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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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July 31, 2013 at 1:20pm
July 31, 2013 at 1:20pm
Doing things a little different today. Instead of working, like I should be, I'm in here writing my entry. I did get some work done, but too much work and not enough WDC makes for a crabby writer.

It started out rainy today, but the sun is shining and it's looking pretty nice out. I have a ton of work to do, a ton of personal stuff to do, and a desire to just stay in here and try and get some writing done. But, with a couple of tons of stuff on my mind, I know I won't get anything written. So, do I focus on work related stuff, personal stuff, or just slack off and go fishing for a while?

I know what I should do, but with so little time for anything other than work, I'm going to be a bit carefree and enjoy the day. I will get things set up for an interview tomorrow as well as making sure I have all the required paperwork along to hire if the interview goes well. That means I will not have much time for anything tomorrow after work, and possibly through the weekend if I start the person training.

So, if I'm going to slack off, today may be the last chance I get this week. No time for spontaneous slacking off, though. No, I need to get some stuff ready for tomorrow, get a couple little things done around here for my wife, and then set myself up for a few hours of fishing later this afternoon.
July 30, 2013 at 10:38pm
July 30, 2013 at 10:38pm
One of these days -- it's got to come to an end. Doesn't it? So many demands on my time, and so little time to do anything. And it keeps going and going, like a mutated Energizer Bunny.

I get a day off tomorrow, but I am so far behind my own shadow just lapped me. I have a ton of paperwork to get done, I need to contact some employment agencies and run an add in the local paper or something. We need one more person, but even as I fill that slot, I just know I will have another one come up.

It's been like this since April. I'm short two people right now, but we can do fine with just one more. Of course, we could get by with the ones we have if they all wanted to work a few more hours. But, they don't. They did start out as part-time, and that is what they desired.

So, one more person and I can start getting a few days off each week. But, one of the current guards is looking aggressively for a different job. I don't know why, and she isn't saying why. I know it's not because she isn't getting enough hours, she wants less now. It can't be because of her shift, she picked it. She likes the work, she seems happy with the position, but she keeps looking for something different.

As for me, well I'm now getting one day a week off. How long it will last, I can't say. But I do know it won't go for much longer without causing more problems. Also, if the above mentioned person does find something else, we will be in terrible shape trying to cover the hours she is working. I have to get somebody hired and trained soon.

Once we do, things should settle down and I should have more time again. But, that's been the same repeated story all spring and summer. Then, I get a new person hired, trained and set in their shift, only to lose another person and it all starts over again -- and again.

My day off? Well, I have a ton of stuff to catch up on for work, I have a ton of stuff to get caught up on for home, and I have a ton of things other people want from me. What it comes down to, is simply crushing beneath a few tons of demands, when all I want for myself is some quiet time to myself.

That's it, just some time to write, to read, to just reflect and recharge. Just some quiet time without having to worry about what needs to be done, or who is wanting what. Will I ever get caught up enough to get that? It's doubtful. There is one person in my life who kind of understands my need for time alone, but even she is needing some of my time.

Then, there are those who just think what they want, and of course, I should be eager to give it. I don't even begin to understand why they cannot comprehend my position. They know how busy I have been, how little time I have had, and how much I need a break from things. Yet, they are the first in line when I get off of work. They are the ones leaving messages and wanting to know when I will be able to cater to them.

If and when I get the opportunity to take some time off, I already know what my plans are. I would love to just stay home and relax, and spend some quality time with my wife. But, that would not work, there is too much that needs doing around here. Also, there would be people showing up, calling, and interrupting constantly.

"You say I should just tell them what I just told you? Yeah, right. No, you don't understand, you have nice people who are compassionate for others. I don't."

See, it's like this, a few years back, I told my brother it was our anniversary and Rhonda wanted to spend a quiet day, just the two of us, at home. She had it planned out, and all set up. I didn't think it was needed to include that she wanted some passionate time with me. Besides, what difference would it have made. I told them that we wanted to spend the day with just each other. I did add that she had plans for just the two of us, and didn't want anyone around.

They showed up shortly after noon. They stayed most of the afternoon. Why? Because they are just like that. They always have been just like that. If I want hot they will give cold, if I want alone, they will be right over, and if I don't want to be alone, they have plans, but maybe some other time.

