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Review of Rain Dancer  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Lexi !

*Reading*This is the sixth of ten reviews you won in "Invalid Item. I will be reviewing your piece "Rain Dancer, which I found in your folder containing works about friends and family. *Smile* I hope you find my review helpful!

Positive Point(s):
*Bullet*This is just a precious little piece!
*Bullet*Good wordplay, nice flow—very smooth.
*Bullet*The length is ideal. It is short but packed with good imagery.
*Bullet*The title and description is really good. It caught my attention immediately and made me intrigued in what the piece is about.
*Bullet*I like the subject. It is playful and fun to read.

*Bullet*The only one I have relates to the presentation of the piece. It is not really a big deal, but maybe you could add a few spaces at the start of the item so the gap at the bottom wouldn't be too obvious. It distracted me.

My Favorite Part(s):
washing away her pain
pirouetting across the miles.
*Right*Excellent wordplay *Thumbsup*

Keep writing and God bless!

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"Invalid Item | "Invalid Item

Review of Certain Sacrifice  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Lexi !

*Reading*This is the third of ten reviews you won in "Invalid Item. I will be reviewing your piece "Certain Sacrifice, which I found in your folder all about friends and family. *Smile* I hope you find my review helpful!

Positive Point(s):
*Bullet*Wow,this is your third piece I have rated five stars today! *Delight* That's just awesome; your work just cuts and burns their impression on my heart.
*Bullet*This piece is very strong. The emotions are hard-hitting; I think some readers will even cry if they read this especially is they can relate.
*Bullet*Brilliant use of wordplay.
*Bullet*Nice flow—smooth and very easy to read.
*Bullet*Awesome imagery! I had a picture of a mother and child during ancient times just holding on to one another, grey skies behind them as smoke rises out or building fires. I know, my imagination ran away, but that's really good! You inspired me and made me think.

*Bullet*Adding a few punctuation marks would be good for the piece, in my humble opinion. It really helps in pacing the piece, as well as helps in conveying the emotions to the readers.
*Bullet*Not every line should begin with a capitalized letter. If the thought is continuous, I think it is best to lower-case it.

My Favorite Part(s):
Precious little baby boy in womb
Now lies buried by my tears in his tomb
*Right*The drama here is so good! You almost made me cry. The last line was really effective and tied the piece up really well.

Keep writing and God bless!

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"Invalid Item | "Invalid Item

Review by Equilibrium
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Silence !

*Reading*Thank you for posting in "Invalid Item. Below are my thoughts and opinions on your piece "Poems with limited space; I hope you will enjoy reading them and find them helpful as well.

To make this review easier both for you and me, I will separate this into headings that will more or less dissect your story. Let's begin.

Positive Point(s):
*Bullet*The opening paragraph is captivating. It immediately held my attention.
*Bullet*The plot is intriguing. It has all the classic ingredients of a fantasy/adventure story, with hidden treasures and rough rogues as characters.
*Bullet*I like how Juzo is not all kind and heroic. being all angelic makes a character unbelievable unless the author has credible background information on why they are like that. Here, the character and attitude of Juzo is realistic. Human nature is evident, and that makes him realistic.
*Bullet*In some parts, my imagination conjured these really vivid setting scenes though the help of your descriptions. Well done.
*Bullet*It is nice how you started this off with an action/adventure feel to it, right away. It kept the plot and storyline going strong; it did not drag on and on with info dumps and such.
*Bullet*You placed the background information well, scattering it thoughout the piece.
*Bullet*I like how you changed their way of speaking. It adds authenticity.

Negative Point(s):
*Bullet*There are grammatical/punctuation errors I spotted (they are highlighted below).
*Bullet*Some scenes were rushed and lack transition.
*Bullet*In the latter part, the character is disconnected to what is happening around him because the narration failed to describe his reactions and the dialogue, his thoughts.
*Bullet*The structure of some sentences are incomplete, lacking connectors that should bind them together.

*Cut*I took the liberty and highlighted parts which I felt needed your attention. I hope you don't mind, but I added my own revisions and suggestions along with it. I am not an expert on grammar and/or punctuation but I hope my suggestions help you. Please feel free to use any or none of them. *Smile*

Up there, where fresh air sang and green grass gathered under the ancient crimson sun, and where neck and neck stubborn trees raced for the heaven, it was nothing similiar to the hollow down here, where Juzo hung like a fish on a line, captured in pitch-black darkness.
You repeated the word neck; maybe it's a typo? Omitting one is suggested. Also, the second underlined word should be heavens since the is placed before it. If you want it to remain as heaven, omit the.

The rogue wiggled on the rope now envious of the air which gracefully fled towards the sky.
This would read better if you add a comma after rope.

It is the times like these that I wish I had stayed a goat herder.
Omit the underlined word.

But then again, I wouldn’t get the sick satisfaction of severing frightened heads and slicing the treacherous veins of cowards and fools.
You know the advice show, don't tell? That is my suggestion in this line. You told the readers, but didn't show. To me, this line is trying too hard to paint a hardcore picture of the character. Try to tone this down a bit.

In the end, really... what is anything worth? He pondered deeply.
Omit the underlined sentence. The paragraph as a whole are the character's thoughts, so you do not have to say 'he thought' or 'he pondered'. It is already understood. Also, when using an ellipsis (...) that is situated in the middle of a sentence, always add a space before and after it.

