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Review of One Love  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)

There is nothing more precious and lovable than
a baby, they are the most ardent of little people
and their silly laughter and jesters make them more
endearing then we can ever say.

My grandma used to have a little saying that goes back along way: 'As a baby they are on your heart, as an adult they are always on your mind.' I've found that to be so
true and with good reason. Thank you for sharing and
welcome to Writing.Com.
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Review of THANK YOU  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Kingsforth,

You have written such beautiful words that say how much it means to have a loving friend. And in return that friend has found in you a loving and giving friend also. For one cannot be a friend with out the other! Like an 'eye for an eye,' so is a friend for a friend. Thank you for writing such a wonderful piece and welcome to Writing.Com.
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Review of Bits and Pieces  
Review by MDuci
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Axilea, dear sister,

There are times in our lives when life deals massive
blows of frustration, and shattered spirits, only to
come back and clear away all the torn and tattered pieces of our lives and make us whole once again. From these experiences we often can find new meaning to this puzzle we call our life.

This beautiful piece can hold all the answers if we but
listen to that still small voice within that knows all things and makes us push for everything that is better for our growth.

Thank you so much for sharing this piece with us it was
very timely, and very well written.

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Review of Pieces  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello K Love,

I really like your little poem and can truly understand what you're trying to convey to the
reader. Sometimes we just have to let go, and
let God, show us the way. It is always in His time
not our's when success finally comes. Thank you so
much for sharing this little cutie and welcome to Writing.Com.
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Review of Heartstrings  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Mary,

This little piece certainly pulled on my heartstrings!
I enjoyed the poetical lyrics very much and thought
them very catchy. They told a wonderful little story and of course it was just a dream. These are a few of
my favorite lines:
'I thought I had one chance
Just to make you mine
But I guess that fantasy was over
It's too complicated to define.'

Very nicely done, I love the meter and hope you have a lot more like this one up your sleeve. Good read and welcome to Writng.Com.
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Review of Growing Cold  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello steph,

You really know how to get to a person's heart. This
peice say's it all, bring the reader sadly watching
this little girl grow up, and happy that she now has
a beautiful family of her own.

Nearly one whole life expressed in one short poem. This is my favorite verse and one that I think is written for and about all 12 year olds, now matter
the gender. 'Thirty-six now with two boys.
Diapers, bottles, baby toys, and a 12-year-old who's a little shy. I hope he never wants to die.'

With a mom like you he'll wish to live forever!*Smile* Thank you for sharing your life and your
bio is so cute. Welcome to Writing.Com, glad you're

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Review of The Gift  
Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello T.Ruether,

Your poetry could be such a blessing for young
women the world over! To know that because they
have been abused by unwanted hands, they still
have so much love and caring to give to that very
special someone. These are the lines that brought
tears to my eyes and touched my heart.

'He used my body and abused my soul
but my lips he did not touch.
A kiss was all I could save for you,
the one I love so much.'

How beautiful is that? Thank you for sharing this
lovely written and very timely piece. Please let me
extend a warm welcome to Writing.Com.

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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Isan,

The gentleness in which you write quiets my inner
spirit and makes me dreamy. I've enjoyed your writings
in the past and this is another beauty.

Here you've painted the most perfect setting for the
visual eye and each stroke of your brush is clearly
stated. Thank you for sharing and I'll be stopping
by again very soon to read more of your work.

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Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Kimberley,

What a beautiful prayer! I do believe that you meant

it with all your heart and soul. Never fear he was

never away from you, even though you felt you were

away from him. He knew your heart and he waited until

you wanted to return. These words were touching:

'I need you so please don't pass me by,walk with me and hold my hand.' He never let go.

Thank you for sharing your essay and welcome to



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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Just Rambling through Meg, see you're growing like

a leaf and your port is filling up with all sorts

of nice reads. I love what I see and I love what

I read and I'll be back again for the longest haul,

you'll see.

Thank you for sharing and it looks wonderful in here.

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Review of I am...  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Mark,

Beautiful words from a gifted hand, these words

are women in every since of the word. As a woman

I know to get the best out of me, is just what you

have written down for all men to read. I like your

piece very much and truly believe if every woman had

this kind of love and respect she could be the

greatest wife, mother, sister, daughter the world

would ever need. Thank you so much for sharing this

piece and welcome to Writing.Com.

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Review of Our Last Journey  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Tammy,

Thank you for this little journey with you and
your loving family, when saying good-bye to the
most important person in your life. Thank you for
memories of my own sweet mothers life. Like you
I too believe that you will meet again someday,
and will always keep the memories alive. Thank
you for sharing this chapter in your life.

