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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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May 31, 2013 at 9:18am
May 31, 2013 at 9:18am
Not sure why, but I'm up early this morning. I'm not sure what time I woke up, but I got up at seven after trying for a while to go back to sleep. It could have been the wind that woke me up, it's gale force out there. It's raining out, and kind of drab looking morning. I have to work at eleven, and if the rain continues, I'm going to be pretty wet by five this afternoon.

I slept good last night, even though I was kind of stressed over some of the things going on at work. I'm not going into them here, but I will say it's almost as if someone wants to push it until she gets her ass canned. It's getting to be a weekly ordeal from her, sometimes almost daily.

Anyway, I got up at seven and gave Klarissa some water and let her out. Max came out of the garage and ran in as soon as the door was open, and has been voicing his displeasure with me not getting him some food. He is an adopted cat who showed up last winter and took residence under the shed.

At first he had no trust of us, but he really liked the Bugoos, especially Mr. Bugoo. The Bugoos, Mr. and Mrs. Bugoo that is, are our two Golden Retrievers, Hyko, aka Mr. and Klarissa, aka Mrs. Hyko was being a clown one day and I referenced him as Mr. Magoo. It kind of stuck with him but one day my wife, Rhonda, got a bit tongue-tied and it came out Bugoo instead of Magoo. They have been Bugoos ever since.

Anyway, Max the cat just showed up, but would not let us get close to him. He trusted the two dogs though and would come out and try and cuddle them. By getting close to the dogs, we eventually managed to get close to him and pet him. Little by little, he gained some trust and eventually he began to interact with us.

When it turned cold, we set him up in the garage instead of under the shed, and one day he just vanished. Well, being a cat, we seen this as normal; he had done this a few times, but only for a day or two. He did show back up after a few days, head all messed up, foot injured, possibly broken, and a few cracked or busted ribs as well. He was in very rough shape and we did not think he would make it.

We nursed him along, and eventually the huge lump on his head broke open and a big chunk of skin and flesh came off. I still do not know if he was shot with a pellet gun and that caused the lump, or if he was run over and had something puncture his head. Either way, it was not looking good for him.

As well as infected and swollen, his nose seemed to have been broke as well as other possible facial injuries. I still think he was shot with a pellet gun, and then kicked around and left for dead. But, someone may have just run him down, too. Either way, he managed to get back here and we nursed and comforted him. We really thought we were just making his final days a bit more pleasant.

Only, he began to recover and heal. Eventually he was fully recovered, but there was some permanent damage. Shortly after, he got in a fight with another cat, and was again all beat up, but nothing real severe, just a lot of bites and scratches. His last incident has him limping and not using one front foot. He looks like he was in another scrap, and we thought his foot was broken, but yesterday it began to bleed out some watery blood.

I'm not sure if he cut it, punctured it or got something in it, but it's kind of going down now and we are hoping it will heal and not be a handicap for him. We let him come in and eat, interact a bit with the Bugoos, and of course, cat-nap. Since I'm allergic to him, I have to be careful, but so far having him in for a few hours a day seems to be alright, and he does not seem to mind going back out and retiring to his bed in the garage.

He actually seems to like it, and often will come and tell us he's ready to go back out. Some days, when it's sunny and nice, he opts to not even come in, or just in long enough to eat, but then he has to interact with the Bugoos when they are outside. He does sit on Rhonda's lap, and mine on rare occasions, but mostly it's Klarissa he is close to. They seem to have some kind of bond between them and are often both snuggled together.


I picked the crab because I worked with one today, but only for a couple of minutes. I am sure glad i got up early this morning and got in here while the getting was good. Not that it was a bad day, just a tiring day.

I left for work and got to the guardhouse at ten after. The guard, we'll call her Ms. Crabbit, was reading her book, like usual. I logged in on the Daily Log and seen she had not entered all her information. So, instead of being an ass and writing it up, or making a big deal of it, I pointed it out and told her I would be monitoring the logs to make sure everyone was entering things right.

I also knew she had gotten a flower from a guest, but I did not say anything. I seen it on the counter and said, "What a beautiful rose. Did you get that for me?" I thought the humor would lighten the next part, but no, she did not appreciate my humor. She just gave me that evil grin that always lets me know she thinks she's getting away with something.

Then she replied, "A guest gave it to me, a guy. I can't take it home because Rufus will get mad."

Of course, I already knew this. I explained to her, for the third time now, that we cannot take gifts from the guests. If it happens again, I will have to write it up." I didn't get any further and she was up and telling me I could not talk to her that way, she was leaving.

I'm suspecting she thought I would try and stop her, since we are short on help as it is, but I just told her that if she left he would not be coming back. She said she did not care, and I asked her, "Are you sure you wont to do this?" She mumbled something, there was something about telling Rufus, and coming back.

I don't know if it was meant to threaten me, or it she was saying she would come back with Rufus to get her stuff, or what, I did not hear much of it. She left, I wrote it down, and then i contacted the front office and updated them. I had Rhonda come in an hour early so I could fill out forms, fax them, and call my boss in Iowa.

I ran to the store to get Rhonda some dinner, and he called back, was supportive and backed me up. She is gone, and that is a good thing. I will not miss the constant griping about everything, the constant doing things wrong just to stir things up so she has something to gripe about, and her crappy attitude.

The only bad thing is we are short on help now. If Crappy Crabbit had worked with us instead of against us, we would have all had some good hours for the summer. But she could not give an inch, so she got a foot (boot). Now, we are over on our hours, by five. Not bad, but I will have to try and shave off as many as I can. I do have someone to contact for an interview, and hope she works out. That would help a lot. I also hope she has some hours available to work, so that we can get things back on track.

Like they ever have been. I think every schedule has changed or been different. It will be nice to get one we can stick with and have some consistency. Until then, I am working every day, and it's going to be tough getting much else done.
May 30, 2013 at 11:25pm
May 30, 2013 at 11:25pm
It's Thursday, May 30 and I'm late again tonight. Not so late as to mess up the dates on my entry, but close. It's 10:10 my time and I'm just getting in here. It's kind of sad, since this was my goal for this afternoon, to get in here and read, review, and maybe even write a bit, since it's my day off.

I was off yesterday, too, but spent the day working on the lawn and the evening watching the fire; we burned a brush pile and old stump. That's why I had intended to come in here and spend some time today, but I had forgotten to send an e-report off that was due yesterday, so I went in and took care of that, then I had to do up the schedule, and send that. It wouldn't be bad, if the schedule ever repeated, like it should, but it seems every two weeks I have to come up with a bunch of changes to make things work. After, I went through my email and worked on another report on an employee, then remembered the rain coats.

So, after I got a good deal done on my report, I went in and sent another email off about the raincoat situation, then I went into the fitness sight and made a few comments. I didn't stick around to log anything, but I will go back and do that later. I have more time there, they are on the other coast and I can get an extra two hours to log there and still have it count as today.

Then, it was a quick browse through FB and a few comments after getting updated on the current state of affairs of my friends and family who are in FB, too. After that, I logged in here to find another c-note congratulating me on my promotion to Preferred Author, so I wrote her back a thank you. Then, I looked at a few ports and then, I finally got in here to journal.

