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Review by Kevin82
Rated: E | (4.5)
You always seem to be able to draw me in so, that I can watch the events that unfold in your poetry.
Imagery, imagination are your strongest tools as a poet and writer.
Review of Bread of Life  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: E | (4.5)
So, this is the one that your Professor didn't like?
I can't find anything wrong with it.
Actually it triggers alot of imagery from my childhood going to church with my family.
Except; maybe in the first paragraph you say that you are holding a piece of bread, but make no mention of holding wine. Latter you mention the wine as symbolism for Christ's blood. Does that help any?
Review of Prisoner  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: E | (4.5)

Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, a.k.a. kevin82

Read: 10-18-05
Rated: 4.5
Title: Prisoner
Author: Rmuxagirl
Genre: Poetry
Type: Prose

Note: The purpose of the following observations, corrections, and suggestions is to help the Author and attempt to point out the strengths and weaknesses of the piece. It is not my intention to belittle or discourage the Author who was good enough to let me read it.
The following editing corrections will be in parenthesis ( ).

Editing Notes:
As I rounded a corner I can (came) face to face with my kidnapper....
Spelling & Grammar: none found
Layout: paragraphs are separated properly
Plot: The Prisoner must endure long enough to escape
Point of View: 1st person
Protagonist: The Prisoner
Antagonist: The capturer
Concept: This is the story of a person held in a prison against his/her wishes and the will to escape.
Clarity: I dashed out the door before the guard realized his (the) mistake. Only if you still wish to hide the guard’s gender.
Structure: very well put together
Imagery: Excellent
Description: The cells description is good as with the guard. You may want to further describe the character and maybe the beauty that is revealed through the tiny window. 1st person description can be tricky, but describe how his/her clothes are tattered, hair long and knotted, the smell, and finger nails…..
Flow: smooth
Scene: The Author makes very good use of situation, description, and imagery to set the scene.
Setting: A Prison
Metaphors: unexposed
Similes: n/a
Senses: sight, sound, touch, feeling>> add smell
Dialogue: n/a 1st person narrative
Character Development: This character is clearly unbroken and demonstrates the will to escape to freedom.
Emotion: alone, despair, fear, frightening, inner strength, will to survive

Overall Feeling: I loved it and I was drawn right in, pretty easily.
I don’t know what prose is I’m not a poet; however, this has the makings of an excellent short story or novella depending on how much you can stretch it out.

Suggestions: spend some more time with your character, so that the reader can really feel the despair, occupy the characters mind with what ever would keep you sane after years of capture.
Because of the suspense generated already and you probably want to keep it there I’ll save the comments that you requested in a private email. I wouldn’t want to give anything away.
Keep on Writing!

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Review of POEMS  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Milana Kroeger-
Your use of imagery and emotional expression
really shine through the darkness that you use as a tool to express yourself.I'm not a fan of poetry of any kind only because I do not really understand it! My weakness ; however, if done right like a fictional story the author can bring you into their world.
Review of Hardships  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Don't ever forget your strength as a person and the person that you have become is as a result of being strong enough to overcome your hardship. It's the reason that you are as close to God as you are now.
Your freind always.
Review of Horrible Night  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

The things that go bump
cause my heart to race
and fear grow (grows) inside.

I see that you haven't lost your touch for vivid imagery, but I'm not sure of the metaphor "Fire & Ice" is about?
Review by Kevin82
Rated: E | (4.0)

Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, a.k.a. kevin82

Read: 10/8/05
Rated: 4.0
Title: Midnight Confessions
Author: Werecat-Claws
Genre: Horror/Scary :: Supernatural :: Teen
Type: Short Story

Note: The purpose of the following observations, corrections, and suggestions is to help the Author and attempt to point out the strengths and weaknesses of the piece. It is not my intention to belittle or discourage the Author who was good enough to let me read it.
The following editing corrections will be in parenthesis ( ).

Editing Notes:
The said (sad?) boy then shifted, trying to detangle himself from his bulky blanket.
“What is it that trouble (troubles) you?
I even almost kill (killed) someone!”

