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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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October 6, 2013 at 7:40am
October 6, 2013 at 7:40am
I don't know if you noticed the time when you stopped by this entry or not. Of course you probably didn't pay any attention, and even if you did, it would not mean anything much. Unless, you stop by often and always check to see the time, then you may have noticed that it's before seven in the morning instead of around seven at night, or later.

Usually it's late by the time I finally get an opportunity to come in to WdC and do anything. Time has been very scarce for me all summer, and even before it was pretty limited. Now, I am starting to see more time to do things, but I have so much to do from my lack of time that it seldom makes a big difference as far as when I get to come write a little.

Today, I'm up at six instead of three, and I have a little time before I have to be at work, so I decided to come write a little in here, just to get that morning time stamp in. Of coarse, I do have to keep this short since I need to get ready for work now, but it's a start, it's morning, and I have the afternoon to get back in here and spend some time.

*LeafO* *LeafO* *LeafO*

It's still Sunday, and I'm home from work. I didn't get back in here to spend some time like I wanted to, but I had a good day. I did some grocery shopping after work and then after I got home, I put myself to the task of cooking up a big kettle of soup. Then, I took myself a nap, because I was too tired to do much else. I woke up after an hour and enjoyed a bowl of the soup I had simmering, watched a little T.V. and now I'm finishing my entry for the day.

I had an idea for a story, and worked it out pretty well at work today. Now, I need to get it from paper on to the computer and in here, then work on it and see if I can't add another item to my portfolio. It's been quite a while since I wrote a story, and I'm kind of excited about getting this one going.

Now, it's time for Rhonda to get home, and then we can enjoy a bowl of soup together and watch a little T.V. as we relax before bed. Tomorrow no alarm, and if the weather permits, I may get out for a little fishing. I also have a little work to get done but that shouldn't take too long. After the fishing and getting some things done for work, I'm hoping I can get in here and work on my story as well as read some by others.
October 5, 2013 at 9:31pm
October 5, 2013 at 9:31pm
I think I'm starting to get caught up on sleep. Now, the difficult part is staying caught up.

I was doing a lot better, but the two day road trip we had kind of took me back down again. Being excited meant not sleeping good the night before we took off. Then, a lot of driving really wore me down. Also, a lot of walking and just going while we were on the road. We stopped and looked at quite a few interesting sights, all involving some walking.

Our camp over in the van also cost some sleep; it was after midnight when we finally found a spot and set up, then it was a restless night of waking and tossing. The biggest problem was not having a soft enough surface to sleep on, the other problem was room, two dogs crowding Rhonda who then was crowding me.

That all lead to us getting up early, about five o'clock, and getting back on the road. Then, we had a busy day and did a lot of waling and sight seeing. Driving in the rain also was tiring, as was all the traffic and equipment we encountered as the farmers harvested the crops in North Dakota. Finally, getting home after eleven at night, in bed after midnight, and then being up at three fifteen finished me off.

I did sleep yesterday afternoon, but then I didn't get to sleep until late again last night and was up at three fifteen again this morning. It was better than yesterday morning, but I was still tired. It was cold today, and very busy, so I was beat by the time I got home, so I took a couple hour nap that turned into a few more hours. Even so, I'm feeling better and still tired enough I should sleep tonight.

I should have a couple days off coming up soon, too. I don't have much planned this time, just a bit of fishing and resting up. That's good, too because in another week we may just be doing another road trip heading west. It depends on the weather and what comes up between now and then. For now, it's time to get caught up and ready for another round.
October 4, 2013 at 11:58pm
October 4, 2013 at 11:58pm
I missed an entry in here for yesterday, but it was a good reason. We had taken a two day road trip and didn't get back home yesterday until about 11:00 p.m. and I had to be up by 3:00 a.m. this morning for work. So, I didn't even try to get in here to write. Besides, I was three quarters asleep already, and suffering a good case of white-line fever.

I haven't tallied the miles yet so no total, but I would estimate about 1100 miles round trip. We started out going up to Sica Hollow, then shot over to Minnesota and headed east and north. We started looking for a place to camp about dusk, but everything was closed for the season. We tried quite a few different areas around the Detroit Lakes region. When we couldn't find anything we continued a little further north for the night.