Oh, I should mention that I lost some time when I was using Outlook and it became unresponsive. It does that every once in a while, but I don't know why. This time, I got tired of waiting for it, couldn't get it to shut down, and it was bogging the laptop down so bad I could not do anything else, so I unplugged the power and pulled the battery.

Of course, this crashed Windows, so I had to start back up in Safe-Mode and clean a few things up, then restart and finish what I was working on. Speaking of that, it did it to me again tonight, when i set up a few new mail rules. I had set up a new folder to have certain work mail I send moved into, so I can save them for future reference, if needed. While creating a new folder, I seen a journal listed, but could not find it in my actual Outlook.

It was while I was looking for the link to take me into the journal that it became unresponsive again. I waited for a while, got some coffee, set up a few things on my wife's computer, then finally opened Task Manager and ended the program from there. Even that was slow going, and I do not know why it bogs me down so bad sometimes.

Other than working from home a great deal of the day, it was a pretty good day. It was warm, no rain but overcast, and very windy. I was suppose to go in and do some fishing with my brother today, but the weather put that out of the question. Even that was good, though since I wanted to get some of that other work done for work, and also get in here for a while.

It didn't work out that way, but hopefully tomorrow, after work, I can spend some time here.
May 30, 2013 at 12:34am
May 30, 2013 at 12:34am
May 29, even though the date on my entry will be the 30th. It's eleven thirty here, in South Dakota.

I did not have a chance to get in here earlier today, so I'm writing this kind of late tonight. It's not work for a change, well not work at my job. It was work, but at home, and it was much needed. We mowed down the grass today, all two foot of it. It's only been a week, and it's already close to two feet high.

I slept in this morning and didn't get up till almost eleven. I was pretty run down from the weekend, and from the stress and problems at work. So, Rhonda decided to turn the alarm off this morning and just sleep till we wake up. Of course, we were up kind of late last night, so it wasn't a lot of sleep, but still nine hours.

It was overcast today, so we wanted to get the grass mowed before it rained. We failed. We barely got started and it was drizzling a little. Then, it rained harder so i parked the rider and went to tell Rhonda. By this time, it had almost stopped, so we continued mowing. It was slow going being so tall, and then getting it wetter slowed us to a crawl.

About half way done, it down poured. We got drenched, and by the time we got the mowers put away and in the house, I was soaked. I cleaned up after stripping down, and put on some boxers to lounge in, and it had almost stopped. So, we put on dry cloths and went back at it. After I finally got the last pass done, I dripped the deck one notch and started mowing it all over. The second pass went faster, and it looked a lot better.

While Rhonda finished up with the trim work, I started the brush pile burning and soon she joined me and we got rid of most of the brush and most of the willow stump. I was surprised it burned as good as it did, since we had so much rain lately. If it doesn't rain tonight, it will likely be burning yet in the morning.

Next day off, I'm thinking of taking down two old willow trees in the same area we burned tonight. They are just the last ten to fifteen feet of the two the went down last summer in the storms. They are pretty rotten and should burn pretty well, I think. My idea is to gather as much brush and dead branches as I can, pile them around the base of the trees, then light the piles and let the standing tree catch. Hopefully it will burn it right down.

Well, it's that time of the night when I need to set back and watch a little Netflix with my sweet lady.
May 28, 2013 at 3:53pm
May 28, 2013 at 3:53pm
The weekend is over and hopefully things are a bit more quiet at work. I have to go to work at five tonight, and I'm hoping for a nice, quiet, and unstressed evening. Of course, the stress part will depend on a certain someone saying she will work the current schedule, as posted. One night a week, so my wife and I can have a day off together, but she cannot do that. Why, because she does not like the people at work. Oh well, she'll get what she gives. In a way, she is hanging herself with this.

Other than that, today has been a nice day. It's warmer out, overcast but with some sun, and very humid. There is rain and thunderstorms forecast for the rest of the week, and the grass is growing faster than we can cut it. I should have been out mowing, but instead I came in here and wrote a letter to the StoryMistress, thanking her for my recent promotion.

I also updated a few things, and looked around a bit. Added an image to my Port, and enjoyed a very relaxing morning. It's nice not having to go in early today, I'm about do for some quiet time to reflect and relax. I have been going strong since Friday, and it's been kind of hectic and crazy. Yesterday I spent most of my time working from home, taking care of a couple of loose ends.

And there it was again. I had written a bunch of stuff about the crap going on at work. It's a nice way to get it all out, but not what this journal is for. I don't want to look back at all the headaches at work, but instead want to have a place to focus on other things. I should be putting down ideas, thoughts, and the good stuff.

It's no use, I start to write and it just leads right back to work. It isn't helping that everything is getting messed up again, I don't even know if or when I can take my days off. But hopefully we will hire someone soon, and then I can try again to get things scheduled and into a nice routine.

Ima gonna go now~
May 27, 2013 at 4:14pm
May 27, 2013 at 4:14pm
Not much time again, Tod Gammit. Well it's my own fault, i spent much of my day working instead of enjoying the afternoon. Now, it's about time to get ready and go in to work the actual part of my job. It's been a long weekend; by tonight when I get done with this holiday weekend, I will have worked close to 27 hours in three days; I still have one more before I get a day off.

Even so, it hasn't been a bad weekend. I should see it that way, since I had to work all weekend and put in some long days, but I don't. It was busy, people were cranky and in a hurry, and I didn't get anytime to do anything outside of work, except a couple hours visiting my sister from Minnesota. Even so, I had a pretty good weekend and I'm feeling pretty good.

I also had a wonderful surprise yesterday when I logged in here. I found a beautiful yellow suitcase in my left hand corner, a notice that I had been promoted to Preferred Author, and many kind comments and some nice emails. There were even more today!

What a great weekend to get promoted! Memorial Day weekend. It will be memorable to me, even more than before. As a former soldier and having family who served before me, I always enjoy this day. As an American and having the freedoms we have, thanks to those who have served, I really appreciate this day, and now it just got even better.

WDC could not have picked a more wonderful weekend to give this promotion, and I will have to take some time to tell them. Unfortunately, I probably won't get to it today, since I have to get ready for work and have not even had lunch yet. I'll try and tell them tonight in a nice letter. If not tonight tomorrow.

Now, it's time to run~

Back home again, and for a short night at work, just under four hours, what a night it was. It seems I get problems solved with one person at work, and two more start acting up. For one of them, it may very well have cost her a job. If she manages to slink her way out of getting fired, it will still cost her some hours, and a some corrective action. No matter how it turns out, by this fall, she will more than likely see that it's in her own best interest to pursue work with a different company.

Other than employee problem children, it was a pretty nice night. Now, I'm going to spend some time with my wife and do a Bible study, and then I'm hoping to log back in here and send a few emails.
May 26, 2013 at 7:58am
May 26, 2013 at 7:58am
Not much time again this morning, so this is going to be short. It's Sunday and I have not heard anything about the guy who I'm filling in for this weekend. He was out yesterday and I assume today, so I will be going to work in just a little while. It's going to be late this evening again before I get done, so I may not get in here until after midnight, WDC time.

It's almost ten-thirty my time, so I'm glad I got in here and started my entry so the dates match up. I know, kind of petty, but I just like it when my daily entry matches the date. Besides, it's my journal, I can if I want. See, I live in South Dakota and am two time zones earlier than WDC is.

