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Review of Peace  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)

*Moon*Review 2 of 2 from d_fishy5925 and "Invalid Item !*Moon*

*Star*First Thought:
It feels very weird to me that I enjoyed this poem so much when there's snow all over, outside my window. *Laugh* (Thunderstorms, to me, are the only good things about the warmer months. LOL).

The first stanza brought me back to childhood. I could feel that same anticipation of waiting for the boom. *Delight* (Which would then lead into a "score" of "Strike!" or "Ehh... Gutter ball" ...Even the angels had to bowl sometimes, just like my whole family. LOL). The calm and relaxation of the second stanza, though, is really what stuck with me after reading this. I found myself calm and smiling.

On top of the memories that this brought back, your words alone made this come to life. If was simple to envision and really came to life for me.

         *Sun*I think that the flow could be somewhat better which may be just due to punctuation. I think that a comma here and there could easily smooth out the flow as whole.
         *Sun*I think that this is just a personal twitch, but I felt like the word "in" was not really necessary. With short, syllable-count-based poems like this, those little words tend to feel like they're just fillers. I can't help thinking that you could find a one-syllable word that would add more to the image created here. I think that this especially caught my attention since the poem isn't really made of complete sentences, but of short descriptions that paint the whole picture...
         *Sun*This could be from memories more than the subjective side of my brain, but I really felt like the second line could be drawn out more to better show the anticipation in the counting. I think that just an ellipsis or something after each number would help to show the pace of the counting. (Hey, at least I didn't say hippopotamus like we used to do to count "real" seconds in school! LOL). *Wink*

*Star*Overall Thoughts:
I found this poem to be very enjoyable. You stuck wonderfully to the form and I didn't count any missing or stray syllables. The imagery is vivid and I absolutely loved the different feelings that I felt. I was quite amazed by the smoothness of transition from the darker first stanza to the lighter second one. I never felt like I had missed a beat, but felt that bit of reassurance that the storm was moving away. What I love the most is the last line. While plenty of people see summer as this wonderful time, I always think of it as a time of death. It kills the grass and leaves just as harshly as autumn. *Rolleyes* For that reason, and for the break from the horrible summer heat, I always look forward to the summer storms. I think that you captured the essence of a summer storm and the relief it brings just beautifully!

I'm going with a 4.0 only because of the flow which I think can easily be fixed within a few quick moments. This is a wonderful little gem here and I love it! Please, if you choose to take another look at this, let me know so that I can come back and re-rate, etc... You could easily push this beyond 5.0 ...now do it! *Smirk* *Wink*

Stephanie Grace*Quill*

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Genres  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

*Moon*Review 1 of 2 from d_fishy5925 and "Invalid Item !*Moon*

*Star*First Thought:
Diamante is one of my favorite forms and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate and love the nouns that you chose. I love that you didn't go with the overused light/dark or happy/sad, etc...

This is certainly not a very emotional poem, but you did capture the feelings of the genres, as well as your feelings toward them, I think, which is splendid!

This is a bit not applicable, though it does stir a few memories.

         *Sun*This is so incredibly nit-picky that I'm almost ashamed to mention it ...almost. *Smirk* In the fourth line, I found myself switching the last two words on my third and fourth reads and I liked it better that way. I think that, not only because of the syllables in the words, but also to make the transition a bit smoother ...it just seems to flow better that way in my mind. *Blush* This could definitely just be me, but I figured I should mention it anyway.
         *Up*Then I go and read for my sixth or seventh time and like it as is. Something to think about, I guess, though. *Laugh*
         *Sun*In the form explanation, there's a missing period at the end of the final sentence. *Wink*

*Star*Overall Thoughts:
You stuck very well to the form and captured the genres perfectly. I love the creativity of the "antonyms" as well as the word choice. A great read all around!

Umm... Can I give six stars? *Laugh**Wink*

Stephanie Grace*Quill*

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
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Congratulations on being a selected reviewee at "Simply Positive Review Forum !

Dawn: (Title, etc)
The title, description, rating (which could probably be "E"), and chosen genres all fit this story perfectly.