Around midnight I was getting too tired to drive, and found a spot to pull off the road into a nice wooded trail. We "camped" in the van until about five the next morning. We had blankets and pillows along, and we put down a couple of heavy quilts to lie on, but it was still too hard to sleep on the floor of the van. We also had the seats out for room, but with the luggage and two golden retrievers, it was still pretty cramped. Rhonda is not only a bed hog, but a van hog as well. It got a bit chilly but not too bad. even so, she snuggled up so close I was pressed against the side of the van to the point I couldn't hardly move. Of course, she was sandwiched between me and the dogs, and didn't sleep any better.

Shortly after five we got up, packed things up some and headed back down to Pelican Rapids, then went back north to Itasca State Park. We found a convenience store just outside the park and got more coffee before entering. We spent a half a day site seeing the park and enjoying the headwaters of the Mississippi River at Lake Itasca.

After we left the park we should have made a straight shot for home, but it was a beautiful day, the fall colors were amazing, and we were enjoying our trek, so we continued north for a while, then started west. But, we ended up in an area they are destroying by putting up a wind generator farm. I can't imagine anyone thinking these things are a good alternative energy source. They destroyed a big area of forest, stripped the land, and put up these towers to produce a fraction of the energy we could get from other sources. Is saving the environment really being achieved if you remove everything natural and replace it with man made structures? Not to mention the waste and pollution incurred in making the material these things are made from.

Anyway, we turned around and went west instead, back into the natural beauty we had been enjoying. We shot up north and ended up close to Bemidji, then took our time driving east until we came to North Dakota. At this point, we turned south and took a scenic route across the state and came out in the Sisseton area. From there we got on 25 and followed that to 212 by Henry, which is close to home.

It was a very beautiful trip with the forests in full fall color. Itasca State Park was terrific, the colors in the park were at their peak. Plenty of things to look at, a nice ten mile drive through the park, and of course, seeing the mighty Mississippi River at it's very start, Lake Itasca. It's hard to believe the big river is only about two yards wide and a foot deep. It's also hard to believe those swirling brown waters start out so crystal clear.

We had talked about trying to make another road-trip going west yet this year. We thought we may get a chance to drive the Black Hills and over to Devil's Tower yet before the snow, but upon our return last night, that whole region was under a blizzard warning and had over a foot of snow on the ground with more still coming. We may still go west to Rapid City, but I doubt we will do much else except visit my brother out there, for this year anyway.
October 2, 2013 at 11:16am
October 2, 2013 at 11:16am
It's just about 10:00 a.m. and I wanted to get this started before I leave. It's been a great start tot the day, slept in (for me 8:00 is late anymore), had a nice breakfast, and now it's time to hit the road. I don't know when I will get back, so I wanted to get something entered in before I leave.

I am bringing the computer with, but I don't know if I will have any internet access where we are going. Actually, I don't even know where we are going yet. I have an idea what direction I want to go, and what I want to do for the day, but where is still a mystery. It's been a long time since we have gone anyplace for fun, so the main idea is to get away from everything and have a fun day.

So,in sticking to the idea, I've been thinking about what to do and where to do it. I know Rhonda enjoys a surprise, so I didn't want to plan anything out with her. Being kind of spontaneous, I also wanted to not plan anything out with me. Even so, I need some idea of what to do, so I know where to go.

I had a couple of ideas brewing in my head when I seen a Facebook post by a friend of mine in Minnesota; the trees there are in full fall color. Here, the corn and beans are in full fall colors, but there just aren't many trees. So, I got this idea to go visit northern Minnesota and see the trees. It should be a beautiful drive, and we will have the chance to see the full range of change as we progress along. In looking at foliage reports from the Minnesota DNR, I see we will start with just light fall changes and advance to full fall colors as we drive north.

That's the plan, to go to northern Minnesota. The route so far is to go north from here, then cut across by Sica Hollow and see the colors there. We will then cross over into western Minnesota and then eventually turn north again. No real idea where we will end up, or even what exact route we will take, except to Sica Hollow.

If I get someplace with WiFi, I will likely log something just to have it in here, but depending on time and what and where we are, I might not get back in here today. In fact, we are taking a little bit of stuff along just in case we stay overnight someplace and return home tomorrow.
October 1, 2013 at 7:30pm
October 1, 2013 at 7:30pm
It's the first day of October already. This summer went by way too fast, but that's got a lot to do with working every day. Hopefully we have a nice autumn and can get some things done, both needed and wanted before snow comes.