Juzo couldn't see the wall anymore, only feel it with his outstretching foot.
Either replace the comma with a semi-colon or add but before only.

Juzo was blind in the belly of hell, he didn't know where he was or what he was doing anymore, only that he coudn't descend any further because he was at the end of his 150 meter rope!
I noticed you fail to connect thoughts within a sentence. Adding a comma doesn't cut it in some, like in the underlined part. I think an M-dash (ALT + 0151) will work nicely in that part in replacement of the comma. It doesn't need any space before or after it.
Another issue I want to address is the use of exclamation points. Use them sparingly and only when really needed. In this part, it only made the line too dramatical and that is not good. A period would do just fine here.

*Cut*Italicize parts you want to stress; don't capitalize it.

Clink, tink, it bounced off the rocky depths in 0.6 seconds he estimated with precision.
The underlined part are sounds. It should not be written that way unless they are italicized to set them apart from narration. Or, you can say It clinked against the rocky depths as it bounced on its surface or something like that.
Giving such a precise estimation of seconds is a little too much for me, atleast in the way you presneted it. I think it is because the sentence is too short, as if you hurried as you wrote it. A little rephrasing is suggested.

Butterflies tingling, he fastened his backpack loops snuggly, and after inhaling a deep breath as if it would be his last, he released his grip and fell swiftly into the darkness, stomach rising to his throat.
This is too long. Dividing it into two sentences is suggested. In my opinion, the first sentence should end after snuggly. Since you do not need a connector anymore, you should omit and.

He hurried to steady himself as the bumpy rocky floor twisted his ankle pulling him towards the stalagmited wall. “Owe!” the spiny wall stabbed his index finger causing droplets of blood to fall to his feet.
Add a comma after ankle and finger. Also, I think the exclamation of hurt should be spelled as Ow.

It was a strange contraption; not lit with naked flame like normal torches, but instead with rapid movement, or transient-friction as Grugo, the loopy chemist called it.
Remove the comma after movement and add a comma after chemist.

Loki was the Rogue Lord, a leader of an army of thieves, but they didn't consider themselves thieves, they were "collectors."
Again, this was a bit hurried. Rephrasing it to something like this will better the read: Loki was the Rogue Lord, a leader of an army of thieves, though they didn't consider themselves as a band of such. Instead, they preferred to be called "collectors."

When Juzo was a tot of nine years old, he stole a goat from his neighbor but he got caught.
Omit the underlined part. You do not need to repeat it.

...always sending Juzo out on crazy quest, expecting him to find gold and magic. Juzo found gold but never found magic. He had never seen magic in that matter.
quest should be quests. In the underlined part, add a comma after magic and replace in with for.

Loki repeated it so many times Juzo unwillingly remembered it by heart,
Too bland. Try this: Juzo knew, for Loki had repeated it so many times that he unwillingly remembered it by heart:

*Cut*Italicize the prophecy to make a distinction.

A voice echoed loudly from entrance hole, sounding young and whiny.
Add the after from.

“Gobi”, Juzo sneered under his breathed. He yelled in reply, “it’s safe butch ya need a longer rope!”
The comma should be inside the quotation mark. The word breathed should be breath. The underlined part is confusing. I understand it is their way of speaking, but please make that clearer.

It was silent.
What was silent? Did you mean Gobi? If so, it should be Gobi was silent.

Ah, he saw his shuriken laying wedged between two stones.
This just doesn't seem the right phrasing for me. Why write Ah? It is not needed and made the sentence awkward. If you can change it to something like It was his shuriken, laying wedged between two stones. the read would be better.

Where is that coming from?
Be careful with your tenses; do not shift. I believe is should be was in this part.

“Hello, Gobi.” Juzo spoke in a slightly annoyed tone. “Where did ye get that rope?’
This needs to be in another paragraph. I also think the period in the dialogue should be a comma (read what follows the dialogue).

“Help me budge this here stone. It is blocking our entrance into the cave.” Juzo ordered.
If this is how they speak, then that is fine. But, if the phrasing of this dialogue is not intentional, then here should be placed after stone

Juzo beckoned, “I thought you were ready to be a man, but apparently you're still just a boy.” He was keen at pressing buttons.
Expanding this is suggested. This is the perfect opportunity to show the readers how Juzo and his mind works—the little details of his character as well as those of Gobi's. For example, you can say Juzo knew Gobi can be puched to do anything if urged the right way, or something to that effect.

In unison, the two rogues wedged their hands behind the large boulder and with much strain, they rolled the boulder out of the way.

“Be quiet.” Juzo glared. “We don’t wanna awaken any unwelcoming hosts.” What a fool, Juzo thought. If he wasn’t Loki’s son, I would slice his neck right now.
In the opening dialogue, that is the time to use an exclamation point. Also, do not forget to italicize thoughts; it will separate them from narration.

Just forward the domed passageway funneled into a smaller boxy passageway, and five meters inward there looked to be a solid wall.
The read was awkward. Replacing forward with ahead and adding a comma after it will better the flow. I also suggest replacing the second passageway with a synonym.

Instantly, the pebble ricocheted and shot directly at the young-rogues face, he dodged it with a trained sidestep.
In some parts, you fail to give needed details. The underlined part is abrupt and you need to expand it. With the way you phrased this, it makes a sentence all on its own and doesn't read like it's connected to the previosu thought. (Maybe it is better to separate it into another sentence.)

“Ah what dis be?”
Add a comma after Ah.

