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Review of Ida, Poem to Me  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This poem was simple yet highly strong. I loved how it spoke in big measures with such few words. I loved the content, I was pleased with the flow, and you got your point across well with this personal poem. Simple but strong, I give this a five!

Fav Part:
"That it is our body
Not for his touch

Girl, let us be strong
It hurts us too much"

Great job! Keep it up! *Smile*
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Good write you have here. It is filled with a suspense at first and then it shifts emotion with no force or disalignment. The picture you paint with good vocabulary usage is enjoyabe as well.

Fav Part:
"He runs his hand through
her lustrous hair, then gently
down to rest on her shoulder.

Her beauty captivates him,
only to then be confused
by her continuous silence."

This part is where I felt a mysterious feeling wanting to read on to find out what would happen next. Good work. Keep it up! *Smile*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Unbelievable write about the loss of your mother and how you, instead of grieving, are lifted up by her presence and watching over you! You turned a quite sad reality we all must deal with into a delightful alter perception..To clelebrate love and loss and see it as a positive thing instead of feeling selfishly awful cause they have been taken from us. I absolutely was enamoured by the spirituality and devotion in words your mother would be so proud to see! Keep it up!! *Smile* *Heart* This completes my five reviews for The auction. *Smile* I am so glad I got to read...I will read more in the future. You write and are an angel amongst all of us.

Fav Part:
"Seated by my Angel, and wrapped snugly in her wings,
my head resting upon her shoulder as a lullabye she sings.
God blessed me with a miracle when He sent her to sit by me,
to tell me she’d be with me forever, that it was meant to be."

Gently gracious and wonderfully positive! Keep it up!

Review of HE WATCHES  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A genuine write About our master and how he forgives us if we see him in our light, in our darkness, and in our hearts always, This is a very great teaching to all who are lost or dont feel like we deserve the things all of us do. If we believe and have faith all will right itself under our King. Breath-taking lesson you display here. And of course, no grammatical error. *Delight* I would love to write like you. Maybe you can help me. I really want to write! Been thinking about it for awhile.

Fav Part:
"Trust in our Father, and be rewarded
Children are we to God Almighty
His love for us never falters
Empty is the soul without his presence
Salvation our reward for believing"

Great Work! *Smile* Keep it up! My sis. (((HUGS)))
Rated: E | (5.0)
Beautiful spiritual poem about how we are all equals here and sould not feel guilt or shame in the light of heaven. It teaches an inspirational morality that all of us, though different, are very much loved if we believe that our creator brought us here for a reason, to realize we are loved, have nothing to be frightened of, and have only positive attributes to bring to ourselves and others if we remain faithful in goodness.

Fav Part:
"The gates to Heaven are open to all who want entrance,
acceptance by our Maker and the Angels a given.
Here, no more tears are shed and no pain felt,
and sitting on a divine cloud a luxury granted.
In God’s hands there is nothing to fear."

So gifted a writer you are. No muistakes in your writing at all...just pure real pleasure in grace. Keep it up Sher! Write more poetry girl! *Laugh* I dont want to quit reading. *Smile*
Rated: E | (5.0)
This made me cry! I had trouble picking the second stanza or third as a favorite. This poem is so beautiful that you recognize theior are people out there, just like you who are always willing to try to turn bad into good, and to try and encourage all to be happy. This generous spirit you speak of is absolutely inspiring and it hit home on a personal level. Very much.

You had me glued to this and in a short poem, you managed to rise emotional love to a level that is how all of us should be. You are a beautiful poetic writer...All of these have awardicons though..I dont know how I can award you one, but I will think outside the box. *Smile*

So glad I read this! Keep being the angel you are and let it shine through in your work! *Smile*
Fav Part:
"She’s an enchantress, and follows her dreams;
like a Goddess, she reveres all natural things.
Her heart always open for those wanting in.
Look into the night sky, you’ll see her there."

Profound! Keep it up! *Smile*

Rated: E | (5.0)
Beautiful poem sher about being an angel through all hate, overcoming everthing negative withion people by spreading hope and positivity to those same people, thus changing all lives and making people see things in a different perspective! Wonderful job and you painted a magical loving picture here with your words!