No, when I get some time off, we will find a spot to camp, and not tell anyone anything. I won't even turn my phone on unless it's an emergency. It is the only way we can get away from everyone and have some time for us. I just hope I can also find a way to do the same here, in WDC.

This is something I enjoy and it is important to me. I have also told certain people this is how I like to spend my time. I like to be alone and I like to write. Sure, I enjoy doing some of the other stuff, too, if there is enough time for both. But there isn't. So, I tell them I want to take some time to write and instead, everyday they want to do this or that. Even to the point of just coming down to the house to do what ever.

Such is the day ahead. Wednesday is my only day off, and I have so much to do already. But, I was hoping to get up early and get as much of it done as possible, then have the afternoon to get the grass mowed, and the evening to myself. Nope, already someone is wanting to get together and do something. And, if I don't go, he will come, there is no escape.
July 29, 2013 at 11:25pm
July 29, 2013 at 11:25pm
Here we are again, running late with about a half hour left to get this entry in on time. It's enough.

I'm sure looking for the day when I'm not rushing trying to get to things, and have a little time to slow down. But, for now it's rush for this, and hurry for that. And, we still do not have anyone hired. I'm waiting to hear from someone, but so far, they seem to have changed their minds about working.

That's alright, if they backed out this fast and haven't even gotten started yet, then they would not have made the cut anyway. I would rather be short on help than to have someone to fill the position with grief, stress, and unreliability.

Now, it's time to enjoy a brandy and then bed, tomorrow is going to be a long day.
July 28, 2013 at 11:11pm
July 28, 2013 at 11:11pm
It's another late night and I'm not going to get much written again. This is normal anymore, no time off; I'm either at work, or working. I'm hoping we get another person hired and trained soon, but I have become so used to this, that I really don't feel very optimistic about it at all.

See, every time I get someone hired to fill a position so I can get a couple days off each week with my wife, something happens, and we are short again. I did get a couple days off this month, and I had a couple off in May. Even though I was not at work, I was working from home. That's part of the job, but with being short, interviewing, hiring, training, and just filling in as needed, I just don't have any time for much of anything.

I did take the afternoon off yesterday after work and went fishing. But, I should have been home getting some things done. Therefore, my mind was on them instead of on fishing and relaxing. Also, I was dead tired. I'm surprised the rocking of the boat didn't put me right to sleep.

Of course, it was kind of cold, which helped keep me awake. Also, it was pretty windy, which also kept me awake. For that matter, the boat did not rock, it pitched. I did enjoy the outing anyway, despite having a lot on my mind, being cold and tired, and not catching anything.

Now, it's time for a snack adn then bed, I'm still beat.
July 28, 2013 at 12:28am
July 28, 2013 at 12:28am
Saturday, July 27

It's later than late and I just have a few minutes to write in here. I just want to get a sentence or two down so I can keep up with logging something everyday. Even though the date will be wrong, it's still Saturday here in South Dakota, so I made it in with about thirty three minutes to spare.

Now, it's sip on a Brandy and then -- bed.
July 26, 2013 at 8:18pm
July 26, 2013 at 8:18pm
Well then, now that I'm in here, it's time to eat, so I will be back a little later...

Or, a lot later. Yep, that's it, lots later. I had a nice dinner with a hot redhead, well it's kind of red. She was a brunette, but she had her hair died and it came out more red than she wanted. Even so, it's nice and I always wanted to experience a redhead.

After dinner, we finished watching our Netflix show, a comedy, and laughed so hard my head hurts. Now, it's past my bedtime and I have to be up super early tomorrow again.

So, it ended up late again. Today, I worked, got done later than I thought I was going to, and then went fishing with my brother. But, we didn't know we would need a boat, so we didn't get out fishing anyway. We did have a nice afternoon, and now we will fish tomorrow.

That means I have a full day waiting for me tomorrow and I better get to bed so I can make it through.
July 25, 2013 at 8:04pm
July 25, 2013 at 8:04pm
Well, I got in here a little earlier today. Not that it makes a lot of difference, since I'm still so tired I can't see straight. I worked early this morning, and I was up kind of late last night. I also had to do some work on the sump pump after I got home, which used up most of my time.

