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"Putting on the Game Face"
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This blog is a doorway into the mind of Percy Goodfellow. Don't be shocked at the lost boys of Namby-Pamby Land and the women they cavort with. Watch as his caricatures blunder about the space between audacious hope and the wake-up calls of tomorrow. Behold their scrawl on the CRT, like graffitti on a subway wall. Examine it through your own lens...Step up my friends, and separate the pepper from the rat poop. Welcome to my abode...the armpit of yesterday, the blinking of an eye and a plank to the edge of Eternity.

Note: This blog is my journal. I've no interest in persuading anyone to adopt my views. What I write is whatever happens to interest me when I start pounding the keys.

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December 10, 2013 at 10:16am
December 10, 2013 at 10:16am
I see now where there is bipartisan support in Congress to impose tougher sanctions on the Iranians. I don’t know if some legislators are waking up or if they have a Jewish Constituency that’s unhappy with the President’s “Deal.” Anyway there’s a move afoot to pass legislation that would “Up the Ante” on the Fiasco we negotiated with the Iranians.

Now what do you suppose will happen if it passes both houses? Yep! You got it. The President will veto the bill. If anybody really wonders what is going on here be advised that the Liberals view a confrontation between the Arabs and Israel with a detached sort of ambivalence. I’m not talking about the “Cool Aid” drinking liberals but rather The Old Money Liberals that are using “The Cause” to further the establishment of a New World Order.

Nobody in his or her right minds, and that includes the Hard Core Leftists, wants to see Tel Aviv turned into a radioactive cinder. The Neo Socialists simply do not realize where all this is heading. They believe, as the President does, that Iran with nuclear weapons is no more a threat to Israel than Russia was to the United States during the Cold war. Then again, Old Money in Germany never thought the "Mustached One" would send six million poor souls to the gas chambers and ovens. UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES! Once the conflagration starts the fire will be hard to contain.

I know the current administration “hopes” that everything will work out and that the “Lion will lay down with the Lamb” but get real! It’s always prudent to expect the worst and plan accordingly. Just like after the Housing Debacle that led to the crash of our economy. Remember how that Democratically sponsored legislation that drove the banks to write crappy loans brought down the house of cards? So will this foreign policy decision weaken American resolve and lead to unintended consequences. At least the Israelis are trying to drum up some political support to reverse this unexpected turnabout in foreign policy.

However it isn’t only the Jews that need to wake up. I never cease to be amazed at these Unholy Alliances that get forged between the Liberal Democrats and the Special Interest groups. One is the cozy relationship with the Afro-Americans. We often hear from the Black Caucus that this country owes them “Big Time” because they were brought over as slaves. If this is true, then who was it that finianced the trafficking?

Hmmm, let me think, who stood to profit most? Who needed the cheap labor to clear land and grow cotton? I think most Blacks could answer that question without any help from me. The answer of course is Old Money. Don’t you see the irony? Old Money is behind the Liberals who have taken control of the Democratic Party and the Afro-American vote is so strongly entrenched in their hip pocket that everyone takes it for granted.

I am sure that most blacks are familiar with the bigotry that still exists in segments of middle class society. Unfortunate as that is, it’s still fairly visible and everybody knows where it comes from. I have seen dramatic changes in the attitude of the Middle Class in the course of my lifetime. Having said that I can assure my readers that most in the middle class carry nothing like the baggage the liberals do. If you think all the bigots live in the South think again. For most Liberals it goes so deep they hardly realize its there. They still look on black males as cheap labor and females as domestic servants. They are no less arrogant in their disdain of anybody below the silver rung. They don’t “Hate” the blacks…, it’s just that deep down they don't respect them. They see blacks as bought and paid for by the social welfare system that is now being expanded to include all the “Unwashed” in the New Bronze Classification.

This classification does not just include poor blacks and Mexicans but also embraces the full spectrum of what we now call “The Middle Class.” The goal of Old Money is to redistribute middle class money more equitably and bring the standard of living for the Bronze Class into equilibrium. That will get us back to the way things were in the middle ages under feudalism, where the golden ones (The King and Royal Family) surrounded by the silver Aristocracy controlled the wealth and called the shots. If the French think their revolution changed anything, they need to think again. If the Americans think our constitution will protect us, think again.

The Liberals pay no attention to the Constitution and see it as an outmoded set of guidelines. There is definitely class warfare going on but the battle is between the Middle Class and Old Money. The Liberals believe through socialism they will at last get the chance to establish an Ideal State and reopen their long awaited “Socialist Monarchy,” under new management.

December 9, 2013 at 11:42am
December 9, 2013 at 11:42am
I try and keep up with what’s going on but I learned something unexpected today on Fox News. This is that under Obama Care there is going to be a Gold Plan, a Silver Plan and a Bronze Plan. If Plato were alive today he would be clapping his hands in delight. I’ve been saying for a long time that the Liberals are a bunch of Neo-Platonists and that the goal of the New World Order is to divide the pie into Plato’s three classes, of Gold, Silver and Bronze citizens. Never mind that the last time this governing philosophy was tried led to the “The Dark Ages.”

According to Plato’s book, “The Republic” there would be a philosopher king and his inner circle. These would be the “Golden Ones.” The next tier down was envisioned as a silver class. These sterling characters were to become the Aristocrats or nobility. Everybody else was shoved into the Bronze classification. The Liberals in this country aren’t even trying to disguise what they have in mind. The order they envision is a Monarchy… under new management. There will be no middle class, as we know it. There will only be upper and lower class citizens and the lower class will be lower than “Whale Poop.”

When is the working middle class going to wake up to the scam that is being foisted upon them? President Obama promised ”Redistribution” and this is the form it’s going to take. The middle class will be taxed for the revenues needed to expand social welfare and bring the poor up to the same level as the rest of the Bronze Citizens. The wealth of Old Money will remain fenced and protected. “Health Care Reform,” is the first in today’s power grab by a bunch of wannaby Aristocrats. It’s time the American Middle Class woke up to what our “Good Buddies” the Liberals really have in mind.
December 8, 2013 at 8:46pm
December 8, 2013 at 8:46pm
I wish I could get a copy of the agreement we signed with Iran to relax the economic sanctions. A former US Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, does not think it gained us anything. The reason for his view is because it does nothing to slow Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon. Bolton claims that Iran made virtually no concession to halt or scale back efforts to acquire a nuclear weapon capability.

President Obama stated that, “he hopes” (There’s that word again) the agreement will work but added that the chances were only about 50/50. How could any Chief Executive sign off on something with such a prognosis?

In Iran, their top religious leader said words to the effect, “…we will keep the centrifuges spinning but we must also keep spinning the lives of our people…” He concedes a rising dissent resulting from the nuclear weapon's policy and the sanctions.

Netanyahu says it was a bad deal for the State of Israel, and reiterated that Israel will do what it must to protect the lives of its citizens.

Again I don’t think that anybody involved in the negotiating had an end game strategy in mind. It appears that the President wanted a deal, ANY KIND OF DEAL, to take the spotlight off… the Unaffordable Healthcare Act. He must have reasoned that if he’s seen as a sage world leader, Americans will be distracted from the long string of gaffs and failures that have labeled him “The Amateur.” This agreement is just another in a long string of classic examples. Just when the sanctions were starting to work and the leaders in Iran were beginning to worry about internal dissension, off comes the heat. So what happens now?

The sanctions were a form of economic siege. It has taken several years for the pressure to build. To buy time for their nuclear weapons program Iran has played the West like a bunch of fools. It isn’t like this is the first “Negotiated Agreement” we have reached on the issue. There have been others, almost too numerous to count and in every case Iran has worked behind the scenes to continue full speed ahead, developing a nuclear weapon while claiming their program was an entirely peaceful one.

Every time they negotiate they buy more time and get a little closer to their dream of possessing a Nuclear Scimitar. Is there anyone besides the President who believes Iran's goal is a peaceful reactor? So what happens next?

