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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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May 11, 2013 at 10:28am
May 11, 2013 at 10:28am
Just getting things started here, then I have to shut down and get ready for work. I have a long day today and won't get much time to write anything, so I'm bringing things with me and will try and get in from HyVee before my shift starts. If that doesn't work out, then tonight after work.

Here I am, at HyVee and I have about an hour before work. I should work on the schedule, but that can wait till later. I have a week yet, and not sure about what what, so why hurry it out. Even so, I usually have it done by now. I've been very "out of it" lately. Just tired and run down, but not sure why. I know work is part of it, but I've done this double up stuff before and it didn't wear me out. No I think it's more something going on with me, and the job is just adding to that. Rhonda thinks it's the flu, I'm not sure. I do know it's something, some kind of an infection, flu or otherwise, it doesn't matter, I just want over it.

At least it's a nice day out today. It's on the cooler side, but sunny with a few clouds floating around. Northern Minnesota is getting snow, or at least they did earlier, and they still have ice on the lakes. This is much better. the worst of our weather today is the wind. Other than that, I kind of like it cooler and find it much better for work. tomorrow will be much the same, only hopefully not as windy. Then starting Monday, we get the heat, in the 80's their saying.

Next Thursday Rhonda's mom is coming for a few hours. Her and her friend Dave do a trip a couple of times a year and come through this way. They usually stop in town here and visit for a while over breakfast or lunch then go on their way. It's kind of nice, we get some time to visit and see them without having the hassle of trying to make a trip back to Minnesota.

It's been a few years since we made that trip, and it's getting over due. It seems like we either do not have the money, don't have a vehicle, or we don't have the time. Usually it's about two out of the three. We are hoping ot do better this year and make a trip east and another trip west. It's going to be difficult, though, since Klarissa isn't doing very well. She is not going to do well having to ride for a long time if it's hot. Maybe we can drive at night, when it's cooler, and there is the air conditioning, too. I think it works in the van, but have not really had a chance to try it out.

Speaking of the van, I need to get some work done with that, too. I have one door lock that does not work, and one window, on the opposite side that does not work. The door locks, but you have to lock it manually and use the key to unlock it. The remote does nothing for it, and there is something inside the door that bangs around. that's the driver side, the window is on the passenger side and does not work at all. Also, the alarm system goes off for no reason.

I think it is because of the door lock not working right, but I don't know. I do know I'm getting tired of getting woke up early in the morning by the damn thing. If we use the remote to unlock the doors, it does fine, and it seems to be fine if we lock up and remember to push the button to lock the drivers door. I'm sure it has something to do with that, and hopefully I fix that when I fix the lock mechanism.

There is also the back hatch, that works fine, but it does not register as closed all the time. It's better now, with the warmer weather, but it still acts up. It makes the door ajar light come on, and the dome light will not turn off. The door is shut, but the van registers it as open. It's got to be a sticking switch. A little electrical cleaner would probably fix it right up, but I don't know where the damn thing is at. None of the doors have a regular switch, they are someplace inside the doors.

That's next on my list of things to get done. May'hap I will just finish this and head over to the world wide web and look it up and see where the switches are and how to go about getting to them. Then, all I'll have to do is buy me a special tool to open the doors up and then I can "get-r-done."
May 10, 2013 at 11:29pm
May 10, 2013 at 11:29pm
Today is May 10 and I should be at work. Only, I'm not feeling very well, so Rhonda covered my shift for me. I am feeling better, but not 100% yet. It seems as long as I don't do anything, I feel fine, but if I exert even a little bit, I get tired and feel like crap again. It passes soon enough, but I just don't have any energy yet.

It's looking like it was a busy night at work, too. Poor Rhonda is going to be one tired gal when she gets home. It's twenty-five after ten here, and she should have called already. She closed tonight for me, but usually we are out by now. I'm hoping she calls any minute now, but being Mother's Day this Sunday, it may have been pretty busy. It's also graduation night for the Vo-Tech, and that may have kept her busy, too.

I have supper waiting for her, just waiting to call so I know when to put it in the oven. I still need to grate the cheese, too, but that will only take a few minutes, and I can do that while the oven heats up. We are having pizza. It's a frozen pizza, but we add extra toppings and cheese to dress them up a little.

Not much else to write, I'm just not into it very much yet. It's going to be a long weekend, too. I sure hope I'm feeling more energetic tomorrow. At least Rhonda gets a bit of a break tomorrow, she does the double coverage and gets done at five. She needs a break, it's been a long week for her, too.
May 9, 2013 at 7:59pm
May 9, 2013 at 7:59pm
My second day off today and it's going much better. It would be great but I'm not feeling the best today. I can't actually explain what's wrong, except for a non stop headache since early this morning, and being very tired.

I should be out enjoying some sunshine, it's a beautiful day, but I'm just so out of it again. I believe I have some kind of infection going on, but if it's a cold, flu or whatever, is beyond me. I don't have any specific symptoms, but instead have a variety of them that changes day to day. The biggest one is tired, I just cannot get enough sleep.

I didn't actually do much of anything today, just kind of vegetated all afternoon. I didn't get up real early, but then I didn't sleep much last night, either. Just a lazy day and a lot of rest, I hope it helps so I can get back into the swing of things.

For now, this is it.
May 9, 2013 at 1:15am
May 9, 2013 at 1:15am
May 8 entry, just getting it here a little late. Why? Because it's been one of those days. In fact it's been one of those days for over a month now.

It did not start out bad at all. It was my first day off in some time, and I was looking forward to it. The forecast was for rain and cooler, but I had intended to be in here most of the day, anyway, so it did not matter. I did have to get the van fixed today, that was set for eight this morning. We were up at seven, had some coffee, and then took the van in. It's only a block away, so we walked home and by noon it was done.

I was tired again, and so was Rhonda, so we ended up napping a bit, and then when the mechanic called, she got up and went and got the van and I slept a bit more. She had slept earlier, before I joined her, so we were even now. Then we had pancakes and after sat and talked a bit. This is when it started going bad.

It's amazing how ones child/stepchild can use a parent, then desert them, and when they feel guilty about it, they decide they are going to visit. the parent gets no choice at all, and it's not even for the parent, but for the guilt they harbor. So, in an attempt to maintain some control, we set up the time to meet and gave up part of our time together to pacify a thirty year old baby.

It was the same as last year, and the year before, and the one before that. And, it ended the same, with an invitation to for his mom (I can come along) to join him and his family (meaning his dad and her ex) at Valley Fair. It's always this way, not once can this kid visit with her without trying to get her to join him and his siblings and his dad for some get together.

That kind of shot my day right in the ass, so I went in, listened to his gas, and then stopped by work to see if the report I needed was done, it was not. Then I salvaged a visit with my brother out of it all, came home and sent in my incomplete report and went back to get Rhonda from work.

Now, it's time to turn in, and see what kind of crap tomorrow may bring...

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
May 7, 2013 at 1:32pm
May 7, 2013 at 1:32pm
One more day of work, then two off; boy am I ready for it. I even sent my boss a note telling him I would be indisposed the next couple of days and if there are any problems on site, I would have them call him instead of me. I haven't heard back yet, but hope he will give me the thumbs up and I can post a note at work telling everyone to call him if an emergency pops up and not to call me. Then, I will turn my phone off and let the answering machine screen my land-line.

We are about to do our daily Bible study, but my brother called and I talked to him for a few minutes. Rhonda got busy on some housework so I thought I would stop in here and get my journal entry started while i wait for her. Now she's here and we are ready to go. I'll write more in a bit.

It's a bit and I'm back to write a bit. A little bit, because it's time to head out for work, again. I tried to take a little nap, but sometimes that's more work than staying up. Phones, I tell ya. It seems like the only time some people call is right when they shouldn't. Oh well, wonder what's up now. Probably going to get talked to about going to someones graduation of Friday. Too bad they cannot understand that some of us do not have the option of just taking time off whenever we want.

Other than that, it's been a pretty nice day. We had a fire last night, the first one of the year for us. It's kind of late, we usually have a fire much earlier in the spring, but this year has been terrible. It was nice last night, though. The wind was very mild, the temperature was mild, and the sky was clear. It was so relaxing to sit out under a billion stars next to a beautiful woman and watch the fire dancing. We had some snacks, and we had a few drinks, then came in and made it to bed before it was too late.

