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Review of Football Fans  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Zoo - So bleeping funny! I can see where the right word can put a reader into hysterics.

The rating should go to the reader/participator, no offense.

For the humor is all in the choices made, of course the story line matters but the comedy comes from whomever clicks on.

This was the best so far, for me. I think I wanna' try this.

Mulling it over -

Rated: E | (4.0)
Green Dragon - I was so interested in this international saga of transporting dogs that I was not prepared for your, To Be Continued ...

Like on TV - 24 with Kiefer Sutherland, tick-tock, tick-tock, BAM! To Be Cont'd. Dang, I just HATE THAT!

Don't hate you, just the fact that I didn't get my story climax like I was expecting.

Well, when & where is the remaining story?

Have a heart, G. Dragon! After all, YOU started this!

Seriously, when?


Rated: ASR | (5.0)
StoryMaster - You and the Mistress just make being a member here one of the Top Ten activities in our lives.

Your explanations are User Friendly and totally complete. No wonder this place is growing by leaps and bounds.

You maintain such a positive mind-set and stable site that most have become addicted and readily admit to it.

How do we thank you for such an amazing playground?

Rated: E | (3.5)
M C - This is slightly above average as a satirical piece and shows you can still have fun with adolescent

4th Stanza - the dog/slog rhyme is forced and feels like a hammer was used to make it fit. To my mind's ear, the flow is bumpy there.

But it's cute.

Animals are honest, husbands can be deceitful, which do you prefer?


Review of Shadows within  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Joseph - WOW! Dang, I'm exhausted! And it's only 7:52 Tuesday morning!

This is, for me, a powerful piece that has only a couple of 'soft' places that stray somewhat from the overall electricity generated here!

You have given me glimpses of your belief in the Almighty or am I reading into your words?

This darkness borders self-mutilation of the mental, emotional, psychological kind. Self-hatred runs rampant in our culture and wonder if you can write as well about love and success?

Three hundred GP's says you can!

In His Perfect Love,


Review of The Mighty Hunter  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Mere - From the pen of a true cat owned human! You appreciate the feline which graces your home and I automatically like you!

God sure did, in His infinite wisdom, give us a selection of companion animals to enjoy. And for me, cats are in the top 3. Enjoy, embrace and love like a child.

The special part is, He knew we would!


Rated: E | (4.0)
Ann - What a glowing tribute to your sister, Betty.

In a 20 line poem you have presented the essance of what your sister was and meant to you.

So honest, with all the natural squabbling that siblings must morph through those adolescent years.

And the coup de grace, your final line. I could see it,
the reverse of what you had grown accustomed to for all those preceding years.

It wasn't meant to be any other way.

God Bless your talent, Miss Ann, as you bless these readers with your love.

Reelin' with feelin'

Review of The Day I Grew Up  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Jenna - How horrific and you described the hideous act without flinching. Straightforward, no sugar-coating, no white-wash.

I am sorry for the adolescent sadness here. Gut-wretching, tear flowing sadness. How could she?

Has Mom been forgiven? Has Mom received the help she so desparately needs? Has Mom reunited with the girls?

This is a two kleenex read, Jenna, you should warn readers of that before they start. (That's a compliment)

May the pain you experienced be turned around to eliminate pain from someone else's life. You won't regret it!

May the pain of that horror be healed in you from this day forth, In Jesus Name I claim it, Amen.

This wakes up my own torn-from-mother-past. I'm going to dig it out and share like you did, since I'm a little stronger and a little braver. It's called "Just For You".

Thank you, Jenna, for a cringing look into the unfathomable acts of mothers.

Stormy at the Wailing Wall.

Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Daxia - Well, you did what writers are supposed to do, make the reader want more.

The only spelling/tense mistake was First Para: 5th sentence, "As it swept passed ... s/b 'past'.

Gee, about this hooded man, I want to know his name, his actual height and his status among the Vampire Hierarchy.

As you described yourself, he is ruthless, heartless and cruel and we, humans have a deep fasination with such creatures.

