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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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October 27, 2013 at 7:49pm
October 27, 2013 at 7:49pm
It's getting kind of late so I better get this done. It's another work day for me, but today i didn't have to be up until six. That helps out, but of course, I get done later then, too.

It was a pretty good day, but busy. I barely had tome to sit at all today, and it seemed like as soon as I did, I had to jump up again. Rhonda came in a little bit early, but even with that it was so busy I still didn't get done any sooner. I'm glad she got there when she did, though, it was too busy for one person to handle. I just hope it slowed down some this afternoon for her.

I stopped at a auto part store on the way home and got some bulbs for the instrument cluster on the van and the Jimmy. The van had a couple of lights out, or so I thought, the Jimmy has maybe a couple still working.

After I got home, I worked on changing out the burned out bulbs in the van, and by the time I was done, I had used six bulbs, and I still need to get a couple more to finish the task. I also have to get a couple more for the Jimmy, since I also used two from the ones I bought for it.

It was six by the time I got done and cleaned up, then I had a bit to eat and now I'm in here getting this written. After, I think I will dim the lights a bit, put a movie on, and see if I can stay awake to watch it.

I have to be up at three in the morning, so even if I don't stay awake, it will be fine. Rhonda will be home around nine, and can wake me up to go to bed, if needed. I don't know why I'm so tired lately. Oh well, one more day and I have two off, maybe I can get rested up more then.
October 26, 2013 at 7:15pm
October 26, 2013 at 7:15pm
I had plans on getting in here earlier today, but things did not work out as planned. The plan of action for today was basic and simple. I had the day off, but would get up with Rhonda, who worked the early, so up around three a.m. but then back to bed after she left for work.

I would set the alarm and get up around seven, have some coffee and take the Bugoos out. Then, I would have the morning to come in here and do my thing. Rhonda would be done about ten-thirty and home by eleven-thirty. So, by getting in here during the morning, I would have peace and quiet, and then the afternoon to spend with her.

Only, she wanted to do some shopping. We both enjoy shopping together, but have not had much opportunity to do this all summer. Her idea was to go shopping today, after work. I thought that would be a good idea, since we are out of so many staple items.

Then she mentioned me giving her a ride to work, then coming and picking her up and going shopping from there. It would give us the opportunity to shop together and save us about an hour. That's the time it would take for her to drive home, then go back in.

Of course, if she drove home, she would want to freshen up, change cloths, and likely eat something. So, it would be at least an hour at home before she would be ready to go back to town and shop. That means, if she got home by eleven-thirty it would be close to one before we would even be going back in to town.

Now, her idea was better, I would give her a ride to work, then come home. Later, would go back into town and pick her up form work and go shopping form there. Therefore, I would lose the hour we saved.

I got up as late as I could, around quarter to four, drove her to work, then came home and had some breakfast. I looked at some YouTube videos while I ate. My plan had been altered some, but I was still planning on getting in here after I ate. Only, I was so tired, I could not keep my eyes open. I took my tired butt back to bed, snuggled in and fell right to sleep. I got up, grabbed a cup of coffee, got dressed, got another cup of coffee and went to pick Rhonda up.

From there we went shopping and had a terrific day. Since we lose track of time so easily when we are together, it got late into the afternoon so I took her out to eat before we finished with the frozen foods and came home. Once home, we spent some time putting things away, then I came in here and started writing, she's taking a snooze in her chair.

Not quite what I had planned for my first Saturday off in six month, but it was a fun day. I'm beat from all the shopping and tired enough I could fall asleep in my chair, but it was a fun day.
October 25, 2013 at 5:02am
October 25, 2013 at 5:02am
Not much time this morning, I'm kind of dragging along here. I was slow getting up, slow getting moving, and slow getting in here. Now, if it will just be a slow day at work, I'll have it made.

I did get to bed earlier last night, despite my over sleeping nap. Hopefully by the time I get off work I'm moving a little faster and will not be so tired. I want to get a few things done, but it's difficult when I'm too tired.

So, see you this afternoon, hopefully~

Yes, afternoon and I'm in here. I'm tired, but fighting the desire to take a little nap, especially after yesterdays little nap ended up being all afternoon. I've been home for a while, but wanted to eat something before I wrote anymore. So, I threw together a quick lunch, and looked at a few items I've been wanting to look over while I ate.

It's a lot nicer day today, sunny and warmer, but the wind is blowing something terrible. That's alright with me, since I have some stuff to do outside, but the wind prevents me from doing them. Instead I get to spend some time in here, looking over a few things, checking a couple other things out, and maybe even getting a little reviewing in.

One of the things I have been interested in is an alias account. I seen the option quite some time back, but just recently looked into it more deeply. My interest was peaked by something I read stating that it may be beneficial to have another account for specific types of items. So, most of my work would be right here, in this account, but some items rated over 18 and more graphic than just erotic romance could go in the other account.

The reasoning is, that some people may become offended by some of the more graphic stuff I write, yet enjoy many of the other types of writing I do. At least, that's what the item I read stated, and it does make sense. I find it difficult to think of anyone being like that, since I am a very open minded person, but I know from experience there are some people like that. And, I should add, I do not belittle them at all. We all have different ideals and approach them differently.

Me, I tend to like reading a lot of different things, but if there is something I dislike, no big deal, I just pass it by. But I have known people who would see the item they dislike, and not proceed any further, just turn around and leave. This means they don't take the time to look at other items, and possibly costs me reviews.

Not that I write anything bad. But, what's bad? To each person that can be quite different. I write fiction, all types of fiction. I enjoy writing all types of stories, and can go from a children's story to a very graphic sex story. In fact, I have one in my portfolio that is very graphic in content.

So, my thoughts were to check out a second account, but then I seen the cost and wondered if I wanted to spend that much for the few items I would have in there. I could just no post graphic stories, but since I enjoy writing them I would like to get feedback on them, too.

I am still undecided, but for the cost of a second account, I could upgrade my current account and I think that would be more useful. Perhaps I should run a poll and ask the members if I should consider another account for graphic erotic stories. Only problem is, I have a feeling it would about the same in each answer and I still wouldn't know for sure.