Hopefully it works right now. I'm not sure why it wasn't pumping, but I did the lines over, replaced the check valve and elevated the inside so it can gravity feed all the way out. It seemed to be working good when I got done with everything, and I hope that's all I need to do with it.

I also spent a little time with my brother before I came home, and that took care of most of the afternoon. I was waiting around town for a call about someone looking for work; I was hoping to set up an interview with him. But, when the call did come, he didn't have anyone to send over. Not right now, he said, but maybe later. I'll have to get together with him and get a few applications in, just in case we need them.

I do have one, and will call and set up an interview with this guy. He may be just the right person, but I like to have a little choice, not just one person to choose from.

Now, it's time to eat, so I have to run...
July 24, 2013 at 8:44pm
July 24, 2013 at 8:44pm
And once again, it's getting late and I'm just getting in here to get started. One day that will change and I will have more time for here and not need to put so much in other places. Even so, it was a pretty productive day.

I had to have Rhonda talk to one of the guards, her Facebook page shows her logging from her phone while working. Even though it says it was six, I didn't want to make a big deal out of it and go in and confront her, so I had Rhonda ask her about it. She told Rhonda it was logged this morning before work. I have no reason not to believe her, so that was the end of it, or so I thought.

She got all uptight over being asked, and I suppose thinks I am trying to catch her at something. I did send her an email to explain things, and will also talk to her on Friday when I see her. I hope she understands as her supervisor, I have to ask. I'm not trusting Facebook to be accurate, but if I don't ask, how will I know?

I did get the parts for the brakes in the van, including two new rotors. It was pretty expensive, but cheaper than taking it in to have the work done. It went good, the brake pads are easy to change and the rotors were not as bad as I thought they would be. So, I took the new ones back and saved quite a bit. About a hundred dollars more if I would have had it done in the shop.

Now, supper is cooking, and it's time to eat, watch a movie, and then get to bed. I work early the rest of the week, and don't want to start out getting over tired.
July 23, 2013 at 9:51pm
July 23, 2013 at 9:51pm
Here we are, ending a day with a short entry in my journal. It's getting on to be bed time for me, and I don't have much time, but then, that's about normal. I'm feeling pretty run down, as well.

I didn't work early today, but I think I've gotten accustom to getting up and working the early shift and now when I work the second shift it messes me up. Hopefully it's not for too long. On the other side of the coin, though, is the getting to sleep in part. Well, not so much sleep in, I was up at six this morning, seven yesterday; add in the snooze button and you can also add a half hour more time in bed.

Getting up at three-thirty for work does make six feel like sleeping in. But, it also has me up later at night, and then when I do go back to my three-thirty wake up, it's going to be even tougher. So, tomorrow is another day to sleep in till six or so, but then tomorrow night, I need to be in bed early because Thursday puts me back on mornings and up at three-thirty.

On a happy note, I am also off from work tomorrow. Well, I don't have to go in to work, but I have plenty to do here at home. I also have to do some work for work from home, so it isn't really a day off, just a day working from home. Hopefully that part goes well and I can get someone training right away.

For now, it's time to retire and call it a night --
July 22, 2013 at 9:44pm
July 22, 2013 at 9:44pm
Round two. The first round today was this morning before work; I entered in yesterdays entry since I didn't get the opportunity to do it yesterday. This round, the second for the day, is for today's entry. I was able to write this morning because I worked second shift with Rhonda, and had a little time this morning, and a little tonight, as well.

Work went alright, but I sure am tired. I think stress is a part of it, we are one short at work again, for one thing. Even more stressful, my boss, the Director of Operations, is up to visit from Sioux City, Iowa.

He didn't say that he wanted to meet any of the guards, or to do training, or really anything as to why he was coming to see us. I was pretty sure I was doing a good job, but then again, maybe not. A person begins to second guess them self after a while, especially when I have gone through six people in less than a year.

Of course, they all could have been, and probably should have been, fired. They just up and quit on me before it came down to that. I can honestly say that I gave them more than fair opportunity to correct problems than I should have. Even so, I like to give people the chance to change and to things right.

