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Rated: E | (5.0)
hahaha! I am NEVER afraid to sing when the moment strikes. I'm known for singing at work. One job actually "fined" me for my singing. It was helarious. I also sing in public, in my car, in restaurants. It causes some people to pretend like they don't know me :D. Weeowl~the singing bird~
Review of Love  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
To have the opportunity to love someone and share moments that you will remember forever is worth the pain that comes along when you lose someone. It's amazing that the trivial moments stick out the most in my mind...a touch of a hand, a kiss on the cheek, a HUG...I could use one of those right now...This is a great question! Weeowl
Review of Introductions  
Rated: E | (5.0)
WELCOME BILL! I am honored to meet you! I'm currently on the 3rd revision of my novel. Every step of the way has been an exciting journey. Even the little snafus that have come up have taught me so much. I love researching :) I took a trip to Chicago in order to do research for this book and for a future book I went to Alabama. Writing characters that are dynamic and scary really get me excited. I am a vessel for the Creative world. The characters tell ME what's going on :D I just have a rough idea. May you be enthusiastic in your endeavor of your passion! what's your novel about? Weeowl
Review of Chocolate  
Rated: E | (5.0)
It's 3:20pm, just in time for SNACK and I do this awesome wordsearch :D Luckily I have reese's peanut butter cups sitting in front of me. I'm about to inhale it, but before I do I just wanted to comment on how delicious and rich this search was. You teased my appetite and made me weak in the knees! ;) Great Job! Weeowl
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
HI! Sherry B recommended that I become a part of the Angel team! I would like that. I do promote great writing, I give positive feedback, and I care about new writers. I think you have a great thing going here and I'd like to be a part of it! Weeowl
Review of AS IT IS  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Way to go on this spectacular poem. you really captured the life of an American Indian. Then, that last line "Jesus was an Indian Princess" at first made me chuckle and then I was like "Why not!" He is everything. The tears fall like trees all in the name of progress. :( Weeowl
Review of Why! Why! Why!  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
oh the men we can't have! They are always sexy and good looking. I too have found that gay men are attractive. First of all, they are fun and caring. Secondly they know how to dress! It sucks, but dangit we just can't have them :( I wonder, maybe we can turn them straight :) hehe. I had a boyfriend once and he broke up with me when he said, "I'm gay." It was the best relationship I ever had. Bummer! Weeowl
Review of Staying up late  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I actually had a tough time answering this. All the options were good reasons. I think that getting a good night's sleep is important, but there are times when staying up later is okay. I remember some nights I would be up late doing homework. Of course, I got chewed out that I didn't do my homework right after school. Who wants to do homework right after school? :P Weeowl
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Great question. More often then not, Witch has a negative connotation. However, witches are worshippers of earth, magic, all the elements. There are many sublabels such as Kitchen Witch, Ecclectic Witch, Earth Witch, and more. A witch is in his/her sacred space 24 hours a day. It's a pleasant lifestyle. And the first rule of the wiccan rede is "An it harm none, do as ye will." Witches don't harm. If they do, anything they send out will come back 3 fold. Hollywood is great, but it's still just hollywood. Weeowl
Review of Walking my dog  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is good! it's simple, cute, and it holds good images. It sounds like you're being walked by the dog! That's great. Are you going to write a serial of poems like this? That would be a fun idea. I like how the dog walker sounds whimsical and goes with the flow! :D Weeowl
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is clever writing! I loved the two sides to the story! That is unique to me. You are very talented and I was intrigued the entire time. I like the smiles of both the vampire and the woman. Your writing is descriptive. Great use of adjectives! All in all, I was pleasantly surprised at this story! Write on! Weeowl
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hahahha! Let me tell you why I'm laughing. I was one of the 43 that said "I am Gumby!" My friends began calling me that shortly after I got my dentures. It was great! They really helped me through that difficult time and I love them for it. I LOVE GUMBY! :D He's cool even to this day! Weeowl
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is a good poem. I found it difficult to follow the flow but that could be from the distractions I had. I can see that this person loves you wholly. It's almost obsessive in a way? I also see that this person has gone through great lengths to make you happy. keep writing! Weeowl
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I like this question :D As a person with a very healthy sexual appetite I can't have sex with someone 24-7 like I wish I could. But I do have quite a bit of toys to keep me satisfied...somewhat. The toys never replace the feeling of someone else inside me. :D Thanks for asking this question! Weeowl
Review of The last Unicorn  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this quiz. Even though I didn't know as much as I thought I knew I still had fun and that is the purpose, right? Great questions. Weeowl