That is easy enough to forecast. Like a walled city with the siege lifted, the Iranians will replenish their lauder so when we conclude in another six months (for the umpteenth time) that we have been hoodwinked once more (DRAT!) they will have laid away enough for another two years. What is the projection on how long before Iran reaches its goal? Was there anything in the agreement that required them to cease and desist in their efforts to build an Atom Bomb? DUH! All we got from our Chief Executive was an ambiguous statement... “We have to give negotiations a chance…” and then praise for a deal that got us nothing in return. Now just how “Amateurish” is that?
December 7, 2013 at 8:48am
December 7, 2013 at 8:48am
I started out the day intending to write my blog on Facts and Assumptions regarding a problem defined as “…determining the best way to provide health care to uninsured voters.” I decided to Google Facts, Healthcare. I’m embarrassed to tell you that while there were many articles that claimed to be based upon facts they seemed instead to be based on findings from questionable or ambiguous sources. For example one quoted the UN’s World Health Organization, and a finding that showed the United States ranked in the high twenties as a health care provider. A closer look at the study showed it was based upon a request, sent to the member nations to provide information and statistics. It was at best a “science” right up there with the analysis that went into “proving” Global Warming. Yet, the results were posted as facts by the author.

I’m sorry, but this is yet another example of Liberals playing fast and loose with the numbers. Old Money comes up with some outcomes they want to promote (Healthcare/Global Warming) and seed grants to those who can provide papers that support the findings they’re looking for. Intellectuals and scholars take their money and tell the Neo Socialists what they want to hear. I spent two hours reading a dozen articles and I found more eloquence than anything else. Sound familiar? I suppose some ink written on a piece of paper is factual in a sense. However, just because a finding claims to be based upon some serious scholarship does not make it a fact. A finding is a finding. The statement that the United States of America is ranked twenty-seventh in the world as a health care provider is factual only to the extent that the claim is made in a published document. It does not become a fact simply because somebody took some grant money after getting "The Secret Handshake."

Any claim that the United States is twenty-seventh as a world healthcare provider must at the very least pass the common sense or reasonableness test. How does this “fact” explain why those who can afford the best, flock to our shores to get treated?

Anyway I started with one fact and one assumption that I'm pretty sure about. The fact is that everybody on this planet is going to die sooner or later, and the assumption is that at one time or another most of us are going to be faced with an accident or illness. Beyond this it seems that getting to the facts is going to require the services of an actuary. A good starting point I suppose is a quick review of how the Insurance Companies came to be and how they determine who is going to get sick, how long it takes to die (or get cured) and what the costs are associated with a visit to the hospital. With this process, at least, in mind a reader is better equipped to consider health care from a dispassionate point of view.

This is hugely important because literally everybody in today’s world understands the importance of healthcare and is carrying a unique set of expectations and experiences they are personally familiar with. So when are the Actuaries going to weigh in with some credible facts and assumptions?
December 5, 2013 at 9:47am
December 5, 2013 at 9:47am
Science uses REASON almost exclusively in its work. With this tool they have brought us out of the darkness and into a more real understanding of the world around us. As individuals and citizens we would benefit from using the REASON process in our daily lives. However, despite knowing better, we often deal with our problems by adopting the first course of action that comes to mind. If we would only pause, take time to define a problem, review the facts and assumptions, come up with some possible options, assess them, compare them with each other and choose an optimal solution, our lives would be much richer than going off half cocked with the first impulse that springs to mind.

A government is somewhere between the impulsiveness of individual citizens and the single-minded focus of the scientists. The current administration is the worst practitioner of REASON in the history of American Politics. Why this has happened is because "The Potty Mouths" already have all the answers and as a consequence, reason is not a big player of their scheme of things.

I could fill pages with examples but for discussion purposes will focus on the Unaffordable Healthcare Act. When the Obama Administration came into office they defined the health care issue in terms of a pet solution. This was Universal Healthcare. Nobody paused, stroked their chin and asked the logical first step question in the reasoning process. For those who have forgotten, the first question is asking, “What’s the Problem?” The answer is used to define the solution window. If they had, it would have been clear from the onset that Obama Care was not the optimal answer. Instead they “Shot from the Hip,” and came up with something unaffordable and legislation that does more harm than good. A year from now tax paying Americans will look back and see that health care insurance has doubled and there are more uninsured Americans than when the current regime took power. Since the President now realizes he's in way over his head, and the label “Amateur” is becoming more and more self-evident, he has asked, “If anyone has a better idea I want to hear it.” It’s a little late after six years in office however, there certainly is a better way and that would be to apply a little reason from the outset.

“What is the problem that never got defined,” begs the rhetorical question? The problem is, determining how to provide a safety net of healthcare to uninsured citizens. We already have programs to do that in Medicare and Medicaid. In addition, anyone in need of life threatening care can always get it by waking into any Emergency Room. “Well,” counter the Liberals in exasperation… “There has to be a better solution than this.” Yes, I suppose there is if the problem had been so defined in the beginning as “… determining the best way to provide health care for uninsured voters.”

However, what happens when you begin with a preconceived solution before examining the full range of possibilities… is that the outcome becomes “Pie in the Sky” legislation, written by a host of special interests who have jumped on the bandwagon. The result is inevitably a gold plated alternative that’s never going to fly and in this case threatens to destroy our current system, one that is arguably, the greatest on the planet. Do we really want to turn that into a string of third world outpatient clinics? The Unaffordable Health Care act can only work by watering it down, like what they have in Canada and Europe. This will include RATIONING (a euphemism for DEATH PANELS) and an ever-decreasing range of options and choices. If ever there was an example of a cure being worse than a disease it is Obama Care. This ill-conceived attempt at legislation needs to be repealed and a new administration needs to start over, looking for something that won’t destroy America’s current healthcare system in the process.

If the problem had been defined as “Determining the best way to provide a safety net, for uninsured citizens,” a much different and sensible alterative could have emerged. The optimal solution isn’t a universal Cadillac Policy for everyone. The unintended consequence is that rather than a 95% solution for everyone we’ll wind up with a Socialist plan that is far worse than what we had to begin with.

Tomorrow I’ll discuss the second step in the process that was omitted. This was identifying the FACTS and Assumptions bearing on the problem. This is the second phase in the process and like the first, it was totally overlooked.
December 4, 2013 at 4:31pm
December 4, 2013 at 4:31pm
The Israelis should have a national holiday that borders right up there with Hanukkah. It should be called LEON URIS Day. I don’t think the “Children of Israel” realize what a jewel they had in that guy. As a young man I read all his books, Exodus, Mila 18 and there might have been some others I’ve forgotten.

His writing was able to instill in the American Middle Class sympathy for the plight of Israelis that extends from almost the dawn of recorded time right up until the present. The Government of the State of Israel has continued through foundations like Simon Wiesenthal to support a greater awareness but none have had the powerful effect of Mr. Uris’s books.

The American Middle Class, as a consequence, remains a true friend of Israel, cheering them on as the underdog in the Middle Eastern struggle. Please note that I said the American Middle Class and not the Neo-Socialists who are often referred to as Liberals and pull the strings in the Democratic Party.

These Liberals are a bunch of Potty Mouths as anyone who follows the news can attest. They attack those who fail to support their world view that paints Neo-Socialism as new enlightened management. These new managers are not exactly what I would term Champions of Zion. If you look at the filth that spews from their mouths you see numerous and ongoing examples such as those I mentioned in a recent blog. To recap, commentators on MSNBC, a propaganda tool for the Neo Aristocrats, recently called for someone to “…. defecate in Sarah Palin’s mouth," and referred to a news man as a “Cocksucker.” These comments came in the span of less than a week and I use them to show how typical this brand of smear journalism is becoming. For the mainstream media it has become the weapon of choice. Now if you think about it, ask this question. If they want someone to “Defecate in Governor Palin’s mouth,” and use the pejorative term “Cocksucker,” to stereotype gays and lesbians how do you suppose they talk about Jews in private? Like I have said, on occasions too numerous to count, Old Money, whether it is Old World or headquartered in the United States, is no friend of Judaism. Why then do Jews in this country flock to vote for the Democrats? For heavens sake the Jews brought science to Capitalism and used the opportunities it offered to get them through some rough times… Why do they flock to support a bunch of wannaby aristocrats who hold them in such contempt?

