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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1718540
Day to day stuff....a memoir without order.
A special sig made for me by Mystic and gifted to me by Kat.

Imagination is described by Webster as...The act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses in reality. Albert Einstein said "Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere." *Idea*

I never realized it until I read it somewhere but there are ways to boost one's imagination:

Create a visual journal
Draw whatever you see for 15 minutes a day. You don't need to be an artist.

Think like an artist
Cut out pictures from magazines & piece them together to create an original image.

Listen to Bach
Close your eyes while playing your favorite music. Or listen to the sounds of nature on a CD or in the great outdoors.

Play word games
Try thinking of as many words as you can that begin with MAR...or you pick.

Let your mind wander, or focus on a single object & study its characteristics.

*Music2* *Bird* *Leafr* *Idea* *Reading*

Everyone has a story....here's mine.....c

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.

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January 16, 2014 at 9:33am
January 16, 2014 at 9:33am
Heat is on this morning and it is 36 degrees F as I type...brrr. I had to bring all my front porch plants into the garage...again...yesterday, so now Mopsy cannot go out there (garage) to roam around. I know peace lilies and gardenias are poisonous to kitties. The only plants I have on the back porch are herbs, which she will nibble on occasionally. Right now she is huddled by my little electric heater even though I have the central heat on. We are such cold weather wimps. Last night she slept under the covers curled up in the crook in back of my knees. Actually, she is a pretty good bed warmer *Smile*.

I am glad I filled the bird feeder yesterday...they are hungry this morning and filling every available spot on the perches. Even birds seem to get along better with each other when it is cold. No one is fighting or trying to get a better spot. They all are eating quietly like friends.

My critique pod meeting is at my house today, just me and two others, Terri and Sue. It is a memoir pod and Sue is writing about her life as an air force (pilot) wife. They were divorced about 14 years ago and she is in her late 70's. Terri, nearing her fiftieth birthday, is divorced too but only for a couple of years. She is writing about that or maybe I should say she is trying to write about that. She says she has something new for today's meeting...I will let you know. Both women are very interesting to me, who has never been west of the Mississippi. They have traveled everywhere. And done many things.

I had an email last night from an old friend (in the 1970's) who says she will be coming to Gainesville to visit me soon *Smile*.

until next time...c
January 15, 2014 at 5:14pm
January 15, 2014 at 5:14pm
Have you ever read someone's story...or poem, thought about how much you're enjoying it, and get to the bottom only to see by the colorful stars lit up that your have already read this, rated it, and reviewed it? I have done that very thing twice in the last three days. I am beginning to think I may be infirm and need to go to one of those "homes".

Infirm....now there is a strange-sounding word. I googled it and it is defined as "not physically or mentally strong, esp. through age or illness." Really? It should have something to do with firm, wouldn't you think? Firm is defined as solid, unyielding, resistant. Okay, so maybe it does have something to do with firm. We know that the prefix "in" means not as in inhumane so...it could mean that my brain is soft (hence, soft in the head) or it could be I am flexible or maybe my brain is surrendering to old age, I guess. How in the world did I get on this track! I guess it's my infirmity...now there is a strange- sounding word.

I should end this now....

until next time...c
January 13, 2014 at 5:18pm
January 13, 2014 at 5:18pm
I just got back home from an appointment with my 'skin doctor'. I am a dysfunctional idiot in the couple days before. Two biopsies today, one a maybe melanoma and one a maybe basal cell skin cancer, a week for the results to come back from the pathologist. Even though there is nothing to feel better about, I always do for a little while after I get back home. Guess it's just the relief of it being over for now.

I've never had a basal cell before and she says that's the best kind. I agree, I hardly blinked. I guess melanomas will do that to you. Somebody? sprinkled me with funny looking moles.

I did go to my local WAG (Writers' Alliance of Gainesville) Meeting yesterday and the speaker, Melissa Lee, was interesting, a blogger who is actually franchising her blog, http://www.thepermanenttourist.com/ Who knew you could do that! She highly recommended a book titled The War of Art by Steven Pressfield about how we are at war with ourselves (resistance) when pursuing our artistic dreams.

My numbing medicine is wearing off so....

until next time...c
January 9, 2014 at 10:04am
January 9, 2014 at 10:04am
I just read this story in Glimmer Train, http://www.glimmertrain.com/b84ganley.html, and had to share it. It is her first published story, wow! Sorry I just checked this link and it does not go to her story...not sure how to find it. I got it through their monthly bulletin. Anyway, her name is Barbara Ganley and the name of the story is On Learning to Tell It True, letting the reader (and writer) know how important it is to make your story believable, but she says it much more eloquently...actually, "shows it".

