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Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
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Congrats on being one of this week's selected reviewees at "Simply Positive Review Forum !

What stayed with me:
This brought back a whole lot of memories for me --many road trips and beautiful sights! Thank you!

As I read this poem, there were a few things that popped into my head that might make this poem even better...
*Bullet*The punctuation throughout the poem is inconsistent which made it hard for me to get comfortable with the reading because I was never sure if I would have extra guide or not. I think that added more punctuation would really improve the flow as well as making sure that your poem is read as you want it to be read.
*Bullet*Line 7: This line tripped me up a bit. There is an extra space after As which didn't effect me much, but the meaning seemed to be lost as this line felt a little redundant; farther away and out of town both seem to be saying nearly the same thing. It felt more natural to me without the word away.
*Bullet*Three of the first four lines are each ten syllables; the third, though, has only nine. This caught my attention because it allowed me to get settled into one "beat" and then it changes. I wonder how this poem would be if you carried that ten-syllable count throughout the poem... Just a thought, though. *Wink*
*Bullet*Line 10: longer[ ],
         There's a stray space here, but I also wonder about changing the comma in this line to a semi-colon as there are two separated but connected thoughts here.
*Bullet*In the last two couplets, the rhyme changes which caught me very off guard. Since it seems that the rhymes are intertwined here, perhaps make the ending a quatrain to show the difference?
*Bullet*I also wonder about adding just a bit more imagery of the final "stopping" place.

My Overall Thoughts:
This is a great poem, though I think that you could make it better by just spending a little more time with it. Everything was simple to follow and understand and I really love the fun, lighthearted tone of it which got me excited right away! Great work, my dear!

Stephanie Grace
Review of Starting Over  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Congrats on being one of this week's selected reviewees at "Simply Positive Review Forum !

What stayed with me:
This was a refreshing read. One to which I think many readers will relate.

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

My Overall Thoughts:
This is very well-written and a great display of faith and talent. The flow was smooth and everything was simple to follow and understand. This really left me thinking about my own life and how many times I have felt the need to start over, wishing I could find so much faith in my heart. This was freeing to read. You feelings throughout are clear and yet there is still plenty of room for the reader's emotions to bloom while reading. Wonderful!

Stephanie Grace
Review of Autumn  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Congrats on being one of this week's selected reviewees at "Simply Positive Review Forum !

What stayed with me:
Since Autumn has always been my favorite season, I love that this poem brought me into that beautiful time of year --especially while we're getting into the warm weather that I dread! *Kiss*

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, however, there did seem to be an extra syllable in the third line. My guess is that it's over the word orange. It could be an accent thing, but I count it as two (just to be safe, I also looked at dictionary.com for confirmation, which says two as well). Then again, I could be completely wrong and the syllable could have slipped through your fingers elsewhere. *Wink* Also, in the same line, there is an extra space after red.

My Overall Thoughts:
This is very well-written. The imagery is strong and beautiful; I could easily envision the change of season. The calm, relaxed tone, to me, was quite enchanting and drew me even deeper into the poem. You captured autumn with seeming ease and I love it!

Stephanie Grace

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Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Reviewed as part of your drink from "The Coffee House gifted by ~WhoMe???~ .

My Feelings:
Since it's raining outside my window, I was drawn to this poem as soon as I saw the title. *Smile* I love it's simplicity. Not only have you managed to capture a Spring rainstorm in beautiful wording, but you tied it wonderfully with a reflective ending that left me just sitting here thinking for a while before I reread and started reviewing... *Delight*

My Suggestions:
I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

My Thoughts:
The free verse form really worked beautifully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end. I did not detect any "hiccups" nor did I have to reread any line. You brought me right into the scene and left me with a smile and a million thoughts. This says so much and yet it is so simple... I am just awed!

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review of Relief  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Part of your drink from "The Coffee House gifted by ~WhoMe???~

My Feelings:
This poem, to me, felt very deep and easy to relate to. I think that it could be interpreted in many different ways depending on the readers' own experiences in life which, to me, is an amazing thing. *Delight*

My Suggestions:
I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos. The only thing (and I"m only mentioning it since it happened, LOL) that I noticed was with wondering in the second stanza. I read this poem about five times and every other time, my brain read, wandering. On those reads, there was still weight there, but it seemed to give me a little bit of a different take on the words... Which was a new experience, LOL, since it now feels like I've read two different poems...

My Thoughts:
You stuck wonderfully to the form. The rhymes did not feel forced and I did not count any extra nor missing syllables. A beautiful poem, in my opinion!!!