Spelling & Grammar: minimal errors
Layout: Dialogue, Paragraphs, change in time and space, and point of view separated properly.
Plot: Gareth has a terrible secret that he wants to share with his best friend.
Point of View: 3rd person
Protagonist: Gareth, Kyle
Antagonist: The Beast
Concept: This is a short story of a young boy who has a secret to share with his best friend before he turns.
Clarity: very good
Structure: well put together
Imagery: very good
Description: people very good, missing places, and things
Flow: smooth
Scene: a sleep over at Kyle’s House
Setting: Kyle’s House
Metaphors: n/a
Similes: n/a
Senses: sight, sound,
Dialogue: very good
Character Development: Gareth shows a genuine caring attitude towards his friend until he turns. Gareth is also troubled greatly by what he has become.
Emotion: pensive, fear, concern,
Overall Feeling: I thought that the story concept and your character was very good, but very short, because it is restricted in length for a contest.
Suggestions: Since this is no longer a contest item, I would suggest going deeper into the story.
Keep on Writing!
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Review of Cry of the Wolf  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, a.k.a. kevin82

Read: 9/14/05
Rated: 4.5
Title: Cry of the Wolf Ch.1
Author: Devils_child
Genre: Fantasy :: Action/Adventure :: Drama
Type: Novel, Chapter


Editing Notes:
and soon he would jump at that opportunity before they could taint her (with) their white magic.

trying to avoid his wrath that he would through (throw) upon her,

However, Nicky’s eye (eyes) light up mischievously, as though she too had wanted to go to the house.

She scurried through the doorway and soon Sarah heard Nicky slam the door to their room slam
( slam <remove) shut.

Madison loudly crunched on her cereal, making Sarah snap back (to) reality with a small and insignificant jump in her seat.

Madison told the police there was something wrong with the family, something had happened, but no one would listen to her, until the mother didn’t show up for a (at) work for a few days.

The realization that Sarah herself was a little odd made her swallow at (a) tight lump in her throat.

Nicky found it cute they (the) way he placed her on a pedestal, high above everyone’s head, but Sarah and Madison just found that so much attention would suffocate them.

Alex stepped toward Madison, trying his hardest not to see how Nicky was reacting, for he prayed to god that she would realize he (she) was lying.

Sarah needed to help her, but she couldn’t move, she was rooted to the spot listening, her legs like led and numb, as if they no longer belonged to her.

Anna realized what he was doing, and pictured all the fun days with her parents and younger sister before he came, looking for that danmed (dammed) crystal shard.

She tried to keep the crystal out of her mind, but it was as if it wanted to be found, and brought to the dark lord, because the crystal keep (kept) trying to disturb her thoughts.

Sarah just couldn’t believe that Anna was no (not) with them anymore, and that she had seen it happen as if she was actually there.

1) One of the things that you will hear consistently on this site, what I hear from my readers, is that here at writing.com the standard seems to be to separate your paragraphs by two line spaces.
2) Give each line of dialogue its own line separate from the others. The purpose is to make it easier to read because of the computer screen seems to hurt their eyes.
3)When changing point of view or when switching to a completely separate scene show the scene change with three asterisks separated by a single space i.e. * * * as in.

and not a single soul could stop him now, not even Hillary.

* * *

Across the town, a girl shot up gasping for air, groping around for something that was of precious value to her, not realizing that she was not in her own home.

Plot: A young girl names Sarah does not know that she will be thrown into a world different from her own and that she is the key to the total destruction of this world.
Point of View: Omniscient (Fly on the wall)
Protagonist: Sarah
Antagonist: The Dark Lord
Concept: This is the story of a young girl who has the ability to travel through a portal into another universe. She is the key to this universes destruction if all seven of the crystals can be assembled by the Dark lord.
Clarity: Very clear
Structure: very well put together
Imagery: excellent
Description: Excellent for people, places and things.
Flow: very smooth
Scene: The Author uses description and imagery to set the scene.
Setting: Sarah’s world, Foria
Metaphors: very good
Similes: n/a
Senses: sight, touch, sound, feeling (foreboding)
Dialogue: excellent
Character Development: I see that you added a flaw to make Sarah more interesting (chewing on her cheek) you are also adding things that kids have to deal with every day i.e. child abuse, suicide in some of the sub-characters to deal with the issues, very professional!
Emotion: grouchily, happy, suspicious, fear, depression, jealousy, embarrassment, terror, anger, anxiety, worry
Overall Feeling: I love it!! So, far. Reminds me of “The Chronicles of Narnia by C.J. Lewis him in J.R.R. Tolkien were friends and wrote their books around the same time. The Movie’s coming out this Winter.
Suggestions: Take your time let your story flow naturally; go back through it many times.
Keep on Writing!
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Review by Kevin82
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, a.k.a. kevin82

