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Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Chook - 4th Paragraph - ... went on to inquire as to its relevance. What's the point? That had caused Matt think for a moment.

The above excerpt is missing the word "to" after Matt.

His whole plan came somersaulting to oblivion.

I think that should be "went"

Superb craftsmanship! The flow was riveting and I was reading as fast as I could. Compelling stuff!

No wonder Davy has you in his Item of recognition!

Most Excellent!


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Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
radioshea - Well paced, well written dark story of human nature in all its shortcomings.

I could see no errors of any kind. I especially liked your phrasing at the beginning of the fifth paragraph.
Very nice indeed.

The coincidence of someone driving 12 hours home begs the question, why would that voyeur be there at that place in that specific window of time?

Has a Twilight Zone quality to it. *Smile*


Review of Just Desserts  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Ms Radioshea - First and foremost -

*Balloon2**Balloon4**Balloon2*W E L C O M E to Writing.Com - The BEST online writing site on the InterNet. No doubt! *Smile*

This has a delightful whimsical flavor to it and starts out well metered and rhymed.

I found several stanzas a bit rocky on flow as I had to re-read and focus stronger.

Look at stanza #14 - last line: Mine in pink.

"Now we're as happy can be"

"Now we're as happy as can be."

One more - 22nd stanza, 3rd line:

"The ingredients to elephant-like"

"The ingredients too elephant-like"

The smoothness that was evident in the beginning loses track and becomes more about rhyming with a sledgehammer and away we go! *Bigsmile*

For me the flow fades starting with #16 And then returns briefly. I will do a meter analysis for you on a separate email.

Some minor adjustments can polish up the rough edges as the premise is universal! *Smile* You might considering shortening it a tad, but that's a personal opinion.

Again welcome to this extraordinary place and have the literary time of your life! *Delight*


Review of Visions from God  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A M E N Miss Kenzie! Always be open to the Holy Spirit.

We must not concern ourselves with what man thinks about our "visions" and only concern ourselves with what specialness He had in mind when laying those things upon our minds and hearts. *Delight*

How sad that those members who were so blessed to receive a vision, were fearful in sharing it.

Dogma has crippled the spontaneity that could be ours throught the Holy Spirit, I'm so thankful for the churches that allow the Spirit to lead the service.

As usual you are soooo right and I'm glad the Spiritual newsletter featured your item!

*Heart* YOU!

Review of Peace Of Me  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sirjerry - such a sweet surprise here. I have to pick the middle verse as my favorite based on imasgery but then the last verse is so powerful and leaves the reader with a positive glow! *Bigsmile*

Just a beautiful piece on the peace you seem to know so well.


Review of My Signature  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Terry - This IS the one I think of when I see you name.

It's classic nautical/with the mysterious element of a cave/tunnel near the lighthouse.

A cave for pirate's plunder or a cave for young lovers?

Or... is that t.l.finch that looks from the cave at the lighthouse? *Laugh*

I love this sig for you -

Rated: E | (5.0)
And you Sir are an inspiration to others here at Writing.Com

May He double your anointing and drench you in His love and favor.

Review of Sunset Haiku  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Everyday Hero - If this is really your first attempt at haiku you have really grasped the concept. This is 10 kinds of wonderful. *Smile*

First line is so in tune with the prompt. Second is especially divinely descriptive and visual.

And the only things I would re-arrange would be in the final line,

Restless waters glow...
Hues of gold hide in the night
Boats are sailing home.

You built this baby and she's yours - *Bigsmile*

Placing this on Public Review so others who are haiku-lovers can click and see!

Looking forward to more of your haikus in future contests. Best to you in the competition.

Review of Did You Daddy?  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Donielle21 - This is magnificent and obscene in it's appalling subject matter, but you bring this national sickness of ours to light in the most heart-wrenching way.

It gave me chillbumps after the first verse. I hope this little girl was not you in any sense of the word.

Very powerful message here - I'm placing this on Public Review so others may read this amazing poem and be touched by the horror of child abuse.

I'll have to pass this around!

StormyWindsPsalms 148:8
Rated: E | (5.0)
Billy - The story behind your lyrics is more inspiration. The lyrics are of course the catalyst by which people ungrudgingly search their pockets and whip out their checkbooks to make their donations to a unfortunate, however worthy cause.

The story behind those lyrics is a thousand kinds of unselfishness that we never tire of reading and rejoicing over.

I thank the Holy Spirit for moving you out of complacency into such a caliber of character that you were the largest part of this precious song.

God Bless You, Mr. Billy for all you have done for Meghan and her grieving parents. Your reward is God's delight and He may reward you here on this earth or may wait til you walk through those Pearly Gates.

