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Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow! Awesome writing. I was labled as "the geek," people snickered around me and made me feel lower than low, but I also found that I mixed with many. Of course I wasn't in with the popular crowd, but I did find some pretty great friends which helped me get through the rough times...counseling also worked. The goal is to find your niche and enjoy it. :) WRITE ON! Weeowl
Review of Dressed Up  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Gosh it's getting hot in here ;) I'm even biting my lip :) Although I like this whole poem, one thing that stuck out to me was Fresh breath, New Chances. New chances. I think I know what I'm going to do on Valentine's Day! :D You have such passion within you. Continue sharing! :D I'll continue reading :) Write ON! Weeowl
Rated: E | (5.0)
The calm in your voice as your write this is soothing. Soothed is how I felt as I read this. If anything it shows me that I'm not alone. Yes, it will pass and your advice is wonderful! Letting it take its course is probably the most difficult. When my love was killed by a drunk driver, I had to tell myself over and over "Don't put a time limit on your grief." It's been a little over 3 years and around the time of his death I'm a wreck (no pun intended). It happened four days before Christmas. So Christmas is really difficult for me. I just have to breathe through it...and be gentle on myself. Thank you for writing t his and reaching out to let people know they aren't alone through the pain. Kudos! Weeowl
Review of Truth  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a good piece of writing. I like the fact that you're so blunt. It's edgy. I feel edgy as I read it. And you're right that it all equals out in the end. We can't go back in time and change the past. All we can do is look to the future and hope our choices lead us to a different path. Good job! Write on! Weeowl
Review of Cheating  
Rated: E | (5.0)
RAWR! I feel like burning my bra and grabbing a pitchfork and torch to go after all these dang cheaters! Your points are well thought out, perhaps through personal experience. What interested me most was the brief lines on forgiveness. I admire the boldness of this article and if I'm ever cheated on, I'll remember this article and walk out the door to a new life. Hopefully you have never experienced this. Keep writing! Your voice is strong! Weeowl
Review of Believe  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow! In this poem you give all of yourself (or the character does) to a man. I must say that is admirable. It must be someone worthy of trust. Now, I added a few lines to the poem, is that what you wanted by making this an in and out? I can feel the fear and sadness in this poem, perhaps because I feel the same way about trusting men. Keep writing! Weeowl
Review of No title  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I must say that what caught my attention was to click and find the hidden word..AMANDA. Am I right? I like this poem and didn't find any errors or anything like that. It is so creative that you wrote something highlighting her name like that. It requires clever thinking and craftiness. Well done! Have you thought about doing acrostics? Write on! Weeowl
Rated: E | (5.0)
Merry Christmas, I love this! I enjoyed finding the words of one of the most infamous plays! It brought back all the drama and tragedy that dripped off the page into my mind and heart. You chose the great words and names to refresh my memory. Do you enjoy this play as much as I do or have you been studying it? Either way, Write ON! Weeowl
Review of Phantom Lovers  
Rated: E | (5.0)
well...I'm stunned...and I can identify with this. Unlike the character in this poem, I actually knew the man I love when he was alive. After he was killed...I just continued loving him. I had to "let him go." I was getting too close to him while I'm still in human form. That day that the light came on, I was lost. I literally got lost twice. Tears running down my face like salty streams, inside my screams reach the heavens. 'This is unexpected and unwanted,' I said. Then it hit me...so was his death. Write on! Weeowl
Review of Not Forgotten  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
BRAVO!!! Oh my goodness! I was shocked by the ending. I knew something wasn't right, but I couldn't put my finger on it! I enjoy the fact that through this poem I felt that void that one in this condition would. You are definitely a great writer and I strongly encourage you to keep up the good work! Weeowl
Review of One  
Rated: E | (5.0)
(((HUGS))) The pain of the loss. I know it well. I know the idea of just one. Just one more time. But that will lead to one more and one more. Your brother is always with you. Love beats Death. This poem and any other writing you may do is a great way to cope with your loss. Never let go of your love. Hold him in your heart and your memories. Write me anytime! One minor change...One BREATH / I wish for you to BREATHE. Other than that, I'm honored that you shared this poem. Write on. Breathe on. Live on. Weeowl
Rated: E | (5.0)
:D I felt the anxiety of this poem. I often feel like I'm not good enough...like I have to do more, be more, think more, etc. It really sounds like me! :P How could you possibly know me so well? Perhaps it shows I'm not alone...we're not alone. Thanks for sharing this poem! Write on :D Weeowl
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is a strong poem. I can feel the anger...the frustration behind it. I did find some misspelled words that I wanted to point out. "I am SEEN through a haze..." and "conveniently" and then a typo "hiding myself." Many people are jaded. They hold expectations from experience and unfortunately pass judgement. Keep your head up! Write on! Weeowl
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great job with this poem! I like how you didn't answer what happens when we die. It can be either or. Or what if it's something totally different? You put your fears and feelings down which makes this one of those thought provoking poems. I enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing and write on! Weeowl
