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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1066793 added March 23, 2024 at 5:24pm
Restrictions: None
All over the place
Been sleeping most of the day again. I just felt sick to my stomach to where I could barely eat. Been checking and my blood pressure has been out of whack. It's mostly running high and I haven't told anyone in the house but I'm having chest pains that are radiating down my right arm...... I'm hoping it is just Angina which my Dad had for years before his first heart attack.

Actually I had a good reason for sleeping today. I was up from 3:00am to 6:30am working on my room because I couldn't sleep. I got most of my wall hangings up and got rid of some of them. The ones that have taken their places are much better. My room is really starting to look magickal. Plus it is organized and neat. You can actually see the floor.
I still need to clean out more of the closet and put some other things away but it is looking quite well.

Soon I will start taking better care of me. I still need to go get those x-rays done that my doctor ordered. I should shower more often. We have a bidae now attached to our toilet. It's fun to use and more sanitary according to David.

I got Temu credit for those metal signs I accidently ordered thinking they were books. I'm still upset about not getting more books for my craft. I have other things though that are helping me learn more about it and who I am as an eclectic witch.

I'm still tired and I'm constantly light headed. Oh well. Things will progress. That you can be assured of.

We still have snow but at least it isn't coming down any more. You know what they say, in like a lamb, out like a lion.

David took Prince to get his shots today. It was just us girls at the house. It didn't last very long.

I'm all over the place tonight.....I bought fabric quilt blocks to use to clothe my naked idols. I played with it a little but I haven't gotten down to working on them yet. Also bought rope to lower my hanging spider plant so I can water it. That's done.

Now I forgot what else I was going to say.... must not have been important.

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