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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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July 11, 2013 at 3:52pm
July 11, 2013 at 3:52pm
Just getting this started now, but not sure if I will finish it or come back later. I have a bunch of work I should be doing, but I'm practicing my right to procrastinate.

Even so, I will have to get some of it done, like the next schedule. We start it on Sunday, so I do need to get it done and posted.

I got out of work today, came home, got my stuff together and ran over to the courthouse to transfer a vehicle title, get the plates registered, and renew my driver's license.

When I got there, everything went smooth, except the plates. I had them off of a car I sold, so they did not have current registration stickers on them. Since they were expired, I cannot use the plates, but instead had to buy new ones.

In South Dakota, you own the plates, they do not stay on the vehicle when you sell it. So, when I sold the Dodge, I took the plates off. Since I do not have a vehicle to put them on, I did not pay for the current year's registration. I mean, what would I have registered?

But, in South Dakota, if your plates are not currently registered, you cannot put them on another vehicle and register them for that vehicle. Makes about as much sense as lying on your back and peeing straight up.

So, I bought new plates and asked what I should do with the old ones. She told me to destroy them, since they are not currently registered, they are not good for anything.

She also gave me a notice that the title for the car I sold and took the plates off of was still at the capital, and I need to give them a current address to send me the title. I told her I had the title, and she said that was impossible, the notice stated it could not be sent.

After I got home, I looked and sure enough, I have th title. Bureaucracy, it's like arguing with a drunk, running on marbles, and eating peas through a straw.

But, I got it done, I have new registered plated and the title will come in the mail... maybe. Who knows, since the other one did and they say it did not.

Next, I went to renew my drivers licence. I talked to the nice looking young lady and found out I need two documents that have my current address. Since we cannot get mail at our street address, it will be difficult to prove, but I did find a couple of things that show it. I will also need a copy of my birth certificate and my social security card. It's getting to be almost impossible to get this stuff anymore, unless you are an illegal alien. In that case, you would just have to put your X on the line, your good to go.
July 9, 2013 at 10:40pm
July 9, 2013 at 10:40pm
It is Tuesday, July 9 and it's late. I worked till eleven, then went over to check on an A/C unit, but he wasn't home yet. I went over to Target and called Glenn and we did his hire paperwork, then I got stuff faxed to the office and went back out to look at the A/C unit again.

It's an older unit, but it works good. I asked him how much he wanted and he said it was free. That's a price I can't walk away from, so it's sitting in the back of the vehicle right now. I will have to bring in in and clean it up a little, then see what I need to put it in the bedroom.

All that will wait until tomorrow, though. I was late getting home with all the other stuff going on, and didn't get home till four thirty. I was so tired, from work and no sleep last night, that I just went right to bed after I got home.

I slept till Rhonda called, then went back to sleep, and didn't get up till she got home. Now, it's late, we've had supper, and I'm ready for bed. I have to be back up and working tomorrow morning at five again, so I need to get to bed. Hopefully this is the last week of no time off and all these hours.
July 8, 2013 at 9:34pm
July 8, 2013 at 9:34pm
Here we are again, late in the evening and I'm just getting going on stuff. It turned out to be an even longer day at work than anticipated. Rhonda was running late due to a flat tire and having to drive in slow because the space saver spare was half flat, too.

I hope they can fix the tire, I cannot afford to buy new ones right now, and I could not find any used ones. I do have to look out by the garage, I think I may have one around here I was keeping for a spare on the Lumina. I don't know if it is the right size, but I can check.

I also bought another vehicle today, a 1993 Jimmy. It's rusted and old, has pretty high miles, but runs good and drives nice. Besides, it was in my price range, and cheaper than I had thought I would find. I got him to come down a little, and picked it up for 650.00 dollars.

Not too bad for a four wheel drive around here. It seems anything with four wheel drive will cost a grand or better. Usually better.

Now, I have to work on getting another person hired, trained, and working, so I can get some time off. Right now, we are both working seven days a week, and putting about one hundred and fifty miles on the van each day. I figure we will save about three hundred dollars a month or better in gas by driving two vehicles instead of running this one three trips a day.

