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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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September 15, 2013 at 9:53am
September 15, 2013 at 9:53am
Got in here pretty late last night, but back early today. It was after midnight by a few minutes, so the date is wrong on yesterday's entry. Then, after getting to bed, I asked Rhonda to check the alarm, since we didn't have to be up as early.

Sunday morning I don't have to be to work until 8:00. This morning I was suppose to be there to go through the opening procedure with one of the other guards. He usually does nights, but needed to get trained to open. Instead of getting up at 6:00, as intended, I got up at 7:45.

Rhonda had set the alarm for 6:00 last night, then we had a little fun and after, snuggled and went to sleep. This morning, she wakes me with a start, "You have to take off for work!"

It was quarter, too! I jumped up and started to grab my cloths, I was going to be late. I knew right off, I would not be there till at least 8:30, or later. I was thinking, "Call in and explain to them I'm on my way, but will be about a half hour late."

That's when my brain finally kicked in and I remembered Allen was training to open. He would be there, and the shift would be covered. That was a relief, but he would be expecting me to be there to show him everything. Luckily, he closes, and opening is just the opposite. It's not difficult at all, so I knew he would do just fine.

So, there was no reason to rush in, since I would not get there in time to do what I intended. No, may as well wait and just go in to work my part of the shift.
September 15, 2013 at 1:13am
September 15, 2013 at 1:13am
It's Saturday, September 14; well the entry is for Saturday the 14, it's actully six minutes past midnight here, so I'm past late. Or, if I use this for Sunday's entry, I'm damn early; only I missed a day.

No this is for Saturday. It was a good day, even though I had to work. I don't mind work, and even enjoy it most of the time. Today I was even done early and got out of there a half hour sooner than normal.

I came home, talked to Rhonda for a little while and then we took a nap together. No, just a nap; sleeping nothing more, nothing less. I would have enjoyed a little more, and I'm sure she would have, too. But, we were both very tired, and sleep was what we needed. I only got a few hours last night, and Rhonda as well.

She had to get back up and go to work, but I slept. She did wake me before she left, but I didn't really wake fully. I didn't wake up until about eight this evening. Then I worked on the schedule and some paperwork until Rhonda got home. We had a late supper and now we are going to watch Netflix if the power stays on.

It's been on and off all night; I'm not sure why, it's not bad weather. At least not here, I'll look online and see if there are severe storms close by. So, anyway, it got late. Sleep, I think I have slept more int he last few days than in the last few weeks. I should be about caught up.

If, however, I don't get out of here and get to bed, I'll be getting behind again...
September 14, 2013 at 12:34am
September 14, 2013 at 12:34am
Friday, 09/13/2013 is the date, and the time is 11:27 p.m. That's here, in South Dakota. I did not make it in time to get the right date in WdC land, there's that hour difference. Even so, I'm here, it is still Friday, and that counts in my book.

It got late on me again, but this time it was fun instead of work, or sleep. I should be sleeping, but I went out fishing with my brother and it just got late before we came in off the lake.

I did enjoy myself, the fish were giving us quite a challenge, and the weather was beautiful. A little on the windy side, but not too terribly bad. We also had a cooler day, but warm enough to make being on the lake great.

Now, I'm waiting for Rhonda to get home, then I'm going to have a little ice cream with her while we watch a little Netflix, then I'm going to go in the bedroom, slip between the sheets, and sleep.

But first, I want to share something. While at work, a song called Rio played, and it was one of those songs that sticks with a person. Only I did not know the words, so I had to make some up. It goes something like this...

His name was Leo and he was a Mexican, he longed for freedom so he crossed the Rio Grande. He didn't have nothing, he was living on the lamb, till he voted for Obama, then he got a helping hand.

OK, kind of silly, but that's it. Goodnight~
September 12, 2013 at 10:59pm
September 12, 2013 at 10:59pm
It's going to have to be short tonight, it's past time for bed. Yes, it got late on me, but not too bad. I did a little work from home after work, then goofed off a little online, but I was tired, so I took a couple hour nap.

