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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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June 20, 2013 at 12:10pm
June 20, 2013 at 12:10pm
It's already begun. I can hear the song playing in the background, again. You know, that song by the group Queen, Another One Bits the Dust? See we had some trouble some employees at work when I started a year ago. After two and a half months, I was promoted to supervisor and the first one of these problems was given the choice, quit or get fired.

Then, things kind of got better, but a lot of little things still needed fixing, and the other problems resisted and continued to make life difficult. I tried over and over to get through to them, that what I was doing was policy and for their best. They could not see this. In January, one of them messed up big, and I had y opportunity, I requested termination from the home office. They said giver her another chance, but a one time warning.

Over the winter, more headaches and stress, and nothing but resistance. Then, things started to work out and get better. There was still a lot of problems, but one by one things were getting better, until early spring when another problem worker decided to step up to the bat and try her luck. Each schedule, she needed time off.

I addressed her, explained to her, and adjusted the schedule to try and work with her. It did no good. No matter how I tried to work things, she continued to need time off instead of setting things up for her days off. So, I changed the schedule one last time, setting her up with two week days off one week, and four days off the following week, in conjunction with payday weekend. Now, she would have no reason to need any days off.

But, again there was no working with her and soon she had herself into a jam she could not get out of. She even tried going over my head, but the corporate office backed me and policy, she could not return to work until she complied. The only thing she accomplished was to get the home office involved and make it even more difficult for her to hold her job. This was in April, she never did come back. Second problem gone.

But, the third problem had gone over a year on the job, gotten her annual evaluation, that looked better than it was. If she had really read the comments, she would have understood that it did not say she was doing good, but that she had shown recent improvements in most areas. Her score reflected that she was doing her job little better than at the start.

But, she did not take the time to read it through, just like she did not listen to warning after warning. Also, since it would be another year before she would have to worry about an evaluation, she slipped right back into her old patterns. She was lazy and liked to do things contrary to the rules. She got busted on a little problem at the same time she broke another policy. I addressed her on the one, and a day later, I questioned something, and in her ignorance, she admitted doing something not allowed. I could have written her up on the spot, and been one step closer to terminating her. With the information that came in a couple days later, I would have been able to terminate her.

But instead, I told her if there were anymore infractions, no matter how small, I would have to write it up and take disciplinary action. Yes, one more warning. But she had gotten tired of getting warned I guess and just walked off the job. Third problem gone.

Now, things should have gotten better, the other two problems should have seen how things were going. We had two new people hired and things should have been getting back to a normal routine for all of us, when another problem decided to act up and whether he really ill or not, he did the same mistake the other medical problem had done, he did not keep in touch, he did not get me any documentation and he missed three days in a row.

I could not let him return to work without a doctors statement of why he had missed, and that he was able to work. Instead of providing it, he called me and gave me two weeks notice. I asked for him to put it in writing and drop it off, but as of yet, he has provided nothing. The fourth problem is gone.

That leaves just the one left. He was the supervisor, the one I replaced when the company demoted him. He has three corrective actions and could have been terminated with the last one. The corporate office gave me the final say, and I told him that. This is it, any more problems and your gone. Unfortunately, he is not heeding my warnings.

Right now, I need two more employees to cover the hours, we are all going over into a little overtime except the newest hire, who is still training and has limited hours she can work. So, I am kind of stuck with this problem as long as he does not violate any major policies and performs his duties satisfactory.

But, he has been messing up his duties, he is violating policies and he is starting to pick up where the others left off. He is pushing and thinking he will get away with what the others did not. Why he cannot see that if there is a problem, it will either remove itself or it will get removed. So far, my record is great, four problems removed, and not a one fired. No liability with the company, they just quit, end of story. This guy seems to want to push and see if I will go through with firing him. What he doesn't know, is I will, and not mind at all.

Not that I am cold-hearted and want to fire people, but I have no problems with terminating someone who refuses every chance they are given. It's not my choice, but theirs, they can work with me, or they can work themselves out of their job. If they quit, fine, if they don't, I will do my job and terminate them. How is this one going to work out? Only time will tell.

I interview another person today, and hope to have us back under on hours. If the problem continues, we will be back to where we are right now, and he will be gone. I will give him the same opportunity as the rest, quit on your own, or get fired and have that on your record.

On a side note, with the little time I have right now when I'm not working, I'm creating a voluntary resignation form to make it easier for people to quit. Of course, most cases they will not use it anyway, but at least I tried to make it easy for them to go.
June 19, 2013 at 5:38pm
June 19, 2013 at 5:38pm
Not getting much done, but that's about normal anymore. It seems one thing after another comes up and I just don't get the time I need. I'm actually beginning to think in a pessimistic manner, instead of my normal optimism. For instance, it's been a year since I have been on this job, and the schedule has constantly worked against me and I have not been able to plan my time. Now, I plan my time with the idea that it will change as a result of something coming up.

Crazy, I know, but after a while, it just becomes the normal routine. I still hold hope that it will eventually work out. When? Who knows? All I can do is try and keep everything working smoothly. I do have to do another interview tomorrow, and I am hoping this fella will work out. He is pretty young, and perhaps that's what we need, some young blood.

It's another warm day, humid, and it has been sunny, but it's clouding up now. There is a stiff breeze out, and that helps a lot. I should be mowing, or working on a vehicle, but I did not get motivated enough. I did get some work done for my job, and that's kind of nice. I cleaned out the old files, I printed out a new and updated info-sheet, and I contacted an applicant about an interview.

Now, it's almost time to get ready to go to work, so I will have to wrap this up. I did not get into my story and work on it, and I did not do any reading or reviews. I do need to get more active in here, but I just need more time.

Another pessimistic view; By the time I get some (time that is) I will be so far behind on everything, I'll forget what I wanted the time for. I do know I want to take some time to just get away.

That is my highest priority, but even that is muddled. See, I want to just go off someplace and escape. My plan is to take Rhonda and the dogs out camping. Someplace close, so we don't have to take a lot of time to prepare, and we can run home if we need anything. But, I will not tell anyone where we are going, and I will not bring a phone, or if I do, it will be turned off. Just a day or two of peace and quiet, no work, sitting around a fire, sipping bourbon, wine, or what ever, and enjoying each other.

But, at the same time, I want to take some of that time to write and spend in here. I enjoy the site, I enjoy reading and reviewing, and I enjoy writing, so sure, I enjoy logging in and spending some time. Since writing is my get-a-way, my recluse -- I need to go someplace to do just that.

Whether it's in here, or on paper or in the word processor doesn't matter. When I write, I am free from everything except my own imagination. It is how I sort things out, how I re-energize my synapses, and how I refresh my thinking. I suppose in a way, writing is to me what REM sleep is to rest.