In any event, I'm plum proud to have met you!

Placing this review on Public Review
so other members may see and click.

StormyWindsPsalms 148:8

Please see Charmin Contest:

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#1072679 by Not Available.

Rated: E | (5.0)
Holland Kat - What a generous spirit you possess to pen this special poem for someone else's daughter.

Speaks volumes about you! How selfless of you to place yourself in those parents shoes. From the tone of this piece, you got there.

It had to take an emotional toll on you, ever so gallantly camoflauged.

I'm proud to have met you and to remember the emotion-tugging refrain. She said, "Happy Birthday Daddy,...

StormyWindsPsalms 148:8

Charmin Contest needs more entries! Check this out -

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#1072679 by Not Available.

Pay tribute to someone who has gone out of their way for you. *Delight* You'll be handsomely rewarded and your STAR will be TOO!!!
Review of The Possum Sonnet  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Ravenwand - How clever and humorous. When I saw the title I had to click because of all God's animal kingdom, the opossum digusts and terrifies me the most.

Then I learn from an Animal Control officer here in Houston, that opposums are the only animal that cannot contract rabies! So scientist are studying them in various private and field trials.

So there is some meritorious value to that most hideous creature AND God still knows Best! *Smile*

(I'm privately glad you didn't allow it to cause you an accident.)

Super entry - Best to you!

Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh Dee, Oh my Goodness! This is not a 5-*Star* item, it's a 7-*Star* story!

Killer tale. - That ending is G L O R I O U S !

You know I 've read the fall asleep/dream sequence thing many times and never thought the authors did a good job, but this is spectacular! You have done it!

This is the kind if story you were looking for in your Christmas contest.

Just made me stream a little river. It was a cleansing stream. *Bigsmile*

*Laugh* Need to warn your readers, it's a 3 tissue read!

StormyWinds/Psalms 148:8

Review of Lost Soul  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Mom -

Congratulations on your First Place Win! *Balloon1* * *Balloon2* * *Balloon3*

Isn't that a most excellent HIGH???

So rewarding! And deserving, I might add!

I knew from your Patrick Angel you were gonna' be a contender!

Allow me to point out one itty-bitty mistake.
11th couplet - that morn is "mourn"

Should you be interested in a poem with a similar theme, "Still My Little Boy.

Again, congrats and I think you now have the Contesting Bug! *Smile*

In His Perfect Love,

StormyWinds/Psalms 148:8

Look at Charmin's Contest: Tomorrow is deadline!

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#1072679 by Not Available.

Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh...Oh... My Goodness, Lexi ... Look what you did! And this only got Third? *Frown*

You were robbed! After the first 4 lines, this gave me goosebumps from that first rhyme! Oh, girl, the Holy Ghost was all over you!

I've been told by pastors, preachers and ministers that those chillbumps we get I S the Holy Spirit!

I'm disappointed you did not receive First, but your Father in Heaven is D E L I G H T E D

I'm placing this review on Public Review so other members can be blessed by His touch on you!!!

Glory to the Father!

StormyWindsPsalms 148:8

Review of A Valentine Rose  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ravenwand - LOOK AT YOU! This is incredible! W O W! and DOUBLE WOW!

The contest host is gonna have a hard time deciding!

This is sooooooo original - I L O V E it!

Putting this review on Public Review
so ALL WDC Members can click on one of this site's TOP THREE Valentine entries!

This rocks Big Time! Congratulations! *Bigsmile*

Pssst ... the content is pretty good too!*Smile*

StormyWindsPsalms 148:8
Review of Roll  
Rated: E | (3.0)
wyldthang - It seems I've stumbled into Basic Science 101! *Bigsmile*

The 7th line is my favorite as it evokes imagery of the most childlike kind, and sometimes that's my favorite.

"Congratulations of your Second Place Win" *Balloon1**Balloon2**Balloon3*

StormyWindsPsalms 148:8

Just 5 Left! Treat the inner child in you and re-write Ravenwand's classic children's song!

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#1055399 by Not Available.

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"RAOK Logo

Review of Gone  
Rated: E | (4.0)
puppysgirl - I believe this one is a real contender!

Really! I have read so many that are soooooo abstract that I can barely and rarely maintain any congrouent objective/point.

Unless I'm struck suddenly with a bolt of knowledge as it pertains to Palindrome, I have only balls of paper surrounding my feet. *Confused* But Jack likes it, (thinks I'm tryin' to play with him!) and then I have to go find them all! *Rolleyes*

Best to you in the competition.