Today was a slower day at work, which was good, since I was moving slower myself. I opened again, and had another long day, since I'm working two shifts back to back. Yesterday was just over twelve hours working, with only two hours sleep, today was nine hours working, with a nice seven hours of sleep. That's why I'm moving kind of slow tonight.

Enough about work, though. There were a couple of other events today that are much more deserving of my time in here tonight. The first is the least of these two events, leaving the most deserving for last.

My sister, my big sister, and my only sister, is in the area visiting this weekend. I didn't know how I would get a chance to visit her, but it worked out tonight since I had a few hours to wait and she was just getting back to my younger brother's, where she is staying. I called, then ran over and spent a couple hours before I had to go back to pick Rhonda up.

Now for those of you who don't know (like any of you would know), my sister tends to ride me pretty hard. She always has, even when I was just a boy. She just loves giving me a hard time and getting me riled up. She always sees me as a sluffer, too. In her eyes, I must not do anything with any effort or any responsibility. In her eyes, always shirking responsibility and taking the easy road.

But, tonight she was nice, and didn't do anything to rile me up. I don't understand, but I like it. Well, once I got over the shock of it all. Seriously! She has done this for so long, I actually thought something was wrong until I had tome to think about it. I was kind of down and disappointed, like she didn't care. Of course, I came to my senses right off and figured it out, but for a few minutes, I was feeling kind of hurt. I don't know if it will last or not, but for now, it feels real good.

Now, for the big, grand finale... I was promoted! I logged in tonight and seen I had been promoted to Preferred Author. It was totally by surprise, too. I have not written anything for quite a while, have not been very active in here, and haven't done many reviews lately. Therefore, I wasn't expecting anything like this. What an honor to be picked from so many people, and so many that do so much.

I'm very honored, and want to write something, but I'm so tired tonight I know it would be terribly written, so tomorrow I shall reply and tell everyone how honored I am. For now, it's a glass of brandy and some down time with a very beautiful woman.
May 25, 2013 at 5:08am
May 25, 2013 at 5:08am
Today will be Saturday, once time starts again. It's only 4:04 in the morning almost an hour or two before time starts, and I'm getting things started in here. It's going to be a long day, about sixteen hours before I can get back in here and write this, so I wanted to start it now. That's just too long, and too many things can come up. Hell, by six tonight I may be home or snoozing in the van in the parking lot.

One thing is for sure, I will be tired and having a hard time trying to focus. I only got two hours of sleep to do this on, and that's going to be the toughest part. I just hope it's not too crazy busy today, especially this morning.

So now it's evening and I'm back home. It was a crazy day and very busy. It was go, go, go, non-stop most of the day. I worked twelve and a half hours and now I'm beat. Almost too beat, but still going, just slow now. After that much time running my butt off, I would have thought I would have come home and went to bed, but I guess I still have a little bit of the old fire left.

We got home and made love, then got in here, online, and I even checked my e-mail. After it was a little time in here, and then it's time to eat. After, a beverage and hit the sack. I'll have to update you on the rest later.
May 24, 2013 at 9:12am
May 24, 2013 at 9:12am
The end of the week has arrived, and Memorial Day weekend has arrived. For most of you, this is a good thing, but for me and Rhonda it's going to be a long weekend. We work Friday through Monday, and this weekend will be one of the busiest. Also, the first shift guard is likely going to be out for the weekend so it means we will both have some very long shifts Saturday and Sunday.

I'm looking at twelve hours on Saturday, and nine on Sunday, while Rhonda will be pulling ten on Saturday and nine on Sunday. Some long days, but it's suppose to be cool this weekend, and there's the chance for rain all weekend, too. This will make working more comfortable, and it may keep it the yard traffic down a little.

I'm also returning after two days off in a row, something I seldom see anymore. I also was able to spend one of them with Rhonda, which is also a rare occasion. I'm hoping that it will not be, and with the new schedule, it should not be, but when you work with childish people who just insist on messing things up, you never know. Even so, here's hoping it works.

I'm feeling better today, which is a big plus, and I hope I continue to feel better as the day progresses. That's how it was yesterday, too. I was feeling terrible when I woke up yesterday. The first time was at six in the morning, and I was awoke to acid re-flux and thinking I was going to vomit.

After some toast, I felt a little better, but I still wasn't feeling much like going fishing. I took a little nap with Rhonda as a result of a sudden loss of energy, and woke to the phone when Len called. I talked to him for a little bit, then got ready to go fish. It was a nice day on the lake, but windy, so a lot of waves and rocking. I had taken some Pepto-Bismo before leaving, and that helped a lot.

I also began to feel better as the day progressed, and by the time we got off the water, I was hungry and ready to eat. Linda picked up some chicken, mashed potatoes, and gravy from the Pizza Ranch, and we had a nice dinner at their house, then watched some television until Rhonda got off work and picked me up. I would have liked to gotten a ride to the van and got my computer and stuff, so I could get some work done, but at the same time, it was nice to have a couple day break from work, too.

We are not sure what made me sick, but it had to be the food we ate. Rhonda did not get sick, so it wasn't anything wrong with the food, but perhaps something in it. We looked but found no MSG's which I know are a problem. There were some other additives but I'm not sure if that was the cause or not. Rhonda mentioned last night that it may have been all the bread. We had Sloppy-Joes and Tater-Tots for supper and homemade cinnamon rolls for dessert.

I don't think it's Celiacs like my daughter would insist, but I may have developed a gluten sensitivity, and since I know MSG's also cause problems, there could be other similar additives that increase the sensitivity. That sounds possible, and even likely, since it seems to be a combination more than a single item. I do know that I am sensitive to MSG's; they trigger my asthma, but it also depends on how much I eat.

Also, sometimes it seems worse than other times, which indicates more of a sensitivity than an allergic reaction. But, I am also a big bread eater, and have bread with just about everything. This may be part of it, too. I have thought this myself, but when Rhonda mentioned that it seems to be worse if I eat more bread, it really hit home. MSG's, a bit of a reaction, but not always; add some bread, and it's always.

Or, at least so it seems. It will be easy to test this out, I can restrict bread and gluten heavy foods for a while and see how it goes. If it seems to get better, I can eat some bread and see how it goes after that. It should trigger the acid re-flux and the other problems, indicating that I am also sensitive to something in the bread. Likely, the gluten.

Once I have confirmed my theory, I can watch and see how it goes, limiting MSG's and gluten laden foods. How knows, I may just find myself feeling a lot better again. For now, it's time to get some work done before work.

I'm home now, having gotten my work done before work, at work, and even some after work. That's just the way it's been, work, work, and more work. It shouldn't be, but it is because of the temperament of some of the other workers. I say temperament, but I should just call it what it is, negative attitudes.

They just can't let things be, the schedule is a constant, changing two, three, and even four times before it runs it's course. Getting in trouble for dumb stuff takes a close second, and unwilling to get along/pettyness wraps it up. And, it's not just one person, it's three of them. Of course, two of them at least try and conceal things a bit, but number three almost seems to want to get in trouble.