Also, if we can get someone hired and trained, we will be able to take a little more time off. Sure, it's less wages, but the little we lose in wages, we will be gaining in gas and driving costs.
July 7, 2013 at 8:11pm
July 7, 2013 at 8:11pm
Not much time again, but that's become normal. I would have had a bit more, but I dozed off in my chair. Part of my excessive tiredness is this infection I have, and that should be getting cleared up. So, I should be feeling better every day, right?

The other side of my tiredness is my lack of sleep. I haven't been sleeping very well, since I switched my shift over to mornings, but I think that's because of the infection as much as anything. I know my body clock is also out of whack because of the switch from nights, too. I mean, going to bed at midnight or later and getting up around nine of ten for years and then switching to being in bed by eight or nine and being up by three-thirty is quite a change.

I have slept a bit better the last few nights, and I did get plenty of sleep last night. That should help out some, since I need to rest to fight off this infection. Kind of strange how it works sometimes, we need rest to heal, but at the same time, fevers and aches from sickness tend to keep us awake and sleeping restless.

Well, that's about it for tonight, but hoping things will change soon so I can get back to having some free time and enjoying it.
July 6, 2013 at 9:15pm
July 6, 2013 at 9:15pm
I had this done once, but somehow I managed to lose it instead of saving it. I think I know what I did, I saved, but did not have a title yet. Once the page refreshed, I closed my browser not realizing I had not saved anything. Company was here and I rushed, and that is what the results are.

Not that I had anything spectacular written, I had just talked bout the weekend, since it is the end of the week, and tomorrow starts another one. I don't get weekends off right now, I don't get any days off right now. But I did write bout how that may be changing soon, and that was about it.

Now, it's time to eat, sleep and do it all over again. But before sleeping I am planning on taking a little time to spend in some splendid passion with my wife. I had planned on doing this earlier, before supper but it did not work out that way.

"You know, that afternoon delight, like in the song? Yeah, that's it." Like I said, that was the plan, but on the way home, Rhonda told me that Sarah and the kids were going to stop by for a little while. So, it would not be good to have our daughter and two grandchildren come strolling in to the house while we are in the middle of some passionate love making.

I did have enough time to get her all hot and bothered, and now it's time to eat, then it's time to finish up what we started, then bed, and tomorrow I get to sleep in and not be to work until eight.

July 5, 2013 at 9:39pm
July 5, 2013 at 9:39pm
It's been a long day. I was up at three-thirty and I'm still not used to getting up that early. It wasn't a bad day at work, but busy enough. Then, after work I did an interview, so by the time it was all said and done, I put in almost ten hours again today.

I was going to get something accomplished after I got home, and I did get a good start. I measured and started getting ready to cut a new plywood mounting system for the air conditioner, but I was so tired I didn't know if I wanted to run power tools. Besides, trying to work on something when I'm that tired is almost making certain I will mess it up.

So, I decided to have a cup of coffee and work online for a bit. I sat down in my recliner with the laptop, and dozed right off. So, I decided to go take a short nap instead. I set an alarm and crawled into bed.

Of course, I couldn't fall right to sleep now. I did eventually doze off, however, but soon enough the phone woke me up. I got up and listened to the answering machine since I was too slow to answer it myself. It was Job Service calling to let Rhonda know they had a job posted that fit her search.

I went back to bed, but then I had to get up and take a leak, after which I again dove into bed to try and sleep. I again dozed off, but soon heard a loud vehicle outside the window. It banged and thumped a few times, then drove off. The garbage truck, it goes on Thursdays, but since it was a holiday, they went today.

I snuggled deeper into the pillow and soon dozed off again, but woke up thinking I had not heard the alarm. I got up and looked, I had another ten minutes before it would go off. I decided to stay up, since I wasn't having much for luck sleeping anyway. i did get a few minutes in here and there, but not enough.

Much like last night, I was waking up about every hour, and that makes for a restless night and a tired day. I hope tonight will be better, a good sound sleep, a restful night, and a good day tomorrow.
July 4, 2013 at 8:04pm
July 4, 2013 at 8:04pm
Well, Happy Fourth of July to everyone, and Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans. This is the first year I can remember that I did not do anything for the Fourth. I usually do something, but this year I didn't. Last year we both worked, but watched the fireworks after we got off work. This year, I'm beat. I don't know if I could stay awake till dusk or not. On top of that, I have to be back up at 03:30 to get ready for work again. I also have to stick around till noon for an interview, and then I get to come home and do it all over again.