This has been a problem for some time, now. I have not been able to just sit down and develop a good story or poem all the way through. I get something started, but then life interrupts. I say life, but it's not so much life in general, as work. It seems there is always a problem. Even now, with most of the troublesome people gone, there is problems.

We are way under staffed, I have two employees who could help lessen the load a lot, but they are not able to work the hours I need of them, and then there is the delivery service causing trouble. In order to hire someone, I have to give up more time, to interview, train, and make sure they are ready to work on their own, but I don't have enough time as it is. Not only does it take more time, but I do not know when I will have to find the time until the end, which makes things even more stressful.

Oh well, I still hold this optimistic view: It will all work out in the wash.
June 18, 2013 at 4:52pm
June 18, 2013 at 4:52pm
It feels kind of strange to not be working, getting ready for work or working on something at home, for work. I have my e-report sent, I attached a uniform order, and I replied to both e-mails. I do have more to do here at home, for work, but I'm putting it off so I can relax and enjoy a nice day.

It's back to my modified schedule again, so the next four days will be easy ones. This cuts my time back some and gives me time to prepare for the weekend. I hope to have someone interviewed soon, but I'm still waiting on applicants to come in.

I should be working on something, mowing, trying to fix the other vehicle, or repairs around the house, but I just have no motivation. Perhaps by tomorrow I will have recouped from the weekend, but not today.

It is a nice day, though. It was sunny and kind of hot, but it clouded over and there is a nice breeze coming in through the window. We get some breaks in the clouds, so we still have some sunshine and the air smells fresh and clean.

Max came back, so we are relieved to see him again. He is the beat up tomcat that adopted us. He has been pretty close to death a few times now, and is not in the best of shape yet. He did what tomcats do, and vanished for a few days, so we did not know if his injuries got the best of him, if he tangled with a more fit animal, or who ever inflicted the damage on him got another chance.

Today when I came back from dropping Rhonda off, he showed up, rolling on the patio and voicing his glee to be back with his friends, Hyko and Klarissa. I let him in for a bit, gave him some food, and now he is snuggling up to the dogs and driving them a bit crazy.

I have lunch cooking, and it's smelling like it's time to go check on it. Then, time to get ready for work, and hopefully it's a quiet and peaceful evening.
June 18, 2013 at 1:19am
June 18, 2013 at 1:19am
June 16 entry, even though it's about midnight here, I didn't have a chance to write earlier.

The weekend is over -- Yea! Normally one would not cheer the end of the weekend, but for me, it is the end of the long stretch. It doesn't end with Sunday, however; no it ends with Monday. Friday is the end of my normal shift and I get home about eleven or shortly after. Then it's relax for a little while so I can unwind from work, and then off to bed about midnight or twelve-thirty.

Then the weekend starts and I have to be back up by three-thirty to be to work by quarter to five. I work for about nine and a half hours then come home and try and get something done. I sometimes manage to get a little nap in, but I'm usually so tired, that I don't want to risk taking a nap for fear I may not wake up in time to go back in to get Rhonda. We get back home about ten-thirty and try to get to bed as soon as we can, but often it's midnight, again. I blame it on my internal clock, I work evenings and usually get to bed about midnight or one in the morning.

I have to be back up again by six, so about six hours of sleep. I work until about two or so, and then come back home and, again, try to get something done. On Sunday nights, Rhonda gets done about eight-thirty, so we are home by nine. I am so tired after only getting about eight hours of sleep for the weekend, that I am in bed and sleeping by eleven or shortly after.

Monday morning we are up at seven, and I have finally gotten a nice eight hours of sleep, but I'm still tired out form the weekend. I go in with Rhonda who has to be in at eleven. I hang out in town for an hour and a half and then start my longest shift at twelve-thirty working through to closing and getting done ten hours later.

That's where I'm at now, at the end of ten hours, on a busy night, feeling beat from the weekend, and looking forward to getting rested back up again. Hopefully I do not have to repeat this much longer, and can start getting a bit more down time. For now, though, it's work seven days a week, with the most hours coming in Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Soon, I hope, we will have a few more people training, and I can get a few days off~
June 16, 2013 at 7:50am
June 16, 2013 at 7:50am
Here we go again for day two of the tough three day stretch. Saturday is the worst, since I work Friday night and don't get home until about eleven or shortly after, and then have to be back up by three-thirty to get ready for a nine hour shift. Sunday is kind of a break, since I get home sooner, and don't have to be back up till Six. Also, I only have a six hour shift today, and will be home about the same time as yesterday. Tomorrow is the longest, with a ten hour shift.

Of course, that depends on how things are going for Cassie, too. Her grandfather passed away on Friday. She came in yesterday and worked, so I assume she will again today, but it is not certain, grief never is. I did ask if she needed time off, but she wanted to work, and said she needed the money. We will see how it goes today, if she isn't able, I may have to stay and work till five instead of two.

We really need to get a couple of people hired, so we are able to cover these things when they come up, but for now, we just do what we have to, and keep pushing on. So, with not knowing for sure how many hours I will work, I cannot say for sure if or when I will get back into here. I have so much other work to get caught up on, for my job and other things, that I just really have -- no time.


Sleepy, but back home and feeling pretty good. It was a pretty good day, but busy. Cassie was doing much better today, but still hurting. She will for a while, but it was nice to see her smile and see a little more spring in her step. She was more willing to talk today, too. I know it's good for her to open up and talk about all of the things going on inside, but it does make it difficult at work.

For one, there is constant interruptions, and the other big thing, is it's difficult to respond. There are times when she begins to break down and cry, and it would be nice to be able to give her a hug, or even a pat on the back to let her know it's all right. But, being her supervisor, and having cameras trained on us, it would be a big headache, since most of the people watching would not know anything about what or why.

At least I get to see that she is doing better, and since she is more willing to talk, I believe some of what I say may be giving her some comfort. I know Rhonda is also giving her lots of support and comfort. It's going to be a tough week for Cassie, and next weekend will be a rough one, no matter which way it turns out. But, she seems a lot tougher than she looks, and I think she will be doing great here soon.

As for me, my feet hurt. Way to many hours on them, not enough sleep, and lots of miles. I have them soaking right now, in some mineral water. Maybe later I can convince my wonderful wife to give me a bit of a foot rub. It will depend on how late it gets after we get home.

Then, tomorrow will be the long day; ten hours of being on my feet and running all over. Good thing Rhonda will be there to work with me for half of it. I just hope it's a bit calmer tomorrow, and we can get some training done, and I can rest my feet up good. Then, if we can get a few more applications turned in, we will be doing great. I will have to put in more of my own time to interview and do paperwork, but if they work out and we can get some time off, it's all worth it.

