, in general, need to be a little more detailed.

However, besides what was mentioned above... I felt that this was a fantastic story. You did very well with getting the reader to sympathize with Kasey and in getting the reader to feel suspense. I was almost sitting on the edge of my seat, biting my nails, wondering whether Kasey would be alright. I also loved the fact that you added in that little bit of irony at the end, great job!

You told this story in a way that caught the readers attention right from the very beginning and kept it till the very end. The dialogue was also good, and I found your characters to be quite real, as was the situation.

I loved it!

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


I think you will do very well in the contest, even without editing this a bit. However, if you do decide to edit it, it will be almost perfect. Mainly, you just need more detail work. Describe things as best you can, even when you might think they are unimportant. *Smile* Thanks for sharing this wonderful short story with me. It was a thrilling and exciting read!

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Review of Happiness  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Good evening, anthonyjospeh! Thanks you, one last time, for reviewing my work previously. I hope that you will find this review helpful, honest, and positive!

This is an excellent essay, if I might say so myself. I've always liked philosophy, so I was very interested in your take on Aristotle's view of happiness. You made some very intriguing points which made the reader think. However, you are missing punctuation in a lot of places, and I felt that you could have made a stronger argument by providing some more examples which weren't as general. One small comment: when you say a "full human life" you may want to let the reader know how long this is. Otherwise, I could easily assume that a "full life" is 10, 20, or even 30. The problem with a "full life" is that this could be taken in many different ways considering that we all have different views on it. Just my 2 cents. *Smile*

Your essay was written in an intelligent and informative manner. Nice job!


*Bullet*Being part of the medical system, I believe strongly to follow medical advice and listen closely to all healthcare providers.
The part in bold is reading awkwardly for me. I'd suggest changing it to~> "I believe strongly in following medical advice and in listening closely to all health care providers." (Just a suggestion!)

*Bullet*Knowledge can be the second most important concept in achieving complete happiness because the more you know and the more you have experienced life you will be able to face life's everyday rat race with understanding and preparation.
This is a rather long run-on sentence. I'd suggest adding a few commas and/or splitting this into two or more sentences.

*Bullet*I believe this concept is equal with ethics, you need to treat someone right like you would want to be treated, for instance being a patient in a hospital, doing the right thing without anyone looking (integrity) instills quality patient care and the reward is job satisfaction.
I think this needs to be separated into two or more sentences, because as it is now it is a comma splice plus a few other things.

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Thank you so much for sharing this thought-provoking piece with me. *Bigsmile* I enjoyed reading it!

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Review of Despair  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Good evening, once again, dear Chavaleo ! Thank you for the previous reviews of some of my items; I'm still in the process of repaying your kindness. Hopefully you'll find my review honest, helpful, and positive.

This is a very deep and thought provoking poem. While reading this, I couldn't help but think about all of the different things that had made me despair or feel sad in my short life. You've done an excellent job at capturing that feeling and giving the reader some comparisons. The last stanza was definitely my favorite. I didn't see any errors and felt the poem was well written. Great job!


Thank you so much for sharing this poem. I really enjoyed the read, and I believe others should also have a look at it. *Smile* You've got some wonderful talent, keep it up!

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Review of Heartbeat  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (3.5)
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Good evening, Chavaleo ! Thank you so much for the previous reviews; I am here to return the favor. I hope that you will find my comments and suggestions helpful, honest, and positive.

This has a really nice start to it. I also love the concept of your children being the force that drives your life. In a way, I feel that the 2nd stanza is the main subject of your poem, rather than what is in the first. These two are somewhat connected; however, I feel you should say more about your children instead. For some reason, it's hard for me to link the two stanza's together, so I think you may need to add more to this poem. It seems more like a rough draft at the moment, but I feel it has a lot of potential. The last stanza was by far my favorite, and something of which I think can be elaborated on. Overall though, I felt that this was a nice, if uncompleted, poem. Great job! *Thumbsup*

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Thank you so much for sharing this with me. If you edit this in any way, and would like me to do a re-rate, please let me know. *Smile* Keep it up, you've got talent. *Heart*

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Review of As the Bell Tolls  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Good morning, Unmei ! Since you are the member of the month at "Invalid Item, I am here to review your poem "As the Bell Tolls!