The only other choice is a roll of the virtual dice, since we do not have a WdC magic 8-ball~
October 24, 2013 at 4:52am
October 24, 2013 at 4:52am
Up for work again and starting the day with a little writing. It's nice to have a few minutes to write first thing in the morning, only I don't have much to write about, since I haven't done anything except sleep. I could write about my dream, only I don't remember dreaming anything last night.

I used to dream all the time, but not anymore. I suppose I still dream all the time, or at least most of the time, I just don't remember the dreams very often anymore. Why is that? Maybe I'm sleeping sounder now, and that's why I don't remember them.

I know in the past, many of the dreams I remembered where nightmares. Not all of them, but a lot of the dreams I would remember were pretty wicked. the only other dreams I would remember were erotic dreams, and they were few and far between.

Now, the nightmares seem to have ended, or at least I don't remember them come morning. I believe they have ended, and that's why I don't remember them. I still have the erotic dreams once in a while and wake up remembering vividly the details and images. Once in a while I'll wake to remember part of a dream, something that doesn't make any sense, and usually has to do with work, not often, but once in a while.

Speaking of work, I better get out of here and get ready to go, or I'm going to be late.

OK, so I'm kind of late getting back in here. It's not my fault, I tell you. I got home and then got ready to log in, only first I needed to feed Mr. and Mrs. Bugoo, our dogs. Only Klarissa went and sat by the bed and gave me the look.

So, I helped her up on the bed and then got on the computer for a little while. Since she was up there resting, there wasn't any reason to disturb her to eat, so why not look up a couple of things, check my mail, etc....

Only, sitting here with my computer on my lap, I started to get oh, so tired. Then, looking up and seeing Klarissa looking so lonesome at me, I decided I could set my computer alarm and go lie down for just few minutes. I set the alarm, went to the bathroom to drain my bladder, and on my way back, reset the alarm a bit later, knowing I was tired and would not want to get up in a half an hour.

Then I snuggled into bed on Rhonda's side, since Klarissa and Hyko where both now occupying my side of the bed. I snuggled down into her pillow, filling my nostrils with her sweet scent, and just like that, I was asleep.

I woke to Roy Orbison singing "Only the Lonely" and lie there for a few minutes listening to the song while I remembered a little of a dream I had been having. Then, I tossed the blankets aside and got up, got myself a cup of instant coffee, and put a bowl of yesterdays homemade soup in the microwave to heat. It was steaming in a few minutes, and I sat down to eat while I browsed through some feeds on Facebook, and in MFP, after turning the alarm off.

Soon enough I was done eating, and as if on cue, Klarissa woke up and hopped down off the bed. She went and got herself a drink of water while I took my empty bowl to the sink. I made myself another cup of coffee, then slipped into some sweats and took both of the Bugoos outside to go potty.

When we came back in, Max came in with us. Max is short for Maximus Cattus, the name we hung on the Tomcat that showed up all beat last winter, in search of a home. He had taken up residence under our shed, and we kind of took him in. Only, being a Tomcat, and adapted to being an outdoor cat, he didn't do well inside. Or, perhaps he did just fine, we just didn't do well adjusting to his spraying and the smell.

Anyway, we set him up with his own pad out in the garage; Max's Pad. He comes in as he wants most of the time, and then he goes back out when he's ready, most of the time. The Bugoos are fine with him, but he tends to kind of terrorize them. Usually it's with snuggling and kitty-cuddles, but then again he can get a bit playful with them, and on a few occasions, a bit intimate.

Now, where was I? Oh yeah, back to my excuse for getting in here a bit late. I had my nap, woke to the alarm, ate a bowl of soup, took the dogs out to potty, Max joined us when we came in. Since he tends to terrorize the Bugoos, I knew it wasn't a good time to feed them, but I thought I had plenty of time yet this afternoon.

I came in here, ready to log into WdC and check out a few things, after writing this. I looked at the clock and I'm sure my eyes popped at least a little out of my head when I seen the time. Now, I had woke to the alarm, and it was set set for three this afternoon. That would have been almost two hours napping. Instead, I was looking at the digital display declaring it was after five.

What happened? That's more than two hours later than what the alarm was set for; I slept four hours, and through the alarm? Unbelievable!

So much for a couple of hours to enjoy reading, writing and.... No not arithmetic, reviewing. I am still going to look into a few things, but I have little time left.

I also wrote about the napping problem yesterday, and how it gets me out of sync. So, I set the alarm, I carefully considered how long I would let myself sleep, so that I could still sleep tonight, and what happens? I sleep right through the alarm. I guess I was tired and needed the sleep. But, four hours!

At least during my sojourn into Never-Neverland, as in Metallica's Enter Sandman, I had a dream. That kind of ties in with the beginning of this entry from this morning, talking about dreams. This was no nightmare, but fit the other type of dream I mentioned.

I don't remember very much of the dream, but I do remember the gal in it. I don't know who she is, but she was pretty. A younger woman, in her twenties I guess, long dark hair and big eyes. I don't know what she was doing, but I do remember telling her she couldn't be here dressed like that. I don't even remember where I was, but she was there, she had come in through the door, and was wearing a very short sundress with a very low cut neckline.

She looked at me with those big eyes, smiled, and with a slight tug on the strap, untied it and the dress fell to the floor. Without looking away, she stepped free of it and right up in front of me. Looking me right in the eyes, she smiled even bigger and asked, "Is this more to your liking?"

I looked from her eyes down to her feet, then back up into those very hypnotic eyes, but could not speak. I could feel the warmth of her very nude body standing so very close to me, and that, my friends is when I woke to Roy singing, Only the Lonely. That seems to be how it always goes, too. The dream get's to a very interesting part and that's when I wake up.

A group of cats is referred to as a "clowder" or a "glaring"
October 23, 2013 at 4:54am
October 23, 2013 at 4:54am
Up for work and time to get ready to head out the door. The last two days were pretty nice, but it snowed last night and is still snowing off and on this morning. It's suppose to stop by this afternoon, but only get up to the mid forties today and tomorrow. It just seems too early for snow, considering a lot of years we are eager to get a dusting for Christmas.

I don't have much for time right now, since I spent most of my limited time this morning cleaning out some of my mail. I will have to get back in here after work, and after I send my weekly e-report off to work. I'm hopefully going to be able to stay up, although I know I'll be tired, so I can get to bed earlier tonight.