Oh well. It's like I said before, it will catch up to her. For that matter, it will catch up to them, and they will have to pay the piper one day.
May 23, 2013 at 11:11am
May 23, 2013 at 11:11am
The sun is shining, the wind is calm, and I'm up early on this beautiful morning. Six o'clock to be exact, and I was up and out of bed; hit the floor running -- for the bathroom that is. Acid re-flux. It actually started last night, not sure why, but I was not feeling very well at all.

I thought at first I just ate too much, but it didn't let up. In fact, it got worse as the night went on. I took some Tums and they helped a little, but just a little. I did sleep pretty good, but this morning I woke to the sensation of re-flux pushing up into my mouth and sinuses. I thought I was going to vomit as I jumped from bed, but as soon as I was up, it subsided some.

But off to the bathroom to spit up the bile and rinse my mouth out. Then it was some Tums and a little water, to get the tastes of everything out of my mouth, then back to bed. This was the best part, snuggling back into bed, and up to Rhonda.

I had thought about staying up, since I have a lot planned out for today, but I was not feeling well at all, so I slipped between the sheets, felt for my beautiful wife, and wrapped my arms around her as I snuggled her and she snuggle me. I was sleeping in minutes, perhaps less.

I woke again at eight, to the pity-pity-patter of claws and paws pacing the floor. Miss Klarissa, my wonderful friend, had to go out to potty. So, I got up again, but not quite as quickly this time. I had to potty myself so I went into the bathroom and drained my bladder down. Miss Klarissa was right there, watching and waiting.

I felt like returning to bed, but wanted to stay up, too. I asked Klarissa what we should do, and she turned to the door and stepped closer. "Uh, I think we should go outside and go potty," was her answer.

So, I opened the porch door and we strolled across the chilly porch to the back door. Of course it was chilly, I was still dressed for bed, so to speak, but in actuality, I sleep nude so, let's say skin pj's. This woke me up greatly, and by the time I reached the door, Mr. Hyko had joined us. I let the two dogs out, and they proceeded to do what dogs do, while I watched from the window. Only briefly did I wonder what day it was, then recollection came that it was Thursday, the paper boy would not appear at the back door with our shopper. I gave a sigh of relief, knowing I would not be caught in my skin pj's today.

I made coffee and spent some time in the bathroom, then got on the computer and looked at e-mails until Rhonda got up. We enjoyed a couple of cups of coffee and I looked at the happy birthday wishes that had come in FB already, then headed over here. I was thinking about going back to bed for a little bit, since I felt terrible, but I still have some plans for the day.

I was going to run into work and serve some corrective actions on a knucklehead and i wanted to get an annual evaluation written up, but they can wait. After all, it is my day off as well as my birthday. Besides, I can work on that later when I feel better. My biggest plan is to go fishing with my brother.

But, I felt so crappy, I didn't know how I was going to make the fishing trip. I couldn't even think of sitting in the boat, without feeling a bit unsettled, and I was so tired I could have passed out in my chair.

Rhonda was tired and mentioned a nap, which sounded to good to pass up, so I told her I would write a little bit in here, then join her for a little nap. But first, a couple of slices of toast to try and settle my tummy. I got to writing and she got us some toast. By the time I finished my toast, my tummy did feel better, and I in general felt better. I am not so tired now, either. So much for the nap, I guess. Seriously, I don't feel to bad at all, and I'm thinking a little fresh air and sunshine will have me feeling better yet. Now, if I could just get my tummy to settle a little bit more, I would feel fine.

I do think I will lie down with Rhonda for a half hour, then see if I am not feeling better when I get up. I took a tummy pill (not sure what brand, but they reduce acid for the entire day) and should be feeling better in a bit. Right now, my tummy's grumbling and rumbling, and I'm pretty bloated and gassed up, but I think it will pass quickly once the medication hits.

So, for my birthday, I got to spend the day with my beautiful wife all day yesterday, playing games and relaxing. Today I have my second day off in a row, something I have not had very often for over a month. And, I get to go do some fishing and enjoy being out on the lake on a beautiful spring day. Maybe I'll see you around her later...
May 22, 2013 at 5:49pm
May 22, 2013 at 5:49pm
Our first day off together in over a month. The new schedule is implemented and Rhonda and I are enjoying our first day off together since the hospital incident put us on opposite work shifts. We are also taking this day for my birthday, even though it's actually tomorrow.

So, sleep in and get caught up on rest. Then it's just kind of lounge around a bit and enjoy a relaxing afternoon. I did get my email set up, and addresses switched over and messed around a bit online. I want to spend some time with her this evening, too. There is plenty of time for us to do our Bible study, and maybe even a game or two.

It's kind of cool day outside, and wet. The rain stopped, finally, but it's still plenty wet. I think it will take a couple of days to dry out any at all. After all, it rained almost a whole week; five days of rain, of and on, and yesterday it rained pretty much non-stop for about twenty-four hours. So yeah, it's wet out.

Tomorrow I go do a bit of fishing with my little brother, but I hope he doesn't want to spend the entire day out there. I would like to get home and work on some things around here, too. I work again Friday, and it also starts our long four day stretch. Oh, and I have to find out what's going on with the weekend guard who opens, I haven't heard anything from him about his medical condition.

For today it's no work, except I do have to send my weekly e-report. I had forgotten but Rhonda just reminded me. So, I'm off to send that and then it's time for a game.
May 21, 2013 at 6:25pm
May 21, 2013 at 6:25pm
Up before time started this morning. Yeah, I was up at 3:30 so that I could be to work by 5:00 when time starts. It's difficult, but sometimes there's just no other way. Not that I mind getting up early, I just need to get to sleep the night before I do it.

I normally work nights, and get home around 11:00 or a little after, grab a bite to eat and watch a little television while the food settles and I unwind. As a result, I often do not get to bed until about 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. I've been working at trying to get to bed by midnight, but I haven't been real successful.

So, last night it's no different, I try and relax and find I'm not even tired yet. By midnight, I'm beginning to get a little stressed, knowing I I will be up in about three hours, and that only makes it more difficult to go to sleep. Sometime around 12:30 I head off to bed, tired now, but kind of worked up knowing I will not get more than three hours of sleep. this results in difficulty falling to sleep, but I manage. The next think I know, I'm waking up and wondering what time it is.

I get up and head off to the bathroom, then check the clock on the way back to bed. It's a little past two, I still get to sleep for another hour. Luckily, I didn't have any trouble getting back to sleep, but it sure was difficult getting up this morning. I did drag my semi-exhausted carcass out of bed, drank a cup of coffee and checked the weather. Cold and wet, and staying that way all day.

This made the idea of crawling back into bed even more tempting, but I got dressed and drove in to work. I have a thirty minute drive into town and work. five miles or so into my journey, I'm relaxed and lulled by the tempo of the wipers, the whir of the fan blowing warm air onto the windshield, and the motion of the van. That's when this big deer decides to jump from the ditch and race me for the side of the road.

Luckily, I was more alert than one would have guessed. I seen the deer out of my peripheral vision and swerved hard to the right avoiding impact with the deer. However, not having any shoulder to the road means there is little room to the right to swerve, so even as I miss running into the deer, I feel the front tires on the passenger side begin to dip over the lip of the road.