Read: 9/12/05
Rated: 4.5
Title: The Blade
Author: mrdestructo2020
Genre: Thriller/Suspense :: Horror/Scary :: Drama
Type: Fiction, short story


Editing Notes: Found no errors
Spelling & Grammar: Found no errors
Layout: Separate your paragraphs by one space & your dialogue should be on a separate line separated by a space.
Plot: Jimmy must protect his four year old daughter from her mother who is a killer and escaped from prison.
Point of View: Omniscient
Protagonist: Jimmy
Antagonist: Regina Elizabeth Collier
Concept: This is the story of a man trying to protect his four year old daughter from her recently escaped psychopathic Mother.
Clarity: The motivation of the protagonist is very clear he must protect his daughter; although, the Mother has shown no indication that she would harm the child he must protect her from what she may become staying with evil.
Structure: well put together
Imagery: Excellent
Description: None for the protagonist, very good for the antagonist, excellent for the house and surrounding terrain.
Flow: very smooth
Scene: The Author uses a combination of imagery & description to set the scene
Setting: A house in North Georgia Mountains
Metaphors: n/a
Similes: n/a
Senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, emotional feeling
Dialogue: very good
Character Development:
Emotion: excitement, anticipation, fear, pain, terror, horror, selfless sacrifice, indomitable will
Overall Feeling: excellent, except the fact that you used very good detail in everything from setting the scene to the fight scene you left your characters face blank with no description at all.
Suggestions: At your request!!
Title Suggestion: “Hush Little Darling”
Ending: Now this would depend on the overall length!
Short story: Jimmy catches up and ends it!
Novella: Jimmy heals, trains, and tracks down his ex and they fight to the death!
Novel: Jimmy heals, trains, and goes through Hell tracking his wife and daughter across the United States catching glimpses and clues dragging out the suspense until he finally ends it dramatically.

Keep on Writing!
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Review by Kevin82
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, a.k.a. kevin82

Read: 9/10/05
Rated: 4.5
Title: Perpetual Rage Ch. 2
Author: L.E. Moore
Genre: Drama :: Thriller/Suspense :: Psychology
Type: Novel, Chapter

Editing Notes: The event in this chapter are (is) entirely fictional or The event (events) in this chapter are entirely fictional
I am sure they came in here today expecting their usual short interview with an idiot instead the (they) found a semblance of the real me.
Dr. Carl doesn’t have to (the) backbone.
Kinds (kind) of like what a dog whistle must sound like to a mutt. Irritating, grating, (and) shrieking.
Now my mother told me that he looked at me with a shrug, asked for hist (his) dinner and when she was going to lose the birth weight.”
The mother had some errands to run. I had come inside from playing because I was thirst (thirsty).
The coldness coming from the table was starting to warm as they were softened by the pan (pain) of my story.
Spelling & Grammar:
Plot: Overall plot unclear at this time, sub-plot Eddye Ward is manipulating the staff for what end is unknown.
Point of View: 1st person
Protagonist: Eddye H Ward
Antagonist: The Staff
Concept: This is the story of a man sentenced to a mental institution for killing his girlfriend; he is highly intelligent and enjoys manipulating the staff.
Clarity: The overall plot is slow to form, but this I believe is a tactic of the Author’s to add to the suspense.
Structure: well put together
Imagery: very good
Description: good
Flow: smooth
Scene: The Author uses imagery and description to set the scene.
Setting: State Mental Institution
Metaphors: Verygood
Similes: n/a
Senses: sight, sound, taste, touch
Dialogue: Excellent
Character Development:
Emotion: anger, frustration, nervous, remorse, pity, compassion
Overall Feeling: I liked it a lot, as I said the main plot is developing slowly, for added suspense, I get it!
Suggestions: None at this time except don’t make us wait too much longer for you to reveal the plot.
Keep on Writing!
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Review of The Freak Show  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, a.k.a. kevin82
Read: 8/14/05
Rated: 4.5
Title: The Freak Show
Author: Juniper baby due Aug24!
Folder: Short Stories
Item ID#: 839392
Genre: Thriller/Suspense :: Fantasy
Type: Short Story
Plot: This is the story of a young woman who with her boyfriend went to a carnival where she was kidnapped by the carnie and given as a gift to the Naga, half snake half man she is poisoned and must escape.
Point of View: 1st person
Protagonist: a woman
Antagonist: carnie, Naga
Editing Notes: found no errors
Spelling & Grammar: found no errors

