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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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March 13, 2013 at 1:40am
March 13, 2013 at 1:40am
Written for entry on 3/12/2013
I wrote this just after midnight my time, for my entry on Tuesday.

It was one of those days where time just slips away. But, let me back up a bit and explain. I had two days off this week, yesterday and today. It's been kind of hectic and stressful at work, and as a site supervisor for a handful of security guards almost two hundred miles away from the home office, it not only makes things difficult, it can be very time consuming. As supervisor, I get paid a little bit more than the rest of the group, but only for hours on site and on duty. So, in other words, I don't get paid for much of my supervisor functions since they are done from home, or during my off duty time.

It's another story in itself as to why and how, but it is, and that is that. When things are going smoothly on site, I pretty much just go in and work my shift like everyone else. I still have a bit of paperwork to take care of and forms to fax, as well as scheduling. I also do an e-report once a week, so all in all, maybe a couple of hours of my off time, each week.

But, when things are not smooth, it can consume great amounts of time to deal with various situations. That is the case this week, and especially today. I took care of some items yesterday, and in following up today, I had to run in for a couple of hours. Then, I returned home, got some lunch and prepared for an afternoon of fishing. But first, I had to meet with management and go over a few more items, so another run in to the site, get the information I needed, then off to the lake.

I did get to enjoy a day of fishing, or at least a half a day by the time everything was taken care of. We barely got set up and I had a fish on, a nice Northern Pike. We did pretty well throughout the afternoon, and i returned home this evening with five nice sized Pike. It was a bit windy, which made it feel much colder than it was, but we had a shelter and did pretty well at staying warm out there. It passed way to quickly, and soon the sun was setting and it was time to get off the lake.

I stopped in town for a couple of things and then drove home. But, with the wind, there is considerable drifting and the roads were glazed and slick. It took a lot longer than anticipated to get home, then I had dinner with my sweet wife, watched a spot of TV, and then it's off to bed, but then, I remembered, I had not blogged yet.

So, a quick stop in here and then off to bed, which is where I am headed right now.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
March 11, 2013 at 6:55pm
March 11, 2013 at 6:55pm
OK, here we go again. I had this wrote out already, then reviewed my journal and found I had missed an entry. Well, I missed writing an entry a while back but yesterday I did write one but somehow managed to not save it. Or something, anyway it was not there, so I copied this one, and wrote one for the one I lost yesterday. I wanted to keep the pages in order by when, so I had to delete this one and enter the other first.

The idea was to just copy the entry, write the new one, then paste the other one here. Only I copied something else after and therefore lost this one. I'm doing great, you reckon? Anyway, here is a new entry to replace the other one I trashed.

I talked about how most people do not like Mondays, how they prefer the weekends. But I swing to the beat of a different stick. I know, that don't make sense; neither do I sometimes.

Weekends are alright, but they are crowded, high priced, and to full of unpleasant circumstance. I mean, there are all sorts of people out on the weekends, some good, some bad. Pretty people and ugly people, nice folk, and assholes. Rates go up as a result of so much demand, it's hard to find parking, it's often a wait to get to go or do, and when you do, your so packed in next to the next pilgrim, you can't even fully enjoy the experience. Then, there is all the competition to contend with. too.

I know, I used to be a weekend wanderer, too. Then, I got this job that had me work every other weekend. In between weekends I had a few weekdays off. I discovered that I could do almost as much during the week, but rates were cheaper, there was no crowding, and it was more relaxing. Peace and quiet compared to the hustle and bustle of the weekends.

The job sucked, but that is another story in itself. Wait, the job was alright, it was the management and related problems that made the job stink. Even the hours were terrible at twelve hours a day. The shift was nice, work four days get three off, then work three and get four off. If the company had made the long shifts less difficult, it would have been better. But, since the management stunketh, they were always short on help and that meant run constantly. Seriously, for twelve hours, there was no actual break. The idea was, between trucks, take a break here and there. This worked if there were enough on shift, but when your the shift instead of three, there just is no place for the break.

But, I digress. The job is not the issue, the time off is. I learned to enjoy the weekdays off more than the weekends. I also began to understand how precious and short life is. Now I take each day I wake up as a gift and something to be thankful for. I also got out of that job and have since then found a better job. I still work a varying shift similar to the one I mentioned. That means every other weekend off as well as the weekdays in between. I still prefer the weekdays off, they are quiet and peaceful.

