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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really like your quiz on capitals of the world.

In my business you have to stay on top of your game.

Thanks for this one, it was very informative and my score was 10 for 10.

I'll be back for more, keep up the great work and I'm so happy you stopped by to visit.

Marlena Duci
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Review of ladies night  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Butterfly,

What a delightful piece on women's night out.
I feel as if I was a part of that group of
exceptional women. I love us, I love being a
woman and show it in everything I do. I love
being out with my friends, and there is never
a dull moment where ever we go. Thank you for
sharing and I look forward to visiting your site again soon.

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Review of I Have Walked  
Review by MDuci
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Grace Jackson,

What a beautiful piece, and thank you so much for sharing the information about how it came to be.

I think your writing has such a flair and a lovely grace about it. This piece swirls and sways across the mind taking one on many different rides, all good and all exciting. It speakes wonders, and these two lines somehow I favor the most:

'I want to walk through the world of my imagination, both when I sleep and when I wake and know that I am doing no wrong by being here, creating my worlds and stories.'

I'm so happy that you paid a visit to my site now I have the opportunity to read your work. It was a pleasure visiting and I'll be back.
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Review of Obsessed  
Review by MDuci
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Egg,

What a little cutie, I know many such people who are on the patch and still need to have that certain fix.

Great little read and I could feel his need and pain and I couldn't stop the laughter.

Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.

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Review of Dear Love  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Rebeli,

Thank you for this wonderful little tale of the hunter and the hunt. You painted a very nice picture
for me to look at. I felt I was sitting in the theatre some many, many years ago and the actor had me fasten to my seat spellbound. I like your style and please continue to write.

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Review of My world  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Keiga88,

I can see that you like to write, and you seem to be able to say what feels comfortable to you. But I would suggest that you stretch and pull all the little ends together and really say what is on your mind. No one should end their life because of one bad seed, there are so many beautiful seeds out there just ripe for the plucking. Keep writing and welcome to Writing.Com.
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Review by MDuci
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Sadzy,

What a wonderful inspiring story of a young man who
found that he wasn't different but very normal indeed.

This story is very touching and makes one think about being in the young man's shoes and finding the beauty in just hearing and touching. I love your special way of relating the two characters together, outstanding.
A must read for everyone.

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story and welcome to Writing.Com.

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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Sherri,

This is just too cute! I love the color and it fits
right in with the season.

'Beware one and all of Halloween night.
Must you be reminded it’s a spook’s delight?

I can't wait to see all those little spookie faces looking up at me, on that scarry night. I look so forward to Halloween. For the past two years we have placed to big people (dolls my sister made just for the night)a man and a women on the front porch with a large bowl of goodies between them and the children can help themselves, they always leave enough for the next group of little characters.
Thanks for sharing this one with us.
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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello The Poet,

Came accross you port and it looked very interesting! so I thought I'd sit a while and catch upon some reading. This little title quickly tweeked my readers 'love at first sight title bone' so I thought lets go with this one. Not at all what I expected, but thats okay it still gave me a little laugh and some really good smiles. I really did like that ending very much it shows that there is still some life after death*Smile*. Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
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Review of Choctaw Heritage  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Igorbly,

Very nicely written and your facts about the history of Mississippi, and the civil war is very informative. There are still so many things that we don't find in books! They must be handed down from generation to generation and told in the way you've done. Because somethings won't be found in history books.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of history with us. I see that you are just joining us and please let me extent a very warm welcome to you from Writing.Com.

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Review of Poets Verse  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Thaddeus Buxton Winthrop,

What a wonderful piece you've composed here, there
may not be any notes written but I could really hear
a song floating on the wind singing your words as I passed your port.

'I cannot write any notes, to music any way.
But I can write poems, if you listen to what I say.'

I'm listening, and I'm sure all those little 5th graders listening too. Thank you so much for sharing
and for brighting my day.

Keep writing and welcome to Writing.Com.


Review of Gone  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello HMDay,

What a lovely tribute to someone you cared a great
deal about.

I hope this person knew how much you cared and what
she meant to you before she left this world for what
we hope and pray is more loving and beautiful without pain.

Thank you for sharing and welcome to Wrting.Com.


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Review of Summer Seashore  
Review by MDuci
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I'd say you are certainly one of a kind! This was splendid and I much appreciated the work and detail
that went into your piece.

Great wording and I wish I could have done one so
well as this.

Please keep up the great work and welcome to Writing.Com.

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Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Kiya,

You never cease to amaze me! Have I told you that before?

Everytime I think I've read your best you come right
back with another even better.

what a wonderful job of putting that many genres in
your story. Your characters were too believable and
fit like a glove. These were my favorite lines;

'I blushed and shook my head, wishing someone else was in the classroom with us. Mr. Peppers had gone to use the restroom, and I was stuck here alone with a girl who was probably into the Occult.'

Great story from a great writer, write on.

Thank you for sharing and I could not find any errors at all of any sort.

