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Review of Tiger  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Reviewed on behalf of the Angel Army and "Invalid Item !

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly.

You stuck very well to the chosen form. Everything was simple to follow and understand. You did a superb job of capturing and describing your subject. Reading this poem was really almost like looking a painting! *Thumbsup*

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, however, I did feel like the flow could be a little smoother. I know that punctuation is optional in poetry, but I really like that it would help here to better guide the reader's voice as he/she reads. The presence of commas in lines two and ten made the rest of the poem feel a bit bare in the punctuation department. Also, in the final line, the two words seem to mush tonight a little bit; I think that adding some kind of "stopper" between them would not only improve the flow and reception here, but also add to the impact and strength of the final word.

I really enjoyed this poem and think that any child would love it! I could definitely see this accompanied by pictures of a tiger, though, it really doesn't need to be as you did such a wonderful job with the imagery! *Delight* Another thing that I really loved was that this poem gave me the sense of a complete story! Wonderfully written!

Stephanie Grace

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Review of Who Me???  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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INITIAL REACTION(S): What a wonderful tribute!! Just an Ordinary Boo! really pegged you on this one!!!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

This poem had a smooth flow and really depict the Whome that I know and love!! I found this poem to be both creative and real... The poet managed to not only capture the essence of her subject, but managed to cover miles of ground in a short space... Wonderful!

Hmmm... let me think on that and I'll get back to you. *Laugh*

Stephanie Grace
Review of Luminous Vision  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Poetry review 2 of 2

Ya know, I picked this poem because I say that it had only been rated by one person. My thoughts were that, since that one rating was a 5.0, perhaps it was a poem that could use another view; perhaps it could use some work and the person that had rated it wasn't one of those people that would give it something lower or loved it and didn't seem that it could be improved... I was wrong! This poem is beautifully written. Its sensual content and feeling resonated from screen to heart and mind!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

You stuck wonderfully to the Villanelle form without any rhymes feeling forced. The flow was smooth throughout (a great feat, I believe, as I usually feel myself hating the repetitious side Villanelles.). The language --the wording, is just beautiful and inspiring. With each stanza, I found myself falling deeper into this poem's beauty and I could only smile from beginning to end. This is just... beautiful.

I'm giving this a 5.0 because I can't think of one reason why anyone would rate this any lower. It just took my breath away...

Stephanie Grace
Review of Sky Flowers  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Poetry Review 1 of 2 from Sherri's Auction

Just... Wow! The creativity and talent present in this poem are really mind-blowing! I've attempted Rictameter as well we monorhyme and, well, let's just say that I could NEVER combine the two! I am truly just amazed...

I did not notice any grammatical errors. The only suggestion that popped into my head is with the last line. It stood out enough, but I think that making it stand out just a touch more might add even more impact to it. Perhaps try color or italicizing?

I've never thought of hot air balloons in that way. There's an annual show of them around here and I hate when people ask me to go... Those things seem so dangerous --so scary. You, however, have taken those feelings completely away from my heart; You made me see the beauty and majesty that so many others appreciate in these balloons. The comparison of them to flowers caught my attention right away --and definitely caught me off-guard, but I found it very true. I can see how they could be considered "Sky Flowers"; How you came up with that... that's just pure imagination and talent! I really don't know what else I can say. The flow was smooth, the rhymes didn't feel forced, and I just fell in love with this poem!

Hmmm... Do you really need an explanation? I'm giving this a 1.0 because of all the things that I just sat here and typed about this poem! *Pthb**Wink*

Stephanie Grace
Review of The Encounter  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
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Poetry Review 2 of 2 from 🌕 HuntersMoon

This poem is creative and very enchanting. The dark tone really gave it a sense of eeriness that made me feel a deep mourning. I could feel the loss and longing behind the words --you definitely did an amazing job in the emotional department!

*Bullet*Line 8: awakes: I think you may have meant awakens.
*Bullet*Lines 11 & 12: I kind of faltered here while reading. The comma in Line 11 felt a bit unnecessary. The word had in Line 12 also seemed to trip me up a bit. Perhaps play around here a bit... It could just be me, though. *Blush*
*Bullet*Line 13: Since there are two different but connected thoughts here, maybe replace the comma with a semi-colon?
*Bullet*Line 14: The comma here kind of threw me off. My first thought was another semi-colon, but, on my second and third reads, I'm thinking maybe just replace the comma with the word as...?