Right from the first stanza, I knew I loved this poem. *Bigsmile* It has an eerie, dark feeling to it that I could not escape. I like the idea that on Hallow's Eve both the living and the dead come together, though, maybe the living do not realize it. The bell tolls signifies midnight, I'm guessing. The "witching" hour as one may call it, I think it added a great element to your poem.

I did think however, that the last stanza was off flow. The rest of the poem had a nice rhythm, that wasn't in a certain rhyme scheme, but still had flow to it. I'd consider slightly revising the last stanza in order to keep that flow; however, this is totally up to you and it's your style!

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Thanks so much for sharing! I'd recommend this poem to anyone who likes a nice, dark read. *Heart*

Much love,

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Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
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Good evening, thrumyeyes ! It is my pleasure to review another one of your items, "INCIDENT AT LA BOHEME. I hope that you will find my comments and suggestions helpful, honest, and positive!

First of all, I'd like to thank you for speaking out about such a huge factor of abuse in our society. It's a reality that there are some men out there who just do not respect women. They not only abuse them physically, but mentally as well. I agreed with you that it was a cowardly act. Bravo for your courage!

You may want to label this as "Non-fiction", since this was an actual experience of yours. That or an "essay" or "article", because as "Short Story" I thought it was something fictitious. Only at the end did I finally realize this was something that had actually happened to you.

On the part of the story itself, I felt you told the events of the incident well, however, it was lacking a little in connectivity. As a reader, I had trouble connecting with the speaker and the man and woman. I didn't feel much emotion while reading this, something I think an author should strive to portray. However, I DID think you touched upon the topic in an engaging and informative manner. It just needs a little work in the emotion department.

Some of the statements you made throughout this piece needed to be further explained; I mentioned some of them in my "Suggestions" section. I felt some stuff was left out, or not working for some reason.

Also, since some of your readers may not know who you are, age, sex, or even name (name could be left out though), I'd suggest adding some of that to the story. I think this may be one of those reasons that I could not connect. I had no idea whether the speaker was a woman or a man; this was a big factor for me throughout this piece. The sex of a character/speaker can change the readers whole view on a piece. While reading, however, I did THINK it may be a woman, but I wasn't entirely sure, since you never clearly stated one way or the other. Another thing was some of the reactions you described seemed a little robotic (matter of fact), and I felt you could put in some more of your feelings during the incident. This is another thing that may have affected the connectivity.

I did think you did a great job at showing how a lot of these situations turn out. The woman will sometimes give in, not wanting to bother with the incident, and will give in to the man. It becomes "normal" and something of which will become a cycle for both of them. Great job at capturing that in this piece!


*Bullet*I looked in that direction and saw a man and a woman standing before a storefront, they were separated by about 15 feet.
Instead of a comma, you need either a semi-colon or you need to separate this into two sentences. Otherwise, it is a comma splice.

*Bullet*Assured that he wasn't going to strike her again, the manager and I returned inside to await the police so they could calm down also.
I think we need a little more detail for the first area in bold. How was the speaker assured the husband wouldn't strike her again? How could she (I assume the speaker is a woman, I'm not totally sure) trust him not to? The second part in bold didn't make sense to me. So who could calm down also? And why did they have to await the police in order for "them" to calm down?

*Bullet*When I came back out[,] the husband had already left the scene while the wife's girlfriend and companion had arrived and were comforting her.
I think you need a comma in here. My correction is in blue and surrounded by brackets.

*Bullet*I had done the right thing. I felt good about doing the right thing; what, I pray, someone else would do if it were my sister, mother, wife, daughter or any woman.
The repetition of this phrase in bold leads to an awkward read. I'd suggest rephrasing. Ex. "I had done the right thing and I felt good about doing it; what, I pray...." Or something similar.

*Bullet*While I'd like to credit my "Cowardly Lion's" courage, I think it was more that I was raised in the south and a man just doesn't hit a woman. Period.
This statement in some ways implies that this sort of violence doesn't happen in the south. I think you may need to reword it in order to make your thought clearer to the reader. (Because, as I am from the south, I know that men do hit women here. It's not a regional thing; it is just that there are some men in any place of this world that hit women.)

*Bullet*Unfortunately, they still have yet to confront the problems that led to him acting out his repressed rage in public.
How do you know they have yet to confront it? If you have this information, you may want to share it with the reader in order to make this piece more complete.