Up at a little after eight this morning, and doing fine. It was sunny out, but it's been clouding up all day. There still a bit of sun here and there, but windy out. It's warm enough, but there is a chance of some thunderstorms and rain moving in. It would be a nice day to not have to go in to work, but then, any day I get off is nice.

I'm posting a notice, so hopefully I can get a couple of days off and enjoy some down time. I do have to take the van in for repairs in the morning, and I want to get some stuff done around here, but I'm not making any plans. I may write, I may putz around in Office and learn a thing or two, or I may work on some over due projects. Maybe a little of all, who knows.

For now, though, it's off to work.
May 6, 2013 at 4:29pm
May 6, 2013 at 4:29pm
Still getting use to the new look around the site. It's nice, but it does kind of throw me off a little. I'm not complaining, I like it, I just need to get in here and spend some time, so I can get used to it. Of course, I been needing that for a long time now.

We survived the weekend and Rhonda did not have to go in today for the double coverage. It was kind of nice having her scheduled later and then not having to go in at all was even better. I should have gotten more accomplished with the extra time we found ourselves with, but I didn't.

I was beat; plum wore out so to speak. I had laid back down while she took a shower and slept hard for a quarter hour, but woke up when she called to see if she was required to work. I could have gotten up then, but I've been so run down, I decided not to. She snuggled in beside me for a half hour nap, but we ended up with a couple hours instead.

I'm not much for napping, unless I'm sick or injured, but today was an exception. I welcomed the nap and enjoyed it, and am feeling much better, although still pretty tired. I'm not sure if it's for need of sleep or from the long nap, both can leave me feeling tired. I want to think it's the lasting effects of the long nap, and once I get up and get moving it will wear off. I just hope I did not sleep so much that I won't be able to sleep tonight.

It's warmer out today, but it's been cloudy and gloomy looking most of the day. It is starting to brighten up and there is some sun trying to break through. That would add a little zip to my day, too. I get so tired when it's cloudy, gloomy, rainy and cold like this. It's been a long winter and I'm in need of some sunny spring days.

I do have to work this evening, but it should go better now that I'm rested up some. Then, one more day and I'm up for a couple of days off. I'm really in need of them, too. It's been a long time since I had any down time and I'm finding it wearing on me. Even on my few days off, it seems like there is always something going on for work. I would really enjoy it if everyone could just manage along without any problems and difficulties they can't handle themselves.

But, I don't see that happening, not with this crew. I took a couple of days off in January, after working extra to get everything done and taken care of. I announced that I would be taking a couple of days off with my regular days, and unavailable for the week. I appointed another to fill in for me if there was anything that came up, I posted that time off needed to be done before or after my week off, and if there was anything he couldn't handle, to call my boss for assistance.

He called the next morning, the next afternoon, and the next day. Basically he interrupted both my official days off with bullshit. That's the way it is. I talked to someone about taking time off, to do it on a day other than on the ones I spend with my wife, and what does she do, takes even more of these days off. It's like they actually work at trying to mess me up. Seriously. Why would they? Because they are screw-offs and don't like to do things right.

I, on the other hand, like to be hard working and enjoy doing it by the book as much as is possible. Do it right all the time and you won't have all the problems. I also have been recognized for my hard work and dedication and promoted over them. Now I am the supervisor and they did not advance at all. So, they don't like me for that. Also, it's my job now to hold them responsible for their actions, which was never done before, and they don't like me for that.

I know, because they have come right out and told me. But, that's alright, I don't mind not being liked. I just wish they would see how much advantage there is in following my lead instead of fighting it every step of the way. I have even explained to them, if they comply and do it right, it will not make me look better, but them.

Oh well, it will all come out in the wash...
May 5, 2013 at 2:17pm
May 5, 2013 at 2:17pm
Wow, what a change. I logged in to write in my journal and seen the "new look" right off. I also seen an e-mail announcing these changes and was a bit surprised by both. Not in an unpleasant way, but in a good way. In fact, it was terrific.

I did not know there were any changes going on, but then I have not had much time to spend in here lately. I withdraw that phrase, it's been longer than lately, it's been months. In fact it's getting on close to a year now. Anyway, back to subject of change, I did not now, because if it was announced around the site, I wasn't here to to receive it.

I like it, and I'm glad the change has come. Not that I disliked the site in any way, I was just unfamiliar with how everything worked. Again, it had to do with not being around to learn. I had started out good and was picking up a lot, but then it happened and the time I had was suddenly limited.

I would commit to more time in here, and in fact, I kind of did when I set some goals for writing, but so far it has been difficult at the least and almost impossible at the high side. Of course, you would not know, I haven't really told that story in total. Instead I have more or less used my journal as a vent to blow off steam and stress.

That's not a bad thing, it needs to blow, but I did not start my journal to create a vent. As the description states, it's a place to set my mind free. So what happened? Perhaps it's time to tell that story, in total. Not in detail, it would become my first novel. Seriously, it would; and there would be plenty of room for more books based on the original. Unfortunately, I don't think it would interest anyone unless they were in the same boat.

Besides, we all have our troubles, it's called life. Even so, I will tell the tale, just to get it out and to have a reference for anyone who ever decides to follow this blog.

It all began long ago, with a desire to write. I had the talent but not the knowledge. In other words, I could spin a good yarn and make it very believable, but I could not write. I had a terrible time in school, and English was my downfall. I was a terrible speller, I never learned the mechanics, and had no interest at all. Why? I really don't know.

Over the years, I did write a bit here, a bit there, but never anything like I longed to write. Someplace it had been lost and burried over with layers of crap and discontentment. I was in a bad marriage, and it was destroying me. Being stubborn, I refused to see the truth and put most of my effort into trying to make it become what I wanted, instead of seeing it for what it was. It was like two forces in constant conflict and opposition and it consumed time, energy, and a large part of who I was.

Then, in yet another attempt to win this endless battle, I made a choice to become more, to return to school and learn a trade. I had once, years before seen this same option and had tried it, and it worked for a while. It wasn't school, it was the military. Like I said, for a while, my life had meaning and purpose, and my relationship became more stable. Only, by the time reenlistment came up, I was again seeing the hopelessness of my situation and new that if I did, it would be the end of the rest. I chose my family and left the service. I convinced myself this was the best choice, but it was the worst.

Back to school, college. Me, who could not even hold a solid "C" average? Right, this would fail, too. I didn't even know what to go to school for. I looked and pondered, but time was against me, so I had to choose and get started or loose the opportunity. I picked a business field and took the plunge. It was a small college, and all I needed was a placement test. I did terrible enough to need remedial classes but I was in.

I took some of the basics, but it was kind of embarrassing to be in grade school level classes. I couldn't do anything about it, so I decided to apply myself and get as much out of them as I could, so I could move on. I worked and studied, and soon found I was doing great. I was also able to now take some college entry level classes. One of these was English Comp. I had some difficulty, since I didn't know the basics of the English Language, and my spelling was going to be my downfall.

Not so, my instructor instead seen something there and had me take some basic level courses in reading and English fundamentals. The reading wasn't because I couldn't read well, but to improve my spelling and mechanics in writing. It worked, and soon I found that desire and talent that had become buried so long ago. I went on to take more Comp classes and to begin writing as a way of expression. I did well in school, too. I graduated in four years with two degrees. I also graduated with honors, and could have done even better, but I got involved with a woman. Even so, I still did terrific and seen the real saga of my life. It was going to be a sad ending if I did not change it.

So, I did. After twenty years I was now single again. Like I pointed out, I got involved with a woman and began to spiral downward again. Yes, I fell right back into the same routine again. Not the same hole, but one just like it, maybe even worse. I almost fell all the way in, but then some of what i had learned in school held and my ability to now express myself in writing also helped me to find myself. I discovered I could write about things in a way that helped me to see them from another angle, one not blinded and hindered by feelings and expectations.

So, I seen the direction I was going and changed it before I fell. I started working a new job and decided to take some time and raise my children and find myself. Soon enough another woman came into that life and this time it was different. I soon was in a serious relationship and soon enough we began a life together. She was supportive and desired to see me succeed, especially in my writing. I still think she seen more than I did.

