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Review of Beach Scene  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Gosh Flip - I thought all you wrote was sonnets! I stand corrected! *Cool*

There are several lines I really like.


Smooth, foamy surf, sensuously settles ashore.

The aliteration is delicious here!*Delight*

Crooning crickets keep hauntingly humming their tune.

I would interchange "hymns" for tune. I can't help it, I like this! *Smile*

Soothesaying stars glimmer and glow making the darkness demure.

Looked this one up to be sure, it's "soothsaying"

Bay's breeze billows the blanket that covers the cooling sand.

The hazy horizon hums with a buoy's bells.

You are double-aliterating! *Cool*

A sandcastle fights, forging its final stand.

Ever tried haikus? You MUST!

Languidly losing self sense to the sensual surreal.

You are on fire in this piece!

Pure pulchritude proves that nature deals in divine.

You said a mouthful Flipper! *Bigsmile*

Goes to Publis Review so all who know you can see something different about Flip!!!

Review of Carry Me  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well now Twink - It seems as if I was led to come here first. Wouldn't you know that? YES, you are professing to be a Child of the Most High God! *Cool*

Publicly confessing - and so powerfully done! I am not usually a fan of prose, but twink, this is musically done! My first attraction to it was visual of course! *Laugh* And the form is of contemporary /traditional style and I read it!!! Got me!! and I'm so proud you did! *Delight*

Everyone should! *Smile*

So glad i stopped this time and got to sample prose as it's surely meant to be.


ATTENTION: Public Review:

REGARDING: Send to display screen ASAP!!!

May the Spirit of Our Lord enter a willing loving Temple and send His Blessings forth!

Hey yall, He's just waitin' on You! *Heart*

Review of CHRISTMAS  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sherri - You just consistently crank the good ones out!!! *Bigsmile* Much to this membership's good fortune! I like acrostics that rhyme.

This is beautiful and was bound to have made the Father, Son and Holy Spirit smile with approval!

The best to you in the competition!


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1172300 by Not Available.

Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Oh Y E S Sherri - Most definitely my favorite of all I've rviewed this evening! By far! This one speaks to me in a hnuting, personal way.

I can't pick between the second and third as my favorite, they equally touch me to a depth that is unique for each one.

I can only apologize for not checking out your portfolio much sooner! Better late than never, right?

No slight was ever intended - Please know that in your spirit!


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1172300 by Not Available.

Review of LIGHT THE WAY  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Ahhh Mon Cherie! Very well presented and executed!

Sensually toyed with for your readers entertainment and artistically architected for all females' appetites. Some things are just plain ole affirming in all languages and races.

Great job in appealing to ladies EVERYWHERE on planet Earth! *Bigsmile*


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1172300 by Not Available.

Review of NEXT IN LINE  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Sherri -

The last stanza really whops me up side the head. That ending has a real Scarlet O'Hara strength to it and it wears well in our thought wardrobe.

Thanks for your candid thoughts in palpable rhyme!

Yes ma'am, a real dessert for the literary taste buds *Cool*


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1172300 by Not Available.
Rated: E | (4.0)
Sherri -

The first verse is my favorite here and grabs the reader with deliciously executed meter.

Your punctuation and grammatical structure is a joy to behold.

Thank you for respecting this art form!

Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Sherri - You have really gotten the contesting bug, and how fun they are.

The following excerpt from this one is my favorite two lines in the whole piece. *Smile*

I won’t forget the happy times, the good ones that we shared,
won’t toss away the beautiful memories when I knew you cared.

The above can speak to anyone and everyone for it espouses universal appeal.


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1172300 by Not Available.

Rated: E | (4.0)
Sherri - That last stanza is indeed powerful and my favorite in this item.

I'm curious about your book, A Doorway to Hearts, how many pages is it?

Do you or your publisher decide on the price to set on the book?

*Balloon3**Balloon2**Balloon1* Congratulations on achieving a published manuscript when so many never get to that level. *Balloon1* * *Balloon2* * *Balloon3*


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1172300 by Not Available.

Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello Sherri - I have promised Rebecca to recharge and become a re-comitted member of "Invalid Item.

This is very cute and I just wish it was longer.

Good Luck in AutumnWytch's "Invalid Item

Review of Advent  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
ridinghhood - The form is wonderful and the words match elegantly.

He'll have a hard time deciding whose should win First Place.

Review of My Wish For You  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Damiana - How D E L I G H T F U L !

You get a 5-*Star* Rating on form alone *Laugh*!

Then the poem is tinsel on your tree. Another 5-*Star* Rating *Smile*

You will surely win some contests with this gem!


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1172300 by Not Available.

Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow Kenz - You continue to delight my senses with your abilities to describe the undescribable.

This rocks and I'm ashamed to say that I might not have seen it, if it weren't featured in the Spiritual Newsletter. Yikes.

I believe God's color is purple for His Supremeness, His Royalty, His Mightiness.


Rated: E | (5.0)
W O W - I'm thrilled that after almost 1.5 years as a black case, I have received this acknowledgement.