This week, it is Monday and Tuesday I have off. So does my wonderful wife, so while the rest of them are shooting Monday as a traitor, we welcome the day. Of course, we appreciate everyday we have. Sure some are filled with un-pleasantries, but we work through them and soon find that we may not like all that comes in a given day, but the day itself is still a blessing to be thankful for.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
March 11, 2013 at 6:07pm
March 11, 2013 at 6:07pm
Sunday, March 3, 2013
(Re-entered on Monday 03/04 to replace the lost entry)

I did write an entry yesterday before leaving for work. I finished, in a bit of a rush, right before I ate lunch, then I dressed for work and we headed out. I don't know how or why, but when I looked through my journal, it was not there. Not by date, nor anything I had written. Just not there, lost and gone forever. Well maybe not, but I really doubt it will re-materialize. Even so, I will give mention, since anything is possible.

Even though I don't know what happened to my entry, I am not laying blame on WDC. I very much doubt that anything happened to my entry as a result of the site. Sure, it is possible, but I don't think so. If I had lost it while writing in it, then perhaps, but that is not the case. I was done writing it, saved it and closed out my browser, shut down my computer, and left the room.

I was rushed for work, Sundays I have to be there by 2:00 pm and I still had to eat and get dressed. Also, the roads were not good, so I needed extra time for travel, I have a twenty-five mile trek to work. Also, the damn time change was a factor. I got up at the regular time, but by the clock it was an hour later do to Daylight Savings Time.

I'm not even sure if I clicked the right button at the bottom. Did I save or did I miss the correct link and lose it? I don't know, but I do think I did save it. Of course, the internet has been real slow the last few days, so I may have closed out of WDC before it did save and that is how I lost it. Either way, somehow I lost the entry, I'm certain of it.

Since I did nave an entry for the day, and since I am trying to write at least a little bit every day, I'll enter it in like this. I did miss one day already this month, but other than that I a have been doing good. I know it does not matter, but I'm just kind of funny that way. If I had missed the entry, I would just say so in the next and move on. But since I did write it out and managed not to save it, I want to give credit, so when i look back, I can feel that sense of accomplishment that comes with doing something right.

I even remember what I had blogged about -- time. Not time as in hours and days and such, but time as in Daylight Savings Time. What a hoax. Like we really save an hour by changing the clock. I had posted a short quote of my own that put it this way, "The concept of Daylight Savings Time revealed... Put a dollar in your right pocket and a dollar in your left pocket. Now, you have one dollar in each pocket. Now, take the one dollar out of your right pocket and put it in the left pocket and count it, you now have an extra dollar! Don't spend it, though, this fall you have to move it back."

Anyway, that is about it.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
March 9, 2013 at 11:01pm
March 9, 2013 at 11:01pm
The storm hit like predicted. It started raining yesterday while I was at work, and the wind picked up as the temperature dropped. It was cold and miserable at work, and by eight last night, There was ice everywhere. I got done at nine-thirty and Rhonda had the van scraped off and warmed up for me. That was a nice change, usually I end up waiting for her as I watch the driving conditions deteriorate.

Even though we got out of there sooner than usual, it was still slow going on the way home. It rained all night, well a mix of rain and freezing rain with little ice pellets now and again. By noon it was snowing hard, and by mid afternoon travel advisories were coming in. It's about blown over now, at ten in the evening. It will take a few days to dig out and get rid of the ice again, but for a change, I did not have to drive in to work and instead stayed home and relaxed for the day.

Tonight we spring ahead, and hopefully it will trigger the other spring. I'm ready and have been since last fall.


I have a few minutes while we wait for Mr. and Mrs. Bugoo to come back in. They are our two Golden Retrievers, Hyko and Klarissa. How did we come up with a nick name like Bugoo? That's another story for another time.

We settled in to watch a little Netflix, and they both came over and informed us, in Bugoo terms of course, they wanted out. So while my wife and I take a little break, I thought I would add a few lines here to finish this entry up.

It's still not nice out, I can hear the wind howling outside the window. Both dogs are damp from blowing snow, but the weather person says it's letting up, the National Weather Service says the Winter Weather Advisory is cancelled, and it's suppose to be much nicer by morning. I do have to work tomorrow, but not until afternoon, so the roads should be cleared pretty well and the drive in will be fine. I also get done earlier tomorrow night, at eight. Then, if nothing changes, two days off in a row. I have not had that for almost a month.

Well, there is a pretty brunette waiting for some of my time. Another show, some snuggling under the quilt and holding hands while we watch it, and a pleasant end to a nice day off.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
March 8, 2013 at 2:08pm
March 8, 2013 at 2:08pm
As you may know, time has been my enemy for a while now, and getting in here to do anything in WDC has been a challenge all winter. I started this blog as a means of keeping a journal, and getting all the gunk out of my thinker. I have used 750 Words, but it was either there or here time wise, and they also require 750 words (who'd of guessed) to get all the bells and whistles to go off.