However, it's still their choice in the end. Either comply and do it right, or be stubborn and do it wrong. I will try my best to teach, lead, and help if they are willing to learn and comply, but if not, I have no choice. They just didn't seem to understand, that's my job. So, instead of changing and doing things right, they all decided to quit.

Knowing them, the situations, and what's been going on, I know that it very likely saved me from having to fire them further down the road, but my boss doesn't necessarily know this. I do keep him posted about everything at work, but they also can contact him and give a whole different story.

So, like I said, I thought I have been doing a good job, but then again, I never hear much feedback, so I don't know. Well I didn't until today. As he was getting ready to leave, he shook my hand and told me, "I wish all my other sites were working as well and smooth as this one, I wouldn't be losing my hair."
July 22, 2013 at 9:27am
July 22, 2013 at 9:27am
Sunday, July 21. I didn't get my entry in here, but it wasn't anything bad. It's just time, something I find myself with little of, and priorities that make great demands for the time I do not have.

Most of the time, I set aside a few minutes at least, to write in here every day. It's a goal I set for myself, and I intend to stick with it unless there is good reason to miss.

For example, my wife and I enjoy camping out. We rent a campsite, load up the tent and supplies, and then rough it for a few days. No internet, so no way to log in and do my journal entry. So far this year and last, we have not had time or opportunity to camp out, but hopefully we will, soon.

My reason for missing yesterday was kind of the same. I was home and had access to the internet, but I just did not have time to go around. See, yesterday was Rhonda and my seventh wedding anniversary.

I worked in the morning, she worked in the afternoon. So, she was at home half the day while I worked, then I seen her for a few minutes when she got to work, before I came home.

I knew she would not be home until about nine that night, so I did a bit of shopping, got our supper and picked out a couple of outfits for her, then came home. This put the clock at about four in the afternoon.

Next, I started the roast in the slow cooker. Then, it was a matter of getting the other dishes ready. I logged in for a little bit, but I did not have time to spend without stopping.

So, instead of writing in here, I spent the afternoon creating a very wonderful dinner for us to share after she got home. We enjoyed a nice wine with dinner, and some good music, from there it became very passionate. After, we sipped wine, listened to some of "our songs" and talked.

It turned out to be a late night, we didn't get to sleep until after one this morning. But, I didn't have to work early, so we slept in till seven. Well, counting the snoozes, seven thirty.

Now, I have this written in for yesterday, and it's time to get ready for work. I have a few things to print off before I go in, and then I get to meet my boss finally. So, I should go shave and get things going.

I will come back after work and write for today...
July 20, 2013 at 7:54pm
July 20, 2013 at 7:54pm
Not so late tonight, and in better shape. I'm kind of surprised I made it through the last few days as well as I did. Very little sleep, hotter than fried frog freckles, and way to much on the stove.

So, lets break it down a bit. The last few days I've been up early, around 3:30 am for work. I work until 11:00 or so, most days, sometimes it's closer to noon when I get out, and weekends it's more like 14:00 to 15:00.

Normally I would leave work and come home, rest a bit, maybe even take a nap. I tend not to be a napper, but with the Lyme's I've been so run down that I have been taking naps. But, this go round wasn't normal at all. I had a day off on Tuesday so I slept in a bit. But, on Monday a person quit and left us scrambling to cover hours and got things all worked up again.

So, instead of relaxing on my day off, I spent it at home working here. I was going to study the drivers manual and go over to take my written test, but that all got pushed aside in the mess. Of course, having an expired license just added to the stress. There was no way I could take any time off or miss work, and it would have been almost impossible to not drive. Even so, with an expired license, I would really be in a jam if I got stopped for anything.

So, getting the test passed and having my license reinstated was a top priority for me. Only thing is, I knew I'd do better with a full night sleep and not so many problems to deal with. Instead of helping out in this area, my little brother decides he's bored and needs something to do.

He's been after me to go fishing and hang out, but I have not time and no energy. Working fifty hours a week on site and another twenty or so from home has me pretty well unavailable for anything. But, instead of support, he decides he will come down and do some stuff around here.

Now, that would be great if it worked out that way. But, knowing my little brother, I know that there will be no napping, and things will not work out proper. I was right, he decided the lawn needed to be mowed, which it did. Rhonda had it half done, but instead of doing the part she had not gotten to, he mowed over the shortest areas first. By the time he got to the tall area, the mower was not working right.