Instinctively I steer to the left to avoid going into the right ditch. and even as the tires slide over wet asphalt I feel the van begin to correct it's course and move towards the left side of the road. The motion is so quick, that the lighter back end has trouble following the corrections of the front, and I find myself driving passed a still moving deer, with the van leaning hard to the right, the back end going into a skid towards the right ditch, and the deer brushing against the rear fender.

Now, it's time to try and correct the skid as I find myself heading for the left ditch with the front and the rear still carried by momentum into the right ditch. I steer, more gently this time to the right, into the skid and feel the rear tires begin to grip the wet road. As the right tire gains traction it begins to hang on the lip of the road, but soon enough it's free and the back is now trying to catch up to the front. Because I did not over-correct the skid, the back does fall in line with the front, and I am almost inline with the road once again. Another minor correction and it's as if nothing had even happened.

The rest of the ride to work was uneventful, I was on time and had to wait for a few minutes to even get inside. It was pretty slow, so I had an easy morning and even got to work on a corrective action as well as an evaluation. Then, at 10:00, or a little after, I drove home and took myself a nice nap. This afternoon, when Rhonda was leaving for work, I walked her out to the van and told her of my deer incident. Upon looking at the rear fender, there is a slight little dent, close to the back of the vehicle, on the driver's side. Right where the deer ran into the van.

Apparently, I had better reflexes and traction than did this fury woodland creature. Even so, the damage is minimal, barely even dented. The impact must have been very slight, and I did not see the deer go down. I watched on my way home for any signs of the deer; none. I'm assuming it has a nice headache to remember me by, and I hope, to teach it a little about looking before you leap~
May 20, 2013 at 6:00pm
May 20, 2013 at 6:00pm
Monday! That kind of explains a lot. I don't know why Mondays are like they are, but they are. I didn't mind them when I had them off, but they still tended to be kinda -- Monday like. Back then, I worked the weekend and looked forward to my Monday off, but it was still Monday, and had it's Monday moments. Now, I work Mondays, as well as the weekends, and they are still just as Mondayish as ever.

For example, I woke up at seven, but didn't feel like getting out of bed. For one thing, it was kind of cold, rainy, and gloomy out. The other thing, I had to be to work at eleven and wasn't feeling very motivated about it. I did get up and ooze into the bathroom to depressurize my bladder, then I kind of oozed right back into bed. I felt a little better when I snuggled up to my darlings backside, all nice and warm and snugly.

an hour later and the alarm is going off, I'm still not feeling motivated to get up, and it's still gloomy, cold, and wet out. I called and found out I did not have to show up till one this afternoon, so that was kind of nice. Being wet and cold out today, I wasn't sure if they would need me at all, but I drove in, just to see, to pick up some paperwork, and to hopefully come back home.

I did get to come back home, after a fooling around checking yard traffic and talking to the afternoon guard. She claimed it was busy, the yard numbers showed it wasn't, so I went back and looked for myself; it was pretty dead. So, I headed home, but forgot to grab the paperwork. Oh well, it's Monday.

Rhonda had come in with me, but didn't have to work till this afternoon. She had wanted to get some stuff done, but had been feeling a bit down this morning. So, I jumped in and gave her some help with things before she had to go to work. So, it was a productive enough afternoon, and I even assisted her with making lunch. After, she got ready for work and I did up the few dishes, wrote her a little love note with a corning stick-man drawing on the back, and got her a cup of coffee ready, then seen her off.

I came in here to continue my journal, which I had started writing this morning. Where was it? Monday must have consumed it, because it was gone. It wasn't a big loss, I had a paragraph in here. Still, it's odd that I didn't save it, and not sure what I did to lose it. After all, I thought I clicked on save. Now, I have this written, and will for sure save it, but I still have to chock it up to Monday.

It's still rainy, cold, and gloomy, and that just adds to it, but it's not a bad day. I'm tired, but I think it's half from the gloomy day, and being busy yesterday. I hope it's just the Monday blues! I don't want to even think I am getting sick again. I went through that for a month, tired, no energy, and felt like... well a Monday.

Of course, there is stress, too. I just got past a stressful situation that is still not fully resolved, but just kind of vanished into thin air. Then Saturday, I get a knucklehead who decides he doesn't want to work the scheduled hours, but thinks he will just come in an hour early and leave an hour early. He did manage to get in an hour early, but he had to stay till the end of his scheduled shift.

Even so, he gains an hour and another person lost one. I'm still going to have to try and explain this to the corporate office in my report. The one I was going to send off today, but forgot to pick up the paperwork. Yeah, that paperwork. So, now I have to write up some disciplinary action and go in to serve that.

Yesterday, I no more than walk into the guardhouse, and the guy working tells me he has to have some possible surgery for his gallbladder. He thinks he will be back to work without missing any time, but I doubt that. In fact, it was something like this that took place last month that still has not resolved itself and has me working one person short.

There was also indications that he was smoking inside, and doing so just because the other guard, who does not smoke, had asked him to keep the door shut so the smoke would not bother her. Yeah, he is the kind of guy who seems like a bully and would do that to her in spite. Of course, I can't do much without actual proof, and even then, it would be difficult. So, lots of little things to add some stress.

So far, though, I'm getting it under control and not letting it get me down. I will work on an evaluation and some disciplinary action tonight or tomorrow and get them done, then we will see what comes up next. It's kind of a shame I'm not a real hard-ass boss, they would get what they are asking for then. But, I am not, and the company we work for is pretty easy going, too. I can't understand why these clowns can't see how good they have it, and try to keep things working smoothly, but they don't. Instead, every time things start to flow smooth, one of more will stir it all up, again.

Oh well, it all works out in the wash. If your into the Karma thing, that works, too. As a Christian, as in belief, not religion, I leave it all in much more able hands than mine or my boss's. You may know it as, "Vengeance is Mine, Says the Lord." There's also, "An eye for an eye." And, "What goes around, comes around." I'm sure you have similar sayings. It all comes down to, "Reaping what you sow."
May 19, 2013 at 11:23am
May 19, 2013 at 11:23am
The first day of the week, and the second longest, trailing Saturday by one hour. Even so, it will be nice getting home by nine tonight. And, I don't actually start work until two this afternoon, but still have to go in when Rhonda does. Hopefully we can get a second vehicle soon. Today is a little better, since she does not have to be there at eleven. Even on hour later makes it a lot easier to get going.

I'm going to head over to HyVee and get back in here after I drop her off, but I wanted to get things started first. Just in case something comes up; you know how it goes.

Like last night, we ended up getting to bed later than normal, and as soon as I was in bed, I had to get back up. It was hot last night, and very humid, so we left a couple of windows open. I stayed up till it cooled down some, then headed off to bed. There was a nice breeze coming in the living room window, and I was looking forward to a cooler night, and some fresh air. But, with storms in the area, I told Rhonda if she woke to rain, we would have to remember to close up the windows.

Then, into bed, snuggle and cuddle for a few minutes, and then she turned to go to sleep and draped my arm over her. No more had she snuggled her backside into me and the light show began. It was almost continuous, few breaks between the lightning. Also, the wind picked up and the rain began.