This poem is very well-written. The Free Verse form worked very well with your words to keep the flow mainly smooth from beginning to end. The added image is a nice touch, but your words did a wonderful job of setting the scene on their own. I could easily envision and feel everything!

4.5 only because I think that this poem just wants a few final touches to blossom into its true potential. *Wink*

Stephanie Grace
Review of Love's Sunset  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Poetry Review 1 of 2 from 🌕 HuntersMoon

This is a form I don't think I could ever handle! *Blush* You did a wonderful job with it, though, and created a poem that I think we can (or could have) relate(d) to at some point in life.

I did not notice any typos, however, two little things pop into my head for suggestions:
*Bullet*In some places, (example: Lines 1 and 2), there are two separate, but connected thoughts with a comma between them. Since there are actually two complete thoughts in these places, maybe replace the commas with semi-colons (Like at the end of Line One?)?
*Bullet*The final line of each stanza gives a powerful feeling in each instance. In the first two, though, there are actions without the reader knowing who is making the action. I wonder if italicizing would prove to heighten the impact of these simple lines even more.

I love when a poem is easy to relate to and that's what I found with this one. I am amazed by how much emotion you managed to put into such a restrictive form! The rhymes did not feel forced and did not take away from the emotion --another great feat! The flow was smooth and everything was simple to follow and understand. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this poem and think that you just did a fantastic job with it!

I'm going with a 5.0 because of the raw emotion felt while reading. Though those two minor suggestions did arise, I didn't feel that they hinder the flow so drastically that the rating should be lowered. I thank you for sharing this poem... I really enjoyed it!

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
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I really enjoyed this poem and found it to be a great display of talent, though I did feel like it could be better...

*Bullet*This was more like Senryu than Haiku, but that's neither here nor there, LOL... Just a side note. *Blush* Calling this Haiku, though, without any reference to nature did give me a bit of a nose-scrunch since it cannot be traditional Haiku without nature (Yeah, I'm an ol' fashioned kind of gal...).
*Bullet*The double-spacing throughout this poem made the lines feel a bit disconnected; it felt as though there should be some meaning to the spaces between the lines, which there was not. *Blush*
*Bullet*In the first line of the second stanza, have you tried a semi-colon at the end rather than a comma?
*Bullet*The final stanza really caught me quite off-guard. While I understood what was being said, the words didn't quite seem to say what I think you may have meant. There seems to be a change of tense here which really threw me off and left the final line somewhat meaningless as I was not quite sure what was meant by it... What's burning? The comma in the first line of this stanza also breaks up the flow a bit since this is kind of one statement-- Perhaps move it to after Mercilessly? In the second line, "of" felt out of place; what about "with". As for that last line, I don't know what to say... it just doesn't seem to fit and it may be a punctuation issue, but I am unsure...

I feel like this is a poem that MANY of us can relate to and which we can all relate to many aspects of our life. It is well-written and very expressive and emotional, however, the ending kind of fell flat... You had my heart right until that last line which did not give me the affect that I believe you desired. I really love where you going with this poem and LOVE LOVE LOVE the feeling and emotion though!! They are very relevant within and throughout this piece and that's a beautiful thing!

I'm going with a 3.5 only because I think --no, KNOW, that you can take this and turn into something truly beautiful... It seems to be calling for a few more minutes of attention before it will blossom into its true potential...

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM T...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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This is review 3 of 3 of your Appreciation Package purchased by Shannon from "JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM CLOSED 4NOW with the following message attached:
Just a small token of my appreciate for being the high bidder on package #6 in "Invalid Item . Thank you!

This is a charming poem that I think that all readers could relate to. I love how you managed to relay the meaningfulness behind what others would perceive as ordinary items to be discarded. Memories are held in everything we touch and that message really came through clearly as I read this poem.

I did not notice any typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head!

I really loved this poem. The dash of random rhyming really gave a wonderful feeling of whimsy to the free verse form and also gave a wonderful lightness to a poem that could've felt much heavier... I just love it! What more can I say?

I can't think of one reason that a poem of such reality and meaning could be given anything less than a 5.0!

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM T...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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This is review 2 of 3 of your Appreciation Package purchased by Shannon from "JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM CLOSED 4NOW with the following message attached:
Just a small token of my appreciate for being the high bidder on package #6 in "Invalid Item . Thank you!

How charming! LOL. I got a great laugh from this poem! The ending was just superb --I never saw that coming!

