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Review of Eleven-Eleven  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I must say that this is good timing for me to read this poem. Last weekend I went to a rage/temper tantrum. My friend decided to sever the friendship because of it. It makes me sick with guilt and shame. By reading this poem I know I'm not the only one out there experiencing this and the fourth stanza really hits the nail on the head. Great job. How do you recover from something like this? Weeowl
Rated: E | (4.5)
There are so many things that happen or that we witness that change us forever. As I've grown, I realize these could even be small decisions that seem so insignificant and yet effect so many things. I've been through traumas, and seen the worst that life has to offer...and yet I know I haven't seen a thing. I could see this poem being a longer one if you ever wished to do so. Weeowl
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow! There are so many ways I can think of the way this goes and yet I chance not saying anything at all for fear it is just words and I'm overanalyzing. The Demon you face is yourself is the first thing I feel. You fight yourself to the death and feel guilty. Have you done enough punishing of yourself yet? (that question is directed to me). This is twisted :P hehehe. There is a lot going on whether you know it, intended it, or not. Quite interesting! Weeowl
Review of Chelsea's Poem  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Way to go Chelsea! At a powwow last weekend, I was called a "drama queen" because I got emotional at the spiritual experience I was having. I will proudly wear that title if drama queen means being deeply impacted by spiritual experiences. Everytime I go into church, or Temple, or circle, my eyes fill with tears as the spirit moves me. It is a release for me to be participating in these rituals. It is not a waste of time as you noted some felt as they waited for mass to be over to eat and do whatever else they want to do on sunday or saturday whenever they attend. I've seen those next to me who haven't a clue as to the power that just entered them. Regardless of if they are aware or not, the Divine has taken action and if they do not know it at that moment, they will soon enough. I strongly identify with this work of art. great writing! Weeowl
Review of The Child  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Woah! Saying so much with such few words. In a way, you remind us that Adolf Hitler came into this world as we all have. Then, by showing how deeply his Mom is crying, it fortells a future that has past. This is really deep and I must say a wee bit eerie too. :P Wonderful, wonderful job! weeowl
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am rendered speechless as it appears that YOU and I share similar moments. So many nights I would turn to the moon for my emotions and thoughts that I could not get out to humans. I deeply appreciate the message you share and acknowledging we are not alone and if we are, it's okay is very soothing. I am truly blessed to have read such an outstanding piece of art. Weeowl
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Bravo on the question! It is possible that Bush did pull the trigger on 9/11. He's war happy and his presidency wasn't going well. He needed to look like a hero so he delved into something that would make him look good. Little did he know that it backfired and now hundreds if not thousands have shed blood or died. Do we even remember who we're after or what we're doing? I guess that's another poll in itself. I like this question because A. You made me raise my eyebrow (which is a good sign ;)) B. You asked a question that sparks conversation. C. I got to review it hehehe. Thank you for raising such an interesting question! Weeowl
Review of Roadside bomb  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow Marty, that is very intense. I'm in tears right now. Shell shocked. I think of my friends who have survived bombings...and I put myself in their shoes in this poem. It's something that brings the war tragedies right to the forefront. I could see what he saw...possibly what you saw. The reason I gave it a 4.5 was because I didn't feel closure. Maybe that's what you're going for...no closure constantly in this state of shock....yikes! Way to go! this is vERY strong! Very emotional! Immediate impact. Thanks for sharing! weeowl
Review of Alone  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good job. This could go so many ways...it can mean so many things. Your words sucked me into this moment in this car. The feeling hot on one side and cool on the other. She was going her own way! And that is making all the difference. She's already flying, she just has to acknowledge it! Wonderful job! Weeowl
Rated: E | (4.5)
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup! That was a bumper sticker I saw. So, are you seeing these gifts as a bad thing? A tool for evil? If so, that is true for 5% of the people with the gifts. The other 95% use these talents to bring peace and love, truth and honor. The choice is up to the person. Doing evil will result in the binding of the abilities typically. Weeowl
Review of United States  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like this. I was challenged, first of all. Secondly, I got to have a reminder of the states :D I love little reviews like this. It's why I like writing...you're entertained while learning something new. A few of my favorite states are: Texas, Illinois, and Alabama. Alabama felt like home. Great job on this! Weeowl
Review of My Deadly Friend  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
What a way to describe something without coming out and saying it. I am very impressed and I know that smoking is what you are talking about. I felt everything you said...it was always there, it was a friend, it was slowly killing me. I learned a couple of days ago that it was my negative emotions that conjealed around my heart in a tar that made me feel like I needed cigarettes. I removed the tar and as a side effect haven't smoked in 42 hours. ;) Good luck! Email me anytime...talk to me...tell me what you're going through...get it out so you may have room for something else. Weeowl