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review of Jubilation  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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My Feelings:
This is simply stated and beautifully worded. It is a comfort and filled with strength, longing, and sadness. You managed to fit a whole lot into such a small space!

My Suggestions:
I tried, but couldn't come up with a single one. *Blush*

My Thoughts:
Short and to the point, but is wonderfully well-written and creative. Beautiful!

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review of THIRST  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
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Part of your drink from "The Coffee House gifted by ~WhoMe???~ . *Smile*

My Feelings:
This poem definitely hit home! It is simple to relate to and I understood your feelings right off the bat! *Wink*

My Suggestions:
I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos. The only suggestion that I could think up was about the titles in the first stanza. I wonder if italicizing them would keep them stand out, but without making them feel too detached from the rest of the poem...

My Thoughts:
This is very well-written and flowed smoothly. I love the feeling portrayed, that need to read... You got it across beautifully!

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review of James  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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My Feelings:
You did a great job of setting up the scene and bringing me into the story! I could see it all playing out before my eyes! *Delight* I did, however, feel that the constraints of the contest rules (I'm guessing Daily Flash. 300 words max?) left this story feeling a bit unfinished. While it felt pretty well-rounded, I was still left wondering about the details of the "why". I think that it also constricting the development of the reader/character connection... I was never quite sure who I should feel sorry for. *Blush*

My Suggestions:
*Bullet*Add more! I would LOVE to see where you could take this given more freedom of words!
*Bullet*Paragraph 5
         This paragraph caught me up a little bit as, once the cloth is removed, I expected the next speaker to be James, but it was not...

My Thoughts:
This is very well-written and you handled the present tense wonderfully, without ever slipping into past! *Thumbsup* Everything was simple to follow and understand. I think that, without the limitations of a contest, you could easily make this a mind-blowing longer story --perhaps even a novel! *Wink*

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review of In the City  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with The Coffee House Employees  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Review given as part of your drink from "The Coffee House gifted by ~WhoMe???~ !

My Feelings:
This poem left me sitting back and reflecting. It is quite thought-provoking and has this great reflective tone to it that I really just love! I also love that the message is so simple and yet so deep.

My Suggestions:
I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

My Thoughts:
The free verse form worked very well with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end. Everything was simple to follow and understand. The imagery is just wonderful! I could not only envision it all, but I felt like I was right there beside you, seeing and feeling everything. This is a great display of your talent for bringing your reader into the scene. I just love it... What more can I say?

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Thank you for entering "Rising Stars Shining Brighter [E]!

My Feelings:
This was a nice, calm poem with a very relaxing tone to it. You did a great job of capturing the essence of writing poetry while also... writing poetry! *Wink* This really reminded me of the part that's been feeling lost as of late and I found it very inspirational! Thank you!

My Suggestions:
I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos. While you stuck wonderfully to the form, it felt, to me, like it broke up the words a bit too much here and there as I read this the first time. I also felt that there could be more added to this as the last two stanzas focus on specific types of writing. Perhaps another stanza or two would bring it full circle by exploring more types of writing or going back to the more generalized feeling of the first two?

My Thoughts:
I really enjoyed reading this poem. It is very well-written and says much more than the words on the screen. The wording is beautiful and drew me right into the poem. A million memories and images flooded through my mind as I read. Great job and good luck in the contest!

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review of Girl Watching  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with The Coffee House Employees  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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Review 2 of 2 from "The Coffee House . (Sorry for the delay, Mr. Jace... I claimed your "drink" after someone else did, but they haven't reported it as finished, so I'm doing another review to make sure you get your order in full!) *Wink*

My Feelings:
This was, all at once, what I expected and not what I expected at all! (Much to my husband's dismay, there was no "front view" speech for me to relay to him. LOL. Though, he did agree with what I DID read aloud to him...). I laughed and blushed all the way through this piece! It's something that few [attached and/or married] men will admit to that I can't help but admire your honestly! (My husband once rear-ended a car while watching a jogger --he was a teen at the time, but, still... LOL). I love this glimpse into not only your mind, but just plain the plain nature of the male "species". *Wink* You wrote this in such a way that I can't even see how ANY female could ever be offended by such writing or such an act!

