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Review by Kris
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Rayne,

I decided to read this one simply because you're right, a scent, a song, or something similar can always take you back to a certain memory.

I thought this was beautiful and heartfelt. It's difficult to remember when you've lost someone so special.

I did however make note of a few things below. I've also made some comments or suggestions. Remember they are completely up to you to use or not.

I shuffle my way through a Sears department store, thinking silently to myself that although it's coming up to a year, it still feels fresh. This still feels: (remove the colon) different walking by myself, without her hand proudly in mine.

If she were here, would she tug at my sleeve like she would (change would to "used") to gentle show her impatience? would (Would) she roll her eyes when I stop to look at the New Years dresses? If she where here, would she tell me what love awaits me when we get back to our home? would (Would) she sing along with the christmas music being played throughout the store?

I make a detour around the Bed n' Bath section and continue slowly past the Fine Fragrances. I spot a familliar bottle on the counter and as my focus narrows to the perfume, I walk slowly over. I'm in my own little world and I know all too well what's about to happen.
(I would put a space here between lines)
Dare I?
(I would put a space here between lines)
I pick up the bottle innocently in my fragile hands. I had stopped paying attention to the music and the atmosphere around me when I first laid eyes on the bottle. I glide my fingers along the contour of the glass and imagine the same shape cradled in her hands.
(I would put a space here between lines)
I can't help it...
(I would put a space here between lines)
I slowly close my eyes as i (I) bring the bottle to my nose. No sooner than I being (begin to) inhale I feel myself being shot back. Back not to a place, but to a feeling, a sence (sense) of completion that my partner bestowed on my very soul. Everyone knows scent is the strongest sense tied to memory. My eyes start to well up at the memory of when her skin smelled faintly of this luxury.
(I would put a space here between lines)
I don't know why I do this to myself.

"Hi there," I hear a gentle voice that pursuades me back to reality. A meek middle-aged sales woman greets me with a questioning look.
(I would put a space here between lines)
"oh..hi..i um..." (Oh...Hi...I um...) I smile, wipe a tear and blush in fear my personal agony has become obvious.
(I would put a space here between lines)
"you (You) like that one?" she says sofly in a singsong voice, I wanted to melt right there and then into a puddle on the floor, but somehow found the strength to stay standing.
(I would put a space here between lines)
"oh...no, i mean yes, i do...it's just..." (Oh...no, I mean yes, I do...it's just...) I look down at the bottle, and grin. I decide not to bother thinking about what's appropriate to say, long-term lesbian relationships aren't as (remove as) uncommon around here. I try to mask my sniffles as I meet her eyes again.
(I would put a space here between lines)
"my (My) wife used to wear this, she's..." my voice weakened, I hated saying it, almost like if I didn't hear it out loud it wasn't really true. "...she's been gone almost a year now, but i (I) can't walk by without...y'know..." I force a smile as I show her which bottle i'd (I'd) been holding. Her expression softens as her joyful christmas confidance had eased into a sympathetic melonchony and for that moment, the stranger joined me while I moured. I thanked her for sales-person-hospitality and placed the fragrance back on the counter.

Slowly the room, the music, the shelves and the items for sale re-appear although in fact they never actually moved. I make my way to the doors and leave the building as alone as i'd (I'd) entered, hoping to myself I can get through the upcoming christmas, and the rest of my life for that matter, without her.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of inspired  
Review by Kris
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I found this to be interesting and tender. I enjoyed reading it and thought you could do more with this if you chose. You could continue it or not.

I could picture the entire scene and felt relaxed as I read. I couldn't find anything wrong to make note of.

Great Job and I hope to see more of your work in the future!

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of Night's Solace  
Review by Kris
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I can honestly say, that when I started to read this, I was enthralled. At first I thought I was going to be bored to death. I mean how can someone ramble on like this for so long. However, I wasn't bored. I found it very interesting and captivating.

I didn't find a thing wrong and thought you did a wonderful Job. I hope to read more of your work in the future.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of Magic Mirror  
Review by Kris
Rated: E | (5.0)
I thought you did a wonderful job on this. I found it to be cute and endearing to a little child. I loved the image you used. I thought it suited perfectly.

I couldn't find a thing wrong. I truly enjoyed reading this piece.

Wonderful job and I hope to read more of your work in the future.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of This is me  
Review by Kris
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello and Welcome to WDC!

I thought this was well written and interesting. I think you did a great job!

I did find one thing that I have made note of below.

Watch my sigh. (me)

Now I don't know if you intended it to be my or not, but for me it would read better with me instead of my.

However remember this is my opinion and you are free to take it or not.