I got back up and closed the living room window just as the first drops began to hit the screen. The wind was picking up quickly, but I had the window shut right before the first gusts began to rattle the house on it's foundation. I went to the kitchen and closed up the window there, as well. That was on the downwind side, so there was a lot of air getting pulled through the house and even as I closed the storm, the curtains pulled into the screen and the pressure began to drop.

I closed the inside pane and went from window to window trying to see the storm, but it was too dark to see much. I could hear wind and thunder, I could see the trees bending beneath the force with the strobe effects of the lightning, but I could not see the clouds or enough of the sky to watch for the twisting and spinning that must have been going on. It passed in a few minutes and I was back in bed, resuming my comfy position.

But, even as I snuggled up, the next light show began. This one flashed and boomed, but no high winds, no train sounds, and i was soon lulled to sleep to the drumming of the thunder that accompanied the sound of the rain against the window. I slept sound, and woke early this morning to a gray sky. It's looking cooler and rainy for today, and that's fine with me; maybe we will have a quieter day at work.
May 18, 2013 at 2:53pm
May 18, 2013 at 2:53pm
I just wanted to get things started in here before I go get started on a few other projects. It's Saturday, but for a change, I have it off. I was going fishing, but then I wasn't, and then it was back on, but I'm still not going.

My brother and I had planned to go fishing today, but we did not know that his girlfriend had plans for him to attend a graduation party with her this afternoon. When I found out yesterday, we changed the plans so he could go with her, to the party at 1:00 and then attend another at 5:00.

Last night he found out there was just the single party this Saturday, at 1:30 and then other one is next Saturday. He also informed me he could go fishing instead of going to the graduation with her. I had explained to him that she may say this, but if he did not go with her, we may have difficulties getting out fishing all summer. Or, as I explained to him, "Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned." She may say he can go fishing, but she wants him to go with her.

So, he called today about eleven but I was indisposed and had to call him back. I had not seen the email, so I had no idea what was up, except that yesterday before work, we had talked it over and decided to cancel the fishing and he would go with her and I would work on mowers, cut the grass, and do a few other jobs around here that are getting behind. Today he's taking about going fishing instead of going with her, and I'm wondering what changed.

I found out soon enough, but with the weather looking like crap out there, thunderstorms in the area, and all the work I have to do, I told him it may be better to wait. He agreed, but sounded kind of disappointed. I hope he makes the most of it and goes to the graduation and has some fun, but he is kind of different when it comes to socializing, and has a difficult time mingling and enjoying these things. I'm going to go work on the mower, then try and get some grass cut before it rains, and hopefully we can get out fishing by Tuesday.

I'll have to stop back in and write a bit more later, after I come back in.

I got the yard mowed, and didn't even get too wet in the process. It was terrible to cut, over a foot tall in many places, very think, and wet. Of course after it rained on me, it was even wetter, but I have it all cut. It will need to be done again soon, since it was so tall and thick. I know it won't look the best, but it will be better than the jungle it was before. I'm thinking around mid week we may have to go over it again. It should not take as long next time, if we get it before it's to tall again.

After I finished, I threw some leftovers in the microwave and started some food cooking for tomorrow. Yeah, it's kind of backwards, but that's how it is. Tonight I had leftovers, and tomorrow it will be warmed up food I cooked today. Why? Because I will have to go in to work around eleven tomorrow. I think Rhonda works at eleven and I go in at two, but I would have to look. Either way, we will have little time to eat anything before we go. So, I picked some asparagus tonight and steamed it with a big sweet potato. Well, it's actually a yam. Tomorrow we can heat it up and have a nice lunch before we head in, or I can take some with and Rhonda can eat when she gets home.

I also wrote a reply to the gentleman who commented in here the other day. He said we could keep in touch, if I wanted. I thought it a good idea, so I wrote him back. Then I looked into my calendar and seen I am way behind on my goals. Of course, the same time I started the calendar and set up the goals, I ended up short one person and had to cover and try to get things straightened out. She still has not returned and has not even turned in the paperwork, so she is pretty much gone.

If it was just my call, she would have been gone a while ago, but it's not just up to me, so she is still kind of pending. Even so, I was given the go ahead to hire another person if needed, and to proceed as if she will not return. Rhonda and I changed the schedule around a bit and if should work for us to have one day a week off together, and we each get two days off in a row. Of course, it's still tight if anyone misses work, or takes time off, but I think we can swing it if the other guards work with me.

If not? Well then I guess I will have to hire someone. But, since it would be someone else forcing my hand, I don't think it would be fare to take hours away from myself or any of the workers who are trying to make things work. In other words, the schedule will work, and if I have to hire someone to make it work, the person who is causing the trouble will lose a few days to give to the new person.

Now, where was I? Oh yeah, my goal setting being behind. I had set a goal to have a rough draft by the fifth of the month and an edited draft by last weekend. But, then we lost the person and everything went kind of insane. See, the weekend she was going to work, I was looking at having a day off, and thinking of calling her to have her pick up a day or two for me. I was feeling pretty under the weather, and knew I needed some time to rest and recover.

Instead, she went to the hospital, or maybe she did. I still think she fabricated the whole thing to provide a usable excuse to take time off as she desired. But, for the sake not knowing for sure, lets say she went to the hospital. So, instead of any time off, I had to work extra. Then, she did not get a release and could not come back to work, so even more work. I got worse, and for a while thought I was going to end up in the hospital. I would have gone in to the clinic, but I didn't have any time. With her gone, I had to put Rhonda in to full time hours with hardly any training, and I had to cover the rest.

It stayed like that for a month. Then, I just said to hell with it and removed the person completely and Rhonda and I worked on the schedule so that we could make it work. I had to change a couple of workers hours a bit, but it works. I also began to feel a bit better. Little by little, I began to regain some strength and was not so tired and run down. Today is five weeks since I was first wiped out by what ever I had, and I'm still not back to 100%. I thought it was the flu, but some of the symptoms and indications now have both Rhonda and I convinced that I had a strep-infection.

I just hope it's over and done, and I will keep feeling better and gaining more energy. It's kind of nice to have time off and get something done instead of sleeping all the time. That's how I spent the last five weeks, working and sleeping; I was -- sick and tired of it~
May 17, 2013 at 8:43pm
May 17, 2013 at 8:43pm
It was a hot and humid day, but it's turned into a very beautiful evening. I did a little work on the van after i got home from work, and I'm hoping I have some of the little things working right again. There are some bigger issues I will have to address, and they will require a bit more work, but for now it seems the little things are corrected, and I'm hoping they stay that way until I tackle the bigger things.

It was a busy day at work, but not overly busy and with two people, it went by pretty fast. I worked from noon till five this evening, then got to come home and enjoy this wonderful evening. Rhonda is working tonight, or it would be a perfect evening. Even so, it is nice to have the night off and get to just relax a bit. Tomorrows plans for some fishing have changed, but with the storms passing through, it's probably for the best. It will also give me some time to get the mowers serviced and maybe even the grass cut if the rain holds off.

I received a nice comment on my blog/journal from yesterday, and it kind of got me to thinking about a few things. One of them is the difference in language and structure. As an American, I of course write and speak in English. Even though it's not, it's American, since it has changed quite a lot from it's English roots. I like my language, but it is a very difficult language to learn, especially for writing. Also, the spelling makes no sense at all. From early school years, we are told to sound it out. Why? With silent letters, different sounds from different combinations, and nothing for even a basic foundation, it's impossible to sound out anything in American.