Maybe they’re afraid the Liberals will conjure up the specter of persecutions past and start calling them bad names... or worse. The Liberals are certainly capable of such tactics and the first thing they always do with those who oppose their view is pinning the mask of evil on their faces, or in this case smearing it inside someone's mouth. They would probably have everybody in the middle class wearing a Bigot Badge if they thought they could get away with it. So why is it then that Jewish interests sit meekly by while the Neo Socialists and American Middle Class duke it out?

I'm amazed at how our Chief Executive framed the problem in his current effort to take the spotlight off his failed health care law. The president is currently referring to the center of gravity as the gap between the poor and the middle class. Is this a sly strategy or what? He defines the class warfare as between low and middle income Americans rather than the struggle between the poor and the Liberals, who control most of the world’s wealth. Evil is defined as the Middle Class and that is the font from which all this “Redistribution” is planned to flow. No suggestion is made of the wealth in trusts, off shore accounts, charities, and other tax shelters that protect the vast wealth of the Old Money Interests. No Indeed! The redistribution is to come from the middle class and be given to the poor in order to solve the inequity between the bottom two rungs… What a magnanimous bunch those Potty Mouths are. Their plan is to redistribute the pittance between the bottom two rungs on the hierarchy. Take the money from the dumb taxpayers and give it to the poor. HELLO! is anybody awake out there. How about some serious TAX REFORM that starts with closing the tax shelters, and loopholes of the super rich. That’s a real joke. Any suggestion of closing down these shelters will only lead to screaming, gnashing of teeth and the muttering of vile expletives aimed at the bronze masses, those classes the Sterling Liberals want to bring low.

December 2, 2013 at 10:11pm
December 2, 2013 at 10:11pm
Why the Jewish vote would go Democrat in this day and age is another one of those mysteries that defies explanation. It is right up there with why the insurance companies became enablers of the Unaffordable Healthcare Act.

I guess the reason is that the Jews have always tended to vote Democratic. Even after the Democrats threw in with the Liberals they continued to associate themselves with the Neo Socialists.

If there is any doctrine that is more opposed to Jewish interests than Socialism, I don’t know what is. Under Socialism there is the Golden One, the Silver Ones and everyone else is considered a bronze citizen. I am not sure where the average Jew fits in this pecking order but it’s definitely not in the first two categories.

Ever since the current regime took office there have been some serious disconnects between the White House and the State of Israel. At first both seemed to have keeping the Iranians from obtaining nuclear weapons a common goal. More recently it has become clear that President Obama, does not believe deep down that a Nuclear Iran is any big deal. He reasons that we lived under MAD with the Soviet Union for over fifty years and nobody fired off a nuke, so what makes the Iranians any different?

The reason lies in the word itself, REASON. REASON is a totally foreign concept in the Middle East. REASON was a part of the Greek Culture when Alexander the Great conquered most of Persia and so they can’t say they were never introduced to the idea. The truth is that they are still living in Biblical Times and while a few of their elite, educated in the West, might be able to explain the process, for ninety-nine percent REASON is a totally foreign concept. Keep in mind the process of REASON is to determine the BEST way for doing something. To the Middle Eastern Mentally such a process simply doesn’t exist. BEST, to an Arab, is whatever his Shah, Iotola, or Allah says it is. When you hear the expression “East is east and West is west” and never the twain shall meet,” surely you catch a glimmer of the vast differences between the Eastern and Western mentality.

The Soviet Union was a Northern European empire and some of the Greek enlighten was understood in Moscow. In Tehran however, it is an entirely different matter. In the Arab view the person with the biggest scimitar is the arbiter of BEST. There is no process involved. Any time a party in the Middle East seeks ARBRITRATION it is perceived as a sign of weakness. Thus the current Administration’s “Deal” with Iran on the nuclear sanctions was probably the worst example of "negotiating" since Chamberlain gave away the store on the eve of World War 2.

One of the commentators put the whole thing into context with the following analogy. Pretend you’ve been negotiating on a used car for the last year with the local Chevy dealer. He calls once a week and you tell him you'll pay $1,000 for the car and he insists on $10,000. This goes on for months and months with neither of you budging. Suddenly you strike a deal with the salesman. You’ll pay $9,900 for the car if he will come down $100. That is a perfect analogy to the deal we got with Iran.

No wonder Netanyahu went ballistic and even the Saudis looked to the heavens in disbelief, spreading their hands in dismay. Now if this doesn’t convince the average Jew that its time to reassess their lockstep support of the Democrats I don’t know what will. If I were of that faith, I’d see what’s happening as analogous to what happened in 1939. For heavens sake get your heads out of the sand and show your dissasisification in the upcoming mid term elections. To the Islamic Extremists the possibility of acquiring a nuclear weapon borders on orgasmic. At last they will have the thermonuclear scimitar they have long been salivating for. If you think that REASON will play any sort of role when they get one… then you’re as blind as those poor souls who once waited until it was too late.
December 1, 2013 at 8:03pm
December 1, 2013 at 8:03pm
This blog brings us to what Old Money fears most. This is the American Middle Class (AMC). The world beyond our shores looks at the AMC and turns green with envy. They compare their socialism with the prosperity in the United States and can’t figure out why they can’t have the same standard of living. Look at Greece, Spain, Portugal and the list goes on. Canada, France and Germany do a bit better but they are much further down the Socialist track. As communications expand and people see more clearly the differences many of those who can, apply for a visa, or pour illegally across our borders to have a chance at the American Dream, which is still not totally out of reach.

The Mexicans take migrant jobs. If you want to know what work is go pick vegetables for a summer. Once they get a toe hold they find employment in the construction industry which once thrived until the Government decided to trash the home market by allowing anybody to borrow far in excess of their means. That crash and the recession was a fiasco that Republican legislators warned would happen if we decided to head down that road. If you recall it was a lesson in Socialism that should have been a wake up call for the Americans. Now we have the health care debacle warming up and the tsunami of that disastrous miscalculation has yet to break upon our shores.

If you don't remember how the housing market collapsed in the US it was because of two factors. First the cost of a new home exceeded the value. Costs kept going up, up, up and value just couldn’t keep pace. Then the Democrats pushed through a scheme that would have gotten anybody but a politician locked up for fraud. They passed legislation that allowed people without the means to buy a home that was totally beyond their income. Homeowners suddenly became speculators and saw an opportunity to make a windfall profit. Everybody started buying homes.

“How could they do this,” you might ask? “Weren’t the Banks screening the loans?” The answer is NO! The Socialists turned ACORN loose and threatened the banking industry that if they didn’t start rubber-stamping they would face picket lines. “What are you worried about?” the Liberals demanded. “Are you afraid to give Blacks a piece of the American Dream? Just grant the loan and Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac will buy it up. You’ll get your money.” The rest is history. The Housing Market collapsed and even President Clinton remarked afterwards…”I guess the Republicans had it right on that one.”

So now we have Obama Care looming over us and getting ready to go viral. This is going to cause an even greater disaster than the Housing Market. Old Money is behind all this and their purpose is to bring the standard of living for the American middle class more in line with the rest of the world. They are willing to let the economy implode if that’s what it takes to get them there. Don’t you see? They want to make Capitalism fail thinking that will make Socialism easier to swallow.

Keep in mind that during the Great Depression Old Money was not the class that really suffered. They had the money to ride it out. They still do. In the tax exempt instruments they control is more money than they’ll ever need. The brunt of the pain and anguish will once again be felt by the Middle and Lower classes. This will push down the standard of living in the United States and align it more with the rest of the world.