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


I felt that the majority of this was well written, and true to its subject! Thank you so much for sharing this experience; we women need to have our eyes opened to this dreadful type of abuse. I really enjoyed the read! It just needs to be tightened up a little and connect more to the reader. *Smile* Great job!

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Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Good evening, Roari ∞ ! I am here to review your non-fiction story, "Lullaby, and Good Night. I hope that you will find my comments and suggestions helpful, honest, and positive.

My gosh, Isiterra! This is a stunning recount of your painful experience. I felt connected to the speaker and couldn't tear my eyes away from the piece. My emotions were bubbling over throughout the entire thing, and I couldn't help feeling sorry for the poor dog. I've had a dog of my own, though sadly he did not have a peaceful death. His stomach ended up "twisting" as the vet said, and he died from it. Losing a loved one, and a friend, is terrible, I know.

You did a wonderful job of getting the reader to love Smokey. I could tell just how much you loved him by the way you lovingly and carefully described him and how much he meant to you.

One of the greatest things about this story, I thought, was the intro. You carefully masked what was actually happening, and slowly revealed it to us. Fantastic job on that.

Nearing the end of the story, I was crying. Literally. My eyes were tearing up and the sobbing was beginning. *Cry* I felt so bad for poor Smokey, and for you for having to go through this. At least you still had that experience and your memories of your dear friend.

I could almost imagine everything happen and you got me to feel the same emotions as the speaker. That is an astonishing feat, truly. This is definitely a masterpiece; you've done a wonderful job.


*Bullet*NOTE: I noticed the dog in this story was twenty-three years old, from the information you gave. This is a little unbelievable, seeing as a dog's average life span is anywhere from 6 to 15 years old (depending on the breed). The longest living dog was about 29 years old, so it's not impossible (and as this is a non-fiction writing, I am sure it is true!); however, I think you should probably point out that the dog had lived to a ripe old age (in some form or manner) for your readers to better understand. Just a suggestion! *Smile*

*Bullet*I paused to look into the pair of brown eyes that were watching from a few feet away, reflecting how I always joked that they were so like my own.
The part in bold read awkwardly for me, in connection to the rest of the sentence. For some reason it seemed either incomplete or not connected.

*Bullet*The duck had gone the year before, so he was lonely waiting for me to come home from work.
I was a little taken aback by this mention of a duck. I had to go back and reread everything to make sure you hadn't mentioned it before. It feels like it was kind of random to place there. I'd suggest explaining how the duck involved the dog. (Because I was completely clueless and left wondering what that was about). You then later re-mentioned the duck, but in a way that he didn't seem important anymore. However, if his leaving made the dog lonely, I'd say it is a pretty important aspect to your story and should be explained.

*Bullet*I had to drain the green puss from the wound at least twice a day for two weeks, and keep it clean and wrapped.
(Sorry! I'm being picky) Well.. green doesn't sound quite right to me. I did a little look-up on stuff, and supposedly puss would be a white-green color (at most, but mainly just white). I checked up on dog stuff as well. Anyhow, it's up to you on this one! I just thought I'd chime in about it. *Smile*

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Thank you... SO much, for sharing this experience with me. This has got to be one of the most emotional stories I've read here at WDC. You have an amazing talent, to be able to connect with your readers so well. I thank you for posting this, and allowing me to see through your eyes. Great job!

P.S. Despite the suggestions I mentioned, I am giving this a 5 because I found it to be well written and a truly vivid as well as emotional read. Thank you, again!

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Review of Daddy"s Girl  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Good evening, Ida_Matilda_Wright Help ! I'm here to review your item, "Daddy"s Girl. I hope that you will find my comments helpful, honest, and positive.

This piece has a great deal of meaning for you, I am sure. While reading your short poem, I found a whole story hidden within its simple words. What I gathered, was that the speaker's daughter had decided to live with her father again, even though he and his wife may mistreat her. She doesn't seem to understand the depth of the speaker's love (and wishes to have her live with her). I feel this piece has a lot of potential.

