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Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love the way you use language here. I like the comparison of a love affair with the changes of dawn and dark.

This is really nice!

** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review of Just a Moment  
Review by Nikola
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Nice work! Even though you don't name your characters,
I still felt an affinity with them. You provided enough background for them to do that.

The only comment:
He said they shouldn't see other...
"see *each other"

I liked this piece--well done!

** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review of Real  
Review by Nikola
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This is well thought-out and well written.

These are just some of the questions I have dealt with during my lifetime. We all must find our own path to our conclusions.

I thoroughly enjoyed this!

** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Interesting tale you have here! Really good interaction between the characters. I found Eroll to be a character himself! *Wink*

First, you need to go into edit and list this as a Script/Play rather than a Short Story. That confused me at first, but the more I read, the more I realized this was written in play form.

Use a space between paragraphs and between quotations. This will make it so much easier to read.
Also, use a line break or an extra space between scene and action changes. This will allow anyone reading your play to better follow the action.

Make sure that when you are quoting you characters, that you begin the sentences with capital letters. There are several places where you didn't.

He has a certain *whit

The *Third is *tom
The third is Tom

but he lacks *the Jules's intelligence
You can drop "the."

a servant to *the Lucifer
Drop "the."

too much to *bare

coming *form the flames
from (I do this ALL the time!)

The man cried out what are you doing and Balboa said, what will you give me if I save you.
Do it this way:
The man cried out 'What are you doing?' and Balboa said, 'What will you give me if I save you?'

mesin' should be messin'

*H runs

The flames begin *form shapes

drags him away *form the flame

This is basically what I see. Work with this and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to e-mail me.

** Image ID #841944 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I really love the dialect you use in this! Along with the description, it brings this piece to life.

My only complaint is that I wanted more. I think you could add more details and more character interaction, etc., and this would be a wonderful story. Run with it, play with it, build on it. I think you'll be surprised at how much more you can do with this!

Nice work.
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

This is some teaser! This sounds like a book I would buy and read.

I could relate to parts of this. I live in Oklahoma right now, about an hour south of the City.
And the agoraphobia thing jumped out at me. I've had 3 rather nasty bouts with that. No fun at all!

There are a few misspellings in this. You might want to check for those.
Other than that, I felt this is well written. It grabbed me and made me want more. You have a great writing style that makes your reader feel that you are talking directly to them.
Best of luck with this! I'm rooting for you!

** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
Review of To my child  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (4.5)

My heart goes out to you.

This is a beautiful tribute. Your emotion shines through and brought me to tears.

Welcome to Writing.Com! I hope you find it a wonderful place to be!
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
Review of What Comes After  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)

I like the lack of capitalization in this piece. It seems to magnify the innocence of the questions. Questions, it seems that begin in childhood and sometimes never cease in adulthood.

Excellant work!
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review of Burden of a Heart  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)

Very powerful! You use great word choices in this piece.

** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review of My friend in you  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (4.0)

This reminds me of a close friendship I once had.
The emotion of this piece comes through strong in few words. Well done there!

Try to work the long sentences into shorter lines. It will look and feel more like poetry.

I really like this one!

** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is nice! It is very raw and honest.

There are a few places that need commas. But I like the way this one reads.

** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review of How do I let go?  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (4.0)

This poem asks the question that we all must face at one time or another in our lives. That is something your readers can identify with easily.

I like the conversational feel of this. Read it aloud and see if you think you can change anything to make it read more flowing. (This is a great trick in writing! *Wink*)

Keep writing!
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review of Wolf Love  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (3.0)

I think this would make rather a good story. I like the point of view of the wolf.

There are a lot of misspelled words you need to correct. Some words are capitalized when they don't need to be. Commas are missing in places.

Rewriting is a big part of a writer's life. Don't be discouraged! We ALL do it. I see something I feel needs changed nearly every time I reread one of my poems.
Keep writing~
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)

I simply love the way your use of couplets! I know there's a poetry form in here somewhere, but I am still learning them!

You use language to you advantage, choosing your words wisely.

I really love the flow and content. So beautiful...

** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review of Closed In  
Review by Nikola
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Glittering Flame,

Welcome to Writing.Com! I hope you like it here!

This emotional piece says exactly what it needs to in a few words. You chose your wording wisely and it makes an impact.