Sunrise: (Contents)
Everything was simple to follow and understand. I only detected a few little hiccups in the flow, but those could just be borne of my own personal twitches. *Laugh*

Noon: (Imagery, Emotion)
Everything was simple to envision, but what really made this come to life for me was the emotion. Not only could I feel for the narrator and his situation, but this really tugged on my heartstrings and made me think of how easily life can change ...both for bad and good, sometimes both so quickly that one has barely sunk in before your pushed the other way. The mystery surrounding the gift was wonderful. The buildup was fantastic! (By the way, I was getting extra-emotional because I was seeing the present and thinking it was a gift from a deceased child or something...).

Sunset: (Suggestions)
Paragraph 1: the house .... belongings
         *Sun*This could very well (and probably is) just me, but I felt like there might be a way to word this a bit better. Perhaps something like my house, family, and worldly possessions or some such?

Paragraph 2: flowers[,] or ... food[. But]
         *Sun*No need for comma here, I believe.
         *Sun*Actually, after reading the rest of the sentence, keep the comma... nix the or.
         *Sun*Personal twitch, but I was always taught that sentences should never start with and, but or because. I think that replacing this period with a comma and taking away the capitalization of the b would help to ease my suffering. *Blush*

Paragraph 3: [,] and
         *Sun*No need for a comma when "and" is only linking two things. (This occurs more than once throughout this story).

Paragraph 10: He or she
         *Sun*Two paragraphs prior, you pretty confirm the gender, so the or she part kind of threw me off a bit.

Dusk: (Overall thoughts)
This is very well-written and I love where you went with the prompt. I never knew where this was going and my attention was held quite strongly from beginning to end. I love that this left me sitting here and reflecting. That's a magical thing.

*Moon*Write On!*Moon*
*RainbowL*Stephanie Grace*RainbowR*

*Sun*My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.*Sun*
Review of The Painting  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Congratulations on being a selected reviewee at "Simply Positive Review Forum !

Dawn: (Title, etc)
The title, description, rating and chosen genres all fit this item perfectly, though the description could possibly use a word or two of insight into the actual story...

Sunrise: (Contents)
Everything was simple to follow and understand. The flow was quite smooth and I did not notice myself stopping and re-reading at any time. *Delight*

Noon: (Imagery, Emotion)
This definitely came to life before my eyes. Not only could I easily envision the painting, but I could see it moving as I witnessed your story unfolding. It was simple to not only understand the feelings of the narrator, but to feel for her. The feelings of loss, reflection, and regret tugged at my heart. Great job!

Sunset: (Suggestions)
         *Moon*Paragraph 2: and[,] quite frankly[,] - This could just be me, but I wonder about separating this phrase from the rest of the sentence with commas as it is added detail to the primary idea.
         *Moon*Also in the second paragraph, I think that the painting's title should be italicized. I could be wrong, but it might be worth a thought...
         *Moon*This is probably just a personal twitch of mine, but I was taught that sentences should never start with words like and or but which happens twice in this story.
         *Moon*Paragraph 6: [or] the last - Due to the presence of the word not I think that nor might be more appropriate in this instance.

Dusk: (Overall thoughts)
This is very creative and well-written. You used the prompt wonderfully and truly made it your own! This left me with a deep sense of longing which really made this story stick with me after I read it the first time. I love it!

*RainbowL*Write On!*RainbowR*
*Smile*Stephanie Grace*Smile*

*Sun*My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.*Sun*

Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

*Moon*Review 2 of 2 from and "WDC Power Reviewers Holiday Auction"   by Maryann *Moon*

*Star*First Thought:
I love that this poem left me sitting here, reflecting...

This poem, to me, had a lovely combination of both excitement and calm. For me, this was a great comfort as I tend to enjoy storms... *Blush*

Not only did your words create some fantastic images in my mind, but this made a lot of memories rush back which I love!

         *Sun*Stanza 2, Line 2: I wonder if a semi-colon might work better with your words than the present comma...
         *Sun*In Stanza 3, I counted Line 2 as one syllable shorter than the other lines and Line 3 as having an extra syllable...
         *Sun*While the abab rhyme scheme worked very well with your words to keep everything moving a long, I did feel like the flow could be just a little smoother somehow... Perhaps try reading this aloud and see where it leads?

*Star*Overall Thoughts:
I really enjoyed this poem and love the reflective feeling that it left me with. I think that this could really cause some readers to stop and think a little differently about storms and their feelings toward them. For me, few things are better than sitting with a quill and writing by the light of an oil lamp, especially to the sound of rain! (I could do without lightning though, LOL).