StormyWindsPsalms 107:20 in specific need ofMichelle M

Come On! Yall can do this! Re-Write a simple nursery rhyme. It's F U N !

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#1055399 by Not Available.

I hope for your success in the competition!

StormyWindsPsalms 107:20 IN SPECIFIC NEED FOR Michelle M

Treat the inner child in you and Re-Write Ravenwand's
Classic Child's Song.

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#1055399 by Not Available.

Review of Knowing True Love  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Slowpoke - A heartfelt poem that your wife/significant other is bound to be pleased by.

Second stanza is my favorite. Why don't you consider printing this out on some very special paper, select a special frame for your art, take it to the frame shop, double mat it and present that to your Lady in Waiting in lieu of chocolates that will only make her gain weight! *Bigsmile*

She'll adore you and show it off to everyone entering your home! And she'll also maintain her dress size! *Laugh*

Best to you in the competition.

StormyWindsPsalms 107:20 in specific need for Michelle M

COME ON FELLOW MEMBERS!! You recall that childhood ditty. Ravenwand wants us to Re-Write Puff.

You know! The Magic Dragon. You can DO this!

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#1055399 by Not Available.

Review of haiku poems  
Rated: E | (4.5)
T.L. - My haiku mentor! So proud to have met you and read you!

I had tried in vain to understand the psychological basis for the syllable restriction and thought it was a bunch of B.S. *Bigsmile*

Then I read you and I clicked. Thank you for being in the right place at the best time.

In His Perfect Love,

StormyWindsPsalms 13:8 in specific honor of Louve
Review of The perfect girl  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Mr. Pendleton Hammons - Just where is that ending line punctuation? Your ending line and P O O F... no finality. What? Just leave all your readers hanging on such a heartfelt display? Nay! Your last line, is how you end it all. How you make closure {or not} in your audience's mind. So please ........ use punctuation. Please. *Smile*

There must be a muse for this piece of brimming emotion! *Smile* Make sure she gets it, printed on beautiful paper, double-matted and framed, of course, but not before you've had a chance to autograph it for "My Lady".

StormyWindsPsalms 138:8 in specific honor of Louve

Treat the inner child in you and try this fun time.

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#1055399 by Not Available.

Review of Poetry Forms  
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Unratable.)
Bianca - Mistress of Forms! We thank you for your dedication to the poet. *Balloon4* True poets welcome the challenges presented in the various forms.

All your hard effort will generate many worthy artisans of words. I thank you personally by a small token of
1,000 yellow, long-stemmed Gift Points! *Bigsmile*

I'll be referring to your Reference Book of Forms many times, I'll just tag it on my Favorite's shelf!

StormyWindsPsalms 138:8 in specific honor of Louve

Treat the inner child in you with a Puff Re-Write. You know, the Magic Dragon.

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#1055399 by Not Available.

Thank You Miss Bianca!!!

Rated: E | (4.0)
doremi - I was all set to cast off, matey! *Bigsmile*

Such beautiful rhythm. I was a smidge disappointed that it wasn't longer! The Second Verse is so well crafted it could be on C-Notes and make you rich in GP's! *Laugh*

All kiddin' aside - I love this! Best to you in the competition!

StormyWindsPsalms 138:8 in specific honor of Louve

Please take a peek at:

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#1056483 by Not Available.

Rated: E | (5.0)
Bren - What beauty for the senses! What an absolute delight! *Delight*

I was curious about this meter so I did an analysis and was pleasantly pleased to see the following:

Stanza 1 - 8-7-8-7-8-7-7-8
Stanza 2 - 8-7-8-7-8-7-7-8
Stanza 3 - 8-7-8-7-8-7-7-8

This reflects a high level of discipline and then when you add the supurb content, it's a no-brainer 5-*Star* Rating! D U H !

So well crafted and I wish you the best in the contest!

I'm placing this on Public Review so others might click and enjoy! *Balloon5**Balloon4*

StormyWindsPsalms 138:8 in specific honor of Louve

Please take a peek at:
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Fist, second and third stanza - last line - This is strictly my opinion. For dramatic purposes, instead of a comma after "listen", I would do this:

"And listen ... listen to the love."

You own it, it will be as you wish! *Heart*

Rated: E | (4.5)
Ms Sierra Nuevo - I never have liked dachshunds, but I could not tear myself away from your piece here. It's highly evident where you heart lies *Bigsmile*.

I liked your honesty and candor, makes one want to read more of you, see what else you're honest about!

May you be favored in the Judges' eyes.

StormyWindsPsalms 138:8 in honor of Louve

Take a look at this:
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