The only place I have been this entire week is my book club meeting on Tuesday. It has been so cold here I wouldn't have gone to that but I take the minutes so.... Glad I did. It was a very good meeting and seventeen people showed up, four new ones. Our book, Major Pettigrew's Last Stand, was a good one too, set in England and about prejudices, an enjoyable read. Taking minutes for this group is enjoyable too, many expressing their appreciation. It makes me feel good. Our book for February, which happens to be Black History Month, is Kindred by Olivia Butler, a sort of sci-fi time travel story. I am listening to it...free...here, https://archive.org/details/Kindred It is keeping my attention..

Last week I re-found my microwave Presto Popcorn Popper hidden away in a top kitchen cabinet (reorganizing again). I decided to pop a little corn even though the replaceable paper thingy in the bottom was slightly burnt. I had forgotten how good popcorn is! So I ordered some new paper thingies and just got a call that they are in and ready to be picked up. That will be my venture out today.

until next time...c
January 3, 2014 at 1:28pm
January 3, 2014 at 1:28pm
The title of this entry is my new year's (and life's) resolution. If I can accomplish that, everything else will fall into place.

It's a little chilly here this morning with frost and icy windows and a harsh wind, but I am not complaining. My Delaware daughter called last night at the first sight of snowflakes. She had already swapped ends with her car so she would not have to back out of her driveway this morning. I checked the Deldot cams a little while ago and it looks like traffic is moving normally. I haven't heard from "North Dakota"...the phone lines and towers are probably frozen stiff! Reception up there is not all that good on a normal day with Canadian towers sometimes 'interfering'.

I made lentil/pasta soup, cornbread, and orange-cranberry bread at lunchtime, more for the stove and oven heat than anything else. Holding the cup of soup in my hands brings back ease of movement to my fingers and the heat in my tummy warms my brain.*Smile*

My life history group met yesterday (first Thursday of each month). I always check my library account (since the meeting is held at the library) before I go to make sure I don't have any overdue books...and I did...have an overdue book. Not only was it overdue, I did not remember getting it. I looked and looked everywhere for it and was just about to give up and offer to "buy" it when I decided to look in my library bag. Yep, never even taken out *Blush*. I guess that proves how much I wanted that book!

Our group was very slim yesterday, only seven of us, but quality made up for quantity...haha. I did hear some nice stories and caught up on the holidays with everyone. Next month our topic is "write about your day". Hmmm....that's what I do everyday...right here or in my journal. Should be an easy one.

until next time...c
January 1, 2014 at 8:08pm
January 1, 2014 at 8:08pm
It has been raining here in Gainesville all day long, a good day for snoozing, reading, writing, and playing on the computer. I did have some high hopes of doing some sewing or drawing but haven't been in the right mood for that yet. Too many electronic distractions, I think.

I did manage to finish up my story for my writing group meeting tomorrow "My Last Meal. It made me hungry *Smile*.

My Delaware daughter texted last night that she was fixing black-eyed peas, collard greens, and cornbread for lunch for a couple of friends today and then they were going to see Walter Mitty. It's interesting what people think they need to eat on New Year's Day for good luck for the rest of the year. My mom always fixed ham and cabbage. I think it was from leftover ham at Christmas *Smile*. And then she always said it was good luck if a man came to visit on New Year's Day...women visitors were bad luck, if they came first. Anyone ever heard that before?

My North Dakota son also texted last night. He was on his way home from delivering a rig to Cheyenne, Wyoming. I think he said he was sleeping over in Gillette and would start out early this morning for N.D.via Montana. He said the weather was "mild" in Wyoming..hmmmm. I guess, compared to N.D., that could be true.

until next time...c
December 31, 2013 at 9:43pm
December 31, 2013 at 9:43pm
Yep, I'm still up...just watched Blondie on ABC with the sound turned waaay uuuuup...Call Me! Just as great as ever! Gonna Getcha! Happy New Year!
December 29, 2013 at 9:30am
December 29, 2013 at 9:30am
Not just raining but pouring here this morning with some thunder and lightning and temps in the 70's. I am trying to decide whether to venture out in this and go to church. At 69 (years old, that is), driving in the rain is not one of my favorite things, but just as soon as I do not get a shower and get dressed, at 10:30 the sun will be out and shining.

