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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1718540
Day to day stuff....a memoir without order.
A special sig made for me by Mystic and gifted to me by Kat.

Imagination is described by Webster as...The act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses in reality. Albert Einstein said "Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere." *Idea*

I never realized it until I read it somewhere but there are ways to boost one's imagination:

Create a visual journal
Draw whatever you see for 15 minutes a day. You don't need to be an artist.

Think like an artist
Cut out pictures from magazines & piece them together to create an original image.

Listen to Bach
Close your eyes while playing your favorite music. Or listen to the sounds of nature on a CD or in the great outdoors.

Play word games
Try thinking of as many words as you can that begin with MAR...or you pick.

Let your mind wander, or focus on a single object & study its characteristics.

*Music2* *Bird* *Leafr* *Idea* *Reading*

Everyone has a story....here's mine.....c

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.

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April 14, 2014 at 8:21am
April 14, 2014 at 8:21am
Words just haven't been coming lately...not even for a blog. It's not that I'm in the dumps or sad or anything (sometimes, maybe) or that I haven't been doing anything. All my 'gettingoutanddoingthings' come up the first part of the month. And I have gone to them, book club, life history group, WAG meeting, even an oral history group get together. But when I sit down to write about them, nothing pops up.

The things I seem to be enjoying most now are 'alone' things, lying in my swing on the backporch and reading, working outside on the yard in this beautiful weather, and going on my walks. Maybe I'm just recouping somehow.

The writers' group meeting yesterday was devoted entirely to poetry, readings (and song) by two of our own. The musician/poet (Ted Karmazyn) and his wife were delightful. They are Polish but have been here a long time. She played an unusual instrument (never caught the name) with an extraordinary sound and he had a voice that we should have been paying for! He sang his poetry in English and Polish.

The other speaker (Mary Bast) informed us of "found poetry". Not being a poet, this term was new to me. Found poetry is exactly what it says. You find it anywhere, but specifically in all written word. For example, go to the Wedding Announcement section of your newspaper, pick a couple, and with the letters in their names, write a poem...or...take any page from any book, circle words you like and make a poem from them. Many poets do this, Annie Dillard, Ezra Pound.... She had us try it and the results were astounding...poets not necessary.

Unfortunately, we had a 'thin' turnout for this meeting. It's a shame because I think poetry is probably the most real writing we do. I am enjoying Poetry Month. I still haven't found that special poem for the 24th, poem in your pocket day, but I am looking and that's the fun of it.

till next time...c
March 23, 2014 at 8:49am
March 23, 2014 at 8:49am
Friday afternoon about 4:30 I think it was, my computer died. At least I thought it was my computer. I was working on my current transcription for the oral history project when the computer coughed, shut down, and my screen went black. Oh, what a sinking feeling! My first thought was that I had lost the 35 pages I had already transcribed, then comes the "how much is this going to cost" dilemma. My brain was so roiled, it took some time before I remembered I had a name to call for computer repair. So I called Chris and he promised to come at noon yesterday (Saturday). I was a little calmer after talking to him. Isn't it amazing how the loss of electronic connection can be so disrupting to our lives?

To make a long story short, it was my monitor - died a natural death, I guess. I really should have noticed something because my new monitor is so bright it almost hurts my eyes. I guess dimming is a sign something is wrong. So Chris came, told me the (really) good news, charged me $50 for a service call, and said the only thing I needed to make sure of was that the new one was VGA compatible. Not having a computer to shop around was weird, too. I could barely read the little teeny yellow pages they print now. And then there was the waiting...and waiting...and more waiting on the phone. But in the end, all ended very well, $99 for a new monitor. They keep getting lighter and lighter weightwise.

I had no problem hooking it up but did get a little agitated trying to get the display adjusted. It ended up with a tip from Itunes when I got back to my transcribing. Itunes is best displayed at 1024 by 768 pixels, the message said and popped up the exact place to do it. Yay for Apple! So now I am back to normal.