I'm going with a 4.5 because I think the flow could be a little smoother, but I really loved this poem! I don't think it would take much at all for you to push this beyond 5.0!

Stephanie Grace
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

*Moon*Review 1 of 2 from "WDC Power Reviewers Holiday Auction"   by Maryann *Moon*

*Star*First Thought:
This left me with a big smile!

I found this poem to be very relaxing to read. Not only did you stir my emotions by bringing back my own early-morning memories, but the light, airy feeling of yours words really made me feel like I was in that special moment...

The imagery throughout this poem was very strong. Not only could I easily envision everything, but it all really just came to life before my eyes. The third stanza especially took me away!

I did not notice any typos nor did any suggestions pop into my head. You stuck wonderfully to a 9-7-9-7 syllable count without any misplaced or missing beats. The abab rhyme scheme worked great with your words to give this poem a nice rhythm and flow without any rhymes feeling forced.

*Star*Overall Thoughts:
You captured a moment in each day that is full of possibility and hope and that really came through in this poem. I could feel that as strongly as I could if I was actually in that moment. Beautiful job!

I'm going with a 5.0 because of how this made me feel. I loved it.

Stephanie Grace
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Congratulations on being a selected reviewee at "Simply Positive Review Forum !

Dawn: (Title, etc)
The description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this piece perfectly. The title fits as well, however, I did feel like you could come up with something better there... *Wink* The title (or maybe even just the exclamation point) made me immediately think that this would be a lighthearted piece.

Sunrise: (Contents)
Everything was simple to follow and understand. I detected a few hiccups in the flow, but nothing that really caused me to stop and re-read anywhere.

Noon: (Imagery, Emotion)
I definitely felt for the characters as I read and I really worried about where you would take this. The simple imagery kept everything simple to envision. Great job!

Sunset: (Suggestions)
         *Bullet*Paragraph 1: long[-]difficult: I think that a comma might be appropriate here as this is two descriptions of the same subject.
         *Bullet*Paragraph 1: [,]at time[,]: Comma before and after since this is added detail to the sentence?
         *Bullet*Paragraph 2: I think the flow could be a little smoother here if you replace the comma after state with a semi-colon or period...
         *Bullet*Paragraph 3: traumatic[ ]-a - missing space
         *Bullet*Paragraph 4: trick and treater's - trick-or-treaters
         *Bullet*Paragraph 5 feels like it could be combined with Paragraph 4. Also, the first sentence here doesn't really feel complete. I think was after Brad could easily smooth that out.
         *Bullet*Paragraph 16: behind them[,]
         *Bullet*Paragraph 17: [As] Brad...door[,]

Dusk: (Overall thoughts)
I found this to be creative and quite emotional. I'd love to see this expanded a bit as the ending felt a bit rushed (due to the word count restrictions of the contest, I'd assume). You truly have a wonderful story here and I'd love to see what you could with it without any restrictions. All around, I think this is a very creative tear-jerker!

*Moon*Write On!*Moon*
*RainbowL*Stephanie Grace*RainbowR*

*Sun*My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.*Sun*
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Congratulations on being a selected reviewee at "Simply Positive Review Forum !

Dawn: (Title, etc)
The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this item perfectly.

Sunrise: (Contents)
This was simple to follow and understand and flowed smoothly. It did, however, feel more like prose than poetry to me. *Blush*

Noon: (Imagery, Emotion)
The imagery, to me, was quite reader-driven and brought up a lot of memories and thoughts which furthered the emotional impact of your words. I found the ending quite reflective in tone and it left me sitting here and just... thinking. Great job!

Sunset: (Suggestions)
         *Bullet*Line 1: I think that a comma at the end of this line might improve the flow into Line 2...
         *Bullet*Line 6: road[,]: I think that a semi-colon might be a bit more appropriate than the present comma as the subject in the second half is different from that of the first.
         *Bullet*Line 19: heart[,]: The comma in this line kind of broke up the flow for me.
         *Bullet*Line 26: see, [ ] - Extra space.
         *Bullet*Line 29: then [ ] - Extra space
         *Bullet*Okay, this isn't really a suggestion, but you have a line count of 36 lines at the bottom and I only count 29... Could be WdC spacing or something, but I figured I should mention it...