For now, I am going to make a copy of my latest poem, and maybe set up a file or two and just tinker about a bit and see where it goes.
June 15, 2013 at 11:04pm
June 15, 2013 at 11:04pm
I made it and an hour to spare. I'm not going to guarantee it's going to be much to read, and there are bound to be quite a few errors, but I made it.

I was up at three thirty this morning, to get ready for work. I worked last night, too, and didn't get to bed until almost one this morning, then I was up at two thirty, but did manage to get back to sleep. So two hours, maybe a little more? It's no wonder I feel so tired.

It's been a long week, and it's stretching out towards a month now. May 29 was the last time I had a day off, and that was like pulling teeth to get. Even then, I was sure that Crabby would call and I would end up working. But, no worries in that department, she quit.

The only bad thing I can say about her quitting, is I did not get to fire her. Of course, it worked out better this way, and however it worked, she is gone, so is Missy, and now, so is Muler. Muler, like a mule in being stubborn and unchanging. It's not always a bad thing, if your doing things right, but in this case, it's bad, all bad, just bad.

In fact, there is only one left now, and he is on thin ice. Even so, he is not like the others. I think there could be hope for this boy, if he would hush up and listen. I suppose we can call him Jabber, since he likes to talk. So much so, that he never stops to listen.

We have two new employees, and the one is still in need of much training. The other is doing pretty good, but needs to pick it up a bit at times. Still, she is doing good. The other needs more training, but last weekend, she was doing school work for finals, and this weekend her grandpa passed away. So, it's kind of difficult to try and train when her mind is someplace else.

Other than just having a tough time of it right now, she seems to be doing pretty good. Another person came in and picked up an application tonight, so hopefully we can get someone else hired soon.

Until then, it's work, more work, and then work from home.
June 14, 2013 at 5:02pm
June 14, 2013 at 5:02pm
The weekend is upon us. But, that's not a good thing, at least not right now. Around here, weekends mean up extra early, long hours, little sleep, and busy at work. I'm already looking forward to Tuesday, when it settles back down for a few days.

Of course, that seems to be uncertain right now, too. And just when I thought I was going to get a little more time in here, again. It gets pretty frustrating, I tell ya. It's official, we are now short another person, and so far, few applications have come in. I'm sure glad we got Cassie on board when we did.

So, between working from home, like I did most of this week, and then going in to work, as I do everyday now, I just am nit getting any time to do much else. I have a poem I want to work on, to get it finished for Rhonda, and I did manage to write it out at work one night while it was kind of slow.

It wasn't much, since I was lucky to get one or two lines down before having to drop it to take care of guests, but by the end of the night, I had a rough draft of what I wanted. I was also able to clean that up a bit, and yesterday, I think, I got it copied from a notebook, into here, with a little more cleaning.

Now I am going over there, to my port, to try and get it done. I have twenty five minutes, and that's pushing it to the line. No pressure, right?
June 13, 2013 at 3:34pm
June 13, 2013 at 3:34pm
How to deal with everything, that's the question. Even as I work on one problem, another surfaces, and then another. It's difficult enough to deal with one, two makes it a mess, but now a third and fourth. I just don't get it.

First off, we are short on help, so everyone is trying to make up for missing people. We get one hired, but her hours are limited. Another possibility that I could call, but the site management doesn't want him working there. Then, I have one out on medical reasons, and he will not keep me updated for anything.

He sees the doctor and tells me he will call, but then I don't hear anything. Right before his weekend shift, I find out he's out for another weekend. Do I fill his position, or do I hold it? It's not just my call, so I can't just say to hell with it and replace him. But, with three people out, only two to replace them and one of them very limited on when they can work, and we are still in need of filling the summer position.

Right now I should have six people to cover all the shifts, I have four, and one of them is only able to work three days a week. So, kind of more like three and a half. There just isn't any time off, and it makes a lot of work for me at home, which is off the clock. I think I put in about twenty hours a week at home for nothing, and then another forty plus on site.

Now we are getting nailed with being responsible for someone else's job. they keep messing up their part, and expect us to catch it. A real pain for us, since these loads are very difficult to count and see. At the same time, we have to continue to do our regular job and keep yard traffic moving smoothly.

In order to verify the loads are correct, it can take up to a half an hour, but at the same time, we are being pushed to get these drivers out as quickly as possible. Now, I have the delivery driver calling me on top of all the rest, complaining about how long we are taking. It seems we are catching it from every direction.

Just about every load is messed up, so if we look it over quickly, we are going to miss a lot of items and the load will go out incorrect. If we look close and catch the mistakes, the load will not go out on time, and we end up with drivers trying to back semi's into the yard while guests are trying to get out of the yard, and it's only a matter of time before someone gets in an accident. Also, the guard is most likely to be injured in the process.

What to do?

I can't get anything done as it is, except work and then go to work, now I have to get calls from the delivery company?

Looks like I will be going in to work early again to try and find what Menard's wants us to do.

And even as I contimplate this, the phone rings and another problem arises. I now have to replace another person. He gave his two weeks notice, but will be unable to work any of the two weeks.

What fun, what fun. Now, I'm going to try and work on a poem...
June 12, 2013 at 5:08pm
June 12, 2013 at 5:08pm
It happened again! I'm just getting in here, and I should be getting ready for work. There just isn't any choice, that I can see. I kind of slept in today, until eight, and then lounged a bit during coffee. I proceeded with a shower, a Bible study, and then lunch. This brought me to noon, and time to take Rhonda to work, and meet with someone for an interview.

I was on time, but barely, met with the individual, and did not even get to the actual interview. We talked a bit, and I explained the position that was open, the company and myself. He liked the shift, the days, and said everything sounded good to him but what is the pay. I told him and he declined, he could not work for less than fifteen bucks an hour, and would need shift differential for weekends and evenings.

That would be great, I would have no complaints myself. But, wages are not my department and there wasn't any reason to go any further. I was a bit disappointed, it would be nice to have the position filled. But, I want someone who will do the job right, and stick around for a while.

I did a bit of shopping, brought Rhonda some coffee, and then came home and did a bit of work. I also had to let my boss know I am running out of people to even consider for the opening, and that we would be cutting it close on hours again this week. I also had to tell him that Pete did not call, and has not provided me with anything for his missing work yet.

I included the fact that Pete has now missed three working days, and is doing the same thing another person did who is not there. Of course, Pete knows we are short on help and probably thinks I wouldn't dare cut him from the schedule. But, that is just what I requested, to remove him until such time he provides the information to the company about why he has been missing, and when he will be able to return.

I'm hoping they confirm, but since it is putting us into overtime, it is their call. I'm pretty sure they will say to proceed the same as with anyone else, and if we are short, to hire someone to fill in until he complies or to fill in his place if he doesn't. I will be hard pressed for any time off, but that's alright, I will do what needs to be done. I will have to work a bit to find a way to get another person a day off here and there until we have more help, but I'm sure I can work something out.