A meter-thick slab of the left-wall began arising, shaking and humming as it arose inch by inch towards the roof, spewing dust everywhere.
rising, rose

When he did finally, he appeared bewildered; his blue eyes were wide and attentive.
Interchange the postion of did and finally. Replace the sem-colon with a comma.

His anxious eyes darted at where the moving wall once was. Now, visible through the dust, he could see some kind of medal handles lined parallel apart. “I found some secret levers!” Bragged Gobi. He used the torchlight for a closer examination.
Omit at after darted and replace it with to. Also, there is no transition with Gobi being scared to suddenly being all bragging and jumping into investigating. Inserting some more narration before the underlined part, probably about Gobi's sudden emotional change, is suggested.

A scruffy voice spoke from distance.
Add a after from. If this is Juzo speaking, then no need to pertain to him as 'a voice'. It will make the readers think someone else besides him said this.

*Cut*I find there are too many parts (narration and dialogue) where a comma is missing. I will not highlight all of them and trust you to spot them yourself. After all, I already provided you examples above.

“I can read it too, and it say: When the mountain erupts and the fields are burned, the trees are broken and the heart is yearned, passed the forest and into the sea, a foul beast eats upon your flesh. If that beast is eaten first, and the tree is left unbroken, the mountain shall erupt and the entranceway shall open. What da heck dat suppose to mean?”
Either italicize the 'instructions', or close the dialogue first and then begin it again with Gobu's own words to set the markigns and his actual dialogue. Also, I am under the impression the word passed should be past.

*Cut*After the last part I highlighted, things happened too quickly. The narration is abrupt and in some parts incomplete. You suddenly sprung into action and described what suddenly happened, but kept the character's thoughts and emotions detached from it all. Was Juzo surprised with the sudden commotion in the cave? What did he felt when he saw Gobi's head crack open? Was he even surprised? There are many questions needing to be answered. The word choice 'wave' was also confusing. It pertains to water, and I think it should not be used since what happened was an earthquake. You could say, though, that 'Juzo rode the waterless waves'.

Last Notes (Suggestions/Explanations)
Focus on how you phrase your sentences. In some parts, they lack connectors. You need to weave them together and not just throw them into one place. Also, I made most of suggestions to better the flow and create a clearer puicture of what you are saying.
         Also remember to take your time to write. Don't hurry! Expand parts that need it, but that doesn't mean you have to go on and on either. Show the details, make the reader 'see' your story and make then feel they are a part of it.

*Reading*I really think this has a lot of potential. For a first chapter, you did pretty well in building up a plot and introducing the character(s). I really wish you the best in writing the next chapters of this work; I know creating a novel is really hard but with patience and the strength to do the edits, you can really make it. So far, polishing this to make it shine is needed but I', sure you have the capability to succeed in doing that.

Write on!

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"Invalid Item

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Serenity !

*Reading*This is an eye-catching piece. The title, which also happens to be a question, is quite intriguing. Before I even clicked on you item I was already wrapped up in thoughts—and that's good. You made me think.

*Thumbsup*What I liked
*Bullet*The opening line is great! If I was intrigued by your title, I was hooked beginning the opening line.
*Bullet*I think the length of the piece works well. It's short, but it is packed with good wordplay and an interesting message.
*Bullet*The description and imagery is superb. The piece is packed with it.

*Cut*I know you said you wouldn't change anything, but I might as well voice my opinions, too. These are only my opinions so please, discard or ignore them if you want to. *Smile*
*Bullet*I think the fourth line should be ended with an ellipsis. It will help better the read as well as the flow. Also, it will make a good segway for the last line.
*Bullet*You might want to consider rearraging the presentation of the piece. Like for example, you can indent the last line or something to that effect. Just a little change—not anything too big. I think it will help make the flow smoother. Also, it will be much more attractive to the eyes.

*Star*My Favorite Part
Rainbows kiss my face
*Right*I really like this line. A great opening, with effective wordplay and use of descriptions.

Keep up the good work!

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"Invalid Item

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of An Artilius  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Amadeus Taire Vol !

*Reading*I thoroughly enjoyed reading this piece! I found your work on the Read a Newbie page, and I'm glad I decided to peek inside your item. So, as my way of welcoming you to the Writing.Com community, here is my review of "An Artilius

*Thumbsup*What I liked
*Bullet*I was sucked in by your wordplay. Very expressive, very emotional.
*Bullet*You teased my imagination, as the reader, with your imagery and description.
*Bullet*The story you told is simply captivating. *Bullet*The narration is effective.

*Bullet*Reread the piece and look out for those parts where punctuation is needed. It helps in bringing the piece together and in bringing out more emotion.
*Bullet*The line For in I am hamlet is confusing. Omitting for will make the line clearer.

*Star*My Favorite Part
I am the insane and you observers
I am the depressed and you the unexpressed

*Reading*You started the piece really well. Through the good wordplay, you immediately caught my attention and held me captive all throughout the piece. Well done.

Write On!

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"Invalid Item

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Night  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Forge !

*Reading*This piece have some real potential. The imagery and set-up are good; I think the main weakness of this piece lies in the arrangement.

In the first verse, the read was bumpy and distracting. The first line is really good, but then comes the second and you lost me. It seemed as though a thought is cut off. You described water like the canvas for paint from the moon, but because you put a comma after water, you are implying you want to say something about it after its description. The second line should have taken care of that. Also, I think it should be Water, like the canvas' paint from the moon, It is less confusing when phrased like that.

