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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1068085 added April 8, 2024 at 6:23pm
Restrictions: None
a touch here and there
Eclipse - Went outside to look at it today and all I noticed was it got a little dark and gloomy. I'm never where I can get a descent look at something like this. Ever tried to see a meteor shower within the city limits? Ha. You can barely see stars at all let alone meteors. The closest I ever got to seeing Astrological events was in Astronomy Class in High School. Our school was blessed to have a Planetarium. It was a great thing back in the day before you could look up stuff on YouTube and Google. I still think it was more awesome than anything I've ever experienced.....

Ending Wars - I hate war. I see no sense in it. We were built in to having wars with games like King of the Mountain when we were young. That's all a war comes down to. It's one group (country, government, society, etc.) trying to prove that they are the strongest one in the play yard. It is a childish pursuit. I'm sorry if you don't feel the way I do. I don't subscribe to political propoganda and hot air. I think if we stopped trying to define ourselves as individuals together in separate groups there would be a lot less things to fight about.

And now I will get off my soap box......

prompt: best excuse for being late - the honest one. I think if you were late because you didn't want to go in the first place you should admit it. At least you made it anyhow. That's the thing, you are there. okay, so you are late. You made the effort to be there despite whatever it was that made you late. Good for you.

Laid around watching movies all day today. I just didn't feel good and now I feel even worse because I didn't get anything done. No Sally today; she had to go to a training. Tomorrow I want to go to Clubhouse for the house meeting. I'm not going to leave too very early to get there but I will go for lunch.

Didn't do anything with the vision boards. I just can't seem to make a definite decision on anything. There are ideas, I can see it being done, but there's no decisions on how to get from point A to point B. I'm just afraid I am going to do it and then end up hating it. It also takes me back to "this is my permanent home and this room is going to be all that I am going to have to myself to put things for the rest of my life."

I was thinking today about getting my own small fridgerator for my room. I was playing the "If I got rid of this and moved this there than I could put it there" game. I really need it because it isn't fair to Terry that I am keeping my medicine in her fridge. Besides, I could keep some could munchies and drinks in my room (not that I like them cold but hey why not?)

Oh well. I'm tired and I still have to see if I can accomplish something before I go to sleep.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1068085-a-touch-here-and-there