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a great question. Sometimes I do extend my reviews on purpose, but at other times, my reviews normally go beyond the 250 mark. It just depends on the work and what it triggers in me. I do like to thank people for allowing me to read it to let them know that I appreciate it. GQ. Weeowl
Review of Meditation  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem is very relaxing, just like meditation! I LOVE meditation! To prove how well meditation works, I went to the doctor and I was really nervous so I started meditating. When they pulled me back, it took them 6 tries and two machines to get my blood pressure it was so low ;D hehhee. Great poem! Weeowl
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like this question because we think about how weather effects us in general. I enjoy sunshine because my eyes are opened and the sun makes me happy. I find that I work more when it's also cold outside...as cold as it can get in Texas ;). Overall I do prefer sunshine. I like your pentacle by the way! weeowl
Review of Karma  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I feel speechless, but I will try to rise from my own emotions and write what I'm feeling. First, your name caught my attention. Then, the title. Then a message from a friend through you. He'll get what's coming to him...sit back and relax. I feel your anger. I feel your letting go. I feel your pain or at least something similar to your pain. Someone took from me a soulmate. How do you ever let go from that? How do I forgive the guy that killed him? The answer is have the knowledge that KARMA will take notes and take care of everything. It is that penlight of hope that keeps me going. Thank you for writing this Johnny Phoenix. Weeowl
Review of Hope  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Congratulations on such an amazing poem AND finding that moment to live for. One of the images that really stands out is the bed of glass. I imagined a glass coffin. You're lying (sp instead of lieing) there and you can see the world moving outside. You want to be out in it and yet...you can't move. But then you see a butterfly of hope and you see yourself in its markings. Then I take the literal meaning..a glass bed...shards of glass right beneath you. You're afraid to move because it might cut a major artery. Your adjectives are wonderful, your images are amazing, and your strength shines through the darkness you describe. In case nobody has told you this before, I'm very proud of you. You are very important. You inspire me! I understand you. May you be sprinkled with rose petals of love! Weeowl
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow! I do understand the true meaning of this poem. In my arms...where the needles go. And my heart skipped a beat...perhaps an overdose? It was a little disjointed and a wee bit difficult to read, but that's what heroine does. It disjoints the mind and makes one feel invincible. I really liked "When I first used you you used me" WOW! That is a very poignant statement. I feel the addiction. The "need" is evident. When I saw the word "toxic" I immediately thought of intoxication. Luckily I've never gotten hooked on heroine...or any drug other than cigarettes and caffeine...but I have been around and witnessed first hand the effects of this drug. It has been a difficult learning experience for me and I am now seeing the end of the addiction. I see the jaundice. I see the skeleton covered by a thin, tight layer of skin. I see the damaged teeth and the mood swings. Reality crashes down upon the Heroine and they realize, I'm a mortal. By sharing this, I want you to know that you're not alone. Thank you for writing this poem. It is strong and courages. Weeowl
Review of Spixy  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Way to go! If I could offer a tiny suggestion..."She is cool and charming, but/Lonely." The way you have it works because it draws your attention to the lonely and I do feel that lonliness. You talk about perfection and the inability to achieve that. You question it and then finally come to the conclusion that you are just fine the way you are! That is the best conclusion ever! :D Congratulations on being YOU and writing such an inspiring poem! Weeowl
Review of Beautiful Child  
Rated: E | (4.5)
First, I'd like to get the business out of the way...the only "mistake" I saw was the spelling of compassion. Other than that, the depth of this poem is spectacular. The first and last stanza leaves an impression on me and takes me to a whole new level. Playing in the sand/hair gleaming gold from the/fading sun. You have the youth...the playfulness. Then you show her hair gleaming gold...I think of this image and I see growth..an expanding of the mind. And the fading sun...WOW! I see that she is becoming a teenager and it's NEVER going to be the same. I guess I see this image because I, myself, miss the rose colored glasses that were pulled off my face at puberty. I got them back for a while...and then the mack truck of life knocked them off once and for all. this poem is well written and the depth of your message is enlightening. Thank you for sharing this moment of seeing your daughter change. Weeowl
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
YES! Someone FINALLY asked this question! I am a female, bi, and my experiences with women have not given me oral and men will do it a few times, but not as often as I go down on them. And I accept this??? Nothing is wrong down there...why don't they go down is the bigger question here. Too much to think about :P mmmm tongue. Weeowl
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Great job sweetpea! I like this poem and I LOVE the title! moonlight flower...that's very original! Your use of adjectives is right on. You're highly intelligent and it shows through your writing. Keep up the good work. I look forward to reading more of your work! Weeowl
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