Enter the New World Order, led by Old Money under the guise of Neo Socialism/Liberalism. You can see the ticker of the National Debt running on Fox News. The red numbers fly by at the speed of light. There are at least six (6) natural forces at work here. They are inflation, borrowing, printing currency, selling gold, social welfare, and joblessness. When a combination of these being used to to excess will cause the economy to spiral into depression is anyone's guess.

Chairman Bernanke is the one eyed man in the land of the blind. He keeps prescribing remedies like chemo and drugs to a terminal cancer patient. He manages to keep the economy going on life support but it is gasping and sputtering for air. Pressure is building as Uncle Sam's eyes bulge, he grabs his throat and his face takes on the visage of Barney Google.

November 30, 2013 at 11:23am
November 30, 2013 at 11:23am
So what else is Old Money (Liberals/Neo Socialists/Wannaby Aristocracy) afraid of?

I use the broadest interpretation of “Thievery,” seen by Old Money to cast a net over the broadest possible range of the term “Thieves.”

Now, one might think that dealing with thieves is something that Old Money has plenty of experience with. After all, there is a reason the seed money for their vast fortunes was originally earned by financiers, termed “Robber Barons.” So if it takes one to know one, it would not be unreasonable to conclude that they have expertise in these matters. The fact is that thieves, as they define it, are another worrisome threat to their vast wealth.

Thievery is a great redistributor of resources. One moment a rich person has a material possession and the next it vanishes, seemingly into thin air. You think I’m kidding but think of all the forms it can take. For this blog I will focus on what Old Money sees as “ Zionist Thievery…” that the wealth of the “Children of Israel,” is money that belongs in their pockets instead of the pockets of the Jews. Examples of this abound and include everything from embezzlement by the minions to fraudulent practices by major players that take wealth from one player and transfer it to another. In the first case I will not bore you with examples, since they abound, and as for the second, the Maddoff and Corzine cases are examples of what I’m talking about.

This struggle has been going on for so long that a reader sees it evidenced in Biblical times. Throughout history the competitive struggle between old Money and the Israelites has been ongoing and bitter.

As a paperboy in Norfolk Virginia I had friends whose parents lived in the affluent neighborhood that butted up to the Army base I lived on. The local public elementary school was well provided for and may of the Old Families sent their children to be educated there. Those were the days of segregation where the blacks were openly discriminated against and compelled to live in ghettos. Despite a large and thriving Jewish community there were no Jewish kids, I can recall, as classmates. What I do recall was the rabid Anti-Semitism that existed. I had no Jews on my paper route, none in the elementary school, and where the blacks were consigned to a separate rest room in the Greyhound Terminal; the Jews were refused membership in the Norfolk Yacht and Country Club. I heard things said about the Jews that were a hundred times worse than anything said describing Afro-Americans. As I grew older I attributed this to the economic class warfare between Old Money and the Jews rather than animosity stemming from a difference in religious points of view.

Keep in mind that WW2 had just ended and it was no secret about the Nazi Concentration Camps in Germany and the deaths of six million Jews. For some reason I had no difficulty understanding the forces that were behind what happened in Europe. I don’t attribute to Old Money, a total responsibility, but I suspect, at the very least, they saw an opportunity to get ahead of an old rival, and realized too late, they’d lost control of the ”Mustached One.” This is always a problem when Old Money starts mucking around with the political process. UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES!

November 28, 2013 at 2:10pm
November 28, 2013 at 2:10pm
The Old Money Interests in this country, sometimes referred to as “Liberals,” (A term they like) are no more than Want-to be, Neo Aristocrats. They play the “Smear Game” designed to paint the face of “Evil” on anyone but themselves. No slam, slur or disparaging comment is too gross for these radicals and their myopic world view. It anyone dares challenge their empty political philosophies their retorts come right out of the blue and nothing they say is too outrageous, as long as it serves to stifle the voice of their critics.

In the past few weeks there have been some particularly virulent attacks that should make it abundantly clear to the American Middle Class, what a low life bunch these Liberals have become. I don’t have to look far for examples of what I’m talking about.

First off there were Mark Halperin’s comments, which explain how "Death Panels" are a part of Obama Care. That really got the Liberals revved up. Halperin was surprised by the Left’s reaction to comments he thought were self-evident. He said words to the effect… “It, (The Affordable Healthcare Act) has them (Death Panels) built into the plan… it isn’t like a judgment or a guess… an Independent Advisory Panel is a part of how healthcare costs are going to be controlled."

I suppose the term “Death Panel” was too harsh a metaphor for Liberal-Speak. That’s a laugh! There’s no term in the English language that qualifies for that honor. When the Right speaks with unemotional plainness, the Left puffs out the feathers of self-righteousness. Political correctness and racial sensitivity become the watchwords. To prove my points just take a look at the next two examples.

Alec Baldwin went off on a rant while doing a movie in Hawaii. He called a reporter a “Cocksucker.” This is the same Baldwin who publicly patronizes Gays but when things get heated tends to show his true colors. Deep down he is more homophobic than the stereotype. Once he realized that what he’d said was caught on camera he went to great lengths to make amends, calling personally a couple of top Gay leaders. They would have none of it and used their influence to get him thrown off the air. It must really irritate the Gays and Lesbians when they discover their champions carry the same deep-seated prejudices they must contend with day in and day out. Baldwin apologized, saying he didn’t realize “Cocksucker” was a pejorative term to Gays. Apparently it is a term so ingrained in his persona that he was surprised that anyone might find it offensive. However, the reason he got fired was not because he “misspoke,” but because the Gays and Lesbians are major players in the Liberal community and the Neo Socialists don’t want to alienate their support.

The next example is Martin Bashir, another minion of MSNBC. He didn’t get fired and his comments were much more over the top. He said that somebody ought to, “…. defecate in Sarah Palin’s mouth…” for saying that the public debt is going to visit economic slavery on our children. The reason he didn't get fired is that top mainstream media executives are always amused when Governor Palin gets her name dragged through the mud by one of their talk show hosts. Why? Because she's a role model for middle america, and a spokeswomen for the Constitution. Since the Neo Socialists hate both, she always gets the bullseye pasted on her mouth, or in this case, smeared inside it.

It’s all right for the Left to call Gays “cocksuckers” and smirk with delight when somebody suggests, “…defecating in Sarah Palin’s mouth.” However, just let somebody from the Right, suggest that economic bondage is analogous to slavery and the smallest shade of meaning evokes a barrage of indignation. I must be missing something, but what I'm not missing is that the Liberal left is a bunch of “Potty Mouths” and should be ashamed of their vile language.
November 27, 2013 at 8:42pm
November 27, 2013 at 8:42pm
Old Money loves the Platonic Model. For those who are unfamiliar with Plato’s “Republic,” what he said in a nutshell was…

In the ideal state, the man in charge would be “The Golden One” a Philosopher King. As a Philosopher the head of state would know “Best.” As King he would have the authority and power to make people sign up for it. He was ordained by the Gods for this role and was accountable only to the Almighty. Is any of this beginning to sound familiar?

In the tier beneath the “Golden One” there were the Silver Citizens. These citizens were the Aristocrats who assisted in carrying out the rule of the King. They were bound by a code that came to be called “Chivalry” and these sterling characters were expected to promote the public good. This placed them above the common law, in that nobody needed to worry because their behavior was to be so exemplary that it would never fall below that low threshold of the law. They came to be known as the nobles. They were bound by honor to serve the public good and make sure the lower classes did as they were told.

In the next tier and those below were the bronze citizens, and everyone else. They were bound by the rule of law and expected to keep to their station and do as the King and nobles directed. The proving ground for this system was the Middle Ages, sometimes referred to as the Dark Ages… for reasons that should be self evident to the average middle class American.

In recent times there was a new system that came along that was as Idealistic as the Platonic system and for about a century people watched as it was tested on the world stage. It was an utter failure in Russia, every bit as much the social disaster that mankind suffered under Platonism in the Middle Ages. Before it collapsed however, it spawned a redheaded stepchild, known as Socialism. Socialism worked after a fashion and old money interests throughout the world saw in it an opportunity for a new world order which would reintroduce Plato’s political philosophy under new management.