Oh well, not much choice in it. I hope this individual I am to meet with tomorrow shows some promise, but I just don't know. I will have to review everything over the weekend, but with no other applications in, I don't have a lot of choice.

All I can do is wait and see. For now, though, I am going to wrap this up, watch a little tv and relax before I fall to sleep on our new couch. Yea, I guess I did do something for the Fourth after all, I bought us a camp heater/stove, and a couch. It's an inflatable couch that folds out into a queen size bed, like the air beds you see. It's actually very comfortable, and I think it will work nice since we don't have room for a couch most of the time, but we can fill this one up or take it down as needed, so we have the couch when we want, and when we don't need it, it's in a box. Also, we can take it with camping, but I don't know if it will fit in our tent when it's open.

We will see, and soon I hope. I seriously need a day off and to just get away for a while.
July 3, 2013 at 10:14pm
July 3, 2013 at 10:14pm
It's almost the Fourth. Not that I have much planned, but it's still a wonderful day for America. I'll be working, but then I work every day now. I will until we can get someone hired and trained, so another week at least.Then, I should be able to get at least one day a week off, and soon, hopefully, two.

I talked to Len earlier today, and he said he was interested in a job, but I just don't know how that would work out. I would love to have another person on, especially for a temp position, but I know how he can be when it comes to authority, and with me as supervisor, I just don't think it would be a good idea.

I did tell him that I cannot hire him, that he would have to apply online through the site and see what the corporate office decides. That should at least buy me some time. Even so, if he is serious about working, I may have him upset by hiring anyone else. It's one of those situations where there is no winner.

For now, it's work, but at least I get to sleep in an extra hour tomorrow, and that will help a lot.
July 2, 2013 at 2:21pm
July 2, 2013 at 2:21pm
Just getting this started for now, but hope to be back in a while to finish. Today it's not for lack of time before work, I'm home already. I think I will get used to this pretty fast. But, even though I have a little more time now, I'm so far behind I still can't use it as I desire.

"Just how far behind are you?" You ask.

"So far behind my shadow just lapped me."

At least I am getting some of the stuff done now, and that will free up even more time. It's going to take a while, but I think it will work just fine.

OK, so that did not turn out the way I had planned. It's later than I had expected and I'm so tired I could sleep standing up. But, it wasn't a bad afternoon and evening at all. I got the yard mowed, went in and picked Rhonda up form work, purchased the items I need to fix the kitchen sink, and had a wonderful dinner.

I tried to surprise Rhonda with going out to one of her favorite places for dinner, and I was also going to surprise her with having the lawn mowed, but I went and spilled the beans while we were talking on the way home. Oh well, it's just because I'm so damn tired from the weekend, the stress, and the lack of sleep.

Rhonda is tired out, too. I know she was surprised, but she didn't show it at all; too damn tired.

So, I will call this an entry and enjoy a little ice cream and coffee before hitting the sheets.
July 1, 2013 at 7:49pm
July 1, 2013 at 7:49pm
What a day! Not a bad day, but a trying and tiring day. A while back I began working morning shifts for the weekends, but today I switched over to morning shifts everyday. In fact, today was my first official morning shift day.

I got to work at fifteen minutes after, even though the shift starts at ten minutes before the hour. I was not "late" since the guy who works the morning shift was already there and working. No, not late, right on time.

I had no idea what time to get there, but I wanted to witness things myself this morning. I clocked in over the phone, found the Assistant General Manager and got set up in the observation room, and set down to enjoy the morning show. Well, maybe not so much to enjoy the show, but to see just what Mr. Lackadaisical was doing.

He washed his face with our hand-wipes, then put in eye-drops. After that he sat down and made himself comfortable. He had already let the first vendor into the yard by this time, and he must have already opened the exit gate. I watched as Mr. Lackadaisical dozed off a bit. He was kind of bobbing and swaying, then as sleep became deeper, he almost fell off his chair.

He didn't, though, and soon was slouched down even further in the chair, out cold. It was during this phase of his morning nap that the vendor exited the yard. With the gate open, the vendor only slowed down a little as he drove right past the guardhouse. Mr. Lackadaisical did wake up as the truck went by, and closed the gate arm behind him. He then reached up from his slouched sitting position and logged the time on the truck log. This completed, he settled back in and returned to sleep.

