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Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was a very neat title. I agree zombies also need our support. I like word searches because they're fun without making my brain explode. Trying to make one can be hard but good on you. You did real swell job on this one. I think holiday themed ones can be easier because a theme helps inspire ideas than just winging it.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a really good read. AMerica does have a rather gruesome past that's not always easy to come to terms with. But if we don't learn anything from it then the same mistakes and ugly things of the past have a chance to come back. We owe it to the generations coming after us to try and right the present, so they have a future at all.

Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Honestly, I think including people of different body types is a good way for people who may fit that category to feel seen. I've seen a lot of interesting interactives on WDC over the years. I think this could be one of the tamer varieties out here. Good luck with your stories I hope they gets lots of traffic.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
I think I get what you're saying. I think too often people get stuck on an angry god who's out to get them or punish them for whatever they did. Or they get too freaked out about the idea of God and just live in constant fear. That's not what he wants from us. He wants us to not live carelessly but purposely and be mindful of how what we do impacts not just us but others too.

Plus, fear can only take you so far before it gets to anger and resentment. I think people also forget you are "fearfully and wonderfully made" part and just get stuck on that first word. God made us with a purpose and to fulfill that purpose. Sometimes it's not easy finding out what that is, and we have to do a little searching first. God wants us to go far in life and do great things.

He doesn't want us living in fear of him punishing us for our misdeeds in life. But he also wants us to be smart with our time here. Because we don't know when the ride's going to stop for us. So, we have to live in the moment and make the most out of the time we have right now. That's something I think we as humans tend to forget.

Thanks for sharing. This really got me thinking.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
An interesting idea, thanks for sharing. I think fantasy leaves a lot more room to take us beyond what we would consider reality. I like the story and idea and I think the characters in it are great. I think you were able to accomplish a lot given the word limit you had to work within. Thanks for sharing and maybe you'll be able to expand on it in future.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
You should think about adding the original ending because now I'm intrigued how this was originally supposed to go. I don't really like the idea of loans; I know they may have their place, but it can put some in financial ruin depending on the loan and what they're used for. It doesn't sound like this guy's going to be getting Scot free from the sounds of it either.
Review of Accept  Open in new Window.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
I think there's something to be said about poetry that can be though provoking. I usually try to steer away from politics just because it gets many folks heated and then you aren't having a conversation but a lot of times an {often online} screaming match and things go downhill from there. Incredibles 2 came out fairly recently and the villain made some good points about how far society's fallen and traded in free will to have things done instantly and so they wouldn't have to be inconvenienced by going out actually doing things in the world. It's just an animated film but it also made some good points. Which is scary to think about how even an animated film can grasp how far we've come as a society and it's not always for the better.


Here's a little clip about what I meant.

Thanks for sharing this.
Review of The Change  Open in new Window.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
I think it'd be interesting to hear from a deer's perspective on this matter. Imagining Bambi taking in the change all around the place that is his home I think would be very insightful. I like the descriptions that go into this. It really makes you feel like you're actually getting the deer's perspective. It can be hard going for a non-human perspective, and I think you pulled it off wonderfully. Well done.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I'm so excited for you. Good luck with your endeavor. I'm sure the final produce is going to be awesome. Because Tex doesn't make a lot of sense there. Also, really quick, I'd just suggest two becomes Two small hands.... and I like to eat. If you're referring to yourself, I'd say make i capital I. For one I just turn that to One in each claw. Page 5, you could just say: I have many teeth to eat my food. Chomp chomp chomp! that’s how I chew. This could be ok I'm not an editor. Maybe make that to That's if it's starting a new thought. Maybe for "Tex the T-Rex. that is who I am." Just add a semicolon after Tex the T-Rex. I'm sure a good editor can help you iron out the little details.

I think it's cool that you're going to make a dino book for kids. Please take this as constructive criticism as I don't want tom to derail any progress you've already made. I really wish you all the best and much success.



Review of A Note to My Muse  Open in new Window.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, I'mhappy to be your muse. I find poetry can be difficult at times (to write). I don't mind reading it, especially haikus. I just find it difficult to acheive. I hope you had funny making this particular poem. So far I have done haikus and the acronym poems. Maybe I'll have to try branching put and doing something else.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
So this had a twist at the end. Not entirely sure if the main character dies at the end or not. I can kind of see genie from Aladdin doing this. I think it rolls back to careful what you wish for.
The beginning part definitely makes me think of Aladdin.
Review of Pippa  Open in new Window.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (3.5)
It's funny because I saw Pippa and thought Pippa Pig. That kind of would be a nightmare. Apparently she's really rude to her dad. This was funny and entertaining to read. The thought of this being about that girl pig from that cartoon is even funnier when you get to the ending.
Review of untitled  Open in new Window.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love a good nature poem. It's sometimes hard to say it in just a few words. I like the imagery that this poem depicts. It's also currently raining by me right now. I think laughter can be the best medicine, depending on the situation. It can be rough sometimes but if we can laugh eventhrough this bad times, I think we can make it.
Review of Writing In Images  Open in new Window.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, this was really well thought out.I honestly wasn't sure what to expect. You were very delinquent as you made tour talking points. They were very well organized and didn't leave anything out. I appreciate your take on imagery and it's impact on writing.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hello Kenzie,
Thanks for sharing. I think especially moments from when we were younger help make us the people we are today. That is a lovely poem you share. I think anything that rhymes or involves nature, tends to draw my interest.