"fav part"
"The fairy sprinkles shimmering dust
on those whose hearts are hate-filled.
She instills peace to the brokenhearted;
love to a world filled with despair."

Unbelievable and yet so true. *Smile* Love and hugs!
Keep it up! *Heart*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very good metaphoric story about how when the mind believes we can do something...it will take "flight". It is very creative how you integrated this into older life with the intro being a child and wanting to fly but not. I understand the meaning behind how if you BELIEVE you can succeed at something, you WILL. Great story and very full of imagination which is how we make dreams come to life, through our thought patterns and yearnings to do the impossible. Verty uplifting piece. Thanks for inviting me to read it.
Fav Part:
" I stood there for a long time, occasionally lifting one foot then putting it back down; moving my arms slightly to check the breeze and over and over taking that final breath just before liftoff.

Liftoff never occurred. I didn’t take the tiny leap. Since that time more than fifty years ago, with every successful event in my life, my thoughts go back to that day and again, I wonder if I can fly. --Prier"

Keep it up! *Smile*

Rated: E | (5.0)
Great looking auction page! I love the graphic Heart that glitters. Go Leger! Go Sherri, Vicki AND Steph for the hard work put into this! Best of luck to all of you! This is highly charitable. Thats the best of all. *Smile* Keep it up! I would have donated but sadly I was a bit to late to do that..lol. So now I am bidding!
I don t usually do that..lol. You will do great. *Thumbsup*
Review of Hold on  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Unbelievable write of love and and faith. I love the title too. "Hold On." Reminds me of that song from Matt Nathanson, "Come on get higher." I am a sucker for romantic poetry and just happened to see this well summed up piece on the side bar. I clicked on it and what a treat it is. It relays fate and destiny in such little words. Great Job!
Fav Part:
lifes evil way of saying goodbye,
whether you mean it or not,
change will happen.

If change goes wrong,
that someone will be gone,
unless you are willing to hold on,
hold on."

If you found someone this special to write about, please hold on to it. I know I would. Keep it up! *Smile*
Review of Tributaries  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is absolute brilliance..It's deep, yet the meaning can be seen if the reader looks closely at the content you present. I must say...You are an inspiration to this site, to all in your life. This amazed me..I will reply more to what we were talking about later. I just finished downloading some images for our new revised group...lol..and I had to take my daughter to school and now pick up her father. I will respond to all you wrote. Hpnesty, I like the first one better. It's a hope from a Mother to her child, or to the lost in the hands of strength and teaching. You amaze me wi9th your writes ! I will reply more to our deep convo later..you had me laughing though! Thank you for your reinforcement in my heart and soup.. You do know me much more than I ever imagined but I consider that a blessing...and boy do you know howq to be serious but then make me laugh to make it all better. You are an astounding writer and what you speak of is deep philosophy...principle teachings for all to benefit from!

Fav Part:
"If not, say hello to the salty banks where river meets ocean
where potential is eternal and yang is laid to rest,
giving way to yen, to wisdom, to majesty. But beware,
all you who join us there. The ocean is not one to be misjudged.
There is tremendous wisdom in depth and wave.

So it is with the keeper of faith, the nurturer, the grail.
Your mother, sister, daughter, your grandmother
by blood or destiny, is a force to behold,
for she has traveled far, left stones transformed,
been transformed by the whims of man, the upheavals of earth.

Shed your misgivings, ambition, mistrust. Leave yang at the door.
Take her hand, she who has made it to the sea in peace,
content in her choices, void of regret. Find this woman of whom I speak,
for not all have seen her trials. That woman, you know
who she is. Go to her, and she will unveil the mysteries of your life."

I would have chosen all my fave...ultimately thats my favorite part! *Smile*

Promise to email you back..thank you so much for your support. It's not often I speak to someone who reminds me of the women I looked up to. Surprisingly...you do. That's wonderful. This meant so much to me.