I have the next two days off with Rhonda, and we had planned on going to her mom's for a birthday surprise, but found out her mom would not be home. So, we are now thinking about what to do for the next two days. It's suppose to be cold and raining, so it's kind of limited, but even so, I want to do something.

I do have an idea, but it's going to be a long day to fulfill it. We have not had any kind of a trip for a long time, and we both miss Minnesota, so I thought about making a trip to see the fall colors. We could take off early and spend the day enjoying the fall colors. We would have the two dogs with, so it would be best to come back home the same day. We would also have a day to just relax at home before going back to work on Friday.
September 30, 2013 at 1:42pm
September 30, 2013 at 1:42pm
"Ten minutes! That's it, just ten minutes."

That's how long I have before I need to head out of here. I'm going fishing with my brother and in about ten minutes I need to leave in order to meet him at the lake on time. However, he tends to be late if I'm on time, so if I leave on in about seven minutes, I will have to wait for him, for who knows how long.

If, on the other hand, I run late even a minute, he is usually already there, waiting for me. It's crazy, I know. That's just how it's always been. Not every time but most of the time. So with six minutes left, I ponder this thought, "Will I have to wait for him to get there?"

Not that it matters, it's nice out and it would not be a bother to wait for a while for him to show up. So, I will head out of here in just a couple of minutes, and be on time, maybe even a few minutes early. Hopefully, he is too, or at least shows up about on time. Not so much so I don't have to wait on him, but so we can get the boat launched and get out fishing for a while.

See, I have to be up at 3:00 a.m. again tomorrow, so I don't want to stay out on the lake too long. That's the way it's been going, I'm late getting there, and he's late coming in off the water. So, today, I'll be on time, and hope that he will be, too. Then we will have some fun, relax and hopefully even catch a few fish. Then, after a few hours, we can pack it all in and head back home so I can eat dinner and get to bed kind of early.

That means, I may get another chance to come in here and write or something. Maybe, but then again, who knows? We will see how it goes out on the lake, what time I get home, and how late it is after we eat and do our Bible study.
September 29, 2013 at 6:40pm
September 29, 2013 at 6:40pm
Today is the second Sunday I've had off since April and I've really enjoyed it.

I got up early, before 7:00 o'clock, seen Rhonda off to work, then got online for a bit. I just kind of looked around some, checked a few things, then went and made myself some breakfast. I logged into MFP and logged my food while I ate, looked at some comments and made a few. After I was done eating I took the dogs out for a little while, then put Klarissa up on the bed and logged into WdC.

I went through my mail and then started work on an idea I had last April. It started by wanting a calendar in here to add some tasks to. Not just any old task, but writing goals. The only way to do this was to create a group, which I did. It's called Goal Setters, and can be found in my port. After I created the group and set my first goal, I ended up not having any time and just forgot about the whole thing. If your wondering, look into the group, it explains the whole thing in a condensed form.

Anyway, I had received a review on the group and it reminded me about the group. I still wanted to use it, and I finally have time, but I wanted to update the reason for the group. I also wanted to find a way to monitor my progress. So, I updated the description, which gives the reason for the group. Then I went about trying to find a way to monitor my progress.

After some looking around, I decided to create a forum for the group as a way of tracking progress, ideas, and problems with keeping my goals. So, I start out with an entry to the group calendar and then create post in the forum for the goal. As I work towards completing the goal, I can add threads to the original post and monitor my progress.

Of course, since I haven't done much here for a long time, I needed to refresh myself on how to do things. I also did not have any idea how to create a forum or link it to the group. But, WdC has wonderful instructions on how to do just about anything on the site, and with a little time I soon had just what I wanted. Next I added a goal to start out with, posted it and have already made a few comments on it.

Next, I set about cleaning up my port and getting that organized better. I still have to check a couple things and do a little editing to some of the items in my port, but I did get done what I set out to do today. I set up Goal Setters and re-started using it, I cleaned up my port, and I spent most of the day in here.

Now it's time to get into our Bible Study, make supper, and relax for the evening with Rhonda. Tomorrow I have to be up at 3:00 a.m. and to work by 5:00. After I get home from work, I have to get things ready to go fishing with my brother, so I won't have much time to get in here. A busy day ahead, then work again on Tuesday and then two days off with Rhonda.
September 28, 2013 at 9:07pm
September 28, 2013 at 9:07pm
Wow, what a week. One would think it would be a piece of cake now that I'm finally getting some time off each week. But, I have fallen so far behind my own shadow just lapped me. In other words, I have so much catching up to do, that I don't know where to begin. So may home projects to take care of, so many little things that demand attention, and winter just around the corner.