Then, it was time for Rhonda to get home. I took a shower while she cooked supper. After, a little Netflix and now, a quick entry in my journal and bed. Tomorrow, it's work early, then fishing in the afternoon. I am going to try and get my little brother to get me home sooner.

That's kind of a coin toss type situation, maybe yes, maybe no. Hopefully yes, but just in case it's no, I want to get a pretty good nights rest, so time for me to hit the sheets and sleep.

Five hours and the alarm will go off, so this is it for tonight~
September 11, 2013 at 2:53pm
September 11, 2013 at 2:53pm
Look at the time! I'm usually getting in here just under the wire, sometimes just over it, and occasionally, not even making it. But the last few days have been better, and today is another great day.

First of all, I have already been around the site some and enjoyed some leisure time in here, and second, I'm getting my journal done and it's only early afternoon. The best part is, I have the rest of the day, too.

It's my day off for the week, and many may think that sucks, only getting one day off a week. But the truth is, it's terrific to get one day off a week, considering most of the summer there was no days off a week, or month, or all summer. The last I had scheduled days off was back in May, and they were not carved in stone. Although there was always some risk of not getting my scheduled days off, it changed around December of last year.

That marked a change; it was more likely than not I would not get the day off as scheduled. Even so, I still was able to get some days off. That changed again around April, when it became difficult to get any of my scheduled days off. By May, it was a task to get any days off. By the end of May, there was no chance of getting a day off.

Although August provided a couple of days off, it was not truly time off from work. It was scheduled time off from going in to the job site and working my security guard duties, but there was a backlog of manager duties needing attention, so any days off were spent trying to keep up with this aspect of my job.

To fully understand, I should explain that I am the security manager for a security company. They are located in Iowa, but have sites in other states. Ours is one of them, and I'm the site supervisor. I am also a security guard for the company, and I get paid a little bit more than the other guards as compensation for my supervisory tasks. I do not, however, get paid any compensation other than when I am working my scheduled hours as a security guard.

Also, while I'm working as a security guard, I cannot perform many of the duties required of my supervisory position, so they must be done from home, off the clock. Normally, they do not require a lot of time, but that all changed in early spring. Problems with other guards required more and more time off the clock.

Even as this demand grew, I was spending more time at work, and had less time at home to keep up with the paperwork and other tasks, so I slowly got further and further behind. So, when a day off did arise, it would be spent trying to get caught up again.

As I said, I did not have any time off between May and August, with just a couple days off in May, spent catching up at home, and a couple days in August, again, spent catching up. Also, between on the job and at home, I have been averaging over fifty hours a week. But in September it began to change.

The first change was double coverage ended, so there was less demand for coverage. Secondly, I finally had a crew of guards who were able to work more hours, and the last one who was very limited, left. So, more hours could be distributed to the other guards, and there were less hours needing filled. Finally, we hired another guard and for the first time since April, we have a full crew. He tested and passed today.

He will still need a little training, but by next week, I should have the ability to schedule two days or more off a week. There are still a few problems with another guard, a new person, but I'm hopeful they will work out. Even if they do not, we have enough staff to cover her hours until another person can be hired.

This all means I finally have some time to do what I want, not what I need. Sure, there is still need of getting some things caught up, but nothing real pressing. I still have to send an e-report today and mail some forms, but that won't take long.

It feels pretty good to have a little time again. Right now, it's just that, a little time. But it's looking like it may just become a little more by next week, and then there's the ability to take some time off, which will make it even more.

So, with some time, I was able to sleep in this morning. No alarm, just sleep till I woke up. There is the ability to get in here and enjoy some time looking around and writing a little. And, after I finish my journal, I have a poem I started that I'm going to add to my portfolio.

I may even get it edited~
September 10, 2013 at 7:21pm
September 10, 2013 at 7:21pm
I survived the day; it was kind of rough, but I made it through. I was up at 3:15 and to work by 5:00. That part was normal, but I actually got to bed early last night and had about seven hours of sleep.

So I woke refreshed and alert, right? No, I was tired and really out of it. I guess I'm not used to sleeping that long in one stretch.