I made it through, and still going strong. No nap this afternoon after work, instead I made up a kettle of soup, did my work and e-report, and then logged into a couple of sites to see what was going on. Now, I'm in here to finish up and then Rhonda will be home, we can eat and relax for a bit, then off to bed.

I know it will take a little while to adjust, but I'm hoping I will be more productive within a day or two of sticking with this schedule. Today I was just too tired to do anything that required concentration, but hopefully.

We'll see how it goes over the next few days, but if I stick with this, I think I can get myself back to a consistent routine and that should lead to more productivity and creativity.
October 22, 2013 at 8:40pm
October 22, 2013 at 8:40pm
Time passes so fast and yet, it moves so slow. How that works is easily explained in the following quote on relativity, “When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.”
― Albert Einstein

I had two days off and they flew past way to fast. Hey that rhymes, perhaps there is a poem in there... Where was I? Oh yeah, the last two days flew past, yet tomorrow morning will seem like an eternity as it crawls past at a, well, a crawl. Why is that?

I thought I just explained it in the first paragraph, but let me go over it again. See, when your doing something you enjoy time slips past quickly, but when your waiting for that time to do what you enjoy, it moves like the polar ice caps.

Tonight it's getting late as I get in here to write. I have been in here for a while, looking around and checking a few things out. I found something I want to do, but I have to wait to sign up. More waiting; I believe we spend half our life sleeping, half waiting, and then another half trying to accomplish that which we waited for. I know, it doesn't add up, that's my point, there just isn't enough time for everything.

On this same subject, I should add that I spent apart of my time off sleeping, about half of it. OK, not quite half, but I would estimate that out of the two days I had off, I spent ten hours of each sleeping. I had intended to get up earlier, but then I also intended to not be up so late.

This is kind of a problem all the time, getting to bed early and then getting up early in the morning. I have worked evenings and nights so long that it's always a problem for me anymore.

As a child I was an early riser, and I preferred to go to bed at a decent time. As a young adult, I was the same until after I joined the service and worked mostly graveyard shifts. After a few years of this, I found it very easy to stay up most of the night. Of course this results in not wanting to get up early, so I would often sleep in, or else get behind in my sleep, so that when I had a day off, I would sleep in late.

Now, it's still the same, I find myself up late and then suffer trying to get up for work at three in the morning. By the time I get home, I'm beat, so I take a nap, since I'm too tired to do much else, and often fall asleep sitting at the computer if I don't. But, then I find myself staying up late yet again, and the cycle repeats.

Then, I get a couple days off, and what do I do? I stay up late having fun and enjoying not having to get up that damn early. The next morning comes, and I wake after sleeping in, and of course, that night I won't be tired until late and again, the cycle repeats.

Any ideas how to break the cycle? I know, quit staying up so late. Easy to see, but how do I make myself sleep? Easy, get up earlier. I do, five days a week. The problem is, I was up late the night before, so then my first day of early rising has me short on sleep, and I end up falling asleep and taking a nap.

So take out the nap, right? OK, I did that on Sunday, figuring I would be tired and sleep early, then get up early on Monday. However, it didn't work. I think part of it is I get so behind on sleep, that I need a few days to rest up. Then, I'm back to my normal sleep patterns of getting about four to six hours a night. Of course, by the end of the week, my body is exhausted and I need a good ten hours a night sleep or more for a few days.

I know there is a way, and it's in being consistent with my going to bed and getting up. That's what got me messed up so long ago. Working nights in the United States Air Force was never consistent. Normally I would go in about three in the afternoon and work until eleven, or twelve, or even three the next morning. It depended on work load and need.

But, then there were the times we worked from seven at night to seven in the morning. Of course, sometimes, we worked twelve hours, got eight to rest and then another twelve, and so on, until the exercise was over. In the midst of normal, non-normal, and exercises, there was training, that was always done during days, so in at seven in the morning for training. We also had to work early shift, everyone in the shop taking a turn, which meant for one week, I would have to be to my duty station by three in the morning.

As you can see, it was anything but consistent. After, I did have jobs that were consistent. I would work five days a week most of the time, starting and ending at the same time every day. Very seldom did these jobs vary the start time, end time, or days I would work. Even so, I would end up being up late and then tired the next morning. It seemed I had become inconsistent myself, and about the time I should go to bed, I get my second wind, so to speak.

I have also had jobs that were very inconsistent, and do well with them, but this current job, over the last nine months, has had me working various hours and days as needed, and they were always needed. For example, this past summer I worked seven days a week without break. I also worked any of the three shifts as needed, often times working the evening shift and then having to be back in a few hours later to work the morning shift.

It just became normal, and now I have to try and become consistent in going to bed early and getting up to work the same shift every morning again. To add to the difficult, Monday through Saturday is work at five, so up at three. But Sunday's are eight, so up at six. Then, one week I have Monday and Tuesday off, but the next week it's Tuesday and Wednesday off. But if you think I'm getting up at three in the morning on my days off, or on Sunday, when I don't have to be to work until eight, your crazier than I am.

No, I enjoy being up late at night, to some degree. I also enjoy being up early so I can enjoy a full day. The trick is to find the balance in there, and stick to it until it becomes consistent and routine. But, that's also the difficult part, getting into the new habit, and breaking the old habit.

Maybe that would have been a good goal to set yesterday. Maybe I will next Monday, that way I can practice for a week first and try and find that balance. Of course, in a couple more weeks, I'm taking a four day vacation, and will get things all messed up again anyway. Then again, maybe I'll work on this and by then I'll have it down and can enjoy that balance of staying up late enough, but still able to get up early and enjoy the day.
October 21, 2013 at 3:45pm
October 21, 2013 at 3:45pm
Look, at the time -- 2:19 p.m.

Not 12:19 or even 10:19 at night, but 2:19 in the afternoon. Early afternoon and I'm here, in WdC typing away in my journal. No, I'm not sick. No, it's not the end of the world as we know it. No, aliens did not invade and take over my body. This is still Earth, the year is 2013, unless you use a different calendar, and all is well and right.

The only thing different is I did not work today; I did not get up before time (3:00 a.m.) In fact, since I didn't have to work today, I didn't get up early at all. I had planned on getting up around eight this morning, and even set the alarm, but after a couple of snooze periods, I decided to reset the damn thing for a little bit later.