If you look closely, Socialism and the Platonic Model are very similar and much more controllable than Democracy and Capitalism. However, for this to work the middle class had to be brought down a couple of notches particularly in the United States, which needed to redefine its government in more Socialistic terms. Keep in mind that Socialism is only a crappy system if there is nothing else to compare it with and the United States under Capitalism, for all its warts, is a shining alternative that shows that a citizen doesn’t have to live wretchedly ruled by a tyrant and a class of nobles. Why do you suppose that People flock here, in numbers unrivaled by any other country on the face of the earth?

Our founding fathers gave us a Constitution to protect us from such tyrants and the current Administration treats it as an outmoded set of guidelines that have outlived their usefulness.

Take for example the “Unaffordable Healthcare Act.” Everybody knows by this time that it is an ill crafted and bad piece of legislation. Still, it is a piece of legislation that was passed by the Congress of the United States. The president has taken it upon himself to cherry pick and grant exemptions to some of the most onerous provisions when his special interests have pleaded with him to do so. He’s not empowered to do this, but does anyway. In his role as chief executive the President’s role is to sign a bill or veto it. That is the extent of his authority under the constitution and yet… he feels empowered to pick and choose as he pleases.

As citizens we have an obligation to remind the “Golden One” that he is not our king or emperor, and is bound by a constitutional set of mandates that spells out the limits of his power. We have an opportunity to send a message to his "handlers," the Liberal Elite, by voting out Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections. The only thing that stands between the Middle Class and a form of Monarchy is the Constitution. Never mind all that Socialist pander and propaganda and the "hope and promise" of a new world order. It’s all the same old baloney being foisted on everyday Americans by a bunch of wannabe aristocrats.
November 26, 2013 at 4:32pm
November 26, 2013 at 4:32pm
In case you aren’t following the news or are listening instead to the Mainstream Media, be advised that the Affordable Health Care Act is imploding because it is “Unaffordable.”

This is what is happening. Citizens who were forced to insure themselves are having their policies cancelled. The reason the insurance companies are giving is because these plans are “Substandard” and illegal under Obama Care. Here’s the deal.

Many American Families, who are young to middle aged, who live a healthy lifestyle, have opted for, the figurative, Sixty-Eight percent plan. This is the least expensive of the plans on the market and meets their needs in almost all cases. The exceptions come when there is some sort of long term debilitating injury or disease. The owners of these plans choose to take that risk. The insurance companies and the government hate these plans for different reasons. The insurance companies don’t like them because they aren’t moneymakers and when something really bad happens to the occasional policyholder, companies are cast in the role of the bad guy and have to point out some of the fine print in the policy. For most, however, in the young to middle-aged bracket these plans serve a basic need, work fine and are affordable.

Now along comes The “Unaffordable” Healthcare Act . In order to give everyone the figurative Ninety-Five percent plan, the Government has classified as “Substandard” all these Sixty-Eight percent plans. The insurance companies are taken off the hook as having to market and live with them and citizens who self-insure are forced into buying new plans designed to extend coverage to everyone. Now think about it. If this is the scheme that trashes the Sixty-Eight Percent plans and now requires the Ninety-Five percent plan, how is this new plan going to be more affordable than the old plan? It isn’t and there’s more. By requiring the working middle class to pay for the uninsured, the cost escalates, and when the requirement is extended to pick up the tab on the elderly and those with preexisting conditions, they skyrocket. No wonder that the cost of premiums for working class self-insuring citizens has doubled.

“Why is it,” the young and middle aged workers ask, “that I have to pay for the health care coverage of welfare recipients and old people, not to mention all the additional costs tacked on by Planned Parenthood?”

Keep in mind now that these self-insured citizens are only 5%, the veritable tip of the iceberg. What’s going to happen when the insurance plans of the corporate, union and public service sectors come up on the block? If you think there is disenchantment now, wait a year or two and see what happens. What is happening now to the self-insuring citizen is a scenario soon to be visited on everyone.

How could a government have been stupid enough to put themselves behind this Health Care eight ball? The unintended consequences of what they have done are only now beginning to dawn on Democratic Lawmakers. In the immortal words of the House Majority Leader (at the time), “We have to pass the law in order to see what’s in it.” Well at last the realization is dawning on taxpayers what was passed and what these prophetic words really mean. The absurdity of what she said is only eclipsed by those of our Chief Executive who reiterated over and over again, “If you like your Health Care Plan, you can keep it.”

How can a citizen keep a plan if it has been declared Substandard, gets cancelled by the Insurance Company and the new plan costs twice as much as the old one did? How can anybody with two marbles defend the logic of this absurd Political rhetoric?

Wait a minute! I get it now. *Bigsmile* What the President meant to say was, “…. if “I” like your plan you can keep it.”
November 25, 2013 at 6:31pm
November 25, 2013 at 6:31pm
Hmmmm, where was I? Seems like I had a list a few blogs back identifying the forces that Old Money is afraid of. In case you missed it, I defined Old Money and Liberalism as the same thing. Old Money uses the facade of Liberalism to hide its visage. They flit and flirt about behind the scenes promoting the sorts of things that insures the the status quo and promotes their continued affluence.

They use the Government to shelter their wealth and as a tool for spending the wealth of the middle class in order to make sure the “New Rich” don’t move in and spoil the neighborhood. To maintain the proper degree of separation they use the government on the one hand to protect their wealth while with the other spend the wealth of the middle class. It’s a perfect scam if you think about it. To control the government they need the votes of the lower classes and to get them the bill payer becomes their fiercest rival. If that isn’t an ingenious strategy I don’t know what is.

Sorry, I’m getting off track and I promised to talk about the things that Old Money fears. Well one of those is Revolution. I have talked about Government and War being high on the list and Revolution is right up there among the contenders. The best example I can think of is the French Revolution that was a real wake up call for Old Money. It provides a model for what can happen when the economic curve between the Haves and the Have Not’s becomes so skewed that the masses rise up in revolt. The King has traditionally been front man or the face of the Aristocracy. This has tended to be a love hate sort of relationship as the two contended for money and power. However, at the time of the French Revolution both had money and power. There was however, a rising class of merchants who wanted to buy into the game. The merchant class provided the financing and leadership that made the whole Revolution Possible. This was a serious struggle and the losers not only lost their fortunes but were sent to the guillotine, not just the males but whole families were slaughtered. This was pretty bad but not as bad as it can get. The Jews can tell some stories of what can happen as a consequence of economic struggles and class warfare. I'll get to some of these in a future blog. So, as everybody knows Old Money in France, at about the time of our Nation’s founding, suffered a serious setback the lessons of which were not lost on other Old Money Families throughout the world. So what were those lessons?

Lesson 1 Don't allow your special interest group to get the face of evil tattooed on its forehead.
Lesson 2 Don't flaunt wealth when those standing around watching are starving.
Lesson 3 Make sure there's enough grease (money) around to make the status quo, seem preferable to the chaos of revolutionary.
Lesson 4 Don't place all your eggs in one basket.
Lesson 5 Always have a “Back Door” in case the world goes to hell in a handbag.

Using the French Revolution as a model, and one could just as easily use the Russian Revolution, the following conditions are revealed.

Lesson 1: In a revolution somebody is always painted as the bad guy. In France the Aristocrats had the rap for being the Evil One. One of the things that Liberals do well is portraying somebody else as wearing the black hat. This is one lesson of history they’ve learned well. The Republicans are painted as the cause of all the lower class's woe. Conversely the Liberals, who have control of the Democratic Party, portray themselves as champions of the poor and downtrodden. They do this through a PR campaign using propaganda techniques they learned from the Soviets. They own the mainstream media, which is used shamelessly to promote whatever agenda best insures a continuity of their special interests. If you wonder why the news ratings are so bad for NBC, CBS, and ABC its because many of the listeners know they're being conned. Instead of reformatting to remain competitive, these “Bobbleheads” continue to regurgitate the party line, which could care less if their news programming ever makes a dime. Since when is a propaganda tool expected to make money? Fox News and Talk Radio, on the other hand, make an attempt at being fair and balanced, and it resonates with listeners who are interested in learning what is really going on in the world.

