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893 Public Reviews Given
894 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
Not sure I have a style....I learn as much from you as you from me. I will point our typos, grammatical things if I see them. I love poetry and when it comes to stories, please nothing "dark"....not my thing.
I'm good at...
I will find typos, incomplete thought (unless I believe it is conducive to the poetry structure).
Favorite Genres
Romance, personal, periodicals with history, comical, stories about true life, children, animals
Least Favorite Genres
Dark, morbid, Sci-fi
I will not review...
Dark, morbid stories
Public Reviews
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Review of Longing  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Such a wonderful, tender, intense love story and scene. It hit hard and brought back memories...wonderful memories.

I noticed at least one spelling error, 10 minuets is misspelled; probably a typo. Should be minutes. However, do check your punctuation. Punctuation goes inside the quotes as the whole sentence is being quoted. With question marks, depends on the content of the sentence. I had to be corrected on this myself.

You have such a talent for words and story telling and this is very good.

Best to you,

Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nicely put. Life goes in circles some times. I like how you arranged your words to make your point. Excellent.
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Yes, I went out for a special coffee today. Love my coffee and your poem. As some might say, it is my vice! My favorite words are your lines of,

"It's warm on a cold morning
Soothing as the sun does rise
Calming as the moon crests
Comforting when the cloud cries"

Funny thing, when I hold a fresh cup, I like to hold it up to my face and let it steam up to my nose. It serves another purpose...opens up the nasal passages! I am a little crazy.

Review of Summer Rain  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Simply beautiful! Would love to see those mountains. Briefly, you have taken me there.

Review of If you'll have me  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am here again. Loving your words and their arrangements. You have a talent with words, especially romantic words. Have fun with the program here...best to you.

Review of Silent Tears  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is so wonderful, I was fighting back tears. It is beautiful and it touches my heart. I guess it is where I am, in my life, right now that it touches. I lost my husband 2010 to cancer. I have reunited with a friend, I think a lot of but not sure he notices. Thank you,

Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (4.0)
Wow, I was reminiscing along with you. You have stated your thoughts well. I only noticed a couple of small errors:
fourth paragraph - speaking in past tense - but in the second sentence you say, "We have horses..."

Paragraph six, mother in law Emily - I believe this would have hyphens, as mother-in-law, Emily and "," after law to separate from Emily. I am a newbie so that is all I see.

I recently tried my luck at a short story, but was not prepared and didn't watch my punctuation, especially in dialogue. But I love this type of story.....it is from the heart. Great job, best of luck,

Review of MY POETRY BOOK  
for entry " MASK
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Mask. I admit I have worn one more than once. Excellent description of how we appear to others and to ourselves. As a child, young adult, wife, mom, employee, etc., we all wear various hats - but many times we allow them to become distorted and the mask takes over. Thanks for writing this piece. I am a newbie and learning. I will have to look up the 7-7-7-7 format?

Review of In-Between Time  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
In-Between Time takes me back to the first time my husband said it was lung cancer. And then again, when he had the surgery, and again, when he was given six months to live. It seems like we are always between something. You said it so well. Your arrangement with your lines is refreshing to the eyes as well. I am glad I came by to read your work.
Review of The Cave  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this! It is well written and has an ending so different. It is short and to the point. Great job. I will be looking for more.
Review of The Society  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very interesting and says it all. Do you have music that goes with it? Just curious? I love material that tells how our hearts are feeling...I feel it in your song.
Review of Father of Sin  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Oh, to be able to write like this some day! Your words are so well selected for the matter at hand. I cannot say anything else, other than it is beautiful to read. I am a newbie and just getting into writing. Sometimes I struggle to find the appropriate words. You made me feel I was there watching Judas, just like a well performed play.

Review by Seabreeze
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is a wonderful poem. I believe I love it because I can relate to it. Being a victim of abuse, sometimes we act out at times that we don't intend to do. It is kind of like, if I my quote from Romans 7:15, "For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do."

In any regard, your poem speaks to me and that is a compliment.

Review of Books are Great  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
I could not agree more. Love books and love your poem. It sounds like it could be a song. Your doing very well and probably no longer considered a newbie. I will be back to read more.
Review of "Crossing Over"  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
This one gave me chills.....it is so beautiful. My heart goes out to you. God is good though. We can heal our hearts by using the gift of writing. And, we can remember the joy they brought us.

You write very well and you have good flow and selection of words. I am glad I could meet you - even though it is by poem.

Review of The Climb  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
So touching to me, Kings. Very nice writing. I lost my husband 2010 to lung cancer.......it is such an invader of our loved ones and of us. Thanks again for sharing.
Review of The Messiah  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love your Messiah. I love the way it flows, your choices of words - all so appropriate. I hope it is getting viewed by others. Have you put it on the "plug page"?

You have a talent for poetry....and you do know how to select the best for a rhyme.

Best to you,

Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Oldwarrior - this is so beautiful and touches my heart. You truly have a talent. What special memories you have that you can hold dear. Isn't wonderful that we can reflect and use our gifts to write it all down? Bless you my friend. I will be back to look at more of your creations. Best to you....

Review of My Storm  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great poem My Storn. Great analogy - storm and broken love. Beautiful words and rhyming - lots of thought into this. I will be by to read more of your work.

I see you are a real newbie, 10/29...wow. You have talent. Best to you,

Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
More! This is fantastic. I find it to be well written and had me on my seat. At the very beginning, I was thinking to myself, that would be something to see the actual Titanic in the harbor. Since Monday believed in reincarnation, for the story, I could see where he was being seen in many of the historical places. Years ago I remember seeing a Twilight Zone with a story of a Polaroid camera that took pics of event that had yet to occur. It makes for great suspense. Great job, and first draft. Excellent writing.
Review of Soldier's Song  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great description of how a soldier would feel. Selection of words give a excellent picture about a soldier and his job. He tell why he is fighting and he will continue to do his job. He tell his reader that he is proud. I can just hear the troops singing as they march....I like it!
Review of Double Trouble  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Any pet lover can truly appreciate this poem. It identifies our pets boredom, the importance of a pet in having a friend to ramp with, and it reminds us what joy they bring to us. Your poem reviews all the reasons we love our pets and all the reasons they can drive us crazy at times. It is all here. THANKS!
Review of A Ghost Story  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wild; it keeps you on your seat. I like the way you have opened it. I am wondering if "she" could have a name, at least part of the time. I became too aware of the "she" that I started to focus on it. However, I am new at writing...take it with a grain of salt. Lots of suspense which I like.
Review of Ghostlight  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
"How many have walked this stage
With dreams so like mine?
Hungering for the applause
Intoxicating as wine."

The lines above are my favorite. I didn't know what the Ghostlight was--very interesting. The poem flows well and as I read I want more. You really feel like you are on the stage experiencing it all.
Review of In your eyes  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)

Very nice and I wish I had a guy to share it with. It is a beautiful poem. You have a gift.

I wish you the best in your writing,

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