Now, it's get ready for work.
June 11, 2013 at 8:47am
June 11, 2013 at 8:47am
What will today bring? Good news I hope, more sunshine, and possibly a new employee. Of course, the news may not be so good, it's mostly cloudy out, and I haven't even done any interviews yet, so I have a ways to go before hiring.

OK, it's a bit later in the day and time is running short. So, what else is new? I did get some work done, but this computer just didn't want to cooperate today. It bogged down and slowed down and I had to take a little time -- that's all I have -- and do some trouble shooting and maintenance before I could get to work. So my day so far was log in here early and get things started, do a Bible study, fix lunch while Rhonda took a little nap, drive her to work and drop some stuff off, return home and set up an interview for tomorrow, work on computer, get started on some work projects, put some work projects on hold, and cruise on over to WDC.

I hope the interview goes well tomorrow and we can get another person hired, trained, and working. I would like to hold the position for Cassie, but I'm not sure it will work out for her. Mostly, it's the hours of availability she has. If she can learn the product well and her work performance is good, I would give her the open shift and put the other person in the temporary position, but along with all of the job requirements, I need someone who can fill in for others as needed. She can't right now. I will keep the option open for a while, and see how things work out.

On the home front, it's work, more work, and then come home and work. No days off this week, again. I still have not heard anything from Pete, so I do not know if he will work this weekend or not. I will hope for the best, but it's doubtful. This is interfering with things at home a lot. Not only working everyday, but having to drive back and forth to take each other to work. It's an hour round trip, plus the time to get things ready. A second vehicle would be great right about now, but we cannot afford much.

I'm holding up pretty well, but I am getting tired. I should be able to get rested up a bit through the week, but if Pete is out again this coming weekend, it will start all over. Rhonda is having a worse time than I am, and it's starting to show. She is tired all the time and it's beginning to show around the house and at work. I hope she can get rested up this week, too. I'm just going to have to find a way to get her a day off somehow, so that she can get a little down time. Last week she went over, so maybe i can run Matt over this week, if needed.

The weather has been crappy, to put it mildly. Rain and then more rain. It's been nice the last couple of days, with the rain ending Sunday and yesterday was very nice. Today it's looking like rain again, and it's feeling like a good storm is moving in. It was very hot and humid earlier, but it has cooled down considerably now. Even so, it's still dry out and there is some sunshine. All in all, not a bad day.

I should be out mowing, working in the garden, working on the house, or working on a vehicle, but with time so short, I just cannot get motivated. I should do a lot, I want to do some other things, and then there are others who just want some of my time. Not that I don't enjoy sharing it with them, but I get a bit frustrated when I want to do something and have to put it off to give up that time for them. Not their fault, but mine; I need to better manage my time.

One of the items at the top of my list of want to do's, is write something. I really want to get in here and do some reading and reviewing, too. Rhonda has been great in supporting me at work, and in here, but she needs to spend some time with her guy, just like he does with her. So, between work at the site, work from home, and trying to get some lovie-dovie time in with her, I just am not finding enough time to get in here. I'm really in need of some time off, but even then, there's such a demand for my time in multiple directions, that I doubt I will actually have any time off for me. It's knowing this that prompted me to suggest to Rhonda that when we get some time, we should pack up our camping gear and just vanish for a couple of days so we can have our time together.

Now, it's that time, I have to go get ready for work. I am going to work on a writing project that Rhonda requested, if it's not too busy tonight. I'm hoping to get some ideas on the poem she wants me to write, and maybe even get a start on the first draft. Tomorrow, I take her to work and then go give an interview, depending on how that goes will determine how much time I will have over the next few days to work on and hopefully finish her poem request. I'm kind of excited by this, I have never had anyone request anything. It will be a good exercise for me, and fun. Now, if I can just find the time.
June 10, 2013 at 10:50am
June 10, 2013 at 10:50am
Finally, a full night of sleep. I was running on almost seven hours the last two days; that is two hours on Friday night and almost five hours on Saturday night. Sunday night I finally got caught up and slept for at least eight hours. Also, after the weekend, getting up at seven this morning felt like sleeping in. To top it off, the sun is shining and it's a beautiful day.

I had to do a revision to the schedule again, so I will get home from work by six tonight. This is four schedules printed for the current two weeks. Kind of crazy, but that's just how it goes sometimes. The first one changed when Crabby quit, so we could cover her hours. Then I had to do a third one when Cassie started, and finally, I had to do a fourth one when Pete called in and would not be able to work the weekend.

Now, I have to call a couple of people and try and set up some interviews. If or when I hire one of them, I may have to do another schedule change. This, of course, will depend on when they start training. Of course, I have to wait and talk to Pete again to see if I hire just one more person, or two. If he is going to be returning to work, I can get by with one more person, but if he is going to be out for any length of time, I will have to hire someone to cover his shift till he returns.

That's enough on that, and it's time for me to get ready for work. I plan on being back in here this evening, after I take care of a few things after work.

Well, this is nice, I just figured out how to make this full screen while I edit. I have lots of white space, no distractions on the sides, and room, lots and lots of room. So many changes, and I just have not had time to try them all out.

Kind of like today, I was suppose to be done with work at five, but it was closer to five-thirty when I clocked out. Then, the manager called me off to the side and needed to discuss something with me, and the next thing I know, we are in the surveillance room, watching a tape and trying to identify some product. I was sure I had not missed anything, but everyone makes mistakes. I just could not remember, though, so we reviewed the tapes and looked, and sure enough, the product was right there, and i had not messed up.

After that, I had a little shopping to do, so I took a cart and got a few things, but could not find everything. I was right next door to Target, so my next stop was there, to find the items I had not found at work. I still did not find them, but I wanted to get a gift for Rhonda, so more looking and then finally I seen something I liked and got it. After that, I had to stop by work and drop off an organizer for the guardhouse, talk to Rhonda a few minutes, and then head for home. It was almost eight when I came in the house. So much for some time to get caught up on the pile of paperwork I have here. Oh well.

I will have to make time tomorrow, and get things done. As for tonight, I figured it this way, since I didn't get out of work on time, had to stay longer after I clocked out, and had to do a little shopping, I may as well just let the stuff go until tomorrow instead of rushing and getting stressed over it. Besides, when I was leaving work, Rhonda was kind of down in the dumps. She is tired, has not had a day off for a while, and has not been getting enough sleep.

On top of that, she is trying her best to lighten my load and help out with things, keep things up at home, and still do a wonderful job of keeping things up at work. She is just doing too much and it's taking a toll on her. Well, it is me, too, but for some odd reason, I tend to be geared more for this kind of stuff and it takes a bit more before I start to go down hill. That's why I kind of had to cut her off at work and tell her that I had to go. I was over my time and needed to get off the clock, I have things to do on the way home, and I have things I need to do when I get home.