Lesson 2: Wealth flaunting is a hard thing for the super rich to avoid but they manage it as best they can by living in enclaves and behind facades that conceal the opulence of their life styles. Then they have Hollywood in their hip pocket and actors who have yet to understand the importance of moderation. As long as the spotlight stays focused on the Celebrities instead of themselves, that's a good thing for the Old Money Interests.

Lesson 3: A book could be written about lesson 3. In a nutshell the question, from the Aristocratic point of view, is how bad can social conditions be allowed to deteriorate before they threaten the status quo of the ruling families in America. The answer they champion is hardly surprising. Make the middle class WASPs the bad guys. Portray them as the mean spirited nemesis of the poor and downtrodden. Then they market themselves, with the help of the mainstream media, as truly caring about Blacks and other minorities who struggle with finding success in the capitalist system. Under the banner of the Democrats, low information voters are placated to insure their political support. While the wealth of the Aristocrats is protected, in Non-Profits, Trusts, Charities and a host of other shelters, Old Money uses their control of government to tax, borrow and spend for a host of social welfare programs designed to maintain their constitutiens in a perpetual state of low esteem and chains of economic slavery.

Lesson 4: In this country the wealth of today’s Aristocrats is sheltered. On paper and for tax purposes they are paid as employees or board members of the instruments that shelter them. Sure they pay taxes, but it’s a pittance of the huge storehouse of wealth and power they command and protect. Further it is not all kept inside the geographical boundaries of any particular country. They have become truly citizens of the world and perhaps this explains the sympathy they have for a greater world order. In this order it will be necessary to bring down the living standards of Americans to the levels found elsewhere in the world. To do otherwise would be unfair. Since their holdings are distributed world-wide, in places where it is out of the sight and mind of Nation States, they are well postured to ride out the worst of any economic times which might loom on the horizon of the future.

Lesson 5: This leads to the back door that is always open should conditions take a turn for the worse.

November 24, 2013 at 10:25am
November 24, 2013 at 10:25am
The Ying and the Yang

Secondly, Old Money fears war. Actually they have some Love/Hate mixed together regarding this particular State of Nature. Obviously they fear losing a war and having all their wealth taken away by an invading army, however, as I’ll explain, there’s more to it than that.

In the bible the Jews are defeated and carried off into captivity. It is bad enough to have son’s killed, daughters raped and a great city come toppling down. Even worse must have been having all that wealth carried off and then having to go to work for a bunch of unwashed barbarians. Still, you have to give the Children of Israel credit. They sucked it up and found a way to make the most of a bad situation. They took their natural talent for finance and trade and learned to create economic empires in the geography in which they found themselves. You have to hand it to the Zionists; they are a creative, hardworking and persistent bunch. They were brought low by War and prospered despite having their country invaded, made slaves and exploited for their talents.

I won’t waste my reader’s time with further examples of nations falling in war and their wealth confiscated by the Invaders. There was the Trojan War, The Peloponnesian War, Hannibal, the barbarians descending on the Roman Empire, the Crusades, the Mongol Invasion of Europe, European wars too numerous to mention, The American Civil War, World War I, World War II, and the Global War on Terror. I mention these in case anyone has forgotten that war is a great redistributor of wealth. If one cannot compete with neighbors economically there is always the option to descend with an organized hoard and take their wealth by force of arms.

So war is a mixed bag for Old Money interests. On one hand they see it as an opportunity to get even richer, if their backers are victorious, but also as a possibly loss of their treasure if luck goes against them. President Eisenhower (Anyone Remember Him?) warned us about the “Military Industrial Complex.” This is often controlled by Aristocratic interests but there is plenty of Upper Class money that gets doubled down on when the United States goes to war. So we have the Old money getting richer and new money jumping on the bandwagon.

Old Money is very pragmatic when it comes to war and politics. It's all business. When in doubt they support both sides. Once the outcome is decided they use their influence with the victors to exploit the misfortune of the losers. For example gaining control of aspirin and other pharmaceutical patents from the Germans following WW2. For example using their political power after an election, regardless of who takes office, to promote their special interests.

Most of the wars we have been involved in since the end of WW 2 were not life threatening in a Nationalistic Sense but they were an opportunity to get the blast furnace of the economy revving and the economic rewards were felt by everyone, even trickling down to the lower classes. As a result, if your son or daughter didn't get killed or maimed, war was a good thing for monied families… “Ahhhh yes!” you point out. “… But people with money these days, in the Upper Middle, and Old Money classes no longer send their offspring off to War.” The answer is of course they don’t. It’s human nature, and in the long term, a huge mistake.

Another aspect of war that the Aristocrats find troubling is that while they make plenty of money so does another class that they prefer not thinking about. The Upper middle class also profits, not just from investing in mutual funds and stocks but also from the host of innovation that develops concurrently with armed conflict. There are a host of examples I could name but let me cut to the chase and point to the Internet that was a Department of Defense initiative. This technology was an unintended consequence of the Cold War and it really changed the status quo and ushered in the age of real time news reporting. People discovered what was happening as it happened and no longer was government able to hide the many gaffs that showed how truly incompetent social enterprise often is. On the One Hand Old Money acquired more wealth and on the other had to contend with the increasing transparency of events.

Thus as an unintended consequence to war, those behind the scenes, quietly pulling the strings, are ‘oft confronted with a whole new set of changing conditions. The status quo is thrown into disarray and Old Money must adjust to the times. This is what I'm really talking about when I say that Old Money is afraid of war. If they lose a war, some of their wealth is confiscated. If they win the technologies that emerge can be an even greater threat to their affluence and power.
November 23, 2013 at 9:40am
November 23, 2013 at 9:40am
The Dark Hole of Liberalism

I promised to talk about why Old Money is afraid of Government. The answer is simple. Government has the power to take their wealth away. Is that a legitimate fear or what? However, Government also has the power to insure their wealth stays right where it is.

Let me give some examples of what has happened historically when the distribution curve got really skewed between the Haves and the Have Nots.

Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella is a good example. The Jews got a corner on the wealth, flaunted it and Ferdinand was able to profit from their expulsion. His opposition to the establishment of the Inquisition was initially because the money from confiscated properties was going to flow to the Vatican rather than his court. Once this was corrected it was time for a full-blown persecution.

Another good example was the fabulous wealth of the Templers. They were a global organization involved in Banking and Finance. The King of France was jealous of all their wealth and one night had them all rounded up, tortured and executed. For all the good it did… Their Crisis Action Plan worked and most of that wealth was spirited out of the country.

Perhaps the best example is the French Revolution. Here we see the King and Aristocrats with most of the power, a rising middle class with some money and the peasants in abject poverty. The King, Aristocrats and many of their family members went to the guillotine.

So yes, deep down the Old Money in this country fears the Government and to control it, uses their wealth to make sure that those in sympathy with their special interests get elected. Their sons and daughters are sent to Ivy League Colleges which is a training ground for politicians, activists, and others sympathetic to the Aristocratic (Liberal) Cause. Famous old family names can be seen scattered about however, many more got the money to run their campaigns from Old Money. Heck, the Senate was created to be a watchdog for Aristocratic interests. It was based upon the English Parliamentary Model where it is called The House of Lords.

So if you wonder why the Liberals are so solicitous of the poor and downtrodden it is because the lower classes represent the votes that keep them in power. What happened in Germany, prior to WW2, is another good example of what can happen when Old Money loses control of Government. Six million Jews perished, more because of their wealth and economic influence than as a consequence of their religion. Being Jewish was a convenient excuse for getting the Christian masses to look the other way. Without a doubt it sent a deep chill through the Old Money Community who realized once again the potential threat that government poses to their continued affluence.