This review is far too long...but I am sending it anyway. You are so much more than you think or know too. *Smile*
Keep it up!
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great write,,,how true! We as humans can destroy ourselves, and we as humans can untentionally detroy others. This teaches great value, and is a learning lesson to all. Nobody is perfect, nobody has "no problems" and nobody is all that smart. The people who are that smart are few and far between. I agree wholeheartedly there. So many actions that you explained are just plain not in our best interest. Yet, we do them and feel no remorse. Someof us realize we are being stupid or Dumb, and we can change ourselves. This was a write that opens' ones eyes! Keep it up!

Fav Part:
"Perhaps we need to take a somewhat closer look at where we humans stand in the overall scheme of things.

Just how fast did we run when God passed out the brains?"

A bit of humor there goes a long way. Thank you for sharing! *Smile*
Review of Father Mine  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Outstanding poem...alot of meaning, truth, and you tell how you feel without being harmful or wanting to inflict inhumantuty against the nam you loved and admired, yet hurt you. I felt this on a presonal level, most certainly. I m sure many do. You have talent..I am your mentor...Kepp it up! *Smile* Very jusyifies yet fair. Point was driven in like nails...I love mediary writes.

Fav Part!
"the fall of a man from his pinnacle
to the deepest abyss of solitude.
father mine: it breaks my heart to hear you speak."
Review of Songs from Above  
Rated: E | (5.0)
beautiful write about love and how much it means to follow the heart. In a very short rhyme, you managed to stir ip feelings of the truth, the feelings that love is what makes the world go around and that true love is soooo hard to find, that it musn't be ignored! You did wonderfully with this one and it struck me on a very personal level.
Thanks for sharing!

Fav Part:
"To thee I hold,
to thee I bind myself.
Mind, heart ,body and soul.

Now is my time to
listen to the songs from above. "

Please keep it up! *Smile*
Review of LOVE & HEARTACHE  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Very good contest about love and heartache. I loved how you kept this memory here in honor of another member who left this site. This shows how much you care about people and have much love in your heart for all. Highly admirable! I would love to post a song to this contest. I am so happy you bid on me in Sherr's thanksgiving auction. It's like a miracle I found your port! I remember you from before but I am glad I am getting back in touch! Keep it up...your heart and soul is unsurpassible. *Smile*
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was saddening yet another write with a deep meaning behind it. I loved the religion combined with the Latin. Almost cultural and Of a divine higher meaning all at once. *Cry* It held a great deal of meaning and in a way I understood, in a way, I was still confused. Very creative piece though. Flow was great and the translation made it even more gracious. I just don;t understand about the "death" part. What does that have to do with this dark person of whom you speak? Very bright and a bit mind bending, but I liked it very much anyway.

Fav Part:
"Bona Fide I trust we will meet again someday.
Cui bono, and again I shall ask in such a way.
Pari passu what will be my destiny then.
Sine qua non - who, what, where and when! "

Mysterious... the meaning does seem translucent. Keep it up! *Smile*
Review of His Arrival  
Rated: E | (5.0)
beautiful poem that combines nature and love together. This was highly significant to me right now. It has the magic of words in it of this man you never got to see but will again! Quite a treasure and highly triumphant. Thanks so much for sharing!

Fav Part:
"His eyes
Were warm and loving
Accepting my slight imperfections

He came to me
Like a summer breeze
His kindness
Replacing the chill of winter
With warmth only his spirit can share"

It's not often anyone comes across love like that. I know. Hold tight to him! Keep it up!
Rated: E | (5.0)
A glorious truthful write about one claiming their downfall. You had my attention the entire time cause truth is not easy to tell about oneself. However, poems like these reming me of me, I always tell my truth to others for I cannot deal with myself if I don;t show my real self. This is an ultimate portrayel of that exact feeling. Pride knows no glory if one cannot admit their weakeness. That's what this poem displays to me and so I really do hope that more people read this! Wonderful job!

Fav Part:
"As another week comes to end,
shall I reflect on my deeds?
Or shall I punish myself for all the things I failed to achieve?"

How true and how genuine. I like that. Keep it up! *Smile*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Beautiful unrequited love story! This was highly effective in the way you shed light on this one you are afraid of being vulnerable to. Your heart appears in every word as genuine and true as well. I often wonder myself the same things you have asked this person that you love so dearly. This poem is unbelievable because it's so fitting to how undying love really is. I cry when I read this, so you did a great job explaining all about your friend.