Dusk: (Overall thoughts)
I really love the truth in your words. Not only could I easily understand what you were saying, but I could feel your presence in every line. It's not often that people are willing to share so much and that, to me, makes this so much more special. I am glad that you were able to find happiness, my dear. You deserve no less! *Kiss*

*Moon*Write On!*Moon*
*RainbowL*Stephanie Grace*RainbowR*

*Sun*My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.*Sun*
Review of Winter Solstice  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Congratulations on being a selected reviewee at "Simply Positive Review Forum !

Dawn: (Title, etc)
The title, description, rating, and chosen genre all fit this poem perfectly.

Sunrise: (Contents)
The aabb rhyme scheme worked well with your words to give this poem a nice rhythm. Everything was simple to follow and understand and flowed smoothly from beginning to end.

Noon: (Imagery, Emotion)
The imagery is well-done as, not only could I envision what was being said, but plenty of memories and images rushed to the forefront of my mine. This had a nice thought and reflective feeling. I'm sure for many people this will also stir up that feeling of rebirth and hope that can come with the winter solstice and the days getting longer again, but, for me, I mourned a little bit... I love winter and long, cold, dark days! *Laugh*

Sunset: (Suggestions)
         *Bullet*In Line 2, I wonder if heaven's should be capitalized...
         *Bullet*I love this and how it does express a full thought, however, I did feel like there might be more that could be said. This could, of course, just be me though. *Blush*

Dusk: (Overall thoughts)
I enjoyed this poem. I think that you managed to say quite a lot in only four lines. You summed up the feeling of the Winter Solstice quite well which is wonderful since I think that was your intention! *Laugh**Wink*

*Moon*Write On!*Moon*
*RainbowL*Stephanie Grace*RainbowR*

*Sun*My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.*Sun*
Review of Write Stuff  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

The aabba rhyme scheme worked great with your words to give this a nice, fast-pace rhythm without any of the rhymes feeling forced. The flow was pretty smooth from beginning to end though I did feel like a more consistent syllable count might make it even smoother. It wasn't like I felt a complete stumble anywhere, but, in some lines, I could definitely feel the extra or missing beat.

This was incredibly fun to read and something that I'm fairly certain every member of WdC could relate to and thoroughly enjoy. The imagery, of course, is pretty reader-driven as he/she relates and can envision him/herself during writing. Both aspects really made this poem a delight to read for me!

         *Bullet*Stanza 2, Line 1: The comma at the end of this line felt a bit unnecessary to me as the thought is carried into the next line.

This was so much fun and had me smiling all the way through, even as my own writing frustrations came to mind. I'm going with a 4.5 only because I think the flow could be a smidgen smoother, but, really, I'd love to give it a 4.85. *Wink* Thank you for the smile!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Nostalgia  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

*Moon*Poetry Review 2 of 3 from JACE and "WDC Power Reviewers Holiday Auction"   by Maryann *Moon*

*Star*First Thought:
Diners are a big thing around here so this was just a natural fit for me. *Delight*

I love how this poem carried such a sense of ease to it. I felt comforted and relaxed as I read your words.

Not only did you capture the photograph perfectly, but your words recreated it in my mind's eye with great ease. I could easily envision everything as the diner came to life around me. To add to both the emotion and imagery, memories just came flooding back and left me smiling. I couldn't help but think of all the elderly people around here that have their diner that they've visited together for years... When I worked at a diner, those stories and traditions were always incredibly touching and you really managed to capture that here.

         *Sun*Line 2: The comma at the end of this line broke up the thought a bit here for me since the same thought is carried from this line to the next.
         *Sun*Line 3: This could just be me not interpreting this right ...or not thinking of the right definition of wax (I'm taking like... to increase, basically), but I felt like nostalgia might work better than nostalgic. Again, could be me. *Blush*
         *Sun*In the first two stanza, the fourth line feels like a separate yet connected thought... I wonder if semi-colons might be more appropriate than commas at the end of lines 3 & 7...

*Star*Overall Thoughts:
You stuck wonderfully to the giving form! I did not count one misplaced syllable nor did any rhymes feel forced. The flow was pretty smooth except for those little hiccups mentioned above. This was very touching and hit home for me... I love that.

I'm going with a 4.5 because I think that a second look here and there could improve this poem, but, really, I think that you could easily push this poem beyond a 5.0 rating. I love it and all the comfort I found within your words.