So far, it's been working well, I have only missed one day in here since starting this blog. I have also done a great deal of writing about things that have occupied my thoughts and freed up some thinking for creativity and also dropped a lot of stress. Even so, time continues to work against me right now, and then other problems attack on various fronts. I know this is often the case, and happens to many people. For me, it is time related to my job, my home life, and my social life.

My wife's schedule almost always conflicts with mine and this costs me a lot of free time. Then, of course, there is the time she needs, a brother also has claims to some, and we also have two Golden Retrievers who need a great deal of attention. So far, things work out and we manage. Then along comes a coworker who also wants to increase her time by taking some of my days off. She has since I started the job, but now as supervisor, I can at least have some control over it. Nonetheless, she still insists on taking a day here, and one there. And almost always on the few days I get to take off with my wife.

I made a big change in the schedule to put a damper on this, she now has the days she most often asks for, as her off days. Of course, it cost her a bit as well, and I'm already sure she will not be happy with anything but just ask for more. Still, it's a step in the right direction. If she asks now, at least most days are days I can spare without giving up the few days my wife and I have off together. This means more hours and more money, and if she does ask for my preferred days off, I can say no. It also sends a message, since I spoke with her and told her that she was infracting on my personal time, there will be costs associated with requests like this.

That is part of the good news, another part of this is I have to be there to distribute checks. We get paid every other Saturday, but checks can be handed out on Friday. Unfortunately there were those who picked up checks and deposited them on Thursday and the company was not happy. In response, payroll is now sent to me and I have to open and hand out checks. Prior to the schedule change, I was off the Friday before payday, so would have to drive in, hand out checks, then drive home; fifty miles round trip. Now I work the three days before payday, and can perform this mandate while at work and on the clock.

So far, so good. Then an ice storm and after, noises from the front of the van. Upon looking, a broken spring on the drivers front suspension. I know the ice did not break it, and there was a clunk once in a while since we purchased the van, as is, last fall. I'm sure it was broken then, since it pulled a bit and seemed to need an alignment. It just got worse over the winter, and the ice did it in. That means in for repairs, and pretty costly ones, too.

Again, time is the issue. When I am off, my wife works. except every other Monday and Tuesday. Also, money is tight; well it was tight when we still had a little left. Now there just isn't any left. We survive paycheck to paycheck. The good news was, in researching parts for the best deal, I found a great deal, the strut and spring already to install. With a few saver codes, the price was half of anyplace else, and it will be here next week. My brother came through for a place to work on it in his garage, we have the tools, and can rent anything we may need.

Since it's a complete unit, there is no trying to remove and replace the coil spring, the part I would not be able to do without special equipment. If there are problems, he can run me around for needed parts and any tools we may need. So far, it's sounding a lot better than before.

Then, I log in here at WDC and see Ihave mail. Someone reviewed a story and given a very wonderful review. In it, they told me they had seen the story in a newsletter. What? It was published? OK, maybe not published in stores, but it was published in a newsletter, and that is still something. Since I have not been in here much at all, I don't know what newsletter, but I did thank her and ask.

My only question is, why did they not ask permission? I would have granted it, so it is not a big deal, just a point of curiosity. So, that is the nice surprise I had today, and I'm looking forward to seeing who published it. I will have to make a copy just for having one of them. It may not be much, but for me, it is a big deal to have any kind of publication of my work. I am honored.

It's after three in the afternoon, I'm dressed and ready for work, sitting in a dinning area waiting for my time to start work. I had to get ready and leave when I finished up the rest of this, but now I have a little time and decided to add a bit more in here. I took some time to look for the above mentioned newsletter, but no luck. I'm not sure how to do a search to find it, if that is even possible. I'll hope that the sweet lady who reviewed my item will remember and answer back.

It's nice out, the sun is almost breaking through the hazy sky, the temperature is warm and the snow and ice are melting. More warm air is moving in, to mix with the colder air to make for snow and ice storms for tonight and tomorrow. I hope they are wrong, I've had about enough snow and ice for one season. the good news is, I don't have to work tomorrow, so if it does get bad, I can just stay home. the bad news is, I'm the supervisor, so if anyone cannot make it as a result of the weather, they call me and I have to either find someone or go in myself. More good news, the two workers on schedule are both right in town and should not have problems.

If the weather hits, it may cancel a fishing outing, but that's not so bad, there will be other days, and I am pretty shot from working twelve days with only one break in there. A break from driving in, but a day of work from home. So, if I get stormed out of fishing, I can still stay home, my wife has the day off, and I can vegitate and get some much needed down time. If the weather is not bad enough to stop us from going fishing, I can still have fun with my brother, get some down time fishing, and be home by six or sooner; a nice quiet evening with my wife to relax and vegitate.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
March 7, 2013 at 3:00pm
March 7, 2013 at 3:00pm
It seems like there is always something working against a person. One at a time would be fine, but it seems like they form several fronts and attack together. I have to work tonight, well this afternoon. That leaves little time, but enough.