I say this, because I just read a wonderful short story that had all sorts of spelling errors in it, from an American viewpoint, that is. The truth is, I did not find any errors, although I didn't sit down and take it apart searching. The differences in spelling are the differences in language and usage. Some have an even more difficult system, some have easier; some are more descriptive, some less, but all in all, they all some to have some great parts and some parts not so desired. Why is it, that with math and science, we can have a universal base for everyone, but for writing we all have our own language?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not implying everyone should be able to write in English, and I think it important for citizens to be able to write and communicate in their own national language. But, for us who desire to be writers, why do we not have a universal language to write in, that all can read and understand? I know, each country would push their own, for pride's sake, as the best. But, what if writers could take the best parts of different languages, combine and arrange them so that there is an official language to write in, one that all nationalities would learn, so that we could interchange material in the same syntax across all borders?

The other thing I got to thinking about, was the comment itself. The writer commented that this, my entry, sounded like the beginning of a story. I did not see this until I read the comment, but it does have most of the ingredients to create a very good story. It could go in most any direction, and the plot is fully open to develop to fit the genre.

Yes, the ideas that come to mind, I could develop this into most any genre, and perhaps I just might. What struck instantly with the comment was a romantic, possibly even erotic story.

Well, now I have some ideas, thank you kindly. Now I just need to find some time to put it all together and perhaps, just perhaps, another story will find anchor in my port.

Also, in parting, I was left with this; "I'll leave with a G'day so that it's not a Goodbye. :)"

I hope you don't mind my usage of this, but it fits so very well. Another thank you, and G'day.
May 16, 2013 at 11:52pm
May 16, 2013 at 11:52pm
My day off, and it was a nice day. I enjoyed sleeping in a bit, but not too late, then had coffee and got ready to go. Usually I would complain about going anyplace on my day off, unless it is something I enjoy, but today was an exception. It wasn't planned out, but kind of a last minute thing that came up, and I thought about switching my day off to Wednesday instead -- at first. I think it was more habit than anything.

Of course, most of the time, it's not anything I actually care to do, but more demands on my time to pacify someone else. Other times, it's something I enjoy, but the timing is wrong. usually, it's a bit of both, or just the fact that I would like to, but I don't have the time, and if i make it, I have to give up something else. Also, when you go constantly, it's nice to just kind of stay home and slack off once in a while.

Today, though, it was different. I found out earlier in the week that my mother in law and her friend were going to be passing through and wanted to stop for a visit. They do this every year, sometimes a couple of time a year. We meet at IHOPs and have a nice lunch and visit for a while then they proceed on their way and we go back home, shopping, to work, or something similar. Today, Rhonda didn't have to work until five this afternoon, so we enjoyed a nice lunch and visit from noon till about two-thirty, then did a little shopping and came home.

Her mom was pleasant as usual and her friend Dave wasn't as annoying as he can be. he still asked a ton of questions, and he has this habit of asking something and then cutting you off when you try and answer. He also does not follow a conversation, but bounces all over, so it can be difficult to carry on a conversation. But today he was pretty good, and we had a nice visit. After, we all walked out and I got a bit of a surprise before they left.

My mother-in-law was on the sidewalk, I was on the blacktop of the parking lot, so she was a bit taller than if we had been on even ground. She gave Rhonda a nice hug, and said goodbye, then turned to give me a hug, which is normal. I gave her a nice hug and right in the middle of it, she slid her hand down and gave me a flirty pat on the rump. When she broke off the hug, she had a sly smile as she said goodbye.

I wasn't expecting anything quite like this, and I think she enjoyed catching me off guard like that. I probably blushed pretty good and that would have just added to her enjoyment. Not that I minded, I just didn't anticipate it. I hope that doesn't sound bad, but she is a nice enough looking lady, even at her age, and I find it kind of a compliment that she would give a little flirty pat like that.

After, we stopped and got some oil for the mower, but I didn't get to it tonight. We came home and Rhonda took a short nap, I got online for a bit and checked my e-mail. Then she got ready for work and I did a little catching up on a few things in here, in my email, and in my Kindle program.

I got real tired, so I took a little nap, but was woke to the phone. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't so i got up and listened to the message, and found out there was a minor accident at work, and Rhonda needed to know if she had to fill out an accident/incedent report or not, so I called back and then took the dogs out for a bit.

When I came in, I made a peanut butter sandwich and got back to cleaning up my Kindle Library and then in here. I had an e-mail from a lady who had a few questions, and has written me a couple of times, so I wrote back to her and then got to writing in here. She doesn't have much in her portfolio, or her biography, so i can't say if she is young or older, or anything else about her.

She has been a member here for quite a while, but that's about all I know. She had done a review of one of my stories and I wrote her back a reply. I had also looked to see if she had anything I could review for her, and seen only one item in her portfolio. I wrote her and inquired, she wrote back and explained a little. I wrote her again and now she has replied with a few questions, so I wrote her again.

She seems nice, and I would enjoy knowing a little more about her, but i don't know if I should start asking a bunch of questions. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable or anything, so I just write back in answer to her letters. I did inform her that she can ask me questions, about the site, writing, or anything else, and I hope she takes me up on it. I would enjoy getting to know her a bit better as well, and I hope that if she asks a few more questions, perhaps she will give a little more information, as well.

I'll have to wait and see, and maybe she will, maybe she won't. If she stops by here and reads my blog/journal, she will know who she is. Just in case she does, I suppose I could ask her to write me and tell me a little more about herself. In fact, she could tell me a lot about herself and I wouldn't mind at all. You can also ask anything you want, and I would very much enjoy us getting to know each other better.
May 15, 2013 at 3:53pm
May 15, 2013 at 3:53pm
Another fine day, and looking like it's going to stay that way.

It started out rainy, but with fire dangers high already, the rain was nice. No storms, just some nice rain, and now it's partly cloudy, cooler but nice, and the wind is mild, too. I slept in till ten this morning, which was nice. Then I enjoyed coffee with a beautiful brunette. We also did a Bible Study and then went out and picked some fresh asparagus for dinner.

I have to get ready for work in a few minutes, but don't have to be there till five this afternoon. However, I do have a date to take that fine looking brunette in for a hair cut. After, she will drip me off and do a bit of shopping. Tonight, she will be there to pick me up, and tomorrow a day off.

I only get one then have to work a day, but that's alright. Also, Rhonda's mom is stopping by the area for a couple hours to visit. Rhonda has to work tomorrow evening, but her mom will be here around noon. We will meet her for lunch, visit and then they will be on there way and we can return home for an afternoon of what ever we desire before Rhonda has to go to work.

I will also have Saturday off, and plan on some fishing, if the weather and all else works out. After a month of stress and just plain hectic activity, it's finally starting to settle down a bit. Also, I am feeling so much better.

I have been sick since the end of March, but held it off pretty good. April came and I kind of had a month of ups and downs as far as the virus went. by mid month, I was going to take a few days off to try and recover, but I had an employee who also was supposedly in the hospital. So, I worked and it got worse and worse, but I survived and now I'm finally begining to regain some strength and feel recovered. I'm not sure but believe it was a strepp infection.