I got out of bed and went over to my computer. I have an alarm clock program on there I use all the time I found at, http://freealarmclocksoftware.com so, I clicked the edit button and reset the time I wanted my alarm to go off. Then, it was back into bed, snuggle into the sheets and up to Rhonda, and back into blissful slumber. Unfortunately I did not click OK after I reset the time, so the alarm never went off, and I slept in until I woke naturally. Not that I minded, it felt good to sleep in and I feel fully refreshed and rested.

I had a wonderful morning, Rhonda had gotten up a little before me, and soon she was coming in to wake me up, only I was already awake, just relaxing in the comfort of the bed. She must have been feeling pretty good this morning as well, because she slipped in at the foot of the bed, and by the time we got up, it was almost 11:00.

We headed in to the bathroom and took a nice hot shower together, then sat and had a little coffee and chatted about what ever came to mind. After, I made us some brunch with Rhonda assisting. We ate, and then fed our Golden Retrievers, the Bugoos. After, we had another cup of coffee and a piece of birthday cake.

Yes, birthday cake. I made it yesterday after I got home from work, to surprise Rhonda when she got home from work. Today is her birthday, she turns thirty-two again. If your not married or if your under thirty, you may not understand this phenomena, but for us more aged and refined people, who have wonderful, beautiful wives who have also aged and refined quite well, there is the age-time portal.

When a woman reaches thirty-nine and then has another birthday, she does not turn forty. Instead she slips through a space-time continuum while she sleeps the night before, and emerges the next morning at her thirtieth birthday again. Then, every year she ages accordingly until she reaches thirty-nine, then it repeats again, and again, until someplace far down the line, when it suddenly reverses and she ages all those years quite rapidly. I think this is about ninety years after her birth, when time again catches up to her, but it may vary some with each individual woman.

So, anyway, today is Rhonda's birthday, and we are enjoying it, together. It's a beautiful day outside, a wonderful day inside, and the only unpleasant part of the whole day is my back is giving me some problems. It's been building up for a long time, but today it finally shifted and has me kind of bent out of shape and hurting some. Not bad, not enough to lessen the wonderfulness of this day, but enough to remind me I am not as young as this beautiful brunette I'm sharing life with.

Even so, I'l do my best to give her a run for the finish, making this trip we share through life one we will always cherish and remember.
October 20, 2013 at 9:09pm
October 20, 2013 at 9:09pm
I made it in here a little earlier tonight, but not much. It was another work day for me, but not quite so early. I'm normally up at three a.m. for work, but Sunday is a sleep in day as far as work is concerned, and I don't get up until six a.m.

Of course, that means I work later, and don't get done until two in the afternoon, which is part of why I'm late getting in here. Also, I had to do some shopping after work, for a birthday dinner for my sweet wife who turns thirty again this year. Of course, in my eyes, she's perpetually thirty, and only grows more beautiful each day.

Once I got home, I had to get a cake whipped up, baked, and cooled, so I could decorate it. Now, don't get all excited, I don't do much for decorating, and baking a cake is pretty damn easy when it's a boxed mix. Nothing like my grandmother used to do, mixing and adding ingredients, then beating the cake with her big ole spoon so fast it was a blur. I still find it difficult to imagine her holding that big clay bowl full of batter in one arm while she beat the mixture that fast, and counted each beat; just so many or it would not turn out.

Anyway, I used a box mix and didn't put any frosting on it. Rhonda is alright with frosting, but she really prefers her cake without frosting, served up with ice cream instead. I also bought some colored icing to decorate it with. Nothing fancy, just a nice happy birthday Rhonnie and then some little swirls to hold the candles.

Tomorrow, I will make her a nice dinner featuring some of her favorite foods, while she relaxes and enjoys her day. Sometime I have to take her into town to my brother's to receive a gift from him and his girlfriend, but she doesn't know anything about that. For that matter, she doesn't know what we are having for dinner, and she has not a clue that I made her a cake. She will have a few nice surprises when she gets home.

Now, I have to go stir the Chili I made for dinner tonight. It was a cold, damp, and windy day to work and I thought Chili sounded good. I know she will be chilled through by the time she gets done tonight, so a bowl of Chili, some chips, and snuggle together under a blanket and watch a movie.

October 19, 2013 at 11:07pm
October 19, 2013 at 11:07pm
I need to get this done now or it may not get done. It's late, almost ten o'clock here, and eleven WdC time. I worked today, which seems to add to the problem of getting in here late. I also took a nap, then did a little work online, and a little work for work.

After, we had supper, then put a movie on. It's a two part thing and we are just getting into part two. My hand is looking better, but it's not right. Very possibly broken, with quite a bit of tissue damage to the area of impact. I can't understand why it's not purple and discolored, but there is an underlying blackness to the tissue around the injury. I suppose some deep bruising going on in there.

I can move my thumb around alright, but there is some kind of popping that takes place in the hand above the thumb at times. Also, the thumb itself feels as if it's sleeping and the ache is more in the wrist area today, unless something makes contact with the actual point of injury, then there is sever pain that radiates up my arm.

I have to assume the break is a lateral crack running with the bone, so not much can be done about it. I'll monitor it for another day and if it seems to be necessary, I will go in to see my doctor on Monday. I'm hoping to see it improve even a little, indicating I won't have to go in. My fear is they will put it in a cast to restrict any movement, and I won't be able to work at all for a while.

I wouldn't mind the time off, but I sure would miss the wages. Also, if I do have a cast put on, I won't be able to type with my left hand, and that has all the most popular vowel keys. So, hopefully things will show some improvement and I will be able to let this heal on it's own.

Now, it's back to the movie, another glass of brandy, and then bed. Goodnight.
October 18, 2013 at 7:23pm
October 18, 2013 at 7:23pm
I better get this done now, just in case I have trouble typing later. It's early evening, or maybe late afternoon, one or the other, maybe even both; depends on the person I suppose. Anyway, I'm home from work, home from fishing, and spending a little time online before Rhonda gets home.

I was up at three again this morning, so I'm pretty tired. I also did not take a nap, which is something I have become accustomed to. I did get a little more sleep last night, but not much. Maybe about seven hours the last two nights combined, which is why I'm so tired tonight.

