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Review of Time  
Review by Cypress
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I'll have an eye operation on Sep. 27, Meanwhile I won't see my own typos, much less yours. That won't keep me from having fun reading and giving my gut feelings about the excellent "stuff" found here.

Time is of the essence so I will get on with my review of this well written "Essay" that contains a lot of meanignful material.

Time is of the essence is an old English contrac law term which is sitll used in cotracts today, it means that if you do not fulfill your obligaitons under the cotnract by a specific time and date the contract is kaput.

Time is of the essence because today is Sunday and I quit a bit of left-over angel dust to spread. My last assignment only lasted eight days so I have dust to spare and will sprinkle some on your magnificent sharing.

Finding you here this morning remidns me of the day I reluctantly walked into the hospital room of a terminally ill lady. She stared at me, stared hard as if I was difficult to look at, then she said, "God is supposed to send me an angel today." Too bad, I hung aroudn there for eight days and she only got me.
You can see her at "Just a Substitute Angel ID 880258. Is that a hint, or what.

You item was about time, but i got wonderful picture of you. Your age, your profession, your avocation for classic books, and perhaps that you don't have the enthusiasm for teaching that you once had, and maybe even that you don't have the enthusiasm for life that you once had.

I'll use another old classic term, "I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine," Ouch and ouch. Don't say that to a cat with sharp claws or to a writing professor with a sharp scalpel.

However, that is exactly what I need for my frog-kissing essays. A sharp scalpel in a tender hand.
Of course any good doctor will do a pre-op exam before operating so you can find "The Cypress Creek Kid's introduction at ID 880435.

Darn, Darn. I wrote almost as much in my review as you did in your essay.


Review by Cypress
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your "the fairy in her orchard" was a delightful piece.

You really painted a nice lighthearted picture of the good time they had that day.

You did not ruin it for me when you told me the fairy cut off the little girls pigtails while she slept.

I had to imagine what I would tell that little girl. "Well, honey the fairy liked you so much that she wanted something to remember you by."

If you want something to remember me by don't take any of my hair, i'm 74 and don't have much left.

You can go to my Intro 880435 and get your memorial.

Thanks for a deligtful well written story.


Review of Sublime  
Review by Cypress
Rated: E | (4.5)
I read your "sublime" and was so touched by your words.
As a pastor and counselor for 35 years I have had to grope for words, and of course I don't have any one-size fits all. So, sometimes I'm inspired on the spot, and other times a kiss on the forehead, or a hand on the shoulder or a clasp of the had has to suffice.

Well done


Review of To Learn to Fly  
Review by Cypress
Rated: E | (4.5)
I read your "To Learn To Fly" I love to fly IN BIG PLANES.

Your poem was well written and very descriptive, describing everything except what kind of instrument you were using, perhaps a hand glider, etc.

Please don't tell me. I forbid you to tell me. I love to wonder.

The Cypress Creek Kid, ID 880435

Review of Love's Meanings  
Review by Cypress
Rated: E | (4.5)
I read your poem "Love's Meanings" and it was good to stop and look at some of the facets of love.
The word love is bandied around so much.

In my very short intro ID 880435, I say "I don't write about "busted love" I leave that to the song writers.

After reading your peom I'm thinking about putting another line in there that reflects the central thought of your poem


Review of Growing Up Trina  
Review by Cypress
Rated: E | (4.5)
I read your "Growing Up Trina" and it brought back many pleasant memories. Now my babies are in their fifties, but it seems like yesterday.

I could multiply this by two because my babies were twins.

Now I'm grandpa and very eligible to be great grandpa.

Thanks for a good read - I saw no flaws.

The Cypress Creek Kid ID 880435

Review of A Promise Broken  
Review by Cypress
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
i read your item "A Broken Promise" and was fascinated by the breaks in the lines and I didn't have any great difficulty following the progression of your thoughts.

I had some feeling about your anguish as you compared it to hell.

And in my mind you ruined it when you put the disclaimer at the bottom

You might want to read my "Who is This Kid? ID 878111 and "The Mix 878102."

How would you feel if after reading tose two I told you that no such person exists.

Throughout my entire collection. I leave the reader hanging as to how much of this is fact and how much is bull*** and hope they can't sort it.

I don't want people to tell me.... let me wonder. or as Eddy Arnold said in one of his hit song, "I wonder I wonder, but I really don't want to know."


The Kid from Cypress Creek Intro 880435

Review by Cypress
Rated: E | (5.0)
I read your "Vacillation" and have to give it a 5.0, it was a masterful job in expressing thoughts to one's self, and hope the peson can express or convey those thoughts to the other party.

If I wrote a poem like that I would put it on a nice piece of stationary, put perfume on it and put it in a nice envelope and pthen ut it on the persons pillow or some other appropriate place.

The Kid from Cypress Creek ID 880435

Review of NOOSE  
Review by Cypress
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I read your poem "Noose"

I read only for the message because I am not qualified on poem construction

It sounds like these two people have problems, but each is engrossed in his own problem and needs, and has no time or tendency to focus on the others one's needs.

Dealing with pain is difficult for most people


Review of In Marius' Arms  
Review by Cypress
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I read your "In Marious' Arms" and found it to be a well constructed and a very though provokign poem.

You words flow well in the stanzas and the stanzas flow into each other quite well.