It was the clutch/drive wheel, wore out and in need of replacing. It still worked, but instead of finishing up, he pulled it apart and left for the night. Too late for me to nap at all, so I took the time to work on some paperwork and reports. I ended up staying up until almost midnight getting my work done, then slept for a few hours and back to work.

It's Friday, and I get off work, stop by my little brothers to let him know I'm going to take my test, and then I need to sleep. He wants to go look for parts for the mower, and messes around for a while. I finally leave, come home, change, and run over to take my test.

I figure I will likely mess it up, since I'm dead tired, but I hope to pass, just the same. I study my notes for a half hour then go in and take the test. A half hour later, I'm done, writing a check and have my license. I got 100% on the test, no errors.

Back home and it's now time to relax. But, it's hot so I turn on the air conditioner to cool the bedroom down. It doesn't turn on. I try the lamp, and it also is out. Great, it must have blown a fuse. So down the basement I go. But wait, the lights are out down there, too. Old houses and inadequate wiring. They must be on the same line, too.

So I grab a flash light, head down the steps and just as I step off the last step I flip the light on as I step into a foot of standing water. The basement is flooding from all the recent rain. Turns out, the sump is on the same line, too.

So, it's back upstairs, get a cord and run it from a working outlet and put on my waders, then head down to try and get the pump running. Always a fun thing to do, mess with electrical problems in a foot of standing water.

Well, even with waders on, I'm not going to try and change out a fuse in the main entry. But, I am good for plugging the sump pump into the extension cord and getting that going. An hour later and the water is down again. Now I can work on the fuse box and get things working right again.

After a couple of hours, I have the basement pumped out, the lights back on, and am about to tip over from fatigue. But, Rhonda will be home in an hour and I told her I would make supper. I cleaned up and started the chili. I was almost done when my little brother shows up, with parts and eager to put the mower back together and finish mowing.

Then Rhonda is home and soon we are all three eating chili, the yard is mowed, and I'm wiped out. Rhonda finished the chili, I got in here and wrote just a bit, then headed for bed after we ate. Oh, I should add that even after we ate and I explained I was going to bed, it still took little brother a good half hour to get going.

So, I got about three hours the night before, four last night and today... You got it, back up at 03:30 and try and stay awake and alert. Of course, with the weekend, it's busier yet and I run my butt off. But, by 15:00 I was finally driving home.

I did stop and pick up some wine, a nice red, for tonight and tomorrow. Even though we are short on help and will have to work, it's our anniversary and we should have a little celebration. Now, it's time for bed, another day over.
July 19, 2013 at 10:11pm
July 19, 2013 at 10:11pm
Well, so much for time off, again. It was close this time, too. We, Rhonda and me, would have had Tuesday and Wednesday off next week, and every week after. It's been a long time since we had a day off together, let alone two of them. Hell, it's been a long time since we just had a day off.

We had a new guy training, and just needed to test to see if we could have him work his own shift. He was suppose to do that on Monday, but he didn't show up. He did call, but I think it was just an excuse. Then, nothing all week long, not until this afternoon. He resigned.

I'm not sure if a person can resign when they have more training to do, have to test, and are not actually given the position.

Not that it matters, we will have to put in long hours to cover his shift. The good news is, we already been doing that, so it's just continue on.

Now, it's off to bed for me. Three hours of sleep the last few nights just isn't doing anything for me, and it's going to be a long and full weekend.
July 19, 2013 at 12:05am
July 19, 2013 at 12:05am
And again it's late and I'm just getting in here. There just isn't enough time and I just can't seem to get ahead of it. I did get a few things done today after work, but I also have just as many added to the list. It's been that kind of a spring and summer so far, two steps forward and three back.

But what can a person do except keep on pushing on. It's got to get better, right? I believe it will, and perhaps it's already beginning. Now, I just have to get past this lack of sleep. I will have another short night tonight, but then tomorrow, I should be able to get a full nights sleep. If all works right, I may even have a day off by next week.