It takes a couple or more reads to get the hang of the piece; after the third read one begins to appreciate the words and their flow. But, to tell you honestly, the first read may confuse or be too distracting for some because of the repetition.

In the last verse, the last line was a little off for me. It seemed a little abrupt; the rhythm wasn't that good. I know this isn't a rhyming poem, but the sudden change in rhyme, especially since soul and glow rhyme, is a factor why the ending didn't tie the piece up that well.

My main suggestion is for you to reread and edit this poem. Editing is dirty work, but every writer has to do it. Besides, when the piece is polished, it will reflect the author. *Smile*

My Favorite Part(s):
*Right*The second verse caught my attention the most. The imagery here is very vivid and creative.

Write On!

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"Invalid Item

Review of Aggression  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Lexi !

*Reading*This is the second of two reviews you won in "Invalid Item. Below is my review of your piece "Aggression; I hope you find it helpful.

Positive Point(s):
*Bullet*Great description of the item! It contradicts one of the most used expressions and because of that I was really intrigued.
*Bullet*The imagery and description was superb. Very clear, very expressive. You made my imagination run wild as I was reading.
*Bullet*The flow was smooth.

*Bullet*This is not really a suggestion but more of a question. Why didn't you use any ending punctuation marks? Did you use a certain form? I am under that impression because of the way you arranged the lines and verses.

My Favorite Part(s):
Frozen tears falling,
icy marshmallow sheets of
peanut butter sleet
*Right*Very creative.

Write on!

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"Invalid Item

Review of My Lighthouse  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Lexi !

*Reading*This is the first of two reviews you won in "Invalid Item. Below is my review of your piece "My Lighthouse; I hope you find it helpful.

Positive Point(s):
*Bullet*I love the message. It is very heartwarming and made me reflect on my personal relationship with the Lord.
*Bullet*I like how you repeated the last line in every verse. It brought the piece together and created a terrific ending.
*Bullet*The wordplay was quite effective.
*Bullet*The use of WritingML wasn't over the top; it was enough to make the poem look more presentable and pleasing to the eyes.

*Bullet*To improve the rhythm and flow of the piece, consider following a specific format throughout the poem (e.g.: 9-8-9-8, abab)
*Bullet*In the line losing myself in tears I have cried, I suggest a little revision to better the flow: losing myself in the tears I cried

My Favorite Part(s):
I once walked in doubt and shame,
carrying only vanity and pride
then along You came
My Lord, my Lighthouse, my Guide.

Keep writing!

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"Invalid Item

Review by Equilibrium
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello cypher !

*Reading*Interesting poem. I think you have something really good here; only a little polishing is needed to make this piece truly shine. Below are a few suggestions that I hope will be helpful to you. *Smile*

*Cut*Experiment with punctuation marks. I noticed the piece is lacking with it, and I believe punctuation marks are important in helping the author convey the emotions within the poem. Especially when read aloud, it tells the reader when to stop, pause, etc.
*Cut*Consider editing how you upper-case the lines.
*Cut*In the first line of the second verse, I suggest for you to insert is after Resistance.
*Cut*In the line Do fall on my face, I think you can do without the word do. Omitting it won't damage the line.

My Favorite Part:
Leaks a ghost of a scream
a cry.
Black-winged caresses
Do fall on my face
*Right*The wordplay here is fantastic; I applaud your imagination and creativity in creating this piece. Good job!

Keep writing and God bless,

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"Invalid Item | "Invalid Item

Review of Truth  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Palomino !

*Reading*You have some good stuff in this piece. I really like how you evangelized your readers at the end of this prose; stepping out and trying to harvest some souls for the Lord Almighty is very admirable and I truly respect you for doing that.

You used some pretty good imagery here. The descriptions were good; the length is also ideal for this kind of piece because it is better to be direct than to let the piece stretch on and on. Good job. *Thumbsup*

Below are a few suggestions. Feel free to use any or none of them. *Smile*

One hundred feet away and 50 feet down a cliff, spread out a vast, neverending ocean.
*Cut*I stumbled a little bit here because of the wordplay. It was a little awkward; a little rephrasing would do the trick here.
One hundred feet away and 50 feet down a cliff, a never-ending ocean was spread out.

Grassy hills roll in the wind, trying desperately to be like it's mighty sister.

My surroundings, my feelings are too much to bear; to comprehend. How could things so magnanimous and glorious and beautiful be explained?
*Cut*Again, the way you organized these words doesn't work too well. The read can be better.
My feelings and surroundings are too much to bear and comprehend. How could things so magnanimous, glorious and beautiful be explained?
*Cut*Be careful with your tenses. I am not an expert on this subject, but it is important for you to refrain from shifting.

I spread out my arms and enjoyed the relaxing touch of the wind on my face. With deliberation I plucked a long blade of the luscious green.
*Cut*These are only small things—maybe the flow would be better if you omit 'out' and place it after 'arms', and then add a comma after 'deliberation'.

Where did the stars come from. Begin?
*Cut*The way this sentence is constructed, you are lacking a question mark which should be in the place of the period. But, since teh read is awkward (even if you place the q.mark), here is my suggestion:
Where did the stars come from, or begin?
*Cut*I also think 'did' should be 'do'.

How many atheists, scientists, nonbelievers, could say they feel that relief?
*Cut*Omit the second and third comma, add 'and' after 'scientists'.