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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello bekqua,

I think that you'll do just fine in honing your

writing skills. There are many places this piece

could take me. I love your style of writing and

the seemingly easy way you have with words that

make you think and ponder over their meanings.

Thank you very much for this one and I look forward

to reading much more of your work in the future.

Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.


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Review of Victory Rose  
Review by MDuci
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello GregRyan,

I know you are right about that blooming rose
and the battles it has seen, oh, if only it could talk! The battle stories it could tell.

The scars of war are always a very sad subject for
me due to the loss of friends and love ones in the past three wars. Your words do leave a shrilling ring whilst reading and I pray that we could see no more
wars in our future.
Thank you for sharing these words with us and keep
writing the truth.
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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Coal,

Again, I'm in awe of your gift of story telling!

This one is a clear and vivid image of hollow

footsteps and seagulls going about the new day.

The rising sun, and weakend tides leaving salty


Your colors bring a smile to my lips as this lovely

painting makes my day. Thank you for this beauty

and welcome to Writing.Com.


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Review of Yucca Sky Ballet  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Coal,

What a magnificent ballet that was, a very wonderful

treat, with all the rows and every seat filled through

out each row. Your painting was a masterpiece and

wonderful to behold, such a dance I've never seen

in the region of my home. Thank you so much for this

beauty and I'll be returning for the ending very soon.


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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Chanons,

What a lovely tribute to a beautiful spirit, who
lived to be 100 years of age, your Mom. I can only
hope that I can have the pleasure of such a tribute
from my children and grand-children when I turn the
page and see my hundredth birthday. What a beautiful
treasure this must be and congratulations on being
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Review by MDuci
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Hello Midnightjester,

First let me say welcome to Writing.Com, and second

we have no problem with your writing but I would suggest that due to the contents of your song
lyrics it would be better to change the (Intro rate)
where you have an E rate to ASR or XGC, as we do have young children on this site, and their parents or others may take offence to the flavour of the words....
Thank you for your understanding.
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Review of The Miracle Baby  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Freedom193,

What a lovely tribute to your darling baby.
The words so beautiful they should be engraved
on a plate for hanging. Very special birth, and
very lucky baby with two loving parents to nurture
the little one into their adult days. Thank you
for sharing, and welcome to Writing.Com.
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Review of My First Love  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Free Spirit,

I love the compassion in which you write and express

your feelings for the one you love. I love this piece

it rolls right off the tongue and makes me feel that

special way you write. I enjoyed every line but these

are my favorite:

'The beauty in your kiss and that magic
in your touch
It is for all these reasons why I love you so much.'

Thank you so very much for sharing and welcome to


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Review of BUGS  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Boom,

What a happy laugh came rolling from my
grandson as I read your poem out loud to
him, he had me read it to him over and over
again. We both could see your image as one
flew right into your eye..I can't wait to
read everything in your port. This was so
wonderfully funny and refreshing. Thank you
for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com. I
guess that I'm not the only one who saw it
as a perfect five, and that it is! Everything
seems just A+.
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Review of Ode to a Novel  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Traca_gal,

I can tell that you love to read! I can also see
that you love to write. I love this piece, and I
found myself smiling and feeling the excitement
one feels when lost in those other places of time,
and space, whether it is truth or fiction I enjoy

Wonderful read, and I can see I'll be
coming back to visit your port again very soon.
Good luck with your writing and welcome to Writing.Com.

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Review of The Miracle  
Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Riveting through out every nerve and cell in my body,
this poem brings about all the fear and loneliness
experienced by young Shawn for the past 4 1/2 years
that he'd been held captive. To be just an hour away
from those who loved and searched helplessly knowing
that somewhere their son waited for them to come for
him, but never dreaming he was so close.

What a wonderful piece you've written, and the form of
this type of poem was unreal, an alphabet poem that has no Rhyme or Meter. Great piece, great job of writing. Good luck in the contest, keep writing.
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Review of Eyes of Fire  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Colette,

Welcome to Writing.Com, hope you'll enjoy finding
your way around our wonderful community and just
let us know if you need help.

This is a lovely piece and though short it speaks
a thousand words. Good luck in your writing and
never stop.

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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello LuckyBoy,

This is a little cutie and I hope you've framed
it for each child’s room. The colors I liked very
much and it seemed to go very well for either boy or
girl. I like the way you express your feelings for your children and the loving, kind way you do it.
Thank you for sharing and I will return again very
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