Of course, she is missing me and just trying to keep on, keeping on. So, when I told her this, it brought her down again. She seemed to pick up when I brought her something to drink and said goodbye again. But, even though it helped, I had not bought her anything for some time now. I like to buy her things, just because, but with all that's been going on, it's just not been easy to do. So, today I decided to hell with it, I'm going to look around and find something she will enjoy.

Flowers are always nice, but she would not be home much to enjoy them, and they never last long. Knickknacks are nice, and she likes them, but I did not see anything that moved me, and she would not get any use out of it. So I looked and I looked, but nothing was hitting home. Then, I seen a very pretty house-coat she would enjoy. It's her favorite color, it's lighter, shorter, and cooler than her heavy one, and it's so soft and snugly, just like she likes. I got one, and hung it over the back of the chair in the bedroom. She will come home, talk and tell me about her night, and then go into the bedroom to get out of her work cloths. She may just reach for her robe, or she may go for some pj's, but she will not be expecting a new house-coat.

She does have one that is short and light, but it's kind of a see-through, sexy and seductive robe that goes over a very intimate outfit. It's not something she can wear around the house and outside without flashing everyone. The new one I got for her is short and sexy, but it's not too revealing and should cover her so she can wear it inside and out. And now, it's about time to go get her, give her a ride home, and watch her surprise when she finds her gift.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
June 9, 2013 at 7:54am
June 9, 2013 at 7:54am
Once again I'm getting this started before work. I should be home by early afternoon today and have some time to write in here, but the way things have been going, I just never know. If things work according to the schedule, I should have a pretty easy day today, be home early, and get rested up for a very long day tomorrow.

I can't think of much else to write about at the moment; there's work, and there's the weather. We have been getting plenty of each. Weather has been cold and wet, with about one nice day a week. Work hasn't given even that lately. At least it's expected now, with three people out, it's easy to see why there are no days off. Well, two people short, and one in training.

I'm hopeful that there will be a few more applicants to look through this week, and then I can do a few interviews and if all works well, hire someone and get them started on some training. For now, though, it's just get through the weekend and tomorrow, then hopefully hear some good news about Pete, and then....

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
June 8, 2013 at 9:16pm
June 8, 2013 at 9:16pm
What a day. I worked early for another guard this morning, so it started out slow. It wasn't too bad of a morning, either. I had forgot my jacket at work, so I went in with just the t-shirt on. It was a little cool, but not bad; I did put my jacket on after I got to work.

It was slow, and I had some time to do a few things this morning, but it started picking up pretty early. Even as it picked up, it cooled down, and soon enough it was windy and raining, too. Even though the weather was terrible, it turned out to be pretty busy.

At eleven, Cassie came in for double coverage, so I got to work with her for a while. She is still learning but seems to be doing pretty well. She didn't dress warm enough, though and even with the raincoat, she got pretty wet and cold. It's hard to believe it's going on the second week in June, and we still need the heat on.

Rhonda came in at about two thirty, and I took off and came home, ate a little and dozed in my chair for most of the afternoon. I only slept for three hours so I was pretty tired. I feel better now, but I'm still kind of chilled. I think I will turn the heat up a bit more.

Other than work, I didn't do much at all today. I will open again tomorrow, but not till eight, so it will not be so bad. Monday will be another long day, and then a few shorter ones. Hopefully we have out other guard back soon, so we can get a day off. I will also have to look into hiring another person, and see how that works out.

For now, it's about time to go get Rhonda, so I will close this out.
June 7, 2013 at 12:33pm
June 7, 2013 at 12:33pm
I just wanted to get this started just in case things come up and i don't get a chance to log in here again till after work. Why? So my date matches the day; see WDC time is an hour earlier than South Dakota, so even if I get in here and write after work, which will be about eleven tonight, it will be the next day when i write.

Not that I foresee any reason why I can't log back in here this afternoon, but one never knows what may come up. As it stands now, I plan on finishing lunch, taking Rhonda to work, then coming straight home to finish mowing before it rains. Then, I have a little work to do for work, and the rest of the afternoon should be mine to spend in here.

The mowing should not take long, since we knocked out most of it this morning. Likewise, there shouldn't be any problems that flair up at work, since I knocked out those problem makers earlier. I still have one, but he is not nearly as bad as the other two were. And, I don't even know if he will be back this weekend or not. He is having some medical problems, and may not be back to work for a while. He's suppose to call me this afternoon sometime and bring me up to date.

Now, off to finish lunch.

It'd mid afternoon now, I'm back from giving Rhonda a ride to work. I stopped and filled the van with gas, cleaned the windows as best I could, and realized I would have to do something about the front and side windows. The bugs are terrible this year, and they just do not come off.

So, after I got back home, I finished mowing the grass and then took a bucket of cleaning solution out and a scrungy-pad, and set about cleaning the windshield and the two side windows. I also cleaned the headlights and the side mirrors. Then, after scrubbing them all down and getting all the bugs off, I went back over them all with paper towels and window cleaner. After they were good and dry, I put some Rain-X on them.

I did the windshield and the front side windows, then put a good coating on the headlights. It will help when it rains, which has been very often this year, and I'm hoping it will also help when we clean the windows. I will have to put more on, probably once a week or so, but if it makes the windows clean easier, it's worth it. I find it's kind of funny, I took an hour and a half to finish mowing, and almost as long to clean the windows.

I have about an hour before work, I have some coffee going, and I'm going to find something to read, and spend a little time browsing around in here.
June 6, 2013 at 4:07pm
June 6, 2013 at 4:07pm
I'm waiting for my soup to cool, so I can enjoy a nice lunch before work. I didn't know what to make, but when I pulled in the driveway and seen how tall the Asparagus was getting, I knew it would include some of the tender, juicy spears.

I wasn't sure what to make with it, so I decided to try something different and new. I washed and cut the Asparagus and put it in some water in a pan. I added a little onion, some sliced up sausage, and a little seasoning, then let it cook for a while. I added some tender young frozen sweet corn, some cheese, and a little milk and let it return to a simmer, then thickened it up with some instant potato flakes.

I'm not sure what I would even call it, but it is good. It's right off the stove, so it's very hot, but what sipping I've done, it's very good. It should also make a nice lunch to hold me over at work.

It's overcast and forecast to rain, possibly even some thunderstorms this afternoon, so I held off from mowing. I will have to get it done soon, though, it's getting very tall. I'm thinking of getting up earlier tomorrow and trying to get some mowing in before I take Rhonda to work. Then, if there's time, I may do a bit more after I get back home. I will also show Rhonda how to run the rider, so she can get some mowing done, too.