I can just picture what the author of the poem is saying is happening outside my window.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.5)
I'm pretty impressed with how organized you are with your reviewing process. Me, I just normally go for how the story made me feel, what I got out of it. I think it there's anything like spacing I notice or any recognizable grammar things I try to be nice about it. I try to be positive when reviewing. I know I take things pretty personally at times. With writing it's even more kind of a personal thing. So, I try to bring people up and not down. You can't really tell tone over the internet so some things people may take more personally. But I do try and leave a more positive experience in my reviewing than anything else. You definitely seem to have a working system in place. My kudos to you.
for entry "Three Bible StoriesOpen in new Window.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello Jeff,
Yes, the bible does sometimes have things in it that don't make sense to us. I remember we watched a video someone talking about Job's tale before. I definitely had an unsatisfying ending. It really feels like God and the devil were having a chess match over this man's life and I did feel sorry for him and all he went through. but I think it did end up working out for him in the end.

I think someone mentioned before that there's two different creation stories. I don't remember the reason behind it other than maybe it wasn't written by the same person.

As far as the good Samaritan, it is a good parable to dive into. I think we'd like to believe we would be the good Samaritan but probably would end up being one of those that passed the guy by. That whole bystander syndrome coming into effect.

I appreciate you looking at these different parts of the bible. Sometimes it's confusing for believers because of some things that happen in the bible the way they do. I think the main thing is having faith even for that which goes beyond our Earthly understanding.

Thanks for sharing this. I think it was very well thought out and I appreciated your own insights into these bible passages.
for entry "The Burning Lava LandOpen in new Window.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Honestly, I kind of liked how the girls were just kind of clueless to what's going on around them. I know it's not a good thing in real life but if you're always in crisis mode you're always going to be miserable. Maybe they're just trying to enjoy life while they still can. Maybe a pretty thin straw to grasp at but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt at least once. Thanks for sharing this. i was pretty amused while reading it.

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Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like the imagery tgis poem posseses. I like the idea of two lovers having these very tender, romantic feelings toward each other. I like to read about couples being happy and making it work. Plenty of the opposite happens in real time. I don't really enjoy reading about that.

Thank you for sharing such a lovely and thought provoking piece.
Review of REMEMBERIG A SON  Open in new Window.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really liked this poem. I especially liked the beach reference. My family have taken beach vacations in the past. We're pretty big shell collectors so that part spoke to me especially.

I think it's interesting what we hang onto. What holds significance for us. The meaning we give it. I think the memories we cling to, are often more powerful,hold more meaning than the object itself at times.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
I really liked tgis. I could hear, see it, in my mind's eye. I liked the imagery here. Fall can bring out some great colors depending where you live. Winter can make alot of people feel down and I'm glad you had your wife to support you in your writing. I think that's such an important aspect of being a writer, that support system.

Good luck to you.

I hope to see more from you in future.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
In affiliation with I Write  Open in new Window.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh, my goodness this sounds like a great time! I like that the chicken dance somehow made its way into your poem. I can imagine this in my head and all the happy sounds this would entail. I just imagine everyone being silly and enjoying being together. Definitely something I needed this week giving the state of things these days. Thanks for sharing you brightened up my day.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Sounds like a fantasy type setting. Also sounds like fanfic for "How to train your dragon" and I'm here for that. Not sure if we were allowed to do fanfic or not. Maybe I'll consider it in the future. Done properly, I think it can turn out pretty well. Best of luck, in your future endeavors.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
The art looks really beautiful and artiscally done. It's hard for me to think of drawing people at all. So I stick with trying to draw animals and maybe gradually work myself up to it. I think I like realism type pieces when it comes to people just because you get an actual sense of who they are. I think you can get more emotion out of that type of art. Thanks for sharing this, it was nice finding about such a talented artist.
Review by BlueMoon Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E | (4.0)
Thanks for sharing your poem. I appreciate that it's a rhyming poem. Did you mean to put bloopers instead of bloopeers? Unless it was done on purpose for this poem. I was certainly entertained while reading this & will look forward to seeing more from you in the future.

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