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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1066869 added March 24, 2024 at 8:06pm
Restrictions: None
Should of
I went to the porch twice today looking if the mail came in. Today is Sunday. In my defense , I wasn't awake.
I'm not the only one who was off though. The first time I went out Jaylin was on the porch and said he hadn't seen it yet either.

I should of wrote today. I should have read today. I should have done something more productive than laying around thinking about what I want to do. I wonder if it's because I have so many things I could do I am severely overwhelmed.. That could be it.

Then again there are the things I am avoiding like the kitchen. There is no counter space in there because of all the stacked up dirty dishes. I can't get to the coffee pot. I threatened to stop making coffee this morning. This spawned a house meeting because Terry said something to Bill about it. She made it sound like David was the one complaining. I was told to voice my complaints to David, not Terry, and that I could be doing more to help..... I said I would help more if I could tell what was clean or dirty. Then I might be willing to rinse dishes and put them in the dishwasher......Right now though in its current state I can't stand to even go in the kitchen...

Not to mention that the water cooler is out of water, again.

I still have a headache and feel light headed. The only thing that helps is laying down and trying to remain calm...trying not to think. Everything still aches and the arthritis strength tylenol is not working as well as it once did, I feel flushed and hot. My blood pressure is up. My sugar level has been good, surprisingly.

I did straighten my room today and took the garbage out. It was looking semi-okay. At least you can see the carpet. There's still things here and there that need to be straightened. It is just that I get everything put away....except for the stuff that I set aside to work on...usually some bit of writing......then when I get done I am exhausted and want to lay down. I push all the stuff I was going to work on off my bed and lay down. There it sits on the floor.

Someday I'll be organized enough that everything will be neat and tidy.......Yeah, uh-huh, sure.

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