That began a whole new life for me. I quit my empty job and we moved to a new state and started a new life. She was willing to work and support us so I could try and get into writing and follow my dreams. Unfortunately, the right job did not surface and in need of money, I also took a job. That was fine for a while, but it was very demanding and full of problems. Another job offered better, so I took it. I should have passed it by.

It was fine at first, but I had to learn a new vocation in very limited time. I also found myself working nights, and twelve hour days. It was nice having three days off one week and four the next, and the money and benefits were great. But things changed, the company began cutting back on benefits, demanded more from us workers, and cut the labor force in half. Especially in our department. It was a nightmare. Twelve hours of running, from seven at night to seven the next morning.

Seldom was there any break, we ate on our feet, grabbing a bite here and there between trucks in and trucks out. then we lost a few more people who just couldn't handle it. Short on help, it was even worse, and when they did hire, it would be someone who didn't have any clue, or desire to learn. So, along with all the work, I was also training someone new almost weekly. I was also trying to have a life at home, and keep up the house and vehicles. Children, now grown had returned home, only to work against the rules and policy, as well as to put a drain on finances.

I found myself having difficulty sleeping during the day, and only got a few hours a sleep most of my "nights." I soon began to have health problems, and the stress at work kept growing. After another hospital visit, and signs of an infection, but no clue where or what, I returned home. I worked a few days, then had a couple off. When it was time to go back to work, I just could not force myself to go. I don't remember all of what happened, but I do remember some. I had a major panic attack and felt complete loss of control. I was very depressed, scared, and unable to function. I went back to the hospital, a different one, and spent two weeks recovering from physical exhaustion, anxiety, and depression.

Drugged to the max, I returned home and soon returned to work. I was on days now, but that did not help. Another good worker had left, and the trainee working was doing pretty good. Even so, he could not do much yet, and I was again running myself ragged. it got to the point of being in constant pain from being on my feet so long without breaks, and then the trainee told me he was leaving, I would be on my own again until they hired someone for me to train, on top of all the rest of it. My boss supplied the last straw, when he called from his office, to have me run out of the lab and close the outside door, by his office. He was sitting with his feet up, talking to another manager when I went by to close the door he could not get up and shut. He worked eight hours a day, or less, took time off all the time, and he couldn't even help out. He couldn't even shut a door. I quit.

But, it was too late and my health continued to deteriorate. Rhonda worked, but her job ended and she tried her best to keep us afloat, but it wasn't enough. Then we had vehicles die and no means to replace them. We couldn't make our rent, we couldn't hardly buy food. The same children who had been our burden took off and left us sinking. We had to move, and my brother supplied the house, rent free. Rhonda found another job and we survived.

But, my health wasn't good. I ended up back in to see the doctor, and then even an ambulance ride into the emergency room. some morphine, which I couldn't have on the other medicine I was on took care of the pain and I walked out and rode home. I could have easily died with the two medicines I was on, but it wasn't my time. Instead I began to put on weight, a couple of pounds a week. I was seeing the doctor on a weekly basis, and he had me on a restricted diet, and I took it almost to the point of starvation, but I still put on more weight. My condition worsened, and eventually I had to have a biopsy done. Well, three of them.

My immune system had begun to attack my own body, and I was in terrible shape. The outside symptoms had been the noticeable ones and why i was getting medical attention, but there was an internal side as well. I was about three hundred pounds, unable to even walk without a cane, and constantly sick. I was also beginning to suffer the effects of not eating. I was put on a medication that stopped my immune system, which in turn stopped the attack on my body. Six weeks later, I was weaned off and my immune system started up again. It attacked soon after and we did another six weeks. This was the case an entire fall and winter.

Eventually, it worked, and my immune system began to work properly. Why it happened was a mystery, but it was thought it may have been a food allergy of some kind. I had to watch and list anything that had ill effects on me and eventually I found the culprit. MSG's are poison to me.

I was on the road to recovery, but my weight and past damage to my back had me back off my feet, again. I was still working with the doctor who was monitoring my recovery, and he had me schedule an epidermal in my spine. I went in and had the injection and then a week later began therapy. I went through therapy most of the winter, and continued it on my own over the spring and summer. I was doing better, and life was getting better. I was kind of looking for work, but had not worked now for about five years.

Then, Rhonda had an accident at work and we ended up broke, again. I had been helping a brother recover from some problems related to alcohol and was still not fully back on my feet. She had surgery and we made it through, but she never returned to a job that paid enough to support us.

That's where my story really begins. She was working at Target and we were surviving, but that was all. I was still doing therapy at home and was again attempting to write. We had survived a lot, and now I had time to spend, at home, writing and continuing my education. I was taking free classes, since money was tight, and I was doing a bit of writing, when I found WDC. I joined and got a good start. Rhonda was supportive, and trying to hold us afloat, but her income just wasn't enough. She was talking about a second job, if needed, but then we wouldn't have any time together. I began looking for a part time job to help out, and still have time to write.

It had been over six years since I had worked, now. I was nervous and not sure what direction to go. I did know my back would not let me work labor type jobs anymore, and I had not used my business degree in many years. I looked into some alternative careers, but I had no experience, no reference, and no chance. Then, I found a state program for vocational rehabilitation and signed up. I was eligible, but they didn't do much at all. Then, my worker moved and I was assigned a new counselor. She was young, pretty, and willing. To work with me -- what did you think?

She had me start all over, and we worked with a private employment agency, and I looked here and there, but nothing. I was about to just give it up when I got a call about a security position. I applied and got hired, last May. I liked the work, but the training was not enough. the pay was alright, but no benefits. The main thing I liked was the hours, I worked Monday and Tuesday, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm, then had Wednesday through Friday off. I worked Saturday 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm and Sunday 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm and then had Monday and Tuesday off, then worked Wednesday though Friday, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm and then would have the weekend off. This would repeat over and over.

Great, the pay was nice and helped out a lot, the hours would allow me time to write and do other things, and the job was enjoyable. Only, the person who worked my off days was on the same repeating schedule. We were the fill-in people for everyone else if they needed time off or called in sick. I didn't want any more hours, but Missy (not her real name, but fitting) wanted as many as she could get. Fine with me.

But Missy also wanted a lot of time off, so she would work and fill in, but then want days off, which screwed up my days off. I was getting some much needed dental work done, another part of some health problems and would schedule dental work for days off, then find I now had to work. It's always fun to work after an extraction or root canal job. I also could not plan any time off for fun, and after setting up a room and plans for Rhonda and my anniversary, only to have Missy want that weekend off, I had enough.

I explained the situation to my boss, again, and told him I was giving him my two week notice. I could not work if I could not have the ability to make plans for my off days. I did understand the need to fill in, but in the case of Missy, I would have to switch my day off or weekend off for hers, so she got the time off but did not miss any hours. In other words, she took time off and I filled in for her, but never got any extra hours.

Instead of quitting, I was approached with the position of supervisor. I didn't really want it, and Rhonda and I discussed it, but it was meant to be and I was soon in charge of the misfits. It fits them, they work at doing things wrong, fight doing it right, and wrok against me and each other. they have gotten better, but it's still a battle most times.

Missy still tries to get her time off, now out on medical reasons, I still don't have the power to fire at will, and have to try and hold it all together. I also have to fill in hours as needed. So, I find I have little time, still. At least now it is my responsibility to fill in and sacrifice, but it's still difficult. If the others would work with me, and do their jobs right, it would all work nice, most of the time, but that's not happening, not now and who knows when.

So, I'm working long hours, most days, and have little time in here, still. I keep trying, I set goals and work to create time in here, but as soon as I do, something else comes up. It's a constant battle and it's a bit stressful. Like today, I'm at HyVee online to do some writing here. Rhonda worked at 11:00 am so I came here since I don't work until 2:00 pm. I found a spot with a plug in so and sat down with a cup of coffee. the guy sitting by me was friendly enough, but I didn't want to engage in idle chat. I had to be a bit rude and kind of ignore him to write and do my thing.

But, lunch would soon be over and it would get quiet and I would have the area to myself, right. No way, some people came in with kids. I find I really despise kids anymore. They are not fit to be out in public, and should be institutionalized until they are thirty. OK maybe not. I know, it's not the kids, it's the parents, the grandparents and the whole group sitting there that does nothing to keep them quiet or sitting down.