Just some opinions, LOL... Mainly meaningless...
*Bullet*The double-spacing made this poem feel a bit too stretched out, made the lines feel a wee too detached from one another.
*Bullet*I think that another look could be made at the punctuation throughout this poem. While it is present, it does not feel fully consistent and, as a reader, I felt like my voice was straying a bit, in some areas, from how you may have meant for this poem to be read. On my first read, it made me reread a few times; on my second and third, though, I was pretty much fine, but still noticed the little "hiccups"... *Blush*

This poem was so incredibly entertaining that I'm not even quite sure what to say! The way in which you have set this up really gives the final stanza a strong impact! I love that I was completely in the dark until that final line! The aabb rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth and rhythmical without any rhymes feeling forced! I also love that the rhyme scheme did not detract too much from the weight and buildup of the stanzas! I was thoroughly lost and a mite freaked out right until the end! Wonderful!

I'm goin' with a 4.5 only because of those hiccups in the flow... I really think that another look at punctuation would just make this poem purrrrrrfect!

Stephanie Grace
Review of "The Best Gift"  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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This is just... beautiful! I noticed a few typos (just some extra spaces here and there), but I don't think anything could take away from this beautiful, heartwarming tale. This actually put tears in my eyes and just plain made me melt. I love the subtle foreshadow, that bit that seems so inconsequential and had me thinking, "Why even mention it?" and... BAM! You had a reason all along.

Of course, I want to say that this story could be expanded, but you told me not to, so I won't. *Pthb* (Perhaps you could this exact piece, in all its glory, as inspiration for a longer story?).

All in all, I think that this story is beautifully written and just amazingly emotional! If my heart were any warmer, I'm pretty sure spontaneous combustion would take place! Just... beautiful... What more can I say? Your talent of making your reader feel comes through so clearly that I am just amazed... I love it!

Stephanie Grace
Review of Totem Wolf  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM T...  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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This is review 1 of 3 of your Appreciation Package purchased by Shannon from "JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM CLOSED 4NOW with the following message attached:
Just a small token of my appreciate for being the high bidder on package #6 in "Invalid Item . Thank you!

The title, description, rating, and chosen genres all fit this poem perfectly! *Thumbsup*

The emotion throughout this poem is very well-conveyed and just simple to understand! The imagery is wonderful and also very reader-driven, making plenty of memories come into the reader's mind! I found myself relating a lot to this poem --many different lines/statements really just seemed to be perfect for some memories that came up... Amazing! The free verse form really worked beautifully with your words to keep the flow smooth without this having too much of a prose/story feel. It was kept poetic from beginning to end.

I did not notice any typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head.

I thoroughly loved this poem! I enjoyed every word of it and felt so incredibly comforted that I just don't have the words... You really did an amazing job, Ms. Web Witch! The spirituality was clear, but not overpowering or "preachy"... The sense of strength and comfort and at-one-ness were all just awesome. Thank you for sharing this! I definitely needed that right now. *Blush**Kiss*

Stephanie Grace

Ozzy also says, "Check out these Wonderful Groups!"
"Simply Positive Review Forum [E]
"Invalid Item
"The WDC Angel Army [ASR]
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group [E]
"Invalid Item
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO FORUM T...  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
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This poem is strong and beautifully-worded; the imagery is just magnificent and the Native American side shows through so clearly that I just felt so at peace while reading that I can't even thank you enough (by the by, I've got my husband playing and singing Ozzy Osbourne while we're at my sister and brother-in-law's playing Wii bowling... excitement all around --and some bad words about other family members... I NEEDED that peace!).

Okay, just some random thoughts (that, for the most part, did not become apparent until second and third readings):
*Bullet*Punctuation: I know that it's optional in poetry and merely based upon personal preference, but, since there are two periods within the poem, I think that punctuating throughout would not only improve the flow, but really enable you to better guide the reader's voice to add impact to your words as well as making the poem a bit more consistent. *Wink*
*Bullet*In Stanza Four, Line One, I think there may be a typo: Should envelops be envelopes?
*Bullet*The last two stanzas did not have the same rhyme scheme as the first three; this was a bit of a shock to me as it caused me to pause and re-adjust the way I was reading... In all honestly, my darling, it did mess with the flow a li'l bit. *Blush*

The imagery throughout this poem was incredibly strong and the connection of poet and the "chosen" animal came through very clearly! To me, though, this not only represented the connection between you and that animal, but also the connection between all Native Americans and animals and nature. The respect... the love... the admiration... the, for lack of a better word, at-one-ness... It was just incredibly strong in each of those fields.