Stephanie Grace
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Winter's Colors  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

*Moon*Poetry Review 1 of 3 from JACE and "WDC Power Reviewers Holiday Auction"   by Maryann *Moon*

*Star*First Thought:
Very.... festive! *Laugh* (Bah humbug, Sir, Bah Humbug!)

This was actually quite relaxing to read and I wished it hadn't ended!

This was definitely the strongest aspect of this poem. Not only did you do a beautiful job of capturing the given image, but I could easily envision the scene without the image. As an added moment of joy, this also brought up a different memory for me of the Christmas tree a few years back (Okay, like 12 years...) where the red were bows tied to it... It was a simple tree... Until the kittens knocked it over one night. *Laugh*

         *Sun*This is so incredibly superficial, but "growing" text kind of made me twitch. *Blush* It really gave a feeling, to me, like the last would be a predominant feature and really have a "bam" to it, but I don't think that truly happened; It all worked together...

*Star*Overall Thoughts:
You stuck wonderfully to the form and your word choice was superb! The imagery really took me and, even with my great fear/hate of birds, I loved this! *Laugh* You really captured the moment beautifully. It was simple to understand and flowed smoothly... I love it!

Hmm.... If you'd chosen the image, I'd give you a 1.0 just because I hate birds, but I give you a 5.0 because I think you handled the prompts perfectly and, for me, brought up a happier image, so I love it. *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Idyll  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

*Moon*Poetry Review 3 of 3 from 🌕 HuntersMoon and "WDC Power Reviewers Holiday Auction"   by Maryann *Moon*

*Star*First Thought:
I live in a place where diners tend to play a significant role in just about everyone's life, so I felt right at home reading this poem! (Just about everyone I know, at some point, had their diner that visited with certain people on a weekly basis... Apparently, we're big on dinners here. LOL... Explains why there are so many around here too!).

Not only could I easily understand the feelings relayed throughout this poem, but I found myself smiling as it stirred up some of my own emotions. The reflective tone really made it come to life and hit home for me.

You did a wonderful job of setting up the scene but not being so direct as to make this one specific place. Readers can easily be brought to their favorite diner while reading and your words will fit nicely no matter which diner they choose. I love that!

         *Sun*I did not notice any typos nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

*Star*Overall Thoughts:
This poem is incredibly charming and I really felt at home reading it. You stuck wonderfully to the form (Thank you, again, for adding an explanation of it). Everything was simple to follow and understand and the flow was smooth from beginning to end without any rhymes feeling forced.

I can't think of one reason to give this any lower than a 5.0 rating. This is just...wonderful! I love it!

Stephanie Grace
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Betrayal  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

*Moon*Poetry Review 2 of 3 from 🌕 HuntersMoon and "WDC Power Reviewers Holiday Auction"   by Maryann *Moon*

*Star*First Thought:
I think that, with this poem, you took the old "Save our Earth" message and truly made it your own.

The first stanza of this poem had me smiling and feeling relaxed... then that changed and I could feel fear and mourning in your words. Wonderfully done, my dear!

While the picture present in this item naturally caught my eye, I think that the description and imagery in the poem was even stronger. It represented the photograph quite well, but also felt darker and... creepier to me which really took the image in my mind to a whole new level.

I did not notice any typos nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

*Star*Overall Thoughts:
Thank you for including a description of the form (I really didn't feel like having to look it up right now...)! You stuck very well to the form and I didn't count one stray syllable nor feel that any of the rhymes were forced. Combine all that with the strong imagery and wonderful message and you get...

I have no choice. This took me away and said a message that I have heard over and over in such a new and enchanting way that I would lose sleep if I didn't click 5.0! I really loved this poem, dear!

Stephanie Grace
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Christmas Haiku  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

*Moon*Poetry Review 1 of 3 from 🌕 HuntersMoon and "WDC Power Reviewers Holiday Auction"   by Maryann *Moon*

*Star*First Thought:
I think this is adorable ...and very easy to relate to!

Not only could I feel the love behind the words, but also the pride with which it was received. You captured a moment in time that is definitely gone too fast. The innocence and beauty of such a present is definitely clear in your words.

Well, of course the picture makes it even easier, but I could easily see the present from your description as well.

         *Sun*Since this is not about nature, I think that you're better off calling it a Senryu.