That night I prayed with all my heart for all the lost souls out there, souls that didn't even realize they were lost.
*Cut*Replacing the comma with an M-dash (ALT + 0151) will make the sentence read better, since you repeated the word 'souls'. The M-dash have no space before or after it.

Souls that would soon come to realize their mistake, but when it's too late.
*Cut*I know what you mean here, but it is a little confusing with the structure of the sentence. Adding 'only' after 'but' will make the meaning clearer.

I prayed that their hearts be opened to the truth. I prayed that they would soon find it, or perish. I thanked God for all the wonderful creations he made with his mighty hand. I thanked him for giving me truth. And I was comforted.
*Cut*Always capitalize when referring to the Lord. Never start a sentence with 'and'; it is used to connect thoughts. Omit 'that' when it is not needed and the line can still work without it.
I prayed their hearts would be opened to the truth. I prayed they would soon find it, or perish. I thanked God for all the wonderful creations He made with His mighty hand. I thanked Him for giving me truth ... and I was comforted.

*Cut*You changed tenses in this piece. A reread is suggested; I am confident you will be able to polish this piece to make it truly shine. *Smile*

Write on, and God bless!

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"Invalid Item | "Invalid Item

Review of Review Me  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello arkk !

*Reading*I read a review of your item on the Public Reviewing Page, and both the r/r and the title of your piece intrigued me so I decided to check this out. I must say I'm glad I did, because I enjoyed reading this.

I always tell those I review to take note of the syllable count when writing rhyming poems, but this one already flowed good so I have no complaints about the rhythm. It was a smooth read, even though there were some errors I noticed along the way. So, here is the inevitible part of suggestions. But don't think I am tearing this apart! *Laugh* You may use any or noen of them as you please; I only hope they will be helpful to you. *Smile*

*Cut*If you cut me; indeed I will bleed
The semi-colon should be a comma.
*Cut*perhaps experience, and scars are something I need
To create a better read, remove the comma and add a period at the end of the line.
*Cut*I drive to work as it tears me up inside
Shouldn't TEARS be TEAR?
*Cut*it bruises, but fortunatly heals, this thing I call pride
*Cut*though it helps me to realize changes I have to make
Again, to make this line flow better, add THE before CHANGES. Also, adding a period at the end will help.
*Cut*to hear your words not just the tone of your voice
Either add a comma after WORDS or add AND after WORDS.
*Cut*I only ask; before you start, just remember even I have a heart.
The semi-colon is not really needed here. Replacing it with a comma will make the sentence read better.

*Reading*You didn't use too much punctuation mark to end the lines; in fact, you only used a question mark and a period. Punctuation is imporatant. Reading and rereading this piece aloud will help you spot what mark should go where easier.

My Favorite Part:
I can take your words and use them to make me better
or sit down and write a poorly punctuated hate letter
*Bullet*These two lines are very funny! I like them for the humor. *Smile*

Keep writing and God bless!

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"Invalid Item | "Invalid Item

Review by Equilibrium
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello Kenzie !

*Reading*This is a really nice item! It's a good way to put a marriage into perspective. You are very right about the way the two colors can mix in a canvas. Very well explained—the small pictures helps in creating an image in the minds of the readers as well.

I only have one suggestion:
He believed that if I were the color yellow and he the color blue, that the painting of a marriage between the two of us would merely be a white canvas with yellow and blue stripes or yellow and blue polka dots.
I believe the sentence will work much better without the word I highlighted.

Also, someone once told me that when using an M-dash, one shouldn't put any space before or after it. I also researched that it should be used as a parenthetical punctuations instead of hyphens and an n-dash. I noticed in your work, though, that you didn't follow these; am I wrong about this? I thought of asking you instead of correcting you, because I know you have a far woder experience in writing.

But overall, I really enjoyed reading this. I'm glad I came upon your port and saw this item. *Smile*

Keep up the good work!

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"Invalid Item | "Invalid Item

Review of As The Sun Shines  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Anurada Murugesan !

*Reading*You did really good with the wordplay of this piece. It inspires the imagination and puts it to work, painting a vivid scene in the mind of the readers. Good job.

I only have two suggestions:
*Bullet*Blossoms should only be Blossom.
*Bullet*I was distracted by your use of punctuation marks. I find most of them overused; consider rereading the piece to know easier what proper mark should be put where. Like in my favorite lines, the comma shouldn't be in the second line, but on the first.

My Favorite Part:
With its many aromatic leaves
A busy rivulet,

Write On!

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Review of Swinging Fairy  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Princess Megan Rose 22 Years !

*Reading*What a fun, sweet, and entertaining piece! It definitely deserves the awardicon attached to it. The short length only makes it more effective in conveying strong emotions that warms the heart.

*Bullet*Instead of using a hyphen (see lines 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11), use an M-dash. It has the ASCII code of ALT + 0151 and it looks like this: —. It is used as a parenthetical punctuation.
*Bullet*In the line This ever lasting kiss made my heart race- / at a fast pace, I don't think the hyphen (or M-dash) is needed. It would flow better without it.
*Bullet*Do not overuse the M-dash, because it attracts a lot of attention to itself. It might hinder the rhythm, as well as the flow of the piece a little.

My Favorite Part:
Sweet as honey-
like a kiss from a bunny!
*Bullet*I liked these lines a lot because I found the wordplay sweet, cute, and fun. *Smile*

Keep writing!

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#1126452 by Not Available.