I'm going with a 4.0 ONLY because of the flow... I just feel like it could be tighter, stronger... The idea, the imagery, the feeling... it's all there; this poem has an ambiance all of its own, I just think --no, KNOW, that you can make this better!

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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This poem is incredibly heartwarming and well-written! The emotion found in each line and stanza is just amazing! There is also a great feeling of comfort and peace that just blew me away!

I did not notice any grammatical errors or typos, though one little suggestion popped into my head:
*Bullet*The third line of Stanza Two ends with the word "and", while it did not really hinder the flow or interfere with the presence of the rhymes, I still wonder about it being placed at the beginning of the fourth line. (My third and forth read, though, it felt like it was in the perfect place, so take that for what you will, LOL).

The rhyme throughout this poem is flawless and the creativity and imagery are both impeccable. This was so touching and brought such peace to my heart and tears to my eyes that I actually had to sit back and just reflect after reading it the first time. It's just beautiful... What more can I say?

If I even mistakenly clicked anything but 5.0, I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight!

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Oh! You poor dear! Thank you for giving me such a laugh --and allowing me to laugh with you and not at you! *Wink*

You did a great job of capturing the reader's attention and bringing him/her into the story. I could see it all... I like how it seems very conversational, it really made it feel like I was just talking with a friend!

I did, however, notice a few little places where this piece could be improved. There were a few minor typos (example: last paragraph, there's a period before a comma). Also, there is a change of tense that kind of tripped me up. I think that a quick edit could really just push this piece over the edge of perfection! *Wink*

All in all, though, I found this piece to be very entertaining --I was blushing and just plain cracking up by the end! I don't know what else I can say --Other than, again, you poor dear!! (And your poor sister too!!!).

Stephanie Grace
Review of Fiery Red Hair  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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This story is both captivating and enchanting. I love the difference between the calm of the present and the excitement of the past. I was very surprised with how smooth the transitions were from one time to another; there was not one place where I got lost.

As far as improvement, I did not notice any typos or grammatical errors, but there is this little part of me that felt that this story could somehow be better.
*Bullet*The first thing that really caught my attention was the mechanical devices of the hospital versus the bow that, I assume, put her their. To me, it seemed a little inconsistent with times, but I could be misinterpreting or just plain not adjusting my brain to how others in different countries may live in today's world.
*Bullet*I think that you did a magnificent job with the passages of time between each "memory", though, in the mother-in-law one, I wasn't sure at first how much time had passed from the preceding paragraph.
*Bullet*Honestly, I would love to see more to this. It's not really a suggestion for improvement, but I would love to see you write more of the Fiery Hair Woman's life!

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this story. I was pleasantly surprised with how it was executed and it really held my attention quite well. Everything was simple to follow and the flow was smooth. Another amazing job from an incredibly talented writer!

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Review from Helping Hearts!

What a wonderful way to start my WDC day! This poem is very creative and imaginative. I love how you managed to incorporate so many of the characters and books!

The aabb rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth without any rhymes feeling forced. The pace was quick, lighthearted and upbeat. The touches of whimsy and nonsense really made this, though, as it seemed very appropriate for the "recipient". *Wink* I really couldn't help but smile, nod, and giggle while reading.

There were just two little places that caught my attention as possibly "off", but nothing that hindered the flow:
*Bullet*Stanza 4, Line 1: music[,] folks
         -My brain wanted a comma here since up to music is added detail to the simple sentence...?
*Bullet*Stanza 4, Line 2: play [a] three...
         I wasn't sure here, but I was wondering if there should be an "a" here, so I figured I should mention it. *Wink*

All in all, I hope I'm invited!! *Wink* I think that this poem is a wonderful tribute to Dr. Seuss... You really captured the essence of a wonderful man! I commend you for a job well done and thank you for sharing this poem!

Stephanie Grace
Review of The WDC Review  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Review from Helping Hearts

I can see why this has a plaque! This poem is filled to the brim with creativity and vivid imagery. You describe wonderfully something that many --if not all, of us have experienced. *Delight*

The free verse form worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end. Everything was simple to follow and understand. I fell right into this poem, not just reading it, but experiencing it.

There were two little places where my brain questioned punctuation, but not so much so that it hindered the flow..
*Bullet*razor[-]edged - I think that hyphenation here would help to better link these words together as one desciption...
*Bullet*In the line before the final line, my brain wanted a comma at the end since this line is added detail to the full thought carried into the proceeding line.