My Suggestions:
I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head. (My two notes on that sentence: 1) I read this through three times because the first two times, I felt like I might have missed something while laughing or blushing and 2) Perhaps write a second piece for the "coming before the going"?). *Wink*

My Thoughts:
This is well-written and incredibly entertaining. I love it's honesty. I love that you are so comfortable with yourself that you share this freely --and will stand by it! So few men would do that. The flow was smooth and everything was simple to follow and understand. This gave me a little more understanding into my husband's head to boot! C'mon, what more could I really ask for from words on a screen? *Wink* Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this, Mr. Jace! *Kiss*

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review of Muse  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with The Coffee House Employees  
Rated: 18+
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This is review 4 of 4 of your order from "The Coffee House gifted by Adriana Noir !

My Feelings:
*Shudders* You managed to squeeze so much into this story! I felt for the main character is such a way that I understand and felt his emotions all the way through the story. When Jess appeared, I had the same experience with her. Their feelings became my own and at the end... Well, I'm sure you can imagine how I feel right now!

My Suggestions:
*Bullet*Paragraph 7: finger[-]combed
         I think that adding hyphenation here would help better to link the words together as one thought.
*Bullet*Paragraph 10
         Since this is the dialogue connected to the preceding paragraph, it need not be on its own, but should be part of paragraph 9. *Wink*
*Bullet*Paragraph 12: Leaning back...[,] she stretched.
         Since there are two actions here, I think that separating them with a comma would improve the clarity and flow here.
*Bullet*Paragraph 17
         Here, again, the dialogue is separated by a paragraph break from the speaker. While it is still easy to understand, it does seem to take away from the flow, for me.
*Bullet*Paragraph 27
         See above.

My Thoughts:
I found this story to be very well-written. I could see everything playing out before and didn't want to turn away once (well, maybe once... LOL). This has a very creative storyline and, honestly, I didn't see the ending coming AT ALL until I read it --and still wasn't sure if I'd read it right! LOL. The characters are wonderfully developed and the plot is just superb! I'd love to see these characters again! (That could be due to the strong reader/character bond that you've managed to develop). I don't know what else to say. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story!! Thank you for sharing it with the WDC community!

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review of On the Chance  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E
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Review 3 of 4 from "The Coffee House

My Feelings:
This is a very touching story that I think you could really build into a longer story, even a novel. The character development was wonderful. I felt an immediate attachment to Carlie (even though I read half of the story reading "Charlie" in stead of Carlie... Oops... LOL). The ever-important empathy factor was really astounding! I hate romance, but I actually felt myself getting a bit choked up. *Blush*

My Suggestions:
*Bullet*Paragraph 2: that had been[.]
         To me, this period caught me off-guard because I think that this sentence could be said with more enthusiasm than that of a period. Perhaps an exclamation point would better reflect the enthusiasm of the sentence?
*Bullet*Paragraph 3: Girls['] Academy
         I'm not sure if this should be possessive or not (it's currently not). My brain is having a bit of a war over it, so I figured I'd just mention it in the case that you want to have your own debate or know better than I. *Wink*
*Bullet*Paragraph 5 on:
         Many of the paragraphs are not indented as in the beginning, including those consisting of dialogue. I figured I should mention it.
*Bullet*Paragraph 14 (I counted the letter as one paragraph.): off ya[,] girl,...
         Since "girl" is being spoken to, there should be a comma before the word.
*Bullet*The ending:
         Earlier in the story, it is implied that Father Patrick knows Mark is coming, but that's never explained. How did he know that he would be there? How did he know to stall?

My Thoughts:
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story! It is well-written and I really loved its simplicity, which felt only a little complex, yet was clear and straightforward. It was very touching. Everything flowed wonderful and was simple to follow and understand. I wonder if you'll revisit these characters. I felt a bit attached to them by the end and want to know how it all turns out for them in the long run!

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review of ~ Solace ~  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+
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Review 2 of 4 of your drink from "The Coffee House purchsed by Adriana Noir !

My Feelings:
This is quite a steamy tale, though without too much{/i] detail. I like that this piece focuses more on the emotional side than the action side. It did, however, feel to me like there could be more to this story, that this could easily be made longer. The mention of the elevator really made me want to know about the abduction...

My Suggestions:
*Bullet*Paragraph 5: work[-]roughened
         I think that hyphenating here would help to better link these words together as one description.

My Thoughts:
This is another very well-written and emotional story. Everything was simple to follow and understand. I could easily envision and feel everything!

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+
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This is review 1 of 4 of your drink from "The Coffee House purchased by Adriana Noir ! Hope you enjoy your refreshment! *Wink*

My Feelings:
This story is incredibly emotional and left me with tears on my cheeks. You handled such a tragic story with tact and talent that made every emotion easy to understand and feel. I don't know that I even breathed while reading this because I felt myself constantly holding my breath...