Review of Mine  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello Ilyena !

*Reading*You have a good base for this poem. The wordplay in some parts were really good; they caught my attention immediately. An example of this are the lines below:
Im inside your head watching
The movies on your eyes

I think this needs a little polishing, though. Some words lacked (an/a) apostrophe(s), just like I'm in the first line I highlighted above.

The line And drip down that precious pains face is also confusing. Consider changing the wordplay to make the meaning clearer.

I would also like to bring to your attention the use of punctuation marks. It helps in bringing out the emotion with a poem, and I advise you to add in some marks. But first, of course, you need to reread this so you may know what mark should go where.

I hope this review helps you. Please discard any suggestion I have you don't see is right. After all, this is your work and I am only suggesting. *Smile*

Keep writing!

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A kelly1202 creation
"Invalid Item

Review of Come September  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Iva Lilly Durham !

*Reading*This is a really sweet poem, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It talks of a love that is true, something that spans a lifetime. YOu also chose good wordplay. They are simple but strikes the heart of the reader in its raw truth and honest sweetness.

My favorite part is the line when the blooms had faded. It created a wonderful picture in my mind, which lingered. You did a really good job in writing this. God bless you!

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"Invalid Item

Review by Equilibrium
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Barbieistheone !

*Reading*This is the second of two reviews you won in "Invalid Item. Thank you for bidding. Below are my thoughts regrading the essay "The Wall - My Survival , My Destruction, along with a few suggestions. I hope they will be helpful, but of course, it is up to you to take or discrad any or none of them.

*Thumbsup*Good Points:
*Bullet*It is very courageous of you to share this piece of your life with us. I commend you for trusting the community enough for you to be able to tell us your story.
*Bullet*The positive outlook at the end was really good. It sheds hope.
*Bullet*This would definitely reach out to those who is experiencing the same thing you went through. It may even help them—that alone is an admirable aspect of the piece.
*Bullet*As for the format, this essay was easy on the eyes. The simple use of WritingML was very effective.

*Thumbsdown*Negative Points:
*Bullet*There were parts which I felt could be improved. (See Suggestions)

*Bullet*In the sentence It's main function is as a defense - to keep things out which would hurt. I think it would be better to replace the underlines words with to defend—. I used an M-dash there (ALT + 0151); it doesn't need any space before or after it.
*Bullet*In the sentence Unfortunately, for me, hurt has come from people and as such, people are not permitted inside my wall, you used the word people a couple of times. It made the sentence sound redundant; I think it would be better if you change it to Unfortunately, for me, hurt has come from people and as such, some are not permitted inside my wall.
*Bullet*You overused the word wall throughout the piece. It is ideal to find a synonym or to use a pronoun.
*Bullet*I would suggest for you to omit the underlined part in No matter, whether these things are pleasant or not, they form the very essence of me because it only makes the sentence redundant.
*Bullet*Omit that in sentences that doesn't need it.
*Bullet*Omit then in I suppose, as I grow more secure in myself, I will then share more of what's within my wall.
*Bullet*The thought of the line Some of the stuff in there even I don't understand and I am not conscious of is incomplete.
*Bullet*There are too many can's in the sentence The only thing I can and am trying to do is share what I can so I can unravel the mess in there before I blow up again. My suggestion is for you to replace the last can with may.
*Bullet*In the sentence It seems like a lifetime ago that I penned the original story... replace that with when.
*Bullet*The underlined part should be I was in I had struggled to figure out who I was, where I was going and how was I going to get there.
*Bullet*Twice I have returned to hospital in spite of my wholehearted efforts to avoid the hospital. In this part, you need to add a comma after twice, add the after returned to and replace the hospital with it.
*Bullet*Replace the first comma with an M-dash or a semi-colon in this line: I have wonderful family relationships now, not perfect, but wonderful.
*Bullet*The underlined word should be it in the sentence The pain of mental illness and the effects that is has on the people close to you is insidious and evil.
*Bullet*Replace for with an in ...have arranged for access to the tools to dismantle that wall.
*Bullet*In the part For those who have that wall all ready constructed..., the underlined words should be already.

*Reading*With a thorough reread, I am confident you will be able to polish this piece. It deserves the awardicon attached to it, by the way.

Keep writing and God bless!

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Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello SB Musing !

*Reading*Your poem "Darkness and Light is short, but has a heavy message. I like the simple play of words you created this piece with, sticking to the basics but coming out with so much more. This is one example of the truth regarding the line less is more.

The only thing I stumbled upon was the third line of the first verse. Darkness is usually associated with torment, but in the part you are asking for darkness to release you from the pain of torment. Are you trying to create a new notion, do you want to create irony, or are you trying to achieve something else?

I would have preferred it if you had stated the reason why you didn't want both light and darkness, but that's just my personal opinion. Overall, you did a very good job in writing this. Keep up the good work!

God bless,

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This review has been done on behalf of your secret admirer by the WDC Big Brother Reviewathon

Review of Past his Prime  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello SB Musing !

*Reading*I was immediately sucked into this story with your opening paragraph. I loved it because it reminded of the simple life in the provinces. The imagery you used were also catchy and did a great job in putting my imagination to work.

*Thumbsup*Positive Points:
*Bullet*The use imagery was good.
*Bullet*I liked the simple storyline. It was very easy to follow and can also appeal to children.
*Bullet*The message was really nice.
*Bullet*The story illustrates kindnes, both to animals and fellowmen.