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed this poem. The creativity and talent really left me feeling awed. This poem really demanded my attention from the first line and held it beyond the last. Absolutely wonderful!!

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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*Heart*Review from Helping Hearts.*Heart*

Oh, Daizy! Thank you for the laugh! This really didn't go where I thought it was going to... *Laugh*

This poem is fun and lighthearted. The abcb rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words to keep the flow smooth and the pace bouncy and upbeat. Everything was simple to follow and understand. I know plenty of children that would love this poem --and I can just see the illustrations now!

The only place where I felt that there was maybe a little room for improvement was the last stanza. It felt like the change was too abrupt, a bit rushed. I sat here for a few minutes and tried to actually figure out what it was about it and I think it's just that first line of the stanza, that's where that rushed feeling came in. I pictured the child being a bit more bashful here, not as willing to admit the difference... What about trying a "maybe" about "Well"??

Overall, I think this was adorable and just a delight to read! It is well-written and I love that it tells a complete, well-rounded and entertaining story. Wonderful!

Stephanie Grace
Review of Afterglow  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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I wanted to read a poem that would allow me to show my honest side and give a pointer or two for improvement, and that just didn't work out for me. The title of this poem just drew me right in, since it is one of those titles that's more obscure and could mean a million things. So, I clicked... and, sure, I'm glad I did, but I have no suggestions...

This poem really says volumes more than just the words on the screen. The free verse form worked very well with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to end. Everything was simple to follow and understand. The best part, though, is the emotion; not only can the reader easily understand the emotions of the narrator, but their own emotions are stirred while reading. This could really mean so much; it is written in such a way that, of course, it can easily be taken as romantic love, but this poem would ring true for so many other situations and loves in life, that I am awed.

I don't know how you managed to say so much in so little a space, but I thank you for it. You said something here that I have been feeling all day. Thank you.

This is a true display of talent... What more can I say?

Stephanie Grace
Review of The Ouija  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Where do I begin? I love this poem! You took something so incredibly sad --and real, and gave it this wonderful, scary, comical twist! This poem is an incredibly display of creativity as well as talent.

The abcb rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words to not only keep the flow smooth, but also to keep the pace upbeat throughout the poem. No rhymes felt forced, which added another strength to the flow and pace. *Delight* Everything was simple to envision and I absolutely love how you started this poem with such a creepy tone --it really worked to strengthen the impact of the comedic side.

Another thing that caught my attention was the use of well-known names throughout the poem, it added a level of reality that I just didn't see coming! (Not to mention that you added my boyfriend, Freddie Krueger into the poem!!! How delightful! I LOVE him! LOL).

I did not notice any typos, nor did any suggestions pop into my head. This poem is truly just wonderful exactly as it is! Don't you dare change a thing!!!

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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I don't know what exactly I was expecting --even while reading this poem, but I was delighted with what I found! Sure, this is a little sick and twisted, but I love the creativity!

The free verse[?] form worked well with your words; the flow was, overall, quite smooth, though I did detect a few little hiccups while reading. That could just be me, though, as my brain doesn't like to handle breaks in lines very well. *Blush* (Primarily the breaks in thoughts where it carries from one stanza to the next...).

The imagery was done a bit too well... I may have even threw up a little. *Blush* The feelings are there throughout the poem... The laughter at the narrator's badger habit, the sadness of the poor badgers, and this amazing reflective tone at the end that blew me away. I could only sit back, shut up, and think on that one. It seemed to describe so much of my views toward animals and people and, today, it really hit me hard.

I really don't know what else I can say. I found this poem to be incredibly creative and thought-provoking. Even though I felt that the flow could maybe be smoother, I can't help but give this poem a 5.0 because of how much it stirred me, which tells me that those hiccups were not major by any means.

Stephanie Grace
Review of Death Persists  
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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*Heart*Review from Helping Hearts!*Heart*

You did a wonderful job with the prompt! I can easily see why this poem took third place in the contest. The fact that we can all relate to this poem in some way or another is great, it really made it come to life for me. The added image is a nice touch, adding to the ease with which I fell into this poem.

I did, however, feel that this poem could be a little better. While everything was simple to follow and understand, I felt a few hiccups in the flow that caused me to reread several lines the first time I read this poem. I believe that much of this may be caused by the lack of punctuation throughout the poem. While it is, of course, a matter of preference in poetry, I think that it would really add impact to your words by guiding the reader's voice a little better. Since there are a few punctuation marks throughout the poem, consistency also factor's into this since it gives the implication that the voice will be led when it is not led throughout.