I went and found the assistant general manager, so he could accompany me to the guardhouse to give Mr. Lackadaisical a choice, quit or get fired. Of course, being diplomatic, I would use better terms for the same functions.

As we neared the guardhouse, it was plain Mr. Lackadaisical was again sleeping. I opened the door and his head came up, eyes opened, and I could see the strain he was going through trying to focus and think through the haze of sleep. I don't think it all registered at first, and we made some small talk. Then, as the cobwebs cleared, he began to realize that it was early, i was not only dressed for work, but had my name tag on as well.

We then proceeded to the point of my visit, he tried to cover his butt, and he even denied sleeping until I pointed out I had just watched him. I gave him his options, put the emphasis on it being his choice to resign or not, and waited. I mentioned a couple of times it would be wise to leave on his own instead of being terminated, but did not actually tell him it was certain.

I did explain that we could also complete another corrective action form, and handed him the paperwork. It stated on there that I was seeking separation, but it also explained I would only suspend him and wait for the office to confirm or offer an alternative course of action. He did not read it, just handed it back and decided to resign. I had a form ready and he filled it out in front of the manager who was there to witness for me that i did not coerce or trick him into signing the form.

Then, he turned in his equipment and left to clock out and seek an alternative career. It was now 06:00 and I was now working the morning shift, all the time.
June 30, 2013 at 7:48pm
June 30, 2013 at 7:48pm
Well, it's Sunday evening and almost time to go get Rhonda from work. It was kind of nice getting off early today, she showed up an hour before she was scheduled. Of course, the schedule has been so messed up again that it's difficult for me to remember, and I wrote it.

I did get a little more sleep over this weekend, but I'm still kind of dragging. Saturday was the worst, because I only got a few hours of sleep. I was already run down, I'm sick, and I have not been getting anywhere near enough sleep. I dozed off in my chair Saturday afternoon while doing some work. I did get to bed early enough last night and slept good.

Even so, it was only seven hours. I work up before the alarm went off, but only because I have become adjusted to sleeping four or five hours a night. I should sleep good again tonight, but it will be another short night for sleep.

Rhonda is done about eight-thirty, so we will not be home until around nine-thirty. We will need to eat, too. I'm thinking about just stopping and grabbing something to heat up when we get home, so we can get to bed kind of early. I have to be up and back to work in the morning. I want to get there around six or so, and see if I can't catch the guy sleeping.

I will have to work kind of late again, too. It's going to be a long day for both Rhonda and I, but then we will get a break during the week. Once I get someone hired, it will get better, but for now we are splitting the day down the middle, so it will be late getting home again tomorrow night. I may just take a nice nap after I get home.

Well, that's the way the cookie crumbles, as they say. Seems like every time I get the schedule working so we can get a day off, someone else bites the bullet. It's not like they don't know it's coming, I warn them over and over, but they just insist on getting the boot. Then, it's work double shifts and try and keep things going until we hire and train someone.

We barely get them trained, and I have to put them on alone so we can fill in for another bullet biter. Or at least, that's the way it's going this time. Even so, I feel we will do all right without him, and more than likely get a better person to replace him. It's just a matter of time, and holding in there with a lot of hours and little sleep.

Now, that's enough of this, I'm off to relax a bit.
June 29, 2013 at 11:21pm
June 29, 2013 at 11:21pm
Today is 06/29 and I'm kind of slipping this in under the wire. It's getting late and I'm beat, so this will be short. I have to be back to work in the morning, and it's looking like I will be doing all mornings from here on out.

I will get used to it, but for now, it's going to be pretty rough. I tend to stay up late and sleep in late, so this is a complete switch for me. I haven't been getting much sleep anyway, so I know this will take a toll on me, and then there's the Lyme's.

It seems to be kicking my but. I managed through colds, flu, and who knows what else all winter without getting very sick at all, but I'm sure sick now. And, to top if off, the antibiotics are tearing up my stomach.

I start a different kind tomorrow, and I hope they are easier on my stomach. I'm also hoping that in a day or two, I will begin to feel better. Then, once i get used to this shift, I should start getting a bit more sleep, and I should be back to 100% soon.
June 28, 2013 at 12:39pm
June 28, 2013 at 12:39pm
We better get this going, or the date and everything will be wrong. I have no time, and have to get ready for work, eat, and leave all in a few minutes. I was up earlier, but did my Bible study, then got a message, and then took a little nap.