Last Thursday my critique group met at Terri's. She had homemade apple pie with praline ice cream all ready for us. Oh my, it was delicious. Food is so helpful with swallowing critical comments *Wink*. But then, we always have a good time sharing our stories.

The weather here is beautiful this morning, a little foggy but warm. I finished The Cuckoo's Calling (for my book club) a couple of days ago - nothing to write home about - and now I am reading another mystery, Murder on the Prairie, by a local author.

Oh, and my wonderful, wonderful computer recovered the transcribing I had done when disaster struck. Sometimes, things do turn out okay....

until next time...c
March 17, 2014 at 9:21am
March 17, 2014 at 9:21am
It has been raining all night and much more is forecast for today with storm warnings. March truly has been in like a lion so far. The only great thing is the wonderful warm temps.

My Delaware daughter called last night and said it was snowing there with 8-10 inches expected, hard to believe with spring so near, calendar-wise.

I attended my first BOD meeting for my writers' group last week, very interesting. The prez lives on the edge of Paynes Prairie, renowned for alligators and other wildlife, but most recently in the news (two years ago I think) for the tragic fog and smoke accident on I-75, which travels through the middle of the long-ago lake. His home, a lovely place, lies way back in the woods at the end of a twisting and bumpy narrow dirt lane. Twilight and no one in the passenger seat kept me on my toes as I steered my way to the unknown destination. When the two-story house broke my view, I focused my attention on two huge dogs coming to greet me. They were waist-high, all black with curly fur and twinsies, the welcoming committee, petting allowed. The journey out was much darker. Luckily, I followed some taillights.

I went to an author signing at a local bookstore on another evening last week, Judith Campbell, mystery writer, and also an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister, a very personable woman who gave a great presentation...and handouts, bookmarks with recipes and fridge magnets. She even offered to read some pages of my long-languishing memoir, never had that happen before *Shock*.

Other than that, I have been busy with Book Club stuff (minutes and name tags for our next meeting) and working on my latest transcription for the oral history program. They are having a luncheon and a beach party for members and volunteers near the end of March so I am trying to get my current audio wrapped up by then. And I have a story to finish for my critique pod meeting this coming Thursday at Terri's.

May you all have the good luck of the Irish, their gift of gab, and find your own pot o' gold....

until next time...c
March 4, 2014 at 8:07am
March 4, 2014 at 8:07am
I see the Rehoboth Beach cam is not working...it must be frozen *Frown*.

The pod meeting with Patsy went very well yesterday and I now have all the "stuff" for the critique pods, mostly historical stuff, but interesting to me anyway. And now I will be part of the board meetings, first one next Monday night. I am beginning to love new things.

My friend Terri is on the tutor list at wyzant.com and had her first tutoring job yesterday. When she got the email last week, she was a little nervous, two Saudis wanting tutored in English for the Toefl exam. She set up the meeting at a local Starbucks, yep, just in case.... Anyway, we talked last night and everything went okay. They are young, 18 and 24, and already pretty adept at English, just the sentence structure (grammar) needing work. There are so many interesting people and jobs out there. And here in Gainesville it seems so many people can do (and are good at) so many different things. I am like a kid in a candy store trying to take it all in.

Ever since I got gas for the mower last weekend, Mopsy's favorite haunt is the garage. All she wants to do is smell the gas can, crazy cat.

until next time....c
March 3, 2014 at 8:52am
March 3, 2014 at 8:52am
My daughter in Delaware called me last night while the Oscars were on. It had already started the freezing rain and her boss had texted her not to come in this morning. This is what the boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach looks like this morning http://www.rehobothbeachcam.com/ With ice under snow predicted, the Governor had already issued a "state of emergency" last night. I am glad she will be home today, safe and sound with her kitty, Oliver.

It is hard to believe I was cutting grass (rather, weeds) yesterday afternoon. Earlier I went to an arts and crafts festival, a small one, not too interesting, so I decided to get gas for the mower and trim up where it was needed. At first, my mower would not start because of a clogged air filter so I cleaned that and got it running. Boy have I gotten out of shape over the winter. I was out of breath and tired in fifteen minutes of mowing so I didn't get a whole lot done but at least it was something. Now I am thinking about how I will do when it really gets hot...hmmmm.

