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893 Public Reviews Given
894 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
Not sure I have a style....I learn as much from you as you from me. I will point our typos, grammatical things if I see them. I love poetry and when it comes to stories, please nothing "dark"....not my thing.
I'm good at...
I will find typos, incomplete thought (unless I believe it is conducive to the poetry structure).
Favorite Genres
Romance, personal, periodicals with history, comical, stories about true life, children, animals
Least Favorite Genres
Dark, morbid, Sci-fi
I will not review...
Dark, morbid stories
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Review of Who am I  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
First let me say welcome newbie. Nice to have you here. I like what you have written. I have ask and still ask the question you have presented. I was married 43 years (lost husband to cancer) have one son, two granddaughters, worked outside the home while a home maker and I still seem to have that question, who am I. At 74 years young I know now that Iam a creation of the Lord, made in His image..i truly mean that because I basically what to be loved and love...He is love. I have discovered myself, my talents (art, writing) and my desire to Know my Creator more..this gives me self worth. So keep digging, testing and praying that He will show you how special you are.

Thanks for your story
Review of LONG WALK HOME  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very lovely. It is amazing how the 7-6-7-6 format is so pleasing to the ear!


enjoyed my visit

Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
A fun poem to read. Easy to the eye - maybe that is way this type of format was created. The word diamantes is interesting-checking Google (if we can trust it) means diamond but in Greek...I would have guessed French. But its word origin is Italian and the poem structure is young, 1969. In any case, well done.

Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem is very lovely; it makes me think of summers outside enjoying the cool nights, hearing crickets and watching stars.

I love the balance of rhythm that you have used. I like the phrase "Cool kiss of air"

Nicely done,

Review of Waffling  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (4.5)
Yes, this is a great post for all of us. I believe we all do some of this now and then. Some of us are better at it then others. Sometimes when talking we are afraid to pause before moving on in our speaking. At least in writing, we can take the pause and reflect.

I don't like to pause (especially on phone), as you can get over taken by the other party and lose your train of thought. One must stay focus, keeping eye contact if speaking to a group. Maybe this is why, at least for me, when I see or listen to a good speaker, I notice they move, walk a little still speaking, maybe slower, but they stay on track.

They say, don't look at your notes (what good are they except to review before hand). I say, know your material and stay on subject.

Your obsession of being right, that is hard. If you know your material, and the Bible if that is topic, I believe is truth, then you just need to know your material. There will always be those who will attack you and make you think you don't know or have the truth. If it is not truth, then it is matter of opinion, right?

Best to you,


Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Yes, I agree, it can be a hassle! I wanted it frozen to where my summer nights are longer, ha ha!
At least our computers and phones automatically adjust...so technically, we should not be late!
Cute piece,

Review of My story  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
First let me say welcome newbie! I hope you enjoy your stay here at Writing.com.

On your story, I found three possibilities for correction:

...and met me saying word like “Got ill again?” (your word needs to be plural)

... to do it I was happy (possibility comma after it - showing a pause)

... What will she be filling? (If you meant to say feeling, then it is spelled incorrectly.

The story is okay; I hope it is not your true feelings now. Writing is always good therapy.

Best to you,

Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Love it. Color is wonderful and so is tour poem. I seem to change over the years. I confess. I love them all. Fin poem.
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow, that is some story. First, I am not saying you have made this all up but I will say I am not sure why any one who was almost chocked to death, has a child living there also, would want to stay in that house. She puts both her life and the child's at risk.

I do believe there is a spirit world, a dark side, because the Bible speaks of demons; these wonder the earth looking to find a host to dwell in. But I know nothing of ghost, but like you say for the lack of a better word, call them that.

So, best of luck with all of this. I sure would be worried for anyone living in that place.


Review of Homeless-Why?  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dorianne, this is beautiful and yes, I ask why as well. And, for the grace of God, go I!

In a country as wealthy as ours, no one should go homeless. We have too much great minds, technology, food and raw materials for this to take place. I was born in California (now living in Utah) and it breaks my heart to see Los Angeles, San Francisco and many other cities have such homeless and the problems it is causing our cities. The officials that are running our cities, and the state governor, should all be fired. Los Angeles is now at a crisis that President Trump is threatening to go in, if officials do not get their act together. Well, the disease concerns me...it is becoming a national emergency.

Once again, this is well written,

Thank you,
Review of You  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
You hits home, especially if one has been through a love that is similar!

I like your chosen words, how you have placed them. My favorite stanza:

I am thinking what you are currently doing right now,
Someday I will see you and then I will kneel and bow.
Raise my arms and show you a ring that I bought,
I will stay at your side no matter how many times we have fought.

Because, in marriage you will fight or at least argue...

Your poem is realistic in thought - very honest.

Keep up the writing. And congrats on coming to Writing.com

Best wishes,

Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Heavy stuff, Drifter!

The older I get the more I realize and learn from our Bible, we should never call anyone stupid. All though, I think many in Congress qualify. Seriously, God's creation should not be looked upon as stupid. After all, that is as close to fool as we can get (I would think). And, we should not be calling anyone fool, right (Matthew 5:23-23).

So, that was not good for your father to do call you that - so hurtful. Our tongue sure can be a nasty weapon! But, given your place "withness", we are all really with each other more than we know. As believers we are to be there for each other.

I am a believer and I still work on this daily. My son has gone through a nasty divorce (she got most of the deal) and it is hard for me to bite my tongue and not say bad things about her. I find myself talking to the Lord, asking for forgiveness because of the grieve he has had to go through (he did not want the divorce).

So, friend, I hope all is better since your wrote this in 2017....having faith in humanity is a daily challenge.

Review of The Last Dance  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this piece. I could easily visualize the dance, seeing those souls move to the music. However, you got me as you should as I did not suspect the Reaper. Delightful surprise and very creative in your story line. It has mystery, it pulls you in. I found no grammatical concerns, just a delightful story!