I hope to see you around and I hope you enjoy your time here at WDC.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of One Last Poem  
Review by Kris
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Although I can't be more technical when it comes to reviewing poetry, I can tell you this is filled with heart and love. I enjoyed reading it and felt the pain of loss.

I think this is absolutely perfect and straight from the heart. To me it doesn't matter about form or technicality.

Great job. Truly a beautiful piece.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review by Kris
Rated: 13+ | (2.0)
Hello and Welcome to WDC,

I have started to read your piece and found it riddled with errors. Okay, so now that's out of the way.

I see a lot of room for improvement and I am going to go over this with a fine tooth comb. I am going to send you an attachment with my notations on where and why things should be changed.

First most of the items needing to be changed will make it a better read instead of taking away from it as it's doing now.

I don't want to discourage your writing and I pray this does not. Any writer whether good or bad should always be encouraged to do better and learn from their mistakes.

I for one have learned a lot from the community here and even figured out a few things I simply wasn't seeing in my own writing. I hope to pass that along to others and help them become better writers.

I hope you keep up the good writing and feel free to give me a holler if you need help with anything.

I will be sending the critiqued review today or tomorrow.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of Hope  
Review by Kris
Rated: E | (5.0)
I have given you a 5 because in my opinion I think it's perfect. I don't write poetry so reviewing it on a more technical aspect, I can not. However, I enjoyed reading this and could relate completely. I know the feelings you've described as I've lived them once upon a time.

I read your comments in the Review Request page and I hope you aren't trying to always change this to suit other people. Because in my findings you'll never make everyone happy. You will always find someone out there that doesn't believe it to be perfect.

If you feel it's perfect then that's all that matters.

I couldn't find anything wrong with spelling or grammar and I thought it was just perfect.

I hope to read more of your work in the future!

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of You Promised Love  
Review by Kris
Rated: E | (5.0)
I absolutely love it. I am a huge C & W fan and think this is great. So many of those songs I relate to and this one is no different. I can relate to the words you have written and find myself happy, I am not longer living that kind of life and found a true happiness and an honest love.

I think you did a wonderful job and hope to read more of your work in the future.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review by Kris
Rated: E | (4.5)
This I thought to be an awesome piece. I think people forget if they have no one in the service, yet I know I won't forget those who have given so we can be free.

I thank you for such a wonderful piece and hope to read more of your work in the future.

I have found that in paragraph 1 and 5, the last line "because were free"
should be "because we're free".

This is my suggestion only and you're free to use it or not.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of November  
Review by Kris
Rated: E | (5.0)
I found this to be short and sweet. Although I dread what Autumn brings it is a very beautiful time of year with the changing of colors.

I dread the cold and the snow that comes and we will soon get. Although I love Christmas, I just wish it weren't so cold.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review by Kris
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Hun,

I've read your poem and found it cute. I know how much you dislike the cold as much as I do.

I have made note of one line I thought was left unfinished.

No more twinkle little stars,
No more wondering who you are.
A man or woman, the childs gone from the,
The frailness I feel, is the adult in me.

The line in red left me looking for something to finish it. From the...what?

Love you,

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of Christmas Star  
Review by Kris
Rated: E | (4.5)
Review 3 of 6...

This is adorable! I think you did a great job on this and hope you keep writing little things for children.

I made note of some things below. I know it seems like a lot, but you do the same thing I do. Too many "that" within a story. I've made not of which ones could come out. It's up to you to use it or not.

Double spacing in between the lines, I don't like. It spaces out the paragraphs and everything seems to run together kind of like when the paragraph spacing is forgotten.

Now Jake was a very resourceful young man and he decided that he would just have to write Santa Claus a letter after they had found a new house to give Santa his new address, however, Jake didn’t know Santa’s address.

Now Jake’s Dad had never heard this little tale before but knowing that Jake’s Mom was pretty good at explaining things decided that it would all work out.

The next day Jake decided that he should ask his Mom how to find Santa’s address.

“Well I’m a little concerned that Santa Claus won’t be able to find us after we move so do you think that you could help me find his address on the internet?”

“If you think that is the way to go about it then I would be more than happy to help you, but, if you ask me I happen to know for a fact that Santa will be able to find you regardless if you send him a letter or not.”

“Well it just so happens that I had to move one year right before Christmas when I was about your age and Santa found me. You see the star on our tree has our name on it.”
(line space)
“What does our Christmas star have to do with anything?”

“Mom you say that Santa can find us because of the star but that doesn’t really explain anything.” He replied matter of factly.

“Okay let me get us some more cookies and I will explain it all so that there will be no doubt in your mind that Santa will find us after we move.