I finished The Light Between Oceans last night...late, a good book, one that pushes and pulls your emotions. Deep down you know it is not going to end well. I am interested to see how the discussion goes Tuesday at Book Club. This was Stedman's first novel.

Today, I have a meeting at 2 with WAG's critique pod coordinator. Her husband is waiting for a heart valve transplant and she doesn't feel she will have the time the volunteer job requires. I'll see if I think I can handle all that is involved (very simple, she says). It certainly made me feel good that she thought of me.

For all you snowed in people, stay safe and warm. Spring is coming, I promise.

until next time...c
February 28, 2014 at 10:20am
February 28, 2014 at 10:20am
I had my appointment yesterday with a retina specialist and had a very thorough exam...didn't know my pupils could get that huge. Anyway, in a nutshell, he thinks the tear is old and possible age-related since I did not have any symptoms (good news, I think). He said to call their office right away if I did have symptoms. I asked, "What am I looking for?" He said, "Blurry vision in your central field of vision." All righty, then. I feel so much better. And my pressure has come down with the drops...or on its own, who knows, but I am happy *Smile*.

Stitches are out of my left temple and in on the back of my neck...just waiting now to have those out, but not until the tenth of March. I am out of the tunnel..yay.

It is a beautiful day here this morning, bright and sunny and around fifty degrees F. Birds are singing and crowding the feeder. When I checked on Mopsy to let her back in from the porch, she was nose to nose with another cat (the screen in between). Of course, when she hears me, her back goes up and she's ready to fight. She thinks she has back-up *Laugh*. The other cat did run when it saw me which just reinforces her supposition. She is such a scarity-pants!

When I went to the dermatologist Wednesday (7:45 a.m.), the fog was so beautiful, so close to the ground and mysterious, I couldn't help but think of one of my favorite poems by Carl Sandburg. This took my mind off my appointment...poetry works just as well if not better than any medication.

until next time...c
February 24, 2014 at 6:48pm
February 24, 2014 at 6:48pm
After lunch I could not stand this bandage one second longer so I got busy getting it off...warm water and more warm water. Oh it felt so good. It is now history and I am kicking myself for not doing it sooner. Stitches look good, six I think. And it is horizontal instead of vertical as I thought it would be (that's how the one on my right temple was done). Around my eye is turning a little yellowy-green but that will go away soon enough. Cannot wait to get these stitches out Wednesday. I even went grocery shopping after "the removal", no bandaid or anything, my hair and earpiece to my glasses covers it well *Smile*. Thank goodness I can wear my glasses again.

I downloaded The Twelve Tribes of Hattie from the library a couple of nights ago and am enjoying that before I go to sleep. I got the title from Oprah and am always a little leery, if you know what I mean, but it's interesting and an easy read, chapters for each of Hattie's children, in first person, different. I've been waiting for my book club book...I'm on hold at the library for it, still fifth in the list I think. Looks like I may have to buy the Kindle version, The Light Between Oceans. We have our meeting the first Tuesday in March.

And thanks to ♥tHiNg♥ I took a look at House of Cards on Netflix and shall be watching the fifth episode this evening...talk about a strong character. The first scene with the dog got me hooked. Thanks Hooves *Smile*.

Downton Abby seemed a little ho-hum last night, a little dragged out, the plots are getting old. Didn't think I'd ever say that.

Needless to say I am not getting much writing done although I have started a 'for my eyes only' item in which I am writing down some memories of Jim.. And I did participate in the "Invalid Item, that was really fun. I cannot figure out why I have such fun writing poetry yet I never like what I write. Oh well, it's the fun that counts anyway....

until next time...c
February 21, 2014 at 4:54pm
February 21, 2014 at 4:54pm
I noticed this morning my left eye looked a little darker than normal and on closer (and lighter) inspection, I believe I am getting a black eye. I bruise easily and I guess all the pushing and pressing and stitching has made results. It doesn't hurt so I won't worry about it.