Also, it was still in the 70's and very humid, which didn't help me to wake up any. I had eaten too much last night, and that added to it, as well. But, around 6:00 the wind changed directions, picked up, and the humidity dropped. I also started to feel better, and more awake.

Other than that, it was a good day. Pretty slow, but that's alright, too. I did stay and work late with Natalie, but only a half hour. I wanted to go over a few pointers with her, and see if she had any questions.

Then it was heading home. Rhonda had the day off today, and wanted to go in for a haircut and some shopping. Since I was home before she left, I went with her. We used to go together most of the time, but this summer kind of messed up our normal routines. Today was nice spending most of it together. I even took her out for ice cream.

Now, it's just a little after 6:00 and time to relax with a little music, or maybe some TV. Tomorrow, I'm off for the day.
September 9, 2013 at 6:39pm
September 9, 2013 at 6:39pm
Getting things done a little sooner tonight. It's only 5:30 here and I'm in already. I wasn't sure if I would make it or not, I was pretty tired and fighting sleep all afternoon, but I seem to have caught my second wind or something and I'm feeling better.

I'm still tired, but not to the point of falling asleep standing up, like I was. I have supper cooking in the oven, and Rhonda is on her way home. It's going to be a nice evening to relax and then get to bed early. Then, tomorrow should be a good day too.

I work again tomorrow, but have Wednesday off. No plans, either, except to rest up. We started training a trainee in yesterday and today, and he should be good to go by the end of the week. That means time off next week. Hot damn, what a rush.

Time off means more time to do things, including writing. Although it's going to take a while to get caught up on the other fronts, and that could prevent me from having much time to write or spend time in here. But, soon enough I should be able to take some time to myself again, and that is when the writing flows best.

For now, I'm closing this out and going to finish super.
September 8, 2013 at 11:07pm
September 8, 2013 at 11:07pm
Sunday night, just after ten; not too bad. It was a pretty busy day, work, then some shopping before I came home. I stopped at work to talk to Rhonda and ended up sticking around to help her for a while.

So even though I was done work at two this afternoon, it was about five this evening when I got home. I made up a big kettle of chili and then did a little work on the computer. I was too tired to do much, so I took a nap around seven until Rhonda called.

So, a busy day and now I have this done, it's time to relax a little and then off to bed. We are training a new guard in, and hopefully he's ready by the end of the week. Then, things will be better. More time, days off, and just less stress.
September 8, 2013 at 12:20am
September 8, 2013 at 12:20am
Saturday, September 7. I know, it says it's Sunday but it's not, not yet, not here. I still have fifty minutes to go before midnight. I intended to do this sooner, but it just didn't work out that way.

I worked early again this morning, and will from here on out if the schedule works out. So, I was up at 3:30 this morning. Being Saturday, it was a longer day, and I didn't get done until 1:00 this afternoon. But, I had to get a prescription filled, and when I got there, they were going to lunch. I did some shopping while I waited, and finally was out by around 3:00 this afternoon.

I stopped by work to talk to Rhonda for a little bit, and then came home. This put me at home a little before 4:00. I nuked a TV dinner and warmed up a cup of soup to go with it, then got on the computer. I didn't do much while I ate, but after I had intended to get quite a bit done. Especially in here.

Instead, I began to doze off. So, I decided to take a short nap. I have been taking naps to try and stay ahead on sleep, since I only have been getting about three hours a night, but i wanted to tough it out today so i would get to bed early tonight.

I couldn't do it, I was just too tired. So, set my cell phone alarm for an hour, that should do just fine. I got comfortable in bed, I think. I'm not sure, I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. I slept sound, too.

Then, I woke with a start and thought I was late for work. It took a few minutes to sink in it was late afternoon, or so I thought. Kind of dark for late afternoon, though. I looked and sure enough it was past late afternoon. It was almost 9:00 at night. So much for getting a lot done.