Everybody has a Christmas star or a Christmas angle (angel) that they put on the top of their trees.

It is a special kind of Christmas magic that (which) is Santa’s alone.

It is because of this message that Santa is able to find our family.”

“I know honey but you will just have to trust in Santa Claus this year and I believe that you won’t be disappointed.”

“I’m glad that this little talk we had helped eases your mind now you need to go finish packing your things in the boxes because we leave next week.”

“I remember what you said and I know that it is something that has been going on in our family for a long time, but I think that I should have written Santa a letter telling him that we moved.”

“I wish you would have said something before this because I am afraid that it is too late to write him and let him know.

“I’ll try Mom. I know that Santa found you and Grandma so I will believe that he will find me too.”

In fact he could see a light coming out of his best friend Tom’s house and knew in his heart that Santa would never forget a child on this magical night.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review by Kris
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow Sherri,

I've chosen this one to be 3 of 3 reviews.

You definately have a talent for writing love/romance poetry and I loved this one as well. You brought an image to mind of a wish I have. You did another wonderful job in making me smile and know in my heart your words are true.

Fantastic & Beautiful Job!

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of LOVER'S DANCE  
Review by Kris
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi Sherri,

I've chosen this one to be 2 of 3 of the reviews you won.

Wow! This one again was awesome. Again, I wish David were here instead just in thought. You brought to mind and heart a smile to begin my day. I love your writing and think it's truly beautiful.

I'm a sucker for love poems or romance items. Another awesome Job!

Keep up the great writing!

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Review by Kris
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Sherri,

I've chosen this one to be 1 of 3 of My Reviews.

I had a hard time choosing which one to review. I absolutely love this one. I'm not great on reviewing poetry, but I let the writer know what I thought and felt.

You brought images of David (my love) to mind. You made me smile and wish he were here instead of at work. You did a wonderful job and I can't wait to read more. I thought everything flowed nicely and I didn't find any mistakes.


Keep up the great writing!

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Review of The Bad Wind  
Review by Kris
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
WOW! I have to say I found this to be very touching and well written. I couldn't find a thing wrong with it to make note of. You did a wonderful job! Although I wished Jackson had survived, I hope your well written words help someone. There is always someone there willing to be there for them in their great time of need.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of Poetry  
Review by Kris
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very well organized. I love the color and think you could use an image placed here in the folder. Hmmm...not sure what...but I think it would give it some color.

I see you have lots of poetry and hope to see more in the furture. Great job and I hope you keep up the great writing.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of What We Know...  
Review by Kris
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Although I don't write poetry and can't review this piece on a more technical aspect. I can tell you this was ineresting and describes how I'm sure plenty of women have felt when a man has left. This piece was short and to the point.

I thought you did a great job and I hope you keep up the great writing!

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Review of Home  
Review by Kris
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Although I don't write poetry, I can't review on the technical aspect of things, but I can tell you what I thought when reading your piece.

I found this piece cute and I couldn't find anything wrong with it. I would think about not capitalize each line as it's a continuation from the line before. Simply a suggestion from seeing other poetry, it seems to be commonly done.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review by Kris
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Looking and Leaping (leaping), for those in fright.

Noting while eating, what could we do instead. (Since the end part of this line is a question...do you think you should put a ? at the end of it?)

Written by; (:) David E. Chartrand

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of "A Part Of Me"  
Review by Kris
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a beautiful piece. I thought you did a great job on this and note the errors I found below. I know where you got your inspiration from and I wish it weren't so.

If you look deep within yourself, It (it) comes from your kin.

I have shown you Love (love), and for all that you can be,

I'll just remember what I gave you, and I wont (won't) be alone.

a part of me, and thats (that's) who you are.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review by Kris
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This was very touching and hearfelt. I thought this was very nice of you to write this. It shows how much you care. I thought it was fine accept for one thing which I've noted below.

For: a small brief moment. Remove the colon after "For" unless it was intentional to have it there.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review of I WALK ALONE  
Review by Kris
Rated: E | (5.0)
Although this describes a loss I pray to never experience, I feel the "alone" you speak of. I just wish I didn't. Not due to death, but due to selfishness and jealousy of someone else, I could loose the man I love.

I couldn't find a thing wrong with this. I thought it was perfect. I can soooo relate to the feelings you described.

Keep up the great writing!

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Review by Kris
Rated: E | (4.0)
I thought this was well written, and a very powerful piece. It made me feel like I would be worried about you having my child, that you were kidnapping her. I pray this is not what you truly intend to do as it's not wise. If not, I'm relieved.

Keep up the great writing!

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