Only, my wife also works this afternoon, and has to be there an hour and a half before me. We have a thirty minute drive and one vehicle, so we have to either ride together, or make two trips. At twenty five miles, two trips a day starts to cost more than we can afford, so one or the other waits in town. What a waste of time.

I've mentioned this before, how her schedule and mine are in almost constant conflict. On top of that, in trying to set hours, she was cut to almost half of what she was working, and still it did not solve anything except to deplete out our meager savings. That happened last fall when our car broke and we had to look at another vehicle.

At the time, the payments and arrangements worked out fine, but now that her hours are cut, it has us skimpy trying to make it paycheck to paycheck. Add to this an employee who wants as many extra hours as she can get, but who refuses to schedule any private matters for her days off. Yes, she has two weekdays off one week, three the other, and gets every other weekend off. Plenty of time to schedule most anything for days off. But, that is not how she wants to do it, she insists on scheduling things on my days off. Since she and I are both scheduled with open hours to fill in for others, I of course have to absorb hers.

The extra money is nice, but not knowing from week to week when she will decide to take time off means I have no way of knowing if I can schedule something or if my schedule will change. Sure, I could just deny her request and make her work it anyway. But, then I would, in fairness, have to apply this to everyone, and one of the perks of our job is being able to take days off. Of course, there will always be someone who will abuse it and ruin it for everyone.

So, a couple of days ago, we had a winter storm with plenty of wet snow and freezing rain. After, I noticed funny sounds coming from the driver side front of our van, like something rubbing. I thought at first, it was ice and snow build up. Nope. Secondly, I thought maybe just a lot of ice and snow under the vehicle making it ride lower. Nope.

Today, I had enough time to go lay in the snow and look under and around the area in question to see just what was making the noise. At first, I did not see anything, but then in looking at one side and comparing it to the other, I noticed the driver side is lower. Not much, an inch, but why?

I found out, and now am faced with some major repairs. The spring in the front suspension for the driver side is broken. I may be able to do the repairs if I can find a place to rent specialized tools. I'm sure I can. But, living twenty five miles out means that if something else goes wrong I have no way to get additional parts. Also, I can plan repairs around my schedule, but they will not work with my wife's then. Of course, the best plan would be to take itin for repairs, but then there is the matter of how to pay for them. We are at the end of our resources, there is not credit available, and few we can turn to. Even less who may help out, and that will be very limited help since they are in much the same shape we are.

At least I did get in here and get to write a bit, let it out and now it's time to limp it in for another day of work.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
March 6, 2013 at 4:38pm
March 6, 2013 at 4:38pm
Not much time again today, but that seems to be the norm here. I had time, but then last summer work kind of sucked it up and I didn't get it back yet. No, I cannot say that, I did gain some of it back, but there are evil forces at work trying to steal it away again. This afternoon it is not an evil force putting me into a rush, it is just time to get ready for work tonight.

I'm actually feeling pretty good today. I've gotten caught up on some much needed sleep, I had a great day off with my wife, even though I did have to do a little work from home, yesterday, and today has been pretty good so far. I slept in a little, had a nice Bible Study, got my hair cut, my facial hair trimmed, and took a nice hot bath. After, a nice lunch with my wife and now I am in here getting a little writing done.

That's what feels the best, too. Being in here and writing. It had been quite some time since I was even a little active in here, and I admit I had given thought to letting my account revert back to the free membership, since I was not using the site anyway. I decided not to, since I do enjoy coming in here to write, read, and to review. So, I paid my membership fees up for a year and told myself that I would have to find the means to get in here more often.

Of course, the forces of evil did try and prevent that, but I prevailed over them and did log in at least once a week to read mail and messages, and if time permitted, to look around a bit. I found many changes had taken place, and found some interesting things I had not seen before. One of them was this ability to blog. I had been doing 750 Words as a daily journal until time ran out, then that too fell by the wayside. Not so much as I did not have any time to get in there. No it was that it took too long to write out seven hundred and fifty words sometimes, and it was often a choice of in there or in here. Blogging my Journal here solved that, I'm writing almost every day, there is no set amount I have to write, I do not lose out on anything if I do miss a day, and I'm in here.

Feeling good -- rested up, refreshed, and happy to be putting something down in writing again. I need this, it is my escape. I always have been an introvert, and in writing I find I can express myself, release stress, and get things off my mind. Of course, there is the other side of my writing, a way to use my very active imagination and to enjoy myself. Writing, for me, encompasses it all, and I have been away for far too long...