It's a winner in my opinion.
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Kristen,

This is truly a word to the wise, you never can be deterred not even for one moment when handling that
kind of cutlery.

Your picture was so very clear I cringed and felt that thud all the way to my big toes.

I really like your play with words and iambic pentameter was very much on line.

Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
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Review of King Henry V  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Rainy,

Looks like a fun project you're about to tackle. Would this be for English Lit. class?

One thing I can tell you about King Henry V he was
not about to release these men. He was not that nice
even to a good friend...what do you think he'd do to a disloyal friend?

Good luck in your research and welcome to Writing.Com.
You've joined just in time for our 6th Birthday celebration.
Have a great weekend and get busy on that essay.
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello DragonBlue,

Now and then one comes upon such beauty, and here at Writing.Com it is nearly daily. I love fantasy and
fairy tales and this lovely is done in just the right
colors for my spirit.

I love the title and this is my favorite verse;

'Gliding through winds above mountains of green,
They came across an island in the Western Sea.
Sharp rocks on all sides; it was contained,
Invoking elemental guardians of ancient names.'

You have a wonderful way of playing with words and
your visual is always present.

Only one tiny suggestion, and it is just a suggestion!
See how it would look if it were not centered.

Thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to reading more of your work very soon.
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of Confined to a 3x5  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Konstantine,

Again I have found something on your site so delightful. This one is also a perfect five
from me.
I love how you used the gift of the eyes over
being confined to the use of a 3x5. I love these
lines I will think of this cutie every time I see
someone peering into the eye of a 3x5.

'I’d rather fall asleep and rest my gift
Than clean a lens and charge batteries.
To look left to right and up to down
Without the movement of a hand,
Would only seem natural to me.'

I enjoy your writing so very much and happy that you
wanted to share it here on Writing.Com.
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review by MDuci
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello StoryMaster,

I like this Good Deeds... Go Noticed v9.0 contest very much, I think it will provide many authors a chance to be reviewed and also help provide gps for some very good causes and maybe help some with earning an upgrade.

Thank you for always being inventive and also informative. This is a great place to live. And
HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY!*Flower4**ballon6*
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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello DP,

Great informative piece, and the ten hints are great for those who write press releases for themselves or others. I know for sure I can use them in my own press releases for my business.

I like the idea about including a photo of the person,
event or group you're writing about.

I have printed off a copy for my reference desk and will also like to mention this article in my "I REMEMBER WHEN" Newsletter, for October.

Thank you for sharing and looking forward to reading more of your work.
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds... Go Noticed v9.0".
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Harry,

This is a story that I will surely read aloud to my grandchildren and perhaps they one day will read it to their own.

At the beginning I tried reading it silently but soon found that it reads much easier and smoother when read aloud. I loved each and every line of your story and found no errors at all.

These lines stand out to be so well remembered;

'All the poodle had perceived in the parcels were pitch pipes, and what kind of paradise could a pitch

pipe bring? ♫'

I very much like the painting you've painted and the colors are all so very, very grand. Of course the highlight of this story is the polka-dotted poodle, not to mention all the wonderful bright array of magnificent colors and the story was not only flowing but also glowing with a houseful of beautiful birds, horses and all the wedding guests. And of course the bride and groom. I love the mix with the padre it was special.
Thank you so much for sharing this great read.
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of Raindrops  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Jessica,

What a wonderful piece and so very timely also.
Your lovely choice of words truly made this poem
one to remember for ever. Raindrops as relating
to the tears of an angel was so touching and the
visual picture could really be seen. I too wish for
all the world that the war and rage would end. These
lines tell it so beautifully;

'So let's stop all the violence,
the rage and the war.
About that sunshine?
We want to see more.'

Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
Review of Notes and Clefts  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Konstantine,

This was wonderful, the visual picture of someone taking a very deep breath, closing their eyes and
letting the music unload like a flowing stream was
so real to me. I love the all string instruments
and the violin and cello are two of my very favorites.
I write by the music of the instruments I also sleep with the sweet notes claiming me in dreams. Thank you
so much for sharing this lovely piece and welcome to Writing.Com.
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Review of In August Sun  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Dwendl,

The title drew me in of course, but the poem it self
laid open my soul.

These lines I found impressed themselves upon my minds eye and I found myself clicking on my favorites as this is where it shall stay so I can view it whenever I wish.

'A child has dreamed of flying, leaving ground
below to soar to heights achieved by wings,
discarding boring letters earthly bound,
replacing them with flight, his spirit sings.

And in my mind I join this child who’s gone
beyond assignment, recognizing play
and zestful dreams electric garbs to don,
I yearn for Paris, London, far Bombay.'

Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
Please keep up the great writing.
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Review of The Rock  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Amadeus Taire Vol,

I like your poem and wish that I could cipher more of its meaning. I think that the use of some of the verbs was a little over done for me but still I could see that it has much potential. The word unrequittion completely through me off track and I'd love you to send me the correct wording.

Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.
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Unrequittion-unable to find this word in the dictionary.
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