-Use of-

Concept: Excellent: This is the story of a young woman who with her boyfriend went to a carnival where she was kidnapped by the carnie and given as a gift to the Naga, half snake half man she is poisoned and must escape.
Imagery: excellent
Description: very good for places, things, In human characters needs improvement for primary and secondary characters.
Flow: very smooth
Scene: The Author uses imagery and description to successfully set the scene
Setting: a Carnival
Metaphors: n/a
Similes: n/a
Senses: sight, sound, touch
Dialogue: very good
Character Development:
Emotion: fear, pain, terror
Overall Feeling: Fantastic, this is a great story in a “Tales from the Crypt” “Night Gallery” “The Outer Limits” format.
Suggestions: Send to The Sci Fi Channal, or the editor to the above shows, or Novelize this story it has great potential in any of these fields it may require you to turn it into a script.
Keep on Writing!
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Review of Short Stories  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This Author is extremaly talented any of the stories in this short story folder has great potential for expanding into a novel,novella, or submitting to a magazine. Excellent Job! Keep on Writing.
Review of Smoke and Ashes  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, a.k.a. kevin82
Read: 8/14/05
Rated: 4.5
Title: Smoke & Ashes
Author: Juniper baby due Aug24!
Folder: Short Stories
Item ID#: 839402
Genre: Supernatural, Thriller, Suspense
Type: Short Story
Plot: This is the story of a man who has to take medication to allow him to dream, but running out of medicine is causing him to go insane where he is being dragged down by ghouls.
Point of View: 3rd person
Protagonist: a man
Antagonist: ghouls
Editing Notes: found no errors
Spelling & Grammar: found no errors

-Use of-

Concept: very original
Imagery: excellent
Description: excellent for places, things minimal for people
Flow: very smooth
Scene: The Author uses a mixture of imagery and description to set the scene
Setting: The apartment, a dream
Metaphors: n/a
Similes: verygood: falling through solid brick as if it were butter.
Senses: sight, touch, sound, emotion
Dialogue: This story did not require dialogue because the protagonist was mainly alone.
Character Development: adequate for a short story
Emotion: fear, desperation, terror
Overall Feeling: Excellent, a sort of “Tales from the Crypt” story.
Suggestions: It is your style of writing where you concentrate more on places & things. It is entirely up to you, but I feel that your actual character is missing something i.e. name & or description may help.
Keep on Writing!
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Review of Grave Dirt  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, a.k.a. kevin82
Read: 8/14/05
Author: Juniper baby due Aug24!
Folder: Short stories
Item ID#: 839410
Genre: Horror/Scary :: Fantasy :: Occult
Type: Short Story
Plot: a girl brought back to life in her coffin in order for her to reveal where she has hidden a black box from her husband who murdered her.
Point of View: omniscient
Protagonist: Mary
Antagonist: Tony, Ralph
Editing Notes: found no errors
Spelling & Grammar: found no errors

-Use of-

Concept: This is the story of a girl named Mary, murdered then brought back to life by her husband with the aid of the black arts.
Imagery: verygood ” One of her hands burst through the churning dirt and thrust itself out into the open air of the cemetery.”
Structure: well put together
Description: places, and things limited detail of people
Flow: very smooth
Scene: the author successfully uses a combination of description and imagery to set the scene.
Setting: cemetery, basement
Metaphors: verygood “ Power buzzed around her like a swarm of hungry bees in late summer.”
Similes: n/a
Senses: sight, sound, touch, smell
Dialogue: excellent
Character Development: The author uses Mary’s returning memory to tell what happened to her as we find out more about Mary and the type of woman she was and what kind of man Tony is.
Emotion: shock, fear, confusion, revenge, rage, hatred, terror
Overall Feeling: I loved this story it is a fine mixture from the genres listed Horror, Scary, Fantasy, and Occult. Great job!
Suggestions: no real suggestions except this is great for a horror magazine or you could consider this story for something longer such as a Novella or a Novel.
Keep on Writing!
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Review of Dear Daniel  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: E | (4.5)

Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, a.k.a. kevin82

Read: 7/30/05
Rated: 4.5
Title: Dear Daniel
Author: April
Genre: Contest Entry
Type: Letter/Memo
Editing Notes: found no errors
Spelling & Grammar: found no errors

-Use of-

Concept: This is the story of a young girl writing a letter to a former male lover who has left her for another man.
Structure: Very smooth
Flow: Very smooth
Senses: feeling i.e. sight, sound…
Emotion: sadness, self doubt, love, loneliness, confusion, letting go, anger
Overall Feeling: Very well done, the emotion comes right off of the page, every failed relationship that has ever happened to any reader comes back and smacks you in the face. I hope this is fiction.
Suggestions: This could be a very emotional short story
Keep on Writing!
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Review by Kevin82
Rated: E | (4.0)
Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, a.k.a. kevin82
Read: 7/25/05
Rated: 4.0
Title: The Hunter's arrow
Author: Bennetto
Genre: Mystery :: Teen :: Drama
Type: Novel
Plot: Unsure
Point of View: Omniscient
Protagonist: Memphis Eurali
Antagonist: unsure
Editing Notes: Her stomach tuned backflips when she read the name underneath the smiling portrait picture,{;} it was none other than Celeus Hunter.
A little uncertainly, she held out a hand. She realized that it was the hand with the ring, so she quickly swapped {?} it over.
Spelling & Grammar: minimal errors

-Use of-

Concept: unclear
Imagery: good
Structure: good
Description: need more for your primary, the rest are adequate (people). The setting needs a description of the castle (places). A little more detail for (things).
Flow: smooth
Scene: ramp it up
Setting: ramp it up
Metaphors: Her stomach turned backflips (a nice touch!)
Similes: cold chilling darkness (excellent touch!)

Senses: sight, you have five more to work with (smell, touch, feel, hear, instinct {the sixth sense}.
Dialogue: very good
Character Development: needs to be developed throughout this story right now it’s adequate.
Emotion: anger, longing, (add more emotion).
Overall Feeling: {This is something I wrote fairly quickly} I thought that this was well written and would be definitely something I would read. However, the plot & concept are a little unclear at this time.
Suggestions: First of all take your time and develop your craft you have already proven that you know how to write.
1) Place post it’s on your monitor with a list of all six senses and try to incorporate as you see fit. This will draw your reader into your story i.e. if I wrote a story about horses, and it included a stall and I didn’t or failed to describe the smell it wouldn’t be very good of a story.
2) Keep a notebook (small) with you at all time so that you can quickly make notes about your story as it comes to you.
3) Go back over this and take a hard look at your start. Everything is in your head, transfer your story to your reader’s by using details. Only you will know if it is the right mixture as you re-read your story to your self or a loved one.
4) Email me if you have any questions about this review. Also, as a new bee I will re-read/re-rate any changes that you make!
5) Read everything and any thing in your Genre.
Keep on Writing!
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Review of Harry Potter poll  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: E | (4.5)
I liked this poll.
That's right, I like Hermione Granger.
She's alot like the characters I write and
As a witch she has the most knowledge.
Everyone likes Harry, but Hermione is the one
that holds the group together; plus, She has alot
of fight in her. I'll read your story later, right now I'm at work. See Ya! Welcome to writing.com
Review of Crystal Ball  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, a.k.a. kevin82
ID# 170592
Read: 7/24/05
Rated: 4.5
Title: Crystal Ball
Author: DarkStarr*
Description: He said, "Go, then. There are other worlds than these."
Genre: Thriller/Suspense :: Fantasy :: Fanfiction
Type: Fiction/ short story
Plot: Stanley must go through the story of the “Stand” while being tempted by Randy Flagg (The Devil).
Structure: very well put together
Point of View: Omniscient
Protagonist: Stanley Cortland
Antagonist: Randy Flagg
Editing Notes: but Stanley knew that he {he=remove} this was one time in his life he couldn't back down.
Spelling & Grammar: I found no errors

