Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/biddle.connie
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1,493 Public Reviews Given
1,586 Total Reviews Given
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I look for a good hook at the beginning and like stories that "hit the ground running". Good plots with a theme, strong characters with an emotional impact, moving dialogue, sensory descriptions, clear communication and words with a purpose are strong points of a good story.
I'm good at...
knowing a good story when I read one. I like to read as much as I like to write, maybe more. I will let you know when a sentence just does not make sense to me, and I will try to give you my opinion on how to make it better.
Favorite Genres
biographical, family, drama, mystery, comedy, nature, young adult
Least Favorite Genres
sci-fi, erotica, fantasy, mythology
Favorite Item Types
short stories, essays, fiction & non-fiction
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novels...sorry, no time
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Rated: E | (4.5)

I too love to read, maybe more than to write. And the complete Harry Potter set resides on one of my bookshelves as well. You give just enough of a hint of Harry's life to make him sound interesting, and the uses you give of some of his free time seem logical to me.

I have been retired for several years like you and have many free hours to read. I never tire of it. Thanks for sharing your writing and for making me remember how enjoyable reading Harry was.

Rated: E | (5.0)
Good Morning HDC,

Oh, no, I hope this isn't true. But I could see it happening through your poetic description. Your play on words (best buy and star trek) is appreciated and add to the poem's lightness even though the subject is somewhat tragic.

This brought back memories...I guess we've all had "stuck" keys at one time or other. Thanks for putting it into perspective with rhyme and rhythm. And please keep on writing. Thanks for sharing.

Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi AmyJo,

Your poem has put me into Thanksgiving mode...and yes, Christmas shopping soon to follow. You describe the scene perfectly, and thanks for all the symbols, a thousand words, right?

Although I'm getting up there in age, shopping is one thing I am tech savvy in. I agree wholeheartedly with less stress. I liked your rhythm and rhyme and the poetic story you tell. Thanks for sharing your writing.

Review of Homesick  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good Morning,

Your poem took me back and made me homesick. But, then, I began to think it's about the people we have lost, so many that not even "home" would be the same. You do a great job of leading me down that path with the urge to not take the path we are on for granted.

Thanks for sharing words that touched my heart.

Review of Learning  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Jacky,

I give Janice a lot of credit since she's only 7! She's mindful of the squeaks and the light...but forgets that her mom may be sneaky, too. Yes, she has a lot to learn to be a spy...circus performer, too, although climbing up onto a chair may be a start.

Cute story. Thanks for sharing.

Review of Autumn  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Good Evening,

I cannot imagine anyone who does not enjoy the colors of fall, and your short essay brings that color front and center. Here in north Florida, we have a limited palette, but I am originally from Delaware and remember the brilliancy of sugar maples in particular. Even barren trees were and are as interesting to me as a full-fledged palette.

Your contrast of the red against gray of your neighbor's house made me think of an autumn greeting card I once sent to someone. The changing of the colors and the activities that go along with it bring back many memories of years gone by.

Thanks for sharing your writing and your definition of autumn with me.

Connie in Gainesville, Fl.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Kare,

I absolutely love this. It could be a children's book...easily...with pictures!!! It gave me such a wonderful feeling and so many possibilities!!

Okay, sorry for all the exclamation points, but I really liked it. And thanks for the info at the end. I'm looking that up on Google maps.

Please keep writing and keep sharing.

Your friend,
Review of Parade  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Jacky,

As a short person myself, your first line pulled me into this short story. And, yes, I agree the older one gets the more difficult it becomes to see, reach, and out-maneuver those tall and average size people.

But your story has given me a plus side...I can easily hide in the shadows of taller folks and stay out of danger.

I think in this sentence (Finally, I deciding to get down and find my friends.) you probably meant to say "decided", and that is the only suggestion I have for improvement.

I hope you won the contest and please keep writing and sharing.


Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Scarypotato,

This is a little bit of a scary article to go with your handle. My favorite line was: Our AI therapist will have you feeling better in twenty questions or less! And it was the only appealing thing to me about the Titan Guidelines.

My only other reading experience about Titan was Kurt Vonnegut's book...which I enjoyed...sort of.

The article seemed very original and creative, and it was well-written as guidelines should be

Thank you for sharing your writing.

Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Ned,

I found your story on the read and review page. It was well-written and easy to read.

Although not a new concept, your tale made my heart sing for a little boy who needed friends and found them. When I was little, most of my fairy tales came from the book of the brothers Grimm and did not lend themselves to happy endings. So I was pleased with your ending.

I enjoyed reading your story and hope you continue to write and share.

Your WDC reviewer,
Review of Dreamer  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Beholden,

Congrats on your win! I easily read through your well-written story. It had a steady pace, flowed well and was deserving of the prize! The dialogue seemed easy and natural, and you kept close to the quotation prompt.

Thanks for sharing your writing and please continue.

Review of Scrabble beats me  
Rated: E | (5.0)

I love Scrabble! And I play online with a computer. Many many kudos to your daughter for liking this game. She may become a writer like you!

Your story is well-written with plenty of white space for my tired old eyes. And you have just the right amount of conversation to show and tell. Your supper deal added interest to the plot while showing some character points as well. You were trying to lower your risk. Good for you.