I put in earbuds to drown them out, with some online music streamed, but I have to turn it up to a point of discomfort to block them out. Without the earbuds, the kids are so loud it is painful to the ears, but no one does anything to quiet them. It's too much and my time is up, so I have to go get ready for work. I do have a little time, but I won't be get to enjoy it here, they are moving chairs, screaming, and creating a nuisance. Dogs are put down for such as this, but kids are allowed and unrestrained. Another sign of the times...
May 4, 2013 at 9:27pm
May 4, 2013 at 9:27pm
The weekend is here; cold, rainy, and not very nice at all, but it's here. Not that it matters much, since both Rhonda and I have to work weekends now, but at least we get to work together. Also, we get done an hour early tonight and two hours early tomorrow night. Of course, only one of us works to close, the other is done about five. Today, it's me.

I did have to work a bit from home, but only a little while and then it's in here and online. I also have dinner cooking and have to go back to get Rhonda, but not for a while yet. I have Spanish Rice with Cheddar Worsts in the slow cooker, and an artichoke steaming on the stove. I never did an artichoke before, but I found some examples online and it looks easy enough.

I cannot believe how cold it is today, for the fourth of May. I don't know how cold it is, but it's plenty cold. I just started up my desktop weather program, so I will have the current conditions soon. It was windy, and that always makes the cold worse, but it's only thirty-eight out right now. Rainy, but still too warm to snow. Not by much, but I hope it stays above freezing and we don't get any snow at all.

Other than the weather, things are going pretty well. Busy, especially with work, but since Rhonda is not at Target anymore, it's a great improvement. She did not want to start working too many hours right off, but that did not work out well. Missy, not her real name, decided to make sure of that. Well I can't say for sure, but it is possible. Then again, maybe I'm just a cold hearted son-o-bitch.

She has been missing so much, and then into the hospital about the time she can't miss no more. Then, instead of getting things so she can return to work, she pisses around and makes sure to bring them in and contact me after it's too late. Not that it mattered, since it wasn't adequate anyway. In fact, it may be Missy swiped a prescription paper and wrote the thing herself. Then, after another trip to the doc and one to a specialist, she still has not gotten anything.

Today she stopped by and still did not have anything or any idea what's going on. She will see another doc about the middle of the month, but then again, will she get anything or leave us hang? She claims she wants to return to work, but then she works and making sure she can't. I tend to think she don't want to, and is just fabricating the whole thing. Why? Because she doesn't want to lose the job, but needs time off to work another one right now. I suppose the transplant will be next, that should about take care of the summer.

See, she has May about wiped out now, then in June she is donating a kidney, so that will be another six to eight weeks. So, no work in May, none in June or July, and then what, more excuses for August. Last year it was about August that she finally was able to work without needing to take time off all the time, so I suppose it is the same this year.

So yeah, I am a cold hearted son-o-bitch because she may be dying of brain cancer, have aneurysm or who knows what wrong in her head, and I don't buy a bit of it. Nope, I think she wanted the weekend off, and used the hospital gag for an excuse. Then when I needed a medical release, she tried to work around it. Finally, she produced one, literally. It wasn't good enough so she had to take more time off than desired, and that got her pissed and it's why she went off the handle at me.

Now, she has made other plans, so it's back to the bull-shit list of excuses, but it will run out, so better try and sell some shit to hold the job. If it is real, then she should not be working anyway. Maybe it's half and half, but still, she has too may problems, is too many problems and I really would prefer to replace her. If it's not all bunk, then better to get rid of her now before she has an accident at work, or worse yet, keels over and dies.

I'm sorry if that sounds cold, but hey, I don't need the trouble anymore. I've tried to work with her in every way, and she refuses and uses. Now she may be serious or it may be bunk, but what ever it is, I don't want any. I'd like to get rid of a couple of other's, too. One is almost as bad, or maybe even worse, and then there's our weekender. He is about as bad, or even worse, I have not decided.

So, if it was me, I would can them all. Just give me an excuse, which most have already, and that's it, shit-canned. Then I could redo the scheduling some, and hire a few good workers and have it all covered. A redhead, a blonde, and I already have Rhonda, a brunette. It would look nice, be nice, and I would enjoy going in to talk to them...
May 3, 2013 at 11:33am
May 3, 2013 at 11:33am
Well hey, I got this entry in on time. I'm not sure how much I will get, but it's on time. I have/have not got to work today. Yes, I said that right, I have to work today if it's busy, but if it's not busy, I have not got to work today. I have to call in to see, you see. the problem lies in who is working the Front Office today.

If it's either of the guys, I will get an answer and that's that. But if it's the woman, I will not find out anything, she does not seem to want to make a managerial decision either way. This was kind of discussed on Wednesday, but in a different light so that it would not sound like indecision. See, the Front Office does not always know how busy we are, so we are to make the call if we stay or go. Of course, we check in with them first, but it's us who determine if it's busy enough to need two guards or not.

But, if we are not working yet, we do not know how busy it is. Therefore, we are to call in to see if we are needed or not. But, the woman I mentioned does not know for sure and will not want to make a call one way or the other, because it could be wrong and then she would be responsible.

So, it comes down to us again. I will call and very likely not find out anything. I will ask if it's busy and probably not get an accurate answer, and then I will have to determine if I should or should not go in. But, that's the way it's set, so I will call and make the best decision I can based on what I find out. I'm hoping it's a day off.

If it is, I may be back later.

*Frown* It was not a day off, but I didn't have to go in till about one this afternoon. It had gotten busy, but by the time I got there, it was slow again and I could have just as well stayed home. Oh well, the check will be nice, anyway. It's kind of nice getting done early enough in the afternoon to do something, too. I didn't, but it's early enough I could have.

I can't say I didn't do anything, I did. But, it was not fun stuff or my stuff, it was work stuff. I didn't get home till almost six-thirty, and then had to work on some stuff for work. Then Tiny called, so I had to make an inquiry for her, and now I'm finally about done with that stuff. At least for the night. tomorrow, who knows? I should, speaking of work, get my time-clock set up so I can log my hours I spend working from home.

I will go do that, and then do something more. Perhaps my headache will be gone by then. Damn the caffeine; I didn't have any coffee all afternoon, and now my head feels twice as big inside as it is outside.
May 3, 2013 at 12:56am
May 3, 2013 at 12:56am
May 02. 2013

I finally had a day off. Even so, I had some work to do from home but it's done and that's a relief. It was nice not having to go anyplace or do anything other than relax and enjoy. I even got something accomplished, I built a ramp for Klarissa with Rhonda's help.

She also had the day off, and it was nice since we have not had a day off together for some time now. It may be a while before we get another one, too. It depends on one person and if she get's her shit together. She has been having some problems for a while, and it just keeps getting worse. She has herself dug into a pretty good hole now, and I don't see her doing anything to climb out. I have not heard anything from her, and don't know if she has made any contact at work yet, either.

But, I'm not going there, not tonight. Tomorrow I work double coverage, but don't know if I will have to go in or not. If it gets busy I will, but if it doesn't, I will get to stay home and have another day off. I'm hoping it stays slow and I can take another day off. I will call in and find out tomorrow, but for now, it's time for bed.

I didn't get in here earlier, and ran out of time before the clock switched over so the date will be wrong. Oh well, it doesn't matter. What does is that I got in here and wrote this and made another day of my journal complete. Besides, it's just five minutes too midnight here, so I slipped it in just under the wire.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
May 1, 2013 at 4:19pm
May 1, 2013 at 4:19pm
When does it end? It's been one of those times when it seems like it just goes on and on. "What," you ask?

No, not what, what's. As in more than one. Seriously, wouldn't a group of more than one what become whats? Maybe not, but it does relay the idea. And, if I may add, it also is used in the phrase, 'Whats up?"

That could be, "What is up?" or it could be, "Whats (like maybe more than one thing) up?"

For me, it's multiple. First of all, this weather. It's cold again, overcast, and just not looking nice. The snow is almost gone, but there is rain in the forecast. If the temperatures stay in the upper forties during the day and upper thirties at night, we would get rain, too. But, if today is a sample of what's to come, it's not going to happen.

It is suppose to be near fifty today, we are at 37. The next few days are suppose to be even cooler, so if it rains, it will likely be a snowy mix. Of course, that's during the day. Night time temperatures are suppose to hold in the upper thirties, so if the trend holds, we will be in the upper twenties instead, and that means snow.