I did have a few problems with the piece. Firstly, I'd like to suggest that you decide what this item is, other than "Other". At first I thought this was a poem, and was going to review it as such until I realized it was in the "Other" category. That made it difficult for me to analyze, since I wasn't exactly sure what I was reviewing. I think that if you put this as a poem (or prose... etc), it will help your readers better understand what you have here, and will allow them to review your piece more thuroughly. Secondly, if this is a poem, then I felt the flow was off at times (even in free verse there is flow). If this was not a poem, then I think you may want to add more to it. I had a hard time connecting to it, so maybe a little more emotional appeal for the reader. I would also suggest you consider adding a bigger range of words to this piece, because as it is it seems a little too simple (which isn't always a bad thing, but it just seems to need a itty bit of something!).

Other than that, I thought this was written well and holds a great deal of meaning. You just need to add a little more, is all (and clarify on the item type!).

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Thank you so much for sharing this experience with me. *Smile* I really enjoyed the piece, and I think it could be even better than it is now with a few additions!

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Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (5.0)
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NickiD89 , I was quite pleased to read your story. *Smile* I love pumpkin bread, so you can guess why I'm ecstatic (because of the recipe included: Question, is that a real recipe? If it is I'm going to have to try it). You did a splendid job of telling the reader how everyone got that Rome N.Y. Recipe. I could almost see all that snow and the sleepy people. I'm sure your children will adore this story you've passed onto them, and will use the recipe well! Great job, I didn't see any errors.


Thank you so much for sharing this piece with me. I thought it was well written and certainly did your "Family Legend" justice.

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Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (3.5)
Greetings! Thank you for sharing your story with me at my Review forum:
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I apologize for the wait! Now onto the review. *Laugh*


Hello, Bahmed22 . I'm here to review your story, "The Devil’s Lament. Hopefully my comments will be helpful to you.

The opening to this story was a nice pull. We're waiting for a bus on a cold, lonesome night. This gave me the heads up that we'd be encountering something strange. My guess was further proved when a strange man walked up to the speaker. You did a great job at keeping the reader on the edge of their seat, awaiting what was to happen next.

In the telling of the "Devil's" story, I was a little disappointed. It just seemed that he repeated himself, more than anything. I didn't get anything out of it, and it felt like it was lacking substance.

I think that if you added more to dialogue for the Devil, that this could be a really dark and intriguing tale. Everything seemed a little rushed to me, mainly because you had quite a few grammar and punctuation errors. I did list some of them below, but not all of them. However, all in all, I felt like this was a great start to something fantastic. If you just put in a little more to the story, and try not to repeat the same things too much, I think that this would be a splendid read.


*Bullet*I had just missed my bus and was waiting for the next bus.
I'd change the second "bus" to "one". My reason for this, is because you should try not to repeat the same word in a sentence if possible.

*Bullet*I did not know when will the next bus come or if there is a next bus at all, but I was desperate to leave this wretched place. The bus stop was cold and dark; there was no sign of another living thing for miles around, and then I saw this figure moving in the mist, coming towards me.
I'd suggest a rephrasing of the first sentence. Ex. "I didn't know when the next bus would come, nor if there was a next one at all, but I was desperate to leave this wretched place." For the second sentence, instead of "the bus stop", I'd change it to "It", since we already know the speaker is at the bus stop. For the third section in bold, I'd separate it into its own sentence.

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Thanks for the wonderful read, keep it up!

P.S. If you edit this up, and add more to it, let me know. I'll up my rating and give you another review if you'd like! *Smile*

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Review of What if?  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hiya, aralls, it's Ket from the chat. *Smile* I decided to check out some of your work, and found this wonderful poem.

You've really exemplified what it could be like to be in love, and to have that love. This was a truly sweet and caring poem. If I were to find my true love, I'd hope to experience something such as this. You put it very eloquently and in a way that everyone can relate and know exactly what you mean. The flow was right on, and the rhyme scheme was consistent throughout. I have no suggestions or corrections for this absolutely perfect piece.


Thank you so much for sharing this, it was beautiful. You have some amazing talent. *Bigsmile*

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Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (5.0)
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This is a fantastic poem, JDMac . To me, this poem was showing us how greed and want can eat all of us up inside. When we begin to want something that someone else has, it begins to consume us. We start to obsess about it, and eventually we can think of nothing else. Your poem shows just that, and I think you put it in easy to understand words. I thought this poem was absolutely wonderfully done. It was very well written and had a consistent flow. I didn't see any errors or anything that needed fixing. *Smile*


Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful piece of poetry. You have tremendous talent!