*Star*Overall Thoughts:
Your word choice is great and I love how this not only stirred my feelings, but also kicked up a few forgotten memories. You stuck wonderfully to the 5-7-5 count and really captured the whole essence of receiving the gift.

I'm going with a 4.5 because I felt like the ending could be stronger somehow... I'm not sure how, with my brain, it could just be the "a" being present which tends to feel like a filler in such small, syllable-based poems. *Blush* In all honesty, though, I loved this... it almost made me like Christmas for a second there! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

*Moon*Congrats on being featured in the "Simply Positive Review Forum !*Moon*

*Star*First Thought:
I found this to be very relaxing and it left me reflecting ...which I love!

I went through everything from happiness to contentment to excitement to sadness and back around again while reading this.

The imagery truly felt like the backbone of this piece to me. I could see it all coming to life before my eyes as I read! *Inlove*

Everything was simple to follow and understand, however, there were two little places where I felt a minor hiccup in the flow:
         *Sun*Third Portion, Fifth Line: swaying....breeze is added detail, so my brain automatically thought there should be a comma before and after this phrase.
         *Sun*Sixth Portion, Fourth Line: like...snowflakes Same as above, but the comma after the phrase is there, just not the one before. *Blush*
         *Sun*The only other thing that I could think to mention here is the final line... It's an incomplete sentence which, I know, doesn't quite matter with prose, but I think that connecting it more to the preceding line (i.e, just removing the period) would really add more power to it and make the thought feel more complete... Could just be me, of course... Many things are... *Laugh*

*Star*Overall Thoughts:
While reading this, I really felt like I was just watching it and I love nothing more than watching the snow fall through my window. To add to that, Cherry Blossom Trees are my favorite, so this was truly heavenly for me to experience and I thank you for that. It is very well-written and creative and I just love how it came to life. Wonderful!

I'm going with a 4.5 because of those little nit-picky things I mentioned, but, really, I absolutely love this and would love to see it in print with illustrations!!!

Stephanie Grace*Quill*

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of My Own Tongue  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)

*Moon*Review 2 of 2 from kiyasama and "Invalid Item !*Moon*

*Star*First Thought:
This is a very strong piece!

I could easily detect the strength behind your words; that declaration of want and that you will take what you want really caught my attention. Perhaps it is meant to be more mournful, but I didn't get that... I got the strength. *Thumbsup*

This is not an incredibly visual poem, but it did bring some images to the forefront of my mind. Of course, the lack of true imagery is NOT a bad thing... This poem is just more vocal than visual and I actually really loved that aspect of this poem.

Everything was simple to follow and understand and the flow was smooth from beginning to end. Of course, my brain wants punctuation throughout since there's a comma in the first line, but the flow is not so bumpy that it truly calls out for it. The only real suggestion that popped into my head would be italicize ({i} and {/i}) the letters when they are meant to be read as themselves. This, of course, could just be me. *Blush*

*Star*Overall Thoughts:
I really loved this poem. It's power and strength really captivated me. It is a wonderful tribute to not only your native language, but also to your culture and YOU. Beautiful job... What more can I say?

This left me feeling empowered and strong and I could feel your pride in every line. The ending was truly wonderful... Really, how could I sleep tonight if I didn't click 5.0 for the rating?

Stephanie Grace*Quill*

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Caffeine  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)

*Moon*Review 1 of 2 from kiyasama and "Invalid Item !*Moon*

*Star*First Thought:
Take out the boiling and you have my love, my Diet Coke! *Wink*

This is a great dedication to your favorite drink. Not only did this make me think of my mother and her constant coffee-drinking, but I could easily understand how you feel toward the drink... and, even better, I was able to experience drinking it through your words.

This definitely stirred up plenty of images in my mind. I could easily envision the liquid from your descriptions, but the memories that came to mind made it even more special. This definitely came to life as I read.

You stuck well to the 5-7-5 syllable count and the flow was fairly smooth, though I did feel like it could have been a little smoother. Everything was simple to follow and understand, though, so there was no major hindrance. The third line was where I first stumbled... it felt like a bit of a jolt as it expresses a different aspect of the drink from the first two lines. Also, I know that punctuation is a matter of personal preference, but I really think that it could make the flow even smoother throughout this poem...

*Star*Overall Thoughts:
I really enjoyed this poem. Your word choice is very good and this is well-written. I think that you got it all across wonderfully and I thank you for the experience!