I have seen some late season snow, all the way into May. The worst I seen for South Dakota was at the end of April, 1984. I looked a bit online to see if I could find anything, but it's pretty vague. I think I may have a newspaper clipping about the storm, but I don't know for sure where. I do remember having the little plastic pool out for the kids already. We had come out of a mild winter, and been enjoying a very warm and wonderful spring.

Then, one day when I took my puppy for a walk, it turned colder as the day went on. By noon, it was freezing rain and slippery. The Air Base had put the snow/ice removal equipment away for the year, and since it was just the one day, they just closed out most of the duty rosters instead of bringing things out again.

The next day it was nicer again, but cooler than before. It was too rain in the afternoon, so I took Princess out for another walk before it hit. I ended up walking home in freezing rain. The temperatures dropped fast, and I had not needed a coat when I left. Again, the base called and said don't come in.

I don't remember now for sure if it was that evening, or the next, but some friends came over and I was home. I assume it was the second day. It was Doug, and his pretty wife, Deb. We got along great, and when the evening came to an end and it was time for them to go home, it was cold, icy, and nasty. Instead of seeing them drive in it, we had them stay over.

By morning it was clear, they were staying longer. We could barely get the door open, it was near white out conditions, and everything was shut down or shutting down. It snowed like that all day. We cleaned up the area by the front door, so we could at least get it open, but we did not dare go any further than that for fear of losing our way in the snow. It had become full whiteout conditions.

Again, I don't know how long, if it was the first day or not but we lost power and had to use candles and lanterns. We were set pretty good, we had two heating units that did not require electricity. We also had a gas stove, and used a spare room that was unheated now for a walk in fridge. We opened the window just a bit and closed the door, it worked fine to keep things about forty degrees by the doorway, and frozen by the window.

It continued to snow for a few days, the wind had picked up and it was difficult to say if it was snowing, blowing, or both. It was three days before we had power again, the phones had also gone out, and we had snow drifts from the second story windows. We had continued to shovel out the front, but only as far as we could move without losing contact with the building.

Some Security Police came by at one point to see if we needed anything. They had a rope strung up that people could use to move around a little, if needed, and were evacuating anyone who needed. We were set pretty good, so we stayed and left more room for those who needed it most.

The snow let up on the fourth day, and by mid afternoon, it had stopped altogether. So had the wind, or at least it had dropped down enough it didn't blow the snow anymore. It was wet, heavy snow, and it was deep. I found my car, it was in a drift with a few others. We all worked together to shovel out to the parking area, and once the first car was out the rest went pretty good.

I was warmer again, too. I was in long pants and short sleeves, shoveling snow that weighed as much as lead. Once the cars were shoveled out, we worked on the street behind them. Of course, the road was drifted in and no one was going anyplace, but at least we were ready when the plows came by.

I think it was the following day they finally had the Air Base housing dug out. We could not get anyplace else yet, but we could at least drive around the base area. Doug and Deb headed home to see how bad things were at their apartment, and I drove around just to see how much snow we had gotten. I found a field that had stayed windblown free of snow, and was able to drive across that to get to a main road that took me to the highway, so we loaded up and took a trip into Rapid City.

The snow was like tunnels on the highway, only one lane open each direction, and the tops of some of the electrical poles were visible sticking out of the snow, like fence posts. All in all, we had someplace between 66 and 77 inches, depending on what area. I don't remember for sure, but I do recall some people died in the storm, I think it was nine. I would like to find the articles that were out in the Rapid City paper and the base paper on that one.

This year it's been kind of like that, only the individual storms have not been as bad. Still, it's like a storm a week or at the least, every two weeks. When it's not storming and nasty, the wind is blowing and it's been cold. It just does not want to end this spring. We did have a few nice days back a bit, and a few more nice days this last week. But, they come right after a storm, then it cools down and another hits.

Besides the weather being a real downer, man -- so too has been work. I have a couple of workers who just don't want to do things right. The one has come right out and said she likes to get herself in trouble, and the other is having some kind of trouble of her own. I should start right at the top and work down. The top being the first person on the schedule.

He was moving when I started. He wasn't sure when, but he was set to go back down south. This winter he began saying it would be in spring. Then, when spring came, it was to be in April or May. When April came, it was in May. A date was set and we talked about it. A week later, he again confirmed the date and we went over it again. Then he put in for his last two days off, to burn them up and pack. It was all said and done, but not in writing. He tends to put things off, and I wasn't going to hold his hand to make sure he did this part.

To get to the point, he changed his mind. About the time he should have given me his written notice, he called and had changed his mind. Since he had not actually left employment, I seen no reason to have him do anything to secure his job, it was still his. However, I was set to take his shift, which would make my job as supervisor better and more efficient. He wants to hold his same shift. I say wants, because it's still not settled; it's likely he will, but I don't know for sure, that depends on a few other things.

Next we can go to the weekend person. He works full time someplace else and only works mornings on the weekends. He knows the job well enough, but likes to break the rules, too. He has confessed that his policy is, "What they don't know won't hurt them."

That's in reference to the company, of course. He was the supervisor, and it's kind of difficult to think of the boss as being this way. It does explain why the workers he hired and trained are also like this. He even has told them and me, that it's OK to do some things that I know are not. I've had to write someone up for one of them. He also has a way of cheating on the counts that are used to determine how efficient we are. Of course, I have not witnessed this, and heard it from another, so not much can be put into it, yet.

Next we have trouble. I shall call her Tiny because it goes well with trouble and it fits her. She insists on doing things her way and the wrong way. She questions everything she is told, and refuses to follow the line. She prides herself in being outspoken, even though it almost got her fired, and doing things wrong. She is also very lazy, and not very dependable.

She has a tendency to miss work after a drunk weekend, but of course it's always a good excuse. She couldn't get a message to me and got talked to about it, when she missed. She had another persons number instead of mine. I told her to make sure she had both my cell and my home numbers. Again, she called the other gal at work instead, to switch shifts when she could not make it in after the weekend. I warned her that if it happened again, I would have to write her up for it. Make sure you have the two numbers to reach me.

Well, she did not show up one day. I thought it was grounds for firing her, but my boss wouldn't let me. I had to wait till I heard from her, listen to her excuse, and then give her a written warning. She had my number, well the home phone. She had sent a text to my land-line, which doesn't take text messages. Seriously, a text message saying I can't work today. She did show me, but I would still have liked to fire her. Or at the least, send her packing for a week without pay.

The other gal, we shall call her Missy, likes to miss work. She has missed work since the day I started. I was mostly messed up on my schedule since her and I are the two night people and work opposite each other. I would set up for my days off, and she would take time off. This meant I would have to fill her shift, and miss my days off. I almost quit. I was ready too, and confronted the boss and told him to knock it the hell off or I was giving my notice right then and their.

The next thing I know, I'm the boss. He is still there, and hasn't moved yet, so it worked out some. I now could control the schedule some, but since I had to fire another gal right off, it kind of meant there wasn't no time to take off. This gal was a piece of work, but she is gone and we won't go there. This left me and Missy still working opposites, and since we are also the lowest on hours, we are the fill ins. This meant we now had to pick up four days a week more.

This resulted in me having two days off one week, and one day off the next. She, of course had the same, but opposite weeks. I managed to survive the summer and early fall, and we covered the shifts alright, but there were a few times it was only one day off a week. When Missy did take time off, it had to be mid week since we had to provide double coverage on Friday through Monday. So she would need a day here, or there, and we would switch so that I could still get a day off.

With winter, it calmed down some, but by the first of the year, Missy was missing again, and it was getting worse. Almost every schedule, and she was talking about medical need for at least a month or more off in June. Then it changed to August, then back to June. Of course, she also does not keep my up to date on anything. I don't think she even thinks I'm actually a supervisor. So it would always be at the lat minute and make a mess of things.

I finally had enough and told her so. I told her I needed two weeks notice for anyone to take time off unless it was an emergency. She did not heed it at all and posted a request on this battered and scribbled on form with less than two weeks. I left her a reply that I could not give her the day off, since it was less than two weeks notice, but since it was for medical reasons, I altered the schedule so she was off the day she wanted. This didn't make her happy, it made her mad. How dare I change the schedule on her? Even if it was to give her the time off she wanted.