I like that the first stanza rhymes and the following ones don't. It reflects the chaos in what seems an otherwise "normal" world.

Nice work!

** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857811 Unavailable **
Review of Honeydew Romance  
Review by Nikola
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

You have a beautiful writing style! You incorporate all the senses into your words. I was completely drawn into the scene with your imagery.
Your characters play off one another very naturally.

A few comments:
In the second paragraph, I'm to assume you are describing fireflies. The description itself is breathtaking. However, somewhere in your wording, you need to make it clear that this is what you are describing. This helps those readers who have never experienced the magic of fireflies understand what you are describing.

It was beautiful.
In the previous paragraphs, you have shown your readers how beautiful it is. This sentence only tells them what they already realize. I feel you could leave it out and it won't hurt the integrity of the piece at all.

The tall grass *ticked my skin, ...

He kissed me back.
With all the wonderful sensual imagery going on, this sentence seemed to fall flat. Maybe something like, "He gently returned my kiss." Play with it until you find something that fits with the mood of the piece.

I could taste the minty fresh flavor of Donovan's gum.
Nice descriptive sentence, but "minty fresh flavor" reads like a commercial to me. What flavor gum is it? Peppermint? Spearmint? Using an exact flavor in this case would add to the sensory images that you have.

I like the questions that Alice is constantly asking throughout. These are things that we all wonder about in a relationship, especially in the newer phases.

I really enjoyed reading this! As I mentioned, I really was impressed with the was you brought all of the senses into your imagery.
Wonderful work!
** Image ID #841944 Unavailable **
Review of Wreaths of Love  
Review by Nikola
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
What a beautiful story! Very touching indeed.
Your description took me into the scenes and so much of it flowed poetic.

My comments:
"mans nature" should be "man's nature." Show the possessive.

She was the epitome of lonliness, the last grape on a shriveled up vine.
This is one of those poetic instances. I love this sentence!

,but it lacked what made people human, love.
Try to set "love" apart. This will give it more impact. I think that setting it as a one word sentence would do the trick.

pink as a *babies bottom
This should read "baby's."

with a pot leaves on it
Either "with pot leaves on it" or "with a pot leaf on it."

A crazy *crony...
"Crony" is " a close friend."
"Crone" is "a withered, witchlike old woman."

I like the way you gave each character their own voice and thoughts. It gives the story depth.

Nice work! I enjoyed reading it!
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The words are so obviously from your heart--this brought me to tears. I am so sorry about the loss of your uncle, especially in such a senseless manner.

My wish is that those who read this poem walk away thinking twice (or more!) before driving while intoxicated.

This touched me deeply, thank you for sharing it.
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This is excellant!
You asked me to review the first chapter not very long ago, so this caught my eye.
Nice flow in the continuation. I like the fact that the readers will get both sides of the story.
I found nothing to comment on.
Wonderful job!
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this!
I especially like the comparison of the tree in winter and the old woman's life--the cycle of the seasons and of our lives.
I feel this is well written and flows nicely.
I enjoyed reading it!
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Review of The Kiss  
Review by Nikola
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is gorgeous! Ah, to be kissed like that!
You use of imagery intensifies the feeling of this poem. I like that!
Thanks for sharing--I enjoyed reading this!
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
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** Image ID #851735 Unavailable **
Review of Tell Me Again  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very nice!
I like the honesty of this poem. It is straightforward and doesn't leave me wondering what you meant.
Very well written!
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
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** Image ID #726505 Unavailable **
Review of Letters  
Review by Nikola
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow! This is a powerful story!
It grabbed me from the first word and held on tight to the last.
This piece was plugged on the Sing Someone's Praises page. Someone obviously knew a good story when they saw it! *Smile*

My only comment:
When quoting the lyrics, center them and put them in italics. This will set them off even better than quotations.

Great work!
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
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** Image ID #825440 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a beautiful follow-up to the first part!
It answers any questions your readers might have been left with.

This piece was also listed on the Sing Someone's Praises page. I'm glad that these were included!
** Image ID #847762 Unavailable **
** Image ID #851735 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)
A very touching story! This deserves 5 stars!
Not a thing out of place. It reads wonderfully!

This, by the way, was plugged on the Sing Someone's Praises page. It is a page on which someone plugs work that has moved them in some way. I can see why this was chosen!
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