I'm feeling pretty wore out, and ache all over. I know part of it is putting in these air conditioners, they weigh a ton. Part is also just not getting enough sleep, it's been a long time since I had a full eight hours and then only one night a week, if I was doing good. Most of all, I think it's this infection I have.

I started my antibiotic regime but do not have the right ones yet. I have some to get me by until we can pick them up tomorrow, and have started them. Another three weeks and I should be done. Why? Well I got bit, and the little stinker may have given me Lyme's Disease.

I'll try and write more after work.

I got home a bit later than I had hoped, but still before ten. I had to help the new guy out a little bit, then meet with a manager and discuss another guard. Looks like we are short another person again. We get one for each two we lose, so it's kind of difficult. I thought we had it back up to just one person short, but come Monday we will be short two people, again.

That means little time for anything other than work, but it's looking like I may have to make time for some stuff anyway. How it all turns out only time can tell, but I'm sure it will work itself out some day. For now, I am the only person left who has been there for a year or longer, and just barely longer.

It's amazing how much some people will resist doing something right. Oh well, it's better to be done with it. I have given every possible opportunity to help this person, it's his failure, not mine.

On the brighter side, we have two new people trained. One is doing an awesome job, the other is pretty new yet but I have no choice except to put him on his own shift. I think he will do fine. If we can get one more person who can work some flexible hours, we will be doing pretty good again.
June 27, 2013 at 5:36pm
June 27, 2013 at 5:36pm
And once again I am almost out of time when I get here. It should get a little better soon, but how much, I just don't know. I'm so far behind on everything right now, that my my shadow just lapped me.

I sold the two old cars and got them towed out, but so far, no money has arrived. It's not like I'm out much if it doesn't, but the idea of it still upsets me. I will wait a bit longer and see what happens, and I will hope it is just something little that came up. I still have the titles but hate to get things started till I'm sure it's not just an oversight.

I did get some work done today, but the house is totally trashed out now and I won't have much for time to clean up after myself. I should be doing that instead of sitting here writing. I put in the other air conditioner, but did not get to redoing the one I put in yesterday.

I thought it would be a pretty quick job, but nothing worked out like I wanted it too. I'm still not sure why it was so much trouble, it wasn't last year. And now, in looking, it still is not in place right. I just don't get it. It is sealed, and that is the main thing right now, but I will have to do this one over again, too.

So, I suppose I better go look and see if it's alright to leave in, or if I need to pull it out and start over.
June 26, 2013 at 5:11pm
June 26, 2013 at 5:11pm
I better get this done while I can. It's been a full day and I have to go to work yet this afternoon, but it should be an easy night. I need an easy night, after the day I put in.

I was up kind of late last night, and then up early this morning to go to the clinic for a check up. I was surprised to find my blood pressure is down. It's good, but I was not expecting it. It tends to run borderline high, but it was much better today. Also, my breathing was better, and my heart sounded good. I am also down eight pounds and that is also good.

The only point of concern is a bit on the back of my left leg. I had a small bump back there, but could not see it. The next day Rhonda looked at it, and it was bigger and infected. She got a lot of gunk out of it, cleaned it and told me I needed to get it checked. It was red and had a red ring around it.

I had it checked today, and it could be a few things, but it looks much like a deer tick bite and the start of Lyme's Disease. Of course, it's too early to tell anything yet, and too early to even try and test for it. Even so, I was put on a twenty one day treatment of antibiotics to prevent it from developing.

I suppose it's a good thing to get it started early on, and I am glad to get treatment, but I know the medication is going to mess up my stomach and cause it's own problems. Oh well, still better than anything associated with Lyme's Disease. I will have to get the prescription filled tomorrow, and start them on Friday. Or at least, that's the plan.

I got home and got online for a little while; Rhonda took a short nap, then I fell asleep at the computer after Rhonda got up. So, I got a short nap in, too. Then I took Rhonda in to work, got a few things and came home and wrestled with the air conditioner. I put it in differently this year, and hope it will work better.