We had terrible thunder and lightening and rain around noontime but now it is just overcast. Temps did fall to the high sixties though.

I made some sugar-free eggless bar cookies this afternoon, only 1/3 of a batch since I just had one banana....turned out pretty tasty and would be great for a breakfast bar, lots better than those store-bought things and waaay cheaper. Oh and since I didn't have any chopped nuts, I sprinkled in some coconut. Here's the recipe:

3 mashed bananas
1/3 cup applesauce
2 cups of oats
1/4 cup almond milk
1/2 cup raisins or craisins
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. cinnamon
chopped nuts optional

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray the bottom of an 8 x 8 pan. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Spread batter in the prepared pan and bake 30 minutes. Cut into bars when cooled.

I wonder how a tablespoon of peanut butter and a sprinkle of chocolate chips would taste...trying that next time *Smile*. It's funny how now that I am only cooking for me, I am much more adventurous.

A good friend has a birthday tomorrow and we are supposed to go out for lunch to celebrate it. I hope my eye improves some overnight....*Frown*

until next time...c
February 19, 2014 at 12:48pm
February 19, 2014 at 12:48pm
I had my moh's surgery earlier this morning, and now I am feeling a little discomfort as the "happy juice" wears off. But not enough to keep me away from wdc. Dr. Skidmore must be about the most pleasant and reassuring person on the face of the earth. As soon as he came in, he says "Connie, I have been up for three hours, I had a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast, and I have already done two other surgeries this morning so I am completely warmed up for you." How's that for answering your biggest question without even asking?

Happily, I only needed one slice removed and the edges were clear...yay. Now I am all bandaged up, left temple, and look suspiciously like Frankenstein's sister. The edge of the bandage impairs my side vision and since the earpiece on my glasses pulls against it, I am not wearing them. Please forgive any typing errors *Smile*. My daughter and a friend have already called to make sure I am okay so I am feeling very cared about. One surgery down and one to go.

I am eating my lunch as I type this, vegetable chili and cornbread, yum. It is such a beautiful day there is no way I am wasting it resting. I trimmed back a lot of ivy and honeysuckle yesterday and am looking forward to more today. My but that sunshine does feel good. My houseplants, which I actually keep outside on the porch, need a workover so I think I will tackle that first. I do hope our cold cold weather is gone.

until next time...c
February 17, 2014 at 10:41pm
February 17, 2014 at 10:41pm
I was looking at a life history site that had some sound prompts for memory jogging and several of them took me back in time. This memory was the clearest.

I heard the sound of bowling pins being knocked down and was transported to Brunswick Lanes in Dover, Delaware, in the winter of 1968. Jim and I belonged to a bowling league along with another couple who were our best friends. Jim had served in the Air Force with Mark and was his best man at his and Pat's wedding. Now, Pat was expecting and due in about a month. Have you ever seen a pregnant lady bowl?

You might think it would be funny, but not Pat. She was the epitome of grace. I can see her now, slowly walking down the lane, swinging her ball behind her, straight behind her, not turning her wrist at all, everything in very slow motion, then swinging her arm forward very slowly, leaning down so that her right knee almost touched the floor, back very straight. Suddenly, she would release the ball...no, drop the ball, thump..and her hand would come up quickly and cross in front of her as she struggled to maintain her balance and rise upright.

All eyes in the bowling alley would be on Pat, everyone holding their breath, until she released the ball and stood up. It seemed like her approach took about ten minutes, she did it so slowly. And then, the most amazing thing. That ball would roll ever so slowly from the center of the alley where she dropped it, all the way to the right over to the absolute very edge of the gutter, and as everyone held their breath again, it would travel down that very edge, seemingly holding on to the alley by who knew what, until finally, almost at the end, it would make a sharp left hand turn toward the pocket. Pat never got less than eight pins. Many times I expected the ball to stop rolling, but somehow it kept moving.

Sometimes, she even made her spares...the same way. She had a little boy right on her due date. I wonder if he ever bowled.

until next time...c

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