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Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

June 15, 2007

 Lines lost in time !  (E)
my thoughts on writtings and reviews!
#1276910 by Jaded

is one to read if you like to take a few minutes now and then and write a review for fellow members who post THE works THEY WRITE here on www.writing.com.

Glad you mention the honest insight contained inside this one, dear Jaded.

Keep up the good work.

Cordially, TEFF

Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

June 15, 2007

Jaded, very much like your color print here for BECOMING A MOTHER FOR THE FIRST TIME.

Part coming of age story and part English class essay, but a good read nonetheless which offers sound advice.

Thanks, dear author. Welcome to W.C.

Cordially, TEFF
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
June 15, 2007

HERO OF THE POETIC allows the opening paragraph line: "fifteen summers ago." Diffrent way to say a time span.

Then this first person narration takes off letting readers in for a very good ride in this sci-fic story where demons are conquered, the last meal is offered and a mother and daughter may mourn.

Good amount of plot in a short spatial presentation.

JM Pujals, WC author does a fine job with this pen.

Cordially, TEFF

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#952447 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)
June 15, 2007

With A PAISAN CAPTURED BY THE ITALIANS author, Tpops outlines a segment of service for the characters telling the story as related to the annuls of history via WWII.

Slight comparison to what happens to servicemen from a brief perspective to include the Vietnam War era is also included.

Why waste time listening to this sum? --- Click this one overhead, instead.

Cordially, TEFF aka Mary Moffett


Review of Hardship  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

lllll JUNE 15, 2007

Greetings & salutations, dear author.

Rachel, perhaps you can shorten this semi-prose poem and go either prose or poetry.

The message? Reading heavily carries thoughts behind the words.

Please visit:
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#924861 by April Sunday

"Invalid Item

Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
June 13, 2007

Hey there, Mars --- If RABBITS IN SPRING be true, sounds like that larger cage for the garden is going to work out fine.

Plus you get the living quarters back to yourselves.

Anyways, love how well you describe these energetic little ones.

Best Summer ahead, good luck in all future writing endeavors to be sure.

Cordially, TEFF aka Mary Moffett

Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

June 13, 2007

Once more Lower Keys Bum waxes suggestive in a supportive gesture in this brief editorial.

Listening to a message that measures in as political slavation of a sort is apparently high on the agenda for this author.

Best luck in all writing endeavors and welcome to W.C. dear author.

Cordially, TEFF
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

June 13, 2007

Hi and Good Morning & Good campaigning, dear author.

 "Something Different" in Politics  (E)
For those disenchanted with a political system filled with corruption
#1275963 by Lower Keys Bum

The above essay alert comes our way, today. Just from a small sampling of the latest (read today) one may see that we've completely broken with the old adages which we were pretty much saddled with 2001 to 2004.

Things are changing, no matter what the snail's pace during these days of trying times. Of course, after reading this factual item, the notation is those changes were inseparable from reality with or without any ken for media spin.

The author provides a link ... so gotta go ... Miss Teff is clearly checking in on the above.

Cordially, TEFF

"Invalid Item
Review of Silence  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

June 13, 2007

Of: Political Genre ... Only by dubbing this Poem, SILENCE (political) from the portfolio of Color me Brianna does genre choice send an appeal to lines which both describe an overall silence or perhaps at least observe same.

Not wanting to read too much into the poem, itself: allow for meaning in the eloquent lines contained here-in.

Such as:

"Never quite always speaking our minds, never giving up ..."

Welcome to W.C, dear poet.

Cordially, TEFF

 Invalid Item 
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#952447 by Not Available.
Review of Sunshine  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

June 13, 2007

SUNSHINE from Piper serves to remind us in the line:

"A new morning, a new day ..." that there are always new places or times to start anew wherever we perchance to observe such.

Plus, a sense of security is rendered in this insightful poem.

Thanks, Piper, welcome to W.C.

Cordially, TEFF

LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday
Review of Proudly I Stand  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

June 13, 2007

 Proudly I Stand  (E)
How I support our troops
#1276135 by Eagle~The Cowboy's Wife

carries a wallop in the way of pulling the heart strings tightly around a subject rendered this very close to Flag Day, June 14.

Perhaps the author/ poet wishes to convey that patriotism and duty in the case of the poem's narrator cannot be separated here-in.

Good one! Keep 'em coming, Eagleridge and a hardy welcome to W.C.

Cordially, TEFF

"Invalid Item
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

June 13, 2007

From the portfolio of Jaded comes a story in Kiddie Lit genre.

The author does a very good job here relating the sequence surrounding the happenings for a young boy moving to another state.

Grammar === firm
Presentation --- good
Plot --- evident

ANDY AND THE DINOSAURS has much potential from a talented writer.

Best luck in all future writing endeavors from these authors.

Cordially, TEFF
Review of Dear Neddy Boy  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

June 9, 2007 The Saturday

Oh, hey there, Sean M H Delaplace.

Terminology --- Holy Hannah, Batman comes to mind. Yet, Teff's penchant for slang phrasing on PRP (Public Rev Page) may cause another sensation.