On top of all that needs to be done, I'm seriously lagging in sleep points. If eight hours a night is 2 sleep points, then a full week would require about 14 points. I've been averaging about 5 to 6 a week. Seriously, I often go on 3 to 4 hours a night, and consider 6 hours sleeping in.

Recently, I've actually been able to not set an alarm on occasion, and let my body sleep until I wake naturally. I have slept straight through for fourteen hours a couple of times. What I'm trying to say, is I'm also trying to get caught up on sleep as well as caught up on tasks and projects.

The other problem I'm having is, getting away. It's been over two years since we have really gone any place to get away from things. Again, we now have a little time we can do just this, but it has to be squeezed in with projects and tasks, and getting caught up on sleep. Kind of like trying to put ten gallons of water in a five gallon bucket!

We had made some plans to do something for Rhonda's mom's birthday next week. A surprise visit and take her out to dinner. Just a one day road trip, but still it would have been getting away. But, we found out today she is not going to be home on her birthday. She has plans and isn't even aware of ours, so we will put ours on hold for another day.

So, now what? That's easy, we will still take a road trip. I don't know where yet, but we will head out in the morning and spend a day going someplace to enjoy the day. I think it's important to get away and get a break from the routine around here. I used to be good at spontaneous, but it's been a few years; this will be a challenge to see if I can still do it.

I may pack the laptop with, and if there is wifi, I may even log in during the day. It depends on what we decide to do and where we decide to go...
September 27, 2013 at 9:18pm
September 27, 2013 at 9:18pm
Doing a quick entry tonight for two reasons, first of all, it's getting late, and second, my internet is being very slow and sluggish; kind of reminds me of dial-up. Seriously, it's that slow. I just waited about three minutes for this page to load so I could write.

Anyway, it's been a good day, even though I worked early. I got home and had a light lunch en took a nap. Four hours later I woke up. So, it got later than intended, but that's alright. Now, it's time to relax for a little while with Rhonda and then go to bed, three o'clock comes early.

Hope to get more written in here soon.
September 26, 2013 at 6:55pm
September 26, 2013 at 6:55pm
One day closer to the weekend. Not that it matters, since I work weekends, but it's still one day closer. This weekend I do get Sunday off, which will be a nice change. And, I work a shorter shift on Saturday, which will be sweet.

I'm waiting for Rhonda to get home, so I can finish supper, have a nice relaxing dinner, watch a little T.V. and then head off to bed. I have to be up before time starts tomorrow for work. Actually, I get up before time every morning I work except Sundays. On Sundays I get up when time starts, since I don't have to be to work until 8:00.

Not much else happening right now, although we are planning a trip to see Rhonda's mom for her birthday this year. It should be a fun trip, just a few hours drive. We haven't been able to do much for traveling for a couple of years, so it's kind of exciting, too. I'm not sure who all will show up, but it should be fun.

The dogs are going off, so Rhonda must be home. Time to run.
September 25, 2013 at 10:59pm
September 25, 2013 at 10:59pm
The end to another day; ending better than it started.

I worked today, so was suppose to get up at 3:15 this morning, but we had turned the alarm off Sunday night since we had Monday and Tuesday off. Last night, Rhonda set the alarm for the correct time, since it had been changed for Sunday morning. Then we went to bed and I fell into a kind of troubled sleep.

I had been feeling a bit anxious about returning to work, and I think my blood sugar was messed up. It seems like it spikes and drops with eating/not eating. So, when it got close to time for bed, I took a sleep aid and with it's help soon fell asleep. I did not sleep very sound though. At least, not at first.

I woke sometime during the night to make a bathroom run, and by the timer on the coffee pot, I knew it was not yet time to get up. The coffee pot has been kind of slow, so it was set to start about forty minutes before the alarm. So, I went back and crawled into bed, snuggled Rhonda and fell into a deep sleep. The next thing I knew, the phone was ringing.

Since I was scheduled to open, I couldn't imagine who would be calling so early. I grabbed the phone, but it quit ringing just as I answered it. I looked at the clock and to my dismay, it read 5:10. I was suppose to be to work about 4:50. It was one of the managers calling to see what had happened.