Normally it goes in the living room window, and then we put another in the bedroom window. This means we have to close off the kitchen to keep the cool in here. But this year I put the larger one in the kitchen window and will put the small one in the living room window. This should cool down the two biggest rooms good, and that should keep the bedroom cooler.

So far, it's much more comfortable in here, just by taking out some of the humidity. So I am thinking it's a good sign that my hypothesis is correct. The only problem is, the kitchen window is not the right kind of window to put the air conditioner into. It just will not fit. I did some modifications and it's working for now, but I will have to get a half sheet of plywood and redo it soon.

It was a few hours of trying to get it to fit in, and stay put, then a lot of foam and duct tape to hold it all together and seal it up. Once I get the plywood, I will cut it to fit the window opening, and drill a few holes to fasten it in place. Then I will cut out an opening for the air conditioner. The way it is built, the opening needs to be a bit bigger than what will seal good to install the air conditioner. But, I can use some 1" x 4" boards to hold it the air conditioner in place and to seal it up nice and tight, too. I should go in early and get a sheet, or maybe Rhonda can get it after work.

Well, that's about it for today. Tomorrow I will install the second air conditioner and hopefully redo the other one. It will be nice to get it done, and have it all installed. If we get up early, Rhonda can assist me and it will be cooler out to work. At least, it sounds like a plan.
June 25, 2013 at 5:19pm
June 25, 2013 at 5:19pm
Greed sure can destroy. I have nothing against making money, and if your able, making a lot. But, I do believe in honesty and virtue, too. Profit is fine, but when it turns to greed, it destroys.

I was just over at a social site I used to spend a lot of time in. I have a few friends there still, so I try and stop in from time to time, but I have stopped using the site other than for staying in touch. It's sad to see how much it has changed -- for the worse.

I have nothing against change, and often it's needed. Look around in here, and you will see a lot of change. Especially those members who have been here for a long time. It's not the same, it's improved and grown. Even so, there are not so many ads all over that you cannot even load a page. There are numerous paid memberships, something to fit most anyone, and yes, there is still the free account, limited but functional.

The site I speak of also has ads, so many that they bog down the loading of the page. Also, some of the ads have been intrusive and spyware. They don't seem to care, as long as there is profit. They did not start out that way, no.

They had a mission, a plan, a vision. They started out a place where people could share experiences with like minded people. Also, you could easily stay anonymous, so you could share almost anything, without embarrassment. I joined because it was a means of writing. Many of the groups were things I had also shared with, and I could use them as a type of writing prop.

I met other members, developed friendships, and shared a lot with them and others. I even purchased a membership for myself and my wife, so we could enjoy more benefits. For twenty bucks, we had full membership and could do most anything the site offered. In addition, participating in the site earned tokens, much like the Gift Points here.

Then, after one year, I went to purchase another year for each of us. The price had changed from twenty bucks to sixty, and offered nothing more than before. Sure prices go up, but by three hundred percent?

Also, if you purchased the year, it was a better deal than by the month, you received much more, for a bit of a discount; if you can call a three hundred percent increase in price discounted. I do not remember for sure, but I think a month was now ten or twelve dollars and gave less than the yearly membership at sixty dollars.

I opted to go back to free and do without some of the bells and whistles. The next thing to go was any rights to what was posted on the site. It had some copyright information when I joined, but another member informed me that the site now took all legal rights to anytong posted on the site.

I read through all the legal stuff and could not find anything I could understand other than the site reserved the right to change anything and everything. So, I wrote to them and inquired about copyright policy. I never got a reply. I wrote again, and eventually I got a reply that did not actually say anything. Once more, I wrote to them and asked who holds legal right to material posted on the site. They did, and they also could share it, sell it, or do what they want without any notice.

I removed most of my writings and my use of the site dwindled to just a little here and there to keep in touch with a few members. Then, time became scarce and I went long periods without entering the site. Sometimes months. I really didn't have time, and I really didn't care, except to keep in touch with a few online friends.

A few weeks ago, I logged in and seen many more changes. I contacted a few people and they were so happy to hear from me, I decided to log in a bit more often and do a better job of staying in touch. I have left a few messages over the last two weeks, and today I stopped by to do the same.