Oh well, at least I got rested up and I feel like I will still sleep well tonight. I purchased a mattress topper and a new pillow, it should help. That may just be my subject for tomorrow.
September 6, 2013 at 8:11pm
September 6, 2013 at 8:11pm
It's early Friday night. That may not mean much to you, but to me, it's a wonderful feeling to be in here writing a few words this early on a Friday, or any, night. It's usually late, very late.

I worked the morning shift, with only about three hours of sleep last night. But, I had slept most of the afternoon yesterday, then was up for a few hours, slept three more and got up for work. I was tired, but not as tired as I thought I would be.

I got home this afternoon about one, talked to Rhonda and had a nice dinner mid-afternoon, then took a nice nap around three. This time I set the alarm and only let myself sleep for a couple of hours, then got up and did a few things online. Now, here I am, getting my entry in early.

I have an instructional program I have been waiting to try out, and tonight may be the first lesson for me. I've switched from Open Office to MS Word, and have the full office suit, but I'm not sure how to do much with any of it. I know enough to get by, but the instructional I have is suppose to cover the various programs in depth.

So, it's off to get a cup of coffee and then see what it's all about.
September 5, 2013 at 11:22pm
September 5, 2013 at 11:22pm
I better get in here and write this before it gets too late. Today went a lot better than the last few.

Weekends are just rough. Not only are they longer shifts, as a rule, but they are busier days as well. Also, since I usually open and Rhonda closes, there is little sleep. This last weekend was a little better, since we both had Sunday off.

Sunday was an enjoyable day, but a lot of things going on, so we didn't get a lot of rest. Then, on Monday, just about the time I thought I was done with work and ready to come home and take a power nap before doing my work from home stuff, I find out I'm needed to fill another shift. It ended up being 7:00 o'clock in the evening when I finally got back home. I left at a little after 4:00 o'clock that morning.

That had me pretty tired, and I could have gone straight to bed, but I wanted to get a few things done, and I wanted to get in here and write a little. I've set a goal to write every day and have done a great job of keeping to my goal, with only a couple of exceptions. So, it got late before I got to bed.

The next morning I was up at 3:15 in the morning, again. Another long day at work, and then I had to stick around and assist the next guard for a while before getting to come home. I did get a little more sleep, about six hours. By now, I'm ready for a day off, and Wednesday was just that. I got up at the same time, with Rhonda who was filling my shift so I could have this day off. After she left, I went back to bed and slept until 9:00, then got up and got to work. I had to come up with a workable schedule, include some training for a new person, and get it copied and posted.

After, I had to meet with the new person and fill out hire paperwork, then send some faxes and talk to the guards about the next schedule. I finally got back home around mid-afternoon. But, I had to run some uniforms to the new person so he could start training, and I had to give another person a ride after their shift. So, early evening I went back into town to take care of things.

Only I forgot the cloths. I talked to the closing guard, went over the schedule, then gave the other guard a ride home. Then I ran back home and got the clothing, then took off to deliver the items after calling and letting him know I would be late. It was quite a drive, and later than I had anticipated by the time I got there. Then, it was another hour to get back home. Another late night, I finally got to bed around about 12:45 this morning.

It was a good day off, just busy. I had to get these things done, and they should get me more time off soon, so it's a fair trade. It was a pretty nice day, and a beautiful night, and I enjoyed myself even though I had much work to finish up.

Rhonda met me after work, while I finished up the paperwork, then we had a nice lunch before faxed everything to the corporate office. We enjoyed the afternoon, and we enjoyed a nice drive in the evening when I took the clothing over to the new hire. We had a drink and watched a little Netflix after we got home, to unwind. I just didn't get much time for sleeping.

Also, with it being such a busy week, I haven't gotten much time for WdC, and the birthday bash. That's how the summer has been, too. Just no time to do the things we enjoy, work, more work, then overtime. It will be nice when things settle into place and we can enjoy some time off.

Today, back to work at 5:00 this morning, so up at 3:30. Yeah, I slept a little later than normal, 15 minutes more. the way my schedule has been this summer, fifteen minutes is a gift. I got home around noon, spent a little time enjoying a cup of coffee and talking to Rhonda, then she tucked me into bed. After a nice tucking, she did a little housework while I took a nap.