Review of You can't be me  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hi alhagi,

First, let me say hi newbie and welcome to Writing.com. Hope you enjoy your stay here.

I like some of your topic and you have good ideas for stories. I have a suggestion though; I believe you will have more success of people reading your thoughts if you would punctuate your sentences. Reading something that is "run-on" is not to desirable. It is hard on the eyes and confusing.

Keep on writing and go out a review others to see how their sentences flow.

Best to you,


Review of Movie  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi Xeno,

Very interesting poem. I like:

I remember all those roads I used to walk alone,
The grass I used to lay down to point into the skies till dawn.
The cherry blossoms I watched every year,
Gave me anxiety, depression and severe fear.

I like the words and how, in the last line, you pulled in the rhyme.

Some parts happy, some sad....but it tells a story....I like it.

I may have rated this before...not sure...if so, it is because I got pulled in.

Review of The Rosebush  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Kelly Lee,

This is a great story; very different. You have kept the suspense through to the ending and gave us a unique closing! I don't think I have ever read a story with this type of twist...very special, I truly liked it! Great short story!

Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (4.0)
I agree Psalm 148 is beautiful and it shows us (if we cannot figures how to do it on our own), how and why to praise our Lord, not that we should need a reason. His glory and grace is sufficient.

I do have a question: What do you mean by your sentence

...... all creation is waking David up with

Up with Us? Can you say more on this?

Review of Praising God  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
How Great Thou Art indeed!

Your Praising God has so much "meat" to it and stirs things in me. What I wanted to share is that, as a 74 year old believer, it took much way to long to really understand my part in this world. Slowly, it has come to me that this is God's creation, world and people and we (all of us no matter our lot in life) are all here for His pleasure. With that, I truly believe His plan is for us to learn on this earth what will become so clear in the everlasting life after. He, at his pleasure, uses us and wants us and will have us to interact for the good of humanity. Example:
some of us have been given a different plan, say plan A; some plan B; some plan C. I mean that plan A may have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth; plan B, average family as far as financial stability but maybe a daughter or son with challenges; plan C - totally challenged! But, we creatures have instilled in us, a God like image (our soul deep down know Him) and along comes a gift of choice and all of us have that path to take to know our creator.

Now, as we travel the path, we are to interact/help others as we go. We don't always know what that may be, however, as we come to know him (accept His gift of salvation), we now have a map of the road to travel (the Word is our guide). We will be on a journey and our real job is doing His work, taking His direction, moving in the path that He guides us toward.

Do I know how to always do this, No! I have more times then I care to think about, especially in my early years, have gotten off on the wrong path, even trying hard to stay on the right path. But as I look at life, where circumstances take people, I truly believe, as Joseph told his brothers that you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people lives (paraphrase).

God bless you and your family,

Review of The Prom  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Drifter,

I stumbled over to your site via your Blog. First let me say, welcome to your new journey and congrats for your personal self-analysis and being so open to share with our writing community.

I can only remember one dance that I went to, I believe junior high. I was one of those wallflower type when I was young and carried more weight than held me back from the crowd. That made me less of a pick for any type of popularity gig. So, reading this post took me there and I truly enjoyed hearing that all participants had a wonderful time. You experience what so many of want to experience but usually don't and don't know how. You experience the true love of God spilling out over people. What a joy. Well, you being a pastor I need not tell you that.

I believe we are a people (at least the USA) who have lost touch with are feelings; the ability to express are care, love and excitement for others. There is too much of a "me" generation now and this is so pushed in schools, advertising, social media.

So, thank you for sharing a tender moment and now I will go back to perusing more of your writings.

Review of AB-AB Positive  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Delightful indeed!

This is very unique...you don't see blood being written about much, except in journals maybe. But, it should since it is the life in all of us!

Your ending is so well put and so inviting. I believe you are right. Every time I pick up a book
of poetry, it does just that for me - lifts me up.

Thanks again for another wonderful read.

Review of Ailurophobia  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Excellent story, very grabbing! I am a dog person...cats of so self-absorbed, ha, ha! I truly like the way you have presented the plot...I love the ending!

Funny, it brought back a lot of the rumors or truths (not sure which is which), about babies and cats. In any case, you have tied it all together extremely well.

Thanks for the read,

Review of Fate  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, quite the story! You do well with fiction....me, not so much. I love poetry and that is my thing. You do need to keep writing because you have a talent!

That last line...? Is it because he now knows the truth....her time is near? In any case, keep up your writing...

Best to you,

Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Brian, I came over to thank you for this beautiful poem,which by the way I saw a tribute to you at Gabriella's site to your Flowers Planted In His Mother's Memory.

So, I had to come over to tell you I nicely written this is and it touched me.

Thank you,

Review of Breakage  
Review by Seabreeze
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow, I read this in two sessions because of the intensity. I must say that you have truly put the detail into this story. I would be curious on how you came to write such a story. At many points, I stopped to ponder and thought, some of this still applies today and if it did we would not have the rapid outbreak of disrespect, destroying of property, theft, and on and on!

I thought the story, at points, may have been too repetitious but, may be needed to make individual points that occurred in the story. I found the story well punctuated and very clear in meaning. Overall kept me well intrigued!

Review by Seabreeze
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow Bubblegum Jones, that is quite the tribute for those who do go the extra mile to give a better review. I found it fascinating that you went through and compiled a catalog of reviews. That is special and I have not come across that here before.

I like that you game name credits to those folks and well deserved recognition.

Also, on poetry, I learned a new format or type of poetry as I was not familiar with ghazal nor Dr M C Gupta. Always something new to learn here at Writing.com.

This was interesting read - thanks for writing it!

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