I drove up to a granddaughter's house yesterday, only about 25 miles, to deliver their belated Christmas presents and to see her new house. They got a new member to the family for Christmas, the cutest little puppy ever, all black with curly fur on her ears and a white throat, only two months old. They named her Boden (not sure of the spelling on that). I know. I think that is a boy's name too? Boden is just getting her teeth, had her first vet visit yesterday morning, and thinks Christmas bows, tissue paper, pant legs, and fuzzy slippers are much more fun than real puppy toys.

Boden is not the only four-legged member of the family. Daisy, a tortoise-shell kitty, has been queen of the roost for around ten years, and I was surprised to see how well she is adapting to the newcomer. She looks at Boden like she is from outer space. Boden just wants to play but Daisy is having none of it yet, giving her a wide berth. My Mopsy would be in attack mode. She doesn't even like other cats!

Although I live close to the Interstate, I took what I call the back way on my drive. It is a beautiful drive and the road that my granddaughter lives on was historically used by the Apalachee, Timucua, and Lower Creek Indians (http://www.exploresouthernhistory.com/bellamyroad.html). I plan to do more exploring in the springtime.

It is lightening up so I guess I will get ready for church. Stay safe and warm...

until next time...c
December 27, 2013 at 10:43am
December 27, 2013 at 10:43am
My granddaughter from Jax spent most of Christmas day with me. I hadn't seen her (except on FB) since her grad party in June so it was a real treat. We nibbled on finger foods and had big bowls of steaming veggie chili since she was having Christmas dinner that evening with her Dad and Stepmom.

She educated me in the benefits of the new Kindle Fire (I have the lowly Kindle). I have wifi so I could actually watch movies in bed on it! I am so behind the times. I am to go to Best Buy and have someone give me the Kindle Fire grand tour. But that will have to wait until my finances recover from Christmas *Smile*.

Tuesday (Christmas Eve), I made peanut blossoms, brownies, and broccoli salad to take to a little dinner party at my friend's home. It was nice to be busy and we ended up laughing our way through Jim Carey's Grinch movie. Didn't get home till around ten. She has two of the cutest and most lovable little dogs (Dachshunds), Delilah and Annie, almost makes me want one, but Mopsy says...noooooo.

Mopsy has become the heater cat. I have a little electric heater and I turn it on for these cold mornings we are having. She immediately lays down next to it and stays there until I turn it off. I guess we both are just getting old. It keeps us warm here in my computer room and allows my fingers to type a little faster.

Yesterday I worked in my yard. I planted ivy awhile back in a small area between the sidewalk and front of my house and the ivy has gone wild...climbing 4 feet up the brick in some spots. So yesterday I pulled it all down to ground level and clipped it off...a trash can full for the yard debris person on Tuesday. I don't believe the little ivy 'feet' can be good for the brick mortar and there were lots of ants...looking for moisture, I think, because it was damp behind it. Anyway...glad I got rid of it. It still looks pretty on the ground area. I'll just have to keep it trimmed back.

I've been having to cover my front porch plants at night because of the low temps and they are looking a little pitiful. They are too big for me to move into the garage now. But I cannot complain...we have had a very mild winter so far...of course it's only been a week *Laugh*.

The holidays have been a mixture of sad and happy and I guess that is the way it will be from now on.

until next time...c
December 14, 2013 at 8:32pm
December 14, 2013 at 8:32pm
It has been raining here since around 2 o'clock this afternoon. I met a girlfriend for lunch and it started to pour while we were eating. The restaurant is called The Flying Biscuit, mainly because they serve breakfast all day. It was packed with tired shoppers and families celebrating graduation (UF). Terri and I had to talk at 100 decibels to hear each other, but the food made up for the background din. Very tasty!

Afterwards we did a little shopping too at a couple nearby galleries, all within walking distance...with umbrellas but still enjoyable. Gainesville has so many fine artists and skilled artisans, it makes living here a real pleasure.

It is still raining with some thunder and lightning but I am cozy, inside, and the temp is in the 70's outside. That explains the thunder and lightning, just a little too warm at 8:30 at night in December.

Well, I have put off my exercise long enough. Because of the rain I will be dancing with Mopsy to some music as promised to Ghostranch a few minutes ago.

until next time....c

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