I thought I would sleep a couple hours, maybe even three. I also thought I would wake up before she left for work this afternoon. I thought wrong. I did wake up a couple times to run to the bathroom; that's what coffee does. I woke up once with a major cramp in my calf, which is still sore, but I went right back to sleep each time. In fact, I can't say I even woke fully.

I also remember Rhonda talking to me and kissing me before she left, but it's fuzzy and dreamlike. I can't say I slept through it, but I didn't really wake up, either. Kind of like being in a trance or doped. After, I slipped back into a deep sleep with no more partial wake-ups. I didn't wake until a little after 6:00 this evening.

I feel a lot better, I had a light supper, and I got my work report done and sent. Then it was a little looking around in Facebook and myfitnesspal before logging in here for a while. Now, it's about time for Rhonda to get done work and call before she comes home. You'd think I'd be up late and unable to sleep, after my all afternoon nap, but you would be wrong. I'm already feeling tired and ready to go back to bed.

By the time Rhonda gets home, we talk and relax a little, I'll be set for snuggling up to her and drifting back into the deep sleep. Tomorrow it's back up at 3:15, the same on Saturday. Hopefully I don't get quite so behind on my sleep this weekend. If everything works according to the schedule, by the week after, I may even get a few days off to try and get caught up on my sleep. I think I could take a whole week, sleeping in to do just that.
September 5, 2013 at 12:37am
September 5, 2013 at 12:37am
Wednesday, September 9, and I'm out of time, and by the WDC clock, past time. Here it's 11:30.

I had the day off, but spent it working anyway. I didn't have to go in for work, but I did need to do the next schedule, fill out and fax hire paperwork, give an employee a ride, talk to another who had a family emergency come up, and deliver some uniforms to the person we just hired so he will be ready to start training. In the end, I put in more time than I would have if I would have worked today.

Two differences, this should give me more time off, and of course, this work is off the clock. If it works out for more time off, and with my wife to boot, it's worth it.

But, I don't have any time in here, and I have to be back up in four hours to go to work. That means I'll be tired tomorrow, and probably won't get much done in here, again. That's the biggest area I need to fix, time to do what I want. Two big things, time with my wife and time with WDC. I've all but missed the birthday bash, and Rhonda and I have only had one day off together since May.

Well, I better get off of here and get ready for bed...
September 3, 2013 at 10:30pm
September 3, 2013 at 10:30pm
I'm out of time, and yet, just getting started. Gee, that sounds familiar.

Why? Because that's been the number one hit all summer, "Got No Time."

At least it's because I had a good day, but a busy day. Tomorrow will be similar, even though it's my day off. I have to give one person a ride, and interview another. I also have to set up a schedule and figure out some training times for him.

I was suppose to do that today, but didn't get to it. Oh well, I'll work it out tomorrow.

Tonight, I'm going to bed early. See, not only do I have no time, but I'm so tired, I can't think straight, too.

So, short and sweet. Goodnight.
September 2, 2013 at 10:23pm
September 2, 2013 at 10:23pm
What a crazy day. I got up at 3:15 this morning and was at work by 4:45. That's when I remembered, it's a holiday and we don't have to be at work until 6:15. Not enough time to run back home, so I just napped in the Jimmy; well, tried to nap in the Jimmy.

Then I'm at work, starting my day. It's down right cold this morning, and just dead. I had maybe 4 people come through by 9:45. So, I took a fifteen minute break, and when I came back, there was yard traffic everywhere.

It slowed down some, and Rhonda came in at 11:00. And, we got hit with another rush of traffic. I stayed on and helped, but did get clocked out about noon. I was then ready to go home, but wanted to see if we needed double coverage. My thoughts where, "If Jason approves double coverage, I'll call Natalie and then go over and give her a ride in to work."

Only, by the time I got a chance to talk to Jason, the yard traffic was backed up and there was no time to call or go get Natalie. I went back and helped out, and it stayed busy as all hell until about 16:00. Then it began to slow down, but not enough to clock out. I did finally get out of there about 16:45.