However, I am not sure I get it as far as the meaning of the poem is concerned.

Cypress at ID 880435

Review by Cypress
Rated: E | (4.5)
I enjoyed my read of "The Canine's Howling at the Moon," you showed good imagination, and your lines were so well balanced. The rhyming of the words at the end of the lines was very good,

I suppose I'm old fashioned but I like my poems to rhyme and also make sense.

IT was an easy and enjoyable read

Frog kisser estraordinare at ID 880435

Review of Silently Running  
Review by Cypress
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your poem "Silently Running" says what you are thinking and feeling in clearly and in very few words. However, if makes me wonder the reason for this problem and if you had tried remedies of correcting it.

You might want to stop at my introduction ID 880435, and then proceed to some of my frog-kissing "stuff."
Review by Cypress
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I read your poem, "The Black Marriage" and it left me wondering.

I'm not a poetry writer or reader but I sometimesuse short poems in my wpeaking.

I had difficulty with yours, but I don't know if breaking it into stanzas would make the message any less hidden. It certianly would make it easier to read.

You can get even by finding me at ID 880435

Review of The Kiss  
Review by Cypress
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I saw your request for review on "The Kiss" and I regret that I can't share much expertise on the subject, I got married when I was a baby (age 18) and have been faithful for 54 years.

However, I think you could probably use more dialogue in the piece and and involve the characters as people.

You are extremely good with the telling, but I think dialogue would involve me more.

You can read some of my pieces and you wil l e able to say the same thing -- I need to use diagog more and better. My Intro ID 880435.


Review of Never Die  
Review by Cypress
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
In my review of Never Die I understand the deadness you feel when love dies.

I think you expressed yourself well and there will be a few people who know how you feel because of their experiences.

I think your use of the F--- word detracts rather than adds to your writing.

Review by Cypress
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
My rating of the beginning of Wesley's tale is based on the story and the devleopment of the characters and not on the technical construciton.

I think you did well in getting your characters into the picture and letting me see how they react, Wesley, Megan, the dog, the sheep all seem to blend in well.

Review of My Computer  
Review by Cypress
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Absolutely perfect.

And if I find a way of pouring abuse on an inanimate object I will let you know.

They are making computers better nowadays but in spite of all they still crash occasionally.

You will find a cute little item I wrote on this subject. Wrote it ten Yearyears ago.

Humpty Dumpty 879521 and prologue Off The Wall Solution ID 879527 Only a page each

Write on, and enjoy more.

Cypress also Goodshep
Review of That was me  
Review by Cypress
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like your "Faithfully I await your return" it is well written and very expressive.

Expressing the sending thoughts and feelings out over space and hoping the other person receivies the feelings and thoughts is an interesting thing. My personal opinion is that it sometiems works.

I'm not proficient rating structur but it flowed fine for me.


Review of "Moving On"  
Review by Cypress
Rated: E | (4.0)
As I read your "Moving On" I understood your musing and your analysis very well. I partially understand your feelings, but do not quite understand what has changed to make you feel this way.

Perhaps it is that you grew in your relationship and began to expect more than casual friendship and that desire was not shared.

However, your title and your conclusion is perfect.

Move on. Move on in your thinking and move on in your writing.

Perhaps you should drive a stake in the ground and refuse to look backward behind it, as I did in ID 878296 Down to Earth at Dover/


Review of Monologue  
Review by Cypress
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Reviewing your "Monologue" I find that you deal with quite a few negatives and also assert some very much needed positive thoughts.

I think it would improve the piece if you talked back to yourself by adding some encouraging sentences as you speak to yourself. You need encoruagemnt so encourage yourself.


Review by Cypress
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I had no difficulty with your introduction even though it includes quite a bit of data. Your writing is very vivid and clearly brings out sounds, sights and feelings.

You have enough about characters to make the reader wonder about them. You have also created some suspense about what lies ahead.

Well done. Write on
Review by Cypress
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Humble you asked for and huble you get. I'm not skillful with grammar and punctuation so I read for the message.

Your message was good and your description of both scene and action was also done well

My oveall comment is that you should work on creating logner more complex sentences. An over abbundance of short sentences slows the reader.

I also think your "held the kitten under its ARMS stopped others ans it did me. I had to ponder this because kittens do not have arms. Perhaps under its front legs.


Review of An Eternal Moment  
Review by Cypress
Rated: E | (4.5)
I liked your well developed story. I am a retired minister and understand how estranged familes sometiems come together during times of death and at other times death scatters them even more.

n a letter to his pricness the Cypress Creek Kids shares a brief thought aobut this. ID 880833 The Cypress Creek Kid's letters to Pricness.
Review of Gadfly  
Review by Cypress
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear John;

Was up and wandering on the net and found your poem about wandering.

I liked your wandering thoughts. People who wander are not what some people thing about them.

Some only travel when they have a specific goal or destination but it is nisce to just wander.

As I wander I wonder why the title Gad. I have a friend that often uses it but she spells it Gadddddddd!


Review of Cannot Help It  
Review by Cypress
Rated: E | (4.5)
A well written and thought provoking poem. I suppose that falling in love is most often goverend by some inner working of our complex system.

I also think that people fall out of love, if they didn't the song writers would be out of business. Almost half of the popular songs today are about "busted love."
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