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This question brings up several other questions. Why is there a need for such openness? Yes, once out there it's freeing, but when I was heterosexual I never had to worry about anything. When I realized that I'm bi I chose not to tell my family...it was bad enough that I told them I no longer participate in the religion they brought me up in. I am such a black sheep ;) Don't be afraid to be yourself, but listen to your instincts as to who is worthy of such personal information. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I hope it helps! weeowl
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow! This was challenging. Usually I can whip through these wordfinds at five minutes on average. This one took 7 minutes. I definitely believe in ghosts (see them everyday), Phoenix, Unicorns, Sirens, all of the above, yes. My favorite is Pegasus though. He takes me to new heights to get new perspectives. Weeowl
Review of Emotions  
Rated: E | (5.0)
First, this was a great wordfind. Second, you inspired me to do a little self help. I've been afraid to feel these emotions and have been an ace at supression. This of course leads me to unhealthy habits and the inability to get to the heart of the matter. Thanks for creating such a wonderful wordsearch and for inspiring me to take action! Weeowl
Review of my love  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Love...true love! That's amazing when you can find each other amidst a world full of strangers. I look forward to meeting my mr. right, but I don't mind having fun with a mr. right now. ;) I am curious to know the details now :) How did he propose to you? Or did you propose to him? When was it that you realized you loved him so much? Dish girl! :) Weeowls wants to know! Can't wait to hear back from you...Weeowl
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this question :D I think I was actually born with a pen in my hand...poor Mommy :) The real day that I knew my purpose in life is writing was one day during bad weather when I didn't have to go to work, I wrote for ten hours and it felt like two. That happens a lot when I write. Time stops the moment I sit behind the computer or with pen and paper in my hand. Everything melts away and I enter a world that I help create ;) It's refreshing! Weeowl
Review of The Ritual  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow! You had my attention throughout the whole story. I see how freedom has a price. Taking me through the prison ways weighs heavily on my mind. It was like I was actually there. The way this person changes is shocking...much like the story. I am changed by this. Incredible writing! Weeowl
Review of Roaring Flame  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a great poem! I think of all the traumas I've experienced, the saddest thing I've ever seen is that spark of life deminish or go out. It was during a freeze where I was stuck at my parent's house that I watched a show about a muslim girl. She was a fantastic Karate champion. Trophies lined shelf on top of shelf. As the documentary progressed, she was forced into marriage. Her light began to fade. She did one more Karate competition. Then her husband allowed her to teach karate after he was taken care of and not a moment sooner. At the end, she's on a beach holding her pregnant belly, looking down. The fire in her eyes was gone. I still cry whenever I talk about it. I cried for hours for her. I hope that whomever you wrote this about doesn't let go. Great job! Weeowl
Review of Smallville - Quiz  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Lately with all these quizzes, I think I know stuff and get the results that states I don't know crap. Of course, television shows, even though I have seen them, is really a bad category for me. I am an avid reader, writer, and artist. Watching television only happens while at work...and Smallville doesn't come on at work :) I gave it a shot and it's a great quiz! Weeowl
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a good question and it's good that I'm answering at the time I am. Just yesterday I watched part of a movie about The New World order. that scares me. I don't want to be trapped in a world with no freedom, no creativity, no choice of religion..that really bothers me. I fear the future but I have no choice but face it with strength. Weeowl
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The love of my life...my soulmate...the man I still love...was a crossdresser. At his memorial service, they had a picture of him in the coffin. It was to help us realize the unbelievable really happened. Many would stop by this picture and break down in such grief. I would put my arms around them and take them to another set of pictures of him in a dress...I was jealous that he looked so beautiful as a woman. I was like "I could never look that good in a dress!" They would laugh and remember him. The thanksgiving before he died, he went to a friends house. They had all these women's clothes and he tried on every single outfit and modelled it. I wouldn't mind being seen with or dating anyone who crossdresses. In fact, I'd probably get tips from them. RIP Phoenix. Weeowl
Review of Star Wars Quiz  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Although star wars was a big movie in my time and I've seen all the episodes and even played the game, I did pretty crappy on this quiz. To me, it was like seeing a new language for the first time. Perhaps looking at the films again would be helpful. was this based on the movies or the books? Weeowl
Review of Most unattractive  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This is an interesting poll question. I think it's absolutely rude to be on a date and flirt with someone else. When on a date, you're trying to get to know the other person. If the attention is taken elsewhere you're left thinking "what's the point of letting this person in when she'll probably cheat on me?" I don't think being too horny is a bad thing. Now if she's all over a person or having sex in public then maybe being too horny becomes a problem. Good luck on your paper. If you already wrote it, I hope you did well! weeowl
Rated: E | (4.5)
great question! In my novel, I love writing about my hero and her lover :D However, in this third revision, a villian has arisen for the need to have a more physical plot. He's a major psychopath and writing him gives me a chance to express that darkside of myself...the shadow that lurks close behind but NEVER in the forefront. Writing villians opens up a world of opportunity to seek revenge in a safe, non-damaging way. Ahh! The glories of writing. Weeowl
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