My Suggestions:
I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, though one small suggestion did pop into my head:
*Bullet*Paragraph 7: my head[,] I try...
         Since there are two actions here, my brain did a little automatic pause, so I wonder if a comma should be here...

My Thoughts:
This story is a wonderful display of your talent for bringing the reader into the story and make him/her see, hear, and feel everything. Everything flowed smoothly and was simply to follow and understand. Not once did I have to reread a sentence or feel like I'd missed something. This truly yanked on my heartstrings... This tragedy is written perfectly, in my opinion!

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review of Snow Angels  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with The Coffee House Employees  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
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Review 2 of 2 of your Regular Coffee from "The Coffee House which is being served with the following message: "For participating in Product Reviews Day" from StephBee

My Feelings:
This poem stirred up a lot of memories and had me smiling all of the way through! Playing in snow is something that I don't think we ever outgrow --and, even when we do, just seeing it brings us right back to those days. You captured that thought wonderfully and relayed the meaning of the quotation prompt with seeming ease! Add to that the daunting "Sestina" form that makes me want to run and hide when I see the name, and this was a true display of talent all around!

My Suggestions:
I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

My Thoughts:
You did an amazing job with this form and the flow was smooth from beginning to end. This is a great display of not only your talent for writing, but also of bringing the reader into the scene and making them SEE and FEEL it all! I absolutely loved this and was delighted that it remained light --there was no tragedy or tear-inducing emotion,.. just lighthearted winter fun --And what could be better than that?

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with The Coffee House Employees  
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
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My Feelings:
This got ME hyped up! *Laugh* The conversational and enthusiastic tone that you maintained from beginning to end made this feel like you could be talking to so many different people! "Dear Me" entries oftentimes feel so personal that I feel like I'm invading the writer's privacy by reading it... Yours, though, actually felt like it was not only written as a personal letter, but also one that could serve as a shove for a lot of others. I was nodding, blushing, and giggling all the way through! I love that this was lighthearted, and yet serious. It held my attention and was just a delight! I think that this will inspire all of its readers to follow suit!

My Suggestions:
Just one little thing stuck out to me: In the second paragraph, I got a little caught up in the second sentence. Noisy muse take up...: I think that you may have meant "muses". *Wink*

My Thoughts:
This is very well-written and I wish you the best of luck with your goals! This was fun and entertaining, yet also felt like a great kick in rear! Everything was simple to follow and understand; the flow was very smooth. I don't know what else I can say... I loved this!!!

Stephanie Grace
Review of My Oxygen  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Review on behalf of "Circle of Sisters.
Thank you for your entry in "Rising Stars Shining Brighter! Best of Luck!

My Feelings:
I found this poem to be very thought-provoking. I really like how it had a feeling of openness, allowing the reader to take the words metaphorically and easily relate them to different aspects of life. At the end, I felt a deep sadness and was left reflecting on your words.

My Suggestions:
I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos. While reading this the first time, I did detect a few little hiccups in the flow, but the went unnoticed on the second and third readings, so I cannot pinpoint exactly where they were... *Blush*

My Thoughts:
This poem has a weight to it that I really was not expecting; which is wonderful and added to the impact of each word as it hit my heart. The free verse form worked well with your words to keep everything simple to follow. The scene that you laid out before my eyes was solemn and mournful, and yet filled with gratitude as well. I enjoyed reading this poem as well as the reflective state that it left me in.

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Review on behalf of "Circle of Sisters.
Thank you for entering "Rising Stars Shining Brighter! Best of Luck!

My Feelings:
This poem offers a wonderful comfort to the reader. It really spoke to me. It left me not only feeling relaxed but offered a wonderful reminder that I am not alone. The faith that is portrayed in each line is astounding and beautiful.

My Suggestions:
Just two little things popped into my head while reading:
*Bullet*Stanza 2, Line 7: There seemed to be a missing syllable here when I counted. It could just be me; if not, perhaps remove the contraction and spell it out: I have...?
*Bullet*Stanza 6, Line 6: I am unsure if this is a typo or if I just couldn't find the word in the dictionaries (I checked three. LOL). Is it possible that blessest is meant to be blesses?

My Thoughts:
You stuck very well to the chosen format and the rhymes did not feel forced nor too predictable. I really thought that this poem was simply beautiful. I love the comfort and warmth that I found in your words --it was like being hugged by a dear friend. I also love that this poem is so easy to relate to --it really made me reflect on my own life and feelings, which made this poem that much stronger. It's impact was quite profound on my heart.

