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Review of Our Love  
Review by Yellow Rose
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Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1613765 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
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I will tell if emotions surfaced.
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Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

This is pretty and touching. We all want a love that will last. A heart that beats along with ours. A marriage built on a strong foundation that can weather any storm. This couple has an extra element to their love. Their faith; strong and is part of their daily life. Relying on Him. Laying their burdens down and trusting Him to bring a better tomorrow. With God on their side; nothing can shake their foundation of love.
Thank you for sharing such a personal piece.
An important piece.
Showing how God can be part of marriage; just open your hearts and let Him in.

Review of We Are  
Review by Yellow Rose
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Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1613765 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
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I will tell if emotions surfaced.
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Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author digs deep into our existence. Why are we here? We all seem to feel the same way at times. What is the purpose for my being? We look for clues and even examine our time but yet we still know nothing. We go from day to day unsure of what tomorrow will bring. We know we will never really know why; it's not our place to know. Could we or should we contemplate why we were put here. Selfishly we hope there is a meaning and one day it will be revealed. Are we merely a leaf carried on the wind? Never knowing where we are going or where we will end up. Worst of all; will anyone notice we pass or land. Perhaps, we are just a moment in time; slowly slipping away into oblivion or with faith is our destination already ordained.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of Insomnia  
Review by Yellow Rose
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Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1613765 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
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Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our character is tired and wants to sleep. He feels the God of Dreams is playing with him. So tired he would welcome even the smallest of nods. While some may not believe he exists our character knows of his power.
So come, please come before the dawn.
Fill his night with dreams abound.
Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
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Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1613765 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
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I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

He is homeless and lost everything. The only thing keeping him going is the booze. He has a make shift thrown and rules his kingdom that doesn't exist. It is sad to think someone could be in such a situation. The piece suggests he is proud of his accomplishments and calls himself a king. Apparently, he is king of all he surveys. Asking for people for money. Perhaps in his mind it is like taxes.
Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
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Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
** Image ID #1613765 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

The title is perfect.

The greenish picture gives the reader a hint of what is to come.

This was really good.

The interaction between characters.

Exposing the thoughts in the woman's mind.

The fight scene was well done and vivid.

The piece goes from anger to complete and utter revenge.

It had me going from the first part to the last.

Anxious to see who could would be the most resourceful and clever.

Good job with this.

Review of You tried  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

We find our character being manipulated by another. The plan was to break her and make her feel bad. It takes work to completely take control of another persons emotions. It is a calculated goal. As the character became weaker; the other would become stronger and more in control. The piece asks if the controller feels better for doing what was done. The only way the controller will feel better is if the other surrenders herself to his subtle demands. Pretty soon the character would be like a electrical control panel. Press the right button will result in tears, anger, weakness, yelling etc. Just a game of wills but our character isn't letting it work.
Hats off to the character for seeing the forest for the trees.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of OJ, NOT GUILTY!  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author goes over the OJ trial and how money seems to talk. Money bought high priced lawyers. Race played it's part as the media exhausted all resources available to it. I remember seeing the news people waiting before the trial started each day. During the trial. Actually watching the trial on TV. Meanwhile a young woman and her friend is dead. The ending left some with doubt. As the piece suggests that doubt will always exist.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of Day and Night  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

The lonely prairie is hot in the day and cold at night. Very little places to find water. The experienced cowboy knows not to roam to far within the this ground. Probably easy to get lost in this empty place. The only thing this environment needs and yearns for is rain. It will seldom come so no one ventures there. Except maybe an outlaw but he won't find freedom but certain death by heat and lack of water.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of Truth  
Review by Yellow Rose
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Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1613765 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

This is so very true. Wars start with someone's big mouth. A difference of opinion can result in a all out confrontation. Sooner or later, those involved get angrier and angrier and before you know it other things are sought that make more noise. Then the question appears; how to stop this avalanche of destruction brought about because of people being different and thinking different. Both sides feeling they are right. Both sides determined to have the LAST WORD.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Home sweet home  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.0)
** Image ID #1613765 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

This piece is about home sweet home. We all think of home as a safe haven. A place where love abounds. A place where we are accepted no matter what. A place where we can go to find ourselves again. Sure we grow and move on but having those arms that hold us unconditionally is worth more than gold.
The piece suggest that home can be just someone to love us and not a dwelling with foundations and walls. Good point.

Thank you for sharing you thoughts today.

Review of I, A Winter Storm  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

In this piece our author gives the winter a voice. It's almost like 'Here I come ready of not'. Rain turns to sleet. Ice covers everything and cause numerous problems. As if that isn't bad enough, here comes the snow. It's to cold for animal or people to move about so for a period of the year; humans are quiet and looking at nature. Before long it's time for the joys of winter. Kids laughter. Kids playing. Santa coming. Snow angels. Snow men. So when you get down to it. Winter does it's job as planned; demanding a bit of respect. Then ' Here comes some fun ready of not?'

