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Review by fyn
Rated: E | (5.0)
Pefect for this week's Poetry newsletter!
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh good God!!! Really??? This is how I must start my day? Seriously???? Now my tummy hurts from laughing, my face has cracked in two and oh dear, my aching head!!!

Good job here....

tiny thing...it's all in your head; not its

Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing, absolutely NOTHING else to say!
Review of word magic  
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was excellent! Hard form too!!! Not one I care to try, although I do write pantoums occasionally! (And they aren't that much different!)
I liked, specifically how you used the words master, mistress and story! Not the expected--thank goodness!

So glad you are taking part! :)


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (5.0)
I absolutely LOVE this concept for the site contest...the music has sent my mind a whirling!!! Fabulous new approach which hopefully will prompt many to enter! Only 'constructive' thought....I really had to search to find it and what this month's contest was...

*off to write...*
Review of TIME TO BE A MAN  
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
G'Morning :)

A few thoughts....

Though no one would admit it, but behind the playful bantering at the time, I guarantee all were covetous of Howie’s ‘sure thing’… each of us steeped in subliminal fear when identifying with our equine counterparts; each secretly weighing the odds of even finishing, let alone of hitting the board when that(our) landing craft springs open across the Channel.

--would read better...

‘we kids’ <--pretty sure the quotes should only be around the word 'kids'

Here's a good one. apropo, being in Latin would be in italics...hmmma thought and in Latin....guess it is fine as is....my mind isn't awake enough for that conundrum! (Need more coffee)

littered with mangled corpses of beloved buddies of a bygone era.<<---three prepositional phrases in a row is a bit of a mouthful.<---I'd leave off the last one...

Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh I needed a giggle!!! Funny. I thought of doing something along these lines, double-thought that this was something YOU'd do--so I didn't! I went the opposite direction...mine requires WORK!
Review of God Rest Ye ...  
Review by fyn
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO CREEPY! Twisted...twisted!!!!!
Review of Memory's Doorway  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (4.5)
Of course you wrote a sonnet! I won my bet *grin* Odd picture--Dali meets Tim Burton on a really bad night! But I'm loving the 'write something every day' aspect of this allllmost as much as the Construct Cup! Speaking of which...next time round...I'm going to be judging/coming up with prompts!!! Now will I assign a sonnet? Guess time will tell, my friend... *grin*
Review of The Box  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (3.0)
I thought I'd return the favor. I liked this piece, but suggest you go through it and fix the numerous punctuational issues. i for I is a big one (guilty here, I do that too. You are missing a lot of the end periods, commas, possessive apostrophes etc., as well as beginning capitalization. I'd be happy to go through and edit it for you, if you like. That would increase the rating quite a bit!

Again, welcome to WDC!


Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is why you should spend more time exploring non-formic poetry. This is excellent poetry...the images ...
The first faint glow of
eastern fire struggles to
find a purchase,
its delicate fingers
grasping at trees and rocks,

and this one especially...

The river, an obsidian sheen,
offers a distorted face with vacant eyes.

You are a wordsmith my friend!

Review of Rubik's Cube  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (5.0)
Excellent ... as always! You have such a command of the various poetic forms... me ... I'm a formless blob! :)
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
That was really good and I liked your take on the prompt!!!
Review by fyn
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Ok, I'm hooked!

As I spend many hours every day reading my author's manuscripts, I rarely let myself get involved in a beginning of a novel here at WdC as I simply do not have the time. (Much as I would like to) but this grabbed and held on. I want to know more! I want to see what happens next!

This was really well written and you do the action scenes extremely well. Not easy. Well crafted.
Review of My New Business  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (4.5)
This made me laugh and giggle and grin! A couple of suggestions...the extreme spacing is odd and makes reading harder. In the following: but I do not give up that easy.<----it should be easily, not easy.

Good job though! Humor is hard to write! I thoroughly enjoyed this piece!!!

Welcome to WdC, by the way! It truly IS the best place for writing on the web. If you have any questions, please feel free to shoot me an email

Review of Messages  
Review by fyn
Rated: E | (5.0)
Excellent! And I won my bet! You wrote a sonnet and I knew you would! *grin*
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Awesome!!!!! This was fan=flippin-tastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review of The Burning  
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I am reviewing your poem/short story for
What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support

Initial thoughts/impressions

I really enjoyed this piece.

*Delight*What I found to be exceptional lines/sections*Delight*

I had absolutely no idea that the main character was a female.