Review of Follow Your Nose  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I thoroughly enjoyed this poem! At face value, it's a simple poem to be enjoyed. The poem makes me FEEL playful. It brings back memories of puppies I've played with and watching them get old. I go deeper into this poem and see how it resembles childhood. When we're little, we're free. everything is new and exciting as it would be for a puppy. As we get bigger, we feel collared by obligations, responsibilities. We know heartache. We know pain. What if we take off the collar? Can we? Thank you for sharing this awesome poem! There's no need to correct anything. :D Weeowl
Review of Infected  
Rated: E | (5.0)
BRAVO!!!! I felt inspired reading this! and the way you rhymed throughout was incredible! Sure it changed the "ENGLISH" but it added dialect and it flowed nicely! You Go! You get out of that box and FLY! I like the way you change the situation...Your last two lines just POW! :D Very powerful :D Thank you!!! Weeowl
Review of My First Roommate  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow Holly I can totally relate the roommate woes! This year alone I had two roommates. The first one was a friend who was supposed to stay there until the trial of the drunk driver that killed my love was over...HE NEVER LEFT! And everything had to be dramatic with him even though he said he didn't like drama. He even put his hands on me and wouldn't let go. He invaded every corner of my life. Thank goodness we never "did it!" Then, the second roommate was kinda thrown on me. We were supposed to talk more about him moving in with me. I was all prepared to say NO NO NO NO NO and NO! But, instead of coming over to talk about it, they started moving his stuff in. He paid rent, but ate me out of house and home, would bring home troubled girls even after I told him over and over and over "THE INN IS CLOSED!" He'd have friends constantly coming over. I'm social, but OMG! My anxiety went to a level 10...constant! I had to get on anti-anxiety meds. The end of my ropes came when I took a trip to the beach. He had a party. My Dad drove up 4 times through midnight and they didn't even notice. He came inside Monday morning while roommate wasn't around and saw the trash...I called and kicked him out that day! The trash he left me...a truck full of 30 gallon trash bags. Since he's been gone, my anxiety has dropped to about a level 2. NO MORE ROOMMATES FOR ME!!! Have you had anymore?
Review of Dog Days  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Wow! This is an interesting and disturbing story. You use the beginning, rising action, climax, and falling action very well. I feel sympathy for Liam and anger at his father...but also sadness for his father. I worried about Buster throughout. I'm really impressed by this story. I didn't give a full 5 because there are a few errors...eh I think you meant he...and there's a space in one of the they's. Great job on the characters, the scenes, the little things including dialect and the movement into Liam's sights...the tree, bare of life, Buster, and his father. Wow! Write on! Weeowl
Review of McDonalds Menu  
Rated: E | (5.0)
:D You made me hungry with this wordsearch! I want to eat McDonald's tonight for some reason! This was a fun and tastey wordsearch that I greatly appreciate! I like how you got the condiments. I kept wanting to find Special sauce or McRib! I've been craving the mcrib lately, I can't wait until they bring it back. What's also unique about your wordsearch is the use of abbreviations. Kudos and keep writing! weeowl
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love your wordsearch! the words you chose were unique actually! In the puzzle I had to laugh because the words "Werewolf" and "party" were right next to each other and I thought they were together. I wonder what a werewolf party would be like? Pretty hairy I imagine LOL! and you remembered the OWL! :D That makes this Weeowl very happy! I can't wait to do more of your wordsearches! Keep up the good work! :D Weeowl
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a good question. It seems logical that we are of the religion we are brought up to be. However, this question is a springboard for more thought of "What would it be like if I were born in a different country?" Life would be totally different. So really it is hard to say whether or not I'd be the spiritualist I am today had I been born in a different country. It's quite possible, but I'd just have a different foundation religion. Good question! Weeowl
Review of *Fate*  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Great question. Ahh those little coincidences that aren't. So many times I've been nudged places where I meet really fascinating people or truly enjoy myself. When I was questioning "What am I?" I encountered many friends who were what I am. It took me a while and then, when I realized the label I could put on myself and live with happily ever after, I started thinking back to all my friends and laughed. The answer was right in front of my face several times. Good poll! Write on! Weeowl
Review of Without You  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow! This is a great song with a lot of grieving emotions. I felt it. I feel it every single day. How do we go from wanting to disappear to living life? How do we feel safe again? How do we go on after a loss like we've suffered? We put one foot in front of the other and pray we don't fall too hard again I guess. Thanks for writing this song. It means a lot. It means, we're not alone. Weeowl
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Silently I write to you, touched by your words. It's amazing how you put your emotions of grief into poetic form. The language is rich. And the way you ended this poem is incredible. The last three lines are very striking! Got me in the gut. I'm sorry for your loss. May writing help you feel comfort. Write on! Weeowl
Review of It's Autumn!  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a fun word search. Thanks for creating it. I liked Candy Corn especially :) It is something that definitely says "AUTUMN" Then of course there is Halloween. It's one of my favorite holidays. I think it's the fact that I get to dress up and be someone different. Look forward to searching for more of your words ;) Happy Autumn! Weeowl
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