Thanks for sharing this personal story (true or not) and please "keep on writing."

Review of Stubborn Old Boy  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Sonali,

It is amazing how the mind can bend things to suit what the body needs. Grandpa was missing Grandma!

You tell a great story including plot, character, and theme. The message comes across loud and clear. And the dialogue is just right.

Thanks for sharing!!!

Rated: E | (4.5)

Yes, pets are family, and their loss is long-lasting.

I liked reading your good memories of Duke and am sorry for your loss. Pets know who to love and we have to return that love, as simple as that.

And I think there is always one that we love best. Mine was Mopsy, a kitty who did things her own way.

Thanks for sharing and keep writing.

Review of TRUE FRIENDS  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Naomi,

As a thank you for your review of me, I am reviewing you.

I can tell that this is a heartfelt essay and one with special meaning for you. Your words ring true with thoughtfulness and sincerity.

I especially like your stance on honesty in a friendship. I place a great value on honesty in all aspects of my life and if I would need to list one thing most important to a friendship, it would be honesty.

Thanks for sharing your writing.

Review of The Last Blaze  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Spidey,

What a cute story and I hope you won something with it. Once a firefighter, always a firefighter. It reminds me of my grandson-in-law, who is one. And his Dad was, too. He probably felt just like this at his retirement...but, hopefully, did not have the same mishap.

You tell the story well, revealing the camaraderie of the group and the loss of a loved structure in one's life. Thanks for sharing.


Rated: E | (4.0)

This all sounds so familiar. I guess I'm at that same age where long ago memories and the deaths of schoolmates is uppermost in my thoughts these days. If the goal of this short story is to communicate to people like me, then, the job is well done.

Your writing is easy to read, well punctuated and gets right to the point without a lot of frills.

Thanks for sharing and keep writing.

Review of PHOTOGRAPH  
Rated: E | (4.5)

This poem reminded me of a trunk I inherited from my Uncle Johnny. It was filled with old photo albums, pictures of people unknown to me with no inscriptions on the backs or dates or marks of any kind. So...I just had to make up my own scenarios.

Your poem is melancholy, somber but not sad, pensive and thoughtful. It has good rhyme and rhythm, good flow. I liked the last stanza the best because it seems to me to be so very true.

Thank you for sharing...and keep writing poetry.

Review of The Avalanche  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Sumojo,

You have written a good recreation of what it much be like to be trapped underneath an avalanche. It might be the basis for a much longer and very interesting story/book. You have done a good job of putting a great deal of information into a low word count.

I am not a snow person. That is, I'm not crazy about it, but I have been in it, and your short story inhibited its favor even more.

I would switch this sentence around just a bit: Fifteen minutes later by some miracle Steve located the back of her leg as he thrust his hands into the deep snow frantically searching for her. I would write it as: Fifteen minutes later as he frantically thrust his hands into the deep snow, Steve miraculously located the back of her leg. Just a bit better flow of the event in my opinion, but my opinion only.

Thanks so much for sharing your writing, and I hope you did well in the contest.

Rated: E | (5.0)

I choose life as well. I've been a church-goer, not so much anymore. Now, I just try to follow the golden rule and thank the Almighty that I am allowed to live another day. That is so easy to do while looking out my porch door each morning in awe of the beautiful sky above, thankful for all my senses in tact, for my motion and my place in space.

Thanks for sharing your wise words and bringing my attention to my thankfulness again today.

Review of Heading Home  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello HuntersMoon,

I thought how appropriate that this poem (lyric) came up as we mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth, so many poignant lines to thoughts in our minds today relating to how she must feel and be thinking if that were possible.

These lines have a tune of their own and I found myself actually singing (not out loud, thankfully) as I read. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

Review of DISCRETION  
Rated: E | (4.5)

I enjoyed reading this poem and agree with everything it says. The only problem is getting my mouth to follow suit...but I think I am improving. I find the trick to improvement is to count to 3 or 4 or 5 or more before operating my tongue.

You have great rhythm and rhyme. The only place I stumbled a teensy bit was in the last verse although the message was loud and clear. Sorry, but I wouldn't presume to offer any improvement. It is great as is. Thanks for sharing.

Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Jacky,

I can so empathize with all this! It is amazing how our thought process works when something is not as we think it should be. Maybe it is the writer in us. I can make up all kinds of stories just as you did. And the problem does not necessarily need to be a computer problem. It can be anything that does not jive with my expectation.

Thanks for sharing your very relevant and relatable thought process. Hope you did well in the contest.

Review of I Live There  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Paul,

I enjoyed reading this snippet of life above a live theater, a totally unknown experience for me. I can imagine it though, through your words so you have accomplished your writing goal.

Contact with those who have passed through is also interesting to me, and I'm open to that idea. People live in our hearts, and who is to say that is not real?

Thanks for sharing your writing, and please keep on with all your talents.

Review of in the aftermath  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Rhyssa,

You have captured the emotions of the aftermath of argument with someone you really love. The hurt and fear of your weakness being known if you "give in" first is shouted through your stanza.

Although many have felt this way, you do a great job of putting it into words that everyone can understand in their heart.

Thanks for sharing and keep writing.

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