*Thumbsdown*Negative Points:
*Bullet*There are a few 'bumps' within the story. Some sentences create an awkward read, and can be distracting.
*Bullet*You changed tenses. I suggest for you to stick to only one.
*Bullet*There are a few holes in the character sketches. Why do the child care so mush for the horse? A short background information, which can be conveyed through it being a memory, will certainly help fill the hole up.
*Bullet*The construction of the sentences tend to repeat what was already stated.

*Bullet*A careful and thorough reread will help. I am sure you will be able to spot the errors with a couple of reads; I know editing is dirty work, but it really makes a difference if an author reads and rereads the work, polishing it.

*Reading*It was a good and entertaining read. You certainly know a lot about horses, and I'm glad you chose to share it with us through stories. Write on and God bless. *Smile*

Keep up the good work!

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This review has been done on behalf of your secret admirer by the WDC Big Brother Reviewathon

Review of Little Angel  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello SB Musing !

*Reading*This have a really good message. Family should be treasured, and I think many can relate or atleast agree with the message you conveyed.

The characters are realistic. It brought the life into the story, but what I think held it back was the lack of detail and 'transition'. In some parts, the story flowed like it was fast forwarded. My suggestion is for you to take the time and really get into the story; it will make the readers get into it themselves.


Another normal day for her, she would be wheeled around this home and have younger woman screaming into her ear as if she was deaf. It should be WOMEN, not WOMAN.

She just wanted to pull the covers over her head and fall asleep again, it was hopeless to keep on eating, or try to become stronger when her legs refused to work. Replace the first comma with a semi-colon since you have two separate thoughts here.

*Bullet*Watch the lay-out of the sentences. Sometimes you break a sentence in half.

The old woman was awakened from her thoughts as she listened as soft footsteps made their way towards her door. There are two things I want to bring your attention with this sentence. First, you used AS two times here, making the sentence read awkwardly. Here is my suggested revision:
The old woman was awakened from her thoughts when she heard soft footsteps make their way towards her door.
The woman was AWAKENED, therefore if you use AS, it implies she was already listening, which is not what we want to convey. The second thing I want to bring to your attention is the lack of transition. I, as the reader, didn't even realize the little background information you provided were actually the thoughts of the chracters. It was just like any other narration. Also, you do not just suddenly jump from providing such info into action. There is a progression.

Frustration was building within her body and she tried again and again to move her body to the edge of her bed. So that she could scoot into her wheel chair but it was to no avail. Your phrasing is wrong.
Frustration was building within her body as she tried again and again to move her body to the edge of her bed so she could scoot into her wheel chair. But it was to no avail.

*Bullet*Refrain from starting a sentence with AND, since it is used to connect thoughts.

"Would you like me to move you around now, Eileen? You're looking pretty tired." Sofia said as she didn't even wait for the older woman to answer and took the handles of the wheelchair and wheeled the woman forward. Do not state the obvious. Here, it is clear Sofia was the one talking, so no need to state it.
"Would you like me to move you around now, Eileen? You're looking pretty tired." She didn't even wait for the older woman to answer. Sofia took the handles of the wheelchair and wheeled the woman forward.

*Bullet*The main error I see occuring throughout the piece are how the sentences always seem to long, with awkward phrases that don't seem to fit. There are also issues with the correct punctuation mark to use. I will not highlight them all, for with the examples I have given you in this review and the previosu ones, I am sure you will be able to spot and correct them yourself.


*Reading*Overall, this piece shows a lot of promise. I hope my suggestions didn't offend you, for I only want to help. Please continue writing and sharing them with us! *Smile*

God bless you,

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This review has been done on behalf of your secret admirer by the WDC Big Brother Reviewathon

Review of Mysterious Ways  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello SB Musing !

*Reading*I thoroughly enjoyed reading this piece. For me, one of the things I look for in any writing is the imagery incorporated into it. Here, you did very well in picking out the descriptions and laying them out for the reader. I saw the scene you painted vibidly in my mind, which made it easier for me to connect with the character.

The only negative aspect in this piece are the minor 'bumps' throughout the piece. I highlighted them below—I hope you don't mind. Again, take any or none of my suggestions as you see fit. I just hope they will be helpful to you. *Smile*


The Ground Beneath Her Feet silently crunched as it squished in-between her toes and wetness from a recent rain clung to her bare feet. The underlined part read awkwardly. Here is my suggestion for revision:
The Ground Beneath Her Feet silently crunched as it squished between her toes and the wetness of a recent rain that clung to her bare feet.

The old woman's silver hair danced in the cool breeze and she smiled as she listened to the sounds of nature. Again, awkward phrasing. It will read better like this:
The old woman's silver hair danced in the cool breeze as she smiled and listened to the sounds of nature.

She found it amazing that she couldn't hear a word when the doctor was telling her of her progressing illnesses but she could hear every bird, every cricket, and every breeze so easily once she was outside. This sentence is too long, made even more so by the phrasing.
She found it amazing that she couldn't hear a word when the doctor told her of her progressing illnesses, but could hear every bird, every cricket, and every breeze so easily once she was outside.

The forest seemed to be rejoicing with sound this night, every tree was alive with motion as its long limbs wavered in the breeze, and every bird seemed to be singing it's own unique song. Again, too long. Take out the words that are not needed and separate it into two sentences. Here is my suggestion:
The forest seemed to be rejoicing that night. Every tree was alive with motion as its long limbs wavered in the breeze, while every bird seemed to be singing it's own unique song.