I'm hoping for a better night at work than last night, it was crazy. It was busy, as busy as any Saturday could be, and so many people were in a sour mood. I suppose because of the rainy weather. It is kind of a drag, but hey, I did not order it, and I have no control over it. So, why be in a miserable mood over something completely out of your control?

The weather doesn't change as a result, and you just make the day even worse, for your self and anyone else you come in contact with. Not that I let the weather or the people take over my mood, but they still do a wonderful job of making things difficult.

Well, my soup should be cooled a bit, so time to eat and then I have a bit of work to do before I go to work.
June 5, 2013 at 5:23pm
June 5, 2013 at 5:23pm
And again, I'm here with so little time. I even thought about writing a short article on time, or the lack of it, but I just don't have time. Now, if that's not ironic, I don't know what ironic is.

Despite this fact, it is better. I'm talking about work, but it also encompasses my home life since I do not just have a job I go to, but one that I take with me every place I go. I work for a company that provides security services to other companies. I was promoted last year to security manager at our location, and represent the company to our customer as well as provide management services to the security guards employed here. Finally, I am also a security guard.

This requires me to perform as a security guard during my working shift, and most other aspects of my job take place before or after my shift. I work from home, my vehicle, and wherever I may be, as needed. Under normal circumstances, there really isn't much to do, make a few corrections to the schedule if someone wants time off, approve a few requests and fax them to the corporate office, and just watch over everyone to make sure they are doing their jobs satisfactory.

That is when things are normal, which around here, is seldom to never. When I started, there was no training, other than the six hours the company I was assigned to provided to orient me to their procedures and policies. My supervisor did not even show up to do the interview or any of the paperwork, but left it on the counter for me to complete when I should have been training.

He also informed me of the wrong clothing items, how to do things incorrectly, and basically how to keep a low profile when I broke the above mentioned policies and procedures. His work philosophy was, "What they don't know, won't hurt them."

Well, to keep this a bit shorter, I just did not like that outlook. I am a hard worker who believes in giving an honest days work for an honest days pay. I talked to the management of the store I worked at and learned a bit more and also found our own company handbook (I should add that the supervisor did not even know it existed) and pretty well taught myself how to do the job right.

The supervisor did not last long, and soon enough we had a temporary supervisor who was hoping to get the position. But he was trained in the same as the previous supervisor and did not do much more than post a new, and different, schedule every two weeks. he changed it to meet the requirements of a couple of guards who had started right before me. So, both the previous supervisors pretty much let everyone do what they wanted, as long as it did not cause them any extra work.

The company was aware of this, and the location was also not happy with the situation. two and a half months after I started working, I was presented the position of supervisor. I accepted and have been trying to get things working the right way since then. I met instant opposition to any change, and to try and get any of them to comply with company policy or site policy was next to impossible.

My first duty was to get rid of a guard. Nothing had been said or done, no corrective action, no reports, nothing. We are suppose to give three warnings unless it is a serious infraction, so it was a mess. The company needed to protect themselves from any costs and liabilities, and the site wanted her gone now. I had no choice except to get rid of her, so I compromised the two and wrote her up with a corrective action that stated she would comply with all policy and procedure from this point on and any infraction would result in instant termination. I also informed her that the site management wanted her gone, but I would give her one chance to correct her behavior.

She read it just right and new, if they wanted her gone, if she even looked at them wrong, they would say it was an attitude problem or find something to get her fired, so she quite right there and the problem was solved.

One down, but there were more to go. Over the period of nine months, I have been playing tug-o-war with some of these people. There has been corrective actions, lots of warnings, and an almost daily confrontation to try and hold them to doing the job right. Many little things just got slipped right by, they were not worth the trouble, but anything serious, I would warn, and if they did not heed the warning, I would right them up. I gave them every opportunity to comply, but by this spring, they still resisted doing things right.

One of them liked to take time off, without giving ample notice. She finally found her request turned down. She would make a mess of the request form, scribble things out and write over them, slop food and beverage on them, even tear holes and rip them as she incorrectly filled them out. So, I turned her down again, for not filling the form out right.

I also talked to her, with our summer coverage needs, she would not be able to take time off anytime she wanted. So, she came up with an elaborate idea, she would go into the hospital for the weekend, and get out of working Saturday and Sunday. Also, since the policy states if you miss three days or more you must have something from your doctor stating why, she was good to go with only two days in the hospital.

She had her daughter call me and tell me she went in on a Friday night. She was home by Sunday when I got another call from the daughter. I told the daughter I needed something from the doctor stating that her mom could return to work. Of course, they did not get this, since it was only two days, they could work around it. Wrong, since she passed out and had to go into the hospital, I was in my right to request something from her doctor that said she could work without complications or problems.

Well that messed everything up, since she had not been to the doctor at all, and had just made it all up. I talked to her directly on Monday, told her what I needed for her to return to work, and told her to call me right back after she talked to the hospital to get the needed form. She did not call back at all, and she did not get anything until I was off work and she could pin it to the bulletin board for me to pick up on Saturday when i was scheduled to work again. Then, she called me on Friday, knowing I would be short on help since she was still out, and wanted to know, since she had her doctors information for me, if she could return to work now. Clever isn't she?

But, I had gotten the note, and it was not what I needed. In fact, it wasn't anything official at all. It was hand written on a prescription paper, and it was in the guards own handwriting. It was very vague, did not say anything really about the nature or reason she was hospitalized, and as far as return to work, it stated, and this is not an exact quote but very close, "... may return to work if she feels up to it.:

Huh? If she feels like it? What is wrong with her, what restrictions are there?

It was at this point that I determined it was all fraud, and I turned it over to my boss, the director of operations. He conferred with the office staff and they agreed, we needed something more, a regular return to work form with all the needed information. He also said he also thought the note was forged. He did not think it was all made up, but thought she had actually been in the hospital, was unable to work, and had done this so she could return to work. Of course, he did not know this person or her history.

The next day, this person shows up and asks about her check and when she can return to work. I explain again, that the note was not what was needed, and since she was going to see a specialist/neurologist in a few days, to get the right form from him. She went bonkers!

Luckily, she was already back in the vehicle, on the passenger side, because she went into full, uncontrolled hysterics. She flung about wildly, screamed and swore incoherently, and as I stepped back away, was driven away by the driver. I think it was her daughter. Since this person had just gotten out of the hospital less than a week before, had suffered a minor stroke, had gone into seizure, and was scheduled to see a neurologist, I would have thought the daughter would have tried desperately to calm her and sooth her. Nope, she did not do anything, she just looked bored and eager to be back home.

This confirmed my thoughts of it all being faked. But, I still did not have any proof.