They called back, so I had Rhonda explain I would be heading out shortly, while I got ready to go. Luckily the coffee was done, so she filled my thermos, grabbed me something to eat and took my stuff out the door. But, I had to run to the bathroom, my stomach was now giving me some grief. A couple minutes and I was ready to head out, but then I had to run back to the bathroom. And once again, I was ready to go -- running back to the bathroom.

I finally made it out the door about twenty five minutes after, and got to work one hour late. Thankfully, my stomach had settled down, and the rest of the morning was uneventful. I did have to run to the bathroom again while at work, but it didn't hit until I was on my bathroom break. Rhonda came in at 11:00 and I took off for home.

The day went fine from there, except my stomach is still acting up, and I still find myself running to the bathroom from time to time. But, hopefully it has about run it's course and tomorrow will be better. The alarms are set; I set a second alarm just in case. The coffee is set to go, and I'm ready for bed.

A rough start, but it got better and I had a pretty productive day; I even wrote up my own corrective actions and sent it to my boss. Now, it's coming to a good ending, I'm getting to bed kind of on time, and I have my journal entry done. Tomorrow will be better with a less rushed start, and hopefully I get a little more time to get in here and enjoy myself.
September 24, 2013 at 9:55pm
September 24, 2013 at 9:55pm
I actually got to enjoy two days off. No calls, no work, no interruptions, just two days off with Rhonda. Kind of hate to see today come to an end, it passed too fast. It's kind of hard after the way the summer went with no time off, and so much time spent working.

But, I should be able to have a couple days off each week now. I just find myself programmed into the routine from the past, of something going wrong and not getting my next scheduled days off. Also, I find I'm apprehensive about going back, expencting things to be a mess when I get there. That was the past, and we have all new people now.

In fact, the last two days off showed they can handle it pretty well, and this time they did even better. So, why the apprehension? I suppose because for over year, it's been nothing but problems; for over a year, it's been like pulling teeth trying to get my days off, and then it was usually interrupted with calls, problems, or something to do with work. In other words, I find I have been programmed to expect problems, and messed up schedules.

I suppose it will take some time to readjust to things working the way they should, and it will take time to reprogram myself to change my expectations. Also, I believe as I get caught up on the things I'm behind on here at home, it will get better. Mostly, though, I think I need to just take off and go someplace and get away from everything. Only, I can't do that until I get some of the rest done.

I could, but then I would be looking at what I'm coming back to, and that would defeat the purpose of going. So, it's time to get busy and get some things done, then, take a a little of my vacation time and go do something fun. So, for the next few days, it's get caught up on things, adjust to the new schedule, and reconfirm that these new guards can handle things.

Then, it's time to take a mini-vacation and see how it goes. I mean, lets not just jump in with both feet, it's been over two years since I've been able to actually take any kind of vacation. So, on October first, we go visit Rhonda's mom for her birthday. Then, the next step is to do even more than a one day mini-vacation. I'm thinking maybe packing up some gear and taking Rhonda on a road trip over to the James River and doing a little fishing and maybe even camping out someplace over night.

September 23, 2013 at 9:50pm
September 23, 2013 at 9:50pm
Happy two year anniversary to me~

Two years ago I joined this group, unsure of what it was and what I expected. That first year was a great year, I learned a lot and enjoyed a lot of time in here, reading, reviewing, and writing. Of course, I had plenty of time when I joined, but by spring, six months later, that all changed.

I had been unemployed when I joined, but started a new career the following spring. I began working as a security guard. I was only part-time, and had the supervisor stuck with the schedule, I would have had plenty of time to spend in here. Unfortunately, he could not work the schedule fairly, and every time I turned around, my days off changed. Of course, he didn't do much else any better.

So, withing a few months of starting my new career, I found myself promoted to supervisor, and tried my best to get things back on the proper track. I was met with nothing but resistance every step of the way. Part of it was the fact that I was the new guy on the block and had been promoted past them. The other part was the fact that nothing had been done right, and no one had been held accountable for anything.

They resisted, and one by one, they fell by the roadside, passed up and passed by. The last "old guard", my previous supervisor was persuaded to resign this past spring, about one year after I had started working, and from that point, things finally began to work right. Unfortunately, it also left us very short on help, and we had great difficulty filling all the positions with people who really wanted to work.

As a result, I have had no time off since April. I also have been putting in a great deal of time to cover shifts all summer, as well as putting a great deal of my own time in with things like hiring, training, and getting things working right. All this has left me with little time to do anything other than work and sleep.