Also, I went out fishing after work, and spent a few hours in the boat, getting lots of fresh air, some sunshine, some rain, some ice pellets, and lots of cold blustery wind. That really added to how tired I am. It was cold and wet most of the time we were out, and we didn't catch any fish, but I still enjoyed myself.

Normally we end up staying out later, too. This would be alright if I didn't have to get up super early the next morning, but when you don't get off the lake until eight o'clock at night, have to come home and clean fish, and then be back up by three o'clock the next morning, it's kind of pain. With the weather so miserable, though, and no fish biting, we came in plenty early tonight, and I can come in here instead of cleaning fish.

On the down side, however, I did have a slight mishap when we landed the boat. The wind made getting it on the trailer kind of difficult, especially since we are fishing a flooded lake. the actual landing is unavailable, but the water is over the road in places, so we just back the boat down the road to the water, then crank it into the ditch.

Normally it works pretty good, but today the wind was working against us. The boat didn't line up on the trailer correctly, so I unlocked the winch and gave the boat a good hard shove to get it back off the trailer. The winch spun wildly in reverse as the strap pulled off drum and the boat sailed backward off the trailer.

All was good until I slipped on the wet metal and whacked my hand with the rapidly spinning handle of the winch. It hit right were my thumb and hand join, and I knew instantly that I had done more than just bruised it. I couldn't see the damage, since I still had gloves on, but I could feel the numbness spreading into my thumb even as my hand and palm began to throb. Slowly the numbness spread down my thumb as the pain radiated up my wrist and arm. I also felt a bit queasy.

I didn't yell out or cuss or anything, just cradled the aching limb and worked to get the boat on the trailer. Once this was done, I told my brother what had happened and pulled the glove off. The base of the thumb and the area of the hand where the thumb joins was purple, and shaped weird. It would not move when I tried to move my thumb, and it was swelling up very rapidly.

I helped him stow the gear and then I drove home and he took the boat home. Once I got here, I took a couple of Ibuprofen and grasp it in my good hand. With a little effort I was able to pull and twist my thumb back into it's normal position, and could once again flex it and move it around normally.

It's sore as hell, but the purple has lightened, the weird shape is corrected, and now there is just a funky looking ridge about two inches long on the back of my hand just below where the thumb attaches. I'm pretty sure it's re-seated properly, but it's difficult to tell for sure with the swelling and that raised up ridge. There's a very real possibility that I may have busted my hand as well as dislocating my thumb.

I hope not, I can't afford to go in to the emergency room, and the clinic is closed until Monday. By then, they likely won't be able to do anything for me. I will have to monitor it over the weekend, and if it's not looking any better by Monday, I'll have to go get it checked. For now, it's going to be tough trying to type and do things with the limited use I have in my hand. By later, it will likely be even worse, so like I stated in the beginning, I better type this now, while I can.
October 17, 2013 at 9:46pm
October 17, 2013 at 9:46pm
It's pretty obvious I worked today, it's late getting in here again. The last two days were great, but too short. Now, it's back to work through the weekend, but then I do get Monday and Tuesday off.

I'm still trying to adjust to this new schedule and the shift I'm now working. After over a year of being on the night shift, it's taking a bit to get used to working early mornings. Of course, it's taking a while getting use to everything that's changed, after all, I spent most of last winter, spring, and summer working my night shift (evenings, not all night), as well as filling in for all the other's as needed. And it was very often needed.

So, it got late, and I'm not going to stay up much longer, but I did want to get in here and write a little bit. Now, it's time to relax with some Netflix, a bowl of ice cream, and then off to bed. Three a.m. tomorrow is going to come way too early, and it's suppose to be cold and wet again. In fact, we may even see our first snow tomorrow night.

October 16, 2013 at 4:56pm
October 16, 2013 at 4:56pm
Mid afternoon today, much earlier than normal, but later than yesterday. Today is my second, and last, day off this week. They just go by too fast, and I never seem to get much done.

Yesterday I had planned to go in and talk to one of the guards, but we didn't make it before his shift was over. Instead we went straight over to the county seat to get a driver license renewed. But, that didn't happen either. We got over there with everything we needed, we thought; it was the same packet of information I had used to get mine done.

For Rhonda, however, we had her identification instead of mine, which only makes sense. Once we get there, the first thing the lady tells us is Rhonda's birth certificate is no good. It's worked since 1961, but now it's not "official." We need to get a certified copy, not the original with the hospital stamp on it. Also, she has to provide a marriage license since we are married, and she took my name.

After we found out we would not be getting this done for a while, we went the same distance in the opposite direction to see my younger brother, who's birthday it was yesterday. We stopped and got him a card, put a check in it, and then went over and visited with him for a while. He was not expecting us, and it was a nice surprise for him.

After, we went shopping and got a few things, then I took Rhonda out to eat. I figured since we didn't have to pay for a license renewal, we may as well get a bit to eat with the money instead. After all, we had only snacked on some cold cereal on the way over to get her license, and by now it was mid afternoon; we were hungry.

Today was much different, since we didn't have to run anyplace. Because we are always up early for work, we decided to sleep in this morning. I had no intention of sleeping as late as I did, but it was nice and I do feel much more rested. Of course, this took care of most of the morning, and by the time we finished a Bible Study, it was after one in the afternoon.

Now it was time to get something done, and since it is nice out, I thought it would be a good day to work on a few outside projects. We did just this, and while Rhonda worked on her project, after helping me with mine, I lent a hand to her. Then, when she started sanding and there was little for me to do except get in her way, I filled the grill with charcoal and lit it up.

Once it was cleaned, hot, and ready for cooking, I put a couple of racks of beef ribs on, and tossed some of the wood scraps we had left over on the smoker side. We had been using some red oak, so it's a nice wood for smoking with, and should add a nice touch to our ribs.

Now, as I finish this up, it's almost four in the afternoon, the ribs are done cooking, and it's time to baste them down with barbecue sauce. Then, in the oven with foil over them to keep them moist and hot while the rest of supper cooks.

The days over half gone, and I still have so much I want to do -- but it's time to sit back and relax, then get to bed early, I have to be up at three a.m. again. Five more days and then I have a couple more off. Then, on the next schedule, I'm planning on taking four days off; anticipation.
October 15, 2013 at 10:16am
October 15, 2013 at 10:16am
I kind of slept in this morning. The alarm was set for 6:15, but then there was the snooze and after that, some snuggle time. I really enjoy not having to jump out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off. Or, maybe I really enjoy being able to snuggle down into the blankets for a while after the alarm goes off. It could possibly be a combination of both.