For now, it's time to try and sleep, I have about four hours before I have to be back up. Happy dreams to all.
July 17, 2013 at 8:53pm
July 17, 2013 at 8:53pm
This is the tough part for me, I didn't have to go in early today, so I didn't get up till six. Now, I have to try and get a good nights sleep and be up by three-thirty again. But, how do you get to sleep when your not tired yet? I sure will be happy with the new schedule when we get it implemented.

Oh well, I can use the time tonight to study a while, and hopefully tomorrow after work I can get over to the courthouse and take my drivers test. I've been so busy this spring and summer with work, I didn't even realize I had to renew my license until after it expired. So, now I have to show a bunch of proof of who I am, then take the written test, and hopefully pass it, then I can drive again.

I seen my brother in town today. I was working and he came by to talk for a bit. Luckily I was on break when I seen him, so I had a few minutes to talk. He is planning on coming down to the house tomorrow afternoon and work on some stuff, maybe mow some grass, and who knows what.

He's off from school for the summer, not working, and bored, so he's heading down here to find something to use up his ample time. I've been working seven days a week most of the summer, and putting in about fifty hours at the job site and another twenty or so at home. I'm up at three-thirty and work until noon, then come home and try and get some stuff done. I've been trying to get enough time to spend some in here, and now I have to think about entertaining him.

How do I get the idea across that I don't have time, and I don't have the energy to entertain him and find something for him to do with his time? It will be nice to get some help with stuff around here, and it's great he wants to help out. But, his work is never very good, he is inconsiderate most of the time, and he does not take a hint when Rhonda and I want to spend some time together.

I work mornings, she works afternoons, and we only have a few hours to enjoy each other's company and do things together after she gets home. My brother, on the other hand, seldom does anything together with his girlfriend. They each tend to do their own thing, so he cannot comprehend us wanting to spend our time together.

I'm going to stay positive on this, and my intentions are to enjoy his company and help, take advantage of the opportunity and get some stuff done that's been put off for too long, and hope that he will understand if I have to send him home once in a while.

Well, I better go study so I can get my test done and over with. The plan is, to test tomorrow; wish me luck.
July 16, 2013 at 11:06pm
July 16, 2013 at 11:06pm
July 16, Tuesday. It's ten in the evening here, so I think that Writing dot Com is at midnight. So, just to make sure I have the correct day for this entry, I wrote it in.

It's been a peaceful day, a restful day, and I'm sorry to see it end. It's my first day off in months, and even though I had to do some work, it was mostly a day to relax. Of course, I wasn't feeling the best today, but not as bad as I have been feeling. Damn little bugs, yes, a tiny little bug bit me; a deer tick so small it was barely noticeable, but the infection it left behind in my blood stream was big as could be.

I had a full night of sleep last night, and still took a nice hour nap today. I'm tired now, too. I would be pushing things being up this late if I had to work my regular shift tomorrow, but Cassie is going to open and work till nine - thirty. That means I get to sleep in again. Another nice night of sleep.

I think the rest will help me get over the infection as much as the antibiotics are. I'm ready, too. I'm ready for some days off, some relaxing, and feeling better. I'm also ready for some fun, a night of sitting around the fire, some wine, some camping, fishing, anything and everything.

But for now, it's time to have a snack and hit the sack.
July 15, 2013 at 10:39pm
July 15, 2013 at 10:39pm
Just for the record, it's still Monday night, about nine-thirty on the 7/15. It's been a messed up day, but that seems to be what's normal anymore. I worked early this morning with plans on being home by noon. But, it just did not work out that way. Also, I am suppose to have a day off tomorrow to enjoy and do what ever I desire. It's been months since I had one, but now it's not quite a day off anymore.

There seems to be a certain type of person that can screw up just about anything, and that's the case again. I had them all pretty well weeded out, but I needed to hire someone and I ended up with the same crap all over this time. I kind of picked up on it at first, but I could not identify it.

Of course, people like this tend to become pretty good at covering things up for a while. that was the case, and being short on help and having the corporate office kind of eager for us to get another person trained in didn't help. Not that it's any of their fault, I was in a hurry as well, wanting some time off as soon as possible. No, the fault lies in two directions, one, we are short on help and everyone is eager to get enough people working to take up some of the slack. Two, this person; yeah, they deceived and manipulated.