P.S. If you haven't tried getting this published yet, I think you should attempt to do so. *Bigsmile*

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Review of Calling Me Home  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello, qaz4 . I am here to review your poem, "Calling Me Home.

This is a beautiful poem. It is obviously well written, and there is a consistent flow throughout. The structure is nice, as are the words you used to convey your poem to the reader. The poem felt very calming and peaceful to me as I was reading it.

The colors add to its soothing effect and is a nice touch. I love how the poem takes you in, just as the darkness does for the speaker. Very nicely done. I didn't see any errors in this piece.


Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful poem. It was lovely, and your talent really shines through! Keep it up.

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Review of Hats  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello, Sandra Miller ! Welcome to WDC. *Smile* I hope that you're enjoying this awesome site so far. Please let me know if you need anything.

Now, let's talk about "Hats. I must say, when I saw the title of your poem, I thought it would be a rather simple poem. However, when I took a look at the actual poem, I was astounded. Here you have a well written and deep poem. I never thought you could compare something like that to hats. You have my admiration. *Bigsmile*

Great job. The flow was good, and the structure was also nice.


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Review of Silence  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Heya, Chavaleo ! Thank you so much for reviewing my poem, "Invalid Item.

Now, let's talk about "Silence. This is a rather good poem, and I like all of the comparisons you made. Each and every one of them exhibit an "alone" kind of silence. Instead of it being ACTUAL silence, you've shown us things that make noise, but give off that feeling. This is one of the best things about your poem, because of that take on it.

"The middle finger" didn't make sense to me (for exhibiting that kind of silence). I'd consider changing it. The rest of it was fine, however, I felt you could have done more with this poem to make it even more unique. *Smile*

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Very nice job. I really enjoyed reading you poem. Thank you so much for sharing it!

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Review of Alone  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (3.5)
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Hello there, and welcome to WDC! I hope that you've enjoyed your time here thus far.

Now, about your poem. I actually thought it was nicely done. There are some lines I felt were a tad awkward to read, but other than that you had a consistent rhyme pattern throughout. This poem definitely exemplifies what it is like to be alone. However, I felt that you could have extended this idea a bit... added some more to it. Generally, I'm sure most people won't like the repetition of "Alone is...", however, it is your choice to do that. Personally, it doesn't bother me. I also felt you could have made this poem a bit more personal (for yourself).

Generally, the poem is a tad simple, but it describes something that is very profound. That is why I think it could use some more work. *Smile* I DID enjoy the poem though, and I felt it was a wonderful start. This piece has so much potential and I love the idea of it.

A BIG NOTE: Please consider changing the font type/boldness of your text. It is very hard to read, and my eyes were straining badly trying to read it.

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Thank you so much for sharing this with the members of WDC! *Bigsmile* You have so much talent, and I can't wait to see more from you. By the way, if you edit this in any manner, and would like me to take a second look at it, let me know. If I see an improvement, I will definitely re-rate this piece.

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Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (5.0)
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This is an absolutely amazing and well thought out story. I could never have thought up something as unique and breathtaking as this. Your talent shines through each and every word, all the way from the beginning right to the very end. Every sentence has a life of its own, I could almost see this little seedling, sprouting into a great big plant. You described everything perfectly, and captured the outlook of the plant in a superb manner.

I do not think I have ever read anything quite like this, or as well written. This should be published, and I mean that. Have you tried sending it in? If you haven't, I want you to please try to. This has got to be one of the most amazing short stories I have ever read.

Your descriptions are flawless, as is the way you showed us how the plant thought and felt. In fact, the whole story is pretty much flawless in my eyes. I did find a few things to correct, but they are only minor. Despite those few errors, I have to give this piece a five. My reason for this is obvious: I felt the whole story was extremely well written and well thought out.


*Bullet*for it's life giving attention. In it's blazing glory we thrived, and on it's callous whims we starved.
All three "it's" should be "its".

*Bullet*Few of the plants of my age had limbs at all, let alone such splendid little leaves.
I felt "of the plants of" read awkwardly. I'd take out the text with a strike through. It seems to read a little smoother without it.

*Bullet*Not so this encounter.
This sentence seemed oddly worded. I'd change the "so" into a "for" for a smoother read.

*Bullet*I felt it's fell gaze single me out from all my other leafy counterparts in the clearing.
The "it's" needs to be a "its". I wasn't sure why "fell" was there, but I'd suggest taking it out. It looks out of place.