I had some paperwork to do, and a fax to send, so I went in to do just that. Before I was done, I was called out to the guardhouse again. This time I had to work on some time off for another guard. He has a legitimate reason for requesting time off, and is only asking for a few hours on Wednesday and on Thursday.

Only, we have a shortage on help yet, and that makes it pretty difficult. Even so, if Natalie approves the changes and can work an extra day, we can not only get Allen the few hours off he requested, we can also get him one of the days off. Only, this is going to require some major changes to the schedule.

I was beginning to think I wasn't going to have to change this schedule, a very rare thing. But, it was a false hope; we will be changing the schedule.

This also put me way behind schedule for my plans. I had intended to come home by 13:00 at the latest, catch up on some much needed sleep, and then get up and work on the next schedule. Instead, I made it home by 19:00 and worked on the current schedule. It's just been that kind of crazy.
September 1, 2013 at 11:29pm
September 1, 2013 at 11:29pm
Sunday night already. The day went by way too fast. That's always the way it goes; Law of Relativity, you know. I had today off, and so did Rhonda. Our first day off since mid May, or longer. We also had family visiting, so we spent half the day with my younger brother and his girlfriend, our daughter and her husband, and our grandchildren.

It was a great day all around, even if there were a few problems that came up. To start the day, we slept in until nine this morning. We have not been able to sleep in for months. Then, we spent a leisurely morning enjoying each others company. We also enjoyed a Bible study together, and Klarissa even seems to be doing better.

Then we headed into town to visit, went out to eat, and stopped and got some coffee on the way over to Len and Linda's after we ate. That was the messed up part. We had to hold on to coffee so it would not spill, since there are no drink holders in the van. As we came into our intersection, some bone-head wouldn't let me into the turning lane.

So, I slowed down and let him get past us. Just as he did, he slammed on his brakes right there in the turning lane. The light was green, and he was not at the intersection yet, so there was absolutely no reason to stop, yet he did. This meant I had to slam on the brakes as well.

At the same time, Jamie called and of course, my cell phone was in the back, behind my seat, in Rhonda's purse. Now, I did not know for sure I would get the day off, since it could get busy at work. Therefore, I had to keep my phone handy just in case I got called in.

So, as the phone rang, Rhonda let go of the coffee, to get my phone. Even as she did, the bone-head slammed on the brakes and our coffee launched. One spilled completely, the other didn't lose the lid but still leaked plenty out on the floor.

But, there wasn't no sense in crying over spilled milk -- or coffee, so we went over and enjoyed the afternoon. Then, after the kids left, we did a little shopping, then came home. We enjoyed a nice evening, and now it's time to think about getting off to bed. Three fifteen comes very early. I'm finding it difficult to go to bed, however, because I just don't want to let this day end.
September 1, 2013 at 12:59am
September 1, 2013 at 12:59am
Saturday, August 31. It is here, in South Dakota, but not in WDC land. In WDC, it's birthday time; happy birthday to a wonderful site. I like the changes and am excited just to be a part of it all.

But, still not much for time. I do have a day off tomorrow, but since Rhonda and I have not had a day off together for months, I'm sure I won't get much time to do things in here. Also, we have a daughter and her family visiting tomorrow, so any chance is even less.

But, things are settling down at work and soon I will have Zach training. Once we have him on, it will be even more time off for us, together.

Now, it's time to get my tired butt in bed, I'm going to have a full day tomorrow.
August 30, 2013 at 11:25pm
August 30, 2013 at 11:25pm
Late again, naturally. I know, that's not how the song goes. It should be, "Alone again, naturally." But, I am not alone, just late. I bet I was born late, too.

So, it's Friday night, even though WDC time is running out quickly. Here, in South Dakota, it's not quite ten-thirty. But that's late when you have to be up by three in the morning. And, I have a long day tomorrow, too.

What happened was my little brother. He's been wanting to go fishing, so today we went. And, I did enjoy myself, but it always gets later than I want before we get home. It's not something he does intentionally, it just happens.