As for the other person, I don't know if she did go to the hospital or not, she has not provided any documentation to show she did, and has kind of vanished from the scene.

Well, it's time to eat lunch and go~
May 14, 2013 at 3:17pm
May 14, 2013 at 3:17pm
So far, this is a great day. The opening guard wanted today off, and normally I would be the one to cover for him. For that matter, normally I have to cover for everyone. Anyway, the norm has been that I work the night before, then have to get my tired ass out of bed by three the next morning to get to work by by quarter to five. This time, however, I did not.

I did work last night, but Rhonda went in and opened this morning instead of me. She worked about an hour yesterday, and then came home. I went in at five in the evening, and got home about eleven, as usual. She had napped some and then gone to bed early, so when I got home I tried to be quiet and let her sleep. Even so, she didn't sleep real good, but kept waking up all night. Why is it that when you know you have to be up real early, you can't sleep?

So, she went in this morning, I went back to bed and slept in some. She got home about noon, and headed in for a nap, while I got some stuff done online. It's almost time to go wake her, but it's difficult. For one thing, I know how tired I get when I have to do this shift. Another reason is she is sleeping so sound and cute, I just hate to disturb her, and finally, she does so much for me, that I tend to pamper her as much as possible.

Even so, I will have to wake her up. She, like me, will want to spend a few hours together before I have to go in to work tonight. We seldom get a day off together, so we like to make the most of the time we are home together. That's the other part of this so far, so great day. I got a reply back from the vice president. I had e-mailed him a reply to an inquiry he sent, and included the situation with Missy (not her name, but sure is her game).

I explained it was not my intent to go over my boss's head, but since I know that my new boss is very busy and I was replying to his e-mail, maybe I could save them all a little time. I then explained the situation, filled out the forms and faxed everything. When I got back home from taking Rhonda in and sending the fax, I had another message from him. It stated the basics I had gotten from my boss, but did not fully address the situation and my inquiry. So, I took a few minutes and updated him with the rest of it.

I would have to say my boss had not done this, so it was very relevant information. Not that my boss was lacking in any way, he was just taking care of this situation like he's suppose to. The problem is, he is very busy, has about twenty sites to oversee, and at the same time, has just been promoted to this position. He has his hands full with trying to pick up where everyone's at, keep up on current situations, and learn the positing. On top of that, he is still a site supervisor and has those duties on top of the rest. Finally, he is also trying to interview and hire his replacement for the site.

Anyway, my boss is just swamped and is doing the best he can, but he can only cover so much. The vice president must have talked to him and found out the rest of what's going on, and e-mailed me a reply, which I got today. It stated that Missy will have to comply as she was instructed, then she will have to contact the corporate office directly to see if she can get reinstated. Until then, I do not have to try and contact her, or do anything with her.

From today on, it's now her who has to contact me, or the corporate office. If she does contact me, the message is clear, she cannot return to work until she supplies the required information, and talks directly to someone in the office, my boss or higher. This in itself is good news and a big relief. Also, I got a nice comment on my ability to juggle the schedule to cover for her, and another on the revisions I made to remove her position.

I am to proceed with this schedule, and assume Missy will not return. Not that I don't like her, I just don't like the problems she has caused since the first day I was hired. She has quite a few problems, and does not fit her job very well, physically or mentally. She tends to be closed minded to suggestion and assistance, will not work with others unless it provides gain for her, and is basically dishonest. Of course, some of this is more opinion than fact, but she has revealed enough to see this, and to make my suspicions solid.

So, it's sunny and warm, the headache of this specific situation is over, and it's looking like the source of the problem is likely gone, too. Of course, there are other problems, and I anticipate one when I get to work, with the change to the schedule. Even so, I feel more confident and sure about my position and my authority now. It's nice to know the corporate office does back me and will let me make changes and alterations as needed.

Now, I'm going to go wake up a sleeping beauty. She did wake up, however, seen me typing and went back to bed, telling me she's staying there till I come join her. A great day and getting better...
May 14, 2013 at 1:02am
May 14, 2013 at 1:02am
Another day down and one day closer to another day off. Not for a while though, then one off, one on and the next off again. Well, if it works out, that is. I did redo the schedule, with some ideas from Rhonda, and I'm hoping by next week, we can both get a day off together. Of course, there will be some wining and complaining when the other two see how I set it up. The morning guard will probably be alright with things, but the afternoon guard will have a fit when she sees she'll be working a closing shift once a week.

With any luck, though, she will see that it's in everyone's best interest, and not complain or fight it too much. Other than that, it's nice to be out of the weekend. Friday through Monday tend to be very hectic and if I'm not working on site, I'm working from home or running in between.

Other than that, it's been kind of a nice week. It was a bit cool Saturday, and windy. Yesterday was nice enough, but very windy again. Today was very warm, and again, very windy. It felt good, though, today, with temperatures in the 80's. the grass is all green and in need of trimming already, and there are even some early flowers up in the yard.

My brother wants to get the boat out and do a little fishing this week, so I hope to find some time to spend with him and not get any further behind on the rest of it. I should be able to work out something, and am looking at Saturday as a very good day to spend on the lake. Depending on the weather, Thursday may be alright instead, we will see when it gets closer.

For right now, I'm going to look around online a bit, have a drink, and then go to bed, three o'clock tomorrow morning is going to come real soon. Glad I'm just getting up to see Rhonda off and then can go back to bed for a while. Next week it will be my turn to do the opening and she will get to sleep in. It is nice to have someone else to help out, I hope she knows how appreciative I am.

For now, goodnight WDC
May 12, 2013 at 10:24am
May 12, 2013 at 10:24am
Happy Mother's Day; mostly to all the moms out there, and secondly, to those called "mother" in a disparaging way. I've known some of each, some wonderful mothers who made a lot of sacrifice for children, and then the other mothers who made many others sacrifice for them.

To the first set of mothers, a big thumbs up. *Thumbsupl* *PoseyR*

To the second set of mothers, here's a bums up. I think I speak for the majority when I say, "Kiss this!" *Thumbsdownr* *Skull*

OK, so today is Mother's Day and I should have lots of time to write before going to work at 14:00 this afternoon. But, I will have to take Rhonda in at 11:00, so not much time to get this done. She was suppose to have the day off. I had intended for her to be off and had the schedule posted and set, but then, like so often, I get a call and woke up bright and early so someone can have the day off.

I would have just picked it up but, I can't fill two positions. So, the most wonderful lady and special mom I know has to work now. That's alright, we may be able to use this to our advantage and get some other time off set up in the schedule. I have this, and the fact that the same person is griping about the person they have to work with on Mondays and Fridays for an hour and a half each day.

Rhonda and I would enjoy a day off together each week, and two days a week off would be great, but that means I have to work this same person into a closing shift and she doesn't like that, either. But now, with today off on short notice, and so she won't have to work with the person on Mondays and Fridays, I can set her up to do one closing shift each week, for the time being, and she won't have much room to gripe about it.

Wishful thinking? Perhaps, but it's worth a try. If it works, we will both get two days a week off, and one of them together. If it does not, well at least we tried. That's all any of us can do, right?

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