I was going to send a gesture or gift, but they all take tokens now, well most of them do. So, I decided to upload a picture with the message and found out this also requires tokens. Alright, I still had a few left so sent it and seen I only had three tokens left after sending. It cost me six tokens to upload a photo to the message.

No problem, I can do some activities and earn a few more as needed. So I looked to see what I could do to earn some tokens. Nothing. I can no longer earn tokens; no one can earn tokens, now they have to be purchased. So, I decided to see how much tokens cost. They are a dollar a token.

That means, I spent six bucks to upload a photo to share. This is where it's going. Money for everything, the ads are still there, and half the stuff doesn't work right. I didn't take the time to figure it up exactly, but just estimating my past activities and interactions, it would now cost me upwards of a hundred bucks on that site, and I still don't retain any claim to anything I write or post.

Now that is just plain greed.
June 24, 2013 at 3:55pm
June 24, 2013 at 3:55pm
It's Monday and I'm not working a ten hour day? What's up with that?

It's like this, we have a new hire training today, and he is working the double coverage so i don't have to go in till later. He will also test today if all goes well, and should be able to work a few nights for me this week, too.

So, I now find myself with a little more time than I have had in a month or better. Not that it's free time, I have so much to catch up on, but it's a bit more time just the same. I used some of it to update the schedule and send some paperwork, then I got online and looked about, then in here and seen I had a ticket for a raffle.

It was gifted to me, which is very nice. So, I decided I would like to buy a few tickets and gift them. The only problem is, i don't have a clue how. I need to get in here and do something more than just write in my blog, that's for certain. I did post that I wanted to buy five tickets and donate them to five newbies, picked at random. Now, hopefully someone explains how I do that, so I can send the gift points and get tickets out for some soon to be surprised new members.

I also have to go down to the garden and pick my lovely wife a nice carnation. They have opened and look very nice, so I'm hoping I can get one picked and put in water for her to find when she gets home. Not for any other reason than because she is wonderful and I want to say think you for being you. Of course, I will put that down on a nice loittle note with the flower.

Then, I will head in to work, talk to her for a few minutes, and she will come home, find the flower and the note, and have a big smile. We had a busy month, and she has been great. We had a trying weekend, but it turned out fun for all involved. Not much sleep, but it was a nice break from the normal routine.

I have also worked the schedule to get her a day off on Friday. It would be nice if I could get her a day off sooner, but not with the training and new help. Soon I hope, we can hire one more person to work temp for the summer and then we both can have a couple of days off each week. Yes, on the same days even.

For now, though, it's just one day off for her this week, and maybe by next week, I can get one myself. Even so, I did get my hours back under forty, and I did get away from the real long shifts. So, even though I do not have a day off yet, it will seem like a break just working less hours.

Now, if there are no other problems to crop up and mess things up, this could turn into a very nice week.
June 23, 2013 at 7:58am
June 23, 2013 at 7:58am
Once again, I'm just about to get ready for work. I don't know if I will get back in here or not, I have not heard anything back from my brother. We had talked about getting together this afternoon, but I don't know for sure when he will be back through the area.

I sent a text, thinking maybe he would text me back or call, letting me know what time he is planning on coming back through and if he was going to stop in or if he wants to meet in town someplace. That's the hard part with both my older brother and my younger brother, they never keep a person informed about things, and the plan is constantly changed.

So, will he be back in time to get together, or not? Will he stop by here or am I suppose to meet him in town? I did tell him I got off work at two and had the afternoon, but we have to be back to work by eleven tomorrow. I don't know if that registered or not. Knowing my brother, he will be calling about the time I go get Rhonda, or after we get back home and are settled in for the night.

Other than that, it's rainy and wet out, so maybe the yard traffic will slow down. Yesterday was a crazy day for work, so a slow one would be nice.

It did turn out to be a slow day, in comparison with yesterday. It was busy enough to make the time pass by fast, but not one of those run your butt off days. Allen seems to be doing pretty good with everything, and I'm hoping I can start training him in on nights this week, and maybe have him close one night on his own.

Cassie is doing great, but she is still having some issues on the side. It's not work, but some personal things she is dealing with, along with some medical issues. I think a big part of it is just not eating all day at work. She's a petite lady as it is, and if she is not eating anything much before work, then going on zip at work, it could be causing some trouble for her.