It's been a lazy morning so far, cold and wet outside, overcast and kind of gloomy looking. But it's bright and warm inside and a nice day to relax and just enjoy having a day off. I can't spend the whole day like this, however, I do have some work to get done.

In fact, it's about time to get ready to head in to the job site and talk to the guard about winter clothing, then a little shopping and then off to get Rhonda's driver's license renewed. Once we get back home, I'll have to send in some clothing orders and my weekly report for last week. That's it for work, and things I need to get done. There's plenty more I should do, but with the weather like it is, most of it will have to wait.

I will pick away at some of the stuff, but mostly I intend to relax and enjoy a couple days off. Movies, some games, and maybe a couple of drinks this evening. No plans, just going with the flow...
October 14, 2013 at 10:52pm
October 14, 2013 at 10:52pm
Guess what? Yep, it's late again; how did you guess? Even though it's getting late on me, it's been a pretty good day for the kind of day it's been.

You see, today had a few black marks against it right from the start. First of all, it's Monday. Not that it matters to me, Monday or Friday, they are all the same, but for many it's the end to the weekend and time to return to their jobs. Another black mark for this day is the weather, it's cold, windy, and very wet.

Now, this could be a plus for working on such a day, since no one would be out to buy building materials on a day like today, right. Seriously, your going to purchase one ridge cap and put in on the roof bright and early on a Monday morning with the wind gusting over thirty miles an hour and rain coming down like in the days of Noah. Or, your going to pick up that patio block and work on it this afternoon; so you can enjoy shoveling snow off of it until spring returns.

Nope, that's not how it goes at all. It's too wet, cold, and windy to do anything, so lets all go shopping for building materials you probably won't get any use out of this late in the year. Why? So they can sit out in the rain, get ruined and you can return them the next time the weather is this miserable. Oh, and while your're there, making someone work out in this crappy weather, you will sit in our snug warm SUV and gab about how cold and wet it is, and how it must be terrible to have to work on days like this. Then, after you have them soaked and shivering, tell them to stay warm and dry as you roll up the window and drive off.

But, that's OK. At least I don't mind, I'm dressed for the weather, enjoy my job and actually find it kind of funny seeing the kinds of things people are buying and hauling in the back of an open pickup or trailer in the rain. And you think I'm crazy for working on a day like this?

Yep, Monday, miserable weather, and work. Not looking up to being a very good day, is it? Yet, despite these things, it was a good day. First of all, I woke up, and that's always a great way to start the day. And, even though it's Monday, it's my Friday since I am off the next two days. Also, the cold and wet don't bother me, I dress for the weather and we do have a nice heater in the guardhouse. Also, I was done by noon, came home and started some stew cooking, then snuggled into my big ole bed under a pile of blankets and quilts and took me a nice warming nap.

After I got up, I finished the stew and then got busy with a few things online. By this time, Rhonda was home, wet and cold from working the second shift after me. But, in a few minutes she was out of her wet cloths, snuggled into some warm dry ones and we were enjoying a steamy bowl of homemade goodness. After, we snuggled under a soft fuzzy blanket and watched some Netflix, then it's on here for a few minutes and then off to bed.

Tomorrow we have some running to do, but not a lot. A little stop by work to talk to a couple of guards about winter clothing, then a little shopping -- no, not for building materials; we need to pick up a few food items. Then, it's off to Hayti to renew Rhonda's driver's license and back home. Back home to enjoy the day together, safe and snug while the wind blows, and the rain falls; perhaps a good day to play some games.

I know, not everyone who is out shopping on a day like today is crazy. Some of you have very good reasons, and some are working on inside projects and getting ahead on winter work. No, the ones I mention above are the grasshoppers and individuals that are unable to just stay home and enjoy the day.

The first, the grasshoppers are out to try and get things done, but by the time they start, they should have already been done. You do know the story of the ant and the grasshopper, don't you? If not, look it up, it's a simple little story with a big moral message. Yes, these are the people who just don't think ahead, and then they find themselves out of time and in a hurry to get done projects that should have been finished months ago.

Again, I know that there are times when life forces us to put things off and we end up in a similar situation. I'm not speaking of the people who would have liked to get the stuff done sooner but just couldn't. Nope, I speak of those who just were too lazy to get going, and now they are out of time and excuses, it's do or die.

Also, the second group. Again, sometimes it's nice to get out and shop or do something only because we have not had the time to do it and we refuse to let the weather stop us. Again, I don't speak of these people, but those who just can't have spare time because it's too boring. Think of the kids when they had so much to do, but they just sat in the house and whined about being bored and not having anything to do. Yet they shoot down every suggestion you give. These are the people that can't spend time with self. They need something to stimulate them all the time. I really can't image life being so boring, but there are people who just can't handle having a half hour to just sit and think. Maybe, just maybe, the problem lies in the fact they no longer can think. Now, that's a thought.

Anyway, I find myself enjoying this quiet time. In fact, I have to have time for just me to be alone with me and my thoughts. It's when I'm alone that I can look inward, reflect, and recharge. Today, while enjoying some of this time with myself, I found a memory linked to the rain. A little boy and a little girl, neighbors and best friends sharing an innocent puppy love, singing in the rain, hand in hand, "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring...."
October 13, 2013 at 9:56pm
October 13, 2013 at 9:56pm
One more day to go and then my two days off. It's kind of like a mid week weekend -- kinda. I'm ready for a couple of days off, too. I am so tired I can't think straight anymore.

I don't know why I'm this tired today, I slept in this morning until six instead of the normal three, and I was in bed early last night. Well early for me. I must have gotten around six or seven hours of sleep, but I'm still just as tired as I was yesterday after only getting three.

It's late again, so I won't be writing much. time seems to slip right past and before I know it, it's late and I'm just getting in here. I should be in bed sleeping by now, but Rhonda closed tonight and is just about due to get home. I know, I could go to bed anyway, but as soon as she pulls up the dogs will go off and then I'll get woke up and not be able to return to my slumber.