If you wonder then why some of these fabulously rich people in the World Economic Order are Liberals, the answer is self-evident. Old money has two goals. Preserve their wealth and pass it from one generation to the next and make sure that New Money does not get their hands on the machinery to do the same thing. To accomplish this they need to control the low information voters who they buy using the governments powers of taxation. The money that is used to fuel the dark hole of Liberal Socialism is the taxpayer money Aristocrats want to remain in the same generation that earns it.
November 22, 2013 at 9:55am
November 22, 2013 at 9:55am
I looked outside this morning and snow covered the ground. Winter is coming to Wisconsin.

While in Vietnam I had a religious experience. I terminated my last negotiating session with God and sold out. I experienced a warm glow and felt the presence of the spirit inside me. This is my lead in to Spirits and it is also my lead out. Anybody who claims there's no such thing has never looked at a child on Christmas morning or watched the NFL football players on Thursday Night Football. Science discounts Spirits because they can’t see, hear or touch them but we all know they‘re out there.

Despite being a believer, I find it hard to go to Church on Sunday. I don’t know what it is, I just do. My stomach churns in the same way it used to when it was time to go to school. School was good for me and so is going to church but I've always hated walking through that door. It requires an extreme exercise of will to go and frequently I find excuses for being somewhere else. Like going to “Swap Meets” on Sunday with my flying friends. Linda is a great motivator with that evil look when she inquires, “Well, are we going to church?”

On Sunday we went and on the drive over I was thinking about Personal Responsibility. Sometimes I go to the bar and in all my years have never heard anybody say, "The reason my life is so screwed up is because I made a mess of it." The cause is always a neighbor, the government, a spouse, taxes, the Education System... you name it, if they have a woe, some one or something else is always behind it.

About halfway through the service a new Sunday School teacher did “Time To Share,” and called the kids up to read a Bible Story. It was about Adam and Eve and I yawned, closed my eyes and was about to devote myself to forty winks of prayer. Still, it's always fun to watch the kids being paraded up front and the looks on the boys faces who don’t want to participate. The teacher started reading from this story book and got to the part where God finds them both ashamed about their nakedness. Her reading was very animated.

God to Adam: "Why are you ashamed? Did you eat from the fruit of the tree I told you not to partake from?"

Adam: It was that woman you gave me. She made me do it.”

I began to chuckle because it reminded me of the very thoughts I entertained earlier. I suddenly realized that Adam must have been from Wisconsin. It must have been louder than I intended because Linda jabbed me in the ribs. Even with my hearing aids turned down I knew there was total silence in the church. I tried stopping, but my chortle got worse. The Sunday School teacher looked up briefly and continued.

God To Eve: "Did you partake of the forbidden fruit and give it to Adam?"

Eve: "The Serpent made me do it."

A mild wave of hysteria took hold and the sound of it reverberated inside the sanctuary.

The Sunday School teacher looked up, annoyed and suddenly got it.

“Does any of this sound familiar?” she asked innocently.

The congregation began to chuckle.

Linda gave me a dirty look and flashed a pasty smile. It didn't amuse her, to discover that the "Blame Game" had been around for a long time. She was mad at me.

I’m closing in on fifty years of marriage and I still don’t understand that woman.

November 19, 2013 at 8:42pm
November 19, 2013 at 8:42pm
Most things don’t change. What does change are the labels we give to things. In the Middle Ages there were the King, the Nobles, the Merchants, the Skilled Laborers, the Unskilled Laborers, and Serfs. (Slave). Even back then the labels changed. The nobles came to be known as Aristocrats. They derisively called the merchants "The new rich" and everyone else the "Unwashed." Skilled workers came to be known as Craftsmen, and the unskilled as Laborers. Then there were the slaves who have been called serfs, indentured servants, freemen and today are welfare recipients. The point I'm trying to make is that there has always been a class system and the only thing that has changed is the job descriptions.

I think Rush Limbaugh is a bright guy and I’m grateful that Fox New is around so I get a truth on things that counterbalances the propaganda put out by the Main Stream Media. Who owns the Main Street Media you ask? Old Money.

Rush makes a big mistake, however, in using the labels that are currently in vogue to define and explain the world he sees. In doing so he only obscures the real forcers that are bumping heads in the clash of things around us. There is and has always been, class warfare going on. The players are the same regardless of what you call them. There is the King, the Aristocrats, The Merchants, The skilled Workers, the Laborers and the slaves. Framing the world, using titles like Liberals and Conservatives, Republicans and Democrats, Socialism and Capitalism only confuses natural forcers that have been at play as far back as man discovered that collectively he/she had a better chance of making it as a group than all by themselves.

For my part I like the old fashioned labels. They resonate with clarity. Regardless of the form of government we still have a King. Instead of having one that serves at the pleasure of God, we elect one every few years. In other countries the King is the biggest, meanest hombre around and acquires the job through low cunning and brute force. Still a King is a King regardless of how he/(she?) comes to acquire the reins of power.

Next on the pecking order are the Aristocrats. This group is called different things in different parts of the world, ranging from ruling families, to nobility, to Old Money. I like the term "Old Money" and "Aristocrats' because it defines who this group really is.

The next rung is what I will call the middle class. It has gone by the label Working Class, Merchant Class, Artisans and Skilled laborers. Some break it down into Upper Middle Class made up of successful businessmen, inventors and innovators. They take a salary from the earnings of their enterprise. The Middle Class is comprised of those who are paid a salary. The lower middle class are those who have a "Job" and include workers, divided into an upper tier, with valuable skills, and a lower tier of those requiring a limited amount of training. At the bottom are the slaves, which remain in shackles regardless of the politically correct classification that happens to be in vogue.

The struggle we see playing out every day in the media is one between Old Money and New Money. Old Money can be defined as money that passes from one generation to the next and New Money as fortunes that rise and fall in the lifetime of the person who earns it. If one understands the dynamic in these terms it is easier to understand some of the unholy alliances that get forged between the various classes of society.

Some might wonder why Liberals (Old Money Families) have such a love affair with the poor and downtrodden. If you have sympathy for that line of bull they'll tell you it's because they feel a social obligation to return to the system some of the wealth they acquired for the benefit of promoting humanity in a cruel and unfair world. Am I amusing you? Do you really think these galvanized Aristocrats really give a rat’s petotti about the common man?

The reality is that in their arrogance they see themselves as existing on a social plane far above the “Unwashed” and fancy themselves uniquely qualified to promote the Arts and charities that represent the best, in their view, that humanity has to offer. They give “unselfishly” of the wealth passed to them, generations earlier, by ancestors who wrung it out of capitalistic enterprises. So why do these Aristocrats, masquerading as Liberals, have such empathy on one hand, for the lower classes that on the other, they have only contempt for?

The reason is that to control a Democracy they need the vote of the lower classes to acquire and maintain political power. One of the things the Aristocracy fears most is a rising middle class. I mentioned earlier some of their other worries but currently the power of the middle class, that expanded and grew in the aftermath of WW2, provided a real threat to a world of affluence that they considered their exclusive domain.

So if you wonder what's going on with these Liberals who made their wealth on capitalism and come to view the Constitution with such disdain… that actively promotes Socialism in our government, churches, schools as an alternative to Capitalism, the answer is that Socialism is easier to control than the powerful and unruly forces of the marketplace. To insure the continuation of the status quo, which provides the setting for their continuing affluence, Old Money needs to control the government, and in order to do that they need the vote. Where do these votes come from you ask…? They come form the lower classes of Americans currently being described as low information voters. Who pays the bill? The middle class does. All these charities and non-profits are little more than tax shelters created to insure the vast wealth of the old Money Class continues to grow and pass from one generation to the next. Socialism is seen as a means for redistributing the wealth of the middle class. Old Money wants New Money to stay within its generational boundaries.
November 18, 2013 at 9:58am
November 18, 2013 at 9:58am
Old Money

Old Money has made an industry out of protecting their wealth making payouts to family members and passing their nest egg, relatively intact from one generation to the next. They use mechanisms like Offshore Accounts, Foreign Investments, Living Trusts, Foundations, Charities, and other forms of Non-Profits to protect the vast amount of wealth they have acquired, manipulate and control. What started as the seed money from successful industrialists, entrepreneurs, and inventors has been passed from generation to generation and until recently doubled every seven years. Remember the rule of seven?