*Bullet*It occurs to me now, long after the fact, one reason self awareness is completely wasted on a plant: while I could feel the approaching danger, could sense the evil, blunt teeth waiting to grind my various body parts into a delicious green paste, I could do exactly nothing to prevent it.
I had to re-read this sentence about five times. For some reason, I'm just not getting it as a whole. I'd suggest perhaps rephrasing.

*Bullet*After a time another of it's kind appeared in the distance and some sort of communication passed through the air.
Another "it's" which needs to be "its".

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


You did a wonderful job with this story. Get it published, enter it into some contests maybe, and then I'll be happy. *Wink* I loved it and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. You are fabulous and talented writer. I hope to see more of your work here on WDC. *Delight*

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Review of darkly laughing  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
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This is a very neat poem. *Bigsmile* I really liked the structure, and I felt the different words you used to describe things were excellent. In a way, this poem felt very abstract, but near the end I felt it become a little clearer. I'm not sure I entirely got what was going on, but I still felt it was a good read nonetheless.


*Bullet*a boy ride by
"ride" should be "rides"

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Thank you so much for sharing, as well as stopping by my port earlier. *Bigsmile* I really enjoyed your poem.

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Review of Heroes Among Us  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
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This is a very nice piece of prose concerning heroes of our day (mainly yours, but you point out the fact that we should find out who our own heroes are). I felt you did a good job at keeping the reader interested as well as describing your two heroes. I like the fact that you point out that heroes are everyday people, because it's true.

On another note: I wish you would have told us more about what Mr. John does. What do they do at the camp? What sort of activities do they have, and which ones did you participate in with your heroes? I felt a lot of details were missing in this piece. You also had a few punctuation problems. I pointed out some of them, but there were a couple I left out.

Overall, this was a nice read. *Smile* I enjoyed it quite a bit! I just think there could be a little more to it.


*Bullet*The hero costume you will most often seem them wear is a sweaty old tee shirt and dirty old jeans, worn from much labor and frugal spending.
"Seem" should be "see".

*Bullet*The hero costume you will most often seem them wear is a sweaty old tee shirt and dirty old jeans, worn from much labor and frugal spending. You will, however, see them in ordinary street clothes, especially on Sundays and on Wednesday nights.
Each of these sentences seemed redundant because of the other. I'd perhaps take one of them out, or something. (It just sort of stuck out at me whilst reading).

*Bullet*There is no favor to big or too small for them to do.
"to" should be "too".

*Bullet*One particular one stands out in my mind.
The text in bold sounded odd. I'd rephrase it to this...Ex. "One in particular..."

*Bullet*Before I could offer my excuses for not going, he had put a folding chair in the hay trailer, and was helping me up into the back of the trailer.
The second "trailer" made the sentence seem redundant for me. I'd either change the word, or take it out completely.

*Bullet*I tear up, sometimes when I think about the kindness that he and Ms. Denise show toward every person they meet.
No need for the comma, and having it there breaks up the sentence in an awkward manner.

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Thank you SO much for the read. I loved learning about your two heroes and what you think of heroes in general. *Smile* You've got incredible talent for writing, so I hope you continue to use it. If you edit this, please let me know. I'd be willing to make some more comments on it and raise my rating. *Bigsmile*

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Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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Hello again, Holly! I just had to read some more of your work, since I enjoyed "The Last Goodbye.

This is another fantastic story. In a way, it is a little simple... easy to read, etc. But that is just on the surface. Once I really got into it, I was on an emotional ride with no stop in sight. Your experience serves as a reminder to us all how short life can be, and that what you say to another person really matters.

You ask us one question throughout this entire piece: Is it worth it? Well, my answer to that question would be yes, at least in my opinion. Even if someone I love dearly, my best friend, were to die... I'd never wish I hadn't met them. I'd want to cherish those few and fleeting moments of happiness that we shared together. That is how I feel.

From your story, it seems you are unsure, though more leaning toward that other half. You (or the speaker) seem to regret meeting your friend, but to me, at the same time, it seems as if you (or the speaker) are at least a bit happy to have met her; otherwise I don't think you'd have written this.

This was well written and emotional, just as your other story was. Though this story and that one are on two different subjects, they still hold great emotional appeal for your reader. While reading this, I thought of all my loved ones I had lost.