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
March 5, 2013 at 8:48pm
March 5, 2013 at 8:48pm
If the Sabbath is a day of rest, then I guess this is mine; the first day off since last Monday. Although, as I understand it, there was no work at all on the Sabbath, not even in fun. Kind of glad I don't stick to the ritual parts of Christianity, or worse yet, had converted to Judaism.

Yeah, finally a day off. Not that it was actually a real day off, since part of my job is done from home. I did have my weekly e-report to prepare and send, a schedule to work on, and some end of the month paperwork to finish. But, I did not go into work, and I did not have any calls -- a real surprise since the weather is crappy.

See, I'm a supervisor for a handful of workers. Our corporate office is about two hundred miles away, and there is no local office. I work my job as scheduled, and any extra work is done on my own time. Also, we are set to only have one person working on each shift. So, if someone can't make it, they not only call me, but if I cannot find anyone else, I have to cover the shift. There is not much for compensation for the extra hours required, or the miles driven back and forth to "handle" situations. I do get paid a little more for my troubles, but it is less than a buck an hour. Also, there are no phones, cell or land-lines, to use while on site; we cannot use any electronic devices at all. Not even supervisors.

Not that I am complaining, I do enjoy my job, and am honored to have been selected as supervisor. It's this that makes the demands on my time even higher. In order to do my job as supervisor to the best of my abilities, I have to put in quite a bit of time from home. I do get some time off, but it tends to be more by chance. Most days at least one worker calls or texts me with a problem or a request. we clock in and out with a phone service, so if there are any problems, they contact me with corrections, or if they don't, my boss contacts me and I have to get a hold of them to make the corrections.

Anyway, that's just a bit of insight explaining why my time can be a bit short. I also have a full time job as husband, best friend and lover to a wonderful woman, and we have two wonderful Golden Retrieves who also demand a great deal of time and attention. Then there's extended family. I may be the only person who considers siblings and children as extended family, but that's just how I see it.

Let me give a explain briefly. My wife and I have both been married once before and we both have grown children; grown physically anyway. They have all moved out and started their own lives and we try not to interfere in there choices. We also cherish this time we have together. We have spent half our lives apart and unhappy for the most part. Now we are together, married, and have our Goldens as our children. This is my family then. Prior family is more distant as they all have their own lives, so extended.

Now, where was I? I know, I tend to wonder and get off subject at times. I hope you don't mind, but that's kind of the purpose here isn't it, to let my thoughts wonder and become free? So, I have a day off, and so does the love of my life. She works also, and has every Monday and Tuesday off. I work a shift that requires me to alternate with another worker, so I have every other Monday and Tuesday off. That means, that my wife and I get every other Monday and Tuesday off together.

It also means, that if someone cannot make it in on these Mondays and Tuesdays, or if they request them off, I have to wait another two weeks for time off with my lover. I'll also add that this happens way to often (there is more about this in my last entry), and I had to confront a person on it. It is actually two coworkers who have begun to make this a habit.

As I explained in my last entry, my Mondays off come right after payday. I had myself scheduled to work payday weekends, knowing that most people would prefer to have this weekend off. But, when they decide to also take Monday off with the weekend, it cuts into my time with my wife. I have talked to both of them a couple of times and explained this. I also told them any other days would not matter, but I do not like to give up my time with my wife.

Of course, they just don't care. It's just too nice to have a three day weekend after payday. Now, I could just deny them the day off, it is in my right if there is no one willing to work that day. I prefer not to if at all possible. Even so, I was at this point this past Monday, when I was again working on my day off, my wonderful lady waiting at home for my return. I again mentioned that this was getting a bit old and then found out that the worker I was talking to was not just planning on taking another one of my Mondays in two weeks, but no longer needed to.

See, it was supposedly for a medical appointment. She told me it had been changed, but didn't know for sure when, but was still going to take the Monday off since it had been approved for her appointment. I was a bit disgruntled, to say the least. In our discussion, she tried to explain that she had to do things on this Monday after payday or she would not have the money to do them.

"Set some money aside and arrange this on your days off." I replied.

She answered, "I can't, I don't have enough money to hold on to."

I explained that it didn't matter if she spent it Monday or Wednesday or what-ever-day she chose to go, it would cost the same. She then said that it wasn't her choice, they set the appointments and she just had to go when they told her.

I could see there was no getting this resolved, so I finished the conversation with, "I'm just telling you, this is about to come to an end."

She replied, "What ever!" and stormed out.