Another thing that hung me up is the rhyme scheme. In the first and third stanzas, the rhyme scheme is a simple aabb, but in the second stanza, the addition of internal rhymes was put into play, which was wonderful (I greatly enjoyed that!), but the ending rhyme scheme was hindered in the process. The aaba rhyme scheme came as a bit of a shock to me, thereby seeming to interrupt the flow and leaving me unsure how to handle the third stanza until I noticed the conversion back to the original rhyme scheme.

I really think that you nailed it with the emotion and imagery --especially as the reader relates your words to his/her own life. If it weren't for me having been programmed to look at the technical aspects of poetry, I'd really think that this poem just a hair from perfection (since the flow while reading was felt before analyzing the why's. LOL). I think that my favorite thing about this poem would be the ease with which you seemed to have capture that dark, haunting tone that will linger with me throughout the night.

All in all, I think this is a wonderful poem and really captures the essence that I believe you intended, I just think that looking at the flow could really help it to blossom into perfection --very easily! (If you do decide to toy with this poem in anyway, PLEASE, let me know so I can come back and read and review it again! Thank you!). *Thumbsup*

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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This poem is well-written and very touching. I love that it is about a different kind of love, not the blah, romantic stuff that might've made me want to hurl tonight. *Blush* The dual-generation collaboration was icing on the cake. I thought of my niece as I read this and it really yanked on my heartstrings as I faced that "Mommy #2"'s little baby is 13 [and a day] now. LOL.

Back to the poem...

The abcb rhyme scheme worked wonderfully with your words without the rhymes feeling forced. I felt like they were a bit simplistic at first, and was shocked not to see you stretch them more, but, after reading the description, it made a lot more sense, since I know that Nicky is young, if I'm not mistaken. *Blush*

This is well-rounded, explaining a divine love that is a true blessing and I found it incredibly touching to see that love recognized and appreciated.

I don't know what else I can say. This poem really spoke volumes and just made my heart three sizes bigger. Beautiful, Sherri! --Be sure to let Nicky know that too!!!

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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*Kiss*Thank you for buying a kiss!*Kiss*

This poem has a wonderful message (several, actually) that really hit me hard. I subscribe to the theory of believing in what is said and believing all that you say yourself, in staying true to your heart and your words. Sadly, as we have all experienced at some point or another, this is not the thinking of very many in this world. While growing up, a lot of promises made to me were broken. It made me stronger, I guess, but it also caused me to stop believing in people and their promises. Okay, enough about me... back to the poem. *Laugh*

This poem really had that wonderful feeling of a hug from a good friend. It gives sound advice to the reader as well as making him/her sit back and reflect. *Thumbsup* The ease with which this poem can be related to really adds to the impact of your words. Great job!!!

The abcb rhyme scheme worked very well with your words to keep the flow smooth from beginning to without any rhymes feeling forced.

There were, however, two little things that I thought could be improved:
*Bullet*In line 3, yesterdays should be possessive.
*Bullet*In the final line, I wonder if a colon instead of a semi-colon might be a better choice?

All in all, I really loved this poem from start to well after finish. It is a beautiful testament of your faith and great insight into the beautiful soul behind the words. I love it! I really don't know what else I can say!

Stephanie Grace
Review by Stephanie Grace
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Thank you buying a kiss! *Kiss*

This poem has a very reflective feeling that really captivated me; it demanded my attention and held it; it stirred up memories and made me sit back, with a calm air about me, and just breathe and think. Moments such as those that I had after reading this poem the first time are rare treasures. Thank you!

On the cold-hearted, critical second read, I found that the flow could be a little smoother. I recognize a steady 12-syllable count in all but one line (Line 10 was short one by my count). I also know that there is a steady meter, though I can't identify it for sure since I'm only beginning to actually try and study that aspect of poetry (and it still makes my head spin. GRR...). The measurements, however, seemed to detract from the meaning of the words, in a way... Holding so steady to the form, in my humble opinion, really took away something here. For example, in the second and third lines, the lines feel almost complete and to have the proceeding lines begin with those little devil words, "to" and "of", made it feel like I missed an action somewhere. I didn't feel very prepared for the lines that followed, I guess. {e;blush}

The only other thing that caught my attention was the word that in Line 11. My mind kept replacing that with those during each read.

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this poem and absolutely loved the calm feeling that came over me while reading. I needed that. You did a wonderful job of bringing your reader into the poem and allowing him/her to experience it. Amazing!

Stephanie Grace
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