The only suggestion I would make, is to stop capitalizing "her" and "she", just because it seemed odd to me. I wasn't sure if it was correct either. Other than that though, this was perfect. You've got some amazing talent to reach your readers in such a way.

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Thank you so much for sharing this. This is a great example to us all, and I hope many more members of WDC take the time to look at the depth of emotion and meaning in this story.

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Review of The Last Goodbye  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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Hi, Holly. *Smile* I noticed you've been looking for reviews, and I apologize that you have not received many from our members here at WDC. A bit off topic: I myself usually do not use the review page or plug page anymore, unless I really feel the need. I always review others' work in the hope that they will return the favor. Sometimes it is very hard to get reviews, however, reviewing in itself can be a type of lesson. When we read others' work we pick up on their style, use of grammar, and punctuation. In a way, we are learning from them. I hope that you find this to be true. *Laugh*

Now, about your story... You started it off marvelously. You get the reader ready for what is to come, and you are not ambiguous about it. You clearly tell us what you wish; we don't have to guess in any manner.

For young kids, they DO think of "sick" as everything you described. When we are young, we never truly associate "sick" with death or disease. We think it's a slight, passing cold, that has an easy remedy. The reason for this is because of lack of experience. Children have not lived long enough (hopefully) to experience that kind of "sick" which exemplifies death and devastation.

As we learn more and more about your aunt and the predicament you are in, we become emotionally tied to little Holly and her beloved aunt. We feel for these people we don't even know. That is an amazing accomplishment as a writer, and you should be proud. By the end of this story, I was almost in tears. The emotional aspect of this story was well done and your writing was also superb. This is a truly beautiful memoir to your aunt. I'm sure she is proud of her niece.


*Bullet*At one point, my mom plopped my on my aunt's lap and told me to tell her about my latest peewee soccer game.
"My" (in bold) should most likely be "me".

*Bullet*I would have told her that that the finger paints were the best birthday gift I'd ever gotten.
You accidentally typed in an extra "that". *Smile* I think it needs to be removed.

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Thank you so much for sharing this. I really enjoyed the read; it was excellent. *Smile* If you ever need anything, feel free to let me know.

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Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Sherri, this is one awesome and eye opening telling of your life experience. You've obviously gone through so many terrible events in your life, but you still keep trucking, and positively at that. You are one courageous, loving, and caring person. Your family is truly blessed to have you, and I doubt helping you has caused them one ounce of stress, because of their love for you. I hope that you will continue to have such a positive outlook on life, and that you strive to get more of your wonderful work published.

On recent events, I know that you haven't been feeling well. Try and take it easy. *Smile* Everyone here is praying for you. We all want you to get better, so get some rest!


Thank you so much for sharing this with the WDC community and I. I enjoyed learning more about you, and I sympathize with everything you've had to go through. You've been one of the most supportive and generous people I've met on WDC, and I'm so glad I've HAD that chance to meet you. *Smile* You are an angel.


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Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hi, Jaye! I thought this was a very nice story on a writer. Dick seems to be one of those typical writers, and even sounded similar to myself. It was a little funny when he kept having those realizations (one on comedy, the other on "feelin'"). I enjoyed reading about his years trying to becoming an aspiring author.

I didn't see anything that needed improvement (though that doesn't mean there isn't anything), and I really enjoyed the story.


Thank you for sharing this! It was a very nice, easy to read story.

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Review of Shimmy and Roscoe  
Review by Neko ♥ Away
Rated: E | (4.0)
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This was a really nice, simple short story. It was easy to follow and read. I loved Roscoe, he was so adorable. I think that you could add in some more detail of them interacting, but other than that I thought this was fine. I was a little put off that there wasn't more to this, but I know you had a prompt. If you ever feel like it though, I think you should add more to it. *Smile* As it is now, it feels a little unfinished. This was well-written, but it just needs a little more "something".


*Bullet*"Roscoe! C'mon boy, give me a break!" she yelled as he pulled her in every direction but loose from her body.
I had to re-read this sentence a couple of times because of the text in bold. It read awkwardly to me.

Please note, any suggestions I make are solely my opinion. This is your story/poem, so if you don't want to change it then don't. *Bigsmile*


Great job, and thank you so much for sharing! I enjoyed the read. *Delight*

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