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with Circle of Sisters  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review of behalf of "Circle of Sisters.
Thank you for entering "Rising Stars Shining Brighter! Best of Luck!

My Feelings:
The vivid imagery throughout this poem really left me feeling very at peace. The first stanza drew me right in and left me smiling, feeling relaxed. I am unsure of the form, though, as all Limericks that I have read have been funny in content. I also did not feel the usual rhythm of a Limerick...

My Suggestions:
I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

My Thoughts:
While I am unsure that this is a traditional Limerick, I found the flow to be smooth without any rhymes feeling forced. The wonderful imagery and relaxed feeling really just took me away, though did leave me feeling a bit mournful (as all sunrises seem to do. LOL). You did a tremendous job of capturing the night as well as its final moments. This is a great display of talent!

These reflections have been brought to you by "The WDC Angel Army, "Simply Positive Review Forum , "WDC Power Raid And Chat Forum, "Circle of Sisters and the letter "S"! *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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Review 2 of 5 from Twelve Weeks of Christmas

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

The flow was smooth from beginning to end with a nice, bouncy rhythm that kept everything nice and light. No rhymes felt forced, nor did I detect any hiccups. *Thumbsup*

This poem is VERY creative! It's amazing to see what can inspire poetry! *Laugh* The simple language used throughout kept everything very easy to follow and understand. *Delight*

The lighthearted feeling was incredibly enjoyable. I was laughing from beginning to end! The imagery was wonderful! LOL... Plenty of commercials were going through my head! *Wink*

FAVORITE BITS & SUGGESTIONS:(*Derived solely from humble opinions.)
I honestly cannot pick a favorite bit --I loved this poem as a whole!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos and, by golly, I can't think of a single way to improve this poem! (Third read: Check the last stanza; I think "and" should possible be capitalized.).

What more can I say? I absolutely LOVE this poem! It is just hysterical (and I definitely needed a laugh since Hubby and his friend are rambling on and on behind me... Ugh.)! I can't even conceive a reason to give this anything less than a 1.0! *Wink*

Thank you for sharing your poem. Please remember that this review is based only on my own opinions and is not to be taken with any weight; it is only the thoughts of one person and is not meant to do anything more than let you know my thoughts as a reader.*Kiss*

Stephanie Grace
Review of The Potty Train!  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hi! I'm Stephanie the Sapphire Elf, here to review your poem as requested. *Bigsmile* Now, let's see if your poem jingled my bells! *SantaHat*

*SnowMan*The Envelope: (Title, etc...)
The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

*Ornament4B*The Card: (Visual Appeal)
Good use of color and WritingML! The double-spacing, however, seemed to stretch this poem out a bit too much, though, making it appear a bit too much like a list of lines rather than one connected piece...

*StockingR*The Stocking: (Form, Flow, Narrative)
The rhymes were wonderful and the flow was smooth. This poem has a wonderful bounce to it that really made it impossible for me to do anything but smile and laugh while reading.

*StockingB*The Stuffers: (Emotion and Imagery)
I absolutely love the lightheartedness of this poem; it was so much fun to read! The imagery is great as well, but the topper is really the memories that this stirs up! *Laugh*

*CandyCaneR*The Ribbons: (Suggestions)
Just a few little things crossed my mind...
         *CandyCaneR*setting on our... - I'm not sure, but I think this may have been meant to be sitting.
         *CandyCaneR*your like a... - Should be you're *Wink*
         *CandyCaneR*Cause - Throughout this poem, I think that this should have an apostrophe at the beginning to take the place of the "be" missing from the word...

*CandyCaneG*The Bows: (Favorite Parts)
I can't choose a spot! This was just too cute as a whole!

*GiftB*The Present! (Overall Thoughts)
I thoroughly enjoyed this little ditty! It was fun and absolutely adorable!

*XMasTree*The Tree: (Rating)
I'm going with a 4.5 because this was just soooo cute, LOL, but I think that it could use a second look. *Wink*

*Ornament2B*...And the Partridge in a Pear Tree...!*Ornament2B*

*StarDavid**SantaHat*Happy Holidays from*StarDavid**SantaHat*
*SantaHat**StarDavid*Stephanie Grace and (GROUP)!*StarDavid**SantaHat*

Review of Allure  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Hi! I'm Stephanie the Sapphire Elf! "Invalid Item asked me to review you as part of your gift from mARi☠StressedAtWork as part of winning package from the Heart to Heart Auction! *Bigsmile* Now, let's see if your poem jingled my bells! *SantaHat*

*SnowMan*The Envelope: (Title, etc...)
The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

*Ornament4B*The Card: (Visual Appeal)
Plain black text on white screen.. always a good choice! *Wink* The added image is a nice touch, as well!