Oh well, if it wasn't that, it would be something else. That is how things have been going for a long time now. One day it will all work out, and I will have time. I'm not sure if I'll know what to do with it, but I'll have it.

For now, I don't, so goodnight.
August 29, 2013 at 9:44pm
August 29, 2013 at 9:44pm
I'm running late tonight; back to normal I guess. Not that it was a terrible day for being busy or anything, just got late before I knew it. I worked early today, up at 03:15 and home around noon.

I was up late last night so I was pretty tired when I got home. The idea was to take a quick nap and then get started on some things. Unfortunately, my quick nap was not quick at all. I ended up sleeping away the afternoon. When I did get up, it was time to make supper.

While the soup cooked, Rhonda and I took a shower, then ate dinner and did a Bible study. After that, I got online and remembered I needed to make a time correction for work, since I did not get clocked out. It's nice I could do it from home, sending a fax to the office with HelloFax.

But, I did not have anything set up on my computer yet, so I had to take a few minutes to set up my documents and fill them out, then send then and now here I am. Only, I'm still tired and feel ready for bed. I know part of it is the heat. It has been hot and humid all week.

Everyday is a new heat advisory, and it's difficult working outside in this weather, it really takes a lot out of a person. Also, it makes it difficult to sleep. We have the air on, but it's still stuffy and sticky; it's an old house, and the A/C is two small window units. They help a lot, but it's not real efficient.

Well, tomorrow I work early again, then it's off for some fishing. It's going to be another scorcher tomorrow, so it will be nice to be out on the lake, but it's going to be hot.

Saturday is work as normal, then Sunday -- a day off. Yeah! But not just a day off, a day off with my wonderful wife. We have not had a day off together all summer, so this is real special. Also, our daughter and her family will be out for a visit, so we get to spend the day visiting children and grandchildren.

Now, it's time to sit back and watch a little Netflix, then bed.
August 28, 2013 at 1:41pm
August 28, 2013 at 1:41pm
Look at the time? Wow! It's barely after noon and I'm in here writing. Well, noon here anyway. To be exact, it's noon-thirty and I'm in here.

I know, nothing to get excited about -- NOT! It is if you know how things have been going around here. I'm doing good to get in here before midnight, most days. So, what's different today?

Well, for one thing, I have a day off. That's way different from the normal routine this summer. Also, I don't have a ton of work to do from home. I did have a report to do, and a couple of calls to make, but they are all done.

This is how things work when the schedule works out. Now, I have to get this person to work one more day, her last day, and we, me and my wife, will have a day off together. When was the last time? I think it was in mid May, or maybe it was the end of April. Last spring, anyway.

And, since I do not have a ton of work to do, at least for my job, I'm thinking of doing something relaxing. If I don't, I know I will end up working on something else. So, I finish this, call my little brother, and I'm off for the lake.

It's not going to be a long day out there, but a few hours should do. I may just drive in and surprise him, since I have to get vinegar anyway. He built a new gate for the fence around the yard, and he wants me to stop by and see it. This may be the opportunity to do just that.

So, perhaps I will get back in here later, but I kind of doubt it. Things just don't usually work out that way. No matter, though, I have my entry in for the day, and now it's off to other adventures. Who knows, I may even find something to write about~
August 23, 2013 at 11:12pm
August 23, 2013 at 11:12pm
Better get this done so I can get to bed. It's just after ten here, on a Friday night. I should be out having fun, but instead heading for bed. Weekends are just two more working days for this guy. But, then everyday is a working day.

However, if the schedule works out, I will have one day off this week, and two next week. That is a big if, though. It all depends on one person, who really doesn't want to work. She would rather put her time in as a volunteer than to work for pay, and she would stab her father in the back and use him for a stool to reach her goals.

She is the kind of person who smiles and tells you one thing to your face while coniving how to walk over you as she does it. What makes it so bad, is she doesn't even realize she is doing it most times. She lives in a fantasy world, where everything makes her a hero, when in fact, she is really just a zero.

The good news is, one more week and she is gone. That is another one down and I did not have to terminate her position. Just like the rest of the zeros before her, she did it to herself.

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