I'm going with a 4.0 because of the feeling that the flow could be smoother, but I really enjoyed every second of reading this poem! I think that you could easily push this beyond 5 stars!

Stephanie Grace*Quill*

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Imperfection  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)

*Moon*Congrats on being featured in the "Simply Positive Review Forum !*Moon*

This really has a great message and I could easily understand the feelings of the letter's writer.

In the first paragraph: well,[ ]things -missing space

In the third paragraph, there were two spacing issues: Truthfully[ ],I've and that,[ ]Hmmmm...

I felt a strong reader-character connection as memories came back, but I never got a true essence of the writer... This felt, to me, like an older person writing this, though I could really understand that as many of my teenage letters might be looked at in the same way. To me, though, something was missing... why is she writing this letter... is it a response to another letter or it this just a high school note to be passed from hand to hand?

In all honesty, I love the tone of this letter and really love its message, but I felt that the character wasn't developed to her full potential... Maybe one more paragraph in the beginning to introduce her a bit more???

I wish that I knew more of the character, but I'm absolutely in love with your message here.

Stephanie Grace

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Still Loving You  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)

*Moon*Congrats on being featured in the "Simply Positive Review Forum !*Moon*

*Star*First Thought:
This is a very touching tribute to your motherland.

I could easily detect your feelings of longing to be there and the appreciation that you have for the country.

I think the imagery is mainly reader-driven, stirring up memories and images from the reader's own life which is wonderful because it made your words even to connect with.

I felt a few small hiccups in the flow as I read, but nothing too major... The main things that caught my attention were:
         *Sun*In Stanza 2, I felt a little pause and had to go back and re-read this stanza. Perhaps a comma at the end of the second line would smooth this out a bit?
         *Sun*In the the third stanza, I felt a slight bump between lines 3 and 4. I think that moving Support to the third line would help here...*Blush*
         *Sun*The ending felt, to me, like it might be stronger somehow... I think that the word For gave it a different feeling and made my brain want a but after pass...

*Star*Overall Thoughts:
This poem is well-written and I love that you were able to display such passion in your words that I could feel the longing in my own heart. Great job!

I'm going with a 4.5 because I think that the flow could be a touch smoother, but I really enjoyed this poem and love how much "you" I found in it!

Stephanie Grace*Quill*

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
The description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly. The title does too, of course, but it felt a little... reminiscent of a child throwing a tantrum to me. *Blush* I only mention this because it made me want to roll my eyes and run ..until I read the description. *Wink*

The aabb rhyme scheme worked well with your words without any rhymes feeling too forced. It also gave this poem a nice, bouncy rhythm that kept it feeling very lighthearted. I love the fast pace of this poem which never let my smile fade for an instant! Everything was simple to follow and understand, though I did detect a few little hiccups in the flow...

The imagery is simple which kept it all easy to envision. The emotion comes through as showing a fun side of you that adds to the impact of Stanza 6, Line 3! *Wink*

Stanza 3, Line 1: [coming up] thirty[-]
         *Bullet*This felt a little awkward to me, perhaps "approaching" would smooth out the flow here?
         *Bullet*I'm suggesting hyphenation after thirty to better link the words together... This could also be because it's been drilled in my head to write numbers that way.
Stanza 3, Line 4
         *Bullet*I don't know exactly what it was in this line that gave me pause, but I did stop and re-read this and the preceding line during my first few readings of this poem. Something just didn't seem to flow right here for me. *Blush*
Stanza 5, Line 1
         *Bullet*The comma at the end of this line felt a bit misplaced as it break-ups a thought that carries into the next line.
Stanza 5, Line 4
         *Bullet*The comma in this line also felt unnecessary as the word "and" is present to link the two different subjects.
Stanza 6, Line 4
         *Bullet*I love the ending of this poem, but it seemed a bit unfocused compared to the rest of the poem since it shifts to being about your books instead of you. I think that the sudden shift just felt a little jarring to me as this line would be more appropriate if it were closer to the preceding stanza where your books are the focus and not you as much... *Blush*

I thoroughly enjoyed this poem and smiled all the way through every time that I read it. It is fun and lighthearted and, from what I've "seen", a great introduction to you! I'm giving it a 4.0 rating because of the aforementioned suggestions, but I think you could easily make this a 5.0 story (or maybe above)! This poem definitely has some spunk that I really wasn't expecting! Thank you for the smiles and laughs!!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Mama  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this story perfectly. The only thing that caught my attention here is the title. Yes, it fits perfectly, but the narrator never refers to her mother as "Mama" in the story...