So I stay up and wait for her to get home, then we can talk a little, enjoy some ice cream, and go to bed. I have tomorrow to work, at three, then two days off to try and get a handle on my time situation again.

October 12, 2013 at 10:51pm
October 12, 2013 at 10:51pm
It's late again! For me, though, it's just the normal time to come in and write a little. Today was another work day, as is tomorrow. In fact, every weekend is just another two days of work. The only difference is Saturday is busier and I have to work two hours longer and don't get to leave until one in the afternoon. Sunday is different as well, since I don't have to be there until eight in the morning instead of five. Of course, I don't get done until two in the afternoon, but it's still nice to sleep in.

Some of this has changed now, since I set Saturday up as a three shift day instead of two as it was. That means I got done today at ten-thirty instead of one. But, I had to go over a few things with the afternoon guard; some training and paperwork. I got done at twelve-thirty instead.

Then, I found a message on my phone, so I had to stop and get some trash bags before coming home. That didn't take very long, and I was soon on my half hour drive home. Upon arriving at home, I talked to Rhonda while we had a sandwich for lunch, then we took an hour nap.

This is something I want to get away from, as it's becoming habit for me now. Getting up at three in the morning makes it difficult not to take an afternoon nap, though. As a result of the nap, however, I find myself up until ten, eleven, or even midnight. Then it's up again at three and by noon I'm so tired I need a nap. As you can see, I'm going in circles. The solution is, skip the nap, get good and tired so I can get to bed by eight in the evening, then get up at three with enough sleep so that I don't need a nap.

Simple, right? No. But, with a couple of days off, I should be able to sleep in a little, but still get up by five or six. Then, skip my habitual nap and go to bed earlier. I can do this for both my days off, then on the next work day I will get up at three, as is normal. After work, however, I will be more accustom to not napping and manage to skip my normal afternoon nap. Of course, I will be tired, but that should ensure I will be able to sleep by eight, and then up again the next morning. With a little repetition I should be able to reforge my habits and replace the nap with getting to bed.

Besides giving me more usable time, I will be more rested and make better use of that time. See, the naps don't work very well. First of all, I have not ever been much of a napper, even as a young child. I do now out of necessity; twenty four hours or about that is just not enough for a person to function on, and napping becomes mandated by the lack of nightly sleep. Also, I get home and don't get going on anything, I'm too tired. So, I nap instead, and my hour nap turns into two or more hours, but I still don't wake feeling refreshed.

By now it's late afternoon or evening, and that makes it difficult to get motivated. There's supper to cook and eat, then it's nice to relax for a while before turning in, so I can sleep better at night. The napping does little to recharge me on my need for sleep, as I stated. I plan for an hour, but it takes a while to get to sleep, it's too light to sleep heavy, there's too much noise to stay sleeping, and it seems the phone rings and I have to jump up to see if it's work. So, instead of a nice hour of sleep, I have an hour nap and maybe doze off a few times before the alarm goes off.

Also, even on the occasion I do sleep sound, I find myself waking to run to the bathroom. Sure, I take a few minutes to do my business, then it's back into bed and hopefully right back to sleep. But, it's still interrupted and does not replenish me like sound uninterrupted sleep would. This results in me feeling groggy and out of it when I do get up, so I tend not to get much done. For some strange reason, though, about this time of night, I find myself catching my second wind, so to speak.

Around nine at night my time, I start to feel some energy, motivation, and desire to get things going. Of course, this gets my mind going even if I don't follow through. Then, I go to bed, snuggle up to a very pretty lady and fall right to sleep. Not! No I doze off and then wake with this weird stuff running in my head; I can't shut it off. I try and focus on something pleasant and soon enough I'm falling into a nice slumber, but then something else invades my mind and I'm awake again, thinking about another problem or situation, or even course of action.

I know that a lot of this is do to not getting enough sleep, and not getting it in one st right through stretch. I know what I need to do, I just find myself sabotaging my plans and if I don't, something comes up and someone or something else does. Perhaps that will be my weekly goal next week, to get my ass to bed on time and skip the afternoon naps.

For now, it's getting late and I'm only going to sabotage myself again if I don't close this and get to bed. It's ten to ten here, and I have to be up at six tomorrow. If I get this done and get to bed, I can get a full nights sleep and start the week right on target. Well, that's if I can sleep for eight hours straight. It's been so long I may just wake up after four to six as is normal for me. Oh well, if Ido I can always snuggle up to that snugly lady and go back to sleep. If that fails, I may just see you all early tomorrow morning.
October 12, 2013 at 12:06am
October 12, 2013 at 12:06am
It got late on me again tonight. I think I may have developed a habit of logging in late over the summer. Not that I had much choice, I barely found time to log in here at all. Even so, by repeatedly logging in late at night, it now seems to just be natural to continue logging late.

It's going to have to change. It's not productive, for one, and it does not give me time to do anything except jot down a quick entry. I don't have time to think things out and develop any ideas for my journal, or even just let my mind free and write whatever happens to drift into my conscience thought.

Why does it get so late? I really cannot answer this question. I got done work at eleven again, and got out of there by eleven thirty. From there I ran out to Walmart and had to wait on a prescription to get filled. About one this afternoon I was driving home and got here about one thirty.

I put the roast in the over on a slow heat, scanned and faxed a document, and then took me a nice little nap for an hour. The alarm woke me, but I decided to lie in bed a bit longer and just listen to the music, so it was a little more than an hour, about an hour and fifteen minutes or there about.

I got up at four and let the dogs out, checked the roast and then checked my email. I looked at a little bit of stuff in Facebook, then went into MFP for a little bit. That's when time slipped on me. It was a little after four when I made a cup of coffee and got online, I skimmed through Facebook, then headed over to MFP, but did not log anything. I just looked to see who was doing what and then went for a second cup of coffee. Only instead of about four thirty like it should have been, it was now quarter to six.

I got the potatoes washed and cooking, and checked the roast again. Everything was going fine, just waiting for Rhonda to get home. she showed up shortly after and by the time we she changed cloths and we talked a little, it was time to eat. We watched a little Netflix while we ate, feed the dogs and let them out again, and then it's going on ten o'clock. Time slipped again.