I personally confess to Vampiras as my favorite boogeyman character.

Please post the 1st Chapter post haste!

Loving It,


Review of Aspies on autism  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sis - You have really provided a service for these challenged people.

You have supplied links for anyone who has the desire to become educated on this important subject, to dive right in.

This is more of a PSA (Public Service Announcement)as an interested party for the dysfunction's crippling effect on, not the afflicted but rather, the people surrounding them.



Review of My brother  
Rated: E | (1.5)
Bucky -

This has a humorous flavor to it, however, it needs some technical polish.

Biscuts? I think you mean biscuits.

Third line needs some extension to flow with your 4th line, which, for me, is a really forced rhyme and discredits your objective.

Memorieslike... you were going too fast and missed the space between, easily corrected!

Try inserting 'that' in your 9th line and please, consider rewriting the last line or correcting the existing one.

You don't want your readers struggling to figure out what it is you want to say.

Practice makes Perfect!


Review of Black Swans  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Elijah - I figure you to be about 5 years older than me. I was in the 7th grade when Kennedy was assassinated.

1968, I was 17 and wrote a poem about all the events you just outlined in this piece. There was the international incident of the USS Peublo, aircraft carrier, seized within the 12 mile restricted area, in the Indian Ocean.
King and then Robert Kennedy which you wrote of with stinging clarity.

For me, the best part was your references to the Holy Scriptures.

So good to meet another Child of the Most High God.

May He anoint you with more "flow" than you could ask or think!

Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Kenzie - I could not resist reading more of you and another very personal jewel sparkles here.

I appreciate your candor regarding failed relationships. And I share in your joy of a beautiful son that makes your neck a little longer, your back a little straighter and your shoulders a little bit more squared!

There's NOTHING like a child who you can see has the same gifts that God gave you! Derek is a chip off the old block!

The fact that you love God and publicly give Him all your credit is a powerful witness and will be as seeds planted in those who read, rate and review your work.
The harvest will get you those coveted God Points which is all I ultimately want in this world.

I'm soooo proud to know you!


Review of The ABC's of Me  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Kenzie - So nice to "see" you, what you look like and to read your ABC's!

I also believe you had something to do with the RAOK gift of 2 more months of membership! I send huggs your way (((((((Kenzie))))))) and gobs of gratitude!

I'm glad I checked back on the sight Sunday and found that present in my mail bag! I cried, thanked God for His intervention of moving the person who makes those gift decisions to show me such favor, praised His Name and cried some more. He is soooooo good to me.

Yours was the first e-mail I received and I never deleted it and I won't.

You can't know what you have done for me and unfortunately, I am unable to articulate it. It goes way deeper than I want to elaborate on, but it's major!

It was a plus to know you are a transplanted Yankee, me a transplanted peach (Georgia) and we both are thriving in this Texas soil!

May your anointing double,

Review of "Thank You RAOK"  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A Thousand Thanks from an uplifted spirit! God is GOOD!
There are no words to express my gratitude for the generosity you have extended on my behalf. This gift reduced me to tears, glorifying the God that moved you to honor me in such a special way.

I aspire to upgrade my personal financial circumstances so I WILL be able to return this gesture to someone else in need in the near future.

I feel God's blessings and favor ALL OVER WRITING.COM!

His Favor Upon You All,

Rated: E | (3.5)
Abdul - First time I've ever seen a political article here on Writing.Com. They may be here, I just haven't seen one.

Anyway, for me, the first thing that HAS to be done is to remove Coffi Anan (sp?) & his son by vote or by force, I don't care how it's done. Only then will the UN have a chance to repair its image and integrity.

Your Paragraph 3 was the best in this entire article, as it speaks volumes about the UN as a whole and how it is perceived throughout the world.

Africa is a tragedy. A dismal failure on all fronts and an ongoing embarassment to civilized cultures.

I truly appreciate your excellent command of the English language, however there are 7 misspelled words, some a root word with some imaginative endings on them like 'canditure', which I did not find in my dictionary.