Well, it got worse and worse, and she did not even try to make it work. I again made a change to the schedule, in hopes that it would provide her with ample time to do what ever it was she needed, and not have to miss work and mess up my days off. I even was nice about it and talked to her to see if it was acceptable. She was pleased with it, but had to look at the calendar right away. She was studying the weekend coming up, but had not said anything. I slipped out and made my get-a-way before she could say, "I can't work this day."

That was also typical, but I was gone and it came to pass. She did not call or say anything, she did not leave any notes, and I had no idea that it was going to come right back and hit me in the face. Again, it was not how I desired to have the schedule, but it would, hopefully, make it better for her. It had been suggested by another person, and I agreed, so I did it.

It was not to bee, however. Missy was off till the weekend. Friday night, her daughter calls and tells me Missy is in the hospital. Saturday I get the message, and call her. No idea what, but she is in the hospital. I filled in the schedule and on Sunday found out she had possibly had a stroke, had gone into a seizure, and was already back home.


Yes, that is what the daughter told me. I explained that I would need something from Missy's doctor confirming that she had missed do to a medical problem, and I would also need something that stated what restrictions Missy may have, a return to work slip. She understood and said she would have the hospital fax them. I do not have a fax, so I knew she was saying they would fax the info to the office. But since that is out of state and would take some time to get back to me, I explained I needed to see it to put Missy back to work on Wednesday, and would fax it to the office from work.

Nothing came to pass. On Monday, I talked to Missy herself, and she did not have anything for a return to work form. I explained it again, I told her why I needed it, and she was going to call the doctor to find out what she could get. I asked her to call me right away and let me know what she found out. I also told her I would come back in to get the form or she could drop it off at work. I would be there Monday night and Tuesday night. I was off Wednesday and Thursday.

Not a word did I hear, but Rhonda worked Wednesday. She brought the note home, but it was late and I did not even look at it close. Missy was suppose to work, but no note, no work. So I get the note the same day Missy is suppose to work, but when I won't be there to even get it. Thursday, I look at the note and it's not anything at all that really says anything. At most it states Missy can return to work on Wednesday if she feels up to it. At the worst, it was not even from her doctor. The hand written note looked a lot like Missy's writing.

Missy calls shortly after, and wants to know if she is working that night. I tell her no, I just got the note and have not even sent it in yet. The schedule is set, you should have gotten back to me sooner. She asks if she is fired. I say no, your on for next week, on the same schedule as before. I told her I would send the note and let my boss determine if he needed anything else. She asked if she worked next Thursday, and Isaid yes, unless something else changes.

I then added that when she seen the other doctor, to have him write up the information, correctly, so that we would know of any restrictions or special needs she would have. I added that we would do what we could to keep her working, but it would depend on her doctor. Friday, she stopped by to get her check. I asked if she had an appointment for next week yet. No she did not. I asked her to keep me posted on it so i could make sure she was off the day of her appointment. I began to ask that she also make sure the doctor filled out any restrictions she may have.

She went berserk! I'm serious, she started cussing and flailing around in the car -- thank goodness she was in the car when it hit -- and just swinging her arms wildly. her daughter had driven her, and I would have thought, after a stroke and seizure, that she would have been alarmed and tried to calm Missy, but she just sat and looked straight ahead like it was normal.

I backed away, filed a report and filled in the managers. I talked to my boss about it after work, and he said he would look into it. I didn't know when I would hear anything back, but figured on Monday. Well, Monday came and there were no checks for the two who refuse direct deposit. I had to call, since they should have come in Friday. I found out that the checks now went to the persons home, I would not have to mess with them anymore. Good.

I also asked about any information on Missy. Yep, there was some. She had called my boss and gone off on him over me wanting the information I asked for. He did get her calmed down, but also told me, to take her off the schedule completely until he tells me otherwise. She is suppose to get something from the doctor for him, like I told her right from the start, for the same reasons I told her right from the start, and then and only then will they let her come back to work.

I also informed my boss that the place we worked did not want Missy working by herself at night anymore. One, because of the medical problems, and two, because of the way she went off and out of control. So, my boss agreed and when or if Missy gets back, she will work some double coverage and the schedule will be completely changed again. Not that I mind, I want it back more like it was anyway.

This leaves us stretched out pretty thin, now though. We are short one person, and then another one calls in today. Yep the troublesome one. She had a shit-eating grin yesterday, so I knew something was up; I just didn't know what. I'm sure it has to do with her check not being here, or maybe it was delivered overnight delivery and she wants to go shopping. I don't know, but it still puts us over on hours. On top of that, I have the mover who's staying needing a couple of days off. he wants to switch, not miss, so I sent him to talk to Tiny.

But, Tiny doesn't want to work with this person, and does't want to work any shift other than her own. So she told him no, which I figured from the start. I knew she would not, but wanted to give her an opportunity to show if she would or not. So, now I have her gone today and then have to work around him gone in a couple of weeks. Perhaps Missy will be back by then, but who knows.

Anyway, this is how things have been going. No time, no energy, no sunshine, just problems, stress, and trying to hold it all together. I'm about burned out. I have to work tonight, but then I should get tomorrow off. That now depends on if Tiny decides to work or not. If she calls in again, it will be overtime, but if she works the double like she said, it will be a day off for me and my lady. I hope it's the latter, since time off together is pretty scarce right now.

And now it's time to head off to work. Well not quite, but it's getting close; time to get ready.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
April 30, 2013 at 4:55pm
April 30, 2013 at 4:55pm
Another day.... Let me tell you about it. But, not right now, I have to run; I'll post a bit later.

Well, it's later, much later. I wanted to get started here earlier so I would have the correct date, but I didn't have time to write anything before heading out for work. Now, it's after work, after Netflix and ice cream, and it's bedtime. It's also after midnight, my time and I really don't know what to write. I could find plenty of things to put down, but I'm tired an my mind is beat from the last few weeks.

So, I'm going to cut this short tonight and head off to bed. I'm hoping I will sleep well and have a quiet day tomorrow. No work, no surprises, just peace and quiet until tomorrow afternoon when I have to go in to work. Then the day after tomorrow, a day off before I do it all over again.

Well, more tomorrow...
April 29, 2013 at 10:41am
April 29, 2013 at 10:41am
A new week is upon us, it started yesterday and it was a good start. Today it's a bit cooler, but still nice out. Right now it's 45 degrees outside, at 9:27 in the morning. It's sunny and calm, and I don't have to work until 17:00. I do have to drive Rhonda in, she starts at 11:00 but then I get to come home. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, I have an e-report I should send in for work, and I'm hoping to get some information back on the incident at work last Friday. That will mean I will do some schedule changes, too.

That part kind of sucks, since Rhonda and I have to pick up the slack on this. She will be off the days I work, and I will be off the days she works, except on Friday through Monday, when we will both be working. It means one day off one week, and two days off the next, but no time off together. If, they remove the person in question. Of course, I will be able to hire someone, and work the schedule so we can have some time off together again.

That, however, is not quite here yet. It's pretty certain, but we will tackle that when it get's here. For now, I want to at least take the two dogs out for a while and let them get some exercise. Hyko is doing great, but Klarissa is having a lot of problems with her back legs. I think some exercise will help to build them up some and the fresh air will do her wonders.

It's very hard to not see her running, jumping, and catching her toys in flight. She has always been so playful and full of energy, but now she sleeps and barely gets around. She aged a lot over the winter, or I should say, her age caught up to her over the winter. As for her legs, she began having some trouble a couple of years back. I'm not sure what happened, but it never did heal fully. I think it has to do with running beside the bike.

Not mine, my brother has a setup for the dogs to harness to the bike so they can come with. I think it is harmful to the dogs, it seems to have done similar damage to another dog, as well. We did not know this at the time, and he did it in good intention while the dogs where there. I know his girlfriend also likes to ply with them, and throws stuff for them to fetch, but doesn't seem to understand they need a good rest here and there.

They mean well, but it has taken a heavy toll on Klarissa. Even so, we will work with her, and try and get her moving better. She is also do to see the vet and have a check-up. We will discuss some ideas with the doctor to try and keep her moving well and supporting the bad leg.