Holy Hannah, Batman!!!

Delaplace, your poem: DEAR NEDDY BOY is exactly the story tale poem that garnishes the high points.

You tell us of Ned, call him ---

"Dear Neddy boy" during the relating of the goings on including an actual opening of the firearm.

Tell him to "cringe." Let Ned know about " ... sweet, Delanore."

This poem's rife with entertaining stanzas, alive with detail and truly captivating due to rhyme and content.

Ten Star work! Five star rate, alas all one can give for one of those besties.

Don't forget to get involved in W.C's poetry contests, Delaplace. You'll provide steep competition to be sure.

To this poet: ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Hey, Sean --- If you have a penchant for forums come join in the fun ---down at

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#924861 by April Sunday

<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>
Review of For A Genius...  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

June 9, 2007

Reading, FOR A GENIUS by Potus Emeritus, heading for the booksehlf, pulling MURDER FOR CHRISTMAS, my favorite short story anthology, paging to DANCING DAN'S CHRISTMAS by Damon Runyon.

Caring to impart info that Runyon's writes in present tense. And last Wed, find another copy at a local library where librarians show kindness by separating anthologies in the stacks.

Thus, not that far off the mark to suggest in FOR A GENIUS, the piece contain some present tense as opposed to all past tense, or past perfect tenses.

Read without a hitch while superimposing present tense to same. This saves readers time, peaks interest.

Wondering why as writers we insist on always the fact that when we tell stories, write stories, portray happenings we tend to put all into the past, yet expect readers to hang on the words like a lifeline to the plot.

Well, that's okay if that's what an author desires, simply a suggestiton to try a differnt apporach occasionally. Note also cutting down in some places also surely allows spots for adverbs, etc. or creative/ or eloquent phrases.

Next: A few tiny errors found and likes also including these today, now, like presently, time wise.


had not gone --- didn't go

Lost at: "If you sell your sunglasses ...

Accept this may pertain to --- the lyrics: The future's so bright, one has to wear shades theme --- otherwise (?)

Also this is in dialogue so still acceptable as character is talking.

Love & adore:" ... a babysat, nervous boy ..."

Love: main character's ego being mentioned in the intro and carried across well throughout, P.E.

at time -- typo == at times

had hit === hit
(Note not going to do all predicates past tense references this morning.)

I had == I'd or use another verb IF intentions aim toward present tense during future edits. Here, Emeritus, you might consider you're doing a great job with this terrible, unprecedential car accident --- Which this author certainly brings to life along the road that is fiction, without a doubt!! Praiseworthy plotting.

roared as --- Using 'as' one can use roar since the action is happening right on the spot when the car starts.

Note: All suggestions herein are certainly up to the writer to consider for the work if it suits the original author, namely: Potus Emeritus.

So, thanks for the very good read.

The word: "Emeritus' is mentioned in: "Reviewing Wisdom 1, 2, 3 GO!

a 2004 c-rite. Nice pen name, BTW.

Best in all future writing endeavors. Feel free to visit {btem:924861} if you get a chance, Potus.

Do one thing today, pretty please --- besides enjoying a summery day, promise to continue Writing ON!!

Cordially, Teff

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Review of Work  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

June, 4, 2007

 Work  (13+)
A busboy at a fancy restaurant meets the patron of his dreams
#1264928 by jrdnjones

Fabulous, penning here, JR.

Like === " ... bonded together with a ______ crystal glass."

Great humor in this one and the author sums all up for us. Namely: feelings from the busboy ...

Observations on the duo at the two-top

And the exit line --- Superb!

Don't waste time listening to the likes of TEFF. So members, revvers, authors, poets, fiction readers and distinguished guests ... you'll be clicking on this one for a funny read, right? Hopefully WORK is in your humor genre reading favor to be sure.

Cordially, TEFF


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Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

May 31, 2007

Hi Wendybird: Welcome to WC.

You are most wonderful to join here and present the thinker type item we seek from time to time.

Of War, Of Psychology or Philosophic definitions ... ?

Maybe, Wendybird is wont to explore some deep topics. I hope so.

Love the decision you offer with:

"Something to think about. Or not."

Matched with the above contents, the sentence is appropriately rendered.

Nice work.

A big welcome to W.C.

Cordially, TEFF
Review of Interlude  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)
May 31, 2007

New Member, Ash offers the poem: INTERLUDE. The title provides a quick look somewhat about how relationships may be perceived.

Especially enjoy the line:
"We live in a splinter of our own ..."

Good luck and have fun with all future writing endeavors.

Welcome to W.C. Enjoy the site.

Cordialy, TEFF

Review of Sense the Rainbow  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

May 31, 2007

Good Morning: Judity.

How wonderful to see a new short story from your portfolio today. On top of my desk lingers in essence after reading straight thru with nary a hitch ....

SENSE THE RAINBOW which hails from the pen of ...