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Weather Nose  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

She is trying to cope with being left behind. A relationship ended without much warning. Who would have thought that love could have been so fragile? She holds back the tears yet uses the rain as a cover. Her arms are empty; she knows she should have held on tighter. The memories are there but not as vivid as she would like. Remember to hang on tight. Cherish the time together. There will be pain but there were some good things too. We never know how a relationship will go. It's not for us to know.
Thank you for sharing.
There is sadness and longing felt.

Review of Promised Land  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1613765 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Boy you hit the nail on the head with this one. When we were young and starting out things were very different. Things seems so much simpler then and not so hurry scurry. Just to make it now, one must put simple things aside. We think one day "I'll be able to see this or that" Well it turns out if you don't have a big savings account when you retire, this and that will stay right where it's at.
This is sad in a way but so very true. Getting old is not what it use to be. Along with loosing our youth we loose our dignity as well.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of June 3--Waiting  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
** Image ID #1613765 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

She was waiting for her friend to appear. He had become a performer and was able to move from the small town. She wanted out too and hoped seeing her would make him take her away. She continues to wait and bakes in the hot sun. She feels strangled her from responsibilities of her aging father. Will this be the answer she is looking for? Will freedom be a mere smile away?
Thank you for sharing.

Review of Firefly  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Fireflies are enchanting little creatures. Lighting up the summer sky. Children love to run about and what them with wonder. Think how wonderful it would be if enough were to gather around a tree and looked like Christmas lights. Granted the moon is doing its normal thing but the fireflies are a good bit of competition.
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the childhood memories as well.
Sort of brings the child out in all of us when we see them. Doesn't it?

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Imagine you enter a room with other people. Lets imagine it is an old fashion southern ball. The woman you are with is breathtaking. All eyes turn toward her as if she were unreal. Our character feels so lucky and fortunate to have her on his arm. Walking arm in arm the starlight acts as a guide. Will they choose to dance under the moonlight and let love bloom? Will stardust fall in delicate mist surrounding them? Only they will know.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of When Angels Cry  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

This is pretty. Angels rejoice when we find our Father. We all rejoice when we become reborn. Something might happen along the way that turns us away from the path. We know it's wrong and we know we are lost. So we cry. We cry to Him for forgiveness. Soon the cleansing rain from Heaven comes down to fall upon us and fill us with The Spirit again. Do angels become sad and are their tears within the rain? My heart tells me yes.
Thank you for sharing.
Review of Without You  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

She learned a lot from this last relationship. Most of all she learned how to feel pain. She also knows she has to carry on by herself. Being left behind is heartbreaking but one has to deal with it. All the invested time in what turned out to be an illusion created by a 'sweet talker'.
She is strong but admits when she is all alone she misses the lover.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of Would We Feel?  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

I really like this. It tells us that life won't be easy but with faith and the knowledge that God is with us, we will make it. There must be tears to appreciate the laughter. There must be struggles to appreciate the good things in life. We see the blessed day after the sacred night. Always knowing He is near.
This is a piece full of faith and reassurance.
Nicely done.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of Come To Me  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

This is sad. Does one still love when the love isn't returned? Does one still hope when it seems there is no hope? Does one put the feelings aside or hide them deep within? As this piece suggests love goes on whether it is returned or not. For the heart to forget is like telling the heart to stop beating.
Thank you for sharing.
The font color fits the emotions well.

Review of The Necessary Cat  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

A lonely kitten finds a home but it might be temporary. As hard as the family tries the kitten is so adorable to all. Time passes and still the family thinks; we don't really need a cat. Much to their surprise, this little kitten is needed and has enough love to go around. Sure she might act a bit independent but that is the way they are. When it come to snuggling, nothing says thank you like a soft purr.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of Full Circle  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

It seems life has a way of going full circle. As in this piece she started out alone and with the passing of her love she is alone again. She has so many memories. A truck will cause them to come crashing back. The most important and blessed part of all this circle of life is that right in the middle she had someone to love her. She may feel alone at times but deep down inside nothing can replace that love wrapped around her heart.
This is sad and touching.
Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1613765 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Here we have a young person being put down by someone. Nothing bothers me as much as hearing the young person believe that blather coming out of their mouth. We all are different. Each have are gifts from God. Each are special in our own way. To let someone take that internal confidence away is tragic. Some say it's just words but those words hurt and do damage.
By the end of the piece the character has the attitude she is nothing. For Pete sake leave her alone and you will see she will shine brighter every day.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of The Bridge  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1613765 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author reminds us that often times we want what we don't have. It seems like human nature to be that way. In this piece he uses a bridge and how on each side is different and how each yearns to have what the other has. Are you a bridge/human with desires for more or are you content with what blessings you have? Give it a read or two. There is a lot of wisdom in here. Just think about it and realize your life doesn't have to be in a constant state of being dissatisfied.
Thank you for sharing.

Review of Soft Hands  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1613765 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

A poem about a mother is found here tonight. A heartfelt and touching piece indeed. Showing how a mother can be gentle and protective. She will fight to help the child to stay on the right path. Those hands forgive and praise. A mother is always looking out for her child no matter how grown up.
I am a mother and this really makes me feel good. I hope my children think of me that way.
Thank you for writing this lovely piece and a wonderful tribute to your mother.
Even the title is calming and meaningful.

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