I want to thank the contest hostess, GabriellaR45 'S "The Rising Stars Tour Bus and Farhana for her interest and kindness in selecting me when there were so many to choose from.

I am indeed blessed.


8 days remain "Invalid Item
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
phyduex - I have to confess that I had to read this twice before I got it. And hit me in the head, it did.

Hard. What a challenge for a child to overcome and understand it was not their fault.

Guilt can consume a person and its toxicity is fatal to us spirtually and emotionally.

There is only One that I know who can remove that kind of guilt and He does it better than anyone or anything.

I hope this is fiction. Otherwise, it's unbearable.

*Cry* * *Frown* * *Cry*

Storm at the Wailing Wall

Rated: 13+ | (2.5)
Hello Rebecca - First and foremost W E L C O M E to the best writer's site on the web. You will soon become an addict like the rest of us. *Smile*

This needs a little rethinking as it is filled with old standards, cliches if you will and could stand more of your updated thoughts.

Not that you personally abuse alcohol, but try it again, from your personal perspective of people who do.


Rated: E | (2.5)
Hello shybaby - Not a bad start, but it lacks a form as in stanzas, verses, couplets, etc.

Meter is critical in form poetry. Your meter affects your cadence which ultimately dictates the rhythm.

Practice will enhance your skill and reading others here at the site can show you by comparison the dynamics of meter.

The most critical aspect of this is that you DON'T GIVE UP and practice, practice, practice. *Smile*

Read your work out loud until it sounds right to you.

Should you like to read something of mine please click on this link.


Review of The Gallery  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
John - All these are done with exquisite taste, I know you are enjoying them.

We, your friends are!

Your Harlequin Fey Muse is my favorite!

Rated: E | (4.0)
Rachael - What a beautiful name and Biblical also!

You have poured out your heart and soul in this candid piece of personal tragedy, separation, many circumstantial relationships with American men and women. Amazingly you have remained intact and praising your God (He's mine as well) and raising a child as a single mother that Americans do not disgrace, but support emotionally, mentally and assist financially, whole-heartedly.

You are to be applauded and embraced and loved for your many adversities and your strength (through the God of Abraham) that is an excellent example for your son Zack, to witness and learn from.

I'm so glad you know God's love for you. He has certainly placed His people in your path.

I can only pray that you have forgiven yourself for all perceived sins as forgiving ourselves is the hardest act we must learn.

I was compelled to come to your port and learn more about you and I was right, English is not your native language, but you have an excellent command of it.

And what is most evident is that you have L O V E in your *Heart* and God is Love.

Be Still & Know that He is Nigh,


Rated: E | (5.0)
Kenz - You know I'll see what I can find for this worthwhile endeavor.
Help Me Find Stories  (E)
Need stories on prayer, small groups, tithing, quiet time and the value of community.
#1178515 by Kenzie
PLUS I'll place this request on Public Review so your fellow members can see and respond. *Smile*

Hope you have this on the Contest Listing "Writing Contests @ Writing.Com

I won't accept any Gps for this kind of help. Helping you is its own reward.

Rated: E | (4.5)
Romulus -

You have certainly given, not just Christians, but everyone who claims God as their Higher Power, some meat to chew on! *Laugh*

The most excellent essay on why we should be vegetarians that I have ever read.

You have provided Scripture for some of your essay and I would have really liked the references you used for the non-biblical parts, like the second paragraph under Our Fellow Man. U.S. News and World Report? The Cattleman's Digest? Where did those statistics come from? Inquiring minds want to know, ya' know? *Smile*

The best part of this essay is the love you have for Our God comes through crystal clear!

In His Perfect Love,


 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1141798 by Not Available.

"Invalid Item

Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hopkin Green Frog -

I apologize to you because I do not "get it".

Gps for you if you'll kindly explain this item.

Rated: E | (5.0)
Mr./Ms Simmons - Who could argue with any of this?

Well done and presented. May He find a perfect vehicle to use all His Children's energies and special attributes for.

God's purest blessing on your home and family.

Review of Explaining My Son  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Kenzie - I read and read and was glued to this account of your son. What a nightmare you and he went through. Thank goodness for God and His mercy.

I am sooo sorry that health care professionals discounted your concern for your child. How maddening that had to have been. *Frown*

Were you ever told the underlying cause of AS? Was it a missing chromosone? Something you ingested while pregnant. An injury or scare while Derek was in utero?

I'll bet you asked yourself a gazillion times what happened?

It sounds as if Derek received comfort from church and its activities but placed such intimate feelings for the leaders that he was unable to handle the change when they went on to other things. How horrible for him to get through.

I know you did all you knew to do and I believe you were in prayer always about what route to take next for him. I believe you still and always will pray for that young man and I want to as well.

You are a remarkable woman Kenz - I just did not realize how remarkable a mother you are, til just now!

May He bless Derek in ways that we can't think of or imagine and that he find his place again in the body of Christ!

I *Heart* you!

Review of Cry Wolf  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Congratulations on your win in Flip's Halloween Shakespearean Sonnet competition.

I really thought your entry SUPERB!

The entire piece is wonderfully spooky.

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