I took some time to think about the best way to resolve the issue and then it came to me. If she wanted the Monday after payday off, why not just give it to her. I looked at the schedule and sure enough I could do that, give her every Monday after payday off. So, today I worked on the schedule. She now get's her Mondays off, but will have to work the weekend of payday.

Now, you may think, this will not change anything, she will just want Sunday, possible the whole weekend off instead. Ah, but that's the sweet part. Saturday and Sunday are her longer days and she would have to give up quite a lot of hours to take them off. Since I would be the one filling in for her, I would gain more hours, and still have the Monday and Tuesday time with my wife. Also, if she makes a habit of needing or wanting the weekend off, I can just schedule myself to work them all, leaving her with very few hours. At this point, she will then have to make a decision. Does she want to work or have the time off.

So, back to the subject, my day off, at least from going in. I did work on a few things, but I did manage to spend the majority of my time having some fun with my wife, I got in here, and we worked jointly on dinner. Now, it's about done, time to enjoy a quiet dinner with a very lovely brunette, then a little relaxation watching Netflix. Then tomorrow it's back to work till Saturday. Yep, I get Saturday off, but have prior plans for some ice fishing with my brother. Sunday was suppose to be a day at home with plans to get in here and maybe even add a few items to my port, but with the alterations to the schedule, I will now have to work on Sunday.

I don't mind, though, since I will have Monday and Tuesday off. First time I got them both in months.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
March 4, 2013 at 11:56pm
March 4, 2013 at 11:56pm
The end of the day, that is. It's only eleven here, but it's later than that in WDC land and I wanted to get this entry in while it's still Monday. I hope I made it. I did, it logged at, "Posted: 3-4-2013 @ 11:56 pm EST" but of course I went in to edit this so it will be after midnight EST, but I'm still under the wire here in South Dakota.

I worked tonight, the eight day in a row, so I'm looking forward to having a day off tomorrow. I was set to have the weekend off, as well. On Saturday, there were plans to do a little ice fishing, and Sunday would be spent getting caught up on a few things around the house and hopefully in here. I found out, however, that my Beloved has Saturday off as well, and thought about switching the fishing to Sunday. That was before work.

Upon arriving at work, I talked to the person I was there to take over for and asked her if she had rescheduled her appointment for the 18th like she had said she was going to. She answered with a no, I still need that day off, and will schedule another one off, but not sure when. I told her that was fine, but to not schedule it for a Monday or Tuesday I am off.

Now, here's the deal, I get every other Monday and Tuesday off. My wife gets every Monday and Tuesday off. These are the only two days we get time together, so every other Monday and Tuesday is my Honey time. Well that is also the Monday after paydays -- every two weeks on Saturday, and the weekend this person has off. We also get every other weekend off on the weeks we don't have Mondays off. Hope that makes sense. Maybe I should have just put it out there as this, I work Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday one week, then Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday the next week. The other workers days or just the opposite.

So where was I? Oh yeah, she wants the middle Monday off almost every week. I told her this was getting to be a bit much, especially since another worker usually does the same thing on the first payday weekend, my other Monday off. She answered that she had to take off this Monday, because it was payday and she had to have the money. I explained she could set some money aside and do her stuff on Wednesday through Friday, her days off and not have to miss any work. I should add this person always wants extra hours, then takes time off.

Anyway, to make a long story shorter, it so happens that her and other worker do this monthly, so they each get one three day weekend on payday. Well, today it was just to much since she was going to change the appointment, but instead decided to take take the 18th off anyway, and then set up another appointment; which as she stated, would have to be the Monday after payday, One of my Mondays off.

Tomorrow I write up the next schedule and Wednesday I post it. She will be unpleasantly surprised to find that there is a major change taking place. She will get her Mondays after payday off, each one of them. But, she will also find that she now has to work payday weekends. Yep, she wanted the Mondays after payday off, so she gets them, I switched her and my schedules. Oh, and since she is a fill in if other workers need time off, she will be filling on when her friend pulls this on the first payday Monday.

As for me, it means one day off tomorrow, then back till Friday, off Saturday, and then back to work on Sunday. Kind of messed up, not much time for anything this week, but I will have next Monday and Tuesday off with my sweet lady. I'm sure she will try and work around it, claiming to need Saturday and Sunday off with the Monday, but that's alright, I can fill in on the weekend for her once a month if she wants to lose the hours, my lady works every weekend anyway.

Well, it's eleven-eighteen and it's time to shut this page down and relax for a bit with my wife before turning in for the night.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
March 4, 2013 at 12:29am
March 4, 2013 at 12:29am
A correction is needed here, I wrote this on 03/03 but it lists as 03/4 because it was after midnight site time when I entered it. My time is an hour earlier, so it was in fact written on the third, my time.

