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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1067939 added April 7, 2024 at 8:12pm
Restrictions: None
vision board????
I'm thinking of cutting my hair off as it is always in my mouth and eyes unless I keep it tied up in a pony tail. This is the longest my hair has ever been in my life and I've always wanted long straight hair (I used to have kinky curly hair until I ruined it using relaxers and dyes). IDon't get me wrong, I love my hair being this long and I can't wait for it to get longer. It just frusstrates me sometimes because I used to have all these ideas of what I would do with it if I had long hair but my hair is not long enough to do most of them, yet.

I got a Temu delivery today (On a Sunday!!!) I got three PJ sets (okay so Terry confiscated one) a new journal (though I can't get myself to write in any of the ones I have because I don't want to ruin them) and a diamond painting that I am going to do for David.....(that I am tempted to ready for beginning saying I can't get to my other ones and I've been somewhat bored0.

I went to the Dollar store today and bought poster boards and colored index cards to build a vision board (or two). Now as I am with my journals I am afraid to get started for fear of ruining it. Yes after my recent entry I am still striving for perfection in some sort or other.....

Stuff I want to put on my Vision Board: YMCA Silver Sneakers, Yoga, Tai-chi, scheduled writing times, going to clubhouse, scheduled time for my spirituality, reading for pleasure, writing snail mail..... I know that is a lot but I am sure at least some of it will fit into my schedule which currently has NOTHING on it. Well, not completely nothing. There is Monday mornings with Sally, Wednesday afternoon Wire Wrapping Group, and Friday afternoon Crochet group. Other than that everything like writing, napping, reading my writing and magic books, coloring, and other nondescript busy work is sprinkled in like seasonings....

There is no appointment with Sally tomorrow as she is gone to a training. I'm hoping to go to Clubhouse on Tuesday and make that a regular thing. If I can't find something productive to do there though I am going to find something I can take with me and dedicate that time to.

that's all I can think of for now

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