If you don’t try and recall how those mutual fund and policy insurance salesmen used it to sell their wares. They would tell you that if you invest, say a $1000 dollars and left the interest alone that in seven years the principle would double. If you let that $2,000 ride another seven years it became $4,000. If you let that $4,000 ride another seven it became $8,000… then $16,000, then $32,000, then $64,000, $128,000, $256,000, $512,000, and $1,024,000… so if you invested your original $1,000 at the age of twenty, it doubled every seven years when the investor was 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 61, 69, 76, 81, and so on until at the ripe old age of 88, the investor was a millionaire. For many years that was the way the system was set up to work and it did after a fashion.

Now if this would work for a paper-boy who made the initial investment when he was twenty years old, doubled down every seven years and became a millionaire ten cycles later, think of what the system generated for a Ford or Rockefeller who had millions in seed money to invest at the onset? The amount is staggering. If the paperboy fortune was allowed to ride through the next generation it became a billion and into a third a trillion. So when I’m talking about “Old Money” this is the scope of what I’m referring to. Still, its one thing to acquire wealth and quite another to keep it. The super rich live in a world of paranoia, worrying about how their unearned wealth might be taken away. Well, how might that happen you ask? Who is going to take away that huge hoard of wealth and power? Who do the super rich have to fear? Shown below are some of the potential “Redistributors” of their money:

The Government
The Middle Class
A collapse in the Economy
A redefinition of Wealth
A New World Order

I’ll be talking about these “worries” that keep the Aristocracy awake at night in the next few blogs.

November 17, 2013 at 10:06am
November 17, 2013 at 10:06am
My father fought against Communism. I dedicated my career to the same fight. I thought we had won the war with the collapse of the Soviet Empire, but I was wrong.

Socialism, the redheaded stepchild of Communism has been quietly making inroads in the United States, rotting us from the inside when our attention was turned outwards.

It has infiltrated our governments, churches, and schools captivating low information citizens with a utopian pipe dream. Sure, there is plenty wrong with capitalism but just look at any socialist state and compare it with what we have in the USA. When it comes to raising the standard of living free enterprise leaves socialism in a cloud of dust. However, the more people have the more they want and when they see the rich enjoying all that affluence, they want some of the same action. I guess it’s a part of human nature.

Socialism is an easy sell for our politicians. The idea of taking from the rich and giving to the poor has a definite appeal to the low information voters.” It worked for Robin Hood why not for everybody? The more we demand the more it costs and as the price goes up for all the unnecessary extravagance, so do wages and gradually our workers get priced out of the world market. Our grandchildren will inherit a huge debt and only a small fraction of the legacy we inherited from our forefathers and squandered on our watch. There is a saying, protect me from my friends, I can protect myself from my enemies. Well, the enemy is us and that insatiable appetite for all the “… good things in life."

As the Unions have poisoned the workplace, not with just demands for higher wages but with a cultural conflict between management and labor, jobs have gone overseas. It isn’t just the cost of labor that is causing this but the socially toxic climate in our factories and workplace. For example:

When I got out of the military I went back to tech school to learn how to maintain my old farm equipment. While attending MidState Technical College the class visited a John Deere Factory. One of the innovations the company wanted to show visitors was the process they used for team building engines. A team of ten technicians would build an engine from start to finish. The idea was that it would give the workers a better sense of accomplishment, building the whole thing, than by simply attaching the same component, day in and day out, on the assembly line.

As we sat around where this team engine building process was taking place, a middle manager was explaining how the concept worked. Repeatedly, he was heckled by the workers who made derisive comments about what he was trying to tell us. As I watched this happening it became clear to me how this guy was going to vote when he was one day in a position to influence moving the plant to china. Sure economics would play a part but deep down he'd remember the way he was treated by the labor force and closing down the factory would represent a form of payback. What goes around comes around. Now I’m not a hardcore capitalist, or a champion of management in the workplace. There’s a reason why unions gained a foothold and it was because of management abuses. However, what happened was that unions helped kill the goose that laid the golden egg. Even if someone hates the taste of goose there are alternatives to crapping in the rice bowl. There is always the alternative to seek employment elsewhere.

In our churches I have seen the rise of liberalism, which in many cases has brought with it improvements. However, it has also brought a huge down side. Whether the church admits it or not they don’t like veterans and while they might pay some lip service to the sacrifices on Veterans Day, deep down many feel the sacrifices were unnecessary. Make love not war was once a popular credo. There is the popular notion in the Methodist Church that peace is a state of nature that is achievable if men would only refuse to bear arms. I know it sounds stupid but it forms the core of a naïve belief and panders to those who are terrified by the possible loss of loved ones. There are worse things than dying in a war and one of them is living in a socialist state.

In state and federal governments is the same attitude. They keep hiring more people, offering them greater incentive packages, and retirement plans. If they can’t afford it they borrow the money and kick the can down the road.

In our schools the same socialist thinking is being foisted off on our young. The real hero’s of Vietnam, in the liberal mindset, were the protestors. They see nothing wrong in refusing to serve our country. Ministers are taught how to encourage... "the following of conscience." In sports it is now being advocated to quit keeping score at athletic events and declaring everyone the winner at the end of a game and providing a trophy to all the players at the end of a season. If this sounds absurd, then take note.

This might sound like a whole lot of "woe is me" and the same old “sky is falling” dribble but it’s more than that. This country is on the decline and it’s a damn shame. While American men and women stand bravely facing threats from abroad, our historical values are being eviserated and tossed out the back door. We have a president who changes laws to suit his fancy and views the Constitution as an abstract document that has reached the end of its service life. The bill is coming due. It’s a shame that our children and grand children are going to have to pay the piper.
November 16, 2013 at 10:00am
November 16, 2013 at 10:00am
I can’t for the life of me figure out why the Insurance Companies decided to get in bed with the Government on Health Care.

Clearly they were afraid of a single payer system that would have cut them out of the market. One would have thought they would have thrown their support behind the Republican candidates and fought the efforts of the government to socialize healthcare.

Instead they opted to support the middle of the road, Affordable Healthcare Act. Maybe they saw a socialized healthcare system as inevitable ... that half a pie was better than no pie at all. I can almost imagine the conversation taking place between some high salaried insurance executives on a company owned golf course.

“Hmmm,” someone might say between putts. “The handwritings on the wall. We can either get on the bandwagon and influence our destiny or Uncle Sam will become a “Self Insurer.” That will cut us totally out of the action.”

In the pause between putts another offers. “This self-insuring mechanism that many companies use these days, is really cutting into our profits. They actually choose to self-insure and hire us to manage their programs. This really sucks.”

“Yeah,” another chimes in, “and there is an exemption in the current law that gets self-insured companies off the hook. How many young workers, working for a self-insured company, are going to sign up for Obama-Care?”

Finally, and perhaps the most telling argument surfaces on the next hole. “Hey, I've an idea. Why not let the government become the bad guy and start making all the tough decisions on who is going to live or die?”

“Hell,” another responds, "they’re politicians. They’d never be stupid enough to sign up for that.”

“They’re pretty stupid,” another replies. “As the population ages there’s going to be more and more old people screaming to share in these high cost medical interventions. We already have a bad name, along with the lawyers, so why not let the government run the death panels and take the heat while we rake in the profits?”

“He’s right. If the country goes to a single-payer system, that leaves us out in the cold.”

“Bingo!” another answers, “and the country winds up with another one of those crapola health care systems, like they have in Canada and Europe.”

“Yeah,” comes a sigh, “In the end that’s what the Socialists always foist off on their low information followers.”

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