-Use of-

Awesome, this is the story of Stanley Cortland, a man sentenced to remain for his existence in a wheelchair. After contemplating suicide Stanley gazed into a crystal ball he had purchased from an old woman while the book the “Stand” sat harmlessly on his desk. After deeply gazing into the crystal ball he is transferred uninjured into the story of the book.
Imagery: Very good
Description: places, things Excellent
Flow: Very smooth
Scene: Very good
Setting: Very good
Metaphors: none
Similes: none
Senses: Visual, Audible, Touch, Smell, Feeling
Dialogue: Very good
Character Development:
The Author successfully takes Randy on an incredible journey, while going through many changes, Stanley remains true to himself.
Emotion: happy, hate, helplessness, uneasiness, fear
Overall Feeling:
I thought that this Author used all of the techniques of writing fiction very well; this was well studied & researched.
I absolutely loved it!!! The ending was Awesome.
Suggestions: I make suggestions only to aid the Author and the story.

I found only one flaw that I mention here in suggestions, only. Darkstarr, your description for scenes and settings is perfect, however; when it comes to your primary character I found no real description other than he was in a wheelchair.
People (secondary characters) there is minimal description i.e. I’ve seen the movie so, I know what the old women & Randy look like that may not be the case for all of your readers and your primary (Stanley) is a must.
This can be fixed with less than a paragraph preferably at the beginning. Since you are using an Omniscient POV you could accomplish this by his reflection in the crystal ball. It might also help to know how he was injured.
Keep on Writing!
Please Email me if you have any questions about this review.

Review by Kevin82
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Note: Tigerking welcome to writing.com the following is only meant to improve you as a writer and to improve this story.

Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, kevin82
Read: 7/19/05
Rated: 3.5
Title: Blood Feud: Rise and Fall
Author: TigerKing
Genre: Fiction/Horror/Fantasy
Type: Chapter
Plot: Its overall story is about a war between Eygptian Vamps and Transylvanian Vamps.
Structure: too soon
Point of View: 1st person
Protagonist: Kimon
Antagonist: too early
Editing Notes:

I came upon her in a clearing about 5 miles out,{;} a couple of rats her up a tree.
Good clean decaps, their heads hit the ground before their bodies do.
Mind you this things are each about six feet in length and like 250 pounds.

Spelling & Grammar: minor errors due to rushing and not proofreading.

-Use of-

Concept: Your concept is original and holds a lot of promise
Imagery: none
Description: none, this is the major problem. Kimon- this is your main character we have no idea what he looks like or what he is. Your character isn’t human he runs 20 miles an hour on a bad day!
He isn’t a Vampire, he operates in the day, sunlight does not bother him, and he eats real food instead of blood. Your setting is not Egypt and Kimon is not a Romanian name.
Fight Scenes: Could be better, but it was adequate
Flow: good
Scene: could be a lot better
Setting: set in the forest
Metaphors: none
Similes: none
Senses: visual, you have five more to work with
Dialogue: good
Character Development: none
Emotion: none
Overall Feeling: The story concept is original and fresh, but I believe that this was rushed in order to post something. It also was too short to post. Without getting your reader in a headlock at the start you will not be able to keep him there. Your fight scene was too short and there was no real imagery like blood splatter, sound etc. However, you seemed to be natural in the arena.
Suggestions: Slow down, work at your own pace, Develop your character: who, what, when, where, and why. If the description is about Egyptian and Transylvanian Vampires at War then introduce them both. Don’t start out with rats.

Note: If the Author makes the necessary adjustments to this story I will gladly reread and clear my previous rating. Also; because you are new I am available anytime. Email me with any questions you may have to develop this story.
Reading Suggestions: Anything & Everything in your Genre
A Writers Guide to Fiction by Elizabeth Lyon.
The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing by many Authors.
Write Away By Elizabeth George

Keep on Writing!