Fav Part:
"You tell me of failed loves and of the emptiness in your heart,

Making me wish all the while, that we were not so far apart.

I want to be there to comfort you and tell you it all will work out,

I wish i could be the one to sit with you, while you pout."

Very meaningful. Thanks very much for sharing. Keep it up! *Smile*
Review of I Would Pick You  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Beautiful poem about how a undying friendship reigns over any "temporary" love. I really thought this was unique and wonderful. Yoyu really hit home with this cause sometimes people come into our lives and we nor they ever realize how much they mean in out hearts. Circumstances sometimes get in the way, or people get in the way of who we really never could ignore. These feelings are within most of us, yet most arent brave enough to write about them. You did though. Quite commendable.

Fav Part:
"“My dearest Monique,

If ever you and my crush fell in the sea,
No matter how much I liked her,
I would save you.
If you and my girlfriend were stuck in a burning house,
No matter how steady we are,
I would save you.
If you fought with my wife and I had to choose,
No matter how long we were married,
I would pick you.
Because, as much as I like her, I love you so much more,
Because, as steady as we are, you and I are grounded to the floor,"
Review of Love is........  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Tear Jerking! What an imprint this put on my heart. The way you describe love is almost exactly how I feel about it too. I really was entranced by this and it got better with every word that came alive off the page. You mastered what love is, and all feelings associated with it. Great Job..I need a tissue now. *Smile*

Fav Part:
"love is when remembering brings smiles

love is being together, even between miles

love is there when it's hard to say no

love is no matter how much it hurts, not letting go"

I love this so much! What a wonderful poem about every truth in love. Keep it up! *Smile*
Review of dear mom,  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very good poem about how marraige and bad relationships can affect kids awfully. This made me bawl my eyes out. I guess I know this path so it's very nice to see someone realy writing about things that are important. Very important. I felt the words go through my heart and I hope I didn't make this mistake..but if I am wondering, then I suppose I did. However, changs can be made, and people can realize what they must to know that their children are the most important to them. I thank you dearly for sharing this with me. The next time I fight with my daughters' father, I will remember these words. Cause it's not worth it. Even after you break up, it can be so difficult to remain friends for the children.

Fav Part:
"so please don't "stay together for the kids"

because it's not us you are doing it for

you guys are doing it for your own selfish needs

and leaving innocence to deal with war"

This hurt me cause the truth hurts, but it;s what I needed to see today. Thank you so much for sharing. Keep it up! *Smile*
Rated: E | (5.0)
A very inspirational write about support in a metaphoric way. I love the vivid and vibrant words you use to paint this picture to not be afraid but to allow what happens to happen. I really love this poem for it;s teaching value and also it's grace and gentleness. Very good write, and a very great read! Good job!

Fav Part:
"But have no fear for you are loved and never will you travel alone
The angels will guide you on fluorescent butterfly wings
Our prayers will clothe you in the finest silks so you will look like a queen
When you arrive at the end of the perilous road
Ride on beautiful soul we will be waiting for you when you arrive"
Review of Today I am armed  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very good write about people who only wwish to harm you. Keep your head held high! *Smile* I really enjoyred this write cause it has forgiveness and a faint hint of need still in your heart for the one who wronged you. I really admire that. Thanks so much for sharioing this wonderful piece of poerty!

Fav Part:
"But the words of the troubled are always ignored by those who are arrogant

So you stand before me again today, expecting my low esteem to be consistant
I look exactly the same as I did yesterday
I’m wearing the same clothes, the same shoes, the same sun kissed skin
But yet you do not recognise who I am
You are in a state of confusion, your emotional energy is forcing you to be humble''

Keep it upi Ive read one other form you that was wonderrful too! *Smile*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is beautiful, simple and very valuable to read. This shows your emotion and your heart and it.'s unreal. Thanks so much for being here for me but mostly thank you for letting me read this very heartfelt write. You are such an angel.

Fav Part:
"With a tender hand
I hope I can touch your heart
And hold your hand
as you walk through the dark."
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