Now, it's finally beginning to pay off. Last week Rhonda and I had two days off in a row, together. There was still some work I had to get caught up on, and we did have two people call in and try to take time off, which would have ended our time off, but we worked them through it. This week, starting today, another two days off together. This time no calls, so far.

Also, even though I have some work to do, I'm putting it off until after my days off. This is down time for me to enjoy some time doing something other than work. So, I will wait with the work, until after my time off. This also means, that I will finally be able to start planning some time to spend in here, again.

It has been a long time, and I have been lucky to scratch up a few reviews here and there, write in my journal, and read a little. It's been hit and miss as time permitted me to do a little, or maybe a little bit more. So, the thought of having time to enjoy this wonderful site is pretty exciting.

My first year started out great, but the last six months were a bit restricted. Not real bad, but with a constant changing schedule, it was difficult to spend the time I desired in here. That lasted for a year, then this past spring, the excrement hit the proverbial fan and there was work, more work, and then work some more. But we made it.

I should also add, Rhonda came to work for me in the spring, right before everything fell apart. The idea was for her to work a temporary, part-time position over the summer. We had hopes that a certain person would be gone by the end of the summer and Rhonda would fill her position. By this time, it was planned for Rhonda to be permanent part-time. Instead, the bottom fell out and she was my greatest asset and best worker, filling in as needed, and working forty plus hours a week.

She also had very little time off all summer, and what little I could get for her, was spent trying to hold things together on the home front, since I was doing so much work from home as well. She was spectacular through it all, and I owe her so much for her hard work, dedication, and professionalism.

So, that's why I say, "We made it." She was as much a part of it all as I was, and it was us, together, that succeeded in making through the summer. Now, we are finally getting a couple of days off each week, and we are getting them together. Long overdue, and along with spending more time in here, enjoying WdC, I also want to spend more time with Rhonda, my wonderful wife, my best friend, my lover, and now, my most valued employee.
September 22, 2013 at 9:04pm
September 22, 2013 at 9:04pm
I got in here late yesterday, but only because I was out doing something fun. After work, I went out fishing with my brother for the afternoon, and by the time I got home, it was late. So, today I thought I would do this entry a little earlier. Only, it got later, so another late night entry.

Not as late as last nights, it's just going on 8:00 p.m. Even so, it's later than I intended. Not because of fishing or anything like that, it's because I just run out of energy and decided to nap for a while.

I was tired from yesterday, up at 3:30 a.m. and had a busy day at work, then out fishing and up late last night. So, only about six hours of sleep last night and then another busy day today at work. So, after I got home, I had a sandwich and then took a nap.

Now I'm feeling much better, and getting ready for Rhonda to get home. We'll have pizza, watch a little T.V. then head off to bed, and get to sleep in for a couple of days. Hopefully we won't get bothered by anyone calling in this time. I'm so ready for a couple of days off, and just want a nice break from work, no calls, no problems, no nothing, just time for me to enjoy.

I'm even harboring an idea to go to Mitchel and see Prairie Village, but not sure, that's a long ride. It will depend on how the weather is, how Klarissa is doing, and what's going on. Then again, it may just be the ticket to a wonderful day, a nice break, and some good fun.

For now, it's time to shut down and get the pizza in the oven.
September 22, 2013 at 12:38am
September 22, 2013 at 12:38am
Saturday, September 21, 2013. That is the date here in South Dakota at 11:34 this evening. In WdC land, it's already the 22, so this will seem like a missed day, but it's not.

I was up at 3:15 this morning, I was at work by 5:00 this morning, I got done with work at about 1:30 this afternoon, did a little shopping for Rhonda, then came home, grabbed a bit to eat and headed back into town to go fishing with my brother.

We got off the lake at dusk, drove home and cleaned a few fish. Then I came back home. That was 9:30 this evening, 18 hours after I got up. I was tired and ready for sleep then, but wanted to wait for Rhonda to get home. She did shortly after 10:00. I cooked us a light meal and we enjoyed it while we watched some Netflix, then it was a little ice cream for desert and now we are closing things down for the night.

It's been twenty hours and I'm beat, good night.
September 20, 2013 at 7:37pm
September 20, 2013 at 7:37pm
Back to work today, after two days semi-off. What is semi-off? Well, my job requires me to do some work form home, and since I have had little of that this summer, I have fallen a bit behind. So, with my current schedule, I now find myself having the ability to take a couple of days off each week, if nothing changes.