It's about time to run, but at least I have this done. I am going ot look into the thirty day blog challenge, and see what that's all about, too. Maybe I'll write a bit on that later this afternoon, before I have to go to work.
April 28, 2013 at 2:00pm
April 28, 2013 at 2:00pm
The start of a new week, and the end of the current month. I'm hoping the new week brings good news on the situation at work as much as the end of this month brings an end to some of the other problems at work. Fanciful wishing, I'm sure. At least the week part has a good chance of ending an almost constant headache and problem.

My boss should be contacting me on Monday or Tuesday with some information on the worker who doesn't want to work, doesn't want to follow policy, and who doesn't want to provide needed information so she can work. She went into an hysterical fit on Friday, because I asked for something so that I could keep her working. Nothing troublesome, just work restrictions so that she does not complicate her condition. Of course, it started when I needed a release so she could return to work after being hospitalized.

Like I said, she has not wanted to work extra when she could, she would not come in during bad weather, and she insisted on taking days off during almost every two week schedule, she did not want to work. Next was the medical problems, always informing me she would need more time off, maybe months, but not sure when. She did not want to work. Then she was in the hospital and needed something on the order of a return to work form, so we could be sure working working would not cause injury or damage, worsen her condition, or endanger her.

Also, on the part of the company we work at, and the one we work for, legal issues if she was not able to work or do certain aspects of the job. I did explain all this, as well as needing the information so that we could work with her to keep her on the job. I emphasized this part, that it was mostly to know what conditions she could work and how to meet them. She refused to get the information, and what she did get did not say she could work, if there were any restrictions, or if there were any special needs. It only stated she could return to work on 4/24 if she felt up to it. Again, she did not want to work.

Now, I should also say, that the paper she did supply did look pretty bogus. It was very close to her handwriting, it was very vague and it was withheld from me half a week after she got it. She was also asked to call me right away when she talked to the doctor about getting it. She waited four days to call. This put the note on my first day off, and the call on my second. I would not have been able to do much of anything till the end of the week, almost making certain she would not work until the following week. Again, she just did not want to work. Now, it's very probable, she won't have a job and won't have to work.

As for me, I wait. I will find out soon enough, and I'm pretty sure of the answer, but one never knows. If she is gone, I will be able to hire and get the schedule back to having some time off with my wife. Until then, it is looking like we will work opposite each other and not have any days off together until something is resolved. We will at least work together on weekends. Once I know for sure what the decision is, I can schedule things for a new person once they are hired, or for the deadbeat who does not want to work in accordance to my directives. If that later is the case, she will be complaining and missing even more work, until she does lose her job. I'm putting my money on the other side, she will be gone and I will be training someone in.

Now, it's time to get ready for work and head out. I get to work with Rhonda for a few hours, then she is done and comes home. I will be done earlier tonight and should be home by nine. I'm looking forward to getting some time off, getting some time with my lady, and having at least part of this mess done with. Of course, their is always someone ready to jump in and take the position of problem child.
April 27, 2013 at 10:37am
April 27, 2013 at 10:37am
Ah, the weekend. What so many wait for all week long is finally here. And not just another weekend, like the ones we have been getting. No, today is sunny and bright out, the wind is mild, and the temperature is warm; fifty degrees already and working into the mid to upper sixties today. Same for tomorrow. I should be motivated and excited, right?

So why am I not? Because today is not the beginning, it's the end. The end of my work week, another day to work, although the nice weather does make that better. Tomorrow? The beginning of another work week. Not that this is my complaint, it is just what it is. I do not see weekends the same as most people, for my job, my shift, they are just the same as any other day.

I do get every other weekend off, or did. I have not heard back from the office, but it is now looking like I may be working every weekend. In fact, it will be every Friday through Monday that will demand I work until someone else gets hired. That leaves Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off, right? No, I will still have to cover the regular evening shift on each day of the week. There are two of us to cover these, but on the four days of the weekend, we will both have to work to provide double coverage at work.

At least the checks will be nice. Besides, I do not know for sure what direction my boss will go. It will be the first part of next week before I get a reply, and I'm sure the office will have to discuss options and alternatives. They may even need time to investigate a few details before they have an answer.

So, for now, it is work as normal, tomorrow I will have to look at some alterations to the schedule for next week. I will have to take some time and work on the next schedule, There are some major changes that will have to be made to cover everything, and then, if we have another person working, I still want to make some changes.

See, the schedule was altered to provide more opportunity for the person who is likely gone now. Since she will not be working, I see no reason to maintain the schedule as is. I would rather put it back more like it was in the past, but with a few improvements. Also, it will depend on what the new person is willing and able to work.

This is kind of normal, not knowing for sure what is around the corner, but at least it is anticipated and expected this time. In the past, it was always a surprise, and not a nice one. Now, there's room for it to get better.

I'm in town now, I let Rhonda off at work, checked to see if mail had gone, sent a text and came over here to HyVee. I got me a glass of pop, checked my prescription and then sat down here in the buffet area to use the wifi. My thoughts were to try and work on my story a little bit, but the only open table by an outlet is also by a table with Dad, daughter and son.

I cannot believe how out of control children are, and how ignorant their parents. This little boy is about four, his dad at least thirty, yet the kid is besting the dad. These kids especially the little boy, are disrupting the entire area, and dad sits and bickers at him. Mom showed up and is just as bad. The kids are in control, the parents are not. What will the world we live in be like in another twenty years when these out of control kids are in charge?

The good news is they are now gone, but so is much of my time. I want to relax a bit and get my thoughts together, so I may just listen to some doctrine and goof off in here a bit.
April 26, 2013 at 10:59am
April 26, 2013 at 10:59am
My last day off before going back in for the weekend. I had three days off and did a bit of backed up work on Wednesday, then I had to spend some time yesterday working, and now today I have to go in to work for double coverage. Three days off and no time off, what a deal. Even better, two of those days I worked without pay. It's part of the job, there are some things I must do from home and I get paid a bit more per hour to compensate.

Normally, that would not be much, and not take very long. There is the occasional memo, there is schedules to make and print, and there are time corrections. Once a week I send an e-report, as well. Like I said, not a lot of time is required. I also have some employee reviews to fill out and go over with them, and that is one of the longest tasks, since I have to drive fifty miles round trip, go over the review, fax it, as well as the time it took to fill it out. But, that's once per year for each employee. Disciplinary action is the same, but that is less frequent than the evals. Well it should be.

But not here, not with a handful of adult children. I don't know what else to call them, they are adults, most older than me. Yet they are still childish brats that try to get by without doing their jobs, doing things wrong, and causing trouble. I spend more time baby-sitting and correcting things than I do anything else. I talk and explain, and in some cases it goes in one ear and right out the other. In the other cases, it doesn't even get in the one ear.

We recently started having guests come in with online orders. Now, they could order things online for some time, they could have it delivered to the store, and they could go in and get it by showing the order to the front desk. The front desk would print up the proper picking ticket and have them pay, then send them around back. But they changed that to where the person can purchase, pay, and print everything online.

They print out the picking ticket, bring it in, and we scan it and check the order. All new, much easier, and much faster. When the new system was implemented, we received a notice with instructions and an image of what the order will look like. I pointed this out to the guards, to make sure they did not have any questions. One particular guard looked at the paper, the image, and said, "Oh, I've had lots of them."

I smiled and said, "Really?"

She confirmed with a nod and told me she gets them all the time. I said, "That's funny, since it says right here they are just starting this and it will become available the first day of March."

I then went to the calendar and looked, pointed and asked, isn't it still February? Of course she would not admit that she was wrong, she just said that she seen something similar, if it wasn't online orders, it must be something else. Like a little kid who knows it all and refuses to acknowledge they are mistaken.

Well, I would love to write a bit more, or to work on my story a bit and try and make my goals, but I have to go to work and baby-sit.

I'm back home and really wishing I could take a few days off to just chill and re-energize myself. It was a beautiful day, and it made work nice. Guests were in good moods, yard traffic wasn't real heavy, and everything was going fine. Key word here is, was.

A certain person showed up, to get her check and at first seemed fine. She talked to the other guard a bit, but when I came out she hushed right up. I asked her about an appointment she has for next week, but it wasn't set yet. I asked her to keep me updated, as soon as possible, so I could ensure she had the day off, if needed. I also asked her to make sure she gets something in writing from the doctor, and have him list any restrictions or special needs, so we can accommodate her at work. She began swearing and going off, complete and total hysteria.