J A Buxton, published author and one of the most prolific writers on W.C.

llllllllll SIDEBAR llllllll You, know Judity, Teffy (That's ME!) came across WDC in a few odd places yesterday, again wondering why not W.C. But how we love our home away from home, right? Which do you use? Is there a preference at all really? Sorry but each time I see the WDC a mental snag ensues trying to compute the D. llllllllll END SIDEBAR lllllllll

SENSE OF THE RAINBOW brings to life several nuances concerning a well-detailed bouquet placed inside an office cubicle where two ladies are employed.

J A Buxton indicates this is a contest entry. A great one, one might add. The best of the best is the hues and horticulture contained in the work for the blooms themselves. Why, even the Angelica is a character. Lovely flower BTW and so tall.

This one comes just in time when photos of former gardens sit side-by-side atop the desk of

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Sig by Esprit

Best summer days ahead, Judity. Please check this out. Sorry, again with the personal but you already know me for the cad I truly am. Haha.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Review of Just Desserts  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

May 30, 2007

Oh, RadioShea, its been one of those mornings, great birding, wonderful foliage at the windows, neat-o reads, most of them short, some poetry.

Now this one: JUST DESERTS: A HISTORY FOR FINICKY EATERS from the portfolio of WC author: RadioShea.

Great RHYMES!! All telling a story in the manner of Dr. Seuss in a way.

Almost every stanza forms a picture in the mind. Granted this is certainly picture-book worthy, so great good luck there, dear author.

Click this title to read a poem which sings from start to finish, dear members, authors, poets, reviewers, and welcome guests.

Sorry, to rate this a fiver, Radio Shea, for here you present TEN STAR material.

Thank You!
Cordially, TEFF

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#924861 by April Sunday

llllllllllllllllllllll Sidebar: lllll llllll Bye for now or Hello @


Review of Returning  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

May 30, 2007

Author66 offers RETURNING, a brief poem which is easily read on Auto Rewards, p. 6.

Rhyme here really adds to the flavor of the stanzas.

However, like much writing in the poetic vein, missing is what the narrator is returning from. I shall read again.

Ah, well perhaps the allusion of poetry filling in the blanks for us is all part of the game. Here, one may allow that the line:

"I have waited so long ... so long to return."

Naturally, then 'returning' can be many things.

One that makes you think.

Good luck in all future writing ventures, dear author.

Cordially, TEFF

LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday

Review of Bus to Purgatory  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

May 30, 2007
SueVN, you go gal!

Came across another of your fantastic short-shorts this morning and couldn't resist the desire to read the second one reviewed today from this desk.

Outside we just had this glowing moonlight which woke me in the night, like your story BUS TO PURGATORY. It felt like an eye-opener to a place ... which goes beyond the reality of the environmental confides we walk and breathe daily.

Anyways, despite digression ---

Love, simply love:

"Helpless, his legs walked with no help from him."

There Sue sets the pace before the quick conclusion.

Glad you marked this one "fantasy" which is accurate since not all fantasy genre needs the dragon or the troll, of course.

Also, when you get a chance, Sue, dear, punch in "short story contests" on the worldwide web and enter a few. No doubt, summing the way you do inside a brief word count is certainly to your andvantage and to ours.

Big Thanks!
Cordially, TEFF

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#952447 by Not Available.
Review of Old Year's Eve  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

May 30, 2007

SueVN offers OLD YEAR'S EVE on Auto Rewards, p. 6.

What a great read this is, Sue.

The subject of the old year ending and the new year arriving is done here in dialog format for a flash fiction contest of less than 500 words.

Believe it of not, Teff entered one of those off-site and completed the story as if history spelled the theme out for that particular entry. These are tough.

However, SueVN makes it looks kinda easy with this approach. Love IT!

Write ON!

Cordially, TEFF

 Invalid Item 
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#952447 by Not Available.

Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

The above title has been with us for the last few years in essence as a topic of concern.

Here, WC author, Armadillo offers some tried and true chronological renditions of the current state of affairs.

In the last paragraphs there's speculative solution. In fact, signs to the latter are being posted all over the place when a challenge to do same went out in 2006.

So, let's not forget and pray our troops come safely home as soon as possible. How about it, Washington, DC?

Cordially, TEFF

 Invalid Item 
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#952447 by Not Available.

Review of Digging Out  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

May 25, 2006

DIGGING OUT by Author66 is a tell-all poem which seems to border on perhaps a new direction or the hope of better days ahead.

Like the line: "Ever onward, getting closer
To the light of day."

A good stretch here is shown with describing what the author wants us to glimpse regarding life's ups and downs.

Hope we see more poems from your port, dear Author66.


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Check Our Authors at:
Review of Memories Unmade  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (4.0)

May 25, 2007

L. A. Powell brings MEMORIES UNMADE to Auto Rewards on May 23.

Thoughts on a meeting that could be ensues as a thorough look at what might have been defines this poem.

Included also is a brief intro to set the story-line into the proper perspective for readers, so it seems.

Very good work and thought provoking as to what fate may have instore.

Love the phrase: "We chanced beside a flower."


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