*StockingR*The Stocking: (Form, Flow, Narrative)
The abcb rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words without any rhymes feeling too forced. The flow was smooth and welcoming... The narrative, well... your talent for storytelling shines through in this poem!

*StockingB*The Stuffers: (Emotion and Imagery)
The feelings of the narrator came through very clearly. *Blush* It was simple to be enchanted by your words and envision everything --I thought I might be falling in lust along side you! *Laugh**Blush**Wink*

*CandyCaneR*The Ribbons: (Suggestions)
I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head (I tried... really I did!)

*CandyCaneG*The Bows: (Favorite Parts)
You mean aside from the ending, right? My favorite part about this poem, honestly, was the buildup! I knew there'd be a punchline, but I wasn't finding it and started thinking that you'd just put this poem in the wrong folder! *Laugh* Definitely a VERY sensual tale... and then that ending... PERFECT!

*GiftB*The Present! (Overall Thoughts)
What more can I really say? This is incredibly sensual and just a wonderful glimpse into what the bar scene is probably like nowadays! LOL. (I'll have to ask my husband, Six-Pack-To-Single-Scottso! LOL).

*XMasTree*The Tree: (Rating)
I can't find any reason to give this less than a 5.0... Sensuality, enchantment, enticement, and one of the best endings I've seen thus far!

*Ornament2B*...And the Partridge in a Pear Tree...!*Ornament2B*

*StarDavid**SantaHat*Happy Holidays from*StarDavid**SantaHat*
*SantaHat**StarDavid*Stephanie Grace and C.A.T.S!*StarDavid**SantaHat*

Review of Tomorrow  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
The intent of this Royal Flush Review is to examine everything in a poem. Structure and format, imagery, word usage, spelling, setting and emotions.

Structure & Format: So, by my count, we have here abab rhyme scheme with eight-syllable lines. Meter is beyond me, LOL, I have read plenty about it and own books for it, but I just can't be bothered to actually figure out the whole stressed / unstressed thing. Back to the review... The abab rhyme scheme with added internal rhyme was fantastic! It gave the poem a nice, bouncy rhythm without the rhymes overpowering the words or feeling forced (except in Stanza 4, Lines 1 and 3 which just made me laugh. LOL). The only place where it seemed that you'd varied from the eight-syllable count was in Line 3 where I counted 11 syllables (Indian, History, and Mystery are all three syllables by my count; as well as dictionary.com's.). *Wink* It didn't really hinder the flow too much, but it was noticed during my first read.

I think we've all been in similar situations at some point or another so, while you wrote some very vivid imagery, I also had a whole lot of memories flood through my mind's eye.

Word Usage:
The simple language kept everything easy to understand and follow. Not once did I find myself feeling confused. *Thumbsup*

Aside from the purposely misspelled word (Stanza 4, Line 3), nothing caught my eye as "off."

The setting was simple to envision and relate to! *Blush*

I really laughed my way through this. Not only could I easily feel the frustration and panic of the narrator, but I could well remember feeling those emotions myself in similar circumstances!

Overal Impression:
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this poem! It is fun, lighthearted and a true delight!

This piece was reviewed on behalf of: "Invalid Item and "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

This is wonderful! I mean, not only did I get a good laugh from it, but I was nodding from beginning to end... nodding and thinking! This is very creative and I really loved the conversational narrative. I felt like, at any time, I could jump on in and respond to something you'd just said. *Thumbsup*

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head. Oh! Wait... Nix that... At about the end, you reference "Stephanie Meyers"; are you sure that's spelled right? I've never read her books (or been able to sit through that "Twilight" thing), so I'm not sure, but I thought I'd seen her name spelled as "Stephenie." (If I'm right, Bravo to you for using what I consider the right spelling of the name!).

The title and opening lines really commanded my attention and called out for me to read this and the words that followed held that attention very strongly. You kept everything flowing well and it was all simple to follow and understand. The light-hearted feeling throughout this came through, but I also found myself doing a lot of thinking. By the end, I was inspired to try and write something to answer a question or two... I never saw that coming! All in all, I think you did an awesome job with this and thank you for starting off my WDC day with such a magnificent item!!!

Do you really need me to explain the 5.0 I'm about to click?

Stephanie Grace
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