I backed away and tried to calm her down, but that only seemed to fill her with more rage. I backed away, and they left. Unfortunately, it was too late and I had to document it and report it. The other guard was there, but claimed she did not see or hear anything. That in itself was untrue, I know she did, but does not want to get involved. How can you be a security guard and hide from responsibility?

I wrote things down and logged items. I mentioned to the guard there that it was important to log visitors, and she said she would have to ask Jason. I jumped on her, being in a bit of a bad mood now, but I apologized and walked a bit. Then went in and spoke with Jason. I still don't understand why this person has to push and resist simple instructions, but I will have to list it, too.

It's funny, and sad at the same time. I try and get them to do a better job, but they just resist, and insist on trying to ensure we will get written up and have problems. It's all in the book, but it's never been enforced. Now, they see me as the bad guy who is making them do all this.

It's a pain, but all I can do is try and lead. If they don't follow, they will get left behind.

Even so, it's difficult to have to see it, and not be able to do anything. There choice, but it's still difficult.

At least I got out of there pretty early. I had to come home, make a report and send it, but it's done and now on to relaxing and taking some down time.
April 25, 2013 at 11:58pm
April 25, 2013 at 11:58pm
Two days off, or was it? I did not have to go in to work yesterday or today, but I still spent most of my time working. I thought I would be done with this craziness, but no such luck. Of course, the scheduling is better, the hours are better, or should be.

See, there is one person at work that just cannot comply. If she is asked to do something on Monday, it gets done on Wednesday and Thursday instead. It almost seems like she does it with intent to interrupt my days off with her bull-shit. This time it was suppose to be her getting the information right away. I talked to her daughter and explained it all. Then, I called this person on Monday and found out that she did not do any of it. I explained it all again, and she said she would call the doctor and find out. I told her, "Call me right back."

I also explained that I would be back later that afternoon and worked on Tuesday, so she could get the information to me, or I could even stop by and get it from her. Just call me and keep me updated. I did not hear another word from her until today. If Rhonda had not worked in her place, I would not have even gotten the sorry excuse for the information she was suppose to bring me. She waited for my days off to bring it in on purpose. She also avoided calling me until after I had gotten the information.

How do I know? Because she asked if she would work tonight. She would have seen the schedule yesterday when she tacked the slip on the board, but she did not call then. She called today after she looked and seen I had gotten her slip. This time it back-fired on her, she did not get put back on the schedule just because she had not called me back. She waited, so I assumed she did not want me to get the information in time to put her back on. There has to be more motivation, which leads me to think she fabricated the whole situation.

I do not know for sure, but I suspect. I suppose I could try and find out more, but why? It would only burn up more of my time and prove what? I will leave it in the Lord's able hands and let him take care of the situation. I did also update my boss about the situation, so he will know what is going on. I don't expect him to do anything, but at least he knows where everything is kind of at. Now I will just have to keep him informed on things as they develop.

So, anyway, Rhonda is home and I want to spend some time with her, so I will cut this short, like my time off.
April 24, 2013 at 3:02pm
April 24, 2013 at 3:02pm
Just getting started here today. I'm off work today and so far, no calls or anything. Of course, it's still early, and there is one person who should be calling, or actually, have already called, on Monday. We will see, but even if she does call, it's my day off and I'm not going in today. The schedule is set, and she should have called me on Monday to keep me posted. Since she did not, I had to change the schedule and take her off. Now, I have someone else who is filling in, and I can't in fairness change it again. But, like I said, we will see. Like I said, she was suppose to call me back on Monday and let me know what she found out, and I have not heard anything since. We will see if it stays the same today.

Anyway, I am off work today, and kind of snoozed in a bit late. I enjoyed some leisure time this morning with Rhonda over coffee and then we did our Bible study. We dined on fruit and juice for a late breakfast and now she is starting dinner before she goes to work. I did take some time to give her a nice body rub and it, of course, turned into more. We had some fun, but she will have to wait till later for the rest; that comes after work.

For now, I have this started and am going to go give her a hand. We will enjoy a nice dinner and spend a little more time together before work, then I will try and get some things done around here. I have some stuff to do for work, I have some stuff to do in here, and I have some stuff I just want to do. I'm not sure yet which way I'll go.

It's just that kind of a day and I'm enjoying the down time.
April 23, 2013 at 12:32pm
April 23, 2013 at 12:32pm
Here again; this time, I'm on time. I slept in a bit this morning and it did me good. Even so, I am still very irritable about some things. Particularly, work!

I don't know quite how to describe it, so I am still struggling with it. It seems once I can break something down, describe it, then I understand it and can begin to overcome it. So far, this is just frustrating. I cannot get a schedule up and maintain it. It's not even the schedule so much as the side effects of the changes. Seems like I set the schedule, I struggle through to make everyone happy and content as possible, I go over any changes and it's all good. Then I post it and set my own schedule for my private life around it, and no more than do I make some plans... and Wham! It all changes.

So it is, again. I suppose I set myself up for it, but it's kind of hard not to. With Target, it was a constant. So now that we are done with that we can have a bit of consistency, right? Wrong. See, it works like this. One person is leaving, so I take his shift and Rhonda takes mine. We are aware that there will be some need to remain flexible to fill in for others, but all in all, we have a fixed schedule.

But then he decides he's not going, so we have to deal with the change. We do, and all is set and scheduled accordingly. We will have these days off together, we will work these days, and we can both fill in as needed. But, there is another person who is constantly needing time off. Fine, we will alter the schedule to make sure she has the time off she needs without disrupting the schedule. Of course, even as I did this, I knew she would still disrupt it some, but it should be less now.

Nope, now she is out and I don't know when she will be back. I talked to her daughters, and explained what I need for her to come back to work. I talked to her and explained it all again. That was yesterday. She is scheduled to work tomorrow. I never heard back from her at all. So today, I wait a bit to hear something back. I'm sure I won't, I seldom do.

But, I have to alter the schedule because she is unable to work until she gets a return to work form to me. I already know how this will go. I will not hear anything, change the schedule accordingly, and then go in and give a copy to Jason, fax one to corporate and then go to the guardhouse to work. Before I get the new schedule posted there, I will find the form sitting there waiting for me. Then, it will be a matter of redoing it all over again.

She was concerned she will lose her current shift, but I told her she was still on the schedule, I just needed to know that she was able to work. At least, that is what she is telling me. Will I find the form so I can put her back on? Or, will it be a while before she can return? If she comes right back, I will put her on her shift as it was. But, if she is going to be out for a while, I am going to have to schedule someone to fill that shift and we will all have to work to cover the double coverage.

Then what? This person is finally able to return to work, but will want her old position back. She has been unreliable at best, does not do a very good job, but manages to fool most of the people. Will I have to put her back on her regular schedule and move the other person back to the temporary position, or should I leave the schedule as is, and put the unreliable person into the temporary position?

I know what I would do, but unfortunately, it is not my call. I just supervise the site, my boss will have the final say. That is the other frustration i have, I never know from day to day what is going to transpire, and I have no means of controlling or restricting it. I know this is typical, we never have much control, but there should be some. I am right there and see every day what is going on. I should be able to call it impose some kind of restrictions so that each person will have to be accountable for their choices.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
April 23, 2013 at 1:26am
April 23, 2013 at 1:26am
Monday, April 22, 2013

I did it again, I forgot to write in here until it was too late to log it as the day it is suppose to be under. It was kind of a messed up day, but not a bad day. I was up at 0300 to get ready for work. The weather held off, and we did not get any of the storm until about 1000. It got kind of nasty out, but it blew over by 2200 tonight.

I got done work at 1100 and called up the guard who is out this week to let her know I needed to have a return to work slip. She was going to get one, but I have not heard anything back from her since. Again, I do not know what it up, but I get a feeling in the back part of my mind that says she is fabricating the whole works. I don't know, but I got that feeling started.

Anyway, if she is actually in poor health, she will have to come clean sooner or later, since she cannot go back to work without getting something. I did inquire of my boss and was told the same. Also, Menard's is saying the same, too.

So, I got off work, I called her, then i came home and spent a bit of time with Rhonda. I did get the download done for MS 365 and then I took Rhonda to work. After I got home i messed a bit online, did some stuff with the download and then it was time to go back and get her. Now it is midnight and time for bed.

So until the morrow... sweet dreams.

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