Oh well, so he did not make it in for his first day of actual work. He did not test, and the schedule is all messed up again. I also had to fill his shift and it answered my question and set other things in motion. See, what these people do not understand is, they are getting by with nothing. They may think they are, but it's not so.

As it's so well put, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

Well, this applies to life, for every action one takes, there is a result, and an opposite reaction. For example, I apply for a job and get it. There is a result, I have a demand for my time, I have an income, I have responsibility etc. But there is also an opposite reaction to all of this.

Even as I get the job and see the result, another person did not get the job, and does not see any results. Where I am happy and excited, they are depressed and let down. As I look at my future income potential, they look at their future lack of income, and no potential.

Well, there's also Karma or what ever name you give it. You know, what comes around goes around. This will be the same, in time. But for now, I have to get to bed, I have to work tomorrow, from home but still work, and I have to try and resolve all the opposite actions this has cost.
July 14, 2013 at 9:58pm
July 14, 2013 at 9:58pm
What a day... not a bad day, but a long one. I didn't have to work until eleven, but had to train in a guard at eight, so I just stayed at work until it was time to start. Even this would not have made for such a long day, but it was raining and cool out, not much for yard traffic, so slow, and I was tired when I got there.

I should have slept in this morning, since I didn't work till eight, but that did not happen. I set the alarm for six, instead of three thirty, but I would up at three thirty anyway. I tried to go back to sleep, but wasn't having much luck. I did kind of doze off and on until about four=thirty when Rhonda got up, went to the bathroom, then came back and had her way with me.

After, we snuggled and soon enough I fell into a deeper sleep, but still woke, or semi-woke often. It was a nice way to start the day, and I have no complaint. I wasn't getting much for sleep anyway. But, why is it, when you can get some extra sleep in, you can't sleep?

You don't need to answer, it's really nothing that needs and answer, it's just the irony of it. So, now it's late, I'm tired and ready for bed, and there will be no sleeping in tomorrow. But, come Tuesday, I have a day off from work. The first in months, and then I can sleep in. Whether I will or not is yet to be discovered, but I can, and that's that.
July 13, 2013 at 10:34pm
July 13, 2013 at 10:34pm
Once again, it's late and I have no time to sit and write. I was home early enough, but I ate a little and then took me a nap. I have been so tired out lately, and so miserable feeling. I'm kind of feeling a little better now, but still not feeling good.

I would have to describe it as flu-like. Body aches, hot one minute cold the next. I get rapid heartbeats and feel a bit dizzy sometimes. Headaches, upset stomach, stiff neck and acid re-flux, not to mention having diarrhea and just feeling tired.

I hate to think what I would feel like if I had not started taking the antibiotics when I did. I know they are helping a lot, and I expect one of these first mornings I will wake up and be feeling more like my old self again soon. But for now, it's kind of tough going, and on top of the rest of it, Rhonda and I may have gotten a touch of food poisoning a few days ago.

I should research Lyme's Disease further, then I would know what to expect and how long it will go on for. But, from what I did read, the symptoms are flu-like and it depends on how long I had it, how fast I respond to the antibiotics, and how much rest I get. That's the difficult part, getting enough rest; that is why I let myself take a nap again today.

Anyway, it's getting better, and hopefully soon I can get a day or two off.
July 12, 2013 at 6:05pm
July 12, 2013 at 6:05pm
Well this is different. I'm home and writing in here with time to spare; Rhonda isn't even home yet. I got done at work and made some copies, posted the new schedule, and dropped off the plates, and was still home by noon, or just a little after.

I did take a nice nap, too. I was so tired and it felt good to snooze a bit. Then I got online and did my thing, and now, here I am, in here writing this without having to hurry, or be half asleep.

It's kind of nice, and I think I can get used to this real fast. I would have time to do things around the house, get out fishing with Len, and even spend time in here, writing, reading and reviewing.

Now, it's just a matter of getting a few days off, and I should be good to go. I do have to work out the schedule, since I was kind of thinking of having the weekends off, but it should work out fine. It may have to wait till after double coverage is done before we can get two days off in a row together, but it should work fine.

Now, it's time for Rhonda to pull up, so I will end this and go spend some time with her, too.

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