I called my boss, reported the incident, and I wrote it up accordingly. I found out later, she had also called my boss, the day after I talked to him about the incident. She went off on him, too. She was accusing me of not letting her return to work and wanting all this information that was none of my business, and so on.

He told her if she calmed down and talked to him, he would help. She did, of course. But instead of helping her, he supported me and told her it was not me, individually who wanted this information, I needed it to let her return to work, and it was actually the office that required it. He told her to get the information I requested, and now she would have to deal directly with him.

He never got anything else, either. In fact, we never heard from her again except for her inquiring about her paycheck. She had not given me or the office her correct address. I did find out that she had given it to the store we are assigned to, because they send us gift certificates for our work performance from time to time. Funny, she gave them a right address, and me a wrong address. Then when the company needed her address to send her check, she gave them one that was different from the rest, too.

I finally had the company send her last paycheck to the store, after they said it was ok to do so, and they called her to come get it after it came in. End of employee number two.

All this time I also had to work with another person who, excuse the phrase, was a real bitch. She came right out and said she likes to do things wrong and get in trouble. She wasn't lying, well about that. For nine months of the BS with the other person, this person just did her best to keep things messed up, resist doing anything right, and questioning everything I did. It was complete resistance all the way.

But, when she didn't show up for work one day and didn't call in, I requested she be terminated on the spot. Unfortunately, my boss would not, and wanted to hear her reason. She had sent a text to the wrong number. I knew this was a problem, she had been calling and sending text to the wrong number for a while. But, she had sent them to another guard, the one I just spoke of, and she would relay the information to me. Technically the information was given and I couldn't do anything about it except talk to the person.

I did, I explained it was not a good idea to miss work with a text, and to make sure she had both my numbers. I also told her if I did not approve her missing, directly to her, and she missed again, I would take corrective action. Well, she did miss, she sent a text, again, and this time, she messed up and sent it to my home phone, which is just one digit different than the person she usually pulled this with.

She had transposed two numbers and sent the text to my land-line which does not accept text messaging. So, no-show, no-call. This is grounds for termination, but I was held back. She was able to show proof of the attempt to text and I was directed to just give her a written warning. One more problem, though, and she was gone.

This kept her in line pretty well, but she still resisted on little things, she questioned everything I said, and she became much more sneaky. When I was around, she would do the job right, and when I talked to her, she would say, "You know I changed, I do it right now."

Of course, I did know. I knew she was still the same and still doing the same crap, just not when I was around. I always heard, give someone enough rope, they'll hang themself with it. She did.

She recently got busted for not counting items correctly. She was also reported for having a bad attitude. I would have loved to write her up for it, the second and last chance she would have and then gone. But the store management did not want me to take it that far, just talk to her and make it informal. I did just that and she denied it all. She also tried using the crying technique to get me to back off and not confront her with her screw ups. It did not work.

In fact it must have seemed to work, but then, I may have been a bit misleading to her. Kind of, what goes around comes around, type of situation. Anyway, a few days later, I find out she has accepted a gift from a guest, something we are not allowed to do. It's nothing big, a rose. But, she has been warned twice about this before. Even so, I heard about it, I did not see it.

The next time I work, it's to right after her shift. I come into the guardhouse and sign in. She had not correctly entered her information on the log, again. I point this out, and she says, "Oh, I forgot." She had not forgot up to the time we did her evaluation, and prior to that, she refused to fill it out right. Now, her evaluation is over, and she is now forgetting to do it right.

Next, I see the rose, still sitting there. I ask, "Did you get that for me?" This is meant to be sarcasm, and should also be viewed as humorous. She does not catch any of it. Instead, she tells me she got it from a guest. A male guest who stops by, and she cannot take it home, her boyfriend will get jealous and it will turn into a fight.

Now, I have the proof I need, the flower and her admission to taking a gift at work. I could have written her up. I wanted to write her up, but being a nice guy, I give her one last chance and tell her, "We cannot accept gifts at work. If this happens again, I will write it up."

She gets up and starts in with her attitude and tells me she is leaving. This, is a threat. She knows we are short on help and unable to cover the shifts if she is not there. She also knows the company does not like to pay overtime, and if I let her leave, I will have to put someone on overtime hours to cover for her. So, she assumes I will plead and apologize so she will not walk off and leave me working alone on a day we are required to provide double coverage, make me work overtime, and get me in a lot of trouble. She assumed wrong.

I told her if she left, not to return. She said that's it, I'll quit. I asked if she was sure she wanted to do this and she mumbled something and stormed off. After she was gone, I called the front office and informed them of the situation, and I would call in another guard to cover the needed hours. They said it was slow and we could get by with single coverage. After work, I informed my boss and he confirmed my request, she was done.

Two days later, I sent her a text. I knew she was waiting for me to call her and ask her to come back to work so we would not be short, but instead she got a text that stated her private property could be picked up at the front of the store. She wasn't too happy buy the text she sent back.

That was three down, and we would be working some overtime. No days off, doing interviews, and lots of work from home. Even so, it's still better now than when they were working. I have one person training and a couple of prospects to interview. I have no time for much of anything, but I did get in here and write this; I needed to get it all off my mind and this is how I do it.

My headache is almost gone, just one left to go. Maybe he will take a hint, since the rest have vanished, but then again, maybe not. Of course, he is also having some major medical problems. I don't know if they are real or imagined, but time will tell the truth and if he is being deceptive, it won't be long and he will join the ranks of losers who have walked off.

Less than a year as supervisor, and so far my track record looks pretty good. Problems solved, issues corrected, and three problem employees gone and I didn't have to fire a single one and the company didn't have any liabilities as a result.

Now, it's off to work.

"Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free."
June 4, 2013 at 8:16am
June 4, 2013 at 8:16am
Kind of odd, writing today's journal entry when it was only about six hours ago when I wrote yesterdays. It's no wonder the days seem to run together and it gets difficult to distinguish one form the other.

I got about five hours of sleep in, but it wasn't straight through. I woke up about every hour and a half. Three times I was up during the night, but after a short trip to the bathroom, I was back in bed and back to sleep. Some nights are like that, but I usually don't know what it is that wakes me.

Not that it matters, I'm woke up and my sleep is disturbed, whether it's a loud vehicle, people, dogs barking, or whatever. It may have been anything last night, the neighbors were up having a fire, and they can get pretty loud sometimes. There is always traffic on this road, and some of the vehicles are unbelievably noisy. We had lightning around us when I came home, so it may have been thunder. There is a train track just a short distance behind the house, and even though it's not used regularly, it is used at various times of the day and night. Finally, it was terrible windy all day yesterday, but last night, wind gusts seemed to be even stronger.

Like I said, it does not matter what it was, it just was and that makes for a less restful night. Especially when the night is only five hours long, anyway. I would have really enjoyed sleeping in today, after the weekend we had, but that's just not in the plan. Not this morning anyway. However, it may be possible tomorrow morning, and if things work right, I may have time for a nap this afternoon.