*Thumbsdown* What needs work

I think there could have been far less of the battle scenes and more of the what got them to this place and the what happened after.

Final thoughts

Best part is that this piece makes me want to read more of your other work!
Review by fyn
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I am reviewing your poem/short story for
What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support

Initial thoughts/impressions

I really enjoyed this piece. I liked that the dead gambler seemed so alive; I liked the way he affected the other one.

*Delight*What I found to be exceptional lines/sections*Delight*

It is nice to see you writing short stories. I am more familiar with your poetic works.

Final thoughts
I liked way comments Card made influenced Josh. I liked the Gambler vs gambler.

Well done!
Review by fyn
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I am reviewing your poem/short story for
What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support

Initial thoughts/impressions

Well written, a bit uncomfortable to read but that just meant it tugged!

*Delight*What I found to be exceptional lines/sections*Delight*

I liked the journey the main character experienced. She experimented, learned along the way.

Final thoughts
This was very different which made it fresh and new to me. It is interesting to read about folks from differing areas of the world and to see how an author will use these to show we are all not so different after all! Well done!
Review of The Sun Also Sets  
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I am reviewing your poem/short story for
What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support

Initial thoughts/impressions

LOVED this, and I understand WHY it is shorter than it might have been, I'm not sure others will.

*Delight*What I found to be exceptional lines/sections*Delight*

This was fun, well written, really snagged on to Hemingway's style of writing.

*Thumbsdown* What needs work

Not really work, but the piece might have been better off to be a bit longer.

Final thoughts Following up prior sentence, all that aside, love this!
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I am reviewing your poem/short story for
What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support

Initial thoughts/impressions

I liked the journey the character made, but I think it could have been much stronger. The motivations needed that extra umph to read true.

*Delight*What I found to be exceptional lines/sections*Delight*

I liked how she stepped up and didn't curl into a ball, how she rose to the occasion.

*Thumbsdown* What needs work

Mostly, I think the character needed more than being invisible as motivation for suicide.

Final thoughts
Much potential here, the ending was strong and the character grew. But I still thing she needed more to be totally believable.
Review of THE WAVE  
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I am reviewing your poem/short story for
What a Character! : Official WDC Contest  (E)
Create a memorable character using the given prompt for huge prizes!
#1679316 by Writing.Com Support

First of all, welcome to Writing.Com and I commend your jumping right in and getting involved!

Initial thoughts/impressions

I thought it to be an interesting premise, was shaking my head at the end and rolling my eyes at the character. Didn't know if I wanted to smack him, hug him or both! But then I was wondering if he was really that unaware of the world around him ... people do 'know' these things after all, unless, they've just been dropped on the planet unaware of social rules, etiquette and the like.

*Delight*What I found to be exceptional lines/sections*Delight*

It was funny in a 'poor, dumb schmuck' sort of way. I'll happily give you a *Thumbsupl* for proofreading. You write well.

*Thumbsdown* What needs work

One thing that was a major issue for me is the spacing issues with the paragraphs. Either spacing between paragraphs or at least, indenting the beginning of paragraphs is very important and allows for easier reading by your readers. (Preferably both)

Final thoughts

I am figuring the spacing/paragraph issues were due to your being a newbie here.One thing to note, even if you pop a piece of writing in from say, a word doc, you will still need to go over it. :) Learning curves!

Last thought... I will be meandering your port. I like the way you write!

Review of Freefall  
Review by fyn
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Better person than I could ever be. But believable. Me, I'd never be so, ah, accommodating. I'd have been seriously considering a sharp knife and a screwed up parachute. Odder still, I recently wrote a sky-diving scene where the chute got fouled and the reserve opened a bit too close to the groud to be of much help.

This is good writing. You haven't lost your touch!!!
Review by fyn
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This was fun! A new form and one I must try soon!! It worked quite well for this. In reading through many of the poems in your 30 days of poetic responses to a pictured prompt, I enjoyed the fact that though I couldn't see the pictures/prompts, I honestly felt I didn't need to see them...which speaks volumes about your words, your craft, your talent to portray and paint with words! I wish I had time to spend (oh a week or so just to write would be heavenly) as several of your poems sparked the muse--this one in particular sent it soaring off on a short story idea I have no way/time to fly with with.

Favorite stanza, and the one that sent my muse aloft:

Its honor shows in moss and grime
and long lost odes in verse and rhyme
recalling battle glory days
when it stood proudly, in its prime.

Oh yeah! Well done!
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