This week was the first opportunity for me to have a couple of days off. But, as I mentioned, I did have a little work to catch up on from home. Therefore, I committed the first day to getting things caught up, sending my e-report, and taking care of anything work related. The idea was to have it all done by mid afternoon, then have the evening and following day to just enjoy.

Also, before I go further, I should explain my wife works at the same place, and also has had very little time off this summer. We, as a couple, have not had any time off together since April, except for a couple of weeks ago. On the first we managed to get one day off together to enjoy family visiting us from Minnesota.

So, this week we had two days off together, the first since April. I got my work done, she helped with the next schedule, and we had just settled in for a nice evening together, when the phone rang. It was one of the guards who worked afternoons. She needed to take the next day off. So much for two days off.

Her call was returned, and she was informed that she should be able to find an alternative to taking a day off since it wasn't anything serious. She would call back the following day and let us know if one of us would have to fill her shift or not.

Later, the night guard called, he was sick. Again, he wanted to take the following day off. Now it was looking like neither of us would be getting the next day off. He had called pretty late, so his call was not returned until the following day.

The next morning we were up early enough to prepare for work. The first person called, she had found an alternative and would be able to work. It was still too early to call the second person, so we waited and discussed options. A little after noon, he called and some options were presented to him. He had to work both Thursday and Friday, so if he took time off, he would miss two days, or just have one night off and work the next.

He was given the chance to do just that, or take both off, or work Thursday night and take Friday night off so he would have a three day weekend to rest up. I should add, he was sick, that was not the issue. He thought it out rather quickly and decided he was not too sick to work that night in favor of getting Friday night off with the weekend. I guess he wasn't so sick after all.

So, we had two days off, but worked and scheduled over them. There was really no break from the stress and pressure of work. Today it's back to work as normal, work the weekend, then try it again on Monday and Tuesday. Will there be calls, or will they let me have a couple of days off?
September 19, 2013 at 6:51pm
September 19, 2013 at 6:51pm
Two days off in a row with my wife, what a wonderful idea. It was all scheduled, since we finally have a full crew again. The last time we had two days off together, or just two days off, was back in April. All summer, I have only had a couple of days off in total.

Tuesday, I went in to work to talk to both the afternoon and evening guard, pick up some paperwork, and drop off a jacket. I specifically told them both that I was planning on enjoying the next two days off and did not want to be interrupted for anything. Wouldn't you know, not even all the way through the first day, and the phone is ringing. Both of them calling to let me know they can't make it in the next day.

One was for a sick child, the other was sick himself. Alright, maybe, but as it comes out, the sick child could not be taken to the doctor by his dad, because dad was going to be gone all day. This brings a question to mind, who was going to watch the child while mom was at work?

She informed me she cannot afford daycare, but her boyfriend, the child's dad, watches him. So, if the dad was going to be gone all day, as she said, she would not have a baby-sitter, and would not be able to work whether the child was sick or not. But, she did not say anything about not having a baby-sitter, just that the child was sick. Smells kind of funny, doesn't it? Especially since a week ago, she told me she had thought about calling in and taking the day off for the same reason, but wasn't sure if she could make the time up or not.

I explained to her then, that she could do that, if it was an emergency and she arranged for someone else to switch with her, then call me and get it approved. Instead, she called to get the day off and then have me take time away from someone else so she could make it up. It did not work, and she was asked why the dad could not take the child in, or schedule it before your shift, since you don't work till eleven. She called today, she didn't need the day off.

The other person who called last night was sick. He said that on Tuesday, but he decided to tough it out. I have very little compassion for someone who can't work because they are sick, unless they are very sick. It's not difficult work, and why miss out on a day's pay to sit at home and be miserable, when you can sit at work and be miserable and get paid for it? Like I said, if someone is very sick, unable to work, that's different.

I don't know how sick he was, or is. He was giving the option of taking the night off if he is too sick, not much I can do about that. He had called last night and asked for today off to rest up. But, he also works tomorrow and then has the weekend off. Was he planning on taking both days off? He didn't say anything about it, just today, to rest up.

So, the option was given, if he was too sick to work, his shift would be covered. If, however, he felt he could make it the night, he could take tomorrow off to rest up, and that would give him three days off in a row. Now, if he was real sick, he would have likely said that he just couldn't work tonight. Instead, he went in tonight and is going to take tomorrow off. Must not have been too sick after all.