But, this morning I have to be back at work to get Cassie started training. I won't have to stay long, but I have to introduce her to the Front Office manager on duty, I have to get her some clothing to wear, and I have to get the paperwork all faxed off so she can get paid for the day. She will train again tomorrow, but I should not have to go in for that. Then, she gets a day off and then finishes her training on Friday.

That's one person back on, and one left to go. I do have another prospective I will have to read up on and possibly call. But at least now we can get a day off and be under the forty hour requirement.

So, my coffee cup is empty and that means it's time to get another and then get going.
June 4, 2013 at 2:28am
June 4, 2013 at 2:28am
Monday, June 3 -- but the entry date is off because I did not get in here until 1:21 my time. Oh well, it's been a crazy weekend and it's not getting much better yet. Soon, I hope; it should anyway.

I had to go in early today to do an interview, and since it went well, I decided to hire her and get her training and on the schedule so we can get our hours back under forty, like they should be. I think she will do fine, at least I hope so.

It was another windy day, and on the cool side, cloudy with a spot of rain here and there. It made for a slow day at work, so I did not start until later this evening. I did work on some paperwork, and hung out back at the shack, just in case it got busy. I gave Rhonda a hand a few times, but mostly I worked on papers and scheduling. Which, I should add, is a good thing, since I was not on the clock yet. It did the trick, though, and I can now stay under forty hours and not go into overtime.

I suppose I'm kind of crazy, putting in a whole afternoon and not getting paid for it. But, if I had not stayed, I would have spent money for gas, time driving, and still had to do most of the same stuff and still not get paid for it. The way I did it, I at least saved some money from gas and some time.

Now, it's time for bed, I'm tired and I have to be back in early tomorrow. But, after a couple of hours, I should be headed back home and maybe, just maybe, I'll get some time in here.
June 2, 2013 at 7:42am
June 2, 2013 at 7:42am
Sunshine! It took a few minutes to register what that bright light in the east was. I noticed it first this morning before it was light out. There was a deep red glow coming form the same direction. Something burning? Did we get nuked?

No, nothing like that, it's that strange fiery orb we get to see about once every couple weeks. At least, that's the way it's been this year; the rest of the time, twelve or so days of the two week period, it's overcast and raining, snowing, or a mixture of both. That's been the case since about January.

I'm beginning to think that the only global warming is Al's head getting hot from being so far up his ass. Of course, that subject could easily start some powerful arguments for either side. Me, I don't think we have much to worry about from global warming, but I do see some major pollution issues. Of course, there are answers and courses of action to take, but anytime we force them, the cost is higher than the pay off.

Right now, I'm more concerned with getting myself off to work. It's going to be a long day, and I will likely stay in town after to save some gas, time, and energy. Three hours to drive home, do something, then drive back. With a half hour drive, that's two hours of time to do something, and since it's usually a bit late getting out, it's an hour and forty minutes, and then I let the dogs out and get things set up, it's about an hour. Of course, I spend the hour watching the time so I am not late getting back in, so I don't even get all of that.

Nope, I'll just stay in town and hang out with my brother or go use the wifi at HyVee or Target. Then I will get the most of that three hours and can actually get something done.

----- *Clock2* -----

It's evening now and I am back home. I did stay in town and I did go over to Len's. He cooked on the grill and invited me, so I had dinner with him and Linda. I did check my e-mail and sent a quick message, but I did not do much more than that.

I was beat. I still am. It was a busy day, all day long. No sitting and doing a lot of nothing this morning, the traffic started shortly after the doors were open. I ran my butt off, but still, there were breaks when it was pretty slow, so that I could get some stuff done. I made some copies and put together a few more hire packets, I sent a fax from an application that got dropped off, and I got the files filled up.

Now, it's time to sit back, have a beverage and relax for a little while before i do it all over again. It does seem a bit odd how I try and get set up in here, only to have things fall apart and take up all my time. This has been going on for while now, I set goals, I try this, that and even the other thing, and each and every time, something comes up at work and I have no time.

I would get frustrated and discouraged if I let myself think it was intentional. I would be demotivated if I thought it was some kind of divine intervention to keep me out, but I know better. It is the world we live in, trying to keep me out because I want to be in. If it can work against me and mess me up, then perhaps I will give in and go the way it is trying to force me.

But, that means I should be here, I'm meant to be here, and so the cosmic system tries and prevents me form coming in here. It's doing a great job, too. But not good enough. However, I am beat and I am going to call it a night.

June 1, 2013 at 10:38am
June 1, 2013 at 10:38am
Another wet day. But, that should keep things a little slower at work, and that can be a good thing. Especially right now. I have to get ready to go in, but I should get some time this afternoon, after work. Just in case, though, I wanted to get started in here so I get the right date for my entry.

I'm glad I did, too. What a day this has turned out to be. It started out just fine, and I was hoping it would be a quiet day since tomorrow is going to start the hectic schedule for us. It was slow, and I had plenty of time to talk to Bob (not his real name) about a few minor issues. Everything went well, and the day progressed, slow but steady for yard traffic. Bob had some medical issues a week back, but didn't know the outcome of his tests, but when his doctor came through the yard, he learned enough to be very down after.

He will not be working tomorrow, so I will have to go in at 8:00 instead of 11:00. It's going to be a long day, too since Rhonda works until 8:00 tomorrow night, and I will probably just stay in town. I may just go over and visit my brother for a while. We are already short and going over on hours, this will set us back even more. I don't know if it will just be tomorrow or if it will be more time missed for Bob. I hope we can find and hire someone quick.

That was still not the worst part. It got busy and crazy at work this afternoon, and we got pretty backed up a few times, but that wasn't it, either. Even with the busy day and the added hours, I was taking it in stride and it was a great day. Well, except I had to work and the weather isn't the best. But, it's not snowing and I was working with Rhonda, so a good day.

Then, at the end of my shift, I took Crabby's stuff up front, since she quit on me yesterday. I sent her a short text stating her stuff was at front desk and that was that. On my way home, I get a text back from her, with some haha's and something about not having the skills to be a supervisor, etc.... But even that would not have bothered me, the part that kind of crashed the day was the threat she sent with it.

I don't know if it's serious or not, but it sounds like she is planning to purger herself and say I grabbed another guard, or maybe struck her, I don't know. I don't know how much of a problem she could cause or anything, or if she is even going to go through with anything. She may just be trying to intimidate me. I can only wait and see, but as a precaution, I did forward the test to my boss and will keep them informed.

I will also keep an eye out and watch for trouble, and have Rhonda do the same. I hope it just blows itself out, but who knows.

Well, that's that, and now it's on to other things.

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