I have to go pick Rhonda up in a little bit, then we are suppose to go over to my younger brothers for some pictures while my older brother is in the area. After, we are planning on getting together with my older brother for a bit, do some catching up between him and I, and give Rhonda and him a chance to get to know each other a bit. They have met only once before, and that wasn't a very long visit either.

I know it sounds kind of rude to ditch the younger brother, but it's not. Them two spent the weekend together at a wedding I could not attend, do to work. It's just that I know my little brother, and he tends to hog the attention, if he and I are both together, he always has. So, since they had the weekend, we will oblige them with a visit, get some pictures and then head out. We will meet up with my older brother a little later, visit and spend a few hours, then we have to get home and get to sleep so we can be back to work tomorrow.

He's staying over tonight, at a hotel, and wants to get a hot-tub in his room. I'm thinking a nice soak in the hot-tub will feel real good after not having a day off in almost two months. So, I may just take advantage of the situation and enjoy myself. We also have a bottle of wine to enjoy, but if I get too relaxed and drink too much wine, we may just have to get a room of our own for the night.

Well, it's that time. I'm looking forward to just getting out and about for a little while with my wife, it's been a long time.
June 22, 2013 at 6:17pm
June 22, 2013 at 6:17pm
I made it through, but it was tough. Last week was a real messed up week, lots to do, constant running, and little sleep. Friday I thought, would be a day to rest up some. That did not work out at all, and it turned out to be a day to really wear a person down. Then, just when I thought I would get to bed in time to snatch a quick three hours of sleep, my brother shows up.

It was nice to see him, and it's been a while, but why does it work out like it does? I was so tired I could not focus, and had to kind of rush him out the door. Of course, had he desired to stay, I would have made accommodations. Then, after he is gone, a short hour of sleep and back to work. And it was a busy day, too.

I did get a couple hour nap in after work, and being so tired, I did not even hear the noise of the cleanup going on outside. My brother is going to stop on his way back through, tomorrow, when I have more time and will not be so tired. So, it is working out.

Now, I have a little time, lots to do, and I'm not feeling like doing any of it. Rhonda gets done tonight at nine thirty, so we will be home earlier and can get to bed earlier. I do not have to go in to work until eight tomorrow, so I will not have to get up so damn early, either. Then, I will get done around one, I think and hope to catch up with my brother for the afternoon.

He mentioned getting a room, so I may go visit him there until Rhonda gets done with work, at eight. I hope the place has a pool and hot-tub, I could sure go for a nice swim and a soak for my achy muscles.
June 21, 2013 at 10:34am
June 21, 2013 at 10:34am
Better get this started, just in case. I never know how the schedule for work is going to go, and this last week has been a wonderful example of how much time can get sucked up. Between problems at work, problems with employees, being short on help, and my normal duties, I have not had any time to do much of anything except work. Of course, work for me has two parts, my job as a security guard, on the clock and on the site, and my job as the security manager which requires work from home, driving back and forth, and time on site, but all of it off the clock.

This week I put in over forty hours of paid work, and I bet about twenty of unpaid. It hardly seems worth it if it was just the money, but it is more, luckily. Tuesday was suppose to be a day to get caught up on things, so that I would have free time before work on Wednesday through Friday.

Instead, I got about half of my stuff done Tuesday before work, and thought I would finish it on Wednesday. Then some problems cropped up, and I spent the entire day working from home until evening when my shift started. Thursday I had an interview to give, and being so short on help and having a good interview with the person, I decided to get things going for his hire and training.

It isn't like I have a long line of applicants to interview and choose from, so I spent the day doing an interview, paperwork, and faxes. Then I went to work, know I would have a full weekend, and not much time again till Tuesday. Of course, with a new hire, I will have to revise the schedule and do some training, too.

The other new person we are training in is having some private problems and this is holding her up some in her training. Also, she was on schedule to work today, so I would at least have today to relax and get a little done before working tonight. But, she needs to attend a funeral, so I will cover her shift and Rhonda will pick up mine on top of hers.

So, a little time tonight, if the training schedule I submitted is approved by the company we provide security for, since they do the first six hours of training. If it is not approved, I can work on setting things up for next week but will have the new hire training under the guy who is working himself right out of a job.

Now, I have this going, I have to get ready for work and hopefully I will be back by six tonight to get something done, either for work, or better yet, for me.

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