Spelling on veto-wielding, present, invokes not invoices, permanent, jealous, candidacy and opponents not apponents. Easy enough to correct.

Really nice to have read you for the first time.


Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Mr. McDonald - I will confess to be guilty of 'meter madness' and this poem spoke to me in a strong way!
Your rhyme and meter is so close to perfect and aside from that technical aspect, the content is inspiring.

Permit me to suggest the following - 3rd stanza, 2nd line, what if you omitted "good"? Try & hear the change.

4th stanza, 2nd,3rd and 4th lines all have "here", try this, I stand alone on hallowed ground,
Much was lost here, much was found.
Battles fought man to man,
Heroes fought......cowards ran.
Do you like the small change?

I tried to pick out a favorite verse and could not for each is wonderful.

Thankx for a special way to start my Saturday morning.

Cadence Crazy,


Review of The Interview  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Fyndorian - What a wake-up call! I loved your format. The back and forth with the story and the class' reaction to it.

You put me there, not as the other non-attentive students, but as an avid "listener" to Bertha's commentary through Laura.

It's not shocking the reaction of this class, but more apathetic and disconnected.

I read Bertha's innocent explanation of where she was seemingly oblivious to the cruel reality.

Very entertaining due to the sad truth it reveals.


Review of Touched By Love  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Ann - Someone is deeply, completely and totally in love. It's so apparent and clearly stated in this piece.

You have indicated how that specialness can make the worst of days seem like something extraordinary has transpired and tolerable.

You've shown how being in love can make the mundane, musical and when those days are experienced with someone we love beside us, WE CAN RISE ABOVE ANYTHING!

Love conquers all,


Rated: E | (1.0)
Mr. Anderson - For me, this content is lacking in form and style and interest. I tried to call it abstract but I had to settle with absent-minded wanderings.

How does this in any way, relate to James Dean? You must have had something in mind when you started out, what happened?

The title was the lure, make clicking on it, worth a reader's time.



p.s. Take the enclosed 50 GP's and my Good Will for a re-write.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Such courteous support for the inevitable easy(for you) questions that all new members will eventually ask at some point.

Your patience is commendable and coupled with the absence of condescending replies is applaudable.

I LOVE THIS PLACE and the longer I'm here, I NEED it!


Rated: E | (5.0)
A/Lady - BRAVO, beauty in simplicity, quotable and reeking of independent intelligence!

Just edit the spelling on LicenSe and no one can find ANY fault with this!

Do you hear the applause?

Clapping the hardest,

Rated: E | (5.0)
How can we members contribute to perfection? As it pertains to this post anyway. That's why you are the StoryMaster!

Is there a GiftPoint Bank somewhere? Is it possible to run out of GP's? Gotta' be a GP Treasury, right?
What if members hoarded their GP's for 30 days, would that act create a shortage? Just wondering!

Thank you StoryMaster, for more fun than I deserve!



p.s. Since I'm saving up my GP's to extend my membership, I am not able to make a GP donation at this time, apologies!
Review of Auto-Rewards  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Every day here is such a treasure for me. 12 days now and I've found a Creativity Haven. There is so much to absorb in this mammoth site and NOW I finally understand the ARGP feature!

I just had not taken the time to read all the explanations in their entirety. Had I calmed down and read this I would have understood for you have made it crystal clear how it works.

Thank you again for a smashing playground!

Doing the Dance of Joy,

Stormy & Stimpy
Rated: E | (5.0)
Triple WOW!!! Kenzie, it just never occurred to me! Of course you are absolutely right! I have been guilty of that very thing! Not taking personal credit for the verse or graphic, but forwarding it without one thought of the originator!

You know, to be ignorant of wrong is one thing, but to learn that something is wrong and STILL continue doing it, is indefensable.

As of this moment, I stand educated on the subject and diligently aspire to stop that practice!

Thank you for helping me adjust, Kenzie.

With Gobs of Gratitude,

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