It's not that I'm a total hard-ass. In fact, it's just the opposite, I tend to go too easy on my crew. But, this is a whole new crew, and this is the first time they have covered all the shifts without me around. I suspect they are nervous and unsure, and just looking for someone to come in and make sure things are going right. It did not work, they survived and hopefully this is the end of the problem.

If not, and they continue to interfere with my days off, then it will be time to be a real hard-ass~
September 18, 2013 at 2:32pm
September 18, 2013 at 2:32pm
It's just a terrific day. It started out with sleeping in; no alarm clock for the first time in I don't know how long. Then, upon waking, there was no rush, no place I had to go, no task I had to get done. Just sit and relax and enjoy a few cups of coffee. No plans for the day, just take it as it comes and relax and enjoy.

It's been a long time coming, and to make it even better, both Rhonda and I are both off for the day. In fact, we are both off today and tomorrow. It's the first time since April we have been able to take a day off together and really enjoy it together. The few days I did have off were spent working from home and Rhonda was working.

There is plenty that needs doing, and I will try to get some of it done. What exactly I'll work on, I'm not sure. I'm being spontaneous and will just take it as it comes. My only certain to-do's are to send my e-report off, and mail some forms off.

So, that means I may very likely be back in here later on. Whether I will do more on my journal or not, I don't know. We will see~
September 17, 2013 at 10:01pm
September 17, 2013 at 10:01pm
Not so early today, but not too late, either. It was a full day, up at quarter past three, and off to work. Got done a little before noon, stopped and got some soup for Rhonda, then came home.

We took a nice couple hour nap together, then it was up and get ready to get the van out of the shop. After, we took it into town to pick up some paperwork, drop a jacket off, and then do a little grocery shopping.

After we got back home, it was time to make a quick supper. Nothing fancy, just heat up some soup and sausages. After, we enjoyed a little Netflix and now I'm in here. After I finish, it's time for a hot fudge sundae, and more Netflix. I have an easy recipe for hot fudge sauce, microwave some marshmallow with some Hershey's chocolate syrup. I also add a dash of vanilla but that's optional.

I don't know how much of anything, I don't measure it out, just watch out when you microwave the marshmallows, they really poof up. Once they are melted, add in some chocolate syrup, to taste, and then pour over ice cream.

Oh, and so far, it's looking good, two days off. The first two days in a row off since last spring, and Rhonda is also off the same two days, another first since back in April. We are not planning anything, just going to take it as it comes.
September 16, 2013 at 4:59am
September 16, 2013 at 4:59am
OK, so I got in here early again. In fact, it's so early it's almost yesterday; ten minutes and it will be four in the morning. I'm up for work, taking a little time to relax with some coffee and let my brain at least get woke up. My body was up with the alarm, so now I just have to let my head catch up.

I also had to charge up my Mp-3 players, since I forgot yesterday. That's why I have the computer on so early. I did not get much time for anything yesterday, and it's a good thing I got in here early.

I went in for work later than intended yesterday, got done a little after two, but did not get out of work until half past. Then went back and talked to Rhonda about the schedule and finally left a little after three. I got home, grabbed a snack and got on the computer, it was four. But, I was tired and since I was going back in to take Rhonda to dinner, I opted for a nap. Then it was time to get ready, drive in and take her out to eat. After dinner I dropped her off at work and came home, worked on the schedule, but could not print it.

Nope, it's ready but I can't print the black and white document because the color ink is too low. It's been low for a couple of weeks, and it's not been used, but it's empty now and I can't print without it. I don't know why I need it for black and white, especially since I have a black ink cartridge, but that's the Kodak printer for you.

Anyway, it's just about four now and time to get dressed and leave. It's foggy out, and it's going to be a slow drive in. After I get done today, it's off to the lake for some fishing, or at least that's a high probability. So, I do not know when I will have time to write my journal, that's why I'm in here before time begins.

And now time is about to run out, it's my bedtime, and I'm back in to finish. I had a nice nap, I got the schedules done, and I enjoyed a nice dinner. Now, it's time to relax with a beverage and some Netflix, then bed. Tomorrow I should get done with work about 11:00, and had planned on getting out of there quick. But, I need to get some papers filled out by Natalie, so I may have to hang around for a while.

Then again, I may just leave them with her, let her fill them out, then pick them up later, when we come in to give Allen a coat to try out. That sounds like the better plan, since tomorrow is my last day of work before getting two days off.

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