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Review of Empathy  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (3.0)

This story intrigues me. I like your use of dialog and description--very nice!

My comments:

When you use the vignettes, past and present, try putting them in italics. This will set them apart from the rest and let the reader know that there is a momentary shift in the storyline.

...and told Susan to meet at the Billy Jane Diner two blocks from the office building. They's always gone there for lunch.
Try to meld these together. "...to meet at the Billy Jane Diner their usual spot." That's not a great example, but you get the idea.

"Ah, thanks Margaret, I needed that" Susan spoke...
Place a comma after "that."

As I said, this intrigues me. I feel though that I didn't get to know your characters well enough. I also didn't quite understand everything. Really, I think you could make this into a novella or novel. There is enough of a story that it needs much more and you could really run wild with it.
Give it some thought.

** Image ID #841944 Unavailable **
Review of The Scoundrel  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (4.5)

Nice poetry!

This has a nice rhyming scheme without coming across as childish. I like the way the poem reads like a story.

My comments are:

In the third stanza, "spiders" should be possessive--spider's.

Also in the last stanza, "anothers" should be possessive--another's.

I enjoyed this piece!

** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review of Nature's Beauty  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (3.5)

I love the imagery here. You cover a broad spectrum of nature's wonders.*Smile*

Look at this one again. All the commas make it read like a run-on sentence. The paragraph at the end takes from the flow. Try to set this into stanzas: two or three lines each. This will help your readers to actually see what you are showing in this piece.
They can savor each scene you set.

The words are very visual. They are fine. The only thing that needs work is structure.

Keep writing!
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Lauren,

I so love winter! Your poem shows the lovely dance a snowflake does as it falls. Gorgeous imagery!

I have some comments:

"disapears" should be "disappears"

only to go start
I don't really understand this. Look at it and see if you can make it more clear for your readers.

Read this aloud. It feels to me that the repetition of "it" and "its" is too much. How do you feel about it?

This piece brought a peaceful feeling to me. That lovely feeling I get when I watch the snow fall. Nice!

** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I love this! It's reads like an anthem for women writers!*Smile*

I love all the themes you take me through as I read. I love the scenarios. I love the next to last stanza!

I really like that you come back to "I want to write."
This poem made me smile.

** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review of Letting Go  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)

I felt this perfectly! This is exactly what I do! *Smile*

There is something about being outside that brings peace to my soul. This poem speaks to me of this.

I love your description of evening turning to night. Of the feeling of connecting to the Divine.
An amazing poem!
** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)

Now you knew I would love this poem!

I felt it had a rhythm to it almost like the dance itself. The excitement builds, the dance takes place, but there is no let down afterwards. Only the promise of the next dance. I really like that!

** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review of The Anger Within  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is powerful!

The words in this poem tell me that although the past still haunts, you have made those first steps toward healing.

As I read, I could feel the pain, anger and beginnings of release. You express yourself very well with poetry.

** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review of Giving Thanks  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is beautiful! I hope that you shared this with your brother. It would mean the world to him.

I really enjoy your poetry. You say exactly what you need to in very few words. Your meaning/emotion comes through clearly. (It also makes it very difficult to find anything to gripe about! *Wink*)

** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is such a heartfelt piece. I would like to think that your Granddaddy understands.

It is so hard to think of all the things left unsaid and that left undone after a loved one is gone. I go through that with my own father even years after his passing.

This poem touched me deeply. I send you hugs!
** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)

I absolutely love this! I think this is the first time that I've seen an acrostic poem centered--I like the effect!

It is so very obvious that this comes from your heart and soul. Every word, every line sings out. This would be a wonderful, personal chant for ritual.

Blessed be,
** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)

What a lovely poem! My hat is off to you! I have yet to master acrostic poetry.

I love the way one line seems to flow into the next. I tried to choose one or two that just grabbed me, but I feel that to do that would take away from the poem.

This is just such a beautiful piece--wonderful work!
** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (4.0)

I couldn't agree with you more!

Music and meditation do wonders for me as well.

I would really love to see you expand on this piece. Make your readers feel as near as you can to the peace you feel when you do these things. I want to experience this with you (as a reader) as much as possible. *Smile*

Beautiful piece!
** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)

This touched me deeply. I lost my father to leukemia in 1993. And you are so right. It is a mixture of sorrow and relief (of knowing the pain will be gone) for those that are left behind.

My friends and family are what pulled me through that time. I'm so glad you have your brother and your faith. That will make all the difference in the world.

Bright Blessings,
** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

This piece rings so true! When I was in school, if you didn't drink, smoke or a few other things, you just weren't "cool." I wasn't cool.

I did those things after I graduated, but you know what? Years later, I've chosen to be uncool again. I treasure life more.

This is what I see in your poem. Someone who decided to go with the "in" crowd at the cost of a dear friend.

My only comment is:
In the fifth stanza, remove the period after the third line.

This is a well-written, thoughtful piece. Well Done!
** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review of The Green Cat  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (4.5)

I really like this piece! You do an excellant job of describing the cat--I could picture it.

My only comment is that I wanted more. I want to know more about this cat. It is an unusual cat afterall. I just feel there is more to the story and it's begging to be told. Give that thought some consideration.

** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (3.5)

This story has some really good elements! Your description helps to bring it to life. The storyline itself is compelling.

My comments:
A tribal headpiece held his long black hair that blew in the wind as he adjusted his feet for the uneven surface of the forest edge.
Separate this into two sentences. As it stands now, it doesn't make much sense.

"A tribal headpiece held his long black hair that blew in the wind...."
If his hair is blowing in the wind, exactly what is the headpiece holding? His hair out of his eyes? Help your readers see this.
For the second sentence, "He adjusted his feet for the uneven surface of the forest edge."

A spirit would not have torn these men to pieces, not all of the bodies could be found because of how much the animal *feed on the mens' flesh, the bite marks were wolf.
This also need broken up. Your reader will feel bombarded with information and may not absorb something important to the story.

"A spirit would not have torn these men to pieces." Try to remind the reader again that "these men" were Jacy's family.

"Not all of the bodies could be found because of how much the animal *feed on the men's flesh."
*feed should be *fed.

"The bite marks were wolf."

He needed to find its weakness and race back to the tribe, even if he injured it that would give the hunters some help finding it.
Place a period instead of the comma to make this two sentences.

His aim was true and it surprised him that the spirit howled, in what sounded like pain.
Omit the comma in this one.

In the one place, you write that a spirit would NOT have torn the men to pieces, yet later on, we find out it is, in fact, just that. Make your facts match.

I would like to see you take more time with this piece. Explain more about the hunting trip that ended in tragedy. Build on the relationship with Jacy's brother. Give more detail in the final confrontation.

It is a good story! Work with it some to draw it out for your readers and it will be great!

Keep writing!
** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review of Facing reality  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (4.0)

This is a good "slice of life" story. I like the description you used. I could see the movement of the water.

My comments:
It takes a few rain drops to realize it's raining. Sometimes, only when we are soaked from the torrent do we know it's raining.
Using "it's raining" in back to back sentences reads a bit repetitive. Try rewording one or the other to add interest.

She sat in content...
Perhaps "She sat contentedly..."

In the third paragraph from the end, everything from Sam and Tiffany had spent the day... (to) ...in order to purchase clothes for Tiffany's new job. This is deadwood unless you plan to make this into a much longer story. The rest of the piece is focused on the moment they are at the wading pool. The part I point out takes off in a different direction, thus disturbing the feel of the story.

One thing I've also learned is to leave an extra space between paragraphs. This makes a story much easier to read! I found that out the hard way. *Smile*

This is a good piece, it just needs a little tightening up.
Keep writing!
** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review of A Duo Of Demons  
Review by Nikola
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Very cool! Do you read this to your kids when they act up? *Smile*

I like the way you jump right into the action with dialog. I laughed out loud at the names "Anal" and "Poot!" *Laugh*

I also loved the dialog between these two. What a fun pair of characters! Well, considering they are demons.

I found this to be a delightful read! I found nothing out of kilter.
Great work!
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review of Reflection  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Briteyez!

I really like the emotion and the way this reads. The pain is clearly evident for the reader.

I have a few comments:

"stairing" should be "staring"

"erges" should be "urges"

My one other comment is that this doesn't read like poetry. That's not a bad thing. I feel this is well written and other than the spelling mistakes, I don't think I'd change a thing.
Consider putting this in the "prose" category instead.

Good job!
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #878256 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)

What a wonderful poem! You have expressed perfectly what true friendship is all about.

This not only reminds me of the friendships I had when growing up, but the friendships I enjoy now. This is a timeless piece.

Very well done!

** Image ID #864850 Unavailable **
Review by Nikola
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Drama Queen,

This is an excellant prologue! It sets up what has happened and gives a hint of what is to come. As a reader, I care and want to know more!

A few comments:

I am a prisoner to the parchment and the ink
Love this line! Very nice!

The only errors I found had to do with possessive apostrophes.

it was fates wish (fate's)

fates hand (fate's)

the immortals circle (immortal's)

the humans soul (human's)

Keep an eye out for that and you'll do fine! *Smile*
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review of Fallen Angel  
Review by Nikola
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

This is a riveting piece! Your use of imagery breathes amazing life into the words and leaves the reader with a sense of peace.

A few comments:

I must focus better to maintain your attentions *don't I?
Try dropping the "s" on "attention." This will give the reader the feel that Ardeo is speaking only to them.
Replace "don't" with "shouldn't." I feel that this reads smoother.

man made is one word

"Halppy" is a typo--happy

You bring life to Ardeo. He feels very real. Wonderful character development!

Good work!
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
Review of The Phone Call  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is written with much emotion.

For a flash fiction piece, you got your story across very well. I ached for your character. Your description brought her pain to the front vividly.

Very nice!
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857811 Unavailable **
Review of The Devil and Me  
Review by Nikola
Rated: E | (4.5)

Wow! You have a way with a story!
Your use of imagery and description really brought this piece to life. I like the words choices you made.

My comments:
...nor the *taunt stretched lips...

*it was the same sick...
Capitalize "it."

This left me wanting a "Part Two." I would love to see what happens at the chess lesson!

Great work!
** Image ID #823391 Unavailable **
** Image ID #857259 Unavailable **
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