We, my wife and I, are back home finally. I was done shortly after eight, but she had to work till a little after nine. It started misting lightly around seven tonight, by seven thirty, it was icy and slick, with a heavy mist coming down. By the time I was done with work, the van was solid ice and the parking lot was an ice rink.

By the time my wife was done, the ice was thicker and smoother. We did fine heading out of town, we did fine heading south, but once we turned west things stopped being fine.

The roads were slick, travel was about thirty up to Highway 22, then it was twenty tops. We started out fine, but came up on another vehicle that was slowed down or stopped where a third vehicle had slid into the ditch. We also stopped, ensured the young man was alright, had help on the way, and had a phone with him, then took off with spinning wheels and little traction.

We got our speed up to about fifteen to twenty, where the van wanted to ride after shifting, and rolled on fine. We had enough speed to carry us up the hills, and was still slow enough to hold the road. On the level road, about fifteen was it. Hills we slowed to about ten, even five as we maneuvered up them, and on the downhill sides we would gain speed to about twenty. if we gained too much, I would lightly tap the brakes enough to slow us, and I would slip into neutral as well.

Fine, we would be late getting home but we would get home, none the less. Then we came up on the second vehicle I mentioned earlier. They, I don't know if male or female, one or more, so they, would get up to about fifteen on the downhill slopes, but once at the bottom, they would slow down again to about ten.

They seemed to hold speed right at the point of where our van wanted to shift, either up or down, but shift. This is bad on slick ice, as it makes the wheels break traction when it shifts.

Also, when they would come to a hill, they would slow almost to a complete stop, then crawl up the hill with great difficulty. We would of course gain on them each time, and then have to tap the brakes to slow our speed so we would not run into them. We did this time and again. I will mention also, we did slow way down to an idle for a long stretch to give them room, but withing a mile we had once again caught up to them.

Besides the hazards of braking on ice, we would be so slow that we could barely top the hills. They did better, since they had a small car and it was light enough to go up the hills at a slow - five miles per hour or less - crawl. We on the other hand, have a heavy van. We would come to a point that we would either have to apply some gas or come to a full stop on the hill.

If we did stop, there would be no going forward again; we would have to back down the hill, on ice with strong crosswinds. Not a good situation at all. But, when we applied even the slightest amount of gas, the front wheel drive would slip and the tires would spin. The wind and the grade of the road worked to ensure we would slide sideways into the ditch.

So, we would have to straddle the center of the road, on the crown so that if the tires spun, we would at least not slide sideways. Even at this, we would gain on the lead vehicle and have to slow down again before crowning the hill.

I thought a few times we would not make it up, or if we did, we would have to ditch the van to prevent hitting the lead vehicle. We did not, and after an hour, we made it the last thirteen miles and pulled/slid into the drive.

Now, we are safe and sound at home... I just hope noone calls in tomorrow morning and I do not have to drive on the icy roads again until after they are plowed, there is snow coming, and sanded. We will see.
March 2, 2013 at 1:09pm
March 2, 2013 at 1:09pm
I'm not sure where I heard it, but from someplace comes, "I got no time! Got a go, got a go!" Well that's today. I thought I would have some time today, and was, in fact, looking forward to this morning and this weekend. I should know better.

It's funny, in a non-funny way, how things work out. See, I was up to about midnight last night enjoying a quiet evening at home know that I did not have to get up at three this morning and rush to get to work on time, like was the case for the last week. Today, I do not have to be to work until one this afternoon, so I slept in, or at least in comparison to the rest of this week. I planned on getting up at eight this morning, which would have allowed me eight hours of peaceful sleep. Something I have not had for over a week.

Then, I could sit and enjoy a couple cups of coffee with my Baby, then get a bible study in, then finish up with some scheduling and some time in here. After, I would have time to enjoy a nice lunch and get ready for work, and head out for the day. Instead, I got up at a little after nine. Why, well for some odd reason, my dear wife, my baby I was looking forward to spending a leisurely couple cups of coffee with, set the alarm for nine instead of eight. She did it on purpose, but didn't really know why, when I asked her. She also did not set the coffee to turn on, and took an hour to make it and come wake me. Well she did not wake me, she came in and turned the alarm off after it went off at nine.

Now, I should mention that we have a kind of morning routine. The alarm goes off and she hits snooze, snuggles up to me and then we kind of snuggle, cuddle and doze for eight minutes. Sometimes, she will hit the button twice, but once is the norm. Then she gets up, turns things on, and makes us a couple cups of coffee. When I say make, I mean she puts a little honey and creamer in them. Then, she returns to the bedroom, where I am often lying awake in anticipation, and sets her coffee down. Next she sets mine by my chair, turns on the warming pad and my computer, then returns to the bedroom and takes a sip of hot coffee, throws the blankets back, and puts her very hot mouth right on my Willy. Of course, she does a bit of nibbling and caressing; This is repeated a few times and then I am coaxed out of bed, well teased and ready for the day.