I don't know where it slips to, but it slips by so quickly. I do know, I have to get a better handle on it, and that means getting in here sooner. I could cut the nap out, but then I get so tired I can't function well. So, I need to get to bed earlier, but I can't because of the nap. All out of whack, that's what the problem is. Now, it's time to get it straight again.
October 10, 2013 at 11:11pm
October 10, 2013 at 11:11pm
Wow, almost didn't get in here tonight. Just wrapping up a busy day and getting ready to go to bed. It's ten at night here, and I have to be up at three tomorrow morning; another short night in the making.

That's kind of what got me today, not enough sleep last night. I worked until eleven, then had an appointment with a fellow for lunch. He works at a private employment agency and has supplied me with good workers, in return for hiring through him, he wanted to buy me lunch and discuss how everyone is doing.

We had a nice lunch and a wonderful conversation, but it got kind of late in the afternoon by the time we parted company. I didn't mind and enjoyed the lunch very much. We also worked out a couple of problems and had a great conversation. However, it did burn up most of my afternoon.

After leaving the restaurant, I had to stop by work and talk to Rhonda, and of course it was busy when I stopped, so it was a half hour or more before I left the guardhouse and came home. Once I got home, I had to do some work on the computer. No, not with the computer, on it. I had a notice that a viral text had been blocked yesterday, and my security program suggested a full scan, which took all night. In fact, since it was late when I started it, it was still running this morning when I left for work a little after four.

It found a Trojan hidden in a temp file, and it also found a second copy of it in a different temp file. Easy to fix, just delete and the problem was gone. Both files had been quarantined already, so the virus was stopped. Now, I was ready to get in here and spend some time, but I was getting pretty tired and decided to nap a bit instead.

After an hour nap I got some coffee and went to get on the computer and was informed that Windows needed to update. Oh joy! To make a long story short, I ran the updater while I worked on supper, checked into MFP and FB, then ate and watched Sea Quest and now I'm here.

And, now I'm gone... Goodnight.
October 9, 2013 at 9:18pm
October 9, 2013 at 9:18pm
Kind of late getting in here today, but I made it. I've missed some this month already, but not because of being bogged down with too much work and no time off. No, this time around it's because I'm getting a couple days off each week and making the most of them.

Today I did spend most of the day working. I was up at three this morning getting ready for work, then home about noon. I worked on some paperwork and reports and got pretty well caught up on things again. Then, I ran back in to work to talk to the closing guard. After it was some shopping with Rhonda and then home.

She is working on our supper, then it's a little Netflix and off to bed. Tomorrow I'm up at three again. After work I have a lunch appointment with the guy from the employment agency that's been sending applicants over. Then, home for the day. I'm hoping to get some stuff done in here in the afternoon.

I have a couple of story ideas I want to get in my portfolio, so I can start developing them. Nothing to fancy, just a couple of short stories. One I may cut even shorter and use in a contest, but it depends on how it develops. Some stories just can't be condensed that much.

For now I bid you, "Goodnight."
October 7, 2013 at 10:09pm
October 7, 2013 at 10:09pm
I reckon I best get this entry written before I run out of time. It's a quarter to nine here, and a wonderful day is coming to an end. Not yet, but closing in quickly.

I didn't have to work today, and didn't really plan much else, either. I had talked to my brother last week about going fishing today, if the weather was nice, and it was very nice today. He should have called, so when he didn't I assumed he had other things going on. I thought about calling him to see if he wanted to take the boat out for the afternoon, but then I decided against that idea. I didn't want to make him feel I would be disappointed if we didn't go out for the day.

So, after sleeping in until almost nine this morning I got up and enjoyed a couple cups of coffee with a lovely brunette, my wife. It was nice being able to relax and enjoy coffee and conversation with her. Normally I've been up a little after three in the morning and getting ready for work. We have not had this morning time together since last April.

Then, after some coffee, we did our Bible study, another thing we have had to put on hold quite often this summer. After our study we worked on making some lunch. This is also something we have missed this summer. I work mornings, she afternoons, and with her working most every day and me every single day, we have not had lunch together like this, again since last April.

We spent part of the afternoon putting screens back in the windows. We had removed them to put air conditioners in. Now, the days are comfortable, and the nights cool. It still gets a bit hot, and of course the house heats up even on the temperate days, so it's nice to open the windows and let a cooling breeze drift through. It's also nice to have the fresh air exchange.

After we had a couple screens in, we lie down and snuggled for an hour, enjoying an afternoon nap. I know, you thought it was going to get hot and heavy there, didn't you? Nope, we didn't do that, we snuggled into each other's arms and drifted off into a nice sleep. Only, being farm country here in South Dakota, and in the midst of harvest, living on the main road and right by the elevator, it gets a bit noisy with the windows open. We slept, but we were awakened some by loud trucks going by.

Even so, it was nice. I would wake slightly by the noise, and knowing what it was, snuggle up to the warmth beside me and enjoy drifting back into my slumber, only to repeat this a shot time later as another truck would pass. Just a relaxing nap, with thoughts of her sweet sugar plums drifting within my dreams. No, upon awakening we didn't do that. We cuddled more, kissing and snuggling and priming for that part later.

For now, we got up, took the two Golden Retrievers outside and played with them. Klarissa is getting old, has bad hips, and isn't very active anymore, but she enjoyed the sunshine and did trot after her ball a couple of times. Then she lie down and rolled around in the soft grass and warm sunshine.

Hyko couldn't get enough of it, and would have run himself into exhaustion given the chance. I knew Klarrisa's favorite is the Frisbee, even though she also loves to chase down a tennis ball and catch it. I suppose with her advancing age, she is disappointed, she cannot run fast enough or jump up to catch the ball anymore. I let her get out a ways and toss it gently so she can catch it, but she still has difficulty catching.

But, when she saw her Frisbee, she perked right up and chased it down a few times before heading for the door. She is very good at letting me know when she has had enough, and I am respect her choice to quit when she gets tired. So I gave her a nice rub down on the grass while Rhonda and Hyko played. Then, I threw the Frisbee a few times for Hyko, too.

After they were both ready to come in, we put their toys up and worked on the last screen for the kitchen window. This one was pretty dirty, as was the window, so we tackled cleaning and putting the screen in together, then retired to the living room and enjoyed some quiet time talking and looking around online.

Now, she is on her computer while I type this out. When I finish we will eat a late and light supper, watch a spot of T.V. and then retire for the night. Of course, we will make time that~

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