Her smile disappeared as she wished that she could see all these things, at least one last time. Omit THAT after WISHED. It only makes the sentence read awkwardly and the meaning unclear. Remove the comma after THINGS. It is also not needed.

*Bullet*You mentioned the lead character being ninety years of age. Isn't that a little too old? Shouldn't she have someone assisting her through her walk, since besides her age she also ha a lot of illness? It's just not realistic.

*Bullet*Most of the time, we use the word THAT even when it is not needed in the sentence. Look for such cases in this piece.

*Bullet*When referring to God, always capitalize the word (He, His, etc.)

With her eyesight taken away she could see more things now then when she had them open. The underlined word should be THAN.

The woman remembered her last Indian Summer Sky she had seen and pictured it within her mind. Either replace HER (after REMEMBERED) with THE or omit SHE HAD SEEN, because the sentence is only redundant the way it was written.

By the time they would find her, she would all ready be gone. The underlined word should be ALREADY.

Her breathing was becoming more shallow and she felt herself slipping away as she could hear her heart beat weakening. I think it would be better if you replace the underlined phrase with HER HEARTBEAT WEAKENED.

She felt death's comforting darkness envelop her body and she closed her eyes as she savored the feeling. Again, I think it would be better to replace the underlined phrase with AS SHE CLOSED HER EYES, SAVORING ITS FEELING.

The woman's steel gray eyes slowly closed and she took her last breath and walked toward the long tunnel of light without a second thought. The sentence is too long. Here is my suggested revision:
The woman's steel gray eyes slowly closed. She took her last breath, and then walked toward the long tunnel of light without a second thought.


*Reading*I hope you did well with the contest you wrote this for. I really think this is a good story with great and vivid descriptions.

Keep writing and God bless,

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This review has been done on behalf of your secret admirer by the WDC Big Brother Reviewathon

Review by Equilibrium
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Gentle Fella !

*Reading*I liked this piece. I read it several times, and it seem to get better and better everytime I read it again. At first, I thought that some of the rhyme schemes were a little off, but after a few reads it turned out okay and the flow was still smooth.

The only suggestion I have is for you to add a comma after me in the last line. Other than that, the only distraction I have were that relating to the rhyme scheme, which are the last two lines of the verses.

My favorite parts are the following:
Three comments, three sighs, yet one thought.
Two options, two feelings, one mind.

I really liked the wordplay. You fueled my imagination with your words. *Smile* Keep writing!

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"Invalid Item

Review of Dancing Nowhere  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Annie !

*Reading*Thank you for posting in "Invalid Item. Here is my review of your poem "Dancing Nowhere.

Positive Point(s):
*Bullet*Nice, creative title.
*Bullet*The message was really nice in the end. Though you touched on how sad it is to have this kind of disease, you finished this with hope from the Lord.

*Bullet*The word others in the line While ohters search for the key. is missplled.
*Bullet*I suggest a comma before sweet in the line Day by day sweet memories go
*Bullet*The rhyme scheme of the last verse didn't work out. Consider changing the wordplay to improve rhyme and rhythm.
*Bullet*Take note of the syllable count when writing rhymed poetry for it betters the rhythm and smoothness of flow.
*Cut*These, of course, are only my opinion. Feel free to use any or none of them.

My Favorite Part(s):
Tremendous effort spent to find
A way to set them free.

Keep writing and God bless!

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"Invalid Item

Review of The Evil One  
Review by Equilibrium
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Annie !

*Reading*Thank you for posting in "Invalid Item. Here is my review of your poem "The Evil One.

Positive Point(s):
*Bullet*It was nice of you to write a poem for someone you know. I am sure that when freinds of both of yours read this, they will appreciate it.
*Bullet*This was an easy and comfortable read.
*Bullet*I like the irony of what the title suggests (dark)and the poem itself which is filled with humor.

*Bullet*Add a comma after out in The Evil One cleans it out you see
*Bullet*In the line Oh, she'll smile and say hello alright, add a comma after hello
*Bullet*Add a comma after loud in Don't talk too loud my friend. There are other lines with this same mistake.
*Bullet*Take note of the syllable count when writing rhymed poetry for it betters the rhythm and smoothness of flow.
*Cut*These, of course, are only my opinion. Feel free to use any or none of them.

My Favorite Part(s):
The Evil One is the BOSS my friend
And she always gets her way!

Keep writing and God bless!

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"Invalid Item

Review by Equilibrium
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello Annie !

*Reading*Thank you for posting in "Invalid Item. Here is my review of your poem "Here, Witchy Witchy!.

Positive Point(s):
*Bullet*This piece made me grin! I love the humor you injected here.
*Bullet*The wordplay was fanatstic.
*Bullet*You wrote this in such a way as to fuel my imagination, letting me in to see the scene you painted vividly.

*Bullet*In the title, I suggest for you to add a comma after here.
*Bullet*The main title and the one you wrote at the top of the piece was not consistently written. It is suggested to make them exactly the same, for it distracted me, as the reader, a bit.
*Bullet*Take note of the syllable count when writing rhymed poetry for it betters the rhythm and smoothness of flow.
*Cut*These, of course, are only my opinion. Feel free to use any or none of them.

My Favorite Part(s):
I wonder if she's felt it yet?
That snake charmer's charm.

Keep writing and God bless!

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