We have a second cup of coffee in our recliners as we discuss the day. After, we begin the days activities and do what the schedule is set up for, work, day off, shopping, doing; whatever is on the agenda for the day.

But for the last week, I have been up at three, off by four and no time for any of this. Today, if I was up at eight, we could have enjoyed some of this past do time together, but she did not set the alarm for eight, but for nine. She also did not set the coffee up on a timer and spent a good hour on her computer while it sat after brewing. Then, when the alarm went off, she came in and turned it off, then went back to getting us some coffee. I was up, ran to the bathroom, and was about to return to bed for some mush missed TLC, when I looked at the clock and seen it was after nine already.

From there it has been a rush to get things done and in here to write. Now, I should be enjoying a nice lunch and getting ready for work, instead I am ten minutes late ant getting ready and have to leave in five. No time to eat, just dress and run, and will likely be late. It's alright if I am a little late, I'm close to going on overtime and it has not been approved. Even so, it will not look right and will have to be explained when I have my e-conference with my boss next Monday.

Well... got to run~

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
March 1, 2013 at 9:38pm
March 1, 2013 at 9:38pm
Yesterday I just did not get in here. I worked mornings again, and I had only gotten about thirteen hours of sleep over three days. After work I tried to catch a little cat nap before going out fishing with my brother, but I couldn't sleep. I did enjoy fishing, but didn't catch anything and didn't get home till around eleven. I also found out around nine last night I had to go in again this morning and work.

Now understand, when I say mornings, I mean I have to be there by five. It's been foggy and cold, so the roads are slick and visibility is poor, so it takes about forty-five minutes to get there, and I like to have a cup of coffee or two before I leave. Therefore, I'm up at three to get ready and make it on time. Normally I work nights, and the first part of the week I actually worked both, that is why i got so tired and so far behind on sleep.

OK, enough on that. Today I got off work, came home and took a nice nap, then did some online stuff and messed around the house for the afternoon. It's kind of nice feeling a bit more awake. And, tomorrow, I don't have to go in until later, so I get to sleep in till seven or eight. I'm not sure about Monday yet, but I hope things are back to normal.

So, I missed a day and did not write anything in here yesterday. I didn't even check my e-mail or anything. It's kind of nice, here, though because it doesn't mess anything up. Over at 750 Words, it does, so it's more having to go write than wanting to. It is making a difference, too. Now I just need to get more done in here; some reviews, read some other blogs, and of course, write something.

For right now, however, this is a nice start at getting back in here and writing a little almost daily. I have a couple of ideas I would like to work on for some writing, and I'm hoping to develop them into something soon. For now, however, I'm heading out to look at some blogs...

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
February 26, 2013 at 2:15pm
February 26, 2013 at 2:15pm
         Rushed to get in here and write for the day. I'm not sure how it will turn out, I'm half asleep and want to do this before I take a short nap. I had planned on more time for this, but that isn't working out. I worked last night, got three hours of sleep and then filled in this morning for another worker. Now, I'm back home for a bit to eat, a quick nap, and anything else I can squeeze in before going back to work for my own shift tonight.
         That was suppose to be it, then three days off before working the weekend. Wrong, now it's looking like another three to four hours of sleep tonight and back again in the morning. In fact, it's looking like I will fill in every morning for the rest fo the week. I won't have a day off till next Tuesday, and then it's only the one day off for all of next week. At least I have that weekend off, unless something else comes up.
         I was kind of thinking about working on a story idea I had yesterday, but I won't have enough time to do anything with it today. Hopefully tomorrow will work out better. I should get done with work early, and have some time to work on my idea, if I'm not too tired. My brother wants to get together Thursday and Friday, but with the change in the schedule, I don't think that will work out. Maybe I can get over there for a while on Thursday afternoon.
         We been getting together and doing a bit of ice fishing. Why they call it ice fishing is beyond me, we don't fish for ice at all. In fact, we drill a hole through it and fish for Walleye, Perch, and Northern Pike. We have been doing fair so far this year, but last time out we busted and didn't get anything. We each had one bite, and that was it. We tried a different lake, but should have stayed with the same one. Oh well, it was still enjoyable and restful. Well, it was after we got his truck shoveled out and unstuck.
         That's about it for me today. I'm pleased that I did get in here and get something written, and now I'm going to go spend a little time with a very lovely brunette, then a short nap, a quick dinner, and back to work.

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