The first person POV was definitely the right choice for this story. It worked wonderfully to help build and strengthen the character-reader connection. I also must applaud you for using the present tense and not straying from it! Everything was simple to follow and understand and flowed smoothly. I love the build-up of the first three paragraphs and how much love and happiness they contain before the twist that I didn't want to see coming. Great job!

I could easily envision the characters, even without every little detail being given. The setting, too, was well-done; I could see everything. The emotion was quite strong. Not only did I feel for the narrator, but her story tugged on my heartstrings.

         *Bullet*The only thing that came to mind here is the ending. While I do like and I love what it says, the last sentence just seemed a little flat to me. *Blush*

This is well-written and I love how much emotion and story you fit into only 499 words! This definitely says much more than I'd expected and tells much more than just the words on the screen! Wonderfully done, my friend! I'm going with a 4.5 ending only because of that ending, but I really enjoyed this story!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Candleb*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Candlev*

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

The rhyming couplets worked wonderfully with your words to keep everything moving along rhythmically without any rhymes feeling forced. Everything was simple to follow and understand and I really the fast-paced feeling! *Delight*

I could easily envision everything as I read. The feeling of this poem was lighthearted and yet the frustration came through clearly. I think, right now, a million and one NaNo-ers would be able to relate to your words in less than a heartbeat! I like to reserve a bit of sanity, so I'm not a NaNoer, but, I could still relate to this with ease. You captured the struggle beautifully!

         *Bullet*Comma at the end of Line 3, maybe?

I absolutely loved this poem! It was so much fun to read and yet I still felt the frustration --amazing! It is very well-written and I thoroughly enjoyed it... I can't think of any reason in the world to click anything but "5.0" for rating!

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Disease Spreads.  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
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Congratulations on being a selected reviewee at "Simply Positive Review Forum !

Dawn: (Title, etc)
The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly, though I was unsure which is actually the "true" title since "Spreading..." within the item felt like a title to me, but did not match the item title.

Sunrise: (Contents)
The free verse form worked well with your words to keep everything moving along. Everything was simple to follow and understand. The flow, however, felt like it could be a little smoother to me...*Blush*

Noon: (Imagery, Emotion)
The imagery is very vivid; wonderful job there! The emotion comes by way of fear and is definitely heightened by the superb imagery! Great job!

Sunset: (Suggestions)
         *Bullet*The tense changes from present to past to present a few times which distracted me a bit.
         *Bullet*In Line 6: Comma after "drips"?
         *Bullet*In Line 10: spoke,[ ]" -Missing space
         *Bullet*In Line 18: The first comma felt a bit unnecessary to me. Also, I think your should be you're.

Dusk: (Overall thoughts)
This is well-written and very vivid... I'm glad that it's early in the day or this could give me some horrible nightmares! *Blush*

*Moon*Write On!*Moon*
*RainbowL*Stephanie Grace*RainbowR*

*Sun*My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.*Sun*
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Congratulations on being a selected reviewee at "Simply Positive Review Forum !

Dawn: (Title, etc)
The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

Sunrise: (Contents)
The aabb rhyme scheme worked very well with your words to keep everything moving right along without any rhymes feeling forced. Everything was simple to follow and understand, though I did feel a few hiccups in the flow.

Noon: (Imagery, Emotion)
The personal contents is sure to bring plenty of images to the forefront of the reader's mind while reading --especially those who have a son! The emotion comes through clearly; it is simple to feel the love and admiration in each line. Very well done!

Sunset: (Suggestions)
         *Bullet*There were a few places (such as Stanza 2, Lines 1/2) where a thought feels broken up by a comma.
         *Bullet*Stanza 4, Line 4: lost,[ ]sad - Missing space.
         *Bullet*I think the main thing that hindered the flow for me is the punctuation. I think that reading this out loud might help with it a bit...

Dusk: (Overall thoughts)
This is very touching and well-written. Your sons are so lucky to have such a doting mother! *Wink*

*Moon*Write On!*Moon*
*RainbowL*Stephanie Grace*RainbowR*

*Sun*My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.*Sun*
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