Review by Kevin82
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
The Critic, On Her Merry Way-
What an excellent idea.Very well written.
I'm sending both a check to the above address for two
Mistymates and here are some gift points to keep this
sponsored.Thank you! for looking out for our men and women overthere.
Review by Kevin82
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, kevin82
Read: 7/15/05
Rated: 4.5
Title: Perpetual Rage Ch. 1 Broken Silence
Author: L.E. Moore
Genre: Fiction: Drama: Thriller/Suspense: Psychology

Type: Chapter
Plot: A man in an institution plays upon the emotions of the doctors supervising him.
Structure: very good
Point of View: 1st person
Protagonist: Eddye Ward
Antagonist: The Doctors
Editing Notes:

Main Folder Description
The main characters
He has always played upon their believe that he was mentally handicapped and unable to speak.

Chapter Folder
Michael Valentine Smith and Tender Branson are characters from to religion based novels by Robert Heinlen {Robert A. Heinlein}

Body text
Dr. Carl is small and sickly looking with ears the size of radar dishes. If you close your eyes and imagine the perfects momma’s boy his face would appear.
Spelling & Grammar: minimal errors

-Use of-

Concept: This is the story of a patient in a mental institution that is more intelligent than his doctors previously thought, who is manipulative for a future purpose.
Imagery: very good
Description: people, places, and, things. Missing a description of the protagonist.
Flow: smoothly
Scene: the author uses imagery and description to set the scene
Setting: very good
Metaphors: none
Similes: none
Senses: touch, hearing, visual, feeling, smell
Dialogue: Very good
Character Development:
The Author uses a technique of stringing along the reader by giving information about the primary character in tidbits including a description throughout the body of the text.
hate, pain, fear, sorrow and confusion
Overall Feeling:
I found this piece to be very interesting and funny ie
The glass of water incident was hilarious. The potential of this story is boundless, this character is very intelligent like Hannibal Lector it is too early but, If he is a Serial Killer and escaped I think he would be hard to catch.
Suggestions: I liked this a lot, however, I read visually, in other words I can see the story as it takes shape, give us a description of your main character early on. Otherwise I have to do it, or the face is blank to me. Not my job as a reader. Everything else was very well done and put together. It is obvious that you conducted a very through research of the topic of High security mental institutions.

Review of The Black Door  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Reviewed by- Kevin D. Cottrell, kevin82
Read: 7/13/05
Rated: 4.0
Title: The Black Door
Author: Starfire
Genre: Other :: Supernatural :: Fantasy
Type: Chapter
Plot: Jessica learns more about who she is and her family.
Structure: good
Point of View: 3rd person
Protagonist: Jessica
Antagonist: Aunt May
Editing Notes: no errors
Spelling & Grammar: no errors

-Use of-

Concept: As a last request of her mother Jessica goes back to the manor to find out who she is.
Imagery: use of imagery with the aunt was very good, the manor Lights danced on the walls
Description: The aunt was excellent, however, a little confusion as to her height. Is she 2’ 7 ½ ? A small frail women, half the size of Jessica. Or is this her body type? Note: no description of the outside of Settlens Manor. Jessica’s description should be sooner like as she
Walked up the driveway to the manor this will also give you the opportunity to describe the Manor. However, description as a comparison to her Mother was a good way to describe her.
Flow: smoothly
Scene: use of imagery and description to set the scene
Setting: Settlens Manor
Metaphors: Within that face were the darkest of eyes, black as coal, a darkness there that did not come from their color. Very good!
Similes: none
Senses: visual, touch {the coldness}, hearing, feeling
Dialogue: very good
Character Development: progresses
Emotion: fear, apprehension
Overall Feeling: I thought this was written very well, I am anxious to read the next chapter.
Suggestions: Add description to the exterior of the Manor, and describe Jessica early on this is your primary character.
Review of The Review Mixer  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: E | (5.0)
Excellent concept,another great way to
make writing.com a very addictive and
satisfying site.
Here's a donation. From a writing addict.
Review of Biking  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: E | (4.0)
I get it, however, I don't get it.
Poetry, not really my thing.
Flowed real well.
you could feel the pain in the legs and lungs.
you could see the excitement after reaching the top.
you could feel the fear after heading down.
p.s. let me know when you post Ch. 1 of your book.
Good Job! Good Luck!
Review of Please Review  
Review by Kevin82
Rated: E | (5.0)
great job!
So, this